Determinants The of Micro and Small Enterprises Performance in Karat Town, Konso, Ethiopa
Determinants The of Micro and Small Enterprises Performance in Karat Town, Konso, Ethiopa
Determinants The of Micro and Small Enterprises Performance in Karat Town, Konso, Ethiopa
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.10, No.31, 2018
The objective of this study was to identify factors affecting the performance of MSEs in Karat town. Mixed
research approach was employed in conducting this study. Both primary and secondary data were collected.
Simple random sampling technique was employed to select 175 respondents from total 312 MSEs in the town.
Ordered logistic regression model was used to analysis the data. Then, the result of the study showed that
marketing skill, age entrepreneur, industry experience in years, access to finance, corruption, access to market
and government policy were found to be the determinants of MSEs Performance. The MSEs, government and
policy makers can use the findings of this study in policy formulation and development of MSE.
Keywords: Micro & Small-Scale Enterprises, Performance, Ordered Logistic Regression, Konso- Karat,
The success of the government and a country with regarding to business development is related to small and
micro business sustainability since they contribute to economic development of the nation by lowering
unemployment as well as generate new sources of employment. This why, small and micro business sectors are
recognized as an integral component of economic development and a crucial element in the effort to lift
countries out of poverty hole.
The dynamic roles of micro and small enterprises in developing countries as engines through which the
growth objectives of developing countries can be achieved have long been recognized. Small businesses play an
important role in the development of a country and serve as a means to sustain and grow economies (Ibrahim et
al, 2008). According to (Kozan et al., 2006) due to the ease in starting and simplicity in operation, small
businesses are initiated for various reasons depending up on entrepreneur motives and traits
In developing countries like Ethiopia, MSEs by virtue of their size, capital investment and their capacity to
generate greater employment have demonstrated their powerful continues effect for rapid economic growth and
instrumental in bringing the economic transition by providing goods and services that has adequate quality and
reasonably priced through effectively using the skills and talents of a large number of people without requiring
high-level training and sophisticated technology.
Even though they plays the great role in economic development, the study conducted by Werotaw (2010)
showed Micro and small enterprise in Ethiopia is, however, challenged with several factors that affect the
performance of MSE. The major factors internal include financial problems, lack of qualified employees, lack of
proper financial records, marketing problems and lack of work premises, the person’s individual attitude,
training, technical know-how and environmental factor affects the business which includes social, economic,
cultural, political, legal and technological factors.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.10, No.31, 2018
When it comes to Ethiopia researchers such as [ Dechasa (2017); Brehanu And Mesfin Gashu (2014);
Minilek and Chinnan (2012); Tsega (2014) and Mohammed Getahun (2016) ] have conducted their study in
different parties of Ethiopia on related topic using descriptive statistics as method of data analysis and identified
the major constraints of micro and small enterprise performance were competition with in the similar industry,
failure to analyze financial statements, lack of access to finance due high collateral requirement, absence of
access to information, tax system, lack of record keeping and documentation, high cost of raw materials and
fixed assets are main factors that affecting the performance of Micro and small-scale Enterprises in Ethiopia
without developing any econometric model to regress the impact of listed explanatory variables on performance
of MSEs.
The current study is different from the above reviewed studies by developing ordered logistic regression model
to predict the impact of explanatory variables such as age, access to external source of finance, marketing skill of
owners, corruption, access to market, government policy towards MSEs, education level; experience in doing
business activity, tax system, and competition with in the same industry the case of micro and small scale
enterprises performance in Karat town of southern Ethiopia region .
The aforementioned problem necessitated to conduct this study. Hence, the objective of this study is to
assess the determinants of MSEs Performance in the study area by filling the above listed gaps.
2. 1 Definition of Micro and Small Enterprises
The MSE sector everywhere is characterized by highly diversified activities which can create employment
opportunities for a substantial segment of the population. This implies that the sector is a quick remedy for
unemployment and poverty problem. The realization of a modest standard of living through curbing
unemployment and facilitating the environment for new job seekers and self-employment requires a direct
intervention and support of the government and other concerned stakeholders (Mulugeta, 2011). Hence, in order
to channel all necessary support and facilities to this diversified sector, a definition is needed to categorize the
sector accordingly. However, there is no single and universally acceptable definition of a small enterprise
(Kayanula and Quartey, 2000).
Firms differ in their levels of capitalization, sales and employment. Hence, definitions that employ
measures of size include, number of employees, turnover, profitability, net worth, etc. When these measures are
applied to one sector could lead to all firms being classified as small, while the same size definition when
applied to a different sector could lead to a different result. The absence of such uniform definition of MSEs has
created a difficulty. In line with this, Tegegne and Meheret (2010) argued that the absence of a single or globally
applicable definition has made the task of counting the number of MSEs and assessing their impact extremely
difficult across countries, though the rationale for most governments to make such definition and categorization
is mainly for functional and promotional purposes to achieve the desired levels of development of the sector.
