Capital Structureand Profitabilityof Deposit Money Banks

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Capital Structure and Profitability of Deposit Money Banks: Empirical

Evidence from Nigeria

Article  in  European Journal of International Management · December 2016


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3 authors:

Yakubu Shaba Baba Nmadu Yaaba

Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto Central Bank of Nigeria


Ibrahim Abubakar



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European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.8, No.23, 2016

Capital Structure and Profitability of Deposit Money Banks:

Empirical Evidence from Nigeria
Yakubu Shaba, PhD*1 Baba N. Yaaba, PhD2 Ibrahim Abubakar3
1. Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo
University, P. O. Box, 2346, Sokoto, Nigeria
2. Department of Statistics, Central Bank of Nigeria, Plot 33, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Way, Central
Business District, Cadastral Zone, Federal Capital Territory, P.M.B. 0187, Garki Abuja, Nigeria
3. Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo
University, P. O. Box, 2346, Sokoto, Nigeria

The banking sector consolidation exercise that took place in Nigeria in 2005 did not only reduce the number of
Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) but diversified their capital structure and adjusted their regulatory capital
requirements. Given these developments, it is imperative that the DMBs determine the most optimal financing
mix which minimises the cost of financing as well as maximises returns. This study empirically examined the
impact of capital structure (owners’ funds and borrowed funds) on bank profitability in Nigeria. Applying
autoregressive distributed lag model on a sample of 13 DMBs from 2005 through 2014, the study found that
about 83 per cent of total assets employed by the DMBs are not financed by owners, confirming the hypothesis
that banks are highly levered institutions. Consistent with the agency and static trade-off theories of capital
structure and earlier empirical findings in Nigeria, the results further found evidence of a positive and
significant influence of both owners’ and borrowed funds on profitability. However, borrowed funds was found
to be more prevalent in enhancing the performance of DMBs during the study period. Following these findings
therefore, the study recommends that DMBs should study and understand the dynamics of capital structure to
enable them make optimal capital mix decision. In addition, since debt is more critical in boosting profitability
of banks in Nigeria, DMBs should employ more debt than equity in financing real investment with positive net
present values. The management and board of directors of DMBs should incentivise lenders and depositors so as
to enhance easy access to funds other than shareholders’. Additional incentives on depositors’ and creditors’
funds such as increase in their returns are capable of attracting more funds from the investing public to create

Key Words: Capital Structure, Owners’ Funds, Borrowed Funds, Gross Earnings, Deposit Money Banks,

1.0 Introduction
The banking sector consolidation exercise that took place in Nigeria in 2005 did not only lead to reduction in
number of Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) but also diversified their capital structure. While the total number
reduced from 89 to 25, shareholders’ funds grew sporadically from an average of sixty-two billion naira (N62bn)
to seventy-three billion naira (N73bn) (Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, 2005). Conversely, borrowed funds
plummeted from an average of sixty-five billion naira (N65bn) in 2004 to forty-seven billion naira (N47bn) in
2005. Consequently, the regulatory capital requirement affected mainly the shareholders’ funds and by
implication tied down a sizeable component of these funds. Thus, in most cases, owners of banks resorted to
borrowed funds to finance their activities.

With the increase in owners’ funds, the CBN adjusted the regulatory capital requirements of banks such that Tier
1 for instance, increased from 8.0 per cent as provided by the Basel II Accord to 10.0 per cent for banks that
operate within Nigeria. Whilst banks that have international presence where required to have Tier 1 capital at
15.0 per cent, the systemically important banks were urged to keep Tier 1 capital at 16.0 per cent (CBN, 2010).

The change in the capital structure as well as prudent regulatory capital requirement notwithstanding, some of
the DMBs still experienced liquidity squeeze in 2009 leading to intervention by the CBN. The CBN injected six
hundred and twenty billion naira (N620bn) into 3 banks (Platinum Habib Bank Plc, Afribank Bank Plc & Spring
Bank Plc) in form of Tier 2 capital and thereafter nationalised them. The intervention was considered as the
saving grace for the affected banks. However, it is imperative that the players (DMBs) determine the most
optimal financing mix which minimizes the cost of financing as well as maximizes returns for the banks.

European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.8, No.23, 2016

To this effect therefore, analysts and policy makers have expressed divergent opinions as to which of the
components of capital available to DMBs boost their profitability. In literature, three differing views have been
put forward by scholars of corporate finance: First, a positive relationship between high equity-to-debt ratio and
firm profitability such that firms depend more on owners’ funds than borrowed funds. The second is a
relationship between high debt-to-equity ratio and firm profitability such that firms rely heavily on borrowed
funds relatively to owners’ funds. The last scenario depicts a middle position between owners’ funds and
borrowed funds. The applicability of any given scenario at any particular point in time, however, depends largely
on the cost of financing particularly of the borrowed funds. This study is an attempt to empirically examine the
component of capital that is critical to profitability of DMBs in Nigeria.

