Taj Hotels - Group1 PDF
Taj Hotels - Group1 PDF
Taj Hotels - Group1 PDF
Group 1
- Aston Leo (B19010)
- Devagya Jha (B19014)
- Divya Mani Tripathi (B19016)
- Nikita Gulgule (B19031)
- Snehal Tiwari (B19055)
1. What criteria should be used to determine how much the Taj brand could
be extended into sub brands
The following criteria can be used to determine the extension possible for the
Taj brand into its sub-brands;
Customer Experiences: Customer expects the same high-quality experiences
of Taj in all its properties. So extending the brand Taj to sub-brands has to take
care of this problem. But maintaining high quality in economic and upscale
brands will undercut the purpose for which they have been formed. So the Taj
brand has to be given to sub-brands that can associate with the high-quality
experience of its customers.
Dilution of Brand: While extending the tag to sub-brands measures should be
taken that the brand image is not diluted. Customers should be able to
associate with the brand image that is portrayed by the company. There
should be a consensus on what the name associates among the sub-brands
which carry the tag Taj. Also, the cases of brand abuses should be curbed if Taj
is to be seen as high quality.
Precise Positioning: There should be a clear positioning for the sub-brands.
One sub-brand should not be competing with the other sub-brand. Brand Taj is
associated with high quality and luxury. Sub brands carrying the tag should
also be able to provide these. Customers should be able to differentiate
among the sub-brands. Awareness of the Taj brand among international
travelers was prominent only if they have visited India once. Outside India
mostly Taj branded properties was associated as non-luxury. So there should
be a clear understanding of what the name Taj provides.
Levels of Brand Stretch: In general, fewer brands gives much more synergy.
But in the case of the hospitality industry, it’s complicated. Because of the way
the price and products are, it’s difficult for a brand to stretch. Ideally, a brand
can extend to three extensions, more than that leads to erosion of brand
equity and lesser would not be able to cover customer needs fully.
2. What is your evaluation of the Sun and Planet model of branding (See
Exhibit 5)?
The sun and planet model of branding as proposed by Landor was a mix
between the branded house and the house of brands wherein THRP
segregated the entire gamut of hotels in four different brand identities. The
idea was to sharpen the focus of the Brand “Taj” which has been diluted,
clear the confusing customer expectations that were building around the
Brand and ultimately regain the missing emotional appeal necessary for a
top-end brand like THRP.
The newly developed model can be analysed by evaluating on multiple
parameters as follows:
1) Stakeholder reactions
2) Competitive Scenario
[IHCL lags in profitability compared to EIH and Leela Venture which have
comparatively much smaller capacity (refer Exhibit 2)]
- The brand of Taj has become a burden internationally not allowing for
flexibility which was evident in the portfolio review of 2000 where a
number of hotels were divested simply because they detracted from the
brand promise.
- The expansion through acquisition that the senior management of IHCL had
in mind was also put on hold because of financial crisis and the attempt was
to conserve cash. There have also been multiple branding challenges which
have plagued not just Taj as a brand but also Tata as a company. The
question of whether Corus will become Tata Steel or Jaguar would become
Tata motors echoes in the current setup too. When Taj acquired a new
hotel, they failed in acquiring the goodwill that came attached with the
acquired hotels leaving just a tag of “A Taj Hotel”.