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MKT 330/ MIS 330

Submitted To:

Mohammed Abdul Mumin Evan (MEv),


Department of Marketing & International Business

Submitted by: Team GoalDiggers

Name ID

Afrina Ahsan Sharni 1611751030

Ahmed Aakash 1632046030

Md. Omar Sheikh 1520842630

Md. Fazlul Karim 1421600030

Md.Atik Shahriar 1430413630

Md. Nurul Alam Khan 1711310030

Date: 28th May, 2020

Letter of Transmittal
28th may, 2020

Mohammed Abdul Mumin Evan


Department of Marketing & International Business

North South University

Subject: Submission of report on EDUCARE business model.

Dear Sir,

We are very much delighted to present you our final report on “EDUCARE”. This project was
full of excitement, fun and challenges. It took maximum effort. Every single one of us delivered
their undivided best to bring this project into the final shape. We learned a lot through this

We thank you from the bottom of our heart for your support and guidance in every aspect of the
report and all. Thanks for teaching us this aspect of digital marketing with a lot of enthusiasm
and excitement. We thank you for everything with a hope that, you‟ll be delighted with the effort
we put in this report.


Md. Nurul Alam Khan

Afrina Ahsan Sharni

Ahmed Aakash

Md. Omar Sheikh

Md. Fazlul Karim

Md.Atik Shahriar

Executive Summary
EDUCARE is an app based service which will connect a student who wants to get a home tutor
to a teacher just within a tap. It will reduce the search effort and cost associated with that both for
the student and the tutor. Here in this report we have discussed the Situation that EDUCARE will
be operating on, our objective, our strategy, our tactics to reach our target customers, who will be
performing those works and lastly the control program in details. We have found an immense
opportunity while writing this report for this business. This report talks about how the business
will operate; how the promotion campaign will run and how will we ensure the users security
and all. The reader will get a thorough idea about the business model while reading it.

Table of Contents

Topic Page No

Introduction 5-8

SOSTAC model : Situation 9 - 15


SOSTAC model : Objective 16 - 17

SOSTAC model : Strategy 17 - 20

SOSTAC model : Tactics 20 - 24

SOSTAC model : Action 25

SOSTAC model : Control 25 - 28

Conclusion 28

Reference 29 - 30

Before talking about the business idea let us give you a brief about the problem from where the
idea came from:

 A very common problem is a student badly needs a teacher but he/she can‟t find any and
similarly for the teachers who is looking for students but can‟t find any.
 It is a very common problem in Bangladesh that students are looking for teachers and
teachers are looking for students but none can find each other. As a result they go to a
third party who arranges their meeting for a commission. Still after contacting a third
party group it is not always sure that you will get tuition so the problem remains.
 In case the tuition providing agency or the third party can arrange teacher/students for the
students/teachers looking for each other, location comes as a big problem. Sometimes it
is seen that the teacher lives miles away from the location of the student. It creates time
management problem as there is always heavy traffic on the road. Both the student and
the teacher face hassle because of this distance problem.
 Another problem is the timing clash between the student and the teacher. Most of the
time the student sets the time of tuition and sometimes teachers also set it. Both of them
don‟t care about free time of each other which makes the job tougher keeping the
previous factor of distance and traffic in mind.

So these problems led us to propose a solution where the student or teacher will no longer have
to wait longer period of time searching for each other or get dependent on a third party who will
provide it for them. “EDUCARE” will connect the teacher and student just through a tap in their
cell phone. But how is it different from other third parties who provide tuitions? This is where
the USP is. “EDUCARE” will be connecting the students to only the teachers nearby looking for
students which will solve the problem of distance and traffic condition. If someone nearby the
student‟s location is not available it will go for the next best nearby location. By using the GPS
technology “EDUCARE” will ensure that the teacher/students doesn‟t live too far from each
other. This will also solve the timing issue as their location will be nearby they can actually pick
the best suitable time for both of them. All of these just from a single tap on “EDUCARE” App
on your smartphones.

Competitive Advantage/Unique Selling Proposition: The solutions we are providing through
“EDUCARE” will be our key competitive advantage and it will be laying the role of unique
selling proposition as the idea is completely new in the market. The unique selling propositions

 An app-based tutor providing service.

 Convenient location that is teachers will get students near their location and as well as the
parents will get teachers nearby, which will eventually save time and search effort.

