EMC Guidelines For MPC5500-Based Systems: 1 Disclaimers

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Freescale Semiconductor AN2706

Rev. 0.1, 01/2005

Application Note

EMC Guidelines for

MPC5500-Based Systems
by: Stevan Dobrasevic
TECD Design Engineering

This application note describes recommended EMC Table of Contents

guidelines for reducing electromagnetic emissions in 1 Disclaimers.................................................... 1
2 Introduction.................................................... 1
MPC5500-based systems. 3 Software Guidelines ...................................... 2
4 Hardware Guidelines..................................... 3
5 Checklist...................................................... 10
1 Disclaimers 6
References .................................................. 11
Document Revision History ......................... 12
This document contains information on a new product.
Specifications and information herein are subject to
change without notice.

2 Introduction
An increasingly important consideration in the design of
embedded 32-bit systems is Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC). EMC consists of four sub-groups:
Radiated Emissions, Conducted Emissions, Radiated
Susceptibility, and Conducted Susceptibility. This
application note focuses on guidelines for reducing
Radiated Emissions from MPC5500-based systems.
These guidelines are not a complete set of all known
EMC techniques, but rather they are some specific
recommendations for MPC5500-based systems. This

This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein
are subject to change without notice.
© Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2004. All rights reserved.
Software Guidelines

application note should be used in conjunction with other more general sources of EMC guidelines; many
such sources are suggested Section 6, “References”.
In general, the MPC5500 family of MCUs have four primary sources of noise: CLKOUT, ENGCLK, VDD
power supply, and the external bus. This application note will focus on reducing emissions from the VDD
power supply. Application note AN2705 titled “Signal Integrity Considerations with MPC5500-based
systems” provides guidelines for improving signal integrity and reducing emissions from the external bus.
To ensure EMC compliance for expanded mode applications, the guidelines from both application notes
(AN2705 and AN2706) should be followed. For single chip applications with CLKOUT and ENGCLK
disabled, the guidelines in this application note (AN2706) alone are sufficient.
Measurements have shown that emissions from the MPC5500 devices are lower than emissions from
MPC500 devices. The MPC5500 devices have reduced emissions, because several EMC improvements
were made to this family of devices.
The EMC improvements made to the MPC5500 devices include:
1. Increased on-chip decoupling capacitance
2. Reduced package inductance
3. FMPLL allows spread spectrum
4. More isolated power supplies
5. Gated clock feature on external bus and nexus
6. More on-chip memory means less need for external memory devices
7. Increased I/O drive strength selectability allows better matching to application load
Even though MPC5500 devices have reduced emissions, it is important to follow the board level
guidelines to ensure system level EMC compliance.

3 Software Guidelines
The software guidelines presented in this section describe what to do in general terms. For actual
implementation details, refer to the MPC5500 Reference Manual.

3.1 System Frequency

There are two important topics to address when determining the system frequency.
First, the system frequency should be selected such that it and its harmonics do not fall within “bands of
interest,” such as the FM and TV bands. Avoiding the “bands of interest” will reduce the likelihood of
interfering with communications in those bands.
Second, the MPC5500 uses an FMPLL. The FMPLL has selectable modulation up to 2%. The FMPLL
should be configured for 2% modulation for best EMC performance; however, system timing requirements
may dictate a lower setting of 1% or 0.5%. Modulating the system frequency spreads energy among more
receiver bands during an emissions measurement; this results in lower measured emissions.

EMC Guidelines for MPC5500-Based Systems, Rev. 0.1

2 Freescale Semiconductor
Hardware Guidelines

3.2 I/O Configuration

In general, the I/O should be configured such that they drive as slow as possible while still ensuring
performance requirements. Driving the I/O stronger than necessary creates additional emissions. Each I/O
type has multiple drive strengths options. Use the weakest drive strength required for the application load
and application timing requirements.
The output buffer should be disabled for any I/O that is not needed.
If possible, the gated clock feature for the external bus and the nexus port should be enabled. The gated
clock feature turns on the clock only when it is needed and turns it off at all other times. Since the clock is
not running all the time during an emissions test, less average emissions are measured.