To achieve this objective, the study is divided into five sections. After this brief introduction is section two
which considers the literature review. Section three details the methodology and data used for the estimation
while section four discusses the results. Section five concludes the results and proffers some policy implications.

2.0 Literature Review

This section is divided into two – theoretical and empirical reviews. Whilst the former reviews theories
underpinning capital structure, the latter reviews scholarly works on the subject within and outside Nigeria.

2.1 Theoretical Review

The best combination of capital (optimal mix of debt and equity) is one of the most critical financial decisions
for any firm because of its impact on shareholders’ risk and return. Such decisions are taken not only to
maximise shareholder wealth, but also to make certain the firm’s capacity to cope with the uncertain, volatile,
versatile and competitive business environment.

The root of capital structure theory dates back to the seminal work of Modigliani and Miller (1958). The authors
argued that the value of the firm is not dependent on its financial structure. Put slightly differently, the value of a
levered firm equals the value of an unlevered firm. Recognising the effects of benefits of tax shield of debt,
Modigliani and Miller (1963) relaxed their assumptions of no taxes and transactions costs on the ground that
debt can reduce the payment obligations related to corporate tax as this minimises the weighted average cost of
capital and maximises firm performance and value. The validity of these claims according to Tudose (2012) is
verified only in the context of their assumptions which characterise an ideal situation. Nevertheless, today, their
pioneer works serve as the starting point and the foundation of modern finance.

In the 1960s to the 1970s, corporate finance scholars (see Kraus & Litzenberger, 1973; Miller, 1977; Scott, 1977;
Kim, 1978) rekindled and modified the debate towards examining the way in which firms manage to balance the
bankruptcy costs with the benefits of tax shields derived from leverage. For instance, Miller (1977) hypothesised
that the optimal leverage ratio of the firm is determined by the trade-off between current tax shield benefits of
debt and higher bankruptcy costs implied by the higher degree of corporate indebtedness. It assumes that firms
balance the marginal present values of interest tax shields against the costs of financial distress. The works of
Kraus and Litzenberger (1973), Miller (1977), Scott (1977) and Kim (1978) among others were later grouped
under the static trade-off theory whose underlying claim is that firms set a target debt ratio which they attempt to
reach in order to maximise shareholders return. In other words, the theory argues that a firm substitutes debt for
equity or equity for debt until the value of the firm is maximized. Graham and Harvey (2001) and Desai (2007)
however argued that the tax advantage is more critical for large, regulated and dividend-paying firms, that is,
firms that probably have high corporate tax rates enjoy large tax incentives to use debt. This theory assumes a
positive relationship between a firm’s leverage and performance.

In the mid 1970s, research efforts shifted to agency costs, focusing on two categories of conflicts of interest
between managers and shareholders, on one hand, and creditors and shareholders, on the other (Jensen &
Meckling, 1976). The former arises when shareholders fail to monitor the activities of managers. Thus, the
theory assumes that in the presence of information asymmetry, the agent (in this case, the directors and
managers) is likely to pursue interests and preferences that may be detrimental to the principal or owner (Fama,
1980). Corporate finance scholars have however argued that higher leverage can mitigate conflicts between
shareholders and managers regarding the amount of risk a firm undertakes (see Jensen and Meckling, 1976) and
the choice of investment it makes (see Myers, 1977).

The latter arises from debt contract that makes shareholders invest sub-optimally. This is based on the
assumption that optimal capital structure represents a compromise between the effects of interest tax shield,
financial distress costs and agency costs (Tudose, 2012). However, Jensen (1986) argues that there are two main

European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.8, No.23, 2016

advantages a levered firm enjoys. The first is the tax shield. Usually, interest on debt is non-tax deductible and
profits realised from the use of it are taxed lower, hence, it is expected that debt would help in raising the value
of the firm. The second benefit is derived from the use of debt to discipline managers. Besides, the law usually
guarantees a right of partial information disclosure to the company’s debt holders, which serves as additional
managers’ supervision tool. Consequently, company managers become more transparent and have more
incentives to create higher value for the equity owners which Jensen (1986) argued is the essence of free cash
flow theory of capital structure.

Drawing from the above, the agency cost theory proposed by Jensen and Meckling (1976) predicts a positive
relationship between debt and profitability. In fact, large creditors have interest in seeing that managers take
performance-improving mechanisms. These mechanisms according to Jensen & Meckling (1976) include among
others; monitoring by debt holders; managers’ fear of bankruptcy and liquidation following misuse of funds,
which may lead to loss of jobs, reputation and salaries; untimely termination of debt agreement by the creditor;
and reduction of over-investments. Thus, it is expected that as debt increases in the context of low agency costs,
the level of efficiency will increase thereby raising firm performance. Berger and Bonaccorsi di Patti (2006)
argue that higher leverage or a lower equity capital ratio is associated with higher profit efficiency, a finding that
is consistent with agency theory. In good times, higher level of leverage profits the shareholders more than the
creditors, but this does not hold when performance is very low. In fact, when performance gets to a certain level
and the firm moves towards insolvency, shareholders face the risk of losing only their investments thereby
passing the risk to the creditors especially in Nigeria where there are weak legal and regulatory environments.