Target Market & Market Size: Our main target market is the students who are looking for
home tutors and as well as the tutors who are willing to teach and provide service to the students.
So, the market size is so big. Majority of the students keeps a home tutor for them and also goes
to coaching centers of different subjects. So these students as well as the teachers as well as the
parents of those students are a part of our target market and we are actually targeting all students
from class 1-12 standard initially. Later on we will also add undergraduate students in our target
market as a student who needs help in his study.

Market Feasibility: A survey shows that most of the primary level learners receive private
tutoring and they are satisfied with the English lesson provided by their private tutor rather than
their school teacher. (, 2020) The study shows complete evidence that there is
a need for private tutor in Bangladesh and if we can provide it within an app it can help the
students as well as the parents to reduce their efforts in search for tutors. There is a huge demand
for home tutors especially in the metropolitan cities like Dhaka and Chottogram. As the number
of student is rising day by the day the demand for home tutor is also rising. Also the inefficiency
of the schools and colleges to provide proper learning to the student can be another reason for
increasing demand. So yes the idea of “EDUCARE” is market feasible and will change the way
of searching for and getting a tutor.

Revenue Model: We are planning to have a subscription based revenue model. All the students
or parents or the teachers who wants to use our app to find tuitions will be charged taka 500 to
register for our service initially. We will also take 5% commission from the salary of the tutor.
We will also use ad based revenue model and offer our website and app to the advertisers for
advertising their product later.

How we will ensure security: The teachers registering in our website or app will have to upload

a copy of their NID and also their contact details. We will verify all those information first and
then we will register them as a tutor. Also our app will be connected to 999 emergency services
so that if any emergency situation arrives they can have the location just from a tap and can send
help. The information of the students will also be taken and NID of their parents will also be
required to get registered as a student. Feedback will be collected every month both from
student‟s parents and the tutor so that there is no scope for complaints.

How Quality will be ensured: Quality of the tutor and the student will be strictly monitored.
Both the student and the teacher will get to rate each other. If a teacher gets constantly poor
ratings his/her membership will be cancelled. Similarly if the rating of a student goes down
he/she will be banned from using the service. In this case substitute teacher/student will be
provided to them if available. Also there will be monthly inquiry on the performance of the
teacher. This is how quality education will be ensured and will be maintained.

Why would anyone use our service and pay premiums: It is very simple; we are providing
tuition service at doorsteps. We are helping both student and the tutors by connecting them with
each other. It is reducing search efforts from both parties plus it is bringing in the location
convenience for the tutors. So they would register for this service by paying taka 500. The details
of the student will not be prevailed to the tutor or the detail of the tutor will not be prevailed to
the student before they pay the amount. Also we are ensuring the security of the tutor and the
student‟s family which will be playing a positive role for us.

Why the tutors would pay the 5% commission: The third party tuition providers always take
commission from the tutors. Sometimes they take advance as well. They take half of the first
months‟ salary plus registration fees. “EDUCARE” will take the registration fee and also 5% of
the salary as a commission every month. Now why would they give it? Why will not they forfeit
the service once they get tuition? Because:

 Higher salary than regular traditional tuitions.

 They get to decide the salary when they register and we will arrange tuition within that
range for them.
 It will be ensured that guardians pay the salary on time and the security of their tuition
will be ensured so that they can‟t be fired in the middle of the month without giving the

 Location and timing flexibility which we will be providing to them will reduce their
transportation cost and other costs related to it.
 The payment of the tutor will be made through bkash to us. We will cut our commission
from it and the rest will be transferred to the tutors account.

There will be certain rules and policy regarding this payment policy which the tutor will have to
agree first before he starts to receive our service. If he/she breaches that rule/policy he/she will
be banned from using the service anymore.

Probationary Period: Every tutor will have a 2 week probationary period from the day they get
tuition. In this two week if a student doesn‟t like his/her teaching style they can cancel the
agreement and a feedback will be collected from the student immediately. After that a new
teacher will be provided to the student and the tutor will be informed via sms and notification in
the app.

How a tutor will leave the job: If a tutor wants to quit giving tuition to someone he/she will
have to confirm it through the app and apply to cancel the agreement. The tutor will have to do
that at least 15 days prior to leaving the tuition so that a new tutor can be provided to the student
in the meantime.

