The Problem and Its Background
The Problem and Its Background
The Problem and Its Background
Chapter 1
154,000 fatalities [2]. Currently, there are no specific therapeutic agents for
this disease, due to its broad clinical spectrum. In the past, herbal medicine
coronavirus (SARS-CoV) has shown significant results, and supported the idea
that herbal medicine has a beneficial effect in the treatment and prevention of
medicine combined with Western medicine may improve symptoms and quality
concluded that herbal medicine could reduce the infection rate of H1N1
influenza [5]
Inspired by previous experience, herbal medicine is considered one of the
Health Commission has declared the use of herbal medicine combined with
evidence that reports favorable effects of the usage of herbal medicine in the
case reports, case series, and observational studies have also been conducted,
males and one female – all in their fourth year level in Wesleyan University –
type of participants they will be conducting their research. One member of the
group thought that the elders have more knowledge in using herbal medicines
abandoned children while the other two member wanted to have mothers to be
the subject of matter for the research. To act in accordance with each other’s
judgement and proposal, the researcher decided to cooperate with each other
thus doing regular brainstorming for the to finalize the inquiries. To finalize
their work, they decided that it would be better to study the The growing use of
that they will be assess as with COVID -19 , this is also happening in Brgy
_____ in which several mothers are resulting to the use of herbal medicines, as
observed the researcher believed that they would come up with a great
Conceptual Framework
Today’s students are active learners rather than spectators. They view
E.F., Cross, K.P. and Howell Major, C. 2014.). Accordingly, twenty-first century
authentic real-world contexts, carrying out projects from beginning to end, and
Hammond, L. 2012).
Above all, studies have found that learners are more successful at
reflect objectively on new concepts learned, and integrate that information with
their existing knowledge and skills. The process of adapting new knowledge for
their own use and incorporating it into their existing conceptual frameworks
will support further learning. Once new learning is integrated into existing
establishes new cognitive habits. Critical thinking skills are also enhanced
(Darling-Hammond, 2011).
Research Paradigm
Knowledge of use
Use of Herbal
Figure 1: Research Paradigm
The above figure is the summary of the process of this research study
showing the primary variables of the study and the characteristics therein.
in using herbal medicine this time of covid 19 pandemic that informed this
1.1. age;
1.2. occupation;
2. How may the respondents describe their use of herbal medicine in this time
2.3. practices?
The participants of this study are selected mothers of Barangay Bangad
m Cabanatuan City . This study will use qualitative design with interpretative
criteria was used in selecting the participants; mother with 18-50 years old
mother who are living in Barangay Bangad at least 5 years . The validity of this
The researcher believes that the result of this study would benefit the
To the Researcher. The outcomes of this study could be utilized as a
reference guide for future research and will play a significant role in supporting
education practices.
into refining the quality of education and could assist student’s in becoming
The following are the most commonly used terms in this study and is
between two or more alternatives, especially ones that are equally undesired.”
Review of Related Literature
The lack of coronavirus cure and rapid increase of reported cases have
pandemic.Using herbs for illness isn’t a novel idea. For thousands of years,
herbs have been used to treat respiratory infections like the flu and
September. This has made nations to look for an alternative cure in an attempt
claimed that combining herbal medicine with conventional medicine has helped
has been used to treat patients and health workers that contracted the deadly
In Madagascar, President Andry Rajoelina endorsed a plant-based tonic
produced from the artemisia plant and other Malagasy plants, which is the
BBC claimed that the bottled herbal tea was tested on people fewer than
20 people. However, the president vouched for the tonic to be used a preventive
measure and said, “This herbal tea gives results in seven days. Schoolchildren
India, the home of Ayurveda medicine – a Hindu system of medicine
includes advising citizens to use traditional herbs. Modi has said people should
Virgin Coconut Oil, and Tawa-tawa (Euphorbia hirta) are currently being tested
Herbal medicines have long been used to treat infections and viruses.