Ross (1973) considered the choice of debt within the signalling theory framework and found that firms with
lower expected cash flows secure debt at a higher cost. Consequently, when the firm secures new debt, it
commits itself to future interest payments and signals about its stable financial position and ability to make these
payments in the future. Similarly, Demsetz (1973) and Berger and Bonaccorsi di Patti (2006) used the
efficiency-risk hypothesis to argue that higher efficiency of the firm reduces expected costs of bankruptcy, and
such firms may attract more debt. On the other hand, according to the franchise value hypothesis, more efficient
firms would like to protect economic rent derived from their efficiency, and might choose lower leverage.

Myers (1984) and Myers and Majluf (1984), in the 1980s, developed the pecking-order theory otherwise known
as the asymmetric information model. This development refocused research thinking towards information
asymmetry among investors and firms. The theory postulates that there is a hierarchy in the firm’s preference for
financing investments and that compliance with the hierarchy represents the optimal financial structure. Thus,
firms prefer internal to external financing, although, they would embrace the latter if necessary to finance real
investment with positive net present values. Since issuing new shares is detrimental to existing shareholders’
interest, managers will prefer to finance investments from internal source (i.e. retained earnings); if this source
proves insufficient, they will then opt for external sources (first, by less risky debt, followed by risky debt, and
then equity). The theory postulates a negative relationship between debt financing and firm performance.
Accordingly, more profitable firms earn higher return that can in turn be retained making them opt for lower
amount of debt as against less profitable companies who do not enjoy same and are therefore compelled to
employ more debt in order to finance ongoing activities.

In extant literature, various firm level and industry specific characteristics are critical determinants of capital
structure of firms. These characteristics according to Chechet and Olayiwola (2014) include firm age, firm size,
firm risk, asset structure, profitability, growth, tax and ownership structure. Harris and Raviv (1991) earlier
contended that most of the studies concur that leverage increases with fixed assets, non-debt tax shields, growth
opportunities, firm size and decreases with volatility, advertising expenditures, research and development costs,
bankruptcy probability, profitability and uniqueness of the product. For instance, McConnell and Servaes (1995)
found that whereas negative effect of leverage on performance tends to exist for high-growth firms, the opposite
situation occurs for firms with low investment opportunities.

2.2 Empirical Literature Review

This subsection discusses some empirical studies, which examined the impact of capital structure on firm
performance. The subsection is divided into three: the first presents past studies that indicate a positive
relationship; the second shows a negative correlation while the last displays mixed results.

2.2.1 Capital Structure and Firm Performance: A Positive Relationship

Idode, Adeleke, Ogunlowore and Ashogbon (2014) examine the influence of capital structure on profitability of
Nigerian banks from 2008 to 2012 using expost-factor research design and multiple regression technique. The

European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.8, No.23, 2016

study employs return on assets (ROA) measured as earnings before taxes (EBT) divided by total assets as a
measure of bank performance and total debt to total assets ratio and total equity to total assets ratio as
independent variables. The findings show that capital structure has a significant positive influence on
profitability of Nigerian banks. On the basis of this finding, the study recommends that directors and
management should use both equity and debt in financing their business activities as supported by the pecking
order and agency theories.

Similarly, Adesina, Nwidobie and Adesina (2015) examine the impact of post-consolidation capital structure on
the financial performance of 10 Nigerian banks for the period 2005 through 2012. The study which employed
profit before tax as a dependent variable, equity and debt as independent variables and Ordinary Least Squares as
a regression technique shows that capital structure has a significant positive relationship with the profitability of
Nigerian quoted banks. The authors suggest among others the use of debt and equity capital in financing
Nigerian banks to improve earnings.

2.2.2 Negative Relationship between Capital Structure and Firm Performance

In contrast to the above, most studies provide evidence of significant negative impact of capital structure on firm
performance. For instance, Soumadi and Hayajneh (2010) investigate the effect of capital structure on
performance of 76 (53 industrial and 23 service) out of 129 firms listed on the Amman Stock Exchange of
Jordan for the period 2001 through 2006. The study which employs financial leverage, tangible assets and firm
growth as proxies for capital structure (independent variables); return on equity and Tobin’s Q as measures of
firm performance; firm size as a control variable, uses multiple regression model represented by Ordinary Least
Squares (OLS). The study which also excludes financial services firms because of their capital structure
characteristics provides evidence of a significant negative relationship between capital structure and performance
of both classes of firms. The results which also revealed significant negative impact of capital structure on
performance of high and low levered firms and high and low growth firms, showed no significant differences
between the performances of high and low levered firms and high and low growth firms.

