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Cross Currency Swap Valuation

Article  in  SSRN Electronic Journal · May 2005

DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.1375540 · Source: OAI


122 12,871

2 authors:

Wolfram Boenkost Wolfgang Schmidt

Lucht Probst Associates GmbH Frankfurt School of Finance & Management


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Cross currency swap valuation∗
Wolfram Boenkost
Lucht Probst Associates GmbH, 60311 Frankfurt
Wolfgang M. Schmidt
HfB - Business School of Finance & Management,
Centre for Practical Quantitative Finance, 60314 Frankfurt

May 6, 2005

Cross currency swaps are powerful instruments to transfer assets or liabil-
ities from one currency into another. The market charges for this a liquid-
ity premium, the cross currency basis spread, which should be taken into
account by the valuation methodology. We describe and compare two val-
uation methods for cross currency swaps which are based upon using two
different discounting curves. The first method is very popular in practice
but inconsistent with single currency swap valuation methods. The second
method is consistent for all swap valuations but leads to mark-to-market
values for single currency off market swaps, which can be quite different to
standard valuation results.

Key words: interest rate swap, cross currency swap, basis spread

JEL Classification: G13

The authors are grateful to Tim Dun for pointing out some numerical errors in a pervious
version of this paper.

1 Single currency swap valuation 3

2 Cross currency basis swaps 4

2.1 Valuation based on a modified discount curve . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Valuation based on modified fixed and floating discount curve . . 7

3 Conclusion 11

1 Single currency swap valuation
Denote by DF(T ) the discount factor from the swap curve for a cash flow at time
Consider a fixed-floating standard interest rate swap with reference dates
0 = T¯0 < T̄1 < · · · < T̄n
on the fixed leg and reference dates
0 = T0 < T1 < · · · < Tm
for the floating leg, T̄n = Tm . Denote by ∆ ¯ i (resp. ∆i ) the length (day count
fraction) of the period [T̄i−1 , T̄i ] (resp. [Ti−1 , Ti ]) according to the specified fixed
(resp. floating) leg day count convention. For the period [Ti−1 , Ti ] the variable
rate (Libor) Li is set (fixed) in the market at time Ti−1 and the amount ∆i · Li is
paid at time Ti . The forward rate L0i for the period [Ti−1 , Ti ] is defined as
DF(Ti−1 )
DF(Ti )
L0i = . (1)
One says, the forward rate L0i is projected or forecasted from the discount curve.
By well-known replication and no-arbitrage arguments the value today of the
floating interest rate (Libor) cash flow ∆i · Li for period [Ti−1 , Ti ] is its discounted
forward rate
∆i · L0i · DF(Ti ) = DF(Ti−1 ) − DF(Ti ). (2)
Therefore the value of the whole floating leg is simply
DF(T0 ) − DF(Tm ) = 1 − DF(Tm ) = 1 − DF(T̄n ). (3)
As a consequence the value of a floating rate bond is always at par
1= ∆i · L0i · DF(Ti ) + DF(Tm ).

The value of the fixed leg with fixed rate C is obviously

¯ i DF(T̄i ).
C∆ (4)

If Cn is the fair swap rate for maturity T̄n , i.e., (3) = (4), we get the following
1= ¯ i DF(T̄i ) + DF(T̄n ),
Cn ∆

i.e., a fixed coupon bond with maturity T̄n and coupon Cn admits a price of par.
This is the basis for the recursive bootstrapping relationship for the discount fac-
tors Pn−1 ¯
1 − C n i=1 ∆i DF(T̄i )
DF(T¯n ) = ¯ n Cn , n = 1, . . . (5)
from market quoted fair swap rates Cn .

