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Hahn, G. LeRoy, "Housing and Management to Reduce Climactic Impacts on Livestock" (1981).
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G. LeRoy Hahn 2
of Climate and Food (NRC Committee o n appropriate criteria for selection among alter-
Climate and Weather Fluctuations and Agricul- natives. At the heart of rational management
tural Production, 1976). This paper will address decisions is knowledge of the biologic response
the areas of climatic impact assessment and function (Hahn, 1976a). The biologic response
rational selection of appropriate housing and function is a model, usually statistical, of how
management for adverse climates, and will livestock will respond in terms of production,
briefly discuss research gaps. reproduction or efficiency to changes in weather
inputs, with emphasis on reasonable accuracy
Climatic Impact Assessment of prediction by the model. Relatively simple
Biologic Response Functions. Rational selec- models can provide useful information for
tion of housing and management requires assessing a course of action, even though they
careful consideration of alternatives, including may not be able to explain why the animals'
evaluation of the consequences of: (1) no response occurs. In contrast, data on the
change; (2) a change in the management of the response of animals to comparative treatments
animals; (3) provision or modification of in a specific experiment at a given location may
housing to alter the effects of weather or (4) or may not be helpful in deciding what to do,
combined alterations in management and hous- partly because of weather variations; i.e., data,
ing to limit weather effects. A schematic per se, are not necessarily useful information
presentation for the economic evaluation of until they are available in terms of user needs.
some alternatives is outlined in figure 1 ; h o w - Such data are, however, essential for verifying
ever, energy or other constraints are equally the prediction accuracy of a model.
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Figure 1. Branching pattern of factors leading from environmentally induced production events to a manage-
ment decision. Energy, social or other criteria can be substituted for the economic criterion in the evaluation
Some discussion of available response- dairy cows in cold weather, a simple model
function models for assessing climatic impact is based on field results in Alaska and Wisconsin
in order, although space does not permit and Saskatchewan, Canada, has indicated that
detailed discussion. Examples of useful, empiri- milk production of cows that receive adequate
cally-derived response functions developed for diets declines .25 kg/cow for each 10 C reduc-
lactating dairy cows in hot weather are shown tion in average daily temperature below 5 C
in figure 2. The figure presents the expected (Christison, 1978). The estimated increased
milk production, conception rate, rectal tem- daily feed requirement (to offset reduced feed
perature and hay intake for an "average" cow digestibility and increased heat loss in cold
(representing a herd) as a function of the weather) is equivalent to 1 kg hay/10 C decline
Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) 3. The in temperature below 5 C, with a resultant
response of individual animals in a herd can decline in feed efficiency.
vary considerably from the herd response. Response functions have also been devel-
Models using derived variables such as the THI Oped for a few classes of growing animals.
are of more value than those involving only one Morrison et al. (1968) developed a growth
climatic variable, as there are interactions response function for finishing hogs based on
among the important variables such as tem- the combined effects of temperature and
perature, humidity, radiation and wind. For humidity. Teter et al. (1973a,b,c) developed
"operational characteristic" growth models for
finishing hogs and beef cattle that are based on
temperature alone, but also permit limited
3TI~II is a derived statistic computed from the
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Figure 2. Milk production decline (MDec), hay intake decline (HDec), rectal temperature (RT) and conception
rate (CR) responses of lactating dairy cows shaded but exposed to hot weather. (THI is defined in the text and
NL refers to the normal level of production of the cows at THI<70; the response of cows of NL = 22.7 kg/cow-
day is shown for illustration.) The response functions for MDec (Berry etal., 1964) and HDec (Osburn and
Hahn, 1968) are based on laboratory data that were field validated, whereas those for RT and CR were derived
from field data (Ingraham, 1974).
