Zion Wayside Parent Student Handbook

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Philippians 4:13

Zion Lutheran Church and School

8378 County Road W Wayside, WI 54126-9468
Approved ________
Nationally Accredited Through
National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA)

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Day School Staff Directory Linda Derricks – Grades 1 & 2
3659 South Michiels Road, Denmark, WI 54208
2020 – 2021 Cell: 619-8795
David Gosa – Principal, Grade 8 Homeroom
1540 McRae Circle, Green Bay, WI 54311 Christina Scholz – Kindergarten
Cell: 608-712-4275 2800 Coachman Ct. Allouez, WI 54301
principal@zionwayside.org Cell: 920-264-6147
Austen Welter – Senior Pastor
3839 Churchview Ct., Greenleaf, WI 54126 Angie Piepenburg – 4K (M-W-F)
Cell: 920-241-3166 8616 N. County Road – W, Reedsville, WI 54230
pastorwelter@zionwayside.org Cell: 920-905-4053

Kyle Wangelin – Associate Pastor apiepenburg@zionwayside.org

1613 Swan Road, Apt 6, DePere, WI 54115
Cell: 586-651-9721 Paula Olson- Grades 2 Language Arts & Math
pastorkyle@zionwayside.org 2474 Julie Cir. DePere, WI 54115
Jen Hoelzel – Grade 6 Homeroom olsonp11@gmail.com
1248 Wild Rose Lane, Neenah, WI 54956
Cell: 920-973-9915 Tracy Klug – Teacher Aide
jhoelzel@zionwayside.org 7850 Holly-Mor Road, Greenleaf, WI 54126
Cell: 606-5877
Jill Hassemer – Grade 7 Homeroom tracyklug@hotmail.com
6757 Cascade Dr., Greenleaf, WI 54126
Cell: 920-360-1613 Debbie Schuette – School Secretary
jhassemer@zionwayside.org 14320 Cty Hwy K, Reedsville, WI 54230
Cell: 920-905-1355
Ruth Hagenow – Grades 5 Homeroom school@zionwayside.org
10623 N. County Road – W, Reedsville, WI 54230
Cell: 920-680-6831 Erica Thompson – Bookkeeper/church secretary
920-864-2128 accounting@zionwayside.org
Cindy Otte Hot Lunch Manager
Karen Hansen – Grades 3 & 4 13504 Haas Road, Reedsville, WI 54230
405 Turner St. Wrightstown, WI 54180
920-532-0928 Alan & Wendy Rahn– Custodians
Cell: 920-851-3288 8198 Morrison Road, Greenleaf, WI 54126
khansen@zionwayside.org Cell: 920-680-4076

Zion Lutheran School-Wayside

Phone: 920-864-2468
E-mail: school@zionwayside.org

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The Zion Lutheran School Mission Statement: The mission of Zion Lutheran School is to
provide a Christian education to the 4K-8 grade child in our community by providing for
the spiritual, academic, social, emotional, and physical development of each individual.
God’s Word and Lutheran Doctrine are taught throughout all curriculum areas, to raise
up disciples for Jesus Christ and to expand God’s Kingdom to the family, community,
and the world.


“Equipping God’s Children for Life.”


As with all groups, there are rules and guidelines to live by that give privileges and
responsibilities for the happiness and benefit of all. This handbook has been compiled to
help you understand the guidelines that help us live together in a spirit of Christian
harmony and cooperation.

Under the Gospel we will want to do all things to the glory of God. Please become
familiar with this handbook so that we may live together in happiness and in a spirit of
forgiveness and love.


A Christian school provides the best and fullest opportunity for the education of the
whole child (spiritually, academically, physically, mentally, and socially) for his or her
whole life. While the child studies the secular subjects, he/she is still God’s child who
must learn that all knowledge and life are from God and must be used to glorify God. A
Christian school provides the most desirable school situation by having the children
under the influence of God’s Word every day throughout the week, in a school in which
the Christian Spirit is a part of all the relationships and instruction of the children.


It is our belief that Christians live their lives out of love for the Lord. We show our faith
and thankfulness to God through our regular worship life.

Our chapel service at school is every Wednesday morning at 9:00 a.m. Parents and
friends of Zion are welcome to join us.

Daily personal devotions also are a most important activity in the life of a child of God.
Please contact a teacher or a pastor if you need assistance in finding material or a
procedure to follow for personal devotions.

Pledges of allegiance to the Christian flag and to the American flag will be recited.

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In education, we are concerned with the development of knowledge, skill, ability,

attitude, and character by means of teaching, training, study and experience. Christian
Education has precisely the same general aims, but it is based on the Bible and has
three specific goals:
1. To lead the individual to faith in Christ and to keep him in that faith.
2. To help the individual to develop into an even better and more perfect Christian in
all of life’s relationships, both secular and religious.
3. To keep before the individual, the goal of every child of God – eternal life in heaven.
The Lutheran School is the best agency for such Christian education because it provides
for the total growth and development of the child. Five types of growth are included in
the educational programs thus described: academic, mental, physical, spiritual and
social development. All five types receive daily attention at Zion Lutheran School.
In this total program, the Word of God influences everything that the children learn and
serves as a unifying and organizing force in the school program.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race,
color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington DC
20250-9410 or call (800) 795- 3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


In case of an accident in school, First-Aid will be administered by teachers. If the
accident is severe, every effort will be made to contact parents and if extremely severe,
the EMT units will be contacted. In case of illness, the child is made as comfortable as
possible until the home has been contacted and someone is present to take the child
home. The school has a current EMERGENCY PROCEDURE FORM for each child. If you
are unsure whether you have filled out an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE FORM, contact the
School Office.


• School Productions (Christmas Service)
• Academic Fair
• Spelling Bees: Grades 5-8 have a Spelling Bee from which the school winner is
determined. The top three winners participate in a Spelldown in the Reedsville School
District Spelling Bee.
• Knights of Columbus Contests
• Geography Bee: Grades 4-8

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Zion Lutheran School is operated entirely by the members of Zion Lutheran

Congregation. Final authority for all decisions of policy is vested in the Voters’ Assembly.
The affairs of the school are administered by the Board of Christian Day School as
defined in the Constitution and By-laws of the congregation. The Board of Christian
Day School shall consist of at least three members, with a pastor and the parochial
school principal as advisory members. They shall organize annually and elect a
chairman. The Principal is immediately responsible for the operation of the school
under the direction of the Board of Christian Day School.


ATHLETIC POLICY (See Appendix #2)


Children who will be absent for part or all of the school day (doctor or dentist
appointment, etc.) must be excused in advance with a written note from their parents.
Students absent for more than 1.5 hours in a half day of class time will be considered
absent for one-half day.

Parents should call the school office before 8:00 am if your child is ill and won’t be at
school. If there is no one to answer the phone, please leave a message on the
answering machine. The secretary will call all parents who have NOT called the school
when their child is absent.

Teachers should be consulted about any work that has been missed during the absence.
In case of extended illness or other absence, parents are requested to notify the
teacher after the first day of absence.

Students will NOT be marked absent due to bus transportation problems.