In an attempt to investigate the impact of capital structure on bank performance, Awunyo-Vitor and Badu (2012)
empirically examine the relationship between capital structure and performance of 7 listed Ghanaian banks from
2000 to 2010. The authors employ debt to equity ratio as an independent variable; return on assets, return on
equity and Tobin’s Q as proxies for bank performance and firm size, firm age, current liability and board size as
control variables. The study which uses panel regression methodology revealed that the sampled banks are
highly levered and this is significantly negatively related to their return on equity and Tobin’s Q. The study also
showed an insignificant negative impact of capital structure on return on assets. The authors attributed these
findings to the banks’ over-dependence on short-term debt which gives rise to high bank lending rate and low
level of bond market activities. The study recommends among others the need for Ghanaian listed banks to rely
more on internally generated funds to finance their activities and that where debt would be used, the banks
should search for low interest-bearing ones so that the tax shield benefit of the loan will exceed the financial
distress associated with it. The authors also suggest that regulatory authorities liaise with other stakeholders in
the financial sector to develop an efficient bond market so that banks can raise long-term debt to avoid
overreliance on short-term debt and that the authorities should also reconsider increase in tax relief as this is
likely to enable the banks to have enough profit after tax that would increase retained earnings to improve
internal investment.

In an effort to contribute to empirical literature, Iavorskyi (2013) investigates the impact of capital structure
(debt-to-assets ratio) on performance (return on assets, return on sales and total factor productivity) of 16,500
Ukrainian firms between 2001 and 2010. Institutional factors such as firm size, industry and exit/entry were also
used. The study which hypothesised that financial leverage positively affects firm activity through disciplining of
managers, tax shield and signalling effects, uses Least Square Dummy Variable Regression with robust standard
errors in order to capture fixed effects and address possible heteroskedasticity issues. The findings reveal a
negative relationship between leverage and firm performance, a finding which is in disagreement with the free-
cash-flow or the trade-off theory of capital structure but in support of the hypothesis of the pecking-order theory.

Opoku, Audu and Anarfi (2013) employ a panel data methodology to understudy the impact of capital structure
on profitability of 9 listed banks on the Ghanaian Stock Exchange over the period 2005 through 2012 using
capital structure theories as theoretical foundation. The study which examined the impact of total leverage, debt
to equity ratio, total liabilities, bank size and age on return on assets, return on equity, Tobin’s Q and economic
value added (EVA) revealed that 76 per cent of the total capital of banks in Ghana is made up of debt with 75 per
cent constituting both short-term debt and long-term debt consistent with earlier findings that Ghanaian banks

European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.8, No.23, 2016

are highly geared. The findings also showed a negative relation between leverage and profitability amongst the
listed banks. The negative influence of bank size on profitability suggests that larger banks tend to exhibit lower
profits in line with models that emphasize the negative role of size from scale inefficiencies. The study therefore
recommended that Ghanaian listed banks should make optimal use of resources at their command in order to
boost profitability.

Akeem, Terer, Kiyanjui and Kayode (2014) while examining the impact of capital structure on performance of
10 randomly selected companies quoted on the Nigerian Stock Exchange use Generalised Least Squares
Regression to analyse secondary data from 2003 to 2012. The study which uses total debt to asset ratio, total debt
to equity ratio and long-term debt to capital ratio as capital structure variables and firm age as a control variable
reveal a negative influence of capital structure on firm performance proxied by return on investment and return
on asset. The study recommends that firms should employ more of equity than debt in financing their business
activities. It also suggests the need for firms to establish the point at which the weighted average cost of capital is

2.2.3 Capital Structure and Firm Performance: A Review of Mixed Findings

At the other spectrum, other studies on capital structure and firm performance provide evidence of mixed
relationships. Below is the review of such studies.

Olokoyo (2012) investigates the overall impact of capital structure (leverage) on performance (return on assets,
return on equity and Tobin’s Q) of 101 firms listed on the Nigerian Stock Market from 2003 through 2007. The
study, which employs panel data analysis by using Fixed-effect estimation, Random-effect estimation and
Pooled Regression Model, reveals that a firm’s leverage have a significant negative impact on its accounting
performance measure (ROA) and that all the leverage measures have a positive and highly significant
relationship with the market performance measure (Tobin’s Q). The study establishes that Nigerian firms are
either majorly financed by equity capital or a mix of equity capital and short term debt. The study further shows
that the maturity structure of debts affects the performance of firms significantly and that the size of the firm has
a significant positive effect on its performance. The study recommends that Nigerian firms should try to match
their high market performance with real activities that can help make the market performance reflect on their
accounting performance and internal growth.