2 Cross currency basis swaps

Cross currency swaps differ from single currency swaps by the fact that the in-
terests rate payments on the two legs are in different currencies. So on one leg
interest rate payments are in currency 1 on a notional amount N1 and on the other
leg interest rate payments are in currency 2 calculated on a notional amount N2 in
that currency. At inception of the trade the notional principal amounts in the two
currencies are usually set to be fair given the spot foreign exchange rate X, i.e.
N1 = X · N2 , i.e., the current spot foreign exchange rate is used for the relation-
ship of the notional amounts for all future exchanges. Contrary to single currency
swaps there is usually an exchange of principals at maturity. So a cross currency
swap can be seen as exchange of the payments of two bonds, one in currency 1
with principal N1 , the other in currency 2 with principal N2 .


interest flows in ccy 2 on notional N2

6 6 6 6

T0 Tm
? ? ? ?

interest flows in ccy 1 on notional N1


If a leg is floating the variable reference rate refers to the payment currency of that
leg – otherwise this would be a so-called quanto swap.
From the possible types of cross currency swaps: fixed versus fixed, fixed versus
floating and floating versus floating, the latter type is particularly important and
called a basis swap. Combining a basis swap with a single currency swap the
other types can be generated synthetically. It therefore suffices to investigate basis
swaps and this also explains why the market quotes only basis swaps.

A basis swap is basically an exchange of two floating rate bonds. Following the
arguments of the previous section the price of a floater is always1 par. For a
cross currency basis swap this means that the two legs should have a value of
N1 and N2 , respectively. Consequently, if the two principal amounts are linked
by today’s foreign exchange rate X: N1 = X · N2 , the basis swap is fair. This
is theoretically true, but in practice the market quotes basis swaps to be fair if
there is a certain spread, called cross currency basis spread, on top of the floating
rate of one leg of the basis swap. Theoretically this would imply an arbitrage
opportunity. However, cross currency swaps are powerful instruments to transfer
assets or liabilities from one currency into another one and the market is charging
a liquidity premium of one currency over the other. The market quotes cross
currency basis spreads usually relative to a liquidity benchmark, e.g. USD or
EUR Libor. Here is an example of cross currency basis swap quotes against the
liquidity benchmark USD:


Basis Swaps - All currencies vs. 3m USD LIBOR - Also see <ICAB2>
1 Yr +3.125/+1.125 -02.00/-05.00 +02.50/-01.50 +1.50/-1.50 -3.75/-6.75
2 Yr +3.000/+1.000 -02.00/-05.00 +02.50/-01.50 +1.00/-2.00 -2.50/-5.50
3 Yr +3.000/+1.000 -01.75/-04.75 +02.25/-01.75 +0.25/-3.00 -1.00/-4.00
4 Yr +3.000/+1.000 -01.75/-04.75 +02.00/-02.00 -0.75/-3.75 -0.25/-3.25
5 Yr +2.750/+0.750 -02.00/-05.00 +01.75/-02.25 -1.25/-4.25 +0.25/-3.25
7 Yr +2.750/+0.750 -02.50/-05.50 +00.75/-03.25 -1.50/-4.50 +0.25/-2.75
10Yr +2.750/+0.750 -04.50/-07.50 -00.75/-04.75 -1.50/-4.50 +0.25/-2.75
15Yr +4.125/+0.125 -10.50/-13.50 -02.25/-06.25 -0.75/-4.75 +2.50/-2.50
20Yr +4.125/+0.125 -15.25/-18.25 -02.50/-06.50 -0.25/-4.25 +2.50/-2.50
30Yr +4.125/+0.125 -23.25/-26.25 -02.50/-06.50 *FOR 3M V 6M EUR/EUR <ICAB4>**
1 Yr -1.00/-5.00 -4.00/-8.00 +12.50/+08.50 +02.00/-07.00 +05.00/-12.00
2 Yr -1.50/-4.50 -4.00/-8.00 +13.50/+09.50 +01.50/-06.50 +05.00/-12.00
3 Yr -1.25/-4.25 -4.00/-8.00 +14.25/+10.25 +01.50/-06.50 +05.00/-12.00
4 Yr -1.00/-4.00 -3.75/-7.75 +15.25/+11.25 +01.50/-06.50 +03.00/-10.00
5 Yr -0.25/-3.25 -3.75/-7.75 +16.25/+12.25 +01.50/-06.50 +03.00/-10.00
7 Yr +0.25/-3.00 -3.75/-7.75 +17.00/+13.00 +01.50/-06.50 +03.00/-10.00
10Yr +0.25/-3.00 -3.75/-7.75 +17.00/+13.00 +01.50/-06.50 +03.00/-10.00
15Yr +1.25/-3.75 -3.50/-8.50 +17.25/+13.25
20Yr +1.25/-3.75 -3.50/-8.50 +17.25/+13.25
Call Brendan McVeigh or Marcus Kemp or Simon Payne on +44 (0)20 7463 4520