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Free bus transportation is available to all students on the same basis as public schools.
Students must conform to rules of conduct while they are riders. Drivers cannot allow
children to be dropped off at any place other than home unless a written note from the
parents indicates differently. Students are required to ride the bus home unless the
parent has made contact with the school.

The school does NOT provide transportation for school events not held on school
premises unless otherwise stated. We are thankful that parents and friends of the
school are volunteering to provide transportation for these events by private auto.


An annual school calendar will be published for parents. This will conform, in most
cases, to the Reedsville Public Schools because of school bus transportation.


Every Wednesday morning at 9:00 am, the students will assemble in the house of God
for a special Children’s Service. Chapel Talks by the pastor and teachers, and the hymns
selected are especially designed to meet the needs and desires of the children. The
offerings are used to help support mission projects. Everyone is invited to attend these
services also.


Music and music appreciation are integrated into all grades. Students in grades 4K – 8
participate in a singing choir. The Bell Choir for students in grades 7th-8th is part of
their music curriculum. The students perform regularly in the church services during the
school year. All children are expected to participate.


Religion in school during the week is no substitute for Sunday worship. It is expected
that children will attend services regularly with their parents. We expect our member
families to faithfully worship here at Zion. Our school is founded for those who take
Christianity seriously and demonstrate an active Christian faith and life in many ways,
including regular worship.

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COMMUNICABLE DISEASES (see also COVID-19 Resource Manual)

When your child comes down with a communicable disease:

1. Keep the child home for the time allotted by the County Health Department.
2. Children with a fever should be kept home until they are without fever for 24 hours
(naturally, not reduced with medication).
3. Notify the teacher so that they can be observant for other symptoms of the disease.
4. Be sure to inform the Brown County Health Department, 920-448-6000.


In keeping with the purpose of Zion Lutheran School, the curriculum is based on the
Word of God. Subjects are selected with the view of enabling every child to develop
himself into a “whole child”. Religion is not a segregated subject in the day’s work;
rather its influence permeates and gives substance to all subject areas taught.
In keeping with a Christian philosophy of education and in regard to the requirements
of the State of Wisconsin, children receive a thorough education in the following areas:

Art Appreciation 4K-8

Current Events 4K-8
Computer/Technology Education 4K-8
Handwriting 4K-4
Language Arts (Phonics, Reading, Writing, Spelling) 4K-8
Mathematics 4K-8
Memory Work 5K-8
Music 4K-8
Physical Education 4K-8
Religion 4K-8
Science/Health 4K-8
Social Studies 4K-8
NOTE: The above subjects are scheduled so that not all are taught each day.
Departmentalization and some team teaching are part of these programs.

Teachers in grades 4K-8 teach formal religion classes. The pastors serve as the spiritual
guidance counselors and teach Confirmation to the 7th – 8th grade students.
Confirmation is an educational ministry of the Church, which helps the baptized child
through Word and Sacrament to identify more deeply with the Christian community and
participate more fully in its mission. If, at the time of Confirmation, a child wishes to
become a confirmed member of the Lutheran Church, we trust parents will permit him
to do so.

Regularly scheduled curriculum meetings are held by the faculty to continually study
and make changes in the curriculum. The faculty’s goal is to continually review and
update the curriculum. This project is ongoing. The 5-year curriculum review and
update is necessary to maintain our National Accreditation.

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DISCIPLINE POLICY (See appendix #3)



In the event that school is closed or delayed due to bad weather this will be announced
on Radio & TV stations. Our school is included with the Reedsville School District
announcement even though Zion Wayside may not be mentioned by name. Also,
parents will receive a fast direct notice and a text on their remind app. (Our school will
NOT be in session on days that the Reedsville Public Schools are closed due to bad
weather conditions.) 4K is included in any closing/delay.


There is no discrimination because of race, color, or national origin. Students

transferring from another school should have a Record of Transfer or other
documentation from the school previously attended.


The mission of Zion Lutheran School is to have every student walk closer to their Lord
and Savior daily. He wants us to do all things for the glory of God according to
1 Corinthians 10:31. With this being a part of our mission, Zion Lutheran School will
promote only music and entertainment, which does not offend God. Entertainment
includes such items as videos played, music used for listening purposes, routines, or
productions, or any other entertainment venue. Those planning to select entertainment
choices should avoid those items that use or promote humanism, profanity, immorality,
unethical values, and the like. Consideration should also be given to the artists as to
whether or not they are good, Christian role models.

FIELD TRIPS (See appendix #6)

Students of all grades participate in field trips each year. Places of educational interest
are visited. The school relies on parents to furnish transportation for most activities
away from the school premises. Parents/guardians willing to drive on these occasions
must have complete and adequate insurance coverage on their automobiles, and
complete a background check form provided in the office. Seat belts must be available
for ALL students (See Appendix #9 for State regulations on safety seats & booster
seats). Parents are encouraged to NOT bring any other children outside of the class.

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All the Zion staff has their CPR certification. In all cases of injury, parents will be
contacted. In case of major injury, “911” will be contacted first.


Fire drills are held monthly in our school. All children know which doors to exit and
where to gather as a class outside the building. Attendance is taken to ensure that
everyone is out of the building. A fire exit plan is posted in each classroom.


Honor Honor Roll Calculation

Roll #
Add up grade #s.

100 A+ 0 76 – 75 C-
Honor Roll:
99 – 95 A 1 74 – 73 D+ Divide sum by # of classes
94 – 93 A- 2 72 – 67 D re s u l t i n g # s h o u l d b e
between 1.5 & 4.4

92 – 91 B+ 3 66 – 65 D-
90 – 87 B 4 64 – Below F High Honor Roll:
Divide sum by # of classes

86 – 85 B- 5 Resulting # should be 1.4

84 – 83 C+ 6 or less

82 – 77 C 7



Resolved that in light of Halloween’s historical position as a pagan holiday associated

with many satanic practices, in the light of the growing presence of the occult in our
society, and in light of the scriptures admonition to stay away from all that is demonic
(Deut. 18: 9-14), as well as our baptismal vow to “renounce the devil and all his works
and all his ways”; Zion Lutheran Church and School is committed to avoiding any
celebration of Halloween, including the usage of those symbols generally thought of as
being a part of it.

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Working together, both the Christian home and the Christian school can best achieve
their goal of guiding the lambs of Jesus. To this end, Zion affords a number of specific

• Parents use Fast Direct to monitor their child’s progress throughout the Quarter.
Formal reports will no longer be sent home at Mid-quarter.

• The first quarter report cards are supplemented with scheduled parent/teacher
conferences. Here the home-school life of the child is discussed, weaknesses and
abilities studied, and plans for cooperative action proposed.

• Parent/teacher conferences may be scheduled as requested by parent or teacher

throughout the year.

• Information pertaining to the child’s performance on standardized tests administered

during the year will be sent home when available.

• Parents are invited to visit classes and to make appointments with the teacher or
principal to discuss any matter pertaining to the child’s welfare. It is only ethical to
assume that parents will, first of all, discuss these matters with the classroom teacher.


