What Does A Telecommunication Engineer Do?

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What does a Telecommunication Engineer do?

Telecommunication engineers are in high demand due to wireless

communication access and the expectation to have instant communication
across the globe. The demand doesn’t stop globally either. We also have the
need to communicate with objects and astronauts in space. Advances in
communication technology are made by telecommunication engineers who keep
up with the latest advances and continually improve on the methods we use to

How to Become a Telecommunication Engineer

To become a telecommunication engineer, you would most likely need a
bachelor’s degree in engineering to get your foot in the door. There are many
engineering programs out there and some colleges only offer electrical
engineering where others have a focus on communications or
telecommunications. Either would benefit you to become a telecommunication

According to O*NET OnLine, the majority of telecommunication engineer

specialists hold a bachelor’s degree and 26% hold a certification and 17% an
associate’s degree. Those surveyed reported their career titles as
telecommunication systems designer, a telecommunications consultant, and
telecommunication engineer to name a few.

Job Description of a Telecommunication Engineer

As a telecommunication engineer, you would analyze a business’s

communication needs and then work to design or recommend the equipment
needed to accomplish that goal. You would also need to maintain and test current
communication equipment to ensure they are in working order and upgrade
outdated equipment to improve communications.
Telecommunication engineers may oversee telecommunication installers and
their work to ensure quality and also provide expert support as needed. If working
for a client, telecommunication engineers may need to train the team of people
that will be maintaining the equipment.

Telecommunication’s Engineer Career Video

Adan Rodriguez-Arroyo, Telecommunication’s Engineer at NASA: I basically
design communication systems for spacecraft, the ears and mouth of a
spacecraft. It allows for the ground station on Earth to send commands to the
spacecraft for them to be processed and also while the spacecraft is orbiting
Earth, it’s collecting all this good data that needs to be sent back to Earth. One of
Adan’s projects is the communication system for the Magnetospheric Multiscale
Mission, or MMS.

NASA wants to learn more about the Earth’s protective magnetic layer, also
called the magnetosphere and the Sun. What I have in my hands right now, it’s
the real antenna. The transmitter and receiver are connected to here, so if you
need to transmit, you send your signal through here it goes through this system
and it radiates through space and whatever station is in the ground, it will pick up
that frequency and you could actually receive all the information that you want.

What advice do you have for kids? Science can be challenging at times. Math
can be challenging at times. If you see something and you’re curious about it, just
ask a question. It’s not going to hurt anybody. It will make you a better person just
because you will know something that you didn’t know yesterday. To learn more
about the MMS missing, go to mms.gsfc.nasa.gov (link opens in a new tab).
Discover more about space at nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/ (link opens in a
new tab).
Article Citations
What does a Broadcast Technician do?
A broadcast technician sets up equipment that controls video clarity, signal
strength, and audio quality. They also operate equipment to stream live events or
record video. Along with set-up, they are also responsible for tearing down the
equipment and maintaining it when not in use.

Watch a video to learn what a broadcast technician does:

How to Become a Broadcast Technician

A minimum of a high school diploma is required to be a broadcast technician;

however, most have some training. If you are interested in becoming a broadcast
technician, attending vocational school allows hands-on education that can take
several months to a year to complete. However, earning a certification shows
employers that you know industry standards and are current with new
technologies. According to O*NET OnLine, over 25% of the broadcast
technicians surveyed held a post-secondary certification while almost 35% had a
bachelors degree or higher. A little over 20% stated they only held a high school
diploma or equivalent.

Coursework and training in math, computers, science, video production

management or editing, or a related field are commonly sought after when
seeking to become a broadcast technician. In addition to the coursework-
internships, entry-level positions, or volunteering at a community organization
that offers practical hands-on experience with equipment can be beneficial. 

Though not required, seeking certifications can also be helpful. There are several
offered through the Society of Broadcast Engineers (SBE). These certifications
can make you more competitive when applying for employment by demonstrating
knowledge or mastery in industry-standards for broadcast technicians. 
In addition to formal training, you must also have excellent problem-solving and
technical skills, stamina due to physical demands, communication and listening
abilities, and technology and computer software skills. 
It may be wise to get your first job as a broadcast technician in a smaller market
or station to gain experience. You can advance in your career and earn higher
pay by transferring to a larger station that values experience after learning the
trade more. Eventually, those with leadership and extensive experience can
become a chief broadcast engineer; however, these positions may require a
bachelor’s degree in engineering.

job Description of a Broadcast Technician

A broadcast technician’s duties may vary according to the size of the station they
work at and may change from day to day. Broadcast technicians primary
functions are operating, monitoring, and adjusting video, audio, lighting, and
broadcast equipment. They set up and take down broadcasting equipment for
events and performances. Broadcast technicians operate transmitters both in
studios and on location in the field. They record music, speech, or other sounds
on computers or recording equipment often using sophisticated software, in
addition to synchronizing sounds and dialogue with action happening in a movie
or television production.

Broadcast technicians generally work full time, but schedules may include
additional hours for live events or to keep up with production schedules. Radio
and TV stations are typically on the air 24/7, so technicians’ hours may run
around the clock. You should expect a variety of day, night, weekend, and early
morning shifts. You could work in a studio or outside, pending on where you are
needed. This job can be physically demanding, having to carry, set up, and
manage equipment throughout the day. Often you are also sitting at a computer.
There is constant activity and demands; therefore, you must work well under
pressure and be good a time management.

For resources, check out the Learning About Video and Broadcasting online
class offered through the Southwest Museum of Engineering, Communications,
and Computation. Also, the Association of Performing Arts and Entertainment
Professionals offers an ESET’s program teaching essential skills for
entertainment technicians to include audio, rigging, safety, and lighting, to
mention a few. 
While the stars of popular media may get a lot of the recognition, their
appearances are made possible —and optimized— by the work of broadcast and
sound engineering technicians. They operate the electrical equipment for radio
programs, television broadcasts, concerts, sound recordings, and movies. Audio
and video equipment technicians handle equipment such as video screens, video
monitors, microphones, and mixing boards. They record meetings, sports events,
concerts, and conferences.

Broadcast technicians set up and operate equipment that regulates the clarity,
signal strength, sound, and color of the broadcasts. They use software to edit
audio and video recordings. Sound engineering technicians run equipment that
records and mixes music, voices, and sound effects. They work in recording
studios, performance venues, and film and stage productions. Audio and video
technicians typically work in studios, although some work on location for events
or to broadcast news. They also set up systems in schools, hospitals, homes, or
other locations.

Technicians generally work full time, but schedules may include additional hours
for live events or to keep up with production schedules. Radio and TV stations
are typically on the air 24/7, so technicians’ hours may run around the clock.
Broadcast technicians generally need an associate’s degree, while audio and
video equipment technicians, and sound engineering technicians typically need a
certificate or related training.
What does a Satellite Systems Technician do?
A satellite systems technician works on intricate systems on the ground that are
responsible to control a satellite in space or maintain the communications data
link with a satellite. They are needed worldwide and work for the government or
large corporations. These technicians do not work on equipment for residential

How to Become a Satellite Systems Technician

Step 1: Earn a Degree
To become a satellite systems technician employers are looking to see if you
have at least an associate’s degree in electronics, communications, or computer
science. Some technicians gain their training and experience by joining the
military. People trained by the military can look impressive to an employer as this
demonstrates they have in-depth knowledge and experience all in one.

Step 2: Get Certified (Optional)

An employer may also prefer a candidate with a certification from the Satellite
Broadcast Communication Association (SBCA). The SBCA has many
certifications to choose from. For instance, the Satellite Master Antenna
Television Systems Certification (link opens in a new tab) is an online certification
program that trains you on the theory of satellite tv and its applications.
Step 3: Gain Experience
At this step you’ll apply for jobs and likely work under an experienced technician.
Some employers may require a background check because of access to
potentially sensitive data you could access on the job. You may also gain
experience in a related field that will help your application as well, such as TV
cable/satellite, computer communications, or radiofrequency (RF).
Job Description of a Satellite Systems Technician

Satellite systems technicians can be responsible for a variety of tasks depending

on the type of system they are hired to maintain. However, they typically assure
reception to the satellite to minimize data loss, maintain antennae operations
from 1 meter to 13 meters in diameter, and repair and replaces any defective

Technicians guarantee data distribution to customers, such as telephone

companies, government agencies, and other satellite systems locations. Most
employees work indoors, however, some technicians may be required to work
outdoors in the instance of a repair of a large antenna. The tools used to perform
their job are automated measurement equipment, RF analyzers, and general
communication test equipment.

Telecommunications Equipment Installers and

Repairers Career Video Transcript
On a daily basis, businesses and individuals send and receive vast amounts of
data through online communications. Telecommunications equipment installers
and repairers install and service this equipment. Telecommunications equipment
installers and repairers (also called telecom technicians) set up and maintain
equipment that carries communications signals, connects to telephone lines, and
accesses the Internet. They also demonstrate and explain the use of equipment
to customers and keep records of jobs they’ve completed.

Job tasks for these technicians vary depending on their specialization: central
office technicians maintain switches, routers, fiber optic cable, and other
equipment at switching hubs, called central offices. “Headend” technicians work
at distribution centers for cable and television companies. They monitor cable
network signals and maintain networking equipment to ensure proper
transmission. Station installers and repairers set up telecommunications
equipment in homes and businesses, and troubleshoot equipment problems if
they come up.

Most telecom technicians work full-time. At companies that provide services 24/7,
shift work is typical, and may include evenings, holidays, and weekends— with
some workers on call around the clock. Telecommunications equipment installers
and repairers typically need technical training in electronics, telecommunications,
or computer technology. Courses are usually offered at community colleges and
technical schools. For some positions, industry certification is helpful. Once hired,
telecom technicians receive on-the-job training.
What does a Satellite Engineer do?
A satellite engineer may design satellite equipment and write computer programs
to control it remotely from Earth once it’s placed in orbit. These engineers may
also with existing satellites already in orbit and test its functionality and
communication system from the ground, identify areas of improvement, and
update the satellite programs from the ground.

How to Become a Satellite Engineer

Step 1: Get your Degree
To become a satellite engineer, employers are looking for applicants that have
earned at least a bachelor’s degree. Some prefer that you have a master’s
degree but that requirement may be waived if a candidate has a wealth of
experience on-the-job. There may not be a specific degree program for a satellite
engineer, so employers are checking that you have an engineering degree that
applies, such as electrical mechanical or aerospace engineering. While gaining
your degree, you’ll want to be sure to learn how to write code, as programming
can be a significant aspect of your job.

Your future employer will probably require you to submit paperwork for a
thorough background check. This is necessary as you’ll likely need a security
clearance due to the sensitive nature of the data the satellite may be collecting.

Step 2: Gain Experience

You may decide to start your career as an engineering technician. You can
attend a two-year degree program to start gaining experience in this industry
while you continue your education. If you decide to go straight through college to
gain the degree and skills employers look for, you may look for positions with the
words junior or associate in the title. These positions will give you the on-the-job
experience required to then become a satellite engineer.
job Description of a Satellite Engineer

A satellite engineer’s daily tasks may vary if they are working on a satellite that
has yet to launch or working with a team to leverage a satellite’s capabilities while
in orbit. No matter where the satellite is located though (Earth or in orbit) they
must still be able to write software programs to keep them functioning and even
to add new capabilities if required.

These engineers must be able to troubleshoot and diagnose issues with a

satellite and design a method to fix the issue. They would also provide status
updates on the satellite’s capabilities and status. Many satellite engineers are
hired by defense contractors and aerospace companies. Those in this career field
may also have the title of aerospace satellite engineers. If you are just entering
the field, you could look for job postings with the word ‘associate’ in them, such
as associate satellite systems engineer.
What does a Satellite Installer do?
A satellite installer takes small antennas and installs them on houses or
businesses in order to provide television and internet access to their client. These
installers also maintain and service the equipment they install so their customer
receives quality reception. They can work indoors and outdoors and spend time
traveling from their client’s locations.

How to Become a Satellite Installer

Step 1: Minimum Requirements
To become a satellite installer, employers typically require a high school diploma
or GED. You’ll also need to drive a company vehicle to and from your client’s
locations so employers require a valid drivers licenses.

Step 2: Get Hired

Next, you can apply for companies that are looking for satellite installers.
Employers may also require a background check since you will be working
around their client’s homes and business and issue you a drug test. Companies
that hire satellite installers provide the on-the-job training necessary to be
successful at the company and you’ll be overseen by a more experienced

Step 2: Advance your Career

Since you will be gaining experience on-the-job installing antennas, you can
advance your career and take electronic-equipment training classes at your local
technical school or community college. These programs teach you how to work
on more sophisticated equipment. O*NET OnLine reports that a little over 60% of
the satellite installers surveyed earned a certification after high school.
Job Description of a Satellite Installer

A satellite installer takes small satellite antennas that are about three feet or less
in size and mounts them to homes and businesses. They strategically install
these antennas so they receive the best reception. Then, they run a cable from
their antenna to a modem/satellite receiver for connectivity. After installing the
necessary equipment, satellite installers test the system to be sure it functions
correctly. They must also educate their client to operate the equipment they just
set up and ensure they understand the directions. Installers use tools to such as
a drill, screwdriver, and small electrical tools. As they may be required to reach
high locations on the exterior of a building, they must also use ladders and safety
What does a Satellite Systems Engineer
(SATCOM) do?
Satellite systems engineers (SATCOM) are responsible to maintain and
troubleshoot the technology systems associated with satellites. They may also
work on cross-functional teams that consist of other engineers and technicians to
design new programs or improve existing ones. These engineers may be
required to be on-call in case issues arise and may travel internationally.

How to Become a Satellite Systems Engineer

Step 1: Earn a Degree
You have a few options to become a satellite systems engineer. You could earn a
relevant bachelor’s degree that gives you the skillset necessary to work on
satellite systems. Relevant degrees include computer science, or electrical,
mechanical, and aerospace engineering. Alternatively, you can earn an
associate’s degree in electronics, communications, or computer science and
become a satellite systems technician first to gain full-time work experience while
pursuing a bachelor’s degree part-time. Others join the armed forces and are
trained by the military. This route provides you experience and highly technical
hands-on training.

