Apache Oracle Apps: Apache Overview 11i and R12 Apache Overview 11i and R12
Apache Oracle Apps: Apache Overview 11i and R12 Apache Overview 11i and R12
Apache Oracle Apps: Apache Overview 11i and R12 Apache Overview 11i and R12
what is web server? A Web Server is a computer program that is responsible for
accepting HTTP requests from clients, which are known as web browsers, and serving them
HTTP responses along with optional data contents, which usually are web pages such as
HTML documents or linked objects (images, etc.).
Basic process looks very simple. Your browser connects to the Web Server and requests a
page and the server sends back the requested page.
When u type www.oracle.com .The Browser Breaks the URL into three Parts:
The browser communicates with DNS to translate the server name www.oracle.com into an
IP Address, which it uses to connect to the server machine.
Using the HTTP protocol, the browser then sends a GET request to the server, asking for
the file "http://www.oracle.com/index.html."
The server then sends the HTML text for the Web page to the browser.
The browser read the HTML tags and then formats the page onto your screen
What is Apache Web Server then?
For Oracle Applications, the Web Server is the Oracle Application Server, which is based on
Apache technology.
Apache is one of the most common Web Server Software. Apache is a freeware and it is
highly customizable. In this context, Oracle Apache Server uses several standards as well
as Oracle’s proprietary modules that extend the functionality of Apache Server. Oracle
Apache server provides key infrastructure for serving the Internet’s HTTP protocol.
Main Components:
There are two main components. HTTP Listener (Web Listener) and Modules
Http Listener is in charge of receiving incoming http requests and servicing these requests by sending
them to appropriate processing component. Modules includes some standard Apache modules as well as
Oracle proprietary modules & Some add-on modules. Modules extend basic functionality of web server.
Modules such as:
OHS Components
File System:
Its location on File System: As you know there are three ORACLE_HOME in Apps 8.0.6, iAS, 9.2.0.
Web Server is under iAS ----- iAS stands for Internet Application server ------ The environment variable to
go to this location in apps user is (cd $) IAS_ORACLE_HOME.
To find out the version of Apache and iAS, go to this location and type this if environment file is not
//ora/iAS/Apache/Apache/bin] $ httpd -v
Configuration Files:
httpd.conf - is a key configuration file for Oracle HTTP Server.
httpds.conf - this is configuration file if we use SSL (Secure Socket layer)
adstrtall.sh -> adapcctl.sh ->apachectl-> httpd.conf (which in turns apache web server i.e http server will
When httpd executable first starts, this file is processed. Thus httpd.conf is the main configuration file.
Apache directory: -
Apache is main directory where you’re most web server configuration Sit. The
Important Files / dir under this directory are
1) Apache
2) Jserv and
3) modplsql
Mod_jserv related stuff goes in Jserv directory (it caters requesters like Self Service,
Servlets, jsp pages), see the below screen
Mod_plsql related stuff goes in modplsql directory (it caters requesters like anything after
/pls/ i.e., executing packages & procedures in DB).
Mod_jserv related stuff goes in Jserv directory (it caters requester like Self Service,
Servlets, jsp pages), see the below screen
mod_jserv is controlled by directives in jserv.conf.
ApJServManual, ApJServLogFile
Ex: ApJServGroup OACoreGroup 4 1
Mod_plsql(PHP) related stuff goes in modplsql directory (it caters requesters like anything
after /pls/ i.e., executing packages & procedures in DB).
The following scenario provides overviews of what steps occur when a server receives a
plsql related client request
1)The Oracle HTTP Server receives a PL/SQL Server Page request from a client browser.
2)The Oracle HTTP Server routes the request to mod_plsql.
3)The request is forwarded by mod_plsql to the Oracle Database. By using the
configuration information stored in your Database Access Descriptor DAD(wbdsvr.app),
mod_plsql connects to the database.
4)mod_plsql prepares the call parameters, and invokes the PL/SQL procedure in the
5)The PL/SQL procedure generates an HTML page using data and the PL/SQL Web Toolkit
accessed from the database.
6)The response is returned to mod_plsql.
7)The Oracle HTTP Server sends the response to the client browser
httpd.conf ->This is main Apache configuration file. From this configuration file it identify
port definitions, memory settings, loggin levels, log file locations and other configuration
options and files.
Port=web_cache_port: Specifies the Oracle Application Server Web Cache listening ports
Listen=Oracle_HTTP_Server_port: Specifies the HTTP and HTTPS ports obtained by
Oracle HTTP Server.
jserv.conf -> Oracle HTTP Server includes a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which is called
JServ. jserv.conf and jserv.properties are the key configuration files for Jserv
All our Self Service servlets requests are via mod_jserv like discoverer view, xml services or
OAM login (So you know now where to look if issue happens in these services) If your Form
Server is in servlet Mode then Core Applications are also accessed via Web Server (Jserv
This file calls few properties files like jserv.properties, zone properties, viewer4i.properties,
forms.properties, xmlsvcs.properties.
This file calls other configuration files like plsql.conf, immeting.conf, apps.conf.
oprocmgr.conf ->(in Apache/conf) This Oracle module provides process management and
load balancing services to JServ processes
This module starts, stops, and detects death of processes (starting new processes to
replace them), and provides load balancing services to the processes
Plsql.conf ->This file is used to configure pls (Plsql). This file defines to forward all requests
like /pls/ to dedicated apache listener.
mod_plsql is an Oracle HTTP Server plug-in that communicates with the database. It maps
browser requests into database stored procedure calls over a SQL*Net connection. It is
often indicated by a /pls/ virtual path.
wdbsvr.app ->Which in my views is named so after Web Database Server for Applications.
This file contains your dad (database Access Descriptor) information like database
connection description & apps user name & password. If you are changing apps password
you use utility FNDCPASS and after changing password you have to manually change apps
password in this file.
The following will cover the configuration files that will fall under INST TOP directory
If you go inside this directory you will see 10.1.2 and 10.1.3
Same location you will see (all apache related configurations files)
Env file:
These files are security related/iAS related parameters. Mostly no modifications required
manually. OID/SSO registrations scripts modifies directly.
mod_oc4j.conf - newly introduced for OC4J conf
mod_osso.conf - replaced mod sso conf