Long term sustainability: As currently there is no one else in the market that is providing this
type of service under an app we hope that we will be able to reach out to our target audience
more effectively and efficiently without having any interference from competitors. We will also
have the first mover advantage. If everything goes right we hope that this app “EDUCARE”
would be a great success and we will be on top for providing tuitions according to the
requirements of the parents, students and the teacher. We hope it will become the no 1 brand in
terms of tuition providing service.


1.Situation Analysis for EDUCARE

Here in this section, we are going to identify the current situation of the digital tutor providing
service on which EDUCARE is going to operate on. We, however, noticed that the marketing
opportunities in the digital education section are wide and endless a lot of people are demanding
to gain degrees through the internet, but how EDUCARE operates is different because
EDUCARE not only connects a teacher and a student through an app, it also gives them the
flexibility of location and time. This element of the SOSTAC model requires the individual to
look at the current situation in detail. This varies depending on the topic at hand. In terms of a
marketing plan, one would consider information such as the current source of revenues, existing
competitors, and any processes and policies that are in place.(Adam, B. 2011) Here we are going
to use 3 major components of situation analysis, which are SWOT analysis; that is the internal
strength and weakness of a company also the external opportunities and threats, PESTEL
analysis; which are the macro-environmental factors like Political, Economic, Social,
Technological, Environmental, and legal factors for analysis, and finally, the porter five forces to
determine the competition.

SWOT analysis


Flexibility of location and time: One of the main strength that EDUCARE has is the previously
mentioned GPS tracking system that will help the students to identify nearby teachers and vice
versa. It will save time both for the teacher and the student. It will also reduce the search effort
and cost regarding the tuition.

Unique business model: It is completely a unique business model in Bangladesh. There are
certain tuition providing services like yoda and others but none of them offers this much
flexibility both for the tutors and the students.

User Friendly app: The app will be very much simple and straight forward. It will be pretty much
easy to use. If you know how to use the internet and a smartphone you will not face any kind of
problem with the interface of the app.


New Business: New business model is one our strengths but it is also our weakness as no one
really knows about it and how to use the service. So we will have to start from the scratch and
create maximum awareness among our target market.

Lack of market data: As we are the first mover there is proper information about the market
tendency. We will have to take risks in every step and do experiments in the market. From those
experiments we will have to take learning which can eventually lead to our success.


Potential to grow: The market growth for the digital education system is still improving and
growing also there is a large percentage of market shares that EDUCARE can gain and enjoy
because there seems to be a high demand for the digital tutor service especially in Bangladesh.

First mover advantage: EDUCARE will have the first mover advantage in this sector as nobody
else is trying it, so they will have the chance to build strong brand value and grab most of the
market shares. Also they can create entry barrier for their future competitors by improving their
services as time passes by.


Competitors: The competitors are one of the threats EDUCARE will be facing, the major
competitors that EDUCARE will potentially face are Yoda, CareTutors, and BdTutors, who are
currently holding the majority of the market share.

Lack of Proper education: It can pose a great threat for us. To use our app the user needs minimal
education and most of our country‟s people don‟t have that.

The commission system: The 5%commission that we will be taking from the tutors every month
can pose threat for us. It is very normal that they will think why would they pay 5% of their
salary to us when they can keep it and this is a threat for us. Also the registration fee 500 tk
might turn away users from us.

PESTEL analysis


According to the political standpoint, EDUCARE won't be getting much benefitted by the
Bangladesh Government, mostly because of the subsidies being limited and also the government
budget is in a deficit state, so we believe that EDUCARE will be facing more tax charges by the
government because of the debts that the government are willing to get rid of.(,
2020) Corruption is also a major problem that EDUCARE could face because of political issues
which could also give rise to monopoly if the rivals are favored by the government. Before
facing any problems mentioned above, EDUCARE needs to establish a good relationship with
the government to control all these political factors. Also EDUCARE can get a fund for
developing their business from the government as the government of Bangladesh Is currently
investing heavily in ICT sector.


