Collarbone (Clavicle) Fractures: A Guide To Recovery After Surgery
Collarbone (Clavicle) Fractures: A Guide To Recovery After Surgery
Collarbone (Clavicle) Fractures: A Guide To Recovery After Surgery
The collarbone or 'clavicle' is a bone that connects the shoulder surgeon will ask you to where a sling to support the arm after
blade to the chest bone. Fractures or breaks of the clavicle are surgery, usually for 3-6 weeks.
common injuries during childhood and with falls onto the shoulder. The plate and screws do not need to be removed, but occasionally,
The majority of clavicle breaks will heal without surgery. patients find the plate bothersome under the skin. If this is the
Sometimes, if the break causes the two ends of the bone to be far case, the plate and screws can be removed after the fracture has
apart from each other or a lot of overlap of the bones, surgery may healed, usually at least 6 months after the break. This operation is
be recommended. The goal of the surgery is to improve the chance performed in the operating room most commonly under general
of bone healing and to allow the bone to heal in a better position. anesthesia. The surgery usually takes between 45-90 min. Usually,
Your surgeon will tell you if your collarbone break may benefit from this operation is done as daycare surgery, where you go home the
surgery. Most do not need surgery. same day as the surgery.
Clavicle fractures take the same time to heal with or without What to expect during healing of a Clavicle Fracture: While the
surgery. Usually, the breaks heals in around 6-8 weeks but it is bone heals usually within 2-3 months, recovery takes much longer.
fairly common that it can take up to 3 months. Typically most of the recovery is completed by 3-5 months. Some
stiffness in the shoulder can happen after these injuries, but usually
Non-surgical Treatment of Clavicle Fractures: resolves by 6 months after the injury. Sometimes, the clavicle
If your clavicle fracture is 'good position', no surgery is required. fracture does not heal. This can happen with fractures that were
The arm should be supported in a sling for around 6 weeks to allow treated with surgery or without. Surgery may occasionally be
the break to heal. Your surgeon will see you and take regular xrays needed for fractures that do not heal.
to make sure that the bone is healing well. Removing the sling too
early and using the arm before the break has healed can lead to Instructions for Recovery for after Collarbone Fractures:
delayed healing of the break.
After the clavicle break heals, some patients have a bump of new These instructions are for patients treated with or without surgery.
bone where the collarbone was broken. This bump will be
permanent and generally causes no problems, but some patients Going Home After Surgery:
are aware of the change in appearance or cosmetics of their • Arrange to have someone take you home after surgery, even
collarbone. if you are taking a taxi • 104 - 3551 Blanshard St. Victoria BC V8Z 0B9 • tel 250 940 4444 • fax 250 385 9600
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Collarbone (Clavicle) Fractures: A Guide to Recovery After Surgery
• If the dressings get wet or soiled, change them • Do not use your broken arm to lift anything heavier than 1 lb
• You may bathe 2-3 weeks after surgery, if the wound is (a large coffee mug) until you discuss with your surgeon -
healed and dry usually this is for the first 4-6 weeks after the break
• Wear your sling as directed by your surgeon - usually your
Care of your Incision & Wound after Surgery: surgeon will ask you to wear the sling full time for at least 4-
• Your wound may ooze fluid for 24-48 hours 6 weeks after the break or surgery
• Keep your dressings on, clean and dry until your follow up • Gradually resume normal activities like walking; recovery is
appointment. gradual and it is normal to feel weak and tired for a couple
• If dressing becomes dirty or wet, please change. of weeks after surgery
• Your surgeon will give you specific instructions about what
How to change your dressings after Surgery if they become soiled kind of physiotherapy is recommended and when to begin
or wet: • Remove your arm from your sling 2-4 times per day to
• Wash your hands with soap & water before you take care of gentle stretch out the hand, wrist and elbow
your wound • Perform pendulum exercises as shown below starting within
• Throw out the white gauze bandages—the dressings will be a few days of surgery
stained with blood - and remove the white mepore • Your surgeon will tell you if you need physiotherapy.
