F1-Lessonplan-Ho Truc Chi
F1-Lessonplan-Ho Truc Chi
F1-Lessonplan-Ho Truc Chi
▪ Teaching method: task-based learning and audio-lingual method are mainly used in this lesson.
2. Setting:
B. Lesson background
Previous lesson: Listening Unit 1: “Why do people follow fashion trends?”
In the previous lesson, students practiced skills about how to predict content, and acquired the knowledge of how to listen for
expressions of opinion to understand a speaker’s attitude.
Current lesson:
The lesson focuses on listening skill so the teacher will expand the previous listening part which is to listen for main ideas and
details. To be more specific, students also apply some techniques to find out the main ideas and details of the listening passage.
- Introduce to students some new words
- Let students practice distinguishing the listening skills: Listen for main ideas and listen for details -
Instruct students to make a conversation using vocabulary related to fashion/trend topic
E. Procedures
Stages & Stage aims Teacher activity Students activity Anticipated
Timing problems &
Lead-in -To introduce - T tells students to look at the picture -Ss their opinions. -P: Ss are not
(2 minutes) the topic of the on page 2. T asks students to read and willing to
listening consider the Unit question for a answer. -S: T
lesson: “Why moment and imagine that they are -Ss listen to T, then invites some Ss
do people watching a fashion show. T asks Ss to answer the
follow fashion answer the questions: questions.
trends?” + Think about clothing you
P: Some Ss may
- To help bought recently. Why did you buy
be reluctant to
students have it?
give the answers.
knowledge and + What fashion trends are popular
preparation for now? S2: T should
answering the encourage them
more abstract - T invites some Ss to speak up their to do this.
Unit question. answers and call on volunteers to
share their experiences with the class.
-T introduces the topic of the listening
Pre- - To let Ss Activity 1: T ask Ss to work in pairs. -Ss identify a cause -P: Ss are not
listening apply Circle the statement that they agree and an effect. willing to stand
(16 knowledge with the most. Then compare their up and share.
minutes) about answers with a partner. (Appendix 1) -Ss correct the answers. -S: T calls 2 Ss.
describing -T walks around the class, then
someone’s listens and corrects their opinions.
-Ss do the exercise
appearance -T invites Ss to stand up and play a with partners.
in speaking. game called “Don’t pass it to me”. T
-Ss read their
turns on music. While the music is
answers, listen to T’s
playing, Ss passes a ball around. One
S who is holding a ball when music
stops will be a selected one. This S
will answer the questions based on
exercise (Appendix 1) shown on the
screen. - T gives comments to each -Ss listen and take
Activity 2:
-Helps - T has students to think about a
activate the classmate, what is she/he wearing and -Ss look around the P: Ss may be
vocabulary carrying? classroom and chose
reluctant to
schemata of the any classmate who
students related - T asks students to complete the chart want to describe S: T
to the topic (Appendix 2). Include as much their appearance. encourages
- To clarify information as they can. -Follow teacher’s them by giving
for students - T asks students to work with a instruction, then bonus or gift
some word partner. Describe the classmate to work individually to for their
related to their partner. Use the information in complete the task. prediction.
fashion, trend the chart. So ask students whether -Ss work with a
can help their partner guesses who they partner and describe
students describe or not? the
listen better - T walks around the class to monitor classmate to their
and speak the classroom and listen to partner.
more contribute or correct students’
fluently. mistakes.
Activity 3:
- T directs students to read the
-Ss take a quick look
highlighted words and definitions in
to find out any new
the box (Appendix 3). T asks students
to try to find out any words which
are new to them. T try to give a hand
and explain the new vocabularies for
***Multilevel option: T has high-level -Ss repeat the new P: Ss may have
students to give definitions of the words and work problem guessing
highlighted words in the box to lower with a partner to the meaning of the
level students from their own complete sentences. word. S: T should
knowledge or by looking them up in a give as many clues
dictionary. as
-T pronounces and has students possible and make
to repeat these words. it easy.
- Have students work with a partner
to complete the sentences. Call on
volunteers to read the correct
sentences aloud.
While -Help Activity 1: -Ss listen to the -P: Ss do not
listening students - T asks Ss that they are going to conversation and understand the
(20 minutes) develop their listen to a conversation between two answer the questions. game rule.
listening journalists, Vicky and John. Vicky -S: T shows the
subskill: has to write a story about a fashion game rule on
Skimming to show. What do you think she has to the screen.
get general write about? -P: Ss cannot
information - T has students to listen for the detail find the correct
about the picture.
listening test of the conversations. (Track 3 -CD1 -Ss read the -S: T goes
article, and – Appendix B-1)Then check for the questions then listen around, observes
then make use right answers. (Appendix 4) to find out the and helps Ss.
of the - T has students read the questions correct answers. -Ss
information (Appendix 5), then listen again and answer to the
they answer the questions. teacher the reasons
have found to -Check Ss’s answers. (Answer key: C) why they choose this
match the and ask them why they choose this option. And then
given answer. (What are the keywords they answer to the teacher
questions with can hear from the audio tracks). -T about the
the asks Ss about how they listen to this keywords they can
correspondin audio track? (Pay attention to the key hear from the audio
g answers. words in the questions or listen to tracks).
the whole content?). Elicit Ss know
that this is listening for detailed skill.