Economic wise Bangladesh has a decent level of opportunities and benefits for EDUCARE
however these benefits are crucial and limited time-wise, as Bangladesh has a history of
fluctuating on both high and lows of the economy. The Gross Domestic Production Growth of
Bangladesh is around 8%, and they are ranked #39 in World GDP rankings
(, 2019). Bangladesh has been called the fastest-growing economy in the
world, so EDUCARE knows that the people have a decent amount of disposable income to buy
our services, but we need to understand that we will only be able to serve the middle-class level
onwards because the country has a decent amount of unemployment rate of 12%. We can also
enjoy bank loans, but these loans have high-interest rates.


Bangladesh has an increasing population growth rate that means more customer demands exist
for these services, EDUCARE will need to promote them with the right resources to make them
aware of the service. According to the age distribution, there are more teenagers who need home
tutoring and are also willing to become a home tutor for money, so this is a win-win situation.
According to cultural barriers, there are not many issues so EDUCARE will face no problem in
Bangladesh because home tutoring has become somewhat of a tradition in Bangladesh. And

parents are comfortable with tutoring also, so social wise there is also no problem.


Bangladesh is still developing when it comes to technology in Bangladesh. Only recently

Bangladesh has decided to digitize their country for comfort and efficiency.(Rahman, L., 2015) This, however, is not very beneficial to EDUCARE since it is a digital
service available through mobile. However, there are a large number of mobile users and also
there are currently some basic advanced technologies available to help EDUCARE to overcome
many problems on a regular basis. What EDUCARE needs to do is they will need to establish
and improve a research and development department for creating innovation and cutting edge
technology which could help them gain competitive advantage.


Environmental pressure will be no problem for EDUCARE in Bangladesh since the company has
no factory or major heat emission activities. EDUCARE also will not be facing many problems
from the NGOs from Bangladesh as well. Bangladesh has a very clean climate. There are very
less industrial areas located in the country but there is also increasing evidence that global
climate change will have adverse effects on human health due to meteorological and
topographical conditions.("Climate Change, Sea-Level Rise, & Health Impacts in
Bangladesh", 2020) The main problem that EDUCARE might face in Bangladesh are the
electrical fluctuations which is a threat for us.


EDUCARE will have to follow many laws accordingly especially the discrimination laws which
states that all men must be treated equally both mental and physical differences, the employees
minimum wage act where employees must be paid reasonable amount to feed them and their
family, then finally the consumer act law where the consumer must be made aware of the pros
and cons about any good & services the business sell them. EDUCARE will have to take these
laws into consideration whether the company likes it or not.

Porter 5 forces

Threats of new entrants

This is a type of threat where EDUCARE will face upcoming competition from new firms that
would enter the market. Currently, we did realize that the educational digital service is very
competitive at the moment. Here we have analyzed some of the factors we need to take into
consideration for the threats of new entrants like:

Barriers to entry- Like political instability or corporation tax from the government, EDUCARE
will faceless corporation tax compared to other companies, but the newcomers will also be

Brand Loyalty- EDUCARE will have to set up the brand‟s position in the minds of the
customers so that the new businesses can‟t take away our market share. Currently there is market
awareness and loyalty for the brand so competitors can easily access the market and take away
the shares.

Capital Requirement- This type of business needs mild investment which can be sourced from
the investors. Currently Bangladesh‟s Government is also investing in ICT sector which can be
helpful for the competitors to enter the market.

Access to distribution channels- EDUCARE will use internet to distribute their service to their
end users through their app. It is easy to copy and thus increases the threats of new entrants.

So it can be said the threats for new entrants is high for “EDUCARE”.

Threats of substitutes

Substitutes are goods and services used or added in place of the other like the substitute of coffee
would be tea, and for a car would be a motorbike, etc. Most importantly a substitute for this
digital tutor providing service market would be the traditional tutoring service market which is
the coaching centers, different pages which provides home tutor for the students. Here are the
factors we must consider for the threats of substitutes which are:

A number of substitute products available- There are many substitute services for EDUCARE.
Traditional private tutoring schools these days are very common everywhere. Also app like yoda

can be counted as a substitute. Also the pages which provide tuition for the tutors can also be our

The relative price performance of substitutes- In this point EDUCARE is favored because for
traditional methods there are a lot of search costs involved. EDUCARE will reduce the search
cost but will increase the cost for the tutors.

Switching cost-For EDUCARE switching cost is very low as there is no brand identity currently
and there is no loyalty among the users. But as time passes by it will increase and EDUCARE
will become a brand.

So we can say the threats of substitute are high for “EDUCARE”.