3.3 Module Configuration

The individual modules on MPC5500 devices can be disabled. Disabling modules results in lower current
drawn through the supply, which reduces emissions. Any unused module should be disabled.

4 Hardware Guidelines
4.1 VDD Decoupling
This section provides guidelines for decoupling of the VDD supply. For guidelines on decoupling of the
VDDE2 (bus) and VDDE5 (CLKOUT) supplies, refer to AN2705. Recommendations for decoupling of
the QADC supplies can be found in EB643. For decoupling suggestions concerning all other supplies,
refer to the MPC5500 Reference Manual.

4.1.1 Capacitor Selection

The decoupling capacitor requirements for the VDD supply are outlined in Figure 1.

Number of Capacitors
Capacitor Value Suggested Package Size Is Layout Critical?

10 nF 8 0306 Yes

100 nF 1 0612 No

10 µF1 1 7343-31 No

Figure 1. Decoupling Capacitor Requirements for the VDD Supply

1 Use 2.2 µF if internal VRC voltage regulator is used

The number of capacitors specified in Figure 1 is the minimum requirement. More capacitors are better.
Three different capacitor values are used. The smallest capacitors, which have a value of 10 nF, are the
high frequency decoupling capacitors. These capacitors should have a low Equivalent Series Inductance
(ESL) package, such as the 0306 package. It is also important that the connection of these capacitors to the
MPC5500 device is a low inductance connection; this is why the layout of these capacitors is critical. The

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Hardware Guidelines

eight 10-nF capacitors should be placed near the corners of the MPC5500 device, two capacitors per
corner. The layout of the 100-nF and 10-µF bulk decoupling capacitors is not critical.

4.1.2 Capacitor Layout

The layout and connection to the 10-nF decoupling capacitors is critical. The goal is to reduce the effective
inductance from the MPC5500 device to the 10-nF capacitors.
Some guidelines for reducing the inductance are:
1. Place the capacitors as close as possible to the VDD balls on the MPC5500 device.
2. Distribute the capacitors evenly around the MPC5500 device. The MPC5500 devices have VDD
balls in each of the four corners, so it is a good idea to place one-fourth of all the capacitors in
each of the four corners. For example, if there are eight 10 nF capacitors, then two of them should
be placed in each corner.
3. Use power planes or wide traces to connect from the MPC5500 device to the capacitor.
4. Use as many vias as possible in the connections from the MPC5500 device to the capacitors. For
example, use at least two vias to connect the positive side of the capacitor to the power plane.
Some boards allow placement of components on both sides of the board, whereas other boards only allow
placement of components on one side of the board. Use double sided component placement boards if
Figure 2 shows an example layout for a double-sided component placement board. In this example, ten
10-nF capacitors are used and they are placed very close (~1 mm) to the VDD balls and are distributed
around each of the four corners. The MPC5500 device is mounted on the backside of the board; the vias
from the MPC5500 balls can be seen in the figure and the VDD vias are indicated. There are a total of
fourteen VDD vias. All capacitors in the figure are shown in gray.
There are a total of ten 10-nF capacitors, all of which are in the 0306 package. Two vias are used to connect
each VDD connection of the capacitor to the power plane. One via per ball is used to connect the MPC5500
device to the power plane. The total effective inductance from the die inside the MPC5500 device to the
10-nF capacitors is approximately 400 pH for this specific layout.
In addition to the ten 10 nF capacitors, there is also one 100-nF and one 10-µF capacitor. In this example,
the 100-nF and 10-µF capacitors are located relatively close to the MPC5500 device and connect directly
to the power plane. However, the connection to the 100-nF and 10-µF capacitors is not critical; higher
inductance in these connections is acceptable. Therefore, the 100-nF and 10-µF capacitors can be moved
further away from the MPC5500 device.