178 HAHN
still air and wind, which in turn can be used to adverse climates, called "compensatory growth"
estimate extra feed needed by an animal to in earlier nutritional stress studies (Wilson and
conserve body tissue during cold weather. In Osbourn, 1960), must be considered. Observa-
this symposium, Young cited reports from tions to date indicate that animals are able not
Saskatchewan (Milligan and Christison, 1973) only to recover growth lost during moderate
and from Colorado (Knox and Handley, 1973) heat stress (as illustrated in the upper section of
to support a simple relationship between mean figure 3 for beef cattle), but also to convert
monthly temperature and growth rates of beef feed more efficiently after relief from the heat
cattle in feed lots. This relationship indicates stress than unstressed animals (Hahn et al.,
that rate of growth decreases about 1.25% for 1974, 1975). Related observations from the
each 1 C decrease in temperature below 20 C. same studies, however, have demonstrated the
A simulation model of energy metabolism in existence of temperature thresholds above
growing beef cattle during the finishing phase which none of these three species fully recovers,
("BOSCOM," Paine et al., 1974) demonstrated either in growth or in feed conversion (lower
the concept of a dynamic model for examining section of figure 3 and Missouri Climatic
energy changes caused by diurnal and seasonal Laboratory, unpublished data). This com-
fluctuations in ambient temperature, as well as pensatory ability of growing animals within a
by changes in other energy sources as feed. This relatively wide range of weather conditions
model should provide a better representation of indicates a possible overestimation of climatic
day-to-day physiological responses to climate effects in current growth models, since relief
than statistical models do. from adverse climates can permit animals to
As response relationships are improved, or realize their full growth potential. The possi-
new ones are developed, they can be incor- bility of improved feed conversion is an added
porated into climatic impact assessment. For bonus.
example, in studies at the Missouri Climatic Compensation for depressed milk pro-
Laboratory, tests with ad libitum-fed swine, duction in hot weather has not been observed
beef cattle and broiler chickens indicated that to take place within a period of a few weeks, so
the ability of growing animals to recover from the milk production decline model should be
Figure 3. Measured average growth curves for heat-stressed (treatment) and unstressed (control) Herefords.
Curves represent three steers in the control and t r e a t m e n t groups in 1972, and two heifers in each group in 1973.
The m o d e r a t e heat stress in 1972 was imposed b y c o n s t a n t 30 C conditions, while the m o r e severe heat stress
in 1 9 7 3 was imposed by gradually increasing the temperature to 35 C (no diurnal variation). Source: Hahn
e t al. (1974).
appropriate for application in its present form. reproduction and feed efficiency.
Although it can be conjectured that recovery Models for growing animals also need further
from heat stress might be attained over the verification before they can be applied on a
portion of the lactation remaining after removal widespread basis, although the "operational
of the stress, this is unlikely because a finite characteristic" model for finishing hogs and the
product is "harvested" each day; i.e., total "BOSCOM" beef model have undergone limited
production is dependent on the integrated area testing. Predicted performance of finishing
under the lactation curve. This situation is quite hogs grown in three types of confinement
different from that in which product is "har- facilities indicated reasonable agreement with
vested" from a growing animal, by slaughter, at measured growth under winter conditions
a unique point in time. (DeShazer and Teter, 1974). Paine et al. (1974)
Predictions o f Climatic Impact. Where showed that the BOSCOM model can provide a
climatological records and appropriate models fair comparison between predicted and actual
exist, statistical probability techniques can be growth in a feedlot situation. The Growth-
used to predict animal performance resulting Reduction Factor has also been used to predict
from weather. Hahn and Osburn (1969) used a the effects of summer weather on the growth of
simple linear regression for summertime milk 70-kg finishing hogs at several United States
production decline as a function of the THI locations (Morrison et al., 1970). The pre-
(depicted in figure 2), together with clima- dictions so derived have indicated the relative
tological records, to predict expected losses for differences in expected growth rates among
cows of selected production levels at various locations; however, the accuracy of the pre-
locations in the United States. The error levels dictions for actual growth rate has not been
ranged from 4 to 17% (Hahn, 1969; Thatcher et established.
al., 1974). Expected losses for high producing
cows, and estimated year-to-year variability
based on the model (Hahn and Nienaher, Limiting Climatic Impactson
Livestock Performance
1976), which provides a measure of dispersion
about the mean for risk assessment, are shown Coping with Climates. A broad spectrum of
in figure 4. Other response functions for dairy livestock structures and management is used to
cows given in figure 2, although not yet verified, temper the adverse effects of climate. There
also give promise of predictive capability for are areas in the United States and other coun-
~ SEPT. :50
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~: I ~. ~--.v---,-.-'-~=., ,
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Figure 4. Expected losses in the milk production of dairy cows with a normal production level of 32 kg/d~y
during the June ! to September 30 summer season (from Hahn and Osburn. 1969). Values by selected stations
(e.g., 80/200) represent the 10th percentile and 90th percentile production losses for that station, indicating
the variability in production due to climatic fluctuations. Source: Hahn and Nienaber 0976).
