Okinawa Christian University conducts self-evaluations annually to ensure it meets its standards and achieves its mission. The university's mission is based on principles of Christianity, peace, and Okinawa, and focuses on enhancing educational quality. Board meetings and university councils help revise objectives in response to social changes. Surveys of students and graduates are used to evaluate achievement of diploma goals and improve curriculum. While maintaining facilities like the chapel, the university also supports learning through an online learning system and scholarships. Collaboration between departments helps provide resources to students. Financial plans aim to ensure stability while achieving medium-to-long-term objectives. Self-inspections and evaluations are reported publicly and used to identify issues and policies for continuous improvement
Okinawa Christian University conducts self-evaluations annually to ensure it meets its standards and achieves its mission. The university's mission is based on principles of Christianity, peace, and Okinawa, and focuses on enhancing educational quality. Board meetings and university councils help revise objectives in response to social changes. Surveys of students and graduates are used to evaluate achievement of diploma goals and improve curriculum. While maintaining facilities like the chapel, the university also supports learning through an online learning system and scholarships. Collaboration between departments helps provide resources to students. Financial plans aim to ensure stability while achieving medium-to-long-term objectives. Self-inspections and evaluations are reported publicly and used to identify issues and policies for continuous improvement
Okinawa Christian University conducts self-evaluations annually to ensure it meets its standards and achieves its mission. The university's mission is based on principles of Christianity, peace, and Okinawa, and focuses on enhancing educational quality. Board meetings and university councils help revise objectives in response to social changes. Surveys of students and graduates are used to evaluate achievement of diploma goals and improve curriculum. While maintaining facilities like the chapel, the university also supports learning through an online learning system and scholarships. Collaboration between departments helps provide resources to students. Financial plans aim to ensure stability while achieving medium-to-long-term objectives. Self-inspections and evaluations are reported publicly and used to identify issues and policies for continuous improvement
Okinawa Christian University conducts self-evaluations annually to ensure it meets its standards and achieves its mission. The university's mission is based on principles of Christianity, peace, and Okinawa, and focuses on enhancing educational quality. Board meetings and university councils help revise objectives in response to social changes. Surveys of students and graduates are used to evaluate achievement of diploma goals and improve curriculum. While maintaining facilities like the chapel, the university also supports learning through an online learning system and scholarships. Collaboration between departments helps provide resources to students. Financial plans aim to ensure stability while achieving medium-to-long-term objectives. Self-inspections and evaluations are reported publicly and used to identify issues and policies for continuous improvement
Based on founding principles centered on “Christianity”, “Peace”, and “Okinawa”, the University’s mission, goals and educational objectives provide the foundation for educational and research activities that embody the University’s individuality and distinctive quality. They are stipulated in University Regulations, written in student handbooks and on the official University website, and made widely known both on-campus and outside of the University. In order to respond to changes in social conditions, a system has been established for revising the University’s mission, goals and educational objectives, with the Board of Directors acting as the final decision-making organ. Educational objectives are currently being revised in response to growing tourism needs in Okinawa Prefecture in recent years. The University’s mission, goals and educational objectives are deeply reflected in the three policies of diploma policy, curriculum policy and admission policy as well as the University’s medium-to- long-term plan, with the enhancement of educational quality and continuous educational quality assurance identified as important objectives.
Standard 2. Learning and Teaching
In order to select entrants in accordance with the admission policy, multiple entrance examination systems have been implemented, and interviews are conducted as part of all entrance examinations. Enabling students to take subjects in a systematic and phased manner in accordance with the curriculum policy as well as implementing Tuition Improvement Questionnaires as appropriate have been useful in the improvement of teaching methods and curricula. Various support systems for learning and class instruction are being effectively implemented, including the “Coursebase” cloud learning management system used for pre-enrollment education and office hours systems that provides students with a high degree of freedom. Furthermore, the University also has a substantial financial support system for students that includes grant-type scholarships. In order to verify the diploma policy’s degree of achievement, surveys of the employment status of Fourth Year students and businesses employing Fourth Year graduates are carried out, and the results of these are used to assess the degree of achievement of educational objectives, to improve educational content, and various other purposes. Effective collaboration and teamwork among faculty and staff is being demonstrated in an appropriate manner, such ad close collaboration between the library and the Career Support Office. In order to achieve educational objectives, the educational environment and facilities such as the chapel are maintained, while the library has a large collection of books and materials covering a wide range of genres, including materials related to Christianity, available for students’ use.
Standard 3. Management, Administration and Finance
In order to realize the University’s mission and goals, in terms of management, Okinawa Christian Institute Administration Liaison Meetings are held twice a month with the aim of optimizing and accelerating Board of Trustees’ decision-making. Furthermore, in terms of education and learning, the University Council holds meetings every month to deliberate on important matters contributing to the University President’s final decisions. As the highest decision-making organ, the Board of Trustees currently comprises 10 board members who have a high rate of attendance at meetings; even when directors are unable to attend a meeting, they are able to vote for or against agenda items in advance by “Written Notifications of Intentions Regarding Board of Trustees’ Meeting Agenda Items”. With regard to Staff Development (SD) implementation policies and planning, policies and plans are formulated by the University Council, and together with administrative staff self-development support policies, examination fee assistance for acquiring specific qualifications and other matters are considered. In the 2017 academic year, the “Fourth Medium-to-Long-Term Five-Year Plan” and the medium- to-long-term financial plan were formulated, and efforts are being made to realize a stable financial base while reflecting these plans in business plans for single academic years.
Standard 4. Self-Inspection and Evaluation
Based on the Okinawa Christian University Self-Inspection, Evaluation, and Improvement Committee Regulations, independent activities are carried out each academic year using Self- Inspection and Evaluation Sheets for each organization. Highly transparent self-inspections and evaluations are assured by conducting various questionnaire surveys of students and analyzing the collected data. Results of self-inspections and evaluations are reported to the Board of Trustees and Faculty Council, as well as posted on the University’s official website, so that they are made widely known both throughout and outside the University. Based on the medium-to-long-term plan, each organization formulates its objectives and plan for the academic year, carries out “inspection and evaluation of initiative results”, and then presents issues for the next academic year and improvement policies, and to these processes is added evaluation by the Self-Inspection, Evaluation, and Improvement Committee”. This PDCA cycle demonstrates the University’s activities for realizing its mission, goals and educational objectives. In summary, in order to realize the University’s mission, goals and educational objectives based on founding principles rooted in the spirit of Christianity, not only the leadership of the Chairperson and President but also the collaboration and teamwork among faculty and staff are being effectively demonstrated, and the University is steadily implementing various initiatives. Note that with regard to the University’s unique initiatives regarding its mission and goals, the general comments on “Standard A. Peace education” should be referred to.
Assessment For The Improvement of Teaching and Learning of Christian Religious Knowledge in Secondary Schools in Awgu Education Zone, Enugu State, Nigeria