However, the World Health Organization (WHO) claimed that no official cure
developed countries, with these herbal remedies being available not only in
drug stores, but now also in food stores and supermarkets. It is estimated that
healthcare and traditional medical practice which involves the use of herbs is
The use of herbal remedies has also been widely embraced in many
tradition of using herbal medicines (Nissen, 2010), the use is also widespread
these developed countries, the most important among many other reasons for
seeking herbal therapy is the belief that it will promote healthier living. Herbal
healing and individuals who use them as home remedies and over-the-counter
drugs spend huge amount of money (in excess of billions of dollars) on herbal
products. This explains in part the reason sales of herbal medicines are
(Roberts and Tyler, 1997; Blumenthal et al., 1998;WHO, 2002a; Kong et al.,
many more new products are introduced into the market, public health issues,
Although some herbal medicines have promising potential and are widely used,
many of them remain untested and their use also not monitored. This makes
knowledge of their potential adverse effects very limited and identification of
the safest and most effective therapies as well as the promotion of their rational
use more difficult (WHO, 2002b). It is also common knowledge that the safety
use of these products and to ensure that all medicines are safe and of suitable
safety concerns arising from the use of herbal medicines as well as factors
monitoring of safety of these herbal remedies are also highlighted with a view to
helping refocus relevant regulatory agencies on the need for effectiveness and
interest in alternative medicines, (iii) erroneous belief that herbal products are
medicines have proven to be ineffective or inadequate, (v) high cost and side
effects of most modern drugs, (vi) improvements in the quality, efficacy, and
safety of herbal medicines with the development of science and technology, (vii)
patients’ belief that their physicians have not properly identified the problem;
hence the feeling that herbal remedies are another option, and (viii) a
being uncomfortable about discussing their medical problems and fear lack of
general malaise, and (iii) lack of time to see a physician; this is usually a
reason where prior visit did not yield any positive experience (Studdert et al.,
anecdotal information, that is, “it worked for my friend or relative” (Parle and
Bansal, 2006).
So also, because of the influence of religion and greater level of spiritual
become particularly alluring when the body’s natural capacity for self-repair,
facilitate normal or healthy growth and development; young persons for their
euphoric effects, supply essential ingredients to help them cope with daily
stress and to prevent or slow the onset of aging; older persons for their anti-
aging or rejuvenating effects and women for slimming and beauty enhancing
Chapter 2
Foreign Literature
The 21st society makes great demands on its members on its rapidly
technological situations.
The above stated premises are the reasons why we need to adapt the
The National Teachers Association acknowledges the need for and the
for example, the goals of each; education reform focuses on fostering deep
broadly applicable capacities, habits of mind, preparing knowledge for a new
remain stable (the physiology of blood flowing from the heart through the aorta
content continually evolves. Some content remains in books or texts, but other
forms, such as blogs, Podcasts, and free streaming videos, provide unlimited
technologies and how they are being used in medical education is the key to
understanding how current learners are interacting with content (Bates, A.W.
clue to what the future of education might become. Given the rapid
between schools and the community. The teacher will be responsible for the
pedagogical format and content, whereas the community will provide, by way of
change in the way in which the community is funded so that its activities in
this area are appropriately regulated, funded and given incentives. In turn, this
museums and centers, in which pupils should be allowed access not just to
which invigorate and support their learning. Again, given the speed with which
is changing, these resources may become a much more integral part of the
formal education process. There are many opportunities here, and the key
tasking and believe in the merits of their skills. Today’s teachers can play an
recall, understanding, analysis, and engagement all fail when one is faced with
current learners. Faculty can help learners avoid the temptation to shop on the
Internet, send a few text messages, or read the latest headlines during their
teaching or morning rounds. Specific suggestions to limit multi-tasking and
who hovered nearby, making themselves available to assist with any type of
faced with difficulties or challenges rather than solving problems on their own.
Data also suggests Millennial Learners are more anxious in new learning
Local Literature
with students who excelled in reveal that they were greatly inspired by teachers
who engaged them in tasks that enabled them to inquire and solve problems.
how students with varied interests, abilities, and experiences can be supported
and guided. Subsequently, students may be able to make sense clearly out of
teachers must have the chance to conduct research in regard to teaching and
learning, and to share the results of their studies with their colleagues.
questions about materials and phenomena in the environment, and those who
are considered effective teachers. These teachers are also able to evaluate their
large classes, lack of support from administrators, and many others. However,
the Core and Technical Working Groups for this project decided that the
framework for teacher education should pay attention to problems that will
approach, the teacher manages the learning and passes onto learners the
knowledge and skills, treating them as ‘empty vessels which the teacher fills’.
widespread among elementary and secondary schools students across the
been found effective in developing students’ critical and creative thinking skills.
