LMC7660 Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter: Literature Number: SNOSBZ9B

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LMC7660 Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter

Literature Number: SNOSBZ9B

LMC7660 Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter
February 2005

Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter
General Description Features
The LMC7660 is a CMOS voltage converter capable of n Operation over full temperature and voltage range
converting a positive voltage in the range of +1.5V to +10V to without an external diode
the corresponding negative voltage of −1.5V to −10V. The n Low supply current, 200 µA max
LMC7660 is a pin-for-pin replacement for the industry- n Pin-for-pin replacement for the 7660
standard 7660. The converter features: operation over full n Wide operating range 1.5V to 10V
temperature and voltage range without need for an external n 97% Voltage Conversion Efficiency
diode, low quiescent current, and high power efficiency.
n 95% Power Conversion Efficiency
The LMC7660 uses its built-in oscillator to switch 4 power n Easy to use, only 2 external components
MOS switches and charge two inexpensive electrolytic ca-
n Extended temperature range
n Narrow SO-8 Package

Block Diagram


Pin Configuration


Ordering Information
Package Temperature Range NSC Drawing
−40˚C to +85˚C
8-Lead Molded DIP LMC7660IN N08E
8-Lead Molded Small Outline LMC7660IM M08A

© 2005 National Semiconductor Corporation DS009136 www.national.com

Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) Power Dissipation (Note 3)
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, Dual-In-Line Package 1.4W
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Surface-Mount Package 0.6W
Distributors for availability and specifications.
TJ Max (Note 3) 150˚C
Supply Voltage 10.5V θJA (Note 3)
Input Voltage on Pin 6, 7 Dual-In-Line Package 90˚C/W
(Note 2) −0.3V to (V+ + 0.3V) Surface-Mount Package 160˚C/W
for V+ < 5.5V Storage Temp. Range −65˚C ≤ T ≤ 150˚C
(V − 5.5V) to (V+ + 0.3V)
Lead Temperature
for V+ > 5.5V (Soldering, 5 sec.) 260˚C
Current into Pin 6 (Note 2) 20 µA ESD Tolerance (Note 7) ± 2000V
Output Short Circuit
Duration (V+ ≤ 5.5V) Continuous

Electrical Characteristics (Note 4)

LMC7660IM Units
Symbol Parameter Conditions Typ
Limit Limits
(Note 5)
Is Supply Current RL = ∞ 120 200 µA
400 max
V+H Supply Voltage RL = 10 kΩ, Pin 6 Open 3 to 10 3 to 10 V
Range High (Note 6) Voltage Efficiency ≥ 90% 3 to 10
V+L Supply Voltage RL = 10 kΩ, Pin 6 to Gnd. 1.5 to 3.5 1.5 to 3.5 V
Range Low Voltage Efficiency ≥ 90% 1.5 to 3.5
Rout Output Source IL = 20 mA 55 100 Ω
Resistance 120 max
V = 2V, IL = 3 mA 110 200 Ω
Pin 6 Short to Gnd. 300 max
Fosc Oscillator 10 kHz
Peff Power Efficiency RL = 5 kΩ 97 95 %
90 min
Vo eff Voltage Conversion RL = ∞ 99.9 97 %
Efficiency 95 min
Iosc Oscillator Sink or Pin 7 = Gnd. or V+ 3 µA
Source Current

Note 1: Absolute Maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. DC and AC electrical specifications do not apply when operating
the device beyond its rated operating conditions. See Note 4 for conditions.
Note 2: Connecting any input terminal to voltages greater than V+ or less than ground may cause destructive latchup. It is recommended that no inputs from sources
operating from external supplies be applied prior to “power-up” of the LMC7660.
Note 3: For operation at elevated temperature, these devices must be derated based on a thermal resistance of θja and Tj max, Tj = TA + θja PD.
Note 4: Boldface numbers apply at temperature extremes. All other numbers apply at TA = 25˚C, V+ = 5V, Cosc = 0, and apply for the LMC7660 unless otherwise
specified. Test circuit is shown in Figure 1 .
Note 5: Limits at room temperature are guaranteed and 100% production tested. Limits in boldface are guaranteed over the operating temperature range (but not
100% tested), and are not used to calculate outgoing quality levels.
Note 6: The LMC7660 can operate without an external diode over the full temperature and voltage range. The LMC7660 can also be used with the external diode
Dx, when replacing previous 7660 designs.
Note 7: The test circuit consists of the human body model of 100 pF in series with 1500Ω.