Bargaining power of customers

This Porter force talks about the importance of the customers and the impacts they bring into the
competition. We are aware that customers are very important for any business to survive into the
market however we are aware that the customers will gain a variety of services from the
innovation we are providing as a business. The factors considered here would be:

Numbers of customers- Currently we have analyzed that the customers demand for this product
are very high especially in Bangladesh. Only in the future we will witness such an increase for
EDUCARE service.

Price sensitivity of the customers- As we are charging 500 taka as registration fee and 5%
commission from the tutors from their monthly salary we hope it won‟t be too much for them. If
it is we will reconsider it in the near future.

Buyers‟ ability to substitute- Buyers can easily switch to the substitute which gives them more
power here.

Differences between the competitors and their competitive edge- we are providing the location
and timing flexibility to the student and the teachers which makes us unique than our indirect
competitors. It will bring us competitive edge over the competitors.

Buyer's information availability- Users are heavily exposed to different type of tutors
information in the market currently. But in EDUCARE they can actually check whether a tutor is

good or not from the reviews given by other. So it will be beneficial for us.

So it can be said bargaining power of customers is high for “EDUCARE”.

Bargaining power of the suppliers

EDUCARE has analyzed that since they are a digital business they only need mechanics and
Engineers for hardware and software installments but it is necessary to keep contacts with the
good and responsive ones for solving instant problems. The factors here we need to consider here

Number of competitors: There are lots of competitions in the market which are both direct and
indirect for EDUCARE. Their services can be counted as substitute to ours which reduces our
power over the users.

The uniqueness of product: Definitely our service is unique because of the extra facilities we
will be providing. But it can be easily copied.

So it can be said bargaining power of supplier is lower for “EDUCARE”.

Competitive Rivalry

Much has been analyzed about the competitors of EDUCARE here we are going to jump straight
to the factors that EDUCARE will need to consider for competitive rivalry which are:

 Number of competitors- Currently we have competitors like CareTutors, Yoda, BDTutions,

Tutors Hut, and a few other competitors.

 Diversity of competitors- All the competitors are not very different from each other and are
providing kind of same service.

 Industry growth is imminent and increasing and right now everyone is busy building their own
market share.

 Brand Loyalty- Each of EDUCARE's competitor does have or is growing customer brand

 Barriers to Exit- It will become very hard for an exit if there is a massive amount of investment

but at the moment investment is very flexible so an exit from such industry is not impossible.

So it can be said Competitive rivalry is moderate for “EDUCARE”.


Our main objective of the business is to satisfy current market demand by using the online
platform. First of all we will find out in which areas the number of „coaching‟ centers is lower
because „Coaching‟ centers are our direct competitors. Building awareness is one of our
objectives and of course discovering where the most valuable consumers are. We will ensure
quality full service as all the tutors must have to go through a precise recruitment process. On our
app students won‟t have to rely on just fewer choices to choose their tutors from. Payment
method is very easy, we will receive money from all kinds of online payment methods like,
bkash, Upay, Nagad etc. We will also provide the flexibility of location and timing. So our main
objective is to reduce the search cost and effort and provide the best home tutor to the student
form convenient location.

One of the objectives for “EDUCARE” is to acquire new customers by increase the use of our
“EDUCARE” app. It will be investigated in this part of the plan is the 5s objectives.

 Sell: If people are downloading our app then they already know or wanted to know more about
our service for sure which would increase our sales. We are very hopeful because on this app
students and teachers both are found in a platform and their feedback is also found. If we
maintain our app promotions well then our sells would be excellent after 6 months or may be 1
year. So our objective is to increase sale and create awareness within 1 year.
 Serve: In terms of quality of our “EDUCARE” the company we will need 100+ positive reviews
from the satisfied consumers within the first 6 months following its entry. So that others can
rely on us. We will ensure that our customers are served in the best way so that we can acquire
positive reviews from them which will eventually affect our sales.
 Speak: If we do our services well to our potential customer then we will face growth in the
market. As we are new and our business idea is also very unique, we will make some videos
about our business so that customers know our idea and about our existence which we will
share through our facebook page and website. We also maintain Two-way communication with
customers by acquiring feedback about the tutors and the students. We will contact with our

users through our app notification system, email and sms. They can also send us message in
our facebook page and email us.
 Save: We need 100% efficiency gains. We will promote through digital media and use it to
advertise our service. Eventually it will save advertising cost for us as traditional media is very
expensive compared to digital media.
 Sizzle: Our wow factor is this is a very new and unique type of app. Students doesn‟t have to rely
on just fewer choices to choose their mentors. Tutors will be greatly benefited as it will be
focusing on convenient location and timing.
Mission & Vision

Mission: Our mission is very simple, we are trying to connect students and tutor in a simplest
way possible and reduce the search efforts and different cost associated with that.