Step 2: Gain Experience

Many employers look for candidates that have some experience already. If you
are looking at going to college to become a satellite systems engineer, inquire if
the college program has internship opportunities. If you took the path to become
a satellite systems technician first and then continue your education, this
experience may count as well. Alternately, many employers may find candidates
with military experience in the field highly valuable. Experience is highly regarded
as you must be highly skilled in the latest technology and equipment design, data
security and bandwidth as well as rates and distribution, system architecture, and
Job Description of a Satellite Systems Engineer

The tasks performed by a satellite systems engineer will vary depending on the
project they are assigned, the company they work for, and their own experience
level. They install, operate, and/or design solutions of tactical satellite systems,
large earth stations (teleports), and mobile satellite systems. They may also
supervise engineers or technicians with less experience or lead cross-functional
teams to meet a missions’s goal. They are responsible to ensure a satellite’s
systems hit target operational performance rates (uptime rates) through best
practices of maintenance. They take corrective action when needed and identify
areas of future improvement.



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Cell Phone Technology has grown by massive leaps and bounds over the past
couple of decades. Cell phones long ago replaced the landline as the main mode of
communication, and it is considered a utility every bit as much as internet, electrical
or water service these days. So naturally, it’s no surprise that cell phone and cell
tower technicians are in high demand. These are now deemed “essential” jobs that
always have openings and availability. 

What Do Cell Tower Technicians Do?

Cell tower technicians, installers and repair people do a wide variety of tasks
throughout the day. In a nutshell, they maintain cell phone towers and keep them in
good working order to ensure that cell phones are always receiving signals without
delay or issue and that customers always have full bars. They do this by repairing
and replacing old materials and equipment, testing functionality, building, replacing
and putting up new towers, and regular servicing and maintenance, among other

Do You Need a Degree to Become a Cell Tower

To be a cell tower technician, you do need to possess a degree of education and
skills. For basic cell tower tech jobs, formal training is not always required, however,
most employers do expect you to have a diploma or GED certificate. You’ll also need
to undergo safety training and job training. Most employers will provide you with paid
training, but if you have outside skills or some experience in the field, so much the
better. For technician and installer positions, you may need to have a degree in
electronics telecommunications, or technology. The qualifications needed will
depend on the job description and each individual company’s qualifications, so check
job advertisements carefully. No matter your level of education, you will undergo on-
the-job training and be required to sit for a safety training session. 

What About Safety? 

All cell tower technicians must go through extensive training and safety programs to
learn the ins and outs of the job, including how to climb and repel safely, and how to
make extensive repairs while on the tower. This job is not one for someone who is
afraid of heights or who crumbles under pressure. 90% of the job will be spent
climbing and perching upon very high cell towers, and you must be able to do your
job effectively while safely working from these great heights. You’ll be working in
dangerous areas, and accurate, safe practices are very important at all times!
Luckily, your on-the-job and safety training will ensure that you know the ins and outs
of safely doing your job. You won’t be put out into the field until you’ve completed
extensive safety training. 

What Do Cell Tower Technicians Make?

One question that all prospective cell tower technicians have is about salary: how
much do cell tower technicians make? Well, it depends, in part, on your job
description and the company you work for (as well as your level of experience), but
in general, cell tower technicians get paid quite well. Because of the nature of the
job, which is rather high-stakes and often dangerous, cell tower technicians are
compensated accordingly. The average basic cell tower technician makes around
$27 per hour, which equates to just under $60,000 a year. This can fluctuate up or
down depending on your level of education, the position offered, and so on. 
What is it Like to Work as a Cell Tower Technician?
This job is best suited to people who like fast-paced, high-stakes work. That means
very little downtime, working at a quick pace, working from large heights and having
to pay close attention to safety at all times. For those who don’t handle stress well,
are afraid of heights or have trouble remembering step-by-step procedures, this
might not be the job for you. But if you have good attention to detail, work well under
pressure and possess a fearless attitude, you could make a great cell tower
If you think becoming a cell tower technician is your next career path, why not go
ahead and get started? Check out local job listings in your area and see what
qualifications you need to apply. You never know; you might just be a perfect fit for
that next technician job. Working as a cell tower technician is a rewarding, well-
paying, exciting and important job that has many benefits. It can be stressful, but
often workers find that the satisfaction of a job well done combined with the pay and
benefits involved make it well worth it. 

What is a Telecom Tower Crew Foreman?
A telecom tower crew foreman is somebody responsible for the safety of personnel
working on telecom towers. The job of the foreman is to ensure that operatives carry
out work in accordance with both company and legal standards.
IT and telecom firms need telecom tower crew foremen to supervise work on
telecom towers, conduct site audits, and help crews upgrade existing hardware.
Some foremen are also responsible for organizing the hours of work and estimating
job costs.

Responsibilities of a Telecom Tower Crew Foreman

Telecom tower crew foreman have the following roles and responsibilities:

 Inspecting work performed by telecom crews

 Ensuring that work on telecom towers conforms to company and legal health and
safety requirements
Ensuring that team members perform work at height in a safe and effective manner

 Reporting possible health and safety hazards

 Following instructions and complete projects in accordance with methods of


 Tracking the progress of work using checklists

 Performing swaps of cellular and radio antenna, upgrade to fiber-optic cables, and
increase site capacity
Qualifications & Skills of Telecom Tower Crew Foreman
Most firms require that a telecom tower crew foreman has between three and four
years of tower climbing experience and previous experience of managing a team of
two to five people working on a telecom tower.
A telecom tower crew foreman must also have a range of other skills. These may
include experience with colocation and civil wireless construction. General
requirements include customer-facing expertise, ability to work independently, and
ability to use power tools.
Becoming a telecom tower crew foreman is a highly physical job. Workers must
weigh less than 250 pounds, be able to lift loads above 40 pounds for six to eight
hours per day and be able to climb tall structures while carrying upwards of 25

Job Outlook
Companies in the IT and telecom industries need skilled and experienced telecom
tower crew foremen. However, they do not always need to hire them full-time or
long-term. More often than not, firms want to get the labor they need on-demand.
Being a freelance telecom tower crew foreman comes with a host of benefits. The
main advantage is the ability to work as and when you want. Freelancers choose
their hours and clients, giving them more control over their lives. Other benefits
include being able to work for a variety of employers and find exciting and varied

Pay Scale Range

The average hourly pay for a tower foreman is £24.31 per hour, with the top ten
percent earning more than $31.56 per hour. Freelance foremen can often make
more by working on a freelance basis.

Field Engineer Helps Both Businesses and Telecom

Tower Crew Foremen
Field Engineer is an online marketplace which connects telecom tower crew foremen
to telecom companies. With Field Engineer, telecom firms can find the tower crew
foreman they need on-demand, avoiding the high costs of hiring full-time.
Telecom tower crew foreman benefits too. Sign up today to get access to a wide
variety of employers, all over the world. By nurturing multiple client relationships,
telecom tower crew foremen can mitigate their employment risk.

What is a Site Engineer CORE Network?

A site engineer CORE network is a person tasked with installing telecom core nodes
to allow firms in the sector to provide coverage for their customers. Site engineers for
CORE networks need to be able to supervise and implement cabling, grounding, and
cooling, and creating building drawings.
IT and telecom companies need site engineer CORE network for site investigation,
documentation, and a range of support activities, including pre-studies.
Responsibilities of a Site Engineer CORE Network    
Site engineer CORE network have the following responsibilities:

 Identifying where efficiencies can be made and making improvements

 Performing site investigations, including requirements for mechanics, cabling, cooling

and grounding

 Fill out site investigation reports

 Helping with presale activities, such as pre-studies

Qualification & Skills of Site Engineer CORE Network    

Companies hiring site engineer CORE network usually require at least a bachelor’s
degree in engineering or a related field. Organizations also want to see that a site
engineer has at least three to five years of experience in the area before they will
consider taking them on.
Site engineers CORE network may also need additional skills, such as the ability to
lead a team, consult with clients, solve problems creatively on the fly, and have a
customer-focused mindset. Engineers who can fulfill all of these requirements will
make themselves more attractive to employers
Job Outlook
Freelance site engineer CORE network specialists enjoy a wide variety of benefits.
Freelancers, for instance, can choose their hours and organize their time as they
Freelancing as a site engineer CORE network offers a host of other benefits. Many
site engineers, for instance, cultivate multiple relationships across a range of firms,
diversifying their employment risk and ensuring a steady stream of
income. Freelance site engineers can also enjoy higher hourly rates than their full-
time, employed counterparts.

Pay Scale Range

The average salary for a network engineer is $67,284, implying an hourly rate of
$26.81. The top ten percent of network engineers earn in excess of $102,000 per
Freelance hourly wage rates tend to be higher because firms don’t have to pay
recruitment costs or other overheads associated with formal full-time employment.
These savings can then be passed onto the engineer, boosting their overall rate.

How Field Engineer Helps Both Businesses and Site

Engineer CORE Network    
Field Engineer benefits both employers and site engineer CORE network specialists.
Field Engineer is a platform where companies can find site engineers with CORE
network expertise on-demand. All a firm has to do is log on to the platform and select
a suitable freelancer to carry out the work: it’s that simple.
Field Engineer also gives site engineers all the tools they need to find suitable
freelance work. Site engineers join the platform and start applying for jobs posted by
employers. Employers will then look at their track record, reviews from previous jobs,
and make their selection. Field Engineer gives freelancers access to hundreds of
potential employers in the IT and telecoms industry, all in need of site engineer
CORE network services.

What is a Site Engineer?

A Site Engineer is a specialist who performs a similar role to a construction manager
on a project. Site engineers are responsible for security, health, safety, and the
supervision of materials and people going on and off-site.
Site engineers are responsible for the day-to-day management of a range of
engineering projects and are responsible for quality control. Site engineers must
liaise correctly with various subcontractors and ensure that plans for site
developments are accurate and feasible.

Responsibilities of a Site Engineer

Site engineers typically have the following responsibilities:

 Supervising the choice of plant and material for a project

 Resolving technical problems as they arise

 Conducting site surveys and cross-checking with drawings to ensure project


 Site leveling

 Ensuring that on-site health and safety standards are being met

 Taking leadership of the site management team

 Providing technical consulting on a range of issues.

Qualification & Skills of Site Engineer

Hiring firms usually require that Site Engineers complete a degree at the bachelor's
level or higher in engineering with a focus on the IT and telecoms. Many employers
will also accept those with qualifications in related subjects.
Organizations looking to take on freelance workers also typically want people to
have between three and five years of experience working as Site Engineers. Site
engineers need to have a variety of skills, including both people management and
with testing software. Some employers require that you have experience with
ISEB/ISTQB software testing.

Job Outlook
There are many benefits to becoming a freelance Site Engineer. Perhaps the main
advantage is that you can choose your own hours and who you work for.
Unlike a traditional job where you work for a single employer and sign a contract for
how many hours per week, freelancers have complete control over their time. A
freelancer can work for as many or as few hours as he or she likes.
What’s more, as a freelancer, your hourly rate is likely to be higher. Firms don’t have
to pay expensive benefits or recruitment costs, and they often pass those savings
onto you in the form of higher rates.
Finally, freelancers have total freedom over who they work for. As a freelance Site
Engineer, you can build relationships with multiple organizations, diversifying your
employment risk.

Site Engineer Salary

Site Engineers earn, on average, $73,402 per year. However, it is possible to make
much more than this, with some senior roles paying more than $150,000 per year.
The Site Engineer market is perfectly set up for freelancers, with the average tenure
for a Site Engineer job being less than a year. Freelancers can usually charge a
higher hourly rate than their employed counterparts.

How Field Engineer Helps Both Businesses and Site

Field Engineer is a platform which connects employers and freelance Site Engineers.
A freelance Site Engineer can hop on the platform, advertise their work availability,
and instantly apply for jobs with employers.
Likewise, employers can get Site Engineers on-demand, as and when they need
them: no need to pay expensive recruiters, and no need to take workers on full-time.

What is a Site & Process Automation

A site and Process Automation Engineer is somebody who helps organizations
automate their production processes. The role of a site and Process Automation
Engineer includes both installing, testing, troubleshooting, and maintaining
automation systems.
Many firms in the IT and telecom sector need people with the skills to help them
automate repetitive tasks or tasks that require a high level of precision. Site and
process automation engineers focus on reducing the labor required to perform
operational activities in these industries, helping firms to cut costs.
Responsibilities of a Site & Process Automation
The responsibilities of a site and Process Automation Engineer include the following:

 Troubleshooting equipment

 Performing tests across a range of complex systems

 Understanding how to control software works, including robot systems

 Creatively solving automation problems and tailor solutions to client needs

 Resolving network problems or issues of communication between control networks

and business objectives

 Providing technical support to on-site engineers and technicians

Qualification & Skills of Site & Process Automation
Site and process automation engineers need considerable training and experience to
perform their work effectively. The job involves a high level of both technical and
creative skills to be able to offer firms in the IT and telecom sectors the solutions
they need.
At a minimum, site and process automation engineers need a bachelor’s degree in
engineering or related field. In addition, many firms require that site and process
automation engineers have five years of experience in the telecommunication
Companies may ask freelancers to work overseas. Being able to speak fluently in
the language spoken in the target destination can help a site and Process
Automation Engineer get international work experience.

Job Outlook
Most site and process automation engineers work for organizations as paid
employees. However, there are many benefits to working on a freelance basis.
The freelance Site and Process Automation Engineers, for instance, can build
multiple client relationships, diversifying risk. If one firm no longer requires site and
process automation skills, a site and Process Automation Engineer can use the Field
Engineer platform to find another.
The freelance Site and Process Automation Engineers can often charge a higher fee
per hour worked.

Pay Scale Range

The average pay for a Process Automation Engineer is $82,562 per year. On an
hourly basis, that translates to $26.96.
However, the top ten percent of site and Process Automation Engineers can earn
more than $59.60 per hour. Freelancers may be able to charge more than this.

How Field Engineer Helps Both Businesses and Site &

Process Automation Engineers
Field Engineer helps both businesses and Site & Process Automation Engineers find
opportunities. Firms can hop onto the Field Engineer platform, and instantly see all of
the professionals they need, complete with accompanying reviews from former
clients of the engineer.
And site and Process Automation Engineers can see all of the employers on the site
currently offering site and process automation work on a freelance basis. Sign
up today, Field Engineer seamlessly and effortlessly connects the two, allowing
engineers to work how and when they choose.