EMC Guidelines for MPC5500-Based Systems, Rev. 0.1

4 Freescale Semiconductor
Hardware Guidelines

VDD vias

10 nF 100 nF 10 µF

Denotes Cap Placement

Figure 2. Example Capacitor Layout for a Double-Sided Component Placement Board

For single-sided component placement boards, the connection from the MPC5500 VDD balls to the 10-nF
decoupling capacitors will have typically two to three times the inductance compared to the double-sided
component placement board. This may be acceptable depending on the overall application configuration
and emissions target.
There are several ways to minimize the inductance in a single-sided component placement application.
The 10-nF capacitors should be placed near the corners of the MPC5500 device where the VDD balls are
located. It is important to get the 10-nF caps as close as possible (within 4-5 mm) to the MPC5500 device.
Connection of the VDD balls on the MPC5500 device to the capacitors should ideally be made with a
power plane. If a power plane is used, then the VDD balls should be connected to the power plane with at

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Hardware Guidelines

least one via per ball. Also, the VDD connection from the power plane to the capacitor should be made with
at least two vias. If a power plane is not available, then the connection from MPC5500 device to capacitor
should be made with wide traces on the topside of the board.

4.1.3 Advanced Decoupling Techniques Embedded Board Decoupling

When a power plane is placed on an adjacent layer to a ground plane, a metal-to-metal capacitor is formed.
Embedded decoupling capacitors enhance this plane-to-plane capacitance by providing very thin
dielectrics with high dielectric constants. Many manufacturers sell embedded decoupling capacitor
laminates; one example is Dupont’s Interra HK10 laminate which provides 2.2 nF per square inch. Using
embedded decoupling capacitors reduces the need for discrete decoupling capacitors; however, in some
cases, discrete decoupling capacitors may still provide an additional benefit even when embedded
decoupling capacitors are used. Determine Supply Impedance

The board power supply impedance is complex. It is very useful to be able to determine the supply
impedance over a broad frequency range so that the impedance can be optimized for the particular
application and serious resonance problems can be avoided. The supply impedance can be determined by
simulation or measurement. Several board level tools are available for power supply analysis.
Measurements can also be taken on actual boards using either an impedance analyzer or a network

4.2 Grounding
Most microcontroller-based systems will partition different classes of circuits with isolated grounds. The
isolated grounds are then connected together at a single point as shown in Figure 3. The different classes
of circuits include digital, analog, high-current switching circuitry, I/O, and the main power supply.

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Hardware Guidelines

Switching Circuitry



Power Supply


Figure 3. Typical MCU Application Grounding Example

4.3 Other Hardware Techniques

4.3.1 Layer Stack Up and Vias

Most MPC5500 family applications will require the use of a multi-layer board; four layer boards are the
most common for single-chip applications, and six layer boards are normal for expanded mode
applications. For multi-layer boards, dedicated power and ground planes should be used. An example of a
good four-layer stack up is shown in Figure 4. The power plane is often a mixed voltage power plane.

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Hardware Guidelines






Layer Stack up Example

Figure 4. Four-Layer Stack Up Example

The use of many vias for power and ground connections is stressed throughout this document. However,
care must be taken to avoid degradation of the power and ground planes by too many via holes obstructing
the flow of current in the plane. A general rule of thumb is to not allow three via anti-pads to merge (see
Figure 5). Also, vias should be staggered whenever possible because aligned vias create slots.

Via Anti-pad

Good Acceptable Bad

Figure 5. Via Example

4.3.2 Oscillator
The oscillator circuit consists of a bias resistor, the crystal, and two capacitors. The external bias resistor
may not be needed because there is an internal bias resistor. However, it is recommended to leave room
for an external bias resistor. The oscillator circuit provides a reference clock signal to the on-chip PLL.
Use the lowest frequency crystal possible and set the multiplication factor bits to obtain the proper system
operating frequency which is generated from the PLL. The oscillator circuit has currents flowing at the
crystal’s fundamental frequency. Also, if the oscillator is clipped, then higher order harmonics will be
present as well. In order to minimize the amount of emissions generated from these currents, the oscillator
circuit should be kept as compact as possible (see Figure 6). Also, VSSSYN should be connected directly

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Hardware Guidelines

to the ground plane so that return currents can flow easily between VSSSYN and the two capacitors (Cx
and Cy).