The challenging program at Zion has always required that some study be done at home.
This is not only necessary for accomplishing the immediate goals, but also a helpful
habit for future education, which is becoming more and more demanding. The amount
of homework depends on the grade level and upon the ability and study habits of the
child. Parents can help by providing encouragement and a quiet place for study.
Providing too much help is to be avoided. If your child is unable to complete his/her
assignments for any reason, kindly send an explanatory note so that they may make up
the work at a later date. If assignments are consistently burdensome, please notify your
child’s teacher so that adjustment can be made.

Teachers will assign all make-up work before or after the child returns from an
extended illness or a special vacation. Contact your student’s teacher to make other
homework arrangements.

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Honor Roll recognition is offered to students in grades 5-8. To achieve High Honor Roll,
a student must have an “A” average on their Report Card. To achieve Honor Roll
recognition, a student must have a “B” average on their Report Card.


A noon meal is available to all students at a reasonable cost, presently $3.10 per meal,
which includes milk and Salad Bar. The Salad Bar alone is available at a cost of $2.15,
which includes milk.

Hot Lunches are prepared daily at Zion by our Hot Lunch Manager and Kitchen staff.
Milk is available through the Hot Lunch Program. Milk is included in the cost of a Hot
Lunch. Milk is available at a separate fee, presently $.50 per carton, for students
bringing a bag lunch, or wanting an extra carton of milk.

We do not participate in the National School Lunch Program.

Lunch Fees should be pre-paid before the student takes a lunch – you may pay any
amount to cover as long a period as you may deem necessary. You will be notified via
your Fast Direct e- mail when your account balance is low and more funds are needed
to cover future meals. You can access your family’s lunch account using Fast Direct.


It is the requirement that every student entering school for the first time, either in 4K or
Kindergarten, or transfer from another state, must have his/her immunization program
brought up to date. This includes the recent law, which has added a Tdap or Td Booster
dose for students entering 6th grade to the list. This record has to be reported to the
school. Schools are required to ask this of parents, and children will be excused from
this only when parents sign a waiver as defined in the law.


Electronic devices such as I-PADS, Kindles, IPODS, Notebooks, etc. may only be used
for instructional purposes when designated and allowed by the teacher. Cell phones are
to be turned off and kept in book bags, classroom or lockers from 8:20 a.m. – 3:20
p.m. Teachers may have specific rules regarding before and after school. Use of one’s
cell phone is only by permission during the academic day. Special rules regarding cell
phones and field trips will be announced by the respective teacher. A cell phone will be
confiscated if it appears to be disruptive to the academic environment.

Knives, matches and lighters, guns, gun look a-likes, weapons of any kind, alcohol,
tobacco products and drugs are not to be in the possession of students at any time.

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Students are not to leave the school property at any time during the school day, unless
the parent has contacted the school office and signed them out.


The purpose of the Library is to provide opportunities for children to pursue individual
interests and projects, either as a result and extension of classroom activities or on the
student’s initiative. A nominal fee may be charged for overdue or lost books.


All lost and found articles are turned in and stored in a box on the Commons coat rack.
If these items would become too numerous, we will donated shop. Please keep your
eye out for your child’s lost items. Please write your child’s name in their jackets, snow
pants, sweat shirts, boots, hats, etc.


Since there are numerous projects that the custodians and the Trustees of the
congregation do not have the time or resources to complete, we request that parents
volunteer their time for various projects throughout the year. Please encourage your
children to do their best to maintain an orderly school facility. Presently we have been
blessed with a full-time custodian.


At no time are students permitted to take medication of any kind without written
permission. Medications are to be turned into the office, both over-the-counter and
prescription. In the case of cough drops students will need a note from home.

There are two different forms for parents to use when they request that the school staff
administer medications to their children:

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OTC MEDICATIONS (Over-the-counter):

• Short Term (1 – 10 days)

Send a signed note for the first day with child’s name, medication name, amount to be
taken, time to be taken, and number of days to be administered. A form**will be sent
home for you to fill out and send back to school the next day.
• Kept on hand (To take as needed)
A signed note, as above, is acceptable for the first day. A form** will be sent home for
you to fill out and send back to school the next day.


Short Term and Kept on hand

• We cannot administer a prescription medication unless the doctor signs a form** and
the medication is in the original prescription bottle.
• A form** filled out and signed by both the parent and doctor must be on file in the
school office.

** Forms will be found at the back of this Handbook, on the school website, and in the
school office or your doctor’s office.


Money given at chapel is sent to various missions each year. These missions are pre-
selected by the faculty from a list of various missions.


Zion Lutheran School is NLSA accredited. National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA)
is a nationally recognized self-evaluation process. The process has been authorized by
the Board of Parish Services of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. This process
identifies schools, which have maintained high academic standards for their schools.


Zion Lutheran Church of Wayside admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic
origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made
available to students. We do not discriminate on the basis for race, color, national and
ethnic origin in administration of our education policies, admission policies, and athletic
and other school administered programs.

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Several parents are asked to be a part of our Noon Supervision Team. One adult is
needed to monitor the recess activities of grades 4K – 8 every day. Noon recess runs
from 12:00 – 12:20 for grades 5 – 8 and 12:20 – 12:40 for grades 4K – 4. Noon duty is
reimbursed at $7.00 per day unless applied to volunteer hours.


This organization of parents and teachers is primarily concerned with bringing the home
and school into a closer relationship. Parents with children at Zion are automatically
members and are therefore urged to attend the scheduled events. Parents must be
aware that extra funds are needed for the enhancement of our school. Therefore, we
have fund-raisers during the year in which all families are expected to take part.

PERSONAL APPEARANCE (See appendix #4, Guidelines for School Behavior)


Our aim is to give every student an opportunity to participate in group games and
activities according to their age level. Gym classes are a scheduled part of the school


The Year-End School picnic is held at Way-Morr Park the last week of school. Zion Fest,
the church/school picnic, is held in the Fall or Spring. Dates will be announced in the
“Friday Note”.


Students are responsible for careless or willful damage or destruction of any school
property; parents will be billed for such damages.


(See appendix #7, Line of Communication in Resolving a Problem or Conflict)


Interested volunteers sign up at the beginning of the school year. Volunteer parents
assist with parties, field trips, and the like.

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Room parties include Harvest, Christmas, Valentine’s, and Easter.

SCHOOL BEHAVIOR (See appendix #4, Guidelines for School Behavior)


Your School Board is the policy-making body of your school. The date and times of
meetings are given on the monthly church calendar and the Friday Note. Copies of the
meeting minutes can be picked up at the school office. School parents may request to
be put on the Agenda (See Appendix #8, for School Board Meeting Agenda Policy)


Each week, a “Friday Note” is sent through Fast Direct updating the family on current

We also use the remind app. This app is free and allows you to stay current with
events, news, and information from the school.
Go to https://www.remind.com/join/dgosa

Fast Direct is used by the school for email communications and other information

SCHOOL FEES (See appendix #6)

• Credits are applied to your School Fees account when you purchase scrip through our
• Any unused credits on your account will remain in your account and will be used to
offset the next year’s school fees.
• Scrip credits cannot be used for Hot Lunch.
• Any unused credits on your account after your youngest child graduates from 8th
grade may be transferred once to their ZYP account or the Educational Grant Fund.
Let Erica in the office know of your preference. If funds are not designated to a Youth
Account by September 1st, they will be placed in the Educational Grant Fund. (See
Appendix #11 for School Board Policy)

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Students may participate in various sports: soccer (K-8), volleyball (grades 5-8),
basketball (3-8), softball (5-8), track and field (5-8). Students in grades 3&4 will be
considered “C” teams, students in grades 5&6 will be considered “B” teams and
students in grades 7&8 will be considered “A” teams. The sports teams are coached by
an adult volunteer.