Velnampy and Niresh (2012) investigate the relationship between capital structure and profitability of ten listed
Srilankan banks over the period, 2002 through 2009 using descriptive statistics and Pearson Product Correlation
techniques. The study employs debt to equity and debt to total funds as measures of capital structure and net
profit, return on capital employed, return on equity and net interest margin as proxies for firm performance. The
findings reveal a negative association between capital structure and profitability except the association between
debt to equity and return on equity which is positive but insignificant. However, while debt to equity is
significantly negatively correlated with net interest margin, debt to total funds is found to be significantly
negatively correlated with net profit and net interest margin. The results further suggest that 89 per cent of total
assets in the Sri Lankan banking sector are represented by debt, confirming the hypothesis that banks are highly
levered institutions. The authors posit that the outcomes of the study may guide banks, loan-creditors and policy
planners to formulate better capital structure policy decisions.

Addae, Nyarko-Baasi and Hughes (2013) employ panel data methodology approach to investigate the
relationship between capital structure and profitability of 34 out of 35 listed firms in Ghana for a five year period
(2005-2009) using a performance measure - return on equity (ROE), three capital structure ratios - short-term
debt to total capital; long-term debt to total capital and total debt to total capital and two control variables -
logarithm of sales and sales growth. The authors also examined whether or not Ghanaian quoted firms depended
on debt. The results revealed a statistically significant positive relationship between profitability and short-term
debt and a significantly negative relationship between profitability and long term-debt. The results however
revealed a statistically significant negative relationship between profitability and total debt. The results also
showed that Ghanaian listed firms rely more on short-term debt than long-term debt with the average short-term
debt to total capital ratio computed at 52 per cent and long-term debt to total capital ratio at 11 per cent.

Chechet and Olayiwola (2014) examine capital structure and profitability of Nigerian listed firms from the
agency cost theory perspective on a sample of 70 out of 245 firms listed on the NSE for a period of 10 years,
2000 to 2009. The study which adopted panel data methodology approach employed two independent variables
(debt and equity) as surrogates of capital structure and profitability as the only dependent variable. The findings
reveal that debt ratio is negatively related to profitability and equity has significant and positive impact on firm

European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.8, No.23, 2016

performance, profitability. Accordingly, the findings are consistent with prior empirical studies as well as
conventional wisdom. The study recommends among others that firms experiencing financing problem and
wishing to raise funds for operations or expansion should go for equity and if insufficient, should employ as little
debt as possible.

Hasan, Ahsan, Rahaman and Alam (2014) study the influence of capital structure on performance of 36
Bangladeshi firms listed on the Dhaka Stock Exchange from the period 2007 to 2012. The study which excludes
financial services firms owing to their different capital structures and operations uses four performance
measures; earnings per share (EPS), return on equity (ROE), return on assets (ROA) and Tobin’s Q as measures
of firm performance and three capital structure ratios; short-term debt, long-term debt and total debt as
independent variables. Using panel data regression method, the authors find that whereas EPS is significantly
positively related to short-term debt, same is also significantly negatively related to long-term debt. The results
also reveal a significant negative influence of capital structure on ROA. However, the results did not provide
evidence of a significant influence of capital structure on firm performance as measured by ROE and Tobin’s Q.
Thus, the study concludes that capital structure has negative impact on firm performance, a finding that is
consistent with the pecking order hypothesis.

The findings from the above empirical studies are inconclusive. These ambiguities may be due to differences in
theoretical frameworks and estimation methods. Some studies over-parametized their models by including
control variables like size and age of the firm. Though, these factors are known to affect firm performance, they
cannot in anyway be classified as elements of capital structure, hence, may end-up over-blurting the picture.

3.0 Data and Methodology

Annual data extracted from the annual report and accounts of the sampled DMBs spanning the period 2005
through 2014 were used for the study. The study utilises gross earnings otherwise known as gross profit or gross
income and defined as total revenue that accrues to a bank in a financial year as dependent variable. The study
also employed independent variables (components of capital structure) in form of owners’ funds also known as
shareholders’ funds, insiders’ funds or equity defined as ordinary shares plus retained earnings and reserves; and
borrowed funds otherwise known as outsiders’ funds, liabilities or debt comprising of short-term (current
liabilities), customer deposits, long-term liabilities and other liabilities as compiled by the reporting institutions.

The population of the study comprises of an average of 21 DMBs between 2005 and 2014. The study adopts a
purposive (non-probability) sampling technique as only banks that were present on the NSE throughout the
study period and have available data were selected. In other words, banks that were quoted after 2005 as well as
those that were delisted from the market in between the study period were not included in the study. This is to
ensure a balanced panel data set, thus a total number of 13 banks were covered.

Following both the theoretical and empirical literature earlier reviewed, it is pertinent to submit that the
relationship between firm financial performance and capital structure from the perspective of owners’ funds and
borrowed funds can best be mathematically represented as:

= + + + (3.1)

Where GE represents firm financial performance proxied by gross earnings, OF denotes owners’ funds
represented by shareholders’ equity, BF stands for borrowed funds proxied by total deposit liabilities and debt, µ
is the error term, δ0 is a constant, δ1 and δ2 are coefficients of their respective variables and t is time dimension.