For example, a 10 years cross currency basis swap of 3 months USD Libor flat
against JPY Libor is fair with a spread if -4.5 basis points if USD Libor is received
and with a spread of -7.5 basis points if USD Libor is paid.
Evaluating cross currency swaps requires discounting the cash flows with the dis-
count factors for the respective currency of the flow. But clearly, a valuation of
those instruments along the lines of Section 1 would show a profit or loss which
is not existent. It is therefore necessary to incorporate the cross currency basis
spread into the valuation methodology to be consistent with the market.
First of all one has to agree on a liquidity reference currency (benchmark) which
is usually chosen to be USD or EUR. Swap cash flows in the liquidity reference
At the beginning of each interest period.
Freitag, 19. Dezember 2003 08:34:54:ICAB1 for user REUTERS2@RSD0237-2 [Reuters Kobra] Page 1

currency are valued exactly as described in Section 1 since there is no need for
liquidity adjustments there.
For all currencies different from the liquidity benchmark the idea is to use two
different discount factor curves depending on whether to forecast or value variable
cash flows or to discount cash flows.
Denote by sm the market quoted fair cross currency basis spread2 for maturity Tm
on top of the floating rate for the given currency relative to the chosen liquidity
reference. The fact that sm is the fair spread is equivalent to saying that a floating
rate bond with maturity Tm in the given currency which pays Libor plus spread
sm values to par.

2.1 Valuation based on a modified discount curve

We start by describing a valuation methodology for cross currency swaps which is
quite popular among practitioners but unfortunately inconsistent with the standard
single currency swap valuation method.
In this approach we use two discount factor curves: one for projecting forward
rates according to (1) and the other for finally discounting all cash flows.
From single currency swap quotes the standard curve of discount factors DF(t) is
extracted following formula (5). These standard discount factors are solely used
to project forward rates according to (1):
DF(Ti−1 )
DF(Ti )
L0i = .
Now in order to assure that a floater which pays Libor plus spread sn is at par one
has to introduce another curve of discount factors DF? (t) to be used exclusively
for discounting cash flows. The defining condition for this curve DF? (t) is then
1= ∆i (L0i + sm ) DF? (Ti ) + DF? (Tm ), m = 1, . . .

and we obtain the recursive bootstrapping relation

1 − m−1 0 ?
? i=1 ∆i (Li + sm ) DF (Ti )
DF (Tm ) = , m = 1, . . . (6)
1 + ∆m (L0m + sm )

The discount factors from the curve DF? (t) are used for discounting any fixed or
floating cash flows in a cross currency swap. Cross currency swap valuations are
thus consistent with the cross currency swap market quotes.
In practice we would take the mid-market spread from the market quotes.

However, applying the same methodology to single currency swaps obviously
leads to a mispricing of those instruments. That is single currency swaps have
to be valued differently and according to the standard methodology of Section 1.
On one hand, this is clearly unsatisfactory since the valuation methodology for
one and the same cash flow should not depend on the type of originating trade
for that cash flow. Applying different and non-consistent valuation methodologies
to single currency and cross currency swaps implies that there are theoretically
opportunities for arbitrage within these products.
On the other hand, since the market charges a different premium for liquidity for
single currency and cross currency swaps this can also be seen to justify the use
different discounting curves for the two types of trades.
Here is an illustrating example for the two discount factor curves assuming for
simplicity everywhere an annual payment frequency and a 30/360 day count con-
vention, i.e. ∆i = ∆¯ i = 1.

