3. Which social network is considered the most popular for business to business
a. Facebook
b. Orkut
c. Ryze
d. LinkedIn
Ans: d
6. Facebook and LinkedIn are the most popular social networks globally.
a. True
b. False
Ans: b
7. The first step when marketing with social networks is to identify the goals and
a. True
b. False
Ans: a
8. Facebook Places is targeted to large brands and companies with big budgets.
a. True
b. False
Ans: b
10. A white label social network’s primary difference is that it is privately run by
a nonprofit organization or corporation.
a. True
b. False
Ans: a
11. What methods of social network marketing should a company always use?
a. Blogging only
b. Twitter, Blogs, Facebook
c. YouTube
d. Depends on the company, their product, their audience
Ans: b,d
16. Which of the following is an important aspect of creating blogs and posting
a. Using a witty user name
b. Posting at least once a month to the blog
c. Social Media Optimization
d. Using humor
Ans: a,b,c
18. What can a company do on Facebook apart from their page to create a
a. Post more updates than usual
b. Post controversial posts
c. Use several pictures
d. Use Groups, both company originated and posting to other groups
Ans: d
19. How can a company ensure that the proper audience finds their YouTube
a. Post links on the company blog to the YouTube videos
b. There is no method to effectively direct people to the company videos
c. Use of keywords
d. Sending out mail advertisements
Ans: a,c
25. What would the marketing budget section of a marketing plan detail?
a. The cost to write the plan
b. The expected costs for each ad campaign based on the delivery method
c. The overall marketing budget for a year
d. The marketing personnel job descriptions
Ans: b,c
26. How can a company use the same material for both traditional and social
network marketing?
a. Posting a luring comment on Twitter the company site
b. Selling ad space on the company website
c. Utilizing a television ad campaign online as well on their site and sites such as
d. Creating a magazine print ad with the company website
Ans: c,d
28. Which of the following would be leveraging both social network and
traditional marketing?
a. Handing out print advertisements with a coupon for a store
b. A print advertisement in a magazine which drives people to a website where there
is a free trial offer
c. Posting an advertisement on a message board
d. Hosting a video ad on YouTube not otherwise seen elsewhere
Ans: b
29. How does creating a social network marketing plan differ from a traditional
marketing plan?
a. The brand image should be completely different for social marketing
b. The staff requirements and skill sets for social marketing are different
c. There is no need for a social marketing plan, but social marketing plan is required
for traditional marketing
d. Other than the method of delivery, a marketing plan either way will be similar
Ans: b,c
Question 31.
The closest equivalent to an individual using a website is:
a visitor session.
a unique visitor.
visit duration.
a page impression.
Question 32.
What is typically proportional to pages per visitors?
A unique visitor.
Visit duration.
A page impression.
A visitor session.
Question 33.
A hit is not a useful measure for determining the number of visitors to a website.
Question 34.
In browser or tag-based measurement system, visits to each page are recorded since
each page is loaded into a user's web browser through the running of a short script,
program or tag inserted into the web page.
Question 35.
Site reach is an example of e-commerce effectiveness measure in the category of
channel promotion
channel satisfaction
channel contribution
channel outcomes
None of the above.
Question 36.
Number of sales or leads is an example of e-commerce effectiveness measure in the
category of ______.
channel outcomes
channel contribution
channel promotion
channel satisfaction
None of the above.
Question 37.
AB Testing is a measurement approach that can be used to:
Question 38.
Conversion rate is a measure that can be used to:
Question 39.
Match Kotler's marketing control variables with those stages of website effectiveness.
A matching question presents 3 answer choices and 3 items. The answer choices are
lettered A through C. The items are numbered 9.1 through 9.3. Screen readers will
read the answer choices first. Then each item will be presented along with a select
menu for choosing an answer choice.Using the pull-down menus, match each item in
the left column to the corresponding item in the right column.
Question 40.
______ is the online metrics collection method which involves analysis of pages and
content downloaded from a website to a user's browser.
Question 41.
______ is the online metrics collection method which involves gaining direct user
feedback on a website.
Question 42.
What success factor for effective management of a website involves the right
responsibilities for different content management roles such as authoring, reviewing
and testing?