Vision: As we are an app based company and it‟s a very unique type of app, it will take time to
grow. But our vision is to be country‟s number one platform where students get their desired
teachers with little efforts within 3 years.

3. Strategy

Targeting & Segmentation:

Our main target is to attract the attention of our potential customers and provide them superior
service to satisfy their needs. Our target customers are the students of different standards starting
from class 1 to 12 and different English medium students. As our service is based on apps, we
also have to segment our target customers demographically; mainly on; education level of
parents, income status, age, employment etc (Khan, B. H. 1998). All of these mentioned criteria
would be fulfilled if we divide our service on the basis of location. So our apps will use GPS
navigation to meet these criteria. For example receptive to the new services as those parents are
more engaged in corporate jobs; and they do have more technological know-how (Underwood &
Szabo, 2003). First of all we will find out in which areas the number of „coaching‟ centers is
lower. As we are just a startup we don't have any reputation. So initially the reputation of
coaching centers will be a competitive factor for us.

Another important factor is the penetration rate of the internet. As our apps will use GPS to
locate nearby students and teachers so it will be accessible throughout the country that has access

to the internet. Our apps will be available on both play store and IOS, and accessible from the
website. A table for our segmentation and targeting is given below:

Geographic Demographic Persona

Area: Urban Age: 05-20 Psychographic:

Location: Dhaka (primarily), Gender: Male/Female People with positive attitude

Chittagong (after 1 year) and who loves to try new things
Income (monthly/family):
BDT 15,000 and above.
Family size: N/A
Heavy users
Education range:
Brand Loyal
 Class 1-12
 SSC /O levels
 HSC/A levels

Occupation: Students


Through influencing customer expectations, brand positioning approaches are specifically related
to consumer satisfaction, market-based brand value and the desire to buy an item. Strong brand
positioning can be referred to as the degree to which a brand is viewed as positive, distinctive
and trustworthy in the minds of customers (Sloan-C. 2011).

How do we do our brand positioning?

We want to position EDUCARE as a brand that provides quality both for tutor and the student. It
will bring convenience both for the student and the teacher. We want to be in top of the
consumer mind whenever they think of getting a home tutor for their children and for that we
will ensure 100% quality and best service for the users. There will be a strong monitoring system
in our app. Both students and teachers performance will be monitored through our apps.
Teachers‟ performance feedback will be given by students or parents. That's how they will be
rated on the basis of feedback. At same time this feedback will also ensure the quality of
teachers, so only the best and qualified teachers will be available for those specific subjects.
Similarly, if the student's ranking is lower, he / she would be excluded from using the facility. In
this case, they will be supported with a replacement teacher / student, if available.

Service Differentiation/Unique Selling Proposition/objectives:

 Ensuring quality full service as all the tutors must have to go through a precise
recruitment process.
 Recruiting tutors from convenient locations for the students.
 Students don't have to rely on just fewer choices to choose their mentors.
 Tutors will be greatly benefited as it will reduce their convenience and searching cost.
 Effortless payment method as our app will be able to receive money from all kinds of
online payment methods like; bikash,Upay,Nagad etc.


As we are providing tutors to students based through so ensuring the secure service is our one of
the main concerns. First of all the tutors have to submit their NID card and other required
documents like photographs of parents.

Secondly, they need to submit their University or institutional ID cards. These two steps will
ensure our security concern

Establishment of consistent policies and use parental authorization to exchange data:

We will engage parents from the get-go. While installing there will be detailed privacy settings
and policies, and resources, and how-or whether-third parties will access student data (Chau, M.,
& Xu, J. 2012)

We will be fully transparent regarding policies on data collection and distribution in our apps so
that no issues arise in the long run.

Students Privacy in our apps:

 We'll ensure all users are checked in our applications through their registration number,
national and University IDs.