STUDENT BEHAVIOR (see Appendix 12)


Photographs of the students are taken annually, during the fall months. You will be
notified of the time and date. A yearbook will be provided to all students.


In order that we may foster a God-pleasing spirit of cooperation and willingness to work
together, both students and teachers must realize that all people are sinners and full of
many imperfections and shortcomings. Teachers will think of children as precious souls
for whom Christ shed His blood. The teachers will love children entrusted to their care
and endeavor to train, to guide, to lead, and to properly discipline them so that they will
receive the best possible education.

Children will consider their teachers as gifts of God. Accordingly, they will willingly show
love, respect, and obedience to their teachers as God directs in the Fourth
Commandment. Students should confide in their teachers. They are there to help them
with any problem.

Should students feel that they have been treated unfairly in any way, they are
encouraged to discuss the matter with the teacher. Parents, who feel that there has
been a misunderstanding, are urged to discuss the matter with the teacher before
coming to the principal.


All teachers at Zion are state certifiable. If a teacher is NOT state certified at the time of
employment, they are given two years in which to become certified by the state.

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Teacher-helpers are used to assist the teachers in carrying out assigned routine duties
so that the teachers are free to work with individuals and groups. Volunteer helpers are
especially needed in grades 1-4. These helpers will need to have a background check.


In addition to regular subject matter testing, standardized tests are given each year to
students in grades 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 & 8. A screening battery is given to students entering
Kindergarten. Individual and class results of these tests are utilized for the guidance of
the individual child and for the general school and class curriculum planning.


The possibility of tornadoes in the Wayside area makes it necessary that all parents and
students be informed of the policies we will follow in the event of a tornado WARNING.
We will not alarm the students when there is a tornado WATCH, which means weather
conditions are such that a tornado could develop. We will take the following precautions
when we have been informed by the weather-alert system in our school office in
conjunction with the County Emergency Department:
1. Students will not call home during a WARNING.
2. Students will not be dismissed from school unless accompanied by a parent or close
3. Students will not be dismissed from school should a WARNING come at the regular
time of dismissal. They will be dismissed as soon as the “all clear” signal has been
4. We ask parents’ cooperation during a WARNING and ask that they do not call the
school and thereby tie up the telephone.
5. Parents must come directly to the office if they want to take their children out of
6. In case of extreme emergency, upon recommendation of the County Emergency
Department, places of safety have been designated for your children. This procedure
will be practiced by your children and their cooperation is expected.

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TUITION (See appendix #6)

The amount of tuition will vary depending on the number of students in your family and
also whether you are a Zion Church member or not. The cost to educate a child here at
Zion is approximately $7800.00 per year. The total tuition fees will help the
congregation defer some of the costs.

We are asking each family to sign up for the Electronic Funds Transfer program that our
church has available. This will give our church a steady stream of income to meet the
financial needs of the school. We would ask that a blue EFT form be filled out before
the start of the school year. These forms will be included in your tuition packets and are
also available in the school office.


In an effort to help educate your child we would like to ask that each family would
volunteer a minimum of 10 hours or make a donation of $100.00.


The Board of Christian Day School has established a fund from which assistance may be
drawn. This fund is available to families who desire to have their children attend Zion
Lutheran School but are unable to because of financial hardships. Families must apply
for financial assistance before August 15. Exceptions may be granted in extreme cases.
An application must be filled out completely for each school year.

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Any student whose habits and/or conduct (namely the use of alcoholic beverages,
tobacco, drugs, and profanity) make them unqualified to represent the ideas, principles
and standards of Zion Lutheran School shall be suspended from interscholastic
competition. Furthermore it is a violation of this code when a student doesn’t accept the
responsibility for leaving any location or function whenever alcoholic beverages or drugs
are being used or consumed in violation of this code or in violation of applicable state
statues. Certain periods of suspension are defined herein:
1. FIRST OFFENSE: (A) Suspension of 4 GAMES of the sports season. Scrimmages are
considered practice days and not games. If the violation occurs between sports
seasons, the suspension will be enforced during the next sports season in which the
athlete chooses to compete. If the violation occurs at the end of one sports season and
not enough of the season is left, the rest of the suspension will be mathematically
figured out to carry into the next sports season.
2. SECOND OFFENSE: (B) Suspension of the entire school year season of all sports.
Same guidelines as above mentioned. (letter A)
Students must send a letter to the school or individual he or she offended, which is to
approved by Athletic Director.
1. FIRST OFFENSE: (C) Suspension of 2 GAMES. Same guidelines as above mentioned.
(letter A)
2. SECOND OFFENSE: (D) Suspension of 3 GAMES. Same guidelines as above
mentioned. (letter A)
3. THIRD OFFENSE: (E) Suspension of the rest of that sport season. If the rest of the
season does not consist of 4 games it will continue into the following season, until 4
games are missed.
*Students under suspension will be expected at practices unless coach dismisses them.


Zion Lutheran School exists to help its children and parents glorify and praise God. God
is not only to be number one, but a way of life. Everything is to be done to the Glory of

1 Cor. 6:19-20, “Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, who
lives in you and who was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself but to
God; He bought you for a price. So use your bodies for God’s Glory”.
1 Cor. 10:31, “Well, whatever you do, whether you eat or you drink, do it all for God’s
Glory”. Prov. 22:6, “Teach a child how he should live, and he will remember it all his

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We believe the child should grow in their relationship toward God and to that end the
child should:
1) Live in the confidence that God will supply their needs.
2) Use God’s gifts in a responsible way.
3) Thank and praise the Lord everyday.

We believe the child should grow into a Christian relationship toward others and to that
end the child should:
1) Work and play harmoniously with others.
2) Reach out to others.
3) Live his faith in Christian love towards others.

1) Emphasis is placed on the Christian in the total education program and high priority
given to Christian conduct on and off the court or field.
2) Players need to be in school the day of a game or scrimmage when scheduled on
school nights.
3) All players are to wear appropriate attire (t-shirts, shorts, socks, tennis shoes).
4) Players missing practices/games may mean non-playing time for a while at the
discretion of the coach.
5) Players are to know the practice/games schedule. They are to inform their parents
when practices are over to avoid unnecessary waiting around after practices/games.
Avoid phone use.
6) Parents are responsible for transportation of their children to and from practices and
games. Car-pooling is encouraged.
7) Parents have sole responsibility of the health of their children and will be asked to
vouch for this before a child enters a sport.
8) The congregation, coaches, or school have NO coverage for injuries suffered as a
result of participation.
9) Parent permission slips are needed before a player can practice or play in a game.
10) Students must have a grade average of a “C” or better to be eligible to participate.