None of the above.
Question 43.
What success factor for effective management of a website involves a procedure for
identifying the need for change and then controlling updates?
None of the above.
Question 44.
______ is the stage of the content management lifecycle that involves creating a
document and inserting images.
None of the above.
Question 45.
______ is the stage of the content management lifecycle that involves flagging
changes in a workflow system which are then checked.
None of the above.
A. brands
B. people
C. discussions
D. interests
View Answer
Ans : B
Explanation: Social networks are organized primarily around people.
52. Which social network is considered the most popular for social media marketing?
A. Twitter
B. Facebook
C. Linkdin
D. Whats App
View Answer
Ans : B
Explanation: Facebook is the biggest social media site around, with more than two
billion people using it every month.
A. Like Rank
B. Face rank
C. Page rank
D. Edge rank
View Answer
Ans : D
Explanation: Edge rank is the name for Facebook`s ranking algorithm.
54. Which of the following is an important aspect of creating blogs and posting
57. What would the marketing budget section of a marketing plan detail?
A. Princeps
B. Viewership
C. Discover
D. Insights
View Answer
Ans : D
Explanation: Insights is the name of Facebook`s analytic package.
59. How does creating a social network marketing plan differ from a traditional
marketing plan?
Q-82 Which of the following would be leveraging both social network and
traditional marketing?
a. Handing out print advertisements with a coupon for a store
b. A print advertisement in a magazine which drives people to a website where there
a free trial offer
c. Posting an advertisement on a message board
d. Hosting a video ad on YouTube not otherwise seen elsewhere
Q-84 How can a company use the same material for both traditional and social
network marketing?
a. Posting a luring comment on Twitter to the company site
b. Selling ad space on the company website
c. Utilizing a television ad campaign online as well on their site and sites such as
d. Creating a magazine print ad with the company website
Q-86 How does YouTube serve a dual purpose in social media marketing?
a. It can be used as a company blog as well as video advertisements
b. It can be used for company pictures and videos
c. It can be used to host the company website as well as videos
d. It can be used as the forum for dispersing company videos, as well as a host when
embedding videos in sites outside of YouTube
Q-87 How can LinkedIn serve the company aside from social network marketing?
a. Job openings can easily be dispersed to qualified candidates on LinkedIn
b. Company pictures can be posted to the profile
c. Negative press about the competition can be easily spread
d. Pricing lists can be posted
Q-91 Why is it important to have a company blog hosted on the company web
domain versus a third party blogging site?
a. Required by law
b. Search engine rankings will include hits on the blog as part of the overall website
c. Requires less effort to maintain
d. Cannot be hacked easily
101.Judy, an international speaker & author, recently tweeted a picture of her new
running shoes that she bought from Zappos. Seeing that picture, couple of Judy's
followers also went online to Zappos to buy the same shoes. This social media
behavior can also be described as:
A. Social Media Conversation
102.Three variables are necessary when tracking your social media performance on
Google Analytics:
A. Campaign variable
B. Medium variable
C.Source variable
D.All of the above
10 3.One way on Google Analytics to tell if your site visitors are clicking on social
media icons on your site is by?
A. OnClick tracking
B. Click tracking
C. Event tracking
D.Audience tracking
104.You can only track social conversions on Google Analytics, if the conversion is
tracked through ?
A. Event tracking
B. Campaign tracking
C. Referral tracking
105Can you track with Analytics things such as share of voice, influence, or
B. Twitter
C. Linkedin
108In Doug's analogy of Hear, See, and Tell, an example of Analytics able to "hear"
