Who Will Be GE's Most Feared Competitor in The Next Five Years? Why?
Who Will Be GE's Most Feared Competitor in The Next Five Years? Why?
Who Will Be GE's Most Feared Competitor in The Next Five Years? Why?
Who will be GE's most feared competitor in the next five years? Why?
IBM will be the GE's most feared competitor. IBM is much more experienced in analytics,
big data and smart computing. IBM doesn't sell the hardware as GE. IBM has no worry of
software bundling with machines or synchronising with the existing software platform.
Therefore, IBM is more agile. It has worked on large data across multiple establishments
(airports, etc) and proved its credibility by offering efficiency driven solutions. This expertise
can be leveraged on GE assets.
Smarter Planet initiative: This helps companies to analyze and draw inferences out of the
large data generated by their connected devices and industrial equipments, leading to
enhanced customer satisfaction. Via Smarter cities project, IBM is targeting digital solutions
for energy, water, environment, and transport.
Other offerings: The low-cost “Do-it-yourself” kit enabled customers to filter data ranging
from inputs such as GPS, temperature etc. MessageSight, empowering its users to sort data
from their digital devices, was launched. IBM`s puresystems platform was reinforced by the
power systems solutions for multiple industries. The platform was further strengthened by
enhanced analytics and digital solutions. These offerings, launched in 2013, aimed to dent
GE`s future market share.