180 HAHN
tries where the adverse effects of climate are cows during hot weather, even when recom-
minimal for certain species or selected strains of mended diets and excellent management are
livestock. In these instances, livestock pro- provided. Reproduction also is affected ad-
ducers need not be overly concerned with the versely. Adverse climates can also be imposed
"productive function" of shelters for his by livestock structures designed and used for
animals (Hahn, 1976b), as performance may purposes unrelated to the animal's needs (e.g.,
remain near normal (figure 5). However, even in labor saving and waste management). In some
these areas, producers must be aware of the instances, these structures can cause greater
"protective" needs of their animals for survival, detrimental effects to the animals than the
lest a sudden weather change cause deaths to natural environment; i.e., technology can create
some or all of the herd. As a graphic example, problems, as well as solve them.
in August 1977 in the Chino Valley of Califor- Basically, we must recognize that the weak-
nia, more than 700 dairy cows died of heat est link in the production-system chain controls
prostration in a 3-day period and production of the success of an operation. Therefore, expend-
surviving cows (particularly high producers) was ing resources to improve the climatic environ-
significantly reduced (Oliver et al., 1979). ment for livestock is inappropriate if genetic
Analysis of the situation indicated that the potential, nutrition, disease control and perhaps
usual high temperatures were aggravated by an other factors are limiting animal performance,
unusually high humidity associated with a or if the adverse effects of climate are minimal
tropical storm. Adequate shade reduced death for the given species or strain of livestock.
losses to 33%, and production losses of sur- Evaluation o f Alternatives. Many facility
viving cows to 50%, of those for cows with no options are available, some of which have been
shade. Minimal protective measures can be reviewed by others (c.f., Lubinus, 1977; Hahn
viewed logically as a form of insurance. et al., 1973); likewise, a myriad of management
The climatic environment can impair per- alternatives is possible. Rational selection
formance of animals susceptible to adverse criteria are required for judging of the alter-
weather conditions because of such factors as natives.
age, genetic makeup or production level. In the Rational selection implies objective con-
southwestern United States, for example, milk sideration of alternatives, as outlined in figure
production declines of 15 to 20% below the 1. The response functions described in the pre-
genetic potential are common for shaded dairy vious section to provide a measure of penalties
Figure 5. Schematic illustration of the role of various practices and their relative benefits to livestock produc-
tion during hot weather at three locations. Source: Hahn (1976).
caused by adverse climates also permit a pre- Even if all livestock managers were provided
diction of potential benefits to be derived from with precise information on improved tech-
the use of specific housing or management nologies for rational decision making, their
practices, such as evaporative cooling (figure 6). application of shelter and management tech-
The benefits, together with reliable estimates niques would vary. Farm managers' decisions
of cost factors for those practices, permit the are usually shaped more by past and current
development of benefit-cost ratios, thereby experience (retrospect) than by forecast events.
providing a basis for the determination of Livestock managers tend to be conservative, as
economic feasibility. The necessary criteria for are most farmers, in their decision relating
selection also involve energy considerations for to environmental modification or housing
specific practices. However, the concern must practices, knowing that, barring a catastrophe
be for optimum energy use, not just conserva- similar to that in the Chino Valley, any error in
tion. The technical suitability of specific the form of doing too little can usually be
practices can be judged by competent engi- corrected in the next production period.
neers. Finally, the managerial acceptability of However, if an error in decision is made to
proposed practices can best be evaluated overinvest in shelter or other environmental
through small-scale field tests before they are modification practices, particularly for equip-
widely applied. ment that has substantially lower salvage value
Risk factors cannot be ignored in selection than its acquisition price, the error cannot be
among alternatives. The economic and technical completely corrected in the next production
feasibility of modifying livestock environ- period. One generalization that is usually valid
ments to narrow the gaps between possible and is that the greater the value of the product, the
actual production levels is largely unproved, as more intensive is the effort to reduce the risk of
discussed by Hahn (1974); the same is true adverse climates.
for modification of management practices. When adequate facts have been available for
Therefore, the application of available practices rational decision making, innovations have been
to improve livestock production has been quite adopted relatively quickly. For example,
limited (McDowell, 1974). Uncertainty is the use of evaporative cooling for dairy cows in
created when there are too many unknowns, Arizona in hot summer weather has expanded
with the usual result being a decision to stay off rapidly. This practice has been shown to
the "technology treadmill." be economically feasible by favorable benefit-
LEVEL = 4 5 gG / DAY
\ k\
Figure 6. Expected production benefits due to evaporative cooling (122-day summer season) for dairy cows
of 45 kg/day production level. Source: Hahn and Osburn (1970).