In Ethiopia there is no uniform definition at the national level to have a common understanding of the MSE
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.10, No.31, 2018
sector. Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoTI) and the Ethiopian Central Statistics Authority (CSA, 2003) has
defined MSEs separately. While the definition by MoTI uses capital investment, the CSA uses employment and
favors capital intensive technologies as a yardstick. The definition used by MoTI, which uses capital investment
as a yardstick, has been developed for formulating MSE development strategy in 2003 (MoTI, 2003).
According to the official definitions of MoTI, micro enterprises are businesses enterprises found in all
sectors of Ethiopian economy with a paid up capital (fixed assets) of not more than Birr 20,000, but excluding
high technology consultancy firms and other high technology establishments. Small enterprises are business
enterprises with a paid up capital of more than Birr 20,000 but not exceeding Birr 50,000 and excluding high
technology consultancy firms and other high technology establishments (MoTI, 2003).
The central statistical authority has attached various definitions to enterprises based on capital, level of
technical and technological capacities. In 2003 the CSA based its definition of MSEs on the size of employment
and extent of automation for small scale enterprises and used a combination of these criteria for defining such
enterprises. Accordingly, it has defined small scale manufacturing enterprises as: Establishments engaging less
than 10 persons. Enterprises in the micro enterprise category are sub-divided into informal sector operations and
cottage industries: cottage and handicraft industries are those establishments performing their activities by hand
and using non power driven machines. The informal sector is defined as household type establishments or
activities, which are non-registered [enterprises] and cooperatives operating with less than 10 persons (CSA,
According to FDRE (2011:15–18) small and micro business developing regulation, “micro enterprise”
means an enterprise having a total capital, excluding building, not exceeding Birr 50,000 in the case of service
sector or not exceeding Birr 100,000 in the case of industrial sector and engages 5 workers including the owner,
his family members and other employees (Art. 2(1)). The same regulation defines “small enterprise” as an
enterprise having a total capital, excluding building, from Birr 50,001 to 500,000 in the case of service sector or
Birr 100,001 to Birr 1,500,000 in the case of industrial sector and engages 6 to 30 workers including the owner
his family members and other employees (Art.2(2)). As it can understand from the above definitions, there is no
universally acceptable definition of MSE's. Different scholars define MSEs differently based on the level of
development of the country under review.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.10, No.31, 2018
in addition to the serious business environment challenges to the success of small-scale business, it also
influenced by the firm-specific factors such as entrepreneur characteristics, poor management competence, lack
of skilled managers, deficiencies in marketing strategies, low efforts of R&D and low technological capacities
are also prominent factors that determine the success of small scale business.
3.1. Description of the study area
The current research paper was focused on investigating factors affecting the performance of small and micro
enterprises in Karat town, which located in Konso Woreda. Konso woreda is one of 135 woredas in Southern
Ethiopian Region with its town administration named Karat. Karat town is found south-east 595 kilometers far
from Addis Ababa - capital city of the Ethiopia, 365 kilometers far from Hawassa – seat of SNNPRs. The town
also found at the center of the roads from Addis Ababa, Soyama town of Burji Worea, Moyale and Yavello
towns of Borana Zone and Jinka town of South Omo Zone. Konso people were known by their terracing systems
that help to save the land erosion due to different natural disasters and other factors. Konso cultural landscape
was officially recognized and registered as 35th, 9th and 3rd world, Ethiopian and Southern Ethiopian heritage
respectively by United Nations Educational Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on June, 2011.
According to UNESCO, "Konso Cultural Landscape is a 55km2 arid properties of stone walled terraces and
fortified settlements in the Konso highlands of Ethiopia. It constitutes a spectacular example of a living cultural
tradition stretching back 21 generations (more than 400 years) adapted to its dry hostile environment. The
landscape demonstrates the shared values, social cohesion and engineering knowledge of its communities. The
site also features anthropomorphic wooden statues - grouped to represent respected members of their
communities and particularly heroic events - which are an exceptional living testimony to funerary traditions that
are on the verge of disappearing. Stone steles in the towns express a complex system of marking the passing of
generations of leaders." It is one of the areas that attract domestic and outside tourists and investment in
Ethiopia. The map of konso was shown in following page:
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.10, No.31, 2018
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.10, No.31, 2018
Therefore, the maximum sample size was 175 small and micro enterprises. The probability sampling technique is
used to select sample form 312 micro and small scale enterprises to give equal chance to the all small and micro
and to select representative sample for the study.
Y* = is unobserved and thus can be thought of as the underlying tendency of an observed phenomenon and I
have assumed it follows a certain symmetric distribution with zero mean such as logistic distribution. What can
be observed is that:
Where y is observed in j number of ordered categories, µs are unknown threshold parameters separating the
adjacent categories to be estimated with βs. The overall form for the probability that the observed y falls into
category j and the µs and the βs are to be estimated with an ordinal logit model is that:
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.10, No.31, 2018
(logistic regression) through of STATA Software package version 12 in order to get the reliable finding.