Subjects used are Religion, Reading, Math, Language, Spelling, Social Studies and
Science. Any “F”, as a grade average, for students in grades 5-8 will make them
ineligible to participate in sports, any 4th grader with a “D”, as a grade average, is
ineligible. Students that are ineligible will not be able to participate in practices or
games for one week and will continue to be ineligible until their grades show
improvement. Incompletes are considered “F’s” until work is submitted.
** Students with learning disabilities will be given special considerations.

11) Teachers are to notify the student, parent, and coach if a student's grades are
12) Students under probation, suspension or expulsion are ineligible for all practices
and games.
13) Uniforms are to be cleaned and returned to the coach at the end of the season.

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Basketball practice may begin on a date determined by the WIAA. In the event that a
fall sport has not concluded its season, the basketball season may start one week after
the conclusion of that season.


1) We will remain in the Lakeshore Lutheran League and follow their schedule.
2) Lakeshore League basketball games must have at least one W.I.A.A. referee.
3) The first quarter report card grades determine eligibility for basketball.
4) A-teams may participate in at least 3 tournaments and B-teams in 2 tournaments.
These would include the League tournaments.
5) We encourage players to participate in local summer camp programs.


1) Volleyball practice may begin on or anytime after August 15th. The team may
participate in a total of 3 practices per week before the season and 2 after the season

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Zion Lutheran School is a Christian community that functions in partnership. In this

partnership, our teachers and pastor help parents with their God-given responsibility for
training their children in the ways of the Lord. Training includes instruction and
discipline. In the school setting, the teachers and principal carry the God-given authority
for disciplining students. Discipline will be administered out of Christian love, applying
Christian principles for the welfare of the students and the school community. The
teachers and principal will act with firmness, but with respect for the child and his/her
sense of self- worth. Corporal punishment will not be administered. When normal
disciplinary means prove ineffective in altering a student’s unacceptable behavior, the
student shows any disrespect toward fellow students, faculty members or any other
adult, or a student continues to misbehave after being corrected, a detention will be
given to help the student realize the behavior must change. The detention system
follows these guidelines:
• The detention must be served on the detention day following the day the detention
was given unless the child is absent on the detention day. Failure to do so may result
in an additional detention.
• The student must be in the detention room at the beginning of the period, must
remain silent in the detention room and must abide by the rules to serve a detention.
The student will not be allowed to participate in any extra curricular activities on a
detention day.
• The detention system will be used during any supervised school activity and any time
a student is on school property.

1. When a student receives a detention, a detention form will be given which is to be
signed by a parent or guardian and returned the following day to the faculty member
assigning the detention. The signed detention form will be on file in the School office.
2. Upon the receipt of the third detention during the school year a conference with the
student, the parent(s) or guardian(s), the homeroom teacher and the principal will be
3. If NO positive results are evident from the above steps, the child may be suspended
for one to three days. When suspension occurs, the parent(s) or guardian(s), teacher,
principal, and the chairman of the Board of Christian Day School will meet in an attempt
to resolve the matter.
4. If little or no positive results are evident after suspension, procedures for expulsion
will follow. This is obviously an extreme measure and can only be taken by the School
Board. The student has the right of appeal in such cases.
As Christians we look to the Law as the norm for behavior and find that the power of
the Gospel motivates us to Christ-like actions. Scriptural principles govern the conduct
of students and teachers, according to Matthew 18, the purpose of discipline is to solve
the problem and win back the erring brother or sister. Please support the faculty in the
exercise of their duties.
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it”. Proverbs 22:6 23

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Guidelines for School Behavior

A. School Rules
1. Respect and obey all teachers at all times.
2. Respect the rights of fellow classmates.
3. Interfering with fellow classmates and other intrusive behavior is prohibited.

B. Building and Playground

1. Enter and leave the building in an orderly manner.
2. No swearing or foul language.
3. No activity that could cause injury to others.
4. No fighting.
5. No snowball throwing.
6. All children are expected to cooperate in keeping the school and school grounds neat
and clean.
7. Children are allowed to bring toys, stuffed animals, trading cards, etc. to school.
These items are allowed to be used at recess only.
8. Cell phones, MP 3 players, and i pods are not to be used in the school building during
the school day, they are to be kept in the student’s locker or the school office and will
be confiscated by the teacher if they are used during the school day.
9. There will be a zero tolerance policy regarding any weapons brought to school, which
includes guns, toy guns, knives, toy knives or any other items considered a weapon.
10.No student will be allowed to have gum within Zion school or on the school grounds;
the cooperation of all is necessary and valuable.
11. No consumption of soda or caffeinated beverages is allowed in the school during
the school day.

C. School Bicycle Policy

Students will not be allowed to ride bicycles on the sidewalks around school or on the
playground. Bicycles must be walked in these areas. There will also be no riding of
bicycles in the streets around school once students have arrived with bikes. This rule is
for the safety of all Zion students. Any student found going against this school policy
will have his/her bicycle impounded and returned to his/her parents for keeping.

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D. Dress Code Policy
Zion Lutheran School is a place for instruction and learning. Christian modesty, neatness
and cleanliness in dress are the main areas to be observed. Dress and personal
grooming are to be in good taste and should reflect Christian modesty. Dress Code is in
effect during any school activities when students represent Zion Lutheran School to the
community (such as field trips, co-curricular teams or groups). The purpose of having a
school dress code is to simplify the matter of student attire and place that issue in its
proper perspective with regard to the learning process. A dress code promotes a sense
of equality among the students. Cooperation in staying within the dress code
encourages responsibility and self-discipline on the part of the students and parents.

E. General Dress Code Guidelines

1. All clothing must be neat, clean and in good repair. It is not appropriate to wear
clothing that is frayed, torn, or sloppy for school dress. Boys are not allowed to wear
only an undershirt.
2. Skirts, dresses, and shorts should be no shorter than 4” above the knee or the length
of the long fingertip when arms are extended down at the sides. All pants, skirts, and
shorts must be worn at the waist and not rolled over. Pants must be ankle length and
may not drag on the floor. Clothing must be appropriately sized.
3. All clothing should be modest rather than revealing. The following items would not be
acceptable: skin tight clothing, sun dresses, any tops or slack/jeans exposing the
midriff, low cut neckline, tops that show cleavage, tank tops and any underclothing or
inappropriate clothing that is visible. Tight fitting leggings and tight yoga pants may
only be worn with a shirt or skirt that is long enough to cover to the buttocks. Shirts
may not be cropped or tied in any way.
4. Accessories not to be worn in the building would be as follows: caps, gloves, mittens,
hats, sunglasses, sweatbands, tattoos, earrings for boys, and body piercing.
5. Excessive make-up is not allowed, nor should hair spray, perfume, or cologne be
brought to school.
6. Hairstyles, both boys and girls, should reflect a clean and neat appearance. NO
EXTREMES. The shaving of any part of the head or hair carvings will not be acceptable.
Hair should be no longer than the eyebrows, should not fall over the eyes and be kept
out of the face. Boys’ hair should not be longer than the earlobes and not extend below
the collar of a dress shirt or be worn in a ponytail.
7. For health and safety, closed shoes* must be worn at all times in school (*required
by the State of Wisconsin). Laces should be tied. Athletic shoes must be worn for
Physical Education. Flip-flops, moccasins, and slippers are not allowed.
8. Appropriate winter attire including warm coat, snow pants, boots, hat and gloves or
mittens are required to play on snow mounds or in the snow. Students without boots or
snow pants will be restricted to the cleared asphalt areas. We do have outside recess
during the winter. Appropriate winter wear is a must.
9. Jackets and other outer apparel are not to be worn in the classroom during the
school day. If a classroom teacher feels wearing a coat or jacket is necessary, it will be
permissible only in that classroom, on that occasion. On cold days it would be wise to
send along a sweatshirt or sweater with the students.