How to Become A Tower Climber

A tower climber is a professional who can inspect, maintain, and repair work on cell
towers. These include guyed, self-supporting towers, monopoles, and other tower
systems that require regular inspection and maintenance. Cell tower climbers work a
hazardous role, but this is a profession in demand in today's digital era. Some tower
climber jobs are specific to those who work on broadcast, wireless internet service
providers, and even radio towers. Cell phone towers are only one of many towers
that require a professional tower climber to manage and maintain it.
What Do Tower Climbers Do?
A tower climber's role is to perform comprehensive installations, inspections, and
maintain the antennas and other transmitter systems. The climbing component is the
dangerous part of the job, but it's only one piece of the puzzle for a professional
tower climber. A professional cell tower climber is expected to be well-versed in
communications technology, cable splicing, and other technical responsibilities. If a
tower climber works for a specific brand, they must know the industry wiring methods
for equipment to be hired for that particular company.
Some tower climber jobs involve more than just installing and maintaining cell
towers. Shopping around for the right role with FieldEngineer.com is a must! There
are jobs posted by external companies for experienced tower climbers to choose
from on our comprehensive platform.

Work Schedule of Tower Climber

The tower climber position requires long and sometimes unsociable hours. Tower
climbing is not an easy field to work in, and often, cell tower climbers are called to
travel away from their home town to scale and repair as needed. Tower climbers are
required to be in excellent shape. This is so that workers can stand for long periods
and move as necessary. Generally, there isn't a need for a degree, but the tower
climber shouldn't be afraid of heights!

What is The Pay of Tower Climber

Entry-level tower climbers with less than a year of experience often average $17 per
hour on their role with under one year of experience. For those with more experience
than that, they can expect to earn around $19 per hour.

Benefits Being A Tower Climber

There are plenty of rewards to being a tower climber. A tower climber salary is the
main reward, with up to $20 per hour with a high school diploma. Working long
hours, this is a generous salary, and with skills in high demand, tower climbers have
real job security to enjoy. The other benefit of being a tower climber is that the job is
secure; they are in high demand. Tower climbers will find that they have an
awesome adrenaline boost, too, as they are physically challenged the whole time.
Cell Tower Climber Job Responsibilities
Cell tower climbers are routinely required to climb up to 500 feet off the ground.
Towers of all sizes and uses require repairs and trouble-shooting, and as there are
so many, tower climbers are in very high demand. Their schedules vary, with long
hours and long distances traveled to get to the next cell tower. Keeping cell towers in
good shape is a must, and cell tower climbers are responsible for this.

Tower Climber Skills

There is a range of skills required from a tower climber, and some of those include:

Good Physical Condition

Technicians can work on towers for hours throughout the day, every day of the
week. When cell tower technicians are working, they need the right level of strength
and energy to be confident at that height. Tower climbers also have to carry the
weight of heavy equipment and tools while they climb, which makes it a very
demanding role.

Work Safety Knowledge

All tower climbers are required to have an excellent working knowledge of health and
safety. It's all a part of the role from harnesses and climbing gear to the management
of anchors and hooks. Safety practices like monitoring the weather to ensure no
storms or lightning are coming are necessary, and all technicians have to go through
safety training before going ahead with a role.
Desirable Skills
Cell tower climbers have to be able to work in a pressured environment. They must
meet project deadlines and be able to respond as required to a new job. They need
to know how to make service calls and decommission a tower if necessary. The fact
that they also need to know how to read blueprints and schematics is also there as a

What is RF Drive Tester?
Are you looking for new career opportunities in the RF industry? With Field Engineer,
you can launch a successful career as an RF drive tester right away. With clients in
need of your skills and expertise, what’s holding you back?

What is the Job Description?

There is a range of job roles within the Radio-Frequency hardware sector, and an RF
drive tester is concerned with maintaining functional and efficient mobile radio
networks. An RF drive tester job description typically includes a number of specific
tasks, such as:

 Assessing implementation and installation

 Monitoring functionality

 Measuring capacity, coverage, and quality of service

 Designing new evaluation techniques and processes

Of course, some RF drive tester roles incorporate an increasing number of tasks.

Some drive testers may be particularly interesting in creating new, more effective
evaluation protocols, for example, and may focus on this as their area of expertise.
Alternatively, an RF drive tester may work for a number of clients, collecting and
collating crucial data which enables them to assess the functioning of their existing

What are the  Responsibilities of an RF Drive Tester?

Without functioning networks, major global corporations are unable to function. So
the role of an RF drive tester is extremely important. Responsibilities of an RF drive
tester generally include collecting data in a variety of ways, such as walk testing and
vehicle movement, collating this data into a usable format and analyzing it
When data is analyzed and compared to key performance indicators (KPIs), RF drive
testers are then responsible for assessing the performance of the network as a
whole and identifying critical areas which may require additional work. RF drive
tester responsibilities may also include scripting and software skills so that new
technical test software can be developed. As the on-going functionality of mobile
networks is crucial, RF drive testers have an important and vital role in maintaining
the infrastructure.

What Education is Required for RF Drive Tester Jobs?

Working with radio-frequency hardware is a specialist role and RF drive testers
usually have an undergraduate degree in Electronic Engineering or an associated
subject. Whilst on-site, practical experience is hugely valuable to your career
progression as a freelance RF drive tester, continuing education is also an asset.
Specialist certification programs, such as LTE Drive Test Training or RF Survey
certificates, help to prove your credentials to potential new clients and could help you
to gain new contracts as a freelancer.

What Skills do You Require?

Unlike RF Hardware Engineer, there is a range of RF drive tester skills which are
beneficial to the role. Freelancers who are successful as an RF drive tester often
possess the following skills and attributes:

 Able to use advanced mathematical formulae

 Excellent analytical and communication skills

 Familiarity with a range of network monitoring tools

 Understanding of RF theory and cellular theory

 Motivated and driven to succeed

 Experienced in the use of RF testing equipment, e.g. vector network analyzers,

signal generators

 Holds a valid driving license

 Scripting and software skills, familiarity with established testing software

What Salary Can You Expect?

An RF drive tester salary is usually dependent on experience, but the average salary
for someone in this role is around $71,000. With salaries ranging from around $44-
109,000 per annum, even relatively inexperienced RF drive testers can command a
respectable wage for their work.
When you operate as a freelance RF drive tester, your ability to work on the projects
you choose leaves you open to generate a higher salary. Advanced credentials, a
willingness to travel and expertise in a particular area will enhance your freelance
career even further and ensure you’re well-rewarded.

What is the Job Outlook for an RF Drive Tester?

New RF Drive Testers typically have a background in the RF hardware industry, and
their understanding of RF tools and equipment enables them to specialize in drive
testing.  Once established as a freelance RF drive tester, individuals can effectively
create their own roles, ensuring their future job outlook and prospects are high.
Whilst some drive testers prefer to be in the field carrying out measuring activities,
others choose to focus on RF drive testing support software and/or the development
of increasingly accurate tools. With a variety of paths to choose from, RF driver
testers have a range of opportunities ahead of them.

Working as Freelance RF Drive Tester with FE

Choosing to work as a freelance RF drive tester, rather than an in-house employee,
brings a whole range of benefits. Freelance drive testers have the opportunity to
travel around the world, work for major clients, specialize in their chosen field and
command a salary which is appropriate for their expertise and experience.
Furthermore, freelance RF drive tester jobs give you the freedom to work as and
when you choose; allowing you to build a stable career alongside any other
commitments you may have. If you want to find top-quality RF drive tester freelance
jobs, Field Engineer which is a freelance marketplace can provide everything you
Our unique platform enables you to connect to clients who are actively looking for
freelance RF drive testers, giving you the exposure and client base you need to
succeed. Sign up to Field Engineer now and join our global on-demand workforce

What is RF Hardware Engineer?
Are you eager to begin your new role as a freelance RF hardware engineer? With
Field Engineer you can access the best freelance job opportunities, market your
skillset and interface with clients from all over the world.

What is the Job Description?

An RF hardware engineer specializes in the design and use of devices which
produce or rely on radio band signals. Considered to be a specialist area of electrical
and electronic engineering, an RF hardware engineer job description often includes
a wide scope of tasks. A radio-frequency hardware engineer may design antenna
systems or coupling and transmission line structures, for example, as well as using
these designs to create a range of devices, such as mixers, amplifiers, and
There are a large variety of products and devices which use RF hardware, so there
is scope for further specialism when working as a freelance RF hardware engineer,
depending on what your strengths and interests might be. You may want to
specialize in the design of cutting-edge RF technology, for example, or deliver
thorough installation services or offer clients on-going maintenance support.
With numerous companies and organizations requiring the specialist services of an
RF hardware engineer, your role as a freelance engineer can be as varied as you
choose to make it.

What are the Responsibilities of an RF Drive Tester?

RF hardware engineer responsibilities will change, depending on the specific project
you’re working on. As a freelance RF hardware specialist, you will have the
opportunity to take on varying roles and projects, so your responsibilities may vary
If you’re in charge of designing new RF technology, you may be managing a team of
electrical engineers and taking overall responsibility for the creation of a new piece of
RF hardware. Alternatively, the installation of new RF hardware may include the
responsibility of ensuring the installation is carried out in accordance with state
legislation and in line with the company’s needs.
Ultimately, RF hardware engineers take on the responsibility for ensuring they meet
critical project objectives, which may include:

 Delivering RF transmission line structures without the use of radiation

 Creation of antenna systems in order to provide coverage in a specific location

 Testing of RF hardware and devices

 Installation of emergency power back-ups to facilitate on-going transmitter

What Education is Required for RF Hardware Engineer

The starting point for a career as an RF hardware engineer is usually a Bachelor’s
degree in Electrical Engineering.
However, undergraduate degrees in telecommunications engineering, computer
engineering or computer science may provide the basis for a future career in the RF
hardware industry.

What Skills do You Require?

Practical work experience is incredibly important in securing RF hardware engineer
freelance jobs.
As well as obtaining licensure as a Professional Engineer, you may wish to
undertake further courses to obtain certification, such as the CISCO RF or the
IEEE Wireless Communication Engineering Technologies Certification. With a solid
undergraduate degree, appropriate licenses and advanced certification, you will have
the skills, the qualifications and the reputation to work with the biggest clients in the
RF hardware industry.
We recommend you to read RF Optimization Engineer further for an interesting
career opportunity.

What Salary Can You Expect?
An RF hardware engineer salary can vary from anywhere between $50-124,000, but
the average salary for an RF hardware engineer is around $83,000.
When working as a freelance RF hardware engineer, however, you can increase
your income significantly. With the opportunity to take on projects which offer a
strong financial incentive, you can use your specialist skills to attract the highest
rates of pay as a freelancer.

What is the Job Outlook for an RF Hardware Engineer?

As RF hardware engineering is considered a highly-specialized area, your services
and expertise are in high demand. Businesses, corporations, and even governmental
organizations have a consistent need for RF engineers, and working as a freelancer
ensures you’re able to take your pick from top-name clients.
As well as enjoying the freedom to work when and where you choose, and applying
your RF hardware engineer skills to the most exciting of projects, working as a
freelance engineer allows you to build your reputation in the industry and make a
name for yourself as a leading RF hardware specialist.
Freelance marketplace like Field Engineer makes it easy to find RF hardware
engineer freelance jobs, so you won’t have to worry about sourcing clients. With a
secure, easy-to-use platform, you can see which clients need your expertise, discuss
projects with them and accept the jobs you want, whenever you want to. To see just
how in-demand RF hardware engineers are, sign up with Field Engineer now!

What is RF Optimization Engineer?

Are you ready to take the next step as a freelance RF optimization engineer? With
direct access to global brands and clients, Field Engineer can help you to develop a
full-time freelance role in RF optimization and related specialties.
What is the Job Description?
RF optimization, or radio-frequency optimization, is a specialized field of an
electronic engineer. Whilst optimization engineers typically have a background in RF
technologies, an RF optimization engineer job description usually includes a number
of responsibilities, such as:

 Analysis of current metrics

 Plan performance optimization strategies

 Problem identification and resolution

 Network design

 Optimization of growing networks to meet customer demands

In addition to this, RF optimization engineer responsibilities may be required to

design and implement new network designs, as well as auditing designs put forward
by other RF staff and/or third-parties. With a range of areas to focus on, a
freelance RF optimization engineer is able to take on projects which are of particular
interest and develop an expertise in a particular area of RF optimization.

What Education is Required for RF Hardware Engineer

Freelancers who work in the RF industry generally have a background in electrical
engineering. Whilst a Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering is the most
common way into the industry, degrees in computer science and related fields may
also enable you to begin a career as a freelance RF optimization engineer.
Whilst you’ll need experience in order to perform the role, further education and
accreditation can be worthwhile too. An LTE RF optimization course and/or RF
Performance and Optimization certificates can help you to stand out from the crowd
and will show prospective clients what skills you have and how you’re able to meet
their needs.

What Salary Can You Expect?

A typical RF optimization engineer salary can fall anywhere between $30-117,000
per annum, but your annual salary is likely to reflect your experience in the industry
and your certifications. On average, RF optimization engineers earn around $81,000
per annum in the US, although this can be increased if you choose to work on a
freelance basis.
With the choice to take on only highly-paid roles and lucrative projects, freelance RF
optimization engineers can increase their overall income, whilst performing a role
they enjoy.
What Skills Do You Require?
Working with RF networks and hardware requires individuals to have strong
mathematical knowledge and analytical skills. Attention to detail is essential, as is a
thorough understanding of how RF technologies, such as measuring tools, work.
Requisite RF optimization engineer skills are varied but individuals who want to
carve out a freelance career will need to be self-motivation, forward-thinking and
creative in their approach. An ability to communicate well with clients and present
plans, designs, and solutions in an understandable format is also important.

What is the Job Outlook for an RF Hardware Engineer?

Despite being a relatively niche field, RF optimization engineers have numerous
options when it comes to career progression. Perhaps one of the greatest
advantages of working as a freelance engineer is the ability to hone your skills and
develop specialties in specific areas.
If you want to specialize in propagation analysis or the development of monitoring
tools, for example, experience as a freelance RF optimization engineer will enable
you to follow this career path.
Working as a Freelance RF Optimization Engineer
Whilst you could work as an RF optimization engineer for a company, restricting
yourself to having just one role, for one employer, could limit your opportunities.
When you work as a freelance RF optimization engineer, you maintain control over
your career and your day-to-day working environment.
If you want to travel, for example, taking on global RF optimization engineer jobs will
give you the chance to work with RF networks all over the world. Alternatively, you
can schedule your projects around other commitments, such as family life and
further study, so that you’re able to work at times that suit you.

