HIV Policy
HIV Policy
HIV Policy
J Kumar Infraprojects Ltd recognizes HIV / AIDS as a developmental challenge and realizes the need to
respond to it by implementing regular HIV / AIDS prevention programmes and creating a non-
discriminatory work environment for HIV infected workmen engaged by contractors. For the purpose of
making conscientious, sensitive and compassionate decision in addressing the realities of HIV / AIDS,
JKIL is committed to-
Creating awareness through professional agency using IEC (Information, Education and
Communication) package specially designed for migrant workers.
Institutional capacity building by training the project implementation team, Safety, Health &
Environment (SHE) Managers, establishing linkages for efficient diagnosis and treatment of the
affected workers, effective monitoring of implementation and documentation for further learning.
Establishing peer educators by selecting them in consultation with contractors and training them
through professional agencies so that they become focal point for any information, education and
awareness campaigns among the workmen throughout the contract period.
Promotion of social marketing of condoms through State Aids Control Society (SACS).