User Manual FOR Access Control System: Star Link Communication Pvt. Ltd. 1
User Manual FOR Access Control System: Star Link Communication Pvt. Ltd. 1
User Manual FOR Access Control System: Star Link Communication Pvt. Ltd. 1
1. Main
1.1. Change password
1.2. Exit
2. Master
2.1. Controller
2.2. Group Access
2.3. Card List Master
3. Data Capture
3.1. Data Capture
3.2. Online Data Transfer
3.3. Data Transfer (Time Office)
3.4. Update DataBase
4. Send Data
4.1. Hyper Terminal
5. Reports
5.1. Monthly reports
5.2. Master reports
6. Exit
Access Control System is a security system with the help of this you can set
security for entering of a person in the premises. If a person has the card and
he is company employee, in that case when he will show the card in front of
machine and door will be open. You can use this access control system in
factories, banks and army security, etc.
After installing this access control software, Double click on ACCESS
CONTROL shortcut. It will show License window and then ask for the valid
user name and password that is shown below.
Enter a user name and password that will be valid for ACCESS CONTROL
then click button ok for further process.
There are 6 menus in the access control software which are given below:
1. Main
2. Master
3. Data Capture
4. Send Data
5. Report
6. Exit
1. Main: In the main menu, you can change password and exit from the
access control software.
2. Master: There are three options you can use in Master of access
control software which is given below:
2.2.Group Access
2.3.Card List Master
2.1Controller: Star link access control software is used to support for three
controllers. Each controller used to support for 15 readers & one
switch or 8 reader & 8 switches.
2.1.1 New: Press button New, you can add a new controller. For adding
new controller, you have to need some information regarding controller
which is given below:
You can add Controller number.
You can add controller name.
You can add controller IP.
You can set door lock open time for unlock the door and after this
duration, door will lock automatically.
Input Door’s Information: you can configure eight doors through each
controller. Click on boxes against the Doors on which you want to
active Controller. You can set two readers for IN and OUT (or one
reader and one switch). Enter Reader Serial No against each door for
IN and OUT.
If you set one reader and one switch, IN side reader serial no and set 0
for switch.
You have to set Door Location.
2.3.1 New: By using Button New to register a new card for providing
permission to access door for IN and OUT.
Apro. Card No.: This is smart card /proximity card chip no which is
Card No.: You can give card no.
Name: Name of employee with respect to that Card No.
Group Name: Name of that group in which card got permission to
Expiry Date: You can set expiry date after that card will be expiry.
Number of Entry allow: You can set entry of IN and OUT.
Maximum limit for entry is 255.
3 Capture
3.1 Data Capture:
Date list of punching data will show on the screen and press from
date and press to date and press button transfer, data will
automatically transfer to a specified location.
You can set time and date from this capture software.
You can set system date time to the machine by “show system
date & time” and tick out “set as per system date & time” and
apply. Time and date will automatically set.
If you want to disconnect the machine, press button disconnect to
disconnect the machine.
If you want to show the version of the machine, press button to
see the version of the software.
3.4 Database Update: By using this option, you can update database.
You can generate report on monthly basis by entering from date to month
end date.
You can generate these reports of card wise, door wise and controller wise
and unauthorized access report.
When you will generate report of Card Master, software window will ask the
range of the cards.