Becoming a Freelance RF Optimization Engineer with

Field Engineer is helping over 40,000+ engineers to develop lucrative freelance
careers, and we can help you too. Our on-demand workforce has drawn huge
attention from clients all over the world, including large corporations, multinationals,
and well-known tech brands.
You can sign up with Field Engineer for free and use our exclusive platform to see
what RF optimization engineer freelance jobs are out there right now, and you can
even discuss upcoming projects with potential new clients. Why wait? To start your
new career as a freelance RF optimization engineer, sign up with Field Engineer

What is an RF Design Engineer?
A Radio Frequency (RF) design engineer is a great way to earn a living, and at
FieldEngineer.com we can put you in touch with the right connections to achieve
your goal.

What is the Job Description?

RF engineering is a part of electrical and electronic engineering that deals with the
design and application of transmission line, waveguide, electromagnetic field
principles, and antenna. It is a large part of everyday life, although most people will
never even have heard of it. An RF design engineer will have helped to make
anything that transmits and receives, including but not limited to, mobile phones,
two-way radios, and Wi-Fi Management. Generally, an RF design engineer job
description would be explaining that the candidate needs to be able to analyze,
design and implement the enhancement of wireless telecommunication networks.

What are the Responsibilities of an RF Design

The RF design engineer responsibilities include initial system design, system
dimensioning for coverage, traffic analysis, coverage planning, site identification,
evaluation and zoning support, and frequency planning. As a professional expert, an
RF design engineer is hired to design radio frequency equipment and products and
they can be responsible for dealing with the project through from the design
processes to the manufacture and distribution of the products.
What Education is Required for RF Design Engineer
A degree in electrical engineering is usually required to progress to an RF design
engineer. There are universities that specialize in this area of electrical engineering
and it is worthwhile students doing some research to find out which courses involve
RF engineering as part of the curriculum.
It is a very hands-on and practical course and is therefore probably best completed
at the university rather than online. Students need to have an aptitude for
mathematics and science to be successful as an RF design engineer.

What Skills Do You Require?

Unlike RF Hardware Engineer, RF design engineer skills required include extremely
good analytical and risk identification skills. They also need to be motivated, patient
and flexible in their approach to the work.
Good RF Design Engineers also require a good knowledge of computer basics and
be prepared to change with new technology and innovations as they are developed.

What Salary Can You Expect?

As someone newly qualified entering full-time employment, an RF design engineer
salary expectations should be in the region of $58,000.  However, this rises quite
steeply with experience to almost $130,000.  This usually includes a basic salary
plus bonuses, profit sharing, and commissions.
As a freelancer in this line of work, there is no limit on what you can earn. It depends
on the job you are doing and who it is for, but most freelancers expect to earn about
$150,000 a year.

What is the Job Outlook for an RF Hardware Engineer?

Engineers of all types are in huge demand. This is possibly because of the amount
of training and dedication required. Some people would rather not have to go
through 4 or more years of education and training, but to work in your chosen career
it is sometimes necessary.
Once the certificates have been achieved, there are many work opportunities and
the future prospects for RF design engineer jobs is good.

RF Design Engineer Freelance Jobs

RF design engineer freelance jobs are a great way to gain experience in all areas of
the work involved. These jobs are available all over the world, and you may not be
restricted to just working in the US.
Freelancing in any industry provides a freedom that is lost when you are working for
someone else. As long as you produce work of a high standard within an agreed
deadline, being a freelancer can be a brilliant way to earn your living.
However, the stumbling block to this way of life for many people is making the right
contacts and connections with the people that require the work to be done.
This is we at where Field Engineer can help. Our one aim in life is to directly connect
engineers of all types with businesses that need their services. With an online
presence in more than 180 countries, we have become a powerful platform for
businesses who are seeking the expertise of an engineer.
As a freelance RF design engineer with us, you would be able to sort and filter jobs
to suit you. Distance, skills required, and pay can all be important factors that you
need to consider, and our platform makes it extremely simple to do.
You just need to evaluate the jobs on offer and complete the ones you are accepted
for. As soon as your work has been approved, payment will follow very quickly
Take control of your working life and register as a freelancer with Field Engineer

What is a Telecom Tower Technician?

Telecom tower technicians are people who specialize in the installation, servicing,
maintenance, and decommissioning of cell phone towers. They work with a variety of
hardware, including coaxial cables, antenna, radios, and fiber-optic cables.
Telecom companies need telecom tower technicians to ensure that their networks
remain operational. Without the services of tower technicians, firms would not be
able to maintain network service or coverage for customers.

Responsibilities of a Telecom Tower Technician

Telecom tower technicians have a variety of responsibilities. These include:

 Ensuring on-site safety and complying with safety standards

 Conducting repairs to telecom towers at a height

 Reporting on possible hazards on telecom towers

 Following work checklists and ensure operational compliance

 Following instructions set out by the scope of work and methods of procedures

 Completing work to customer specifications

 Troubleshooting tower issues

 Expanding network coverage

 Performing equipment swaps and site upgrades

Qualification & Skills of Telecom Tower Technician

Most companies usually ask that telecom tower technicians have some form of post-
secondary education in electronics, telecommunications, or computing. Training in a
technical college or an associate degree in electronics repair or computer science
can be especially helpful.
Some companies will offer new recruits on-site training to bring them up to speed
with the day-to-day operational requirements of being a skilled telecom tower
technician. Others, however, may require that candidates have between one and two
years of experience climbing towers before taking them on.
Telecom tower technicians also need to be able to work outside of regular business
hours, have excellent administrative and oral communication skills, and understand
how to use basic mechanical tools.

Job Outlook
Becoming a telecom tower technician on a freelance basis offers a variety of
benefits. The main advantage is being able to choose when you work. As
freelancers, telecom tower technicians can choose the hours that fit best with their
Freelancers also get to choose who they work for. A telecom tower technician may
only want to work for a telecom provider in a specific state or one that can offer a
particular pay rate.
Finally, working as a freelance telecom tower technician gives workers the freedom
to work for multiple clients, keeping the work varied and exciting, and helping to
diversify employment risk.

Salary for a Telecom Tower Technician

The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the average tower technician makes
around $56000 per year or $27.43 per hour. Salaries range from as low as $31,190
to as high as $78,930, depending on the firm and the technician’s level of
Typically, freelance technicians can charge more on an hourly basis.

Field Engineer Helps to Connect Businesses and

Telecom Tower Technicians
Field Engineer is helping both telecom tower technicians and telecom businesses by
connecting the two. Telecom businesses can now hire the telecom tower technicians
they need on-demand using the FE platform. Field Engineer makes it easy for firms
to scale their labor requirements for major upgrades and installations, and then
reduce wage expenditure when work is complete.
Field Engineer is also helping telecom tower technicians earn higher rates and
connect with multiple telecom providers, enabling them to become independent
freelancers who set their own schedule. As a telecom tower technician, If you’re
looking to get hired by employers, sign-up for free at Field Engineer.

Telecom Administrator
Do you have aspirations of turning your passion for technology into a successful
career as a Telecom Administrator? Field Engineer allows you to turn that dream into
a reality by connecting you to the major clients that you’ve always wanted to work

What is The Telecom Administrator Job Description?

The job definition of a Telecom Administrator, or Telecommunications’ Administrator,
isn’t overly complicated. In this role, your job is to support an organization’s
administration of wireless telecom devices and services.
You will be a data communications analyst who partners with the IT team and end
users to ensure high-quality operations and efficient networks. You’ll move, add, or
modify communications systems, support hardware, and software, and resolve
issues so that downtimes rarely occur in all telephony and related systems while
providing interactions between data and voice communications, including video
conferencing, IP telephony, and computer and voice mail systems.
Considering how important functioning telecoms systems are in modern business,
companies are willing to pay handsomely for Telecom Administrators to successfully
enhance the ongoing efficiency. FE helps you connect to those clients to gain
maximized earnings.
What are The Responsibilities of Telecom
As a Telecom Administrator, you may work with offices and laboratories. Working in
this role, you will help with the installation and maintenance of IP telephony systems,
voice mail, PBX, and networks. As such, you’ll need to handle a range of
assignments, including:

 Support PBX phone systems and VoIP, voice mail systems and call-recording, such
as automatic call distributor (ACD), call accounting, and attendant console support.

 Collaborate with vendors, telecom carriers, and network monitoring services for
issues like phone line infrastructure, solution analysis, and support issues.

 Maintain documentation related to telephony systems, call-recording systems, and

wide area network (WAN) maintenance.

 Ensure to meet the client’s network and equipment availability service agreements,
including by alerting them when issues occur and maintaining telecom systems.

 Evaluate and fix issues concerning software and hardware of telecom systems.

Other responsibilities include research and analysis into budgets and available
technologies, along with making suggestions regarding purchases, improvements,
and cost-saving processes. Assignments also extend to migrating and changing
network and telephone account details while also upgrading outdated systems.
What is The Education Required for Telecom
As a Telecom Administrator, an associate’s degree in Computer Science, IT, or other
disciplines relating to telecommunications is the bare minimum. However, most find
that a bachelor’s degree is required to win over the best clients. Meanwhile,
additional certification can boost your prospects. Relevant qualifications include:

 The CTMS certification course.

 The CTMA certification course.

 The CTME certification course.

 The CWMS certification course.

In addition to formal education, on-the-job experience is vital. You should have prior
experience of IT procurement and telecom network implementation, besides IP
telephony and computer networking.

What Skills do you Require?

If you’re determined to get hired as a Telecom Administrator, you should be familiar
with networking products, such as routers, switches, and hubs, among others,
and firewalls. Likewise, network protocols such as TCP/IP, UDP, FTP, etc., and  IP
telephony protocols (H.323 and SIP) should fall under your remit of knowledge.
It’s vital to have experience working with DHCP and DNS, as well as a working
knowledge of MPLS, Broadband, SIP, Dedicated Internet, etc. You should be well-
versed with Cisco or Juniper or Aruba or other popular networking systems. You are
expected to have experience of working with VPN technologies and should be able
to use Office 365 or its equivalent as well as ServiceNow or other workflow systems.

What Salary Can You Expect?

Demand for Telecom Administrator experts is very high while the average earnings
for professionals in this role are currently $63, 681 per year in the United States,
according to ZipRecruiter. Professionals who take up freelancing earn around $31
per hour.
Working as a freelance Telecom Administrator is an ideal step en route to earning
those wages mentioned above. Field Engineer can help you stay busy by connecting
you to freelance roles and helping you grow to the point where the biggest clients will
crave your services too.
Being a freelance Telecom Administrator allows you to help organizations thrive in
a gig economy where organizations need to concentrate on their core strengths and
let on-demand players take up support tasks. When you work on the FE platform,
you will be assured of continually working for new clients and also improving
opportunities your expertise in this field.
Sign up today to join over 40,000+ engineers working with us globally through the
platforms. The future of your career in Telecoms Administration has never looked

Introduction to Telecommunications
Telecommunications specialists are experts involved in the designing of video, data
and voice communication systems. They possess a vast understanding of a
company’s technological requirements and utilize their knowledge to create a
bespoke and personalized communications network for their needs. This will involve
designing the system, managing connection systems, establishing various methods
of communication and also installing the technology required.
The goal for a telecommunications specialist is to optimize an organization’s existing
telecommunications systems or to design and install one from scratch. As such, it
requires a large amount of technical system knowledge, and they must also possess
the manual skill required for installing, repairing and maintaining communication

Job Description & Responsibilities

Telecommunications specialists focus on creating and maintaining efficient
communication lines between technological systems such as computers and
smartphone devices. This includes installation of these systems as well as repairing
them should they develop a fault. It may also be part of the telecommunications
specialist job description to produce reports and documentation for the systems that
they maintain or plan to install for a client.
A telecommunications specialist is responsible for the designing, installation and
maintaining equipment that will be used in conjunction with computer technology for
the purpose of communication. For example, a telecommunications specialist may
be tasked with designing, installing and managing a video communications system
that allows a company to effectively hosting meetings with investors and board
members regardless of their location. The job is often offered by a
telecommunications company that will assist operatives in obtaining the right
certifications for the job, but it can also be an independent freelance role.
Specialists are required to not only confirm to their client that their new
telecommunications devices will remain functional after the installation process, but
they must also provide documentation and reports on the process so that should the
system encounter a fault in the future, the client will be able to solve the issue or
diagnose the problem using their own in-house specialists. Alternatively, a
telecommunications specialist may have a maintenance contract with their client to
provide repairs, maintenance and record upkeep.
To summarize, a telecommunications specialist will have the following

 Overseeing and offering technical advice on the telecommunications systems that

their client utilizes

 Communicate with their client on their requirements and decide on technologies that
are suitable to meet their needs

 Document and report on the entire procedure including listing specifications for the
purpose of compiling documentation that can be used by the client or future
specialists to understand the system

 Test and monitor the system in order to optimize the performance of the
telecommunications system

 Supervise and coordinate telecommunications activities when required

 The budget for the entire project on behalf of the client

 Contact the right suppliers to source the materials and tools needed

 Understanding the client’s approach to training staff in order to educate and improve
their skills and knowledge of the system

Educational Qualifications & Certifications

In order to become a successful telecommunications specialist, it’s important to
possess a degree in computer science, information technology, network
technologies or a related field. Industry-recognized certification can also add value to
your resume and help you stand out from the competition.
Certifications from groups such as the International Association for Radio,
Telecommunications, and Electromagnets (iNARTE) are highly valued when it
comes to adding to your resume. With it, you have a much higher chance of finding
work with high-profile clients who can trust in your reliability and credentials.

Skills & Job Outlook

Job prospects for a telecommunications specialist are set to rise especially in the
freelance marketplace as corporate demand for scalable and flexible
telecommunications networks increases. Accumulating working experience in the
field will be a crucial factor when it comes to unlocking more prospects.

Payscale reports that the average salary of a Telecommunications Specialist is on
average $60,365 per annum. With more experience comes a higher salary, but this
doesn’t account for freelance work which can contribute to your resume and boost
your career. Those interested in working on a freelance basis can
visit FieldEngineer.com to find the best freelance opportunities available.

Advantages of Being a Freelance Telecommunications

Although there are many employment opportunities as a telecommunications
specialist, many smaller and medium-sized businesses are outsourcing their
telecommunications needs to save on costs, opening up many opportunities for
freelancers in the near future.

How Field Engineer Can Help

Field Engineer provides professionals with a simple-to-use and far-reaching platform
that connects freelancers with prospects all over the world. With over 40,000+
engineers registered in 180 different countries, Field Engineer can help you find
round-the-clock work no matter where you are.
It takes just a few minutes to sign up and start looking for jobs, with hundreds of
employers who have already hired freelancers and listed their requirements on the
site. Sign up with Field Engineer today, and you can soon start discovering all of the
job opportunities that are available to skilled Telecommunications Specialist on our
global platform.