This study applies autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) otherwise known as bounds test proposed by Pesaran,
Shin and Smith (2001) to model equation (3.1). The ARDL approach is a valid asymptotic inference that
examines the cointegration relationships among variables irrespective of the order on integration of data. The
choice of the model is based on three major considerations: First, it yields a consistent estimate of the long-run
coefficients regardless of whether the underlying regressors are stationary at I(0) or I(1) or a mixture of both.
Two, it provides unbiased estimates of the long-run model as well as valid t-statistics even if some of the
regressors are endogenous and third, it is highly friendly to small sample size (Yaaba, 2013).

Thus, the equation becomes:

European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.8, No.23, 2016

∆ = + ∆ + ∆ + ∆ + + +

+ (3.2)

Where L stands for natural logarithm, ∆ is change, ∑ represents summation, ρ is optimal lag, δ0 is a constant, δ1
to δ3 are coefficients of the short-run variables, ω1 to ω3 are the coefficients of the long-run components and all
other variables are as defined under equation (3.1).

According to Engle-Granger Representation Theorem, all variables that have long-run relationship must also
converge in the short-run (Engle & Granger, 1987). Hence, the general error correction version (short-run
version of the ARDL model) of equation (3.2) becomes:

∆ = + ∆ + ∆ + ∆

+ (3.3)
Where ECM is the error correction version of equation (3.2) and all other variables are as defined under
equations (3.1) and (3.2).

4.0 Empirical Results

4.1 Statistical Properties of the Data
4.1.1 Descriptive Statistics
The descriptive statistics which generally explore the characteristics of the data include; the mean, median,
maximum, minimum, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, Jarque-Bera, probability as well as number of
observations per each variable.
Table 1: Summary Statistics
Mean 83700000000 153000000000 740000000000
Median 81900000000 174000000000 584000000000
Maximum 181000000000 274000000000 1710000000000
Minimum 7490000000 14100000000 52800000000
Std. Dev. 56700000000 91400000000 537000000000
Skewness 0.26 -0.44 0.52
Kurtosis 1.91 1.74 1.98
Jarque-Bera 7.89 12.83 11.54
Probability 0.02 0.00 0.00
Observations 130 130 130
Source: Authors Calculation using Eviews Version 7.0.

The sampled DMBs reported average gross earnings of N83.7 billion, a mean owners’ funds of N153 billion, an
average value of borrowed funds of N740 billion with the standard deviations for gross earnings, owners’ and
borrowed funds computed at N56.7 billion, N91.4 billion and N537 billion respectively. The deviations from the
averages of these magnitudes signify that the DMBs do not generate similar gross profits and do not also employ
similar amount of owners’ and borrowed funds in their operations. The results further suggest that about 83 per
cent of total assets employed by DMBs in Nigeria are represented by debt, confirming the hypothesis that banks
are highly geared institutions. In comparative terms, about 89 and 75 per cents of capital in the Sri Lankan and
Ghanaian banking sectors are respectively represented by outsiders’ funds.

Whilst the minimum gross earnings of the studied DMBs stood at N7.49 billion, the maximum is N181 billion.
However, when the minimum owners’ funds is found to be N14.1 billion, the maximum stood at N274 billion.
For borrowed funds, the minimum and maximum are N52.8 billion and N1.71 trillion respectively. The
implication of these findings is that most of the studied banks use more of debt than equity which profits bank
owners than the creditors in good times, but harmful when performance is very low.

European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.8, No.23, 2016

The statistics also showed that both owners’ and borrowed funds are asymmetrical as their means and medians
reported disparate numerical values. Whereas gross earnings and borrowed funds are positively skewed implying
that a greater proportion of the items are concentrated on the right hand side of the distribution, owners’ funds is
skewed to the left. The lowest Kurtosis of 1.74 for OF and the highest of 1.98 for BF further denote the variance
of the capital structure components of the DMBs throughout the sample period.

4.1.2 Correlation Coefficients

As presented in Table 2, the correlation results yielded a triangular matrix. It reveals positive relationships
among all the variables. The association of GE and OF, and that of GE and BF is about 93.0 per cent each while
that of OF and BF stands at 91.0 per cent.
Table 2: Correlation Matrix
Variables GE OF BF
GE 1.000
OF 0.927 1.000
BF 0.933 0.913 1.000
Source: Authors Calculation using Eviews Version 7.0.
The high degree of association among all the variables presupposes the existence of autocorrelation. However,
since the empirical model is autoregressive distributed lag, the model is run at log level and the Durbin Watson
statistics of 2.277 as indicated in Table 4 proves that the log-linear equation fairly resolves the problem of
autocorrelation at least in the long-run.