182 HAHN
less rapidly in hot weather. However, stock. In the development of these models,
adequately fed animals can usually particular care must be taken to recognize the
compensate for suppressed growth compensatory abilities of livestock so that the
through compensatory gains in sub- extent to which trade-offs can be accomplished
sequent favorable weather, unless manage- between management and housing can be
ment restrictions d o not permit the time evaluated. Interactions between intensity and
flexibility needed for growth recovery. duration of stress caused by weather and
Shelter requirements for hot weather are, nutrition, and the subsequent adaptation to or
therefore, limited to shades or other recovery from stress, should be delineated. The
means adequate to insure survival of the occurrence of compensatory growth following
animals. Cold weather reduces feed cold weather has not been established, although
efficiency and, if severe, can also suppress such recovery is likely.
growth. Again, compensatory gains in Research on the compensatory ability
warmer weather can minimize the effects phenomenon of growing animals should be in
on growth. Cold shelters or open feedlots the context of general systems theory, as the
with windbreaks are usually adequate. final body size and weight of animals subjected
These generalizations can be helpful, but they to various stressors during growth appear to be
are not specific enough to provide a rational an excellent illustration of the principle of
basis for housing and management decisions. "equifinality." yon Bertalanffy (1968) writes,
Specific recommendations must be based on "The steady state [in the case of living sys-
input information for the specific production tems] shows remarkable regulatory charac-
system, including the price received for the pro- teristics which become evident particularly in
duct, the costs of housing, feed and labor, and its equifinality"; i.e., living organisms, under
the expected impacts of climate on production, certain conditions representing simple open-
reproduction and feed efficiency. system processes, possess the ability to reach a
Modifications of management and housing common final steady-state independent of
should be selected rationally; not all are prof- initial conditions, time and disturbances of the
itable or acceptable. For housing, the optimum process. There are limitations to this principle,
environments for maximum production or of course, such as climatic thresholds beyond
efficiency may not be the optimum from the which animals are unable to fully recover
standpoint of economics or of energy utiliza- depressed growth and feed efficiency. Such
tion. The point cannot be emphasized too thresholds, perhaps analagous to "yield points"
strongly that rational agricultural management in metals that have been stressed beyond
must be based on valid information about the recovery, should be determined for each
biological and production systems. livestock species. Stress-induced onset of
disease also must be considered in the establish-
ment of climatic thresholds.
Research Needs
Adaptation of animals to stressing environ-
Available quantitative relationships allowing ments should be studied further. As Stott has
the assessment of penalties to livestock pro- pointed out in this symposium, stress can lead
duction, reproduction, health and efficiency re- to desirable effects through adaptation (result-
suiting from adverse climates are few, and most ing in reduced adverse responses to heat, as
need refinement. Livestock environmental illustrated in the top section of figure 3, to
research has been largely comparative in nature cold, or to other stressors).
(e.g., comparing shade with no shade for Other gaps exist in current knowledge,
animals at a given location), which does not particularly with respect to the adverse effects
provide a generally applicable relationship for of cold weather, including effects on feed
the prediction of performance in other cli- energy utilization, and the effects of climate
mates. Although the development of new or combined with the effects of nutrition, insects,
refined models is a slow and tedious process, parasites, disease vectors, transport and han-
there is a strong case for further laboratory dling and other factors that influence livestock
research under controlled environments to performance. Response functiohs for repro-
further develop and refine such models. The ductive performance and efficiency of livestock
models can then be used as a basis for rational are almost nonexistent. Physiological simula-
decisions in housing and managing our live- tion models-based on why animals respond as
184 HAHN
they do, not just how they r e s p o n d - s h o u l d the adverse effects of weather and the benefits
receive increased attention, for all species. to be derived from alteration of the natural
Special consideration should be given to those environment by shelters or other means, or
aspects of the physiologic response that may through improved management. In this paper,
alter or invalidate observed short-term reac- the use of functional responses of livestock to
tions. weather has been discussed as a basis for
Field research is needed to determine the housing and management decisions, in terms of
technical feasibility of practices developed from tradeoffs between animal performance and
laboratory studies or tests that involved limited economics, energetics or other constraints.
numbers of animals. The presence of site- Rational selection of any technology will not,
related anomalies can be observed and investi- of course, provide a guarantee of improved
gated. Laboratory and field experiments must performance; however, rational selection will
be coordinated to validate laboratory results lower the chances of loss by reducing risk.
and to avoid restricted geographic applicability
of field results. Animals of high genetic poten-
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