Telecom Equipment Installation
Do you dream of taking your career as a Telecom Equipment Installation Technician
to the next level by becoming your own boss as a freelance contractor? At Field
Engineer, we can support your transition into the world of freelancing by landing the
projects you want at the price you deserve.

What is The Job Description?

Despite being a skilled job that covers various tasks, the basic description is very
uncomplicated. Telecom Equipment Installations Technicians are responsible for
installations, set-ups, rearrangements, distribution, and testing endeavors across the
full spectrum of equipment.
Generally speaking, then, it’s likely that you’ll take on an array of different
responsibilities as you work on different projects for different clients. After all,
telecoms systems cover telephone lines, cable television, internet networks, and
virtually all other equipment that can be used for internal and external
Telecom Equipment Installation Technicians (otherwise referred to as Central Office
Technicians, Install and Repair Technicians, Service Technicians, or
Telecommunications Technicians) are among the most sought-after professionals in
the business arena thanks to the omnipresence of telecommunications systems in
modern society - and companies need specialists like you to keep their facilities in
good working order.
Whether working in central offices (central office technicians), distribution centers
(headed technicians) or out in the field (home installers and repairers), Field
Engineer can help you connect with a wealth of companies in need of your services,
making the road to success smoother than you ever thought possible.

What Are The Responsibilities Of A Telecom Equipment

Installation Technician?
In your role as a freelance Telecom Equipment Installation Technician, you may be
contracted to undertake a variety of different responsibilities. The list of assignments
completed on behalf of the client may include:

 Install, set-up, and confirm that telecommunication equipment is working as


 Giving demonstrations on how to use the equipment to help customers gain the best
user experience.
 Run tests on faulty circuits and equipment with the use of test meters, circuit
diagrams, polarity probes, and various tools.

 Test newly installed, repaired, or upgraded telecommunications systems to ensure

that they are working to the desired specifications.

Further responsibilities include communicating with the project manager and other
senior staff to ensure that they are happy with the newly installed or repaired
systems and know how to use them in the most proficient manner. In some cases,
you may additionally arrange future visits for annual checks and related tasks.

What Education Is Required for Telecom Equipment

Installation Technician Jobs?
There are no official requirements for degrees or higher education as most Telecom
Equipment Installation Technicians have undergone on-the-job training and various
courses in electronics, telecommunications, or computer networking before making
the switch to freelance work. However, if you want to be truly successful in this field,
an Associate’s Degrees in Telecommunications can be advantageous as you look to
impress clients and secure more jobs.
It is also possible to further your career to charge higher rates and win bigger
contracts by taking on a number of additional certifications. These include:


 iNARTE Telecommunications Engineers Certification


 NCTI Master Technician


Crucially, though, you need the ability to find jobs that are suited to your specific
skills and capabilities. Field Engineer’s personalized marketplace allows for easy
filtering, making you aware of the available positions with incredible levels of
efficiency. When you also boast the skills needed to stand out from the crowd, you
will get hired more frequently!

What Skills Do you Require?

If you are eager to thrive as a Telecom Equipment Installation Technician, you will
require good verbal (both listening and speaking) and customer service skills.
Moreover, you will be a logical thinker that knows how to find the best solution to the
telecoms issues of individual clients
Physical requirements include great eyesight for working with various colored cables
and intricate circuits, as well as steady hands. Perhaps most importantly, you should
possess vast experience in working with various telecoms equipment and systems
including VoIP, Cisco, and multiple network services. This will ensure that you are in
high demand with a range of clients.

What Salary Can you Expect?

Research conducted by ZipRecruiter shows that the average annual salary for a full-
time Telecom Equipment Installation Technician in the United States is $42,616, with
the majority of salaries sitting between the $30,500 to $48,500 range. However,
working as a freelance contractor can significantly boost those earnings as you will
possess far greater control on where and when you want to work while also being
able to set and negotiate your own fees.
By operating as a freelance Telecom Equipment Installation technician on the Field
Engineer, there will be an unrivaled level of transparency throughout the project
bidding process and ability to automate invoicing and payments, managing your
revenue has never been simpler. In turn, this gives you more time to focus on the
work itself, further maximizing your earning potential.
Our global on-demand marketplace connecting business with the telecom engineers
can be the key to winning new business and forming long-term partnerships in the
field. We are trusted by over 40,000+ successful engineers just like you, and our
service can unlock the door to far greater long-term earnings as well as improved job
Sign up now and you will immediately discover the many benefits that Field Engineer
has to offer. Your future as a Telecom Equipment Installation Technician has never
looked brighter.

Telecom Job Preparation Course for

Engineers (Free)
 Post Category:Tech / Telecommunication
Telecom job preparation for Engineers are simply revising what you have learned in your university
courses. To prepare yourself for telecom job, especially in telecom engineering sector, you need to know
practical aspects of telecommunication engineering. But the problem is – without getting the job, you will
never learn what the practical aspects of telecommunication are. Unfortunately, without knowing them,
you will not get the job. It is a total deadlock situation. To help you escape from this riddle, I have
prepared this course. This course is for Engineers who want to join in Telecommunication Industries. Do
not mix it up with other jobs in telecom sector. This course is only for engineering jobs. More precisely,
this course is only for – telecom job preparation for engineers.

Let us start with a question – ‘How do get a job in telecom sector in engineering position?’ Or we can ask
the same question in a little different way. That is ‘How can I prepare myself for engineering jobs in
telecommunication industry?’ Well, I will answer the question. Before get started I like to say –   Telecom
job preparation for engineers is a time consuming task. You must allocate adequate amount of time for it.
And for course telecom job preparation for engineers require patience.

To prepare yourself to telecom industry for engineering job position, first of all, you have revise the
telecom related courses you have done during your engineering program. Once you will have revised all
those theoretical concepts, you will for the next step. Look at the 32 section below. These have been
prepared from the practical knowledge of working in telecommunication industry. When a professional
engineer will ask you question during telecom job interview session, he will not ask anything beyond these
32 topics. Whatever question will be asked, they will remain within these topics. Now take your time and
finish these sections one by one. Do not rush. Take your time. Allocate at least 7 days to complete these 32

1. 0 dBm
2. What is VSWR
3. Understanding Timing Advance (TA)
5. HSN and MAIO in GSM
6. Rake Receiver?
7. Frequency Hopping / FHSS
8. Modulation
9. RF Drive Test
10. OSI 7 Layer Model
11. Antenna
12. Cellular Filed Test Mode
13. Ec/Io and Eb/No

14. RF Site Survey

15. MIMO
16. Electrical and Mechanical Tilt
17. IPv4 and IPv6
18. IP Packet Switching in Telecom Part 1
19. IP Packet Switching in Telecom Part 2
20. IP Packet Switching in Telecom Part 3
21. IP Packet Switching in Telecom Part 4
22. Retransmission, ARQ and HARQ
23. RRC and RAB
24. Analyzing Coverage with Propagation Delay
25. RF Power Divider and RF Power Combiner
26. Inter Symbol Interference in LTE
27. Optional Meaning in Wireless Network
28. LCS
29. Cyclic Prefix in LTE
30. CSFB and SRVCC in LTE
31. Modes, States and Transitions
32. Envelop Tracking
Once you will have complete these lessons properly, you will have knowledge as 2 years experienced
telecom engineer. So, this is how you can prepare yourself to get a job in telecom industry as an engineer.

So, prepare your plan, make a regular routine. Take your time and complete these lessons properly. And
once again, I like to highlight that, during interview session, no question will be asked beyond these topics.
So be 100% confident. You will make it.



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What is 0 dBm?
 Post Category:Telecommunication
Everyone who works with Telecom knows there is a relationship between Watts and dBm. But if the
Power is expressed in Watts, why we must know  and use – this relationship in our day-to-day ??

Let’s try to understand today in a simple manner, and discover why the use of decibels help us much.
Watt (W) and miliWatt (mW)
First of all, to understand what it means for example 0 dBm, we at least have to know the basic unit of
power, the Watt. By definition, 1 Watt means 1 Ampere (A) current in 1 Volt (V) voltage, or in
mathematical terms P = VA. It is interesting to note that the amount of power radiated by an antenna is
very small in terms of Watts, but it is enough to reach several miles.

And as the signs are very small, is more common to refer to them in terms of prefix, such as military or
milliwatts (mW), which means 1 / 1000 (one thousandth) of Watts.

Besides the signals were rather small, it – as well as other quantities of physics such as electricity, heat or
sound – propagate nonlinearly. It would be more or less like compound interest on a loan.

Or brought into our world of engineers, imagine a cable for transmitting 100 watts, with a loss of 10% per
meter. If the spread was linear, the final 10 meters would have no more power!

Only it’s not how it happens. In the first meters, have 10% less power, which is 90 watts. And this is the
value that ‘enter’ on the cable until the next meter. Thus, the second meter, we would have 10% less of that
power or 81 watts (= 90 – 9). Repeating this calculations, you see that in fact the power never reaches zero,
as it would if calculations were linear. (At the end of the cable have actually 34.86 Watt)

To solve problems o deal with this – and make our lives easier – we need to know the logarithms. We saw
this in school, but there are people who do not like to hear. The good thing is that we need not know much
about them, just understand what they are.

Just understand that if we transformed the magnitudes in logarithms, the calculations become addition and
subtraction rather than multiplication and division.

Of course, in order to do the calculations by adding and subtracting, we must make the necessary
conversions. But with the help of a calculator or Excel, is not that complicated.

Decibels (dB)
By definition, we have:

Sure, we say that working with logarithms (or decibels) is much easier – and the common good. But by the
formulas above, still can not understand. So the best way to understand why we use dB (decibels), is
seeing how they help us through a practical example.

Consider a standard wireless link, where we have a transmitter (1) and a receiver (5), Antennas (3), Cables,
Jumpers and Connectors (2) and Free Space (4).

Using real values, and without using the help of dB, let’s do the math and see, from the transmitted power,
how much power we have at receiver. So with dummy values, but close to reality, we have:

 Transmitter Power = 40 Watts

 Cables and connectors loss = – 0.5 (Half Power)
 Antenna Gain = 20 + times in the Power
 Free Space Loss = – 0 000 000 000 000 000 1 Power
Note: This amount of loss in free space is quite big. And it is obtained based on distance and other factors.
For now, just accept that it is a practical value of loss of RF for a given distance of our link.

The link with the absolute values in Watt would then be as below.

We can work this way, of course. But you must agree that it is not very friendly.

Now, if we use the proper conversion of power, gain and loss for dB, we can simply add and subtract.
It was so much easier, isn’t it?

Now we just need to know the formulas to do the conversions.

Converting with Formulas in Excel

Considering that the amount of wattage is in cell B3, the formula for convrting W in dBm is:

= 10 * ( LOG10 ( 1000 * B3 ) )

And the formula to reverse – convert dBm to Watt, considering that our power in dBm is in cell B6 is:

= 10 * ( LOG10 ( 1000 * B6 ) )

And as a result, we have calculated values.

Note that in case we are using the 1000 value in the formulas, for wearing the Watt, but we want the result
in dBm.

To calculate (convert) db to ratio, or ratio to db, the formulas do not include the value of 1000.

Calculations without using a calculator
Of course, we will use calculators in the projects and programs such as Excel. But we also know how to do
calculations (conversions) without using a calculator. If anyone tells you that the power is + 46 dBm, you
need to know what that means in terms of Watts.

For this, there are certain tricks that can be used to arrive at least an approximate match.

For this, a good way is to memorize the equivalent to multiplying factors in dB, as in the table below (at
least those that are in bold).

With the corresponding values of dB and multiplier factor, we convert eg +46 dBm to mW.

Answer: First, we expressed 46 values that we already know by heart.

So 46 = 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 3 + 3

That is, we multiply the reference value (1 mW) for four times the factor of 10 and twice the factor of 2.

What gives us

1mW x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 1 000 0 mW

1 000 0 mW x 2 x 2 = 40000 mW = 40 W

Ie, + 46 dBm is equal to 40 watts.

Well, I think now you have given to see that when we do the calculations in dB everything is easier.
Moreover, the vast majority of Telecom equipment has specifications of its units in dB (Power, Gain, Loss,

In short, just use basic math to understand the values and reach the final figures.

When we say that such a signal is attenuated by 3 dB, means that the final power is half the initial power.
Likewise, if a given power is increased by 3 dB means twice the power.

A good practice, irrespective of how you will work with the calculations is to store at least some values
such as 0 dBm = 1 mWatt (our initial question), 30 dBm = 1 Watt, and in our example, 46 dBm = 40
So you can quickly learn, for example, the equivalent for the calculations.

For example, 43 dBm = 46 dBm – 3 dB. That is, half the power of 46 dbm. Then, 43 dBm = 20 Watts!

Just finally, in our example, the received power was – 84 dBm, remember?

In this case, doesn’t need memorizing. Just so you know which is equivalent to a very low power, but
enough for a good example for GSM call.



What is Antenna?
 Post Category:Telecommunication
If we only ask about the device, you’ll know for sure to define what is an antenna, or at least have ever
seen it. We also know that changing conditions or characteristics, for example targeting them, they
improve the communication link.

But if someone asked to describe what is an antenna technically speaking, how would you describe its

That’s what we’ll talk about today.


Before we begin to define the antenna work, we need to learn (or remember) some basic concepts.

By understanding these concepts, it will be much easier to understand how antennas works.


Radio waves (electromagnetic) is physical, of which we highlight the frequency. We know it is not easy

So let’s make our first analogy: imagine a drop of water falling on the flat surface of a bucket of water.

After the droplet hits the water at rest, we can see the waves formed.

In telecom we specifically describe the pattern of sine waves, the wavelength is distance between two

Mathematically, the wavelength (λ) is defined by the speed with which the wave propagates (c) divided by
frequency (f) thereof.

 wavelength (λ): is represented by the Greek letter λ;
 speed (c): Considering that our waves propagate in air, we can consider as the speed of light in
vacuum – c – 300,000,000 m / s (which may be represented by 300M m / s);
 frequency (f): frequency of the signal will be using.
For example, on a 900 MHz system, we have: λ = (300 Mm / s) / (900 MHz) = 0.33333 … or 33.33 cm.


When we talk about electromagnetic waves, another important concept is the polarization, ie what the plan
of the electrical component in which the wave propagates.

Ok, started to complicate things? So let’s try to explain better.

Electromagnetic waves are composed of two planes – vertical and horizontal. These plans represent the
electric and magnetic fields. These components are always orthogonal, vectors off by 90 degrees. They
vary in phase – or zero – degrees of electrical phase shift.