The approach is based on the philosophy that students learn best when they
For many years, training programs zeroed in on the use of practical work
and pedagogical skills suitable for teaching, many teachers turn to lecturing
textbook-based and, more often than not, concepts are not relevant to daily life
or the community.
The literature cited in this study shows the teachers should act as it
should be , how the teachers as according to bates ( 2011) that good teaching
their teachers, thus not only traditional or seasoned teachers is not needed in
the education system but rather a new breed of teachers like millennials
Foreign Studies
education for the needs of the 21st century is a consequence of a lack of a good
model of scientific reasoning and a body of expertise about how to assess such
knowledge: content knowledge, pedagogy knowledge, and knowledge of inquiry.
typically taught in teaching methods courses. Our assessment items are for
this purpose. Each item begins with a classroom teaching design followed by a
question asking either for an evaluation of what was done in the vignette or
preference for what should be done. Although the items were designed with
summative or research purposes, with versions for different subjects and grade
curriculum designed, the method used, and the measure of literacy achieved is
elementary, middle, and secondary schools. Many of the books and resources
list activities and projects designed to engage and capture the imagination of
the K-12 student. Some provide incentives and novel ideas for teachers,
both teacher and student, to encourage further study and/or careers in the s,
or to advance literacy through the school into the community. Special attention
has been given to digital literacy, inquiry, and the importance of STEM
Indeed, students in the United States still lag behind students in other nations
The modern learner has to sift through a lot of information. That means
higher level thinking skills like analysis and evaluation are necessary just
much on context and circumstance as it does the nature of the data itself.
(http:/ st-century-
As more and more K-12 schools across the country adopt 21st century learning
open. Given the risks, it is tempting for educators to stick to more traditional,
each lesson in a passive way. However, recent research suggests that the
experience high rates of attrition among new teachers and a shortage of quality
the certification and licensing of new teachers. Issues such as these have an
impact on the quality of the resulting teaching workforce that is tasked with
improving student outcomes. For example, the ageing of the teacher workforce
entails the loss of experienced teachers through retirement. High attrition rates
among new teachers is costly to the system and may prompt education
the certification of new teachers or by assigning teachers to teach subjects or
grades for which they were not trained. In such cases, the quality of the
even after accounting for prior student learning and family background
The policy imperative for the teaching and learning of 21st century skills, such
base of the teaching profession. Our study asks, do teachers have the relevant
knowledge for teaching 21st century skills? To address these questions, we are
summarize the research literature related to the key questions addressed by
the study.
teachers can be expected to process and evaluate new knowledge relevant for
their core professional practice and to regularly update their knowledge base to
improve their practice and to meet new teaching demands. By investigating the
key factor in teacher professionalism. In other words, the two main themes
sensitivity to context, and greater respect for students. Several studies stress
knowledge derived from experiential and practical experiences in the
from countries that are top performers tend to have more opportunities to learn
involves more than just knowledge. Skills, attitudes, and motivational variables
Hoosen, S.( 2014) proposed a model that identifies cognitive abilities and
Knowledge and the Teaching Profession How does Teacher Knowledge Influence
learning outcomes is scarce and the few studies that exist have focused on
to student perception (e.g. Higher cognitive activation, better instructional
The studies reviewed show that while much research is still needed to
teaching and learning, the concept of knowledge, as well as the way teachers’
results of an experiment, that suggests that your hypothesis was wrong and
the data are telling you something interesting. But to be surprised, you must
make a prediction in the first place—and you can only generate a prediction if
you understand the domain in which you are working. Thus, without content
Local Studies
According to the partnership for 21st century skills the 21st century
skills are subdivided into four major categories and one of it is the learning
skills also called as the innovative skills. This includes creative thinking skills,
define these learning skills are essential in preparing students to a more and
more complex life and work environment in the 21st century. Corpuz (2013)
She added that awareness is the ability to notice the attributes of things in
creative thinking.