• Do not remove the Steri-Strips- small tapes that may be right Tips for Living with a Sling:
on top of the wound. They will fall off themselves. • Many normally simple activities, like dressing, putting on
• Cover wounds with new dressing. Apply new ‘mepore’ or shoes etc. can be more difficult with a sling on.
waterproof ‘aquacell’ dressing. You do not need to change • This guide offers many tips on how to prepare for your time
your dressings if you do not want too -- you can just leave in a sling.
them clean, dry and covered until your follow up • Please review it prior to surgery and after.
appointment 10-14 days after surgery • See:
• Buy either 'mepore' or waterproof 'aquacell' dressings Guide.pdf
• Buy 'mepore' dressings at pharmacy
• Buy waterproof 'aquacell' dressing at One Bracing @ Pain:
RebalanceMD. You may shower with the aquacell dressing on • Discomfort will be moderate for the first few days and will
and it does not need to be changed. gradually get better
• Use any pain medications as prescribed by your surgeon
Activity After a Collarbone Fracture: • 104 - 3551 Blanshard St. Victoria BC V8Z 0B9 • tel 250 940 4444 • fax 250 385 9600
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Collarbone (Clavicle) Fractures: A Guide to Recovery After Surgery • 104 - 3551 Blanshard St. Victoria BC V8Z 0B9 • tel 250 940 4444 • fax 250 385 9600
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Collarbone (Clavicle) Fractures: A Guide to Recovery After Surgery
• A sling will put on in the emergency department or • Incisions that are red, puffy, hot or leaking fluid more than
operating room. 48 hrs after surgery Fever greater than 38°C
• Upgraded Shoulder Sling: If you find the sling supplied by • Signs of circulation problems (e.g coolness, change in skin
the hospital quite irritating or uncomfortable, you may wish colour, numbness) which is not relieved by rest
to buy a more padded sling which some patients find more • Persistent nausea and vomiting
comfortable. This is entirely optional. These can be bought • Inability to pass urine for more than 8-10 hours
at One Bracing @ RebalanceMD or other medical supply • Chest pain or shortness of breath that is unusual for you
stores such as McGill & Orme, Island Orthotics and others.
• Cryotherapy "Ice Machines": are an alternative to ice packs. If you cannot reach your Surgeon:
They can be extremely helpful to reduce pain and swelling.
• Call your family doctor, go to a walk-in clinic or hospital
These can be bought at One Bracing @ Rebalance MD or other
emergency department
medical supply stores such as McGill & Orme, Island
Orthotics and others.
Non-emergency health information and services:
• Waterproof Aquacell Dressing: if you wish to shower, you
may apply a waterproof Aquacell dressing. This type of • HealthLinkBC
dressing does not need to be changed after showing. You • Tel: 811 from anywhere in BC
may purchase this at One Bracing @ • Tel: 711 for deaf and hearing impaired assistance (TTY)
Follow Up Appointment:
• A post-operative appointment should be scheduled for
approximately 10-14 days post surgery
• Call the office if you do not have an appointment scheduled
• Write down your questions for the surgeon before the
appointment • 104 - 3551 Blanshard St. Victoria BC V8Z 0B9 • tel 250 940 4444 • fax 250 385 9600
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Collarbone (Clavicle) Fractures: A Guide to Recovery After Surgery
Physiotherapy Exercises for Shoulder Surgery Patients far as possible. You may need to help with your
nonoperated hand.
You may begin these exercises immediately after surgery unless told
otherwise by your surgeon. Do the exercises 2-3 times per day for 3. Grip: Make a fast or
around 10 repetitions each each.
squeeze a rolled up cloth or
Your surgeon will give you a prescription to see a physiotherapist tennis ball
and tell you when to see a physiotherapist. • 104 - 3551 Blanshard St. Victoria BC V8Z 0B9 • tel 250 940 4444 • fax 250 385 9600
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Collarbone (Clavicle) Fractures: A Guide to Recovery After Surgery • 104 - 3551 Blanshard St. Victoria BC V8Z 0B9 • tel 250 940 4444 • fax 250 385 9600
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