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10. Monogramming, manufacturer’s logo, college or school names will be permissible.
Any clothing, pictures or lettering advertising tobacco, alcohol, drugs, non-christian
groups, or displaying vulgarity or suggestive writing or pictures may not be worn or
under other clothing. Clothing may not be worn inside out.
11. The wearing of shorts, capris, cropped pants or any pant that is above the ankle will
be allowed from the beginning of the year to October 15th and also from April 15th to
the end of the school year. Lettering along the buttocks of pants, shorts, etc. will not be
12. Clothing that reflects a style too casual for the classroom is not acceptable.

If a child consistently violates the dress code, they will serve a noon detention and will
be given substitute clothing for the day. If you have any questions please contact your
teacher of the principal.



Zion Lutheran School is committed to an environment in which all individuals are

treated with respect and dignity. Each individual has the right to an atmosphere, which
promotes equality and is free from harassment or discrimination in any form.
Harassment/Bullying of any student or employee by any other student or employee is
prohibited. The School will treat allegations of harassment/bullying seriously and will
review and investigate such allegations in a prompt, confidential and thorough manner.
The school encourages the prompt reporting of all incidents of harassment/bullying
regardless of whom the offender may be or the offender’s relationship to the church or
school. The school assures that an individual who reports an incident of harassment/
bullying will not be subject to retaliation and that the school will make every effort to
keep the matter as confidential as possible.

The school recognizes the degree of complexity and emotional turmoil often involved in
the confrontation between a harasser/bully and the victim of harassment/bullying.
However if possible, we encourage the individuals who believe they are being harassed/
bullied to firmly and promptly notify the offender that his or her behavior is unwelcome.
If such a confrontation is impossible or ineffective for any reason, individuals should
then promptly follow the steps as outlined in this policy.

A charge of sexual harassment will not in and of itself create the presumption of
wrongdoing. However substantiated acts of harassment will result in disciplinary action
up to and including dismissal. Students or employees found to have made false or
frivolous charges will also be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

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Harassment occurs when an individual is subjected to treatment or a school
environment, which is hostile or intimidating because of the individual’s race, creed,
color, national origin, physical disability, or gender. Harassment can occur any time
during school related activities. It includes, but is not limited to, any of the following:
1. Verbal harassment: Derogatory comments and jokes with the intent to harass;
threatening or obscene words spoken to another person.
2. Physical Harassment: Unwanted physical touching, contact, assault, deliberate
impeding or blocking movements or any intimidating interference with normal work or
3. Visual Harassment: Publicly displaying or making obscene gestures with the intent to
harass; derogatory, demeaning, or inflammatory posters, cartoons, written works, or
4. Sexual Harassment: Includes unwelcome sexual advances, unwelcome requests for
sexual favors, and other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

A student is bullied when he or she is repeatedly exposed to negative actions on the
part of one or more students causing emotional, psychological, and/or physical harm.
These negative actions are intentional and hurtful. Bullying involves an imbalance of
power, and creates fear. It can be:
(Definition of Bullying continued)
• Emotional – being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting (i.e. hiding books, threatening
gestures, etc.)
• Physical – pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence
• Racist – racial taunts, graffiti, gestures
• Sexual – unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments
• Verbal – name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumors, teasing
• Cyber – all areas of the Internet such as e-mails or Internet chat room misuse; text
messaging and calls; misuse of associated technology, camera, video, etc.

Impact of Bullying
The presence of bullying has a broad range of effects on the learning environment and
on relationships. We acknowledge the effects of bullying and are committed to
providing a safe learning environment for Zion Lutheran School students by
discouraging and holding accountable those who engage in counterproductive behaviors
such as bullying.

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Procedures for Addressing Bullying
1. Zion Lutheran School will actively deal with bullying. Teachers will actively and
consistently teach and model positive behavior, and deal with aggressive or harassing
2. Students demonstrating bullying behaviors will be subject to the discipline process as
summarized below:
A. Address the situation with appropriate apologies given.
B. Loss of privileges: (recess, free time, etc.)
C. Visit the principal’s office
D. Inform parents
E. Parent/Teacher/Principal/Student conference
F. Referral: counseling as recommended
G. Suspension-due to repeated bullying or refusal of counseling
H. Dismissal- to an alternative education program that is best suited to meet the
student’s individual needs.
I. Proper authorities will be notified when criminal intent is obvious or when the
situation warrants such action.

Strategies for Teachers

1. Make expectations clear.
2. Consistently confront inappropriate behaviors and consistently recognize appropriate
3. Model good behavior by using good communication, anger management and conflict
resolution skills.
4. Help students learn how to express themselves in positive ways.
5. Recognize the importance of supervision in reducing bullying behavior(s).
6. Listen, validate, and intervene when bullying occurs.
7. Report bullying when it occurs. ( report forms are available in school office, for both
students and teachers )
8. Consistently enforce consequences for bullying behavior(s).
9. Help the student take ownership for his/her behavior(s) by helping him/her accept
responsibility, by fostering growth in self-discipline, by encouraging a Christian model of
repentance and forgiveness.
10. Review strategies with the students- Bully, Target, and Witness.

Strategies for Students

Each classroom teacher will discuss with his/her class the strategies as put forth by the
school. A copy of these strategies are available in the school office.

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Strategies for Parents
1. Model good behavior by using good communication, anger management and conflict
resolution skills.
2. Help own children learn how to express themselves in positive ways.
3. Make expectations clear. Consistently confront inappropriate comments, jokes, and
4. When children are present, recognize the importance of supervision in reducing
bullying behavior(s).
5. Respond immediately to incidences of bullying by first visiting the appropriate staff
person. Follow up with the administrator if necessary.
6. Help children take ownership for their behavior.
7. Empower children to report bullying.
8. Differentiate between “reporting” and “gossiping”. Reporting is necessary for conflict
resolution. Gossiping prevents conflict resolution

RESPONSIBILITY/ Addressing Harassment/Bullying Issues Board of

Christian Day School
1. Implement this policy through regular meetings with the administrator to ensure that
they understand the policy and its importance.
2. Make all faculty, staff, students, and parents aware of this policy and the commitment
of the school toward its strict enforcement.
3. Remain watchful for conditions that create or may lead to a hostile or offensive
school environment.
4. Establish practices designed to create a school environment free from discrimination,
intimidation, harassment or bullying.

