Golden Strong
Golden Strong
Golden Strong
Saaz 100 g / hl
Centennial 50 g / hl
Mosaic 40 g / hl
Original gravity: 21oPl
SafAle BE– 256 (Abbaye) 60-70 g / hl
Alcohol: 9 %
Colour: 8 - 12 EBC
Coriander 10 g / hl
Bitterness: 25 - 30 IBU
Clove 5 g / hl
A golden strong beer with sweet Black Pepper 5 g / hl
bitterness and slightly bitter aftertaste
Mashing temperature
which gives way to fruity aromas,
enhanced by a slight spicy note and
pleasant warmness.
Step 1: Mashing
Rest at 63°C for 45 minutes
Rest at 69°C for 15 minutes
Step 2: Filtration
Separate the wort from the spent grain with water at 76 °C
Step 3: Boiling
Duration: 1 hour
In 10 minutes add the hop (Saaz)
In 55 minutes add hops (Centennial and Mosaic), spices, 0.3 kg of white
candy sugar/hl
The wort must have a density of 21°Plato
Remove the trub
Step 4: Cooling
Step 5: Fermentation at 24 oC
This recipe is provided by Castle Malting®. Please note that this recipe is just a guideline allowing you to add a personal touch to your beer.
Please note that some modifications may be required to meet the specific technological conditions of the brewery defined by equipment, water
For further information & service please contact:
Brewing is an experiment! Brew your own beer!
Send us your recipe, and we’ll be pleased to publish it on our website
Headquarters: Chemin du Couloury 1, 4800 Lambermont, Belgium
Malting Plant: Rue de Mons 94, 7970 Beloeil, Belgium
Tel.: + 32 (0) 87 662095; Fax: +32 (0) 87 352234;;
Registered Tournai 79754; VAT: BE.455013439; IBAN: BE11 3700 9054 5648; BIC. BBRUBEBB