Bar Graphs Sheet 3A - Planet Survey
Bar Graphs Sheet 3A - Planet Survey
Bar Graphs Sheet 3A - Planet Survey
8 Uranus 8
6 Neptune
Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
1) Fill in the missing data in the table for Mercury and Neptune.
2) Draw a bar to show how many votes Jupiter got.
3) Which was the most popular planet to visit? _____________
4) How many more votes did Saturn get than Uranus? _____
5) How many more votes did Mercury get than Mars? _____
6) Saturn got more votes than the 3 least popular planets put together.
True or false? _____
7) Which two planets got the same number of votes?
Name Date
8 Uranus 8
6 Neptune 7
Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
1) Fill in the missing data in the table for Mercury and Neptune.
2) Draw a bar to show how many votes Jupiter got.
3) Which was the most popular planet to visit? Saturn
4) How many more votes did Saturn get than Uranus? 6
5) How many more votes did Mercury get than Mars? 5
6) Saturn got more votes than the 3 least popular planets. True or
false? False. Mars + Venus + Neptune = 3+6+7 = 16. Saturn = 14
7) Which two planets got the same number of votes?
Mercury & Uranus