The propagating speed (also vector) for these two fields in turn spreads in 90 degrees of the two.

The following figure helps us visualize these vectors.


So depending on how the signal coupling is done – the antenna is oriented – we have a definition of

If the transmitter is such that the wave is completely in the vertical plane (Electrical plane E), then we have
Vertical polarization. If the wave is in the horizontal plane (Magnetic plane B), we have Horizontal
polarization. There are other types of polarization, as Cross polarization and Circular polarization (right
and left), that actually are combinations of vertical and horizontal polarizations, and also the phase

The concept of polarization is very important in antennas, mainly because when a signal is transmitted in
one polarization must be received in the same polarization, otherwise we will have an attenuation (loss),
known as cross-polarization.

To better understand the polarization of waves, let’s see some examples, in which we highlight only the E
component – electric field. (Remember though that there are always a magnetic field 90 degrees to the
electric field).

And see how looks the wave (the electric component E) for Cross polarization – a combination of vertical
and horizontal polarizations, electrically in phase.

Let’s stop here, our artistic ability (?!?) limits us! But a wave with Circular polarization (electric
component E) – a combination of two polarized waves – one vertical and one horizontal, electrically out of
phase by 90 degrees, but with the same magnitude, it would “more or less” as we draw down. Surely the
real wave is at least less “shaky.”

As an example of antenna with Circular polarization we have Helical Antennas or Cross Yagi with
Circular polarization (left or right), better known as RHCP (Right Hand Circular Polarization) and LHCP
(Left Hand Circular Polarization). We’ll see more of their applications in due course.

Okay, after briefly introducing some basic concepts, let’s talk about antennas.
By definition, an antenna is a device designed to transmit or receive electromagnetic energy, matching
these sources of energy and the space. Also often called radiant systems. Note that the same device can be
used to transmit or receive.

Let’s start by looking at a simplified representation of a system for transmission and reception.

The original information is changed, for example through some kind of modulation and treatment, and still
conveyed or guided by a cable to the antenna. The antenna then radiates this information by the medium
(air) until it reaches the other antenna, which in this case will make receiving the signal, making it still the
way the cable to the device that will make such demodulation (and other treatments), recovering the
original information. Note: Just as an example, we are not considering existing losses.

Sure, but how the antenna works? How she radiates the information?

To understand this, we need a little atomic review!

Calm down, let’s just talk about atoms: Atoms are the smallest possible share of any chemical element. All
that exists is made up of elements.

Put simply, most of them are formed by the atoms: protons, electrons and neutrons. At the core of the atom
have the neutrons and protons. The electrons stay moving around this nucleus, like cars on a trajectory as
in a crazy race.

An attraction (positive-negative) is what makes it possible that all elements exist.


But what does this have to do with the antenna?

The antennas are usually made with metallic materials (aluminum / brass). These metals are formed by
atoms. When all the atoms are brought together – to form the metal, then we have a set of free electrons.

And when this series of free electrons is subjected to an electric voltage (electric field), they begin to move
and vibrate.

When electrons vibrate from one side to another antenna, they create an electromagnetic radiation in the
form of radio waves.

Pause: Are You caughting up how energy is radiated by the antenna?

Well then you’ve got it all. Because now, just the opposite happens.

The electromagnetic radio waves that leave the transmitting antenna travel through the medium, eg air, and
reach the other antenna – reception. The effect of electromagnetic field reaching the other antenna is to
make the free electrons vibrate in the same – which now generates an electric current corresponding to
what was sent from the transmitting antenna.

So now we can conclude: the transmission antennas convert the electrical current

(electrons) into electromagnetic waves (photons), and the reception do the reverse – convert
electromagnetic waves (photons) into electrical current (electrons).
The information is preserved because the antenna acts as a transducer matching conductors that generate
these fields. For example in the transmission, the electromagnetic field corresponds to a specific voltage
and alternating current. In the reception, the same reference voltage and alternating current is induced.

A Simple Antenna
Further, consider the representation of the simplest type of antenna: a dipole antenna. As the name
suggests, is an antenna with two poles.

It is a model of the antenna easy to make, and consists of two pieces of wire of equal length, separated
from each other by a center insulator and may have an insulator on each end to attach it to a support.

In the figure below is an example of a dipole antenna (insulators shown in red in figure).

Let’s use this example to talk about antennas, but now we’re basically with simple question, but that many
people can NOT explain:

“How can there be a current flowing in antenna, if both parts are open? This runs totally against what we
learn, where have current, we need a closed circuit, no?”

To answer this, we again return to the familiar concepts of electrical circuits.

You must remember the concept of capacitance (C), defined through the use of capacitors. And there is a
kind of unavoidable capacitance that arises between compontent always close to each other on the circuit –
and often unwanted: parasitic capacitance.
Only in our case, this capacitance is what allows the antenna to work!

At high frequency, the parasitic capacitance between the two arms of the antenna has a low impedance,
and represents the current return path.

In short: a tuned antenna can be considered as an RLC circuit – with resistance R, inductance (L) and
capacitance (C)!

It’s beginning to be clear?

Note: You may wonder: “And in the case of antennas with only one arm?” Do not worry, the antenna will
always seek a reference plane to act as “ground”, such as a metal rod next.

From what was shown, we can say that every antenna requires two parts to radiate energy. And that energy
is proportional to the dipole current.

Okay so far? After many pauses for further explanations, let’s continue talking about further concepts.

Recalling what we have seen so far, the electric waves in antennas usually have a fixed wavelength.

We also saw that an antenna can be considered as an RLC circuit, where definition of these features are
given by the environment where the antennas are, and their physical properties – especially its size.

Ready for another term? So here we go: Resonance!

In general, resonance is the phenomenon that occurs in a particular frequency where we have

a maximum possible transfer of energy.
In the case of antennas, so there to be resonance, its size (physical length) must be a multiple of its
wavelength. In this case, we will have a main frequency where the antenna delivers the maximum amount
of energy possible – resonant. And the larger the size (length) of elements of the antenna, the lower the
resonant frequency.
In more technical terms, we have the resonance frequency where the inductive and capacitive reactances
cancel each other out – we have a purely resistive impedance.

Most antennas are used in its resonance frequency. That’s because when we turn from this resonance
frequency, the reactances levels give rise to parameters that may jeopardize the operation, for example
the SWR, as explained in another tutorial. The impedance of the antenna ceases to be purely resistive, with
a complex impedance – in both meaning of the word, which gets her an unwanted behavior.
It is clear that a non-resonant antenna also works – transmit and receive. But it needs a more powerful
transmitter (because a smaller part of the input energy will be present at the output). And for the same
reason, you need a receiver with a sensitivity much higher. So: the system efficiency will be much lower!

Wavelength X Length of Antenna

Just to finish by today, you should remember what we taught to be the resonance of the antenna physical
size must be multiple of its wavelength.

Let’s try to understand why exactly this value? As always, let’s remember more concepts…

Remember that an electrical circuit – which we has also mentioned that a tuned antenna acts as an RLC
circuit – the Voltage (Potential Difference):
 in a Short Circuit is equal to Zero;
 in an Open Circuit is Maximum.
Well, the antenna end, we have an Open Circuit – so the point with the Highest Voltage.

And considering the two ends – one with the maximum positive voltage and one with the maximum
negative voltage – we have the center point with Zero voltage.

This distance between the end and the central point is the distance between the point of maximum voltage
(yellow circle in figure) and point of zero voltage (green circle in figure) – and is a quarter wavelength!

Properties and Types of Antennas

After our brief summary, focused mainly on the functioning of the antennas, we can proceed with several
other concepts, types of antennas, etc..

Some concepts – for example Impedance – were also mentioned, but were not well described.

But for today, our tutorial is already extended too much, and is also very difficult to absorb more
knowledge than what was exposed here, at once. So lets take this supplement ,as well as continuing the
subject of antennas, for the next tutorials. Much remains to be said, many questions to be eliminated.
Hopefully you have managed to understand at least some of the basics of antennas.

Now, do you have a minute?
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Today we had a first approach on antenna, an undeniably important subject, and a essential system for the
good performance of any network.

As always in a more informal way, we try to flow explanations in a simplified manner, as a matter of
course is a foundation for other studies and further refinements as necessary.

New tutorials on the subject will be published in due course, always with a focus ever deeper.

What are Modes, States and Transitions in

 Post Category:Telecommunication
Hello friends. Today we will talk about a very important issue for those working with mobile
communications: what are the different modes and states that a mobile phone can take, as well as how the
transitions occurs between each of them.

The concept is simple, but the great amount of detail can end up making the topic an extensive or complex
task. This ends up causing many people simply give up trying to understand, or even not to be interested
about know such details.

However, the lack of knowledge of these key points of operation (when transitions occur, why they occur,
etc.) ultimately affects the understanding of other areas of the mobile network, since the operation of the
entire network is based on that. Not really understanding this fundamental base of operation, then yes is
that we run the risk of thinking that everything is too complicated.
So we will try to show in a very simplified way all the key concepts involved in the modes, states and
transitions that a mobile can have on a 2G/3G/4G network. We hope that by the end of this tutorial all that
is shown in the following figure are clearer to you.

Note: This tutorial just getting a little long, and could be been divided into ‘parts’. However, we decided
by the maintenance of the centralized content. Feel free to read it the way you prefer – by parts, at once.
All right?

So let’s take a deep breath, and let’s begin.

Mode Off (Dead)

To demonstrate (always using our simple way of exemplifying) we start from the basic so that the mobile
can be: Off!

In this case, we do not have much to talk about, don’t you agree? When the mobile is off, it does not
‘appear’ to the network. Do not waste battery, does not consume network resources. In terms of the
network, it serves no purpose.

But serves at least for we to begin to understanding today’s concepts: this is a ‘mode’ that the mobile can


Already making a short stop, before moving forward: a parenthesis in our conversation. Before proceeding
to the next modes and states, we need to talk about another important issue, closely related to the theme,
and one that should also be well understood: the location of the mobile, and how the network sees it.
This is because the location of the mobile has a significant role in the ways and especially in transition
states that it can take. We must remember, even if very quickly, some basic concepts of location in mobile

The general rule is that whenever the mobile detects that it has changed cell, it performs a procedure to
inform the network its new location, ie, makes an update of its position, stating its current ‘location
identifiers’ in specific messages.

The following figure shows the different possible location identifiers, from the point of view of RAN
(Radio Access Network) and also Core CS (Circuit-Switched) and Core PS (Packet-Switched).

For example, if the mobile moves from cell ‘A’ coverage area for the cell ‘D’ coverage area, it performs a
‘cell update’ procedure and informs the network that now is being served by the cell ‘D’ .

This is the general rule, and similar procedures occur whenever there is any change from one area to
another (whether an area of the cell, URA, LAC or RAC).

Of course the above rule does not set it all – there are still many aspects and concepts to consider (for
example, the cell update may be triggered by other events not only relating to location). But it isn’t our
goal today, as we are seeking only to know the modes and states. So we will continue, but feel free to
extend after the study in the areas that you are interested – will definitely be worth it.

Idle Mode

So we will continue knowing the modes.

The next mode that the mobile can take is quite intuitive: on. But the mode name is not that – after being
turned on and consequently turn out to be perceived by the network, we say the mobile is in ‘Idle’ mode.
In idle mode, besides be seen (known) by the network, the mobile also comes to see (know) the network
and can then interact with it.

As such interaction in idle mode, the mobile can ‘camp’ in a given cell.

Even without knowing yet which means the mobile ‘camp’ in a cell, we can say that when in idle mode
mobile carries a huge amount of operations, depending for example of their available technologies (2G, 3G
and/or 4G ) or network where they are.

And it really is a lot that happens. You can check on the screen, so you turn on your mobile: first comes a
message that the mobile is searching the network. As soon as it finds, come the antenna bars, followed by
some indication of the type of technology that it could connect (GSM, HSDPA, LTE, etc.). And to
conclude, the name of the operator (or any other message that it uses as ID).

At this time, we say that the mobile is ‘camped’ in a cell of the network.

We understand that it is ‘aware’, both to start and to receive a completed call. It does not have an allocated
dedicated channel, and can not make or receive calls. So it should be constantly monitoring the available
communication channels, to know what to do when the time is right.

In this state, the mobile has no active connection to the network, and any data transmission will require an
establishment (or reestablishment) of a control connection, to only then start to transmit data. It does not
transmit almost nothing in that state (only in some cases, small information only to update their registration

That is, the radio is ‘asleep’ most of the time and only wakes up when necessary – when instructed to
participate in any activity.

In the specific case of 4G mobile in idle mode, it has the support activities to the DRX (Discontinuous
Reception), System Information (SI System Information) for access, cell reselection and paging

And in the specific case of 3G mobile in Idle mode, it stays listening to hear the CPICH channel (Common
Pilot Channel) of the cell where it is camped and also the neighbor cells. Also listening to the PICH
channel (Paging Channel Indicators). In the latter, he seeks its ‘Paging Indicator’ – a true or false value
that tells whether it should read the Paging Channel. In other words its ‘Idle DRX’ cycle (Discontinuous

To enter this mode, the mobile makes contact with your PLMN, seeking a suitable cell that can provide
you the service, and tunes to its control channel. As already mentioned, this choice or tuning is what we
call ‘camp’ in the cell – the mobile will register its presence in that registration area.

If the mobile lose the coverage of this cell, it selects (search) a more suitable cell available, and camps on
that other – making a reselection.

But let’s take a moment here: although the cell selection and reselection are closely related concepts to the
modes, states and transitions concepts, we are delving much a topic that is not the main goal today. Let us
return to the idle mode, in general. If so, and if there is interest, we talk more specifically about this or
other topics in another tutorial.

Returning (and summarizing) then the goal of the mobile camping on a cell in idle mode is that it can
receive information from the network. For calls originated by it, it already starts the call in the
corresponding control channel, from the the cell it is camped. And in the case of terminated calls, the
network previously known its location information, and in which area it is, and then sends a ‘paging’
message for it in control channels of this registration area, from where the it answers.

If we seek the direct meaning of Idle, we find something like ‘not doing anything’. But not quite exactly
what happens. In addition to the initial procedures described above (power-on procedure), the mobile
continues to carry out many other activities.

Airplane mode

Although not illustrated in the figure above, the act of turning on (power-on) is not the only one that takes
the mobile into idle mode. The mobile can go into idle mode also when we turn off the its ‘airplane’ mode.