Circuit Layout




Y Cx Cy

Cx Cy Vias to Ground Plane

Figure 6. Oscillator CIrcuit and Layout

4.3.3 Micro-Island Approach

The micro-island approach to decoupling and grounding is the premier solution for high-speed digital
noise isolation, and as such it tends to cost more to implement than standard decoupling and grounding.
The micro-island technique aggressively seeks to isolate all high-speed digital noise to a micro-island
instead of allowing it to propagate throughout the entire system. All high-speed digital components such
as the microcontroller, crystal, and memory are grouped together in an isolated island, and a moat
surrounds the entire island. There are isolated power and ground islands which are also surrounded by
moats; the ground island extends out further than the power island. Power entry to the micro-island is
filtered using a three-terminal EMI chip capacitor or a Π-filter consisting of a low-Q inductor or ferrite
bead in combination with some capacitors. The micro-island is decoupled with 22 0306 style, 10-nF

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decoupling capacitors that are evenly distributed throughout the micro-island area. Any signal line leaving
the micro-island area is filtered using resistors or ferrite beads. Figure 7 contains additional details.

Micro-Island Moat

Leaving MCU Memory



Filter Components
for Power Supply

Figure 7. Typical Micro-Island Approach to Decoupling and Grounding

5 Checklist
The following checklist can be used to make sure that all EMC guidelines have been considered. For
expanded mode applications, the checklist in AN2705 should also be used.

5.1 Software Checklist

1. All frequency “bands of interest” have been identified and the system frequency has been selected
such that the harmonics avoid the “bands of interest” as much as possible.
2. Modulation had been enabled for the FMPLL.
3. The weakest drive strength has been selected for each I/O given the application load and timing
4. All unused I/O have been disabled.
5. If the nexus or external bus are used, then the gated clock feature has been enabled.
6. All unused modules have been disabled.

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10 Freescale Semiconductor

5.2 Hardware Checklist

1. The correct number and size of decoupling capacitors have been used on the VDD power supply.
2. The 10-nF capacitors are in low ESL packages such as the 0306 package.
3. The 10-nF capacitors are located as close as possible to the MPC5500 VDD balls.
4. The 10-nF capacitors are distributed evenly around the MPC5500 device (for example, two
capacitors per corner).
5. The VDD balls on the MPC5500 device are connected to the 10-nF capacitors using a power plane
or wide traces including many vias.
6. Isolated grounds are used.
7. For single-chip applications, a minimum of four layers are used. For expanded mode applications,
a minimum of six layers are used.
8. There is at least one ground plane.
9. There is at least one power plane; mixed voltage power plane is acceptable.
10. The power and ground planes have been checked for structures which obstruct the flow of current,
such as via anti-pads and embedded slots or traces.
11. The oscillator circuit has a compact layout.

6 References
6.1 Freescale References
1. Dees, Randy. Bypassing the Analog Power Supplies on the MPC5500 eQADC. Freescale
Engineering Bulletin EB643. 2004.
2. Dobrasevic, Stevan. EMC Guidelines for MPC500-Based Automotive Powertrain System.
Freescale Application Note AN2127. 2002.
3. Dobrasevic, Stevan. Signal Integrity Considerations with MPC5500-Based Systems. Freescale
Application Note AN2705. 2004.
4. MPC5500 Reference Manual

6.2 General EMC References

1. Clayton, Paul. Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility. Wiley series.
2. Johnson, Howard. High-Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic. Prentice Hall, 1993.
3. Ott, Henry. Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems. Wiley and Sons, 1976.
4. Kimmel Gerke Associates website, http://www.emiguru.com/

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Document Revision History

7 Document Revision History

Table 1 provides a revision history table for this document.
Table 1. Document Revision History

Rev. No. Substantive Change(s)

0 Initial release.

0.1 Formatting and editorial changes; replaced Figure 2 with black and white version

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