Staff, Students, and Parents

1. Conduct himself or herself in a manner that contributes to a positive school
2. Avoid any activity that may be considered discriminatory, intimidating, harassing, or
3. Consider immediately informing anyone harassing/bullying him or her that the
behavior is offensive and unwelcome.
4. Report all incidents of discrimination harassment or bullying to school officials.
5. If informed he or she is perceived as engaging in discriminatory, intimidating,
harassing, bullying or unwelcome conduct to discontinue that conduct immediately.

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Step One:
Staff or students who feel aggrieved because of the conduct that may constitute
harassment /bullying should directly inform the person engaging in such conduct that
the conduct is offensive and must stop. If staff or students do not feel comfortable
doing this or are unable to do so, they shall direct their complaint to the Principal.
Those persons that have been designated to assist in resolving harassment/bullying
complaints (Principal and Board of Christian Day School) will exercise a high degree of
confidentiality. The person receiving the complaint will inform the alleged harasser/bully
that the offensive behavior must stop.

Step Two:
If the complaint is not resolved by action taken in Step One, staff or students may
appeal to the Principal by filing a written complaint. Complaint forms are available in the
Principal’s office. The staff/student must file the complaint in the office of the Principal.
The Principal or designee shall hear the appeal within ten (10) working days. Both
parties shall be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present their side of the issue in a
hearing before the Principal or their designee. Within five (5) working days after the
hearing, the Principal or their designee shall render a decision in writing, which shall be
sent to both parties. This decision shall include the findings and the disposition of the
complaint, the rationale for the decision and a recommended course of action, if any.

Step Three:
Both parties shall have the right to appeal the Principal’s or designee’s decision to the
Zion Lutheran Board of Christian Day School by filing a written notice thereof. Appeal
forms are available to staff/students in the School Office. The appeal should be directed
to the Chairman of the Board and must be filed within twenty (20) days of the date
upon which the Principal or designee issued a written decision.

The Board of Christian Day School shall, upon receipt of the appeal notice, review the
prior proceedings and the action taken. The Board may, within its discretion, conduct
further investigation. The Board may, upon such review, make its determination and
shall have the right to:
1. affirm the action reviewed, or
2. reverse the action reviewed, and/or
3. modify the action taken, and/or
4. modify the penalties imposed, if any.

The decision of the Board of Christian Day School shall be made within sixty (60)
working days from the receipt of the appeal and shall be in writing and sent to each of
the parties. The findings and disposition of the complaint, the rationale for the
disposition, and corrective action, if any. Such action shall be the final action of Zion
Lutheran School-Wayside. The Board’s written decision shall advise the complainant of
the right to appeal the decision by filing a civil action.

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Zion Lutheran School – Wayside TUITION SCHEDULE 4K – 8

Zion Wayside Members:

2020-2021 Actual cost to educate children 4K-8
$7,800.00 $15,600.00 $23,400.00 $31,200.00

Tuition per 1st Child 2nd Child 3rd Child 4th Child
child $1,150.00 $1,050.00 $950.00 $850.00

Community Members:
2020-2021 Actual cost to educate children 4K-8
$7,800.00 $15,600.00 $23,400.00 $31,200.00

Tuition per 1st Child 2nd Child 3rd Child 4th Child
child $1,300.00 $1,200.00 $1,100.00 $1,000.00

Registration Fee for 4K – 8

New registrations $25.00 per child

By purchasing Scrip from Zion Wayside any school family can accumulate
Scrip credit that can be used for Tuition.

Paid in Full The Educational Grant

$50 off Tuition fund is available to Zion
Wayside members. Please
Each family that pays their tuition in full talk with the principal to see
at the Orientation Meeting, in August, if you qualify. All applications
will have their total tuition bill reduced are kept strictly confidential.
by $50.00.

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Line of Communication in Resolving a Problem or Conflict

Matthew 18: 15-20 “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between
you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does
not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established
by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the
church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile
and a tax collector. Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in
heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say to you,
if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my
Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among

Step 1

Meet with the teacher or staff person who is directly involved with the situation.

Step 2

Meet with the Principal

Step 3

Meet with the School Board

NOTE: While the Board welcomes input from the parents it is recommended that the
above procedure of contacting the teacher and the principal be followed to assure
timely action.
• In most cases an issue that has not been brought to the attention of the teacher and
principal will be reverted back to them for attention before the Board would act.
• If you prefer, an individual Zion School Board member may attend the parent/teacher
or parent/principal conference with you at your request. The individual Board member
must inform the Board Chairperson about the parents’ concerns.
• In order to give your concern a place on the Agenda of a Zion Lutheran School Board
meeting the Zion board chairperson must be contacted at least one week in advance
of the scheduled School Board meeting. The Zion Lutheran School Board chairperson
must be sure that the Lines of Communication policy has been followed.

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School Board Meeting

1) Opening Devotion
2) Presentation by non-board members
• During this period, persons who have made a prior request to the School Board
chairperson and the school Principal may address the Board for a period of time up to
15 minutes.
• Board members are to listen to the person(s) addressing them and to ask clarifying
questions, but not to workshop their ideas and try to solve their problem or concern
at the meeting.
• The Board Chairperson and the Principal will determine the time and place to discuss
the issue.
3) Regular Board Agenda
• During this period all normal Board business will be conducted.
• This portion of the meeting is open for guests. Guests may observe the workings of
the meeting but may not speak without advance notice. 4) Executive Session
• These sessions will be held as necessary.
• During such sessions, matters such as discipline problems, tuition delinquencies,
staff evaluations and other matters of a personal or sensitive nature will be
• This portion of the meeting will be closed to visitors.

State of Wisconsin Child Safety Restrains, Booster Seats and Safety Belt
Requirements (Effective June 1, 2006)

1. A child who is at least one year old and weighs at least 20 lbs. but is less than four
years old or weighs less than 40 lbs. must be properly restrained in a forward-facing
child safety seat in the back seat of the vehicle.
2. A child who is at least four years old but less than eight-year old, weighs at least 40
but not more than 80 lbs., and is no more than 57 inches tall must be properly
restrained in a “child booster seat”.
3. A child who is under the age of eight who exceeds the weight or height limits
specified in item 2 above must be properly restrained in a seat belt.

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Internet Access policies of Zion Lutheran School

The students are:

1. To use the Internet access in support of education and research, consistent with
the educational objectives of Zion Lutheran School;
2. To use the internet only with the permission of the responsible teacher, not to,
knowingly, degrade or disrupt the Internet services or equipment, as such activity is
considered a crime under state and federal law; this includes, but is not limited to,
tampering with computer hardware or software, vandalizing data, invoking computer
viruses, attempting to gain access to restricted or unauthorized network services,
violating copy right laws;
3. Not to knowingly try to gain access into any part of the Internet, deemed
inappropriate, by the Zion Lutheran School Board or by the supervising teacher;
4. To immediately report problems of breaches of these responsibilities to the
responsible teacher.

Scrip Credit Use Policy

The Scrip program was set up with the intention and purpose to give our families a
source of funding to help with their tuition, if there is tuition at the school. The funds
from this program may be used to cover expenses for tuition only. The fees may not be
used for hot lunch, field trips, or any other school expenses. The generated funds will
also not be available for a cash withdrawal. When the last child of that family graduates
and if there is still a balance in their account then the balance may be transferred to
their church Youth Account or be put into the Educational Grant Fund account.