Tn Cn sn DF(Tn ) from (5) DF? (Tn ) from (6)

1 5.00% -0.10% 0.952381 0.953289
2 5.10% -0.12% 0.905260 0.907339
3 5.20% -0.14% 0.858748 0.862218
4 5.30% -0.16% 0.812945 0.817985
5 5.40% -0.18% 0.767947 0.774694
6 5.50% -0.20% 0.723838 0.732392
7 5.60% -0.22% 0.680698 0.691121
8 5.70% -0.24% 0.638596 0.650917
9 5.80% -0.26% 0.597595 0.611810
10 5.90% -0.28% 0.557750 0.573823

2.2 Valuation based on modified fixed and floating discount

We will use two discount factors curves:
(i) the first one, DF(t), will be used to discount all fixed cash flows,
(ii) the second one, DF? (t), will be applied to completely value floating cash
flows, see equation (9) below.
The power of this approach is that both, cross currency swaps and single currency
swaps, are valued consistently in one and the same framework.
The two conditions on the two discount factor curves are
• the value of a coupon bond with coupon equal to the swap rate Cn is identi-
cal to the value of a floating rate bond,

• a floating rate bond which pays Libor plus cross currency basis spread sn
values to par.

Combining these conditions a fixed coupon bond paying the coupon Cn plus the
cross currency basis spread sn should have a value of par:
X m
1= ¯ i Cn DF(T̄i ) +
∆ ∆j sm DF(Tj ) + DF(T̄n ). (7)
i=1 j=1

From this equation the curve DF(t) can be extracted. If in particular, the floating
and fixed legs admit the same frequency, i.e. T̄i = Ti , then we have the following
simple bootstrapping equation
Pn−1 ¯
1− i=1 (∆i Cn + ∆i sn )DF(T̄i )
DF(T̄n ) = ¯ n C n + ∆ n sn . (8)

Now, in order to determine the second curve of discount factors, analogously to

equation (2) we define the value today of the floating interest rate (Libor) cash
flow for period [Ti−1 , Ti ] as given by

DF? (Ti−1 ) − DF? (Ti ). (9)

This also implies the desirable property that the value of a series of subsequent
floating rate cash flows over the time interval [T0 , Tm ] is just DF? (T0 )−DF? (Tm )
and is thus independent of the payment frequency. The second condition above
now implies the following requirement
1 = DF? (T0 ) − DF? (Tm ) + ∆j sm DF(Tj ) + DF(Tm ).

Setting, DF? (T0 ) = 1, T0 = 0, this gives

DF (Tm ) = DF(Tm ) + sm ∆j DF(Tj ). (10)

This defines the second curve of discount factors DF? (t).

The principal idea of this approach is closely related to the approach proposed
by Fruchard, Zammouri and Williams [?]. Somehow their idea did get not much
attraction in practice - one possible reason for that might be that their paper is hard
to understand. They use a so-called margin function F (t) to adjust forward rates.

First discount factors DF(t) are extracted from (7) and then a floating rate cash
flow for period [Ti−1 , Ti ] is evaluated according to the following formula

DF(Ti−1 ) !
DF(Ti )
−1 F (Ti ) − F (Ti−1 )
+ ∆i DF(Ti ). (11)
∆i ∆i DF(Ti )

DF(Ti−1 )
DF(Ti )
−1 F (Ti ) − F (Ti−1 )
i = + (12)
∆i ∆i DF(Ti )
is an adjusted forward rate consisting of the standard forward rate from the dis-
count curve DF(t) (cf. (1)) plus an adjustment for liquidity defined by the margin
function F (t). Simplifying (11) we end up with

(11) = DF(Ti−1 ) − DF(Ti ) − F (Ti−1 ) + F (Ti )

and comparing with (9) the relationship of the margin function F (t) to our dis-
count curve DF? (t) above is simply

F (t) = DF(t) − DF? (t).