 Another solution is to establish student‟s password management software and two-step

verification of their email accounts.

 It is not allowed to display information on students without their consent.

 Our applications do not disclose the names or faces of students without parental consent.

We must have a monitoring framework for Cyber bullying:

Bullying and harassment is an issue common to students. When it does happen, we must be able
to help our students. An effective reporting system for both students and parents will enable us in
the early stages to follow through and cut the issue (Zuev, V. 2012).

4. Tactics

Marketing mix 8PS

It is variety of factors which a corporation can regulate to affect the purchasing of its goods by
the customers. It uses 8 components which are Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People,
Processes, Physical Evidence and Partnership.

Product is the first and the main important thing for any kind of business. So, here our product is
“EDUCARE” and it‟s basically a service which will connect the teacher and student just through
a tap in their cell phone by an app.
Price is the sacrifice of a customer in any business where the customer expects their product or
service in return. As our service is through an app which is a subscription based, the people who
will use our app will be charged 500 taka to register and for our service. We will also take 5%
commission from the salary of the tutor.


We will offer our services initially in Dhaka, but in future, would extend our operating facilities
to other major cities of Bangladesh.
As our target market is the teachers who are looking for tuition and the students and their parents
who want a good tutor, so our promotion will run on this basis through Facebook, Instagram,
YouTube and other different websites which are mainly used by our target audience.
People are essential in the marketing of any product or service because the people who are
providing the service and the customer who are receiving it both are important. And so, for our
service we have our employees who represent the app and its service and values to the
customers. Their work is mainly to interact with the customers who are mainly user of our app
for any kinds of issues or problems they face. It is really important to ensure skilled employees in
order to represent the company to the customers, as a service can be as good as its peoples are.
In order to give our customers proper service and benefits who are teacher and student or the
parents must have their media devices such as phone, tab or computer with a working internet
connection to have our website accessibility, offers and services, and must have the
“EDUCARE” app installed in their devices and have to complete the registration process to gain
access of our website for our further service.
Physical Evidence:
physical evidence is the service which is provided, and all other measurable goods which enable
business efficiency. Physical evidence is important to customers because they are now aware of
visible facts as tangible objects indicates the provider is selling what the customer is demanding.
As we are providing tuition service through our app, our office, employees so all of our service
providers are included for this physical evidence part.
For taking care of our customers‟ easy registration process, we will be partnering up with Bkash.
We will provide our service through our app where both teacher and student have to be
registered or their parents and they have to pay the certain amount by Bkash app without any
kind of hassle to gain the access of our website and service.

Communication Mix:
There are mainly five key elements of the marketing communications mix which are advertising,
public relations, sales promotion, personal selling and direct marketing. In some cases, there can
be a sixth component, which is events and sponsorship which depends on the organization.
To target a large number of audience we are going to promote our app and to enlighten the
customers about our service we will use Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other most popular
websites to advertise our EDUCARE app.
Public relation:
Building up a good relation with the customers is very essential for any sort of business growth
and to build up a good image among the markets people. In order to have a good relation it is
very important for our employees to handle our customers with all and by full filling their
expectations. And for that we will provide security, flexibility and favorable publicity which will
attract our customer more to rely on our service and to keep a good connection with our
customers and other peoples will get a positive thought about our service.
Sales promotion:
In order to promote our sell and encourage our customers to get out service we will give a short
time incentives to our very first top 1000 customers who can be the teacher or the students or the
parents whoever will download our app and register to our website will get the offer of discount
for being with us from the very beginning.
Personal selling:
As our target is to give our service through our app, we will have our volunteer in some of the
schools and college to talk directly with the students‟ parents and with the teachers about our
EDUCARE app and how does it work for their benefit. Beside we will also use online promotion
from where our customer will get to know about our service directly from us and also, we will
guide them about how easily it can be useful to them.

Events and Sponsorship:

Beside our advertising and other promotions we will also try to give sponsorship in some of the
popular school and college on their event days such as cultural program or sport days as our
target are the students from class 1-12, the students and their parents will get to know about our
services and benefits.


Tagline: “Your Desired Tutor Is Just One Tap Away”.