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FIGURE 1. LMC7660 Test Circuit

Typical Performance Characteristics

OSC Freq. vs OSC
Capacitance Vout vs Iout @ V+ = 2V


Supply Current & Power Efficiency

Vout vs Iout @ V+ = 5V vs Load Current (V+ = 2V)

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Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued)

Supply Current & Power Efficiency Output Source Resistiance as a

vs Load Current (V+ = 5V) Function of Temperature

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Unloaded Oscillator Frequency

as a Function of Temperature Output R vs Supply Voltage


Peff vs OSC Freq. @ V+ = 5V


Application Information switches S1 and S3 are closed, Cp charges to the supply

voltage V+. During this time interval, switches S2 and S4 are
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION open. After Cp charges to V+, S1 and S3 are opened, S2 and
S4 are then closed. By connecting S2 to ground, Cp devel-
The LMC7660 contains four large CMOS switches which are ops a voltage −V+/2 on Cr. After a number of cycles Cr will be
switched in a sequence to provide supply inversion Vout = pumped to exactly −V+. This transfer will be exact assuming
−Vin. Energy transfer and storage are provided by two inex- no load on Cr, and no loss in the switches.
pensive electrolytic capacitors. Figure 2 shows how the
LMC7660 can be used to generate −V+ from V+. When

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Application Information (Continued) By using a large reservoir capacitor, the output ripple can be
reduced to an acceptable level. For example, if the load
In the circuit of Figure 2, S1 is a P-channel device and S2, current is 5 mA and the accepted ripple is 200 mV, then the
S3, and S4 are N-channel devices. Because the output is reservoir capacitor can omit approximately be calculated
biased below ground, it is important that the p− wells of S3 from:
and S4 never become forward biased with respect to either
their sources or drains. A substrate logic circuit guarantees
that these p− wells are always held at the proper voltage.
Under all conditions S4 p− well must be at the lowest poten-
tial in the circuit. To switch off S4, a level translator generates
VGS4 = 0V, and this is accomplished by biasing the level
translator from the S4 p− well.
An internal RC oscillator and ÷ 2 circuit provide timing sig-
nals to the level translator. The built-in regulator biases the
oscillator and divider to reduce power dissipation on high 1. Do not exceed the maximum supply voltage or junction
supply voltage. The regulator becomes active at about V+ = temperature.
6.5V. Low voltage operation can be improved if the LV pin is 2. Do not short pin 6 (LV terminal) to ground for supply
shorted to ground for V+ ≤ 3.5V. For V+ ≥ 3.5V, the LV pin voltages greater than 3.5V.
must be left open to prevent damage to the part. 3. Do not short circuit the output to V+.
4. External electrolytic capacitors Cr and Cp should have
their polarities connected as shown in Figure 1.
It is theoretically possible to approach 100% efficiency if the
following conditions are met: REPLACING PREVIOUS 7660 DESIGNS
1. The drive circuitry consumes little power. To prevent destructive latchup, previous 7660 designs re-
2. The power switches are matched and have low Ron. quire a diode in series with the output when operated at
3. The impedance of the reservoir and pump capacitors elevated temperature or supply voltage. Although this pre-
are negligibly small at the pumping frequency. vented the latchup problem of these designs, it lowered the
available output voltage and increased the output series
The LMC7660 closely approaches 1 and 2 above. By using
a large pump capacitor Cp, the charge removed while sup-
plying the reservoir capacitor is small compared to Cp’s total The National LMC7660 has been designed to solve the
charge. Small removed charge means small changes in the inherent latch problem. The LCM7660 can operate over the
pump capacitor voltage, and thus small energy loss and high entire supply voltage and temperature range without the
efficiency. The energy loss by Cp is: need for an output diode. When replacing existing designs,
the LMC7660 can be operated with diode Dx.


FIGURE 2. Idealized Voltage Converter

Typical Applications understood that the lower operating frequency and supply
current cause an increased impedance of Cr and Cp. The
CHANGING OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY increased impedance, due to a lower switching rate, can be
offset by raising Cr and Cp until ripple and load current
It is possible to dramatically reduce the quiescent operating requirements are met.
current of the LMC7660 by lowering the oscillator frequency.
The oscillator frequency can be lowered from a nominal 10 SYNCHRONIZING TO AN EXTERNAL CLOCK
kHz to several hundred hertz, by adding a slow-down ca-
Figure 4 shows an LMC7660 synchronized to an external
pacitor Cosc (Figure 3). As shown in the Typical Performance
clock. The CMOS gate overrides the internal oscillator when
Curves the supply current can be lowered to the 10 µA
it is necessary to switch faster or reduce power supply
range. This low current drain can be extremely useful when
used in µPower and battery back-up equipment. It must be

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Typical Applications (Continued) circuit in the 7660, so the pumping frequency will be 1⁄2 the
external clock frequency.
interference. The external clock still passes through the ÷2


FIGURE 3. Reduce Supply Current by Lowering Oscillator Frequency


FIGURE 4. Synchronizing to an External Clock


Paralleling two or more LMC7660’s lowers output imped-
ance. Each device must have it’s own pumping capacitor Cp,
but the reservoir capacitor Cr is shared as depicted in Figure
5. The composite output resistance is:

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Typical Applications (Continued) is approximately the sum of the individual Rout values, and
so only a few levels of multiplication can be used.
INCREASING OUTPUT VOLTAGE It is possible to generate −15V from +5V by connecting the
Stacking the LMC7660s is an easy way to produce a greater second 7660’s pin 8 to +5V instead of ground as shown in
negative voltage. It should be noted that the input current Figure 7. Note that the second 7660 sees a full 20V and the
required for each stage is twice the load current on that input supply should not be increased beyond +5V.
stage as shown in Figure 6. The effective output resistance


FIGURE 5. Lowering Output Resistance by Paralleling Devices


FIGURE 6. Higher Voltage by Cascade


FIGURE 7. Getting −15V from +5V

SPLIT V+ IN HALF S1 and S3 are closed, the supply voltage divides across the
Figure 8 is one of the more interesting applications for the capacitors in a conventional way proportional to their value.
LMC7660. The circuit can be used as a precision voltage In the 1⁄2 cycle when S2 and S4 are closed, the capacitors
divider (for very light loads), alternately it is used to generate switch from a series connection to a parallel connection. This
a 1⁄2 supply point in battery applications. In the 1⁄2 cycle when forces the capacitors to have the same voltage; the charge

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Typical Applications (Continued) open and S1 is closed. Since Cp1 is charged to V+ − VD1 and
is referenced to V+ through S1, the junction of D1 and D2 is
redistributes to maintain precisely V+/2, across Cp and Cr. In at V+ + (V+ −VD1). D1 is reverse biased in this interval. This
this application all devices are only V+/2, and the supply application uses only two of the four switches in the 7660.
voltage can be raised to 20V giving exactly 10V at Vout. The other two switches can be put to use in performing a
negative conversion at the same time as shown in Figure 10.
GETTING UP … AND DOWN In the 1⁄2 cycle that D1 is charging Cp1, Cp2 is connected
The LMC7660 can also be used as a positive voltage multi- from ground to −Vout via S2 and S4, and Cr2 is storing Cp2’s
plier. This application, shown in Figure 9, requires 2 addi- charge. In the interval that S1 and S3 are closed, Cp1 pumps
tional diodes. During the first 1⁄2 cycle S2 charges Cp1 the junction of D1 and D2 above V+, while Cp2 is refreshed
through D1; D2 is reverse biased. In the next 1⁄2 cycle S2 is from V+.


FIGURE 8. Split V+ in Half


FIGURE 9. Positive Voltage Multiplier


FIGURE 10. Combined Negative Converter and Positive Multiplier

THERMOMETER SPANS 180˚C the LM35 to measure negative temperatures, a pull down to
Using the combined negative and positive multiplier of Fig- a negative voltage is required. Figure 11 shows a thermom-
ure 11 with an LM35 it is possible to make a µPower ther- eter circuit for measuring temperatures from −55˚C to
mometer that spans a 180˚C temperature range. The LM35 +125˚C and requiring only two 1.5V cells. End of battery life
temperature sensor has an output sensitivity of 10 mV/˚C, can be extended by replacing the up converter diodes with
while drawing only 50 µA of quiescent current. In order for Schottky’s.

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Typical Applications (Continued) The LP2951 can be reconfigured to an adjustable type regu-
lator, which means the LMC7660 can give a regulated output
REGULATING −VOUT from −2.0V to −10V dependent on the resistor ratios R1 and
It is possible to regulate the output of the LMC7660 and still R2, as shown in Figure 13, Vref = 1.235V:
maintain µPower performance. This is done by enclosing the
LMC7660 in a loop with a LP2951. The circuit of Figure 12
will regulate Vout to −5V for IL = 10 mA, and Vin = 6V. For Vin
> 7V, the output stays in regulation up to IL = 25 mA. The
error flag on pin 5 of the LP2951 sets low when the regulated
output at pin 4 drops by about 5%. The LP2951 can be
shutdown by taking pin 3 high; the LMC7660 can be shut-
down by shorting pin 7 and pin 8.

*For lower voltage operation, use Schottky rectifiers

FIGURE 11. µPower Thermometer Spans 180˚C, and Pulls Only 150 µA


FIGURE 12. Regulated −5V with 200 µA Standby Current

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Typical Applications (Continued)


Vref = 1.235V
*Low voltage operation

FIGURE 13. LMC7660 and LP2951 Make a Negative Adjustable Regulator

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Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters)
unless otherwise noted

Molded Small Outline Package (M)

Order Number LMC7660IM
NS Package Number M08A

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LMC7660 Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter
Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted (Continued)

Molded Dual-In-Line Package (N)

Order Number LMC7660IN
NS Package Number N08E

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