APPENDIX #12 Student Behavior and Rules

Students should NOT be at school before 8:05 am. Students entering the building
before 8:05 am need to report to the Commons for study hall. Parents should give
prior notice to the school if there is a reason to arrive before this time.

• Students not going home on a bus because of sports practice or a game should be
enrolled in Daycare if the practice or game will start later than 3:30 pm.
• Students staying for piano lessons must wait for their lesson time in the Church
Atrium only.
• Eating in the hallways is prohibited.
• Running in the halls is strictly forbidden.
• Pupils in the halls during class time must have teacher permission.
• Lockers must not be slammed.
• A “QUIET” hallway is necessary at all times.

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• The restrooms are NOT a meeting area.
• Waste paper goes in wastebaskets.
• Flush toilets after each use.

• No one is to be in the church building without adult supervision or faculty

• The Commons/lunchroom is not to be used unless a teacher designates its use for a
special purpose.


Emphasis is placed on the Christian in the total education program and high priority
given to Christian conduct on and off the court or field.

Players need to be in school the day of a game or scrimmage when scheduled on school

All players are to wear appropriate attire (t-shirts, shorts, socks, tennis shoes).

Players missing practices/games may mean non-playing time for a while at the
discretion of the coach.


The Reedsville, First Student (formerly Laidlaw), and Lamers Bus Companies, along with
the Reedsville School District, are anxious to provide safe, comfortable, and pleasant
transportation of every child who is entitled under law to be carried to school at public

Accordingly, all riders must be thoroughly familiar with some of the significant policies
affecting their transportation as outlined in the statements below:

1. Every rider is expected to conduct himself in a manner that will not distract a driver
from his job of operating the bus.

2. State regulations demand that pupils be seated while the bus is in motion.

3. Bus drivers are in charge of the bus, including student discipline.

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All students are to go to their assigned Bus Lines immediately after school is

Reedsville buses would like to remind you that any time your child is going home with
another child he/she must have a note to that effect and call the bus company letting
them know of the change. The note needs to be signed by the school principal and
given to the driver of the bus your child wishes to ride that day.

• The Athletic Room is to be locked and used only by teachers, pastor’s, or coaches.

• The School Office is open only to teachers, parents, and students having

No gum chewing while on school grounds.

The outside playground is to be restricted to the play area only. Walking around the
church should only be done with the supervision of an adult.

The dirt in field may only be played on when it is dry enough so dirt does not
accumulate on shoes.

Dirt piles are off-limits to all students.
The cemetery, front lawn, shrubs, and fence line trees are off-limits to all students.
The Child Care Center yard is off-limits to all students.
Keep off the lawns in front of the school and church at all times.

No walking or climbing up the slide and only one person going down the slide at a time.

No running or chasing around equipment in the wood chip area when young children
are present.

Grassy area:
▪ Trees on the South (grades K – 4)
▪ Creek on the South (grades 5 – 8)
▪ Evergreen trees on the West.
▪ Invisible line extended from the church on the North
▪ Do not play behind the garage in the west parking lot

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▪ Yellow parking line on east that extends North and South.
▪ The church building north or the school building south.

Fighting and roughhousing is NOT permitted at any time.

NO “tackling”, “capture” or “wrestling” games allowed.

NO playing in school doorways or on the sidewalk.

During recess, a student must have permission from the outdoor supervisor to re-enter
the building to use the restroom. When finished, the student must return outside if
recess is still in session.

ALL children who play in the snow MUST wear boots and snow pants.

Students without boots must stay in dry areas of sidewalks or blacktop.

NO standing in doorways.

Children may play on snow hills west of the parking lot only.

NO snow throwing or kicking of ANY kind whether intended for a person or not.

Destruction of any snow creations or structures is NOT allowed. All other rules


Games and activities using balls must stay on the East half of the gym floor.

All other games and activities use the West half of the gym.

Basketballs are allowed, all other balls must be soft playground balls or Nerf-type balls.
Footballs are limited to Nerf Footballs ONLY.

Basketballs are limited to three at one time.

Total number of balls in the gym is limited to five at one time.

NO kicking any balls (footballs and kick-balls included).

NO ball tag.

NO throwing balls against walls or across length of the court.

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ONLY equipment found on the recess supply rack may be used for recess.

STAY OFF the mats.

NO “tackling”, “capture” or “wrestling” games.

Students must ask permission when leaving the gym during recess.



Players are to know the practice/games schedule. They are to inform their parents
when practices are over to avoid unnecessary waiting around after practices/games.

8th grade students that have participated for at least 2 years, (one of those years being
their 8th grade year and the other being in grades (5-7), on Zion’s basketball, volleyball,
softball, and soccer teams, will be awarded a trophy as an appreciation from the school.
Students that participated only their 8th grade year will receive a certificate.


We believe at Zion Lutheran School that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male
or female. These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God
(Gen. 1:26-27). Rejection of one’s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person.

We believe that any form of sexual immorality ( homosexual behavior, bisexual conduct and use of
pornography) is sinful and offensive to God (Matt. 15:18-20; 1 Cor. 6:9-10).

We believe that in order to preserve the function and integrity of Zion Lutheran School as the local
Body of Christ, and to provide a biblical role model to Zion Lutheran School and its members and the
community, it is imperative that all students agree to and abide by this Statement on Sexuality (Matt.
5:16; Phil. 2:14-16; 1 Thess. 5:22).

We believe that God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking
His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ (Acts 3:19-21; Rom. 10:9-10; 1 Cor. 6:9-11).

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 Please fill out the top portion of this form.
 Have your child’s physician complete the bottom portion.
 Return this form to the school office.

Parents requesting that the school supervise the taking of prescription

medicines by their children must provide the school with the information
listed below:

Child’s Name ___________________________________ Date of Birth______________

Physician’s Name _________________________________ Phone # _________________

In making the request, the parent’s signature releases the school personnel from
liability should reactions result from the medications.
PLEASE NOTE: Any medication brought to school should be in a duplicate labeled pharmacy container.

__________________________________________ ___________________
Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian Date


Pursuant to the request of the above-named parent, we have been asked to

administer medication in the school setting.

In order for us to proceed with the medication regime that you have
prescribed, please provide us with the following information:

Name of Medication _____________________________________ Dosage _____________

Number to be taken _____________ approximate time of day ____________________

Possible side effects _______________________________________________________

Termination date for administering the medication ___________________________

 PRN medication
Conditions under which it should be given: _______________________________

_______________________________________ ________________
Physician’s Signature Date




Parents requesting that the school supervise the taking of over the
counter medicines by their children must provide the school with the
information listed below:

1. Child’s Name _____________________________________________________

2. Name of Medication _______________________________________________

3. Purpose of Medicine ______________________________________________


4. Time(s) to be administered _______________________________________

5. Dosage to be administered _________________________________________

6. Possible side effects ____________________________________________


7. Termination date for administering the medication ________________

In making the request, the parent’s signature releases the school personnel from
liability should reactions result from the medications.

_____________________________________ ________________
Parent’s Signature Date


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