This is a very particular mode, and in terms of network, we can consider the act of putting the mobile in
airplane mode as ‘turning off the network’. Similarly, turn off airplane mode is equivalent to ‘connect to
the network’.

Airplane mode, as the name suggests, was originated due to the ban on the use of wireless mobile phones
on airplanes. The ‘problem’ actually refers only to the use of radio frequency device. So, it was created the
option to turn ‘off’ only the radio part of the device, leaving users free to use other features, such as games
and tools like text editors and spreadsheets.

And of course, it is not necessary to be on a plane to use this mode. Airplane mode can be used whenever
there is need to ‘turn off’/’turn on’ the device radios – without having to wait for it to a complete restart.

When the mobile is switched on (or when Airplane Mode is turned off), it enters the mode we already
know: the Idle mode.

We will continue to know another mode that the mobile can take.

Unless you make (for example, call someone) or receive a voice call, or to make or receive a data call (for
example, browsing a web page), you will remain in Idle mode.

But if a call comes, then everything changes. The mobile switches to the mode known as Connected mode.

Connected Mode

Okay, so far we understand how mobile comes in idle mode, and also that, although the name does not
indicate it is a very important mode, where much happens.
But the goal of every mobile is to transfer data in the form of calls, either voice or data. And when the
mobile is one of these calls, we say that it is in connected mode!

Unlike Idle mode, where we can do just about the same considerations for 2G technologies, 3G and 4G,
the Connected mode considerations are different for each one.

The fact that is common to all is that when the mobile needs to initiate communication, it needs to
establish a control connection, and then a connection that allows traffic information.

In the case of 3G and 4G: when the mobile initiates a call, it first sends a request to establish a signaling
connection. & Nbsp; Then it is then initiated RRC connection establishment procedure (Radio Resource
Control). When the RRC connection is established, the mobile enters the Connected mode.

Note: In the case of 2G, the idea is the same, but some other concepts appear. As our tutorial should get a
little long because of the number of concepts that will be covered, and because the transition from 2G
states requires a little further explanation (concepts only 2G), we will leave these detailed explanations for
another tutorial if there is interest from our readers. In any event, although not explained here, 2G state
transitions remain represented in the complete image.

At first, we are led to understand the connected mode simply as the ‘opposite’ of Idle mode. Unfortunately,
the picture is not so simple.

Today, it is increasing the number of smartphones on the market, whose side benefit was greater adoption
(mass) of data usage. Actually this range was very large, and is growing bigger each day.

However, brought a challenge on how to support this signaling ‘tsunami’ that such massive use of data

The now many users want all to be connected at the same time, in many different types of applications.

For several reasons and mechanisms, each of these smartphones periodically active and disables its

While the goal is that the user has the perception of always connected, the amount of signaling makes this
mission almost impossible.

Fortunately, to minimize this problem were created different ‘states’ in connected mode!

Although this tutorial are seeking generally to understand the state and mobile operating modes in a
network, UTRAN modes (3G UMTS) and E-UTRAN (4G LTE) has some states and concepts more
specific. So let’s proceed, but speaking separately on each of them.

3G Connected Mode

When a 3G mobile is in connected mode, its level of connection with the UTRAN is determined by the
QoS requirements of the RAB active, and traffic characteristics.

The challenges in UMTS to keep a lot of users connected led to mechanisms and implementations that
seek to minimize this scenario.

For example, some implementations seek to minimize the mobile battery consumption, and other
implementations seek to reduce the signaling. Fast Dormancy functionality (provided by the 3GPP in
Release 8) also has mechanism to tackle this challenge. Other features has yet been developed and
improved till today.

Ironically, the UMTS systems have been developed to meet the growing demand for multimedia (data)
seen years ago. As was thought in a very large growth data, the system has been designed in an efficient
way to transport these high bit bandwidths, videos, etc. Even with a slight delay to start, the system served
well, especially in cases of high rates.

But in recent years, the seen explosion of data was larger than expected. Smartphones increasingly cheap
and affordable unlimited data plans extended up to prepaid users, explosion of all kinds applications –
especially applications using small volumes of periodic data with frequent updates.

New applications have emerged or have become more used, such as Social and Messaging Networks
(Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook), Stock Portfolios, Email/Calendar/Contacts/RSS Sync.

While the UMTS system allows, it is not designed for this: send and receive very small amounts of data,
often less than 1 kB.

Each of these messages needs a connection with all the associated signaling load!

Many mobile operators keep a higher power channel for a longer period of time when imagine that it will
transmit or receive more data in the near future. But this ends up spending more battery and taking up
resources that could be in use by another user.

To help improve this problem 3G mobile that is in connected mode, there are the states: CELL_DCH,

Let us know each of them, and to facilitate understanding, we will make a classification according to the

 Channel: channels that mobile use in this state are dedicated or shared?
 Knowledge by the network: the network knows where the mobile is in the cell level or at URA
 Data Transfers: the volume of data to be transmitted is large or small?
 Transitions: when you finish downloading, or a particular timer ends, to where the mobile will
From the above ratings, the one you maybe not fully understand is the dedicated or shared channel. One
way to understand the difference between dedicated and shared channel is making an analogy.

Think of channels dedicated as rooms in a hotel – care guaranteed and individual to the user. The only
problem is that, as a hotel, the number of channels – rooms – is limited. Anyway, the hotel always try to
provide the service in the best possible way – as well as the network.
Following the same analogy, shared channels would be a conference hall – serves many more people, but
not in the same way serves the rooms.

Let’s talk about each of these states, seeking to make the aforementioned ratings.


If there is a state that is the 3G connected mode, this state is CELL_DCH.

Dedicated Channel. As the state’s name suggests, the CELL_DCH (DCH: Dedicated CHannel) uses a
dedicated channel to the mobile in the Uplink and Downlink.
In the CELL_DCH state mobile is in connected mode, and utilizes a dedicated R99 channel or a shared
HS-DSCH (Downlink Shared Channel High Speed) and/or E-DPCH (Enhanced Dedicated Physical

Known at Cell level. Also we can sense by the name that the network knows where the mobile is in the
cell level (according to the current Active Set).
Transfers of Large Data Volumes. When the mobile needs to transfer large volumes of data, this is the
ideal state.
But as we know the scenario has changed with the adoption of increasingly common applications requiring
small periodic data transfers. And if we use the limited resources of CELL_DCH to all establishments and
restablishments schemes, the system would inevitably collapse. In our analogy with hotel rooms, there
would be no rooms for everyone!

The solution is to create an auxiliary state that supports the extra demand. And that means using shared
channels, which define the state that we will see below, the CELL_FACH.

Transitions to Idle or CELL_FACH (or PCH states, as we shall see soon). When the mobile ends the
transfer, it may return to idle mode (releasing the RRC connection), or switch to the CELL_FACH state (if
in a buffer an amount of data to be transferred smaller than a certain set threshold – or other words, if there
is little volume of data to be transferred).

Channel Shared. The CELL_FACH state keeps the mobile in Connected mode, only instead of dedicated
physical channel, the mobile uses shared channels.
Compared to the analogy of the dedicated channel as rooms in a hotel, the shared channel would be the this
hotel conference room.

Small volumes data transfer. This makes this ideal state for transmission and reception of small data
 In Uplink is used the RACH channel (Random Access Channel): the mobile is constantly
transmitting RACH messages.
 For Downlink is used the FACH channel (Forward Access Channel): the mobile is constantly
decoding the FACH channel.
Known at Cell level. In the CELL_FACH state, the network also knows where the mobile is in the cell
level (the cell where the mobile has made the latest ‘Cell Update’).
Transitions to Idle or CELL_DCH (or PCH states, as we shall see soon). When the mobile has finished
transferring in the CELL_FACH, it may return to idle mode (releasing the RRC connection), or switch to
the CELL_DCH state (if in a buffer an amount of data to be transferred greater than a certain set threshold
– or in other words, if a large volume of data to be transferred).
But even with the help of CELL_DCH and CELL_FACH (hotel rooms, plus the conference hall), network
capacity may not be enough. Also, if the output options of these states after the end of the transfer was
only the idle mode, we would worst the signaling increasing problem (reestablishing connections).

But then what is the solution for those cases where it is already occupied? In the case of hotel: get the
name and give a password to each user over the limit, and call them as soon as possible/necessary.

In the case of 3G network to minimize this problem, there are the PCH states (CELL_PCH and
URA_PCH). Are states where the mobile can be transferred, and not lose their RRC connection (they were
called and got a password).

But for now, can not take advantage of the hotel’s services (sending or receiving data). They can only be
aware, and when necessary/appropriate, obtain service.

Let’s know the PCH states?


The CELL_PCH state is one of PCH states, a connected mode so that the mobile can take and it has some
interesting features. Starting with the name: PCH refers to paging.

Although not the same as the idle state, this state closely resembles the behavior in that way, especially the
mobile point of view. The big difference here is that control connection (RRC) is not lost (although the
mobile rarely uses).
Whenever the mobile camps in a new cell it informs the network (‘cell update’). Remember that in the Idle
state, the mobile informs the network only when there is change in LA – Location Area or RA – Routing
Area; that is, in this state we have more updates as we the cell level.

But in this state, as in Idle, the mobile does not transfer data. And every time the mobile need to send the
‘cell update’ message, the mobile needs to change temporarily to the CELL_FACH state.

The mobile keeps listening to the same channels as in idle mode – uses DRX to monitor the PCH channel
selected via associated PICH. The radio remains inactive most of the time and only wake up in the DRX
cycle of the CELL_PCH state (Note: the DRX cycle of the CELL_PCH state is different from the DRX
cycle of Idle Mode).

As mentioned, the control connection is maintained, then any new data transmission can be performed
more quickly and with much less signaling, because it means for only sending the data that are present.

In this state there is no downlink activity: whenever the mobile needs to transmit or receive, it goes to the
CELL_FACH state.

Known at Cell level. In the CELL_PCH state, the network knows where the mobile is in the cell level (the
cell where the mobile has made the last ‘cell update’). Remembering: the ‘cell update’ is done in the
CELL_FACH state.
No Data Transfers. The only objective of this state are:
 Save energy (using DRX cycle similar to Idle mode)
 Allow quick access to the network, since the network know exactly which cell to send the paging
and because there is no need to set up new RRC connection.
Transitions to Idle or CELL_FACH. If after a certain time, continue without data transfer, the mobile is
released. Otherwise, go to the CELL_FACH state (data is being transferred).

The fourth and final state (URA_PCH) is virtually identical to the CELL_PCH state. The only difference is
that the ‘cell updates’ are sent only when the mobile changes URA (UTRAN Registration Area) instead of
Cell change.

With this, the mobile transmits even less frequently that in the CELL_PCH state (remembering that keeps
the control connection active).
Known at URA level. The network knows where the mobile is at the level of URA (UTRAN Registration
Area) according to the URA assigned for mobile during the last ‘URA update’ – remembering that the
‘URA update’, as we saw in the CELL_PCH state, is done only in the CELL_FACH state.
No Data Transfers. For the reason above, this state is recommended for moviles that are moving fast. But
continues with the similar goals of the state CELL_PCH:
 Save even more energy;
 Allow quick access to the network, since the network knows the URA to which to send the paging
and also because there is no need for new RRC connection setup.
Transitions to Idle or CELL_FACH. If after a certain time, continue without data transfer, the mobile is
released. Otherwise, go to the CELL_FACH state (data is being transferred).
Comparison between Idle Mode and PCH States (CELL_PCH/URA_PCH)

After knowing the connected paging states CELL_PCH and URA_PCH, we can say that are equivalent to
Idle mode?

No. Remember that in idle mode, we do not have any established RRC connection, unlike that in the
CELL_PCH and URA_PCH states, where this connection still exists.

It is important not to be confused with the fact that in Idle Mode and CELL_PCH and URA_PCH states
the mobile has no radio resource allocated! For this reason, it can not initiate any type of data transfer in
dedicated and common channels. This is true.

But there is a big difference when the mobile try to initiate communication with the network.

In Idle mode, the mobile needs to send an RRC connection request (via RACH). In the CELL_PCH or
URA_PCH state the mobile moves to CELL_FACH, and already sends a message such as ‘cell update’,
and is ready for communication – do not have to re-establish the signaling connection, and then the RRC
connection again.

Thus obtaining the network service is more efficient.

Battery and Signaling

Battery consumption and increased signaling and interference in the network are directly related to some
parameters configuration of state transitions, such as timers and other settings.

But to really understand how it all works, we need to know some auxiliary information.
Let’s see some of the data that influence the reduction of mobile battery consumption, and reduced

Considering the modes seen so far, we can compare the battery consumption in each of them by relative
units. Thus we have the approximate consumption of each mode RRC:

 OFF = 0
 Idle = 1
 CELL_DCH = 100 (that is, 100 x Idle)
 CELL_FACH = 40 (that is, 40 x Idle)
 CELL_PCH < 2 (in this case it depends on the relation of DRX to Idle and mobility)
 URA_PCH ≤ CELL_PCH (in mobility scenarios it is less than the consumption in CELL_PCH
state; in static scenarios it is already the same.).
There is a relationship between energy consumption and the efficiency of communication. The following
figure helps us better understand this, because it shows the workflow UMTS states, where the state that has
the highest consumption is highest in the figure. Remember though that the consumption should not be the
only variable to be taken into account: the greater the energy used by mobile, more immediately
communication occurs.

If the mobile remains in the CELL_DCH state, it has almost immediate connection, and a very high
throughput. Only that it consumes the battery 100 times more than in the idle mode.

If it remains in the CELL_FACH state, it has a lower throughput, but with 40% of CELL_DCH

If it stays in paging state (CELL_PCH or URA_PCH), consumption is almost the same as in idle mode.
The advantage is that both maintains the control connection, namely the communication is resumed faster
than in Idle mode.
What the Idle mode is good in relation to this relationship (battery consumption versus communication
efficiency) is that the battery consumption is minimal, as the load produced on the network as well.

Thus, the network always seeks to move the mobiles to the higher energy states when it is necessary to
transmit or receive, and as soon as possible, bring them back to lower energy states when there is no
provision of new transmissions.

The radio resource management algorithms (RRM) that take such decisions are implemented by the

Important: The mobile alone can not change from one state to another, it is always directed by the

Important: we are talking about battery consumption and increase signaling according to the parameter
settings on the network. So far we were short, and could calmly move to the next and final mode of our
tutorial today, 4G Connected mode. However, since we have this very recent matter in our mind, and also
the difficulty in finding specific documentation on this topic, we will make an ‘extra’, and talk some more
about it, but now in a more detailed way. If you just want to know the modes and states in general, you can
skip to the last item (4G Connected mode). However, if you want to go a little deeper in the 3G signal
issue, just keep reading.