Now consider the same example as in the previous approach to illustrate the cal-
culation of the two curves.

Tn Cn sn DF(Tn ) from (8) DF? (Tn ) from (10)

1 5.00% -0.10% 0.953289 0.952336
2 5.10% -0.12% 0.907341 0.905108
3 5.20% -0.14% 0.862224 0.858412
4 5.30% -0.16% 0.818000 0.812335
5 5.40% -0.18% 0.774727 0.766959
6 5.50% -0.20% 0.732454 0.722358
7 5.60% -0.22% 0.691228 0.678601
8 5.70% -0.24% 0.651087 0.635750
9 5.80% -0.26% 0.612066 0.593860
10 5.90% -0.28% 0.574195 0.552980

For easy comparison we also show the standard discount factors form (5), the
standard forward rates and the adjusted forward rates from (12).

Tn DF(Tn ) from (5) L0n from (1) adjusted L0n from (12)
1 0.952381 5.000% 5.000%
2 0.905260 5.205% 5.205%
3 0.858748 5.416% 5.416%
4 0.812945 5.634% 5.633%
5 0.767947 5.860% 5.857%
6 0.723838 6.094% 6.089%
7 0.680698 6.338% 6.330%
8 0.638596 6.593% 6.581%
9 0.597595 6.861% 6.844%
10 0.557750 7.144% 7.120%

Although the standard forward rates and the adjusted forward rates differ in most
cases, fortunately, as already indicated by the example, the forward rate from (1)
and the adjusted forward rate (12) for the first period [T0 , T1 ] are identical. In fact,
let the floating and fixed legs admit the same frequency and day count convention,
¯ i = ∆i . Then the standard forward rate L0 for the period [T0 , T1 ]
i.e. T̄i = Ti , ∆ 1
(cf (1)) is just L01 = C1 . On the other hand, the adjusted forward rate L0,adj
1 is

DF? (T0 ) − DF? (T1 )

1 =
∆1 DF(T1 )
DF(T1 ) = see (8)
1 + ∆ 1 C 1 + ∆ 1 s1
DF? (T1 ) = DF(T1 )(1 + ∆1 s1 ) see (10).

Substituting we end up again with

1 = C1 .

This is important to ensure that projected cash flows turn continuously into their

So far the current approach seems appropriate since it really captures simultane-
ously both types of market information, the single currency fair swap rates Cn and
the cross currency basis spreads sn . But what are the drawbacks?
Generally speaking in the current approach also cash flows in standard single cur-
rency swaps are discounted differently compared to the standard approach in Sec-
tion 1. For example, the present value of the upcoming next cash flow on the
floating side is 5% · DF(T1 ) = 4.76644% in the current approach compared to
5% · DF(T1 ) = 4.76190% in the standard valuation.

This gets even more pronounced when it comes to mark-to-market valuation of
off market swaps. Consider a 10 years single currency swap with 200 basis points
off market fixed rate of C =7.9%. In the standard approach of Section 1 its
net present value is 1499.15 basis points compared to 1515.32 basis points in
the current approach. This difference is equivalent to a fixed rate difference of
2.157 basis points. Clearly, for a swap which is not too far from being fair the
differences are much smaller. Obviously this has consequences, for example, on
the fair values for unwinding an off market swap position with a counterparty.

3 Conclusion
We describe and discuss two valuation approaches for cross currency swaps. The
challenging element of cross currency swap valuation is that the market quotes a
certain liquidity premium of one currency over the other which has to be taken
care of in the pricing methodology.
The first approach, being widely used in practice yields inconsistencies and thus
arbitrage opportunities between single currency and cross currency swaps.
The second approach is able to handle both types of swaps consistently in one and
the same framework. The major drawback of this approach is that mark-to-market
valuation of single currency swaps can be slightly different from the results of the
current standard valuation method, in particular, for off market positions. Future
developments have to show if market participants adopt this methodology.


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