The following ethical considerations have given attention by the researcher and enumerators while
conducting the research or collecting the data: conserving the Voluntary participation of respondents, no
participants was forced to take part in the research and participants were free to withdraw from the research at
any moment. With regarding to harm to participants [the researchers ensured that there is no any physical or
psychological harm done to the participants as a result of the study. When it comes to Anonymity and
confidentiality, all information gathered during the study has been handled confidentially and permission from
the participants was obtained for all information to be shared publicly. Not deceiving the subjects since
participants have informed clearly about the aim, purpose and procedures of the study and was not deceived in
any way. Finally Privacy of participants the privacy of the participants have been respected.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.10, No.31, 2018
When it comes to the influence of experience of business manager , the result of this shows that access to
external source of (Z =1.89) has negative and significant relationship with performance since it is more than
table Z value which is (Z=1.96) at 5% significance level with positive regression coefficient of (ß = -1.440893).
Hence, hypothesis (H4) that stated less managerial skill through industry experience in doing business is
negatively related with performance of small and micro enterprises is accepted.
When it comes to the impact of access to external source of finance, the result of this shows that access to
external source of (Z =3.25) has positive and significant relationship with performance since it is more than table
Z value which is (Z=1.96) at 5% significance level with positive regression coefficient of (ß =1.635163). Hence,
hypothesis (H5) that stated as access to external source of finance has positive impact on performance of micro
and small-scale business is accepted. This result is consistent with finding of other studies results (Osotimehin et
al., 2012). As per interview developed with MSEs in the Karat town, micro and small scale enterprises has
accessed to external source of finance mostly from informal financial institutions or indigenous capital
accumulating institutions like Equb and Arad (private lenders) but less access to external source of finances from
formal financial institutions such as banks and micro finance institutions due to collateral requirement; group
requirement, high interest rate, fear due to cultural backwardness that lending money form formal institutions
will leads people to go to jail, lack of awareness on how to ask and obtain loan from formal financial institutions.
With regarding to impact of corrupted government officials that supporting small and micro enterprises on
performance the calculated Z value (Z =-2.51) in absolute is more than Z table value (Z =1.96) with coefficient
of ordered logistic model (ß= -1.352766) which is negative and statistically significant. Therefore, hypothesis
H6 that stated as corruption of government body that establishing has negative impact on micro and small scale
Enterprises is accepted. The researcher intervened micro and small scale enterprises representatives and MSEs
supporting body about their attitudes on corruption of MSEs development body and they responded that
bureaucracy in obtaining license and corruption of MSE developing body is one of the key factors that hinder
the performance of Enterprises in the Karat town. This consistent with study contacted by H/Michael (2014) that
find out that political factors such as regulatory compliance and the cost of formulations and the bureaucracy in
company registration and licensing was the major obstacle for the startup, expansion and the performance of
micro and small-scale business enterprises in Yeka sub city of Addis Ababa. Therefore, it the researcher
concluded that bureaucracy in registration and licensing is the major factors that affect the performance of micro
and small enterprise in Karat town.
Concerning the impact that access to market for products produced by micro and small business, the
calculated Z value (Z = 4.31) is more than Z table value (Z =1.96) with coefficient of ordered logistic model (ß=
2.418677) which is positive and most statistically significant. Therefore, hypothesis H7 that stated access to
market has positive impact on micro and small scale Enterprises is accepted. This finding is consistent with
result of Mohamed (2016) and Dechasa (2017) that have used descriptive and find out that marketing problem is
one of the factors affecting in Adis Ababa and Shashamene Cities respectively. Besides, Andualem et al., (2015)
in their find out that access to market has statistically significant impact on performance of micro and small scale
business in Arbamnich town. According to interview conducted with MSE,s representatives’ revealed that most
of the marketing factors affect performance of the MSE’s in study areas were manufacturing and construction
than service sectors. This means the sectors does not have selling and display places in areas close to working
area and there are not enough Linkage of the MSEs with other private contractors in promoting their products in
wider range and less enough market exhibition. Besides the MSEs establishing body (government) does not
facilitate the market accesses for MSE operating in the study area.
Finally, the finding of this study with regard to government policy towards micro and small business has
calculated table value of (Z = 4.08) is more than Z table value (Z =1.96) with coefficient of ordered logistic
model (ß= 2.793198) which is positive and most statistically significant. Therefore, hypothesis H8 that stated
access to market has positive impact on micro and small scale Enterprises is accepted. As per interview
conducted with MSEs developing body, the government policy towards MSEs is good but lack of location
facility and fluctuation in electric power were major factors affecting performance of MSEs in the study area.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.10, No.31, 2018
H8: Government policies of the country towards micro and small scale are Positive/significant
positively related with their performance.
Source: personal own survey (2018)
5. Conclusion
The result of ordered logistic regression analysis (see Table 2.) suggested that the performance of micro and
small scale enterprises is significantly influenced by marketing skill, age, year of experience, access to external
source of finance, corruption, access to market and government policy towards MSEs. This study similarly
evidenced that, other variables such as education level, tax system, and competition with in the same industry
were not significant determinants of micro and small scale enterprises performance in Karat town.
The authors would like to thanks the editor and the anonymous reviewers for their guidance in developing this
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