-T consolidates Ss’s understanding of - Ss take notes on
the listening for details skill: specific features
“Listening for details means students of anything they
listen for groups of words and feel
phrases at sentence level”.
strange and new.
-Enable Ss to Activity 2: -Ss listen to teacher’s P: Some Ss feel
practice - T asks students to discuss instruction and bored and do not
integrated skills: the questions in a group: discuss with other work in their
speaking about 1. Do you agree that celebrities start group own group.
the topic they fashion trends? Why or why not? Give members.
have just examples? - Ss answer the S: T observes and
learned. 2. What are other ways to questions to the comes to the
start fashion trends? teacher. group and has Ss
3. There’s an old saying: “Clothes to joint gently.
make the man” (or woman). What
do you think this saying means? Do
you agree? Why or why not?
Activity 3:
Appendix B -2) Then rise their hand listen.
- Put Ss in pairs to compare to answer the S: T
answers. - T calls randomly some questions and encourages
students to answer this question explain why. them by giving
and explain the reason why they -T can imagine and bonus.
choose this answer (Answer: 2) understand
- T introduces that this is the exercise skimming skill in
to practice skill: Listen for the main listening.
ideas. It means that: “Students listen
to identify the overall ideas
expressed in the whole recording”.
Activity 4: -Ss listen to T, then
- T shows on the slides and asks Ss take a look at the
which of these words from the table to circle the
listening did you not understand? words that they don’t
Circle them (Appendix 7) understand the
-T asks Ss some questions: meaning.
+ Did you understand the main idea -Ss listen and choose
without knowing these words? How?
Expected answer: Yes, I did. I will not
listen to every single word. Try to the answers.
ignore words that I think are less
important. I will use my general -Answer the
knowledge as well as the context to questions and
find out the meaning if there are explain why.
words or issues that I don't - Ss take notes on
understand. specific features
+What examples did the speaker of anything they
use? How did the examples help you feel
to understand the main idea? strange and new.
Expected answer: “Tex”, “A friend at
the university who is interested in the
movies of the 1930s and 1940s”.
“Because these answers strongly
confirm that people often dress to
look like the people they want to be.” -
-Ss answer the
T listens to the students’ answers. - T
introduces that: The activity 4 is to
-Listen to the
help students with the skill: Listening
teacher’s instruction
for the main idea. Then elaborate
more: and take note of
some important
“In listening comprehension, a good
listener will not listen to all the
words of the listening text. Instead of
listening to every word in their first
language, many language learners
tend to integrate their linguistic
competence, experience and
background knowledge to
comprehend the text. Once they try to
comprehend every single word, there
is little chance for them to discover
the key words which give them clues
to understand the listening text.”
+ Whether or not they would wear the -Answer teacher’s
traditional clothing from their country question.
on an evening out with their friends? +
Put the students into small groups.
Give them some time to have short
conversation about traditional clothing
people wore 50 years ago in this video
and talk about whether or not they
would wear it to “impress” other
- Encourage each group to share one
or two interesting things they talk
Deadline for giving comments: midnight Tuesday (19/12/2020)
Additional Possibilities:
Stages Stage Aims Teacher Activity Students Activity Anticipated
& Time Problems &
Post – Widen Ss’ -Give definition of idiom: A -Works in pairs. P:Ss find the
listeni vocabulary speech form or an expression of a task too
-Discuss with partner to
ng (10 with given language that is peculiar to difficult.
match which idiom into
mins) meaningful itselfs grammatically or cannot be
which definition.
idioms understood from the individual S: T equips Ss with
meanings of its elements. -Take notes on specific
relating to Idiom
features of any idioms they
way of Dictionary to
feel strange.
communicatin look up.
-Explain the meaning of some
g and -Raise your hand to answer
processing their questions.
information. -Get Ss to complete task (See
-The pair has the most
Appendix 8)
correct answers will receive
-Go round the class and assist 4 “stars”.
when necessary.
-Discuss the answers with the
whole class in terms of meaning,
culture and language.
F. References
Bixby, J., Kisslinger, E., & Zemach, D. E. (2013). Skillful: Listening & Speaking. Oxford: Macmillan Education.
G. Appendices:
Appendix 1. Circle the statement (a or b) that you agree with the most. Then compare your answers with a partner.
Answers must be depended on students’ opinion.
Appendix 2: Think about a classmate. What is your classmate wearing and carrying? Complete the chart. Include as
much information as you can.
Appendix 3: The words in bold are in listening 1. Read the sentences. Then match each word with its definition below.
Appendix 4: Listen to the conversation. Please tick a check the two statements that express main ideas of the conversation.
Answer key: 3-4
Appendix 5. Listen for details. Read the questions. Then listen again. Answer the questions.
Answer keys:
1. It looked like a black garbage bag.
2. No, they didn’t.
3. She says she doesn’t understand it.
4. A celebrity can start a trend.
5. He said he wouldn’t invite the journalist to his shows again.
Appendix 6: Listen to a short presentation on personal style. Check the sentence ⌧ that best states the speaker’s main
Answers: 2.
Appendix 7: Which of these words from the listening did you NOT understand? Circle them?
Appendix 8:
Task: Line match: Connect the idiom on the left to it definition on the right.
1.Get the picture A. Someone who spoils other people’s enjoyment of social
activities by not getting involved.
Appendix B: Script
Script - B1 (CD3 – Track 3)
Script B2 (CD3 – Track 5)
Listening skills: Listening for main ideas: