EEE - 3207 - IA - Mid - 203 - For Elms - 2
EEE - 3207 - IA - Mid - 203 - For Elms - 2
EEE - 3207 - IA - Mid - 203 - For Elms - 2
There are FIVE questions. You have to answer FOUR questions. Question number Four is mandatory. Figures in
the right hand margin indicate marks. I prefer to use A4 size paper. Please write your Name, ID and Course
Code on top of your answer script. It is preferable to use page number in each page.
1. Considering the ripple factor of full wave full converter and full wave semi converter, [5]
which one is better? Justify your answer analytically. CO1
2. Design a single phase full-wave full converter with an R-L load of (10 + j10) Ω to generate [5]
100 Vdc at its output. Input voltage is 220 V (rms) with sinusoidal wave and frequency is CO2
3. In the following circuit with Thyristor, the gate pulse is delayed by 30˚. Find Vdc (Approx.) [5]
at A-B terminal. Here, 220 V is the rms value and f =5 kHz. X and Y from your ID (021- CO2
4. Design a Fly-back converter whose input voltage is XXX Vdc output voltage is YYY Vdc, this [1+2
is from your ID (021-XXX-YYY), and output current is 1 A. What will be the turn’s ratio of +2]
your Fly-back transformer and the peak voltage of the switch? CO2
5. Design a buck-boost regulator that has a dc input voltage of Vs = 19-26 V. The required [5]
average output voltage is Vout = 24.8V and peak to peak output ripple voltage is 0.4V. If CO2
the peak to peak ripple current of inductor is limited to 100 mA, determine duty cycle k,
filter inductance L, and filter capacitor C.
1. Know and explain a circuit's working principle consisting of semiconductor switches. (*BT- Remember
and Understand)
2. Apply this knowledge in different Power Electronic circuits. (*BT- Apply)
3. Analyze and or design and or develop a power electronic circuit (*BT-Analyze, evaluate and create)
*BT- Bloom’s Taxonomy