Battery and Signaling x Timers and Other Adjustments

Let’s talk about the timers and triggers that make the mobile go from one state to another, in 3G Connected

We have seen that when the mobile is in the CELL_DCH state, it makes the transmission/reception of
large volumes of data. At any given time, there is nothing more to be transmitted/received, the mobile
stops transmitting.

But the network does not immediately remove the mobile from CELL_DCH state, since it may have more
data to transmit/receive soon.

This time that the network decides to move the mobile from CELL_DCH state to CELL_FACH state is
very critical (remember that while the mobile is in the CELL_DCH state, it maintains a dedicated channel,
or occupies a place in the HSDPA scheduling algorithm (High speed Downlink Packet Access).

This downtime is informally named T1, since it is not standardized by 3GPP, but is widely used by

Only after expiration of the inactivity time set for each state, it is that the network puts the mobile in a
more appropriate state.

In the case of the mobile which is transmitting in the state CELL_DCH stop transmitting, starts counting a
T1 timer. After this period the RNC sends the mobile to the CELL_FACH or CELL_PCH state.

Now when the mobile is in the CELL_FACH state by transmitting/receiving small amounts of data (or
simply because it has been redirected from CELL_DCH), a similar timer is used by the network to trigger
the sending of the mobile into a lower energy state. Also informally as the T1, this timer is called T2. The
lower energy state where the network will send the mobile may be the CELL_PCH or URA_PCH,
depending on the availability of these states in the network.

For networks that support CELL_PCH or URA_PCH, we still have a third timer, T3. When the mobile is
in the CELL_PCH state for a certain time, the RNC triggers the transition to Idle.
The purpose of these times (elapsed times for the state transitions to start) is easy to understand, if we try
to answer the following question: In a set of mobiles, which of them will back to send or receive first data
(how likely)?

The answer is that it is more likely to be those who were using mobile data last recently.

For this reason the network keeps the mobile on a dedicated channel for a few seconds T1 before sending
to the common CELL_FACH channels – may be that it will request more data very soon.

This works well for some types of applications, such as a user navigating through pages in a browser.

However, this algorithm is becoming increasingly inadequate, due to the emergence and increasing use of
applications that have regular update schedule, as exemplified earlier this tutorial, as Social Networking
and Instant Messengers (Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook) Stocks portfolios, Email/Calendar/Contacts/RSS

This kind of update can happen for example every 2 or 3 minutes.

And what does that mean? We have given time for the mobile back from CELL_DCH to Idle! Again we
will have to re-establish the RRC connection in each of these updates; again get a dedicated or shared
channel. And all this, often to transmit only 1 kB, lasting 1 second or less!

The mobile remains a few seconds occupying a high power consumption channel, spending battery,
wasting network resources and causing interference to other mobiles!

As we can see, we arrive at a challenging point. In fact, a dilemma.

Regarding the battery consumption is better the mobile back as quickly as possible to the idle mode, just
after it finish transmitting. Ie be ‘connected’ the shortest possible time.

In relation to the user experience, it is better that it stays as long as possible ‘connected’.

The Idle mode to CELL_DCH (RAB activation time) transition time takes about 2 seconds.

When the transition occurs from a PCH state to CELL_FACH, the RAB activation time falls to 0.25
seconds. In this case we need the network support some of PCH states (CELL_PCH and/or URA_PCH).

That is, we have an equation with several variables (reduce battery consumption, improve user experience,
reduce signaling and interference) that depends on several factors (if the network has PCH states, the value
of T1 and T2, the activation time the RAB, DRX).

Different types of optimization can be done in an attempt to achieve the best according to the network

We will try to show below some of the possible combinations in graphic, considering the transmission of a
small data packet (~ 1kB), in a very short time (~ 1 s), shown in red (1).
In the vertical axis we have battery consumption compared to the consumption in the Idle mode. On the
horizontal axis we have the time in which the mobile is in each of the states, which in turn are identified by
colors. The respective areas represent the energy used.

Putting the key combinations together, we have the chart below.

In the first example (1) we have the time T1 and T2 (= 10 seconds) high, in a network that does not have
PCH states, and therefore always has a RAB high activation time (= 2 seconds).
In the following example (2) we have the same scenario, only reducing the T1 and T2 times in half (= 5/2).
It is clear that the configuration of the timers T1 and T2 directly affects the battery life perceived by the
user – in this case reduced. However, the mobile back much earlier to the Idle mode. This means that every
time the user restarts the use of data (such as a new click on a web page after some time they took reading
the previous page) it must go through the RAB activation process (Radio Access Bearer), waiting about 2

In addition to the time that the user expects to be in itself an inconvenience, we still have the problem of
the large amount of signaling involved in this process, adding even more load to the network (in this case,
the RNC).

Trying to solve this problem, we use the PCH states, as in the following example (3). Now we have an
activation of the RAB (Radio Access Bearer) much faster (0.25 seconds), since in the PCH state we still
maintain the control connection.

The only drawback here is that the battery consumption in the PCH state, while also being low, it is still
double that in the Idle mode (lowest possible consumption). In the long term, consumption also makes a
difference in battery life.

To try to minimize this battery consumption in the PCH state, we can adjust the DRX cycle of each of
these states. In the previous example, the configuration was as recommended with the DRX cycle of the
CELL_PCH state twice the time of the idle mode DRX cycle. Typical values are Idle DRX = 1280 ms and
CELL_PCH DRX = 640 ms, or Idle DRX = 640 ms and CELL_PCH DRX = 320 ms.

But if we adjust the cycles to the same value as in the following example following graph (4), battery
consumption in the CELL_PCH state is almost equal to the consumption in Idle mode.

Note: We’ll talk in another tutorial about the DRX, but for now know that it affects the way the mobile
keeps ‘listening’ the paging. The lower this cycle, more responsive is the mobile (closer, getting more page
information), but higher battery consumption. The higher the DRX cycle, lower battery consumption, but
less responsive mobile is for calls initiated by the network (pagings).

If we increase the DRX cycle of the CELL_PCH (to become equal to the idle mode) and consequently
reduce consumption, we have the disadvantage of slightly decrease the likelihood of mobile responses to

As a last case of example (5), we will have the participation of terminal manufacturers, in the past, when
the signal problem was not as common as most recently, and they for its own developed mechanisms to
automatically save battery.

The basic idea of all was the obvious: if the mobile does not need to transmit more after some time (idle) it
must return to the Idle mode. Mobile simply alone decides when to release its connection (not the network)
through the SCRI message (SIGNALLING CONNECTION RELEASE INDICATION), existing since
Release 99, but did not expect any response from the network.

Here again the graphics with some examples of optimization that may be done by setting timers, use of
PCH states, DRX cycles configuration, etc.
Important: In the examples, we always initiate transmission using the CELL_DCH state, and then the
CELL_FACH. Our aim was to illustrate the T1 and T2settings. But in our particular example, we consider
a small volume of data in a very short time.

From what we have seen, these are ideal conditions for the CELL_FACH state. That is, in practice, this
transmission example of the packet is set to happen in the CELL_FACH state, rather than the CELL_DCH.

But regardless, we have a common factor to all the examples: all mobile transitions so far are controlled by
the network, there is no ‘dialogue’ with it. (Except for the last example, with downtime proprietary
implementations – and still is just an arbitrary mobile action that simply decides to return to the idle

That is, we do not have resource optimization. But no one more than the mobile knows exactly what is
going on, what is happening. Which applications are being used, and which probably will demand the

And even better: no one better than the mobile to say that does not need anything else – the network may
terminate its connection!

If we establish this dialogue, the network can immediately move the mobile to a more convenient power
state at the time, and configured by the operator.

This conversation is great for both: the mobile saves battery, and network saves resources (channels) and
reduces interference!

Unfortunately, the importance of this dialogue was perceived a little late (when manufacturers have
followed their own implementation to release the signaling connection, always to the Idle mode). Only in
2008/2009, the 3GPP Release 8 of the standardized FD (Fast Dormancy) mechanism, which defined the
mobile could communicate with the network using the existing SCRI message, now with IE (Information
Element) ‘Signalling Connection Release indication Cause’ present and set to ‘UE Requested PS Data
session end’.
In other words, with the FD, the mobile can tell the network that wants nothing more, and it can
immediately remove it from a high energy consumption channel, sending to a more appropriate state.

The FD allows that the states control bypass the inactivity timers, after mobile finished transferring all its
data – when receiving the SCRI, the RNC can send the mobile to the Idle mode.

Just then we see the main timers configuration scenarios related to state transitions, with a little more detail
(and we can still see that there is much to be seen and discussed!).

Again, we escaped the goal of being simple, but this understanding can be quite instructive, even for the
most experienced in the subject, and so we decided to approach it.

Let’s go back and finish our tutorial, talking a little about the connected mode in 4G.

4G Connected Mode

Finally, we come to the last mode of today’s tutorial. Do not worry, we are almost done, and very soon you
will be able to understand the figure with overview we showed at the beginning.

Just as the 3G mobile after being turned on, the mobile LTE performs a series of actions, initial access
procedures. This includes for example ‘Cell Search’ and ‘Cell Selection’, receiving system information
and the random access procedure. Again, these concepts are not explained here today because we just want
to generally understand just how the modes, states, and transitions work.

Compared to 2G and 3G, LTE state and states transitions (4G) are much simpler: Either the mobile is in
idle mode, or is in Connected mode. This also applies to LTE-A (Advanced).

A concept that should already be clear to you, from what we have seen so far is the importance of
improving the efficiency of saving battery life and network resources. And this is extremely related to the
states, as and when they occur their transitions. Especially in the growing global scenario like ‘Always-on’
applications with small data transmissions often unpredictable.

You must be beginning to wonder how to apply some of the concepts in your own network, but at the same
time worrying because you can not see such an efficient solution able to meet so many different variables.

But we have a good and great news. The first, and good news is that it is not only you who have these
doubts. 3G networks are not really the most appropriate for this scenario, as they were not built for that
purpose. In any case, they can be greatly improved with the use of features such as ‘Continuous Packet
And the great news is that the LTE (4G) has been created thinking about this kind of problem since its

An example is the DRX (Discontinuous Reception) in Connected mode, which gives more options to the
mobile: the ability to periodically turn off its radio. This on-off time can be set to 1 ms granularity!

We know, however, that turning off the mobile can bring a negative impact on latency. To minimize this
problem, we defined two stages of DRX.

In the first stage, from a certain time elapses without more data transfer, the mobile uses the short DRX
cycle, or can ‘sleep’ (turning off the radio) and for short periods. The radio is ‘asleep’ and ‘wake up’ more

When using the short DRX cycle, we can move to the second stage (or even return to the state
of Continuous Reception, if any data to be transferred). The second stage follows the same preceding idea:
after a certain time without data to transfer, the mobile utilizes a long DRX cycle, ie, will now ‘sleep’ (turn
radio off) for longer periods.

On the one hand saves battery, on the other, it increases the latency.

Important: Be careful not to confuse the LTE connected DRX cycle with the DRX the Idle mode. In Idle
mode, the DRX is more related to paging, and so is often called DRX paging. This Idle mode DRX cycle
time is much longer than the LTE, reaching seconds!

In a way, we can consider these stages as ‘sub-state’ of LTE in the connected mode.

When the mobile LTE is in the connected mode, it has a RRC connection, and its information is saved
(known) in the network (e-NodeB). Mobile monitors control channels associated with the shared data
channel, and checks for scheduled data to it (or not), reports the CQI (Channel Quality Feedback
Information) after all the measurements and also performs neighboring measures of all networks

Regarding to its knowledge by the network in the CELL_FACH state, the network (eNodeB) know where
the mobile is in the cell level (the cell where the mobile made the latest ‘Cell Update’).

Speaking of transitions, we know that the LTE have only two basic states: Idle and Connected. So the
mobile LTE will in Idle mode to Connected or Connected to Idle.

To enter the Connected mode, the mobile performs the connection setup: RRC setup,
configuration/reconfiguration and security. And start a new connection or maintain existing ones.

When the mobile does not request uplink or downlink resources of the network (eNodeB), and likewise the
network (eNodeB) does not receive signaling/traffic intended for the mobile, the mobile reset/release all
radio resources (including signaling), and tells the network that is going out of this state and reason. In
other words, when the connection ends, the mobile is released.
Regarding the battery power when the mobile is in connected mode, the mobile has a variable
consumption. If it is actively transferring data we say that it is in the Continuous Reception ‘sub-state’.

After a certain time (t1) with no more data to be transferred, the mobile switches to the Short DRX ‘sub-
state’ – and waits for more data, obey a second set time (t2).

If more data comes, it then returns to the Continuous Reception ‘sub-state’, otherwise goes to the Long
DRX ‘sub-state’.

Unlike 3G, the energy drain on the 4G LTE is variable, depending on the throughput. Lower rates require
less energy, but as the rates increase, power consumption also increases.

In a rough comparison with the 3G, LTE radio consumes more power because their communication states
(Short DRX and Long DRX) consume the same high energy, while in 3G have the CELL_FACH, which
consumes less than half the base CELL_DCH energy . But although consumption a little higher, we can
not forget that LTE is much faster than the 3G.

All these comparisons and implemented algorithms can be seen indirectly in 2G/3G/4G modes and states
transition diagrams, like we have below.
Of course, this diagram is not fully complete, but we try to group at least the key information necessary for

We hope that the goal today has been achieved, and that this summary help you to better understand how is
the operation of the mobile network from the point of view of the mobile, particularly what this represents
in terms of battery consumption, signaling increased, latency, interference and other factors that directly
affect the quality of the network and hence the user experience.


All concepts of modes, connected states and transitions of mobile networks seen in this tutorial are much
broader (and complex) than what was presented. We try to present it in a simple way, but the amount of
detail (and auxiliary concepts that need to be well understood) makes this very difficult task, we must

With the understanding of the concepts presented, it is easy to see the large space we have for the
techniques and solutions that can improve the efficiency of communication and speed up traffic, while they
can save the mobile battery and network resources.

After all this it is what we always seek: Help you to understand some complex scenarios, making them
easier to be understood, and thus giving grants for you to continue progressing in your studies and work.

We count on you, keeping as a loyal reader, and especially being part of this project with us. If you liked
this tutorial (or other from our website), share with your colleagues and friends.

Your recognition participating is what motivates us to keep following the evolution of networks, and
always bring new tutorials, news and innovations.


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