4.1.3 Unit Root Test

The study adopts a panel unit root test consisting of Levin, Lin and Chu; Im, Pesaran and Shin; Augmented
Dickey-Fuller (ADF) -Fisher Chi-Square and Phillips-Perron (PP)-Fisher Chi-Square.
Table 3: Unit Root Test
I(0) I(1) I(0) I(1) I(0) I(1)
Levin, Lin & Chu -2.488* -21.895* -3.899* -9.039* 6.036 -3.169*
Im, Pesaran and Shin W-stat 1.971 -11.024* 1.295 -2.959* 5.999 0.147
ADF - Fisher Chi-square 6.871 149.038* 9.892 55.773* 0.461 18.639
PP - Fisher Chi-square 3.778 219.382* 6.856 147.850* 0.011 52.603*
Source: Authors Calculation using Eviews Version 7.0.
Note: *, ** and *** imply 1.0, 5.0 and 10.0 per cents levels of significance respectively
The result as reported in Table 3 reveals that although none of the variables is I(2), they are a mixture of I(0) and
I(1). Hence, provides strong evidence in support of the use of autoregressive distributive lag.

4.2 Inferential Results

This subsection is divided into two such that section 4.2.1 analyses the long-run results and 4.2.2 presents the
short-run dynamics which shows adjustment to equilibrium in case of distortions. The plots of the residual as
well as fitted, actual and residual are presented as Figures 1 and 2.

4.2.1 Long-Run Coefficients

Table 4 reports the long-run coefficients of the estimated ARDL equation. The R2 of 75.0 per cent as well as the
adjusted R2 of 74.0 per cent is an indication that the overall model is fairly represented. The F-Statistics of 57.31
provides evidence in support of cointegration as it is above the upper bound of 5.61 for k = 3 as obtained from
Pesaran et al. (2001) Table CI (iii), Case III- Unrestricted Intercept and No Trend.

From the estimated long-run coefficients, both owners’ funds (OF) and borrowed funds (BF) yield significant
positive relationship with gross earnings (GE). The results imply that gross earnings of DMBs in Nigeria are
significantly positively influenced by both owners’ and borrowed funds. However, the magnitude of borrowed
funds is relatively higher than that of owners’ funds. By this result, the gross earnings of banks in Nigeria within
the study period were more of a function of borrowed funds than owners’ funds.

European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.8, No.23, 2016

Table 4: Long-Run Coefficients of the Estimated ARDL Equation

Dependent Variable: LGE
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
LOF 0.418 0.611 2.961 0.004
LBF 0.601 0.595 4.371 0.000
R = 0.75 F = 57.31 (3, 97) [0.000] DW = 2.277
Adjusted R = 0.74 AIC = -0.459; SIC = -0.281; HQC = -0.387
Source: Authors Calculation using Eviews Version 7.0.
Note: The bounds as contained in Pesaran et al. (2001) under k=3 are 2.72-
3.77, 3.23-4.35 and 4.29-5.61 for 1.0, 5.0 and 10.0 per cents significant levels
AIC = Akaike Information Criterion, SIC = Swartzch Information Criterion,
HQC Hannan-Quinn Criterion and DW = Durbin Watson Statistics.
However, these findings are consistent with the agency and static trade-off theories of capital structure and also
in congruence with the empirical documentations of Idode, Adeleke, Ogunlowore and Ashogbon (2014) and
Adesina, Nwidobie and Adesina (2015) when they examined Nigerian DMBs. They are nonetheless contrary to
the empirical works of Awunyo-Vitor and Badu (2012) and Opoku, Audu and Anarfi (2013) in respect of
Ghanaian banks and Akeem, Terer, Kiyanjui and Kayode (2014) in respect of Nigerian non-financial institutions
who reported negative impacts of capital structure on profitability of their respective samples.

Whilst a 1.0 percentage point increase in borrowed funds leads to about 60.0 percentage points increase in gross
earnings, a 1.0 percentage point increase in owners’ funds results to only about 42.0 percentage points increase
in gross earnings. This result tends to be in tune with reality not only in Nigeria but in most economies including
the developed ones. A large chunk of owners’ funds are in most countries including Nigeria tied down by
regulatory requirements. For instance, Basels I, II and III Accords as agreed by the Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision (BCBS) require that banks should hold a Tier 1 Capital not less than 8.0 per cent of their risk
weighted assets (RWA). Furthermore, most countries impose stringent conditions on assets that are qualified to
be listed as owners’ funds. Loan loss reserves up to certain threshold are not allowed in some jurisdictions to be
ploughed back into owners’ funds. Relating this to Nigeria, while the international convention provides for 8.0
per cent minimum capital adequacy requirement, DMBs with national coverage in Nigeria are expected to keep
a minimum of 10.0 per cent while those with international coverage are expected to keep 15.0 per cent Tier 1
capital and the systemically important banks (SIBs) are mandated to keep Tier 1 capital in relation to RWA of at
least 16.0 per cent.

Although there are also restrictions on borrowed funds particularly in emerging markets and developing
economies (EMDEs) including Nigeria such as cash reserve requirement (CRR) and liquidity ratio (LR), these
restrictions are not as enormous and encompassing as those on owners’ funds. Moreso, while restrictions on
borrowed funds vary over time, those on owners’ funds are relatively more permanent hence change
occasionally. The colossal restrictions on owners’ funds therefore greatly makes the funds less available for
asset creation hence relatively lower contribution to gross earnings when compared to its counterpart that is
always and almost freely available for asset creation.