social media is through
A.Data collection
B.Page tagging
C.Campaign tracking
113. Which social network is considered the most popular for business to
business marketing? | Social Media Marketing mcqs
a. Facebook
b. Orkut
c. Ryze
d. LinkedIn
Ans: d
116. Facebook and LinkedIn are the most popular social networks
globally. | Social Media Marketing mcqs
a. True
b. False
Ans: b
117. The first step when marketing with social networks is to identify the
goals and strategies. | Social Media Marketing mcqs
a. True
b. False
Ans: a
118. Facebook Places is targeted to large brands and companies with big
budgets. | Social Media Marketing mcqs
a. True
b. False
Ans: b
122. What is the term adopted for updates by Twitter users? | Social
Media Marketing mcqs
a. Tweets
b. Twoots
c. Twinks
d. Posts
Ans: a
129. How can a company ensure that the proper audience finds their
YouTube videos? | Social Media Marketing mcqs
a. Post links on the company blog to the YouTube videos
b. There is no method to effectively direct people to the company videos
c. Use of keywords
d. Sending out mail advertisements
Ans: a,c
130. In a company who should own the social marketing plan? | Social
Media Marketing mcqs
a. Head of Marketing
b. CFO
c. President
d. Operational staff
Ans: a,b
135. What would the marketing budget section of a marketing plan detail?
a. The cost to write the plan
b. The expected costs for each ad campaign based on the delivery method
c. The overall marketing budget for a year
d. The marketing personnel job descriptions
Ans: b,c
136. How can a company use the same material for both traditional and
social network marketing?
a. Posting a luring comment on Twitter the company site
b. Selling ad space on the company website
c. Utilizing a television ad campaign online as well on their site and sites such as
d. Creating a magazine print ad with the company website
Ans: c,d
138. Which of the following would be leveraging both social network and
traditional marketing?
a. Handing out print advertisements with a coupon for a store
b. A print advertisement in a magazine which drives people to a website where there is
a free trial offer
c. Posting an advertisement on a message board
d. Hosting a video ad on YouTube not otherwise seen elsewhere
Ans: b
139. How does creating a social network marketing plan differ from a
traditional marketing plan?
a. The brand image should be completely different for social marketing
b. The staff requirements and skill sets for social marketing are different
c. There is no need for a social marketing plan, but social marketing plan is required for
traditional marketing
d. Other than the method of delivery, a marketing plan either way will be similar
Ans: b,c
Q-202 Which of the following would be leveraging both social network and
traditional marketing?
Q-204 How can a company use the same material for both traditional and social
network marketing?
a. Overall site traffic can be followed and a general idea of marketing's impact on it
can be determined
b. There is no correlation site traffic and marketing
c. Ads can send receivers to a specific landing page, which can be tracked
d. Product sales from the company website can be attributed directly to the marketing
Q-206 How does YouTube serve a dual purpose in social media marketing?
a. CEO performance
b. Number of new hires in marketing
c. Number of impressions
d. New customer acquisition
Q-211 Why is it important to have a company blog hosted on the company web
domain versus a third party blogging site?
a. Required by law
b. Search engine rankings will include hits on the blog as part of the overall website
c. Requires less effort to maintain
d. Cannot be hacked easily
Q-214 What does the product portion of the 4 P's of marketing focus on?
Q-215 What is the general purpose of posting a video blog routinely to YouTube?
Q-217 What additional feature does Facebook have that helps engage in a dialogue
with followers?
Q-218 Why is Facebook the most well rounded social networking marketing space?
a. Tweets
b. Twoots
c. Twinks
d. Posts
Q-221 What would be the marketing budget section of a marketing plan consist of?
a. Form of blogging
b. A social networking site
c. Interconnected and user generated knowledge management systems
d. A tool for posting to social media networks
Q-223 What is the method for being linked to other users on LinkedIn?
a. Followers
b. Connections
c. Friends
d. Associates
a. Video blogs
b. Posts on Twitter
c. A company white page
d. Articles on LinkedIn
Q-225 What is one measure a company can use to validate the usefulness of its video
posts on YouTube?
Q-226 What can a company do on Facebook apart from their page to create a
a. Media Optimization
b. Consumer Generated Media
c. Advertising Socialization
d. Consumer Media Advertising
Q-229 How can a company place itself as an expert in a certain area of expertise?
Q-230 What style of blogging would be most effective for building relationships with
a. Print advertising
b. Television advertising
c. Radio advertising
d. Mail Advertising
Q-232 What does the Answers section of LinkedIn allow people to do?
a. No limit
b. 100 characters
c. 140 characters
d. 200 characters
Q-236 Which of the following is an important aspect of creating blogs and posting
Q-237 What type of status updates would drive visitors to the company site?