thinking among students. Gonzales (2015) found that adopting critical thinking
relationships among team member students. Similarly, Diaz (2013) found that
there was a difference with statistical significance among the averages of the
enhance and elevate creative thinking skills among students. One thing
common among the researches, is the fact that acquiring creative thinking
critical thinking skills. Santos (2013) said that critical thinking includes
larger gains than those in the imbedded instruction group. Cruz (2013) stated
that communication skills can be either verbal or non-verbal. Since words are
students has the ability to make use of the words meaningfully and applied it
The different studies conducted here and in abroad further discuss the
teachers that helps a lot in determining the different learning styles of the
pupils or students and their way of handling it makes for the millennial
teachers to move on and will not experienced the way the seasoned teachers
experienced , from this millennial teachers can create a new trend of teaching
and knows well how to handle the new breed of pupils. The study as based on
the research conducted by the researchers justified the needs of new trend of
teachers are cooperating in one way to make the learners achieve the
This chapter describes the research method, population, sampling
Research Design
Descriptive-phenomenological method will be used in this study, where
topic under study (Alceso, 2011). Interview can be useful when a researcher
Interview is the primary tool in gathering data. The researchers will be
This interview guide will include questions which will probe answers to the
Sampling Procedure
The researchers will determine the respondents of the study through
snow balling.
The respondents came from Barangay Bangad Cabanatuan in Nueva
Ecija and found by the researchers through random way and snowballing.
The researchers used this criteria in searching for respondents such as:
a purposive way.
• Mothers 18-50 years old • Young mothers
• Religious people who are
• People who has a lot of banned in using herbal
experience in herbal
medicines use .
main tool in data gathering. The subjects will have freedom in sharing their
stories without any constraints when this type of tool will be utilized. The
interview will be about the experiences of mothers who use herbal medicines
Data Gathering Procedure
recording reflective notes about what the researchers will learn from the
Before the interview the researchers will explain to the participants the
purpose of the study that will provide clarity to the participants and
participants give their consent to participate in this study, the researchers will
During the interview, the researchers will ask questions in a manner they
will understand for the researchers to gather sufficient and accurate data. Also
the researchers will welcome the question and clarifications of the participants
regarding the questions in the interview. The researchers will assure the
After every interview, the researchers will start transcribing file and
secluded all the answers in different columns to itemize the answer of the
participant so that transcribing will be easy and data gathered will be easily
presented in a conceptual map where the theme and also sub theme will be
(1978a) process, the narratives do not need to be transcribed
participant’s narratives.
clusters. That is some statements may relate to, for example, faith
5. Developing an exhaustive description (that is, a comprehensive
Ethical Consideration
The participants of this study will be informed of why the study shall be
Ethical beneficence. The researchers will make sure that the study will do
participating. They will be allow to choose not to take part in the study or
decide to drop out any time. Also, they can decide to take part without any
pressure and ask questions at any time regarding all the aspect of this study.
Informed consent. The researchers will obtain informed consent from the
participants in order to prove that they did not become part of their study
against will.
privacy at all times by means of using code name for the respective
participants and not disclosing the information obtain to those who are not
extent that the research methods engender confidence in the truth of the data
The credibility of our study will be attained through the proper data
collection. We will use a tape recorder and take down notes during the
participants will be conducted. And we will set aside our biases to focus on the
and negative opinions to get more information. We will also conduct a preview
interview for validation and in care that participants want to add information.
Dependability, refers to evidence that is consistent and stable (Polit and Beck,
We will use purposive sampling with criteria to select the right participants in
the data we read and reviewed to formulate themes and patterns. We will go
back to the participants for them to evaluate if our interpretations of data are
same as them.
Confirmability, is in some senses the idea that the researcher has remained
neutral in data analysis and interpretation. It is based upon the notion that the
researcher needs to demonstrate that the results could be and at times even
and conclusion of data gathered are directly from the participants. We will also
keep the records of the interview to have a basis in the interpretation and can
one who wishes to apply the results into new contexts, the researcher is
Baden, 2012).
We will collect sufficient and detailed description of data in context
and reports them with sufficient detail and precision to allow judgment. We will
also make our study understandable in using terms that all readers can