4.2.2 The Error Correction Model

Table 5 shows the short-run dynamics otherwise referred to as the error correction model (ECM) of the
estimated ARDL equation. Due to paucity of data and considering the annual nature of the series, the short-run
is optimised at lag 1. The table demonstrates the relationship among the three variables in the short-run. Unlike
in the long-run, owners’ funds yielded a positive coefficient though statistically insignificant. Inference can
therefore be drawn that gross earnings is mainly a function of borrowed funds in the short-run further
corroborating the prevalence of borrowed funds over owners’ funds even in the long-run.

European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.8, No.23, 2016

Table 5: Short-Run Dynamics of the Estimated ARDL Equation

Dependent Variable: ∆LGE
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 0.083 0.045 1.819 0.072
∆LGE(-1) 0.111 0.123 0.904 0.369
∆LOF(-1) 0.002 0.051 0.047 0.963
∆LBF(-1) 0.480 0.164 2.926 0.004
ECM(-1) -1.242 0.180 -6.887 0.000
R = 0.45 AIC = 0.228; SIC = 0.366; HQC = 0.284
Adjusted R = 0.42 DW = 3.533
Source: Authors Calculation using Eviews Version 7.0.
Note: AIC = Akaike Information Criterion, SIC = Swartzch Information
Criterion, HQC Hannan-Quinn Criterion and DW = Durbin Watson Statistics.
The negative and statistically significant coefficient of the error term further buttresses the cointegration among
the variables in the long-run. More importantly, it shows that in case of distortions in capital structure of DMBs
in Nigeria that are capable of affecting gross earnings, equilibrium can be restored. Given the ECM of -1.242, it
behoves that about 124.2 per cent of equilibrium can be restored on annual basis meaning that the restoration of
equilibrium will take place in less than one year. In practical terms, equilibrium can be restored in about 10
months, 1 week and 2 days.

To check the fitness and stability of the estimated model, plots of residuals as well as fitted, actual and residual
were carried out and presented as Figures 1 and 2. It is clear from Figure 2 that the fitted traces perfectly well
the actual hence conclusion can be drawn that the model is fairly accurate and therefore inferences drawn from
the results can be said to be significantly robust and valid.

Figure 1: Plot of the Residual of the Estimated Figure 2: Actual, Fitted and Residual
Graph Model
.4 1.2

.3 0.8

.2 0.4

.4 -0.4


-.3 -.4




DLTO Residuals Residual Actual Fitted

5. Conclusion and Policy Options

The change in the capital structure of DMBs in Nigeria arising from the banking sector consolidation in 2005 led
to adjustments in the regulatory capital requirements. The ratio of Tier 1 capital to risk weighted assets, for
instance, increased from 8.0 per cent as provided by the Basel II Accord to 10.0 per cent for banks that operate
within Nigeria. Whilst banks that have international presence where required to have Tier 1 capital at 15.0 per
cent, the systemically important banks were mandated to keep Tier 1 capital at 16.0 per cent (CBN, 2010).

European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.8, No.23, 2016

However, this policy affects the contribution of the components of capital and hence performance of DMBs in
the country. This prompted several empirical studies on the impact of the new capital structure on banks’
financial performance. However, most of the studies considered bank performance variables such as return on
assets, return on equity, profit before and after tax among others. Although, these are conventional performance
variables but undoubtedly under-represent the performance of banks in terms of gross income generated by the
capital. Therefore, this study uses gross earnings, which is the total income generated via the application of the
total capital available to banks. The study applies autoregressive distributed lag model on annual data of 13
DMBs from 2005 through 2014 and finds that borrowed funds is more prevalent in contributing to the
performance of DMBs during the study period.

Following these findings therefore, the study recommends that DMBs in Nigeria should study and understand
the dynamics of capital structure to enable them make optimal capital mix decision. Since debt is more critical in
boosting profitability of banks in Nigeria, DMBs should employ high debt-to-equity ratio in their operations in
order to reduce weighted average cost of capital and enhance gross profit. The study also suggests the use of
more debt in financing real investment with positive net present values. The management and board of directors
of DMBs should incentivise lenders and depositors so as to enhance easy access to funds other than
shareholders’. Additional incentives on depositors’ and creditors’ funds such as increase in their returns are
capable of attracting more funds from the investing public to create assets.

There is also the need for the banks to curb excessive appetite for risk and control cases of moral hazards so as to
enhance the confidence of both debenture holders and other long-term lenders. Moderation of risk is likely to
enhance the confidence of the long-term creditors on the security of their funds which will eventually increase
their patronage of the institutions and thus enable the banks to have in their possession, for a relatively longer
period of time, the funds.


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