Content Plan:
It is the process of marketing approach we will create and distribute our valuable service and
attract our targeted audience by a clear description of our objectives. So, we will have both
online and offline promotions for our service and we are targeting mostly the online platforms
for our promotion including ads on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, and offline promotions
will also include ads on television, different educational magazines and newspapers.
Ad for Facebook:

Sponsored Instagram ads:

YouTube ad:

5. Action
We will hire management team for our “EDUCARE” business. The structure is given below:



Marketing HR Head Finance

Head Head

Employees Employees Employees

All of our promotional effort will be handled by our marketing team, who directly works under
the management. The management will set the communication goal and the marketing team will
work accordingly and set specific campaigns for that.

For promoting our app service we will also hire a 360 degree marketing agency that will do all
the activities necessary to promote our business like the PR activity, Facebook and Instagram
ads, and offline promotions and suggest events that can be sponsored. They will also perform the
market research for us and give us valuable insights about the market.

6. Control


Control involves the measurement and the metrics used to estimate the effectiveness of the
strategies being used to attain the set objectives. Control also involves the re-modification of

tactics and actions when the results targeted are not being attained. Control helps us to look at the
use of management information which includes web analytics so that we can assess whether
strategic and tactical objectives are achieved and how to improve further so that it can be
enhanced for better results. A healthy relationship between a goal and a performance indicator
(also known as KPI) is everything you need to get real results. But, if you want them to be
successful, it will depend on the marketing campaign you are undertaking at the moment and
how you operate on it. This is some of the type of risk mitigation process. The following steps
should be covered under the Control phase:
• What needs to be measured (which Objectives/KPIs)
• By whom, how often and at what cost (e.g. Usability Testing, Customer Surveys and NPS)
• Report process (what happens when a 10% blip is spotted?) (Stephenson, 2020)

The digital marketing plan will have control measures to verify consumer views and opinions, ad
web analytics to ensure the goals are realised. Every project manager is obliged to make sure his
project team understands well how to use such useful tools to help identify the project‟s critical
path.In addition; there are other strategies that would be applicable such as performance assessm
ent, additional preparation, and the control system for change of scope. The performance measur
ement tool helps the project management team determine any variations occurring within the pro
ject. In the case of the prevalence of alternative approaches additional preparation strategies are u

Feasibility And Cost Breakdown:

Estimated budget for the first whole year:

We considered a timeframe of one year to reach the customers in the first year. Belo is the
breakdown and an estimated budget for the first year:

Items Quantity Average Cost Calculation Total (Bdt)

Online 20000 Clicks 40/Click 20000*40 800,000


Facebook Page 1 Page 50000/Month 50000*12 600,000

Promotion On 30000 Clicks 50/Click 30000*50 1,500,000


Google Adwords -------------------- 4,00,000 4,00,000 4,00,000

Broadcasting 3 Radio 2000/Radio 3*30*12*2000 2,160,000

Media (Radio) Channels Channel
(Optional) (Radio Foorti,

Radio ABC,

Radio Today)

Event Sponsor 1 30,00,000 1*30,00,000 30,00,000

Total Budget

We will be promoting our application by displaying ads in different websites and we will be
having an official facebook page as well. After assuming the reach of every channel in the
following, we found our total expected reach to be 418,650 in the first year.

Items Reach on average Calculation Total


ONLINE 1000 1000*365 365000


WEBSITE 10 10*365 3650

ONLINE 20000 20000*1 20000


FACEBOOK PAGE 30000 30000*1 30000

Total Expected 418,650


From the total expected reach we can assume that our application and the ads will reach at least
80% of the total reach. Our face book page has the most reach and that‟s why we can say that the

main source of targeting people would be our page. We can then easily calculate and monitor
people‟s reactions and comments towards our application and will be able use to KPI metrics to
calculate the performance indicator.

Execution Timeline:

Return on Investment (ROI) = Here we tried to calculate ROI by using this formula

= Total Expected Campaign reach /total budget = 418650/8460000 = 4.948% = 5%

approximately which is a good return on investment in one year.


Being a first mover is a risky step which poses a great amount of risk but it also opens the door
for lot of opportunities. If those opportunities can be derived the business can create an entry
barrier for other businesses and form a sustainable competitive advantage which will give them a
strong hold over the market. EDUCARE wants to grab this opportunity and wants be the market
leader in the future. We hope that because of the increased demand for home tutor we will
definitely succeed in the market.


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