Mango Flavor Changes
Mango Flavor Changes
Mango Flavor Changes
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is a very popular specialty fruit and Thompson, 1985; Tandon and Kalra, 1983; Vazquez-Salinas
in the United States (Vance Publishing Corp., 1994) and is of and Lakshminarayana, 1985). The main reducing sugar identified
great economic importance to the tropical regions that produce by Medlicott and Thompson (1985) and Vazquez-Salinas and
them (Mitra and Baldwin, 1997; Narain et al., 1998). Its current Lakshminarayana (1985) was fructose while Selvaraj et al. (1989)
popularity is attributed mainly to its unique flavor, aroma, and reported glucose to be predominant. Conflicting reports on the
appearance. Flavor, especially, is a consumption attribute critical relative concentrations of individual sugars present in mango at
to consumer acceptability of mangoes (Gholap et al., 1986; different stages of ripening were attributed to varying cultivars
Malundo et al., 1996). and storage conditions used (Medlicott and Thompson, 1985).
Lack of attention to flavor compounds in breeding programs The effects of cultivar (Gowda and Ramanjaneya, 1994;
has led to flavor mediocrity in many fruit and vegetables. This has Kapse et al., 1988; Kundu and Gosh, 1992;), stage of maturity
occurred because fruit and vegetable breeders have little informa- (Morga et al., 1979; Shashirekha and Patwardhan, 1976; Tandon
tion on flavor compounds available for use in selecting for this and Kalra, 1983), postharvest treatments (Kumar et al., 1992),
complex trait. Some information on mango flavor has been and storage conditions (Vazquez-Salinas and Lakshminarayana,
reported, but much is still not understood. Organic acids and 1985) on sugar and acid levels in mango have been studied
sugars are key components in the perception of mango flavor as extensively. Acid levels are expressed frequently in terms of pH
in most fruit (Medlicott and Thompson, 1985). The predominant and titratable acidity (TA) while sugar concentrations are re-
acid is citric (Medlicott and Thompson, 1985; Lizada, 1993). On ported as total soluble solids content (TSS) (Kapse et al., 1988;
the other hand, as a result of starch hydrolysis from increased Kumar et al., 1992; Kundu and Gosh, 1992; Medlicott and
amylase activity during ripening (Fuchs et al., 1980; Tandon and Thompson, 1985; Morga et al., 1979; Vazquez-Salinas and
Kalra, 1983), sucrose is the major sugar in the ripe fruit (Medlicott Lakshminarayana, 1985). Few investigators, however, have at-
tempted to understand how varying concentrations of these
Received for publication 1 Nov. 1999. Accepted for publication 25 Aug. 2000.
components affect flavor perception of the fruit. This is important
South Atlantic Area, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agricul- information for breeders and molecular biologists who seek to
ture. Mention of a trademark or proprietary product is for identification only and improve mango flavor through genetic manipulation using culti-
does not imply a guarantee or warranty of the products by the USDA. The USDA var selection or identification of genes responsible for flavor
prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, quality. Kapse et al. (1988) determined that increasing total
color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual
orientation, and marital or family status. We thank Julia Heggie and Holly Sisson soluble solids while decreasing acidity increased flavor ratings of
for technical assistance. The cost of publishing this paper was defrayed in part by mango as determined by a panel of seven judges. However, the
the payment of page charges. Under postal regulations, this paper therefore must usefulness of such conclusions towards understanding the effects
be hereby marked advertisement solely to indicate this fact. of sugar and acids on mango flavor is limited since the investiga-
To whom correspondence should be addressed; e-mail
tors failed to clearly define the type of panel (i.e., consumer,
panelists developed their own terminology, such as sweet potato, two replications).
banana, or peach. and were then presented with those materials Following sample preparation procedures described previ-
during the training for confirmation). An initial list of 18 descrip- ously, samples were prepared 1 h before evaluation and coded
tors was generated during the first and second sessions. This with three-digit random numbers. Twenty-five-milliliter por-
number was reduced to 11 after subsequent training in which tions were then placed in 60-mL plastic soufflé cups which were
standard references were introduced to clarify terms (Rainey, capped immediately. Malundo et al. (1997) determined that the
1986). The final list of descriptors used during evaluations, flavor profile of 50% mango homogenate generated through
together with corresponding definitions, is tabulated in Table 1. headspace analysis did not change significantly when the samples
Except for the descriptors sweet and sour, as noted below, were left at room temperature in covered containers for up to 2 h.
panelists were calibrated using reference standards established Panelists rated samples individually in partitioned sensory
for Spectrum Analysis (Meilgaard et al., 1991). Intensities of evaluation booths under red light. Samples were served one at a
standards, developed on a 15-point category scale, were adapted time in random order. Using scoresheets provided, panelists were
to the 150-mm nonstructured line scale by multiplying by a factor requested to rate samples relative to intensity ratings of standards
of 10. Since some treatment blends were expected to contain 18% established during training (Table 2). They were served the
to 28% sugar and 1.60% to 1.85% acid, sucrose (12%, 24%, and standards, and unsalted crackers and water to clear their palates
36%) and citric acid (0.7%, 1.4%, and 2.1%) solutions were used between samples.
as reference standards for the descriptors sweet and sour, respec- CHEMICAL ANALYSES. Frozen samples were thawed under
tively. These solutions were assigned intensity ratings by panel- running tap water. For each of the 12 treatments, a 40 mL sample
ists along the 150-mm line scale. was centrifuged at 12,100 gn for 15 min. TSS content (%) and pH
Based on ratings of reference standards already established, of the supernatant fluid were determined using a refractometer
panelists then rated two mango standards, labeled Standard A and (Palatte PR-101; Atago Co., Ltd., Japan) and titrator (model
Standard B, for all flavor descriptors listed in Table 1. The mango 230A; ATI Orion, Beverly, Mass.). TA, expressed as percentage
standards were used by panelists as warm-up samples during citric acid, was calculated after titrating 10 mL supernatant fluid
evaluations (Malundo et al., 1994; Rutledge and Hudson, 1990; to a pH of 8.1 with standardized 0.1 mol·L–1 NaOH. A TSS/TA
St. Angelo et al., 1992). These were 50% mango homogenate, ratio for each treatment was also calculated. There were two
other than the experimental samples, selected after preliminary replicates per sample.
screening of test samples with varying intensities for flavor STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. Data were analyzed using procedures
properties. The mango standards were intended to represent of the Statistical Analysis System (SAS Institute Inc., 1990).
extremes in the expected range of mango flavor (but not necessar- Performance of individual panelists was evaluated using cluster
ily representing the extremes on the 150 mm scale which was analysis (PROC VARCLUS). PROC MEANS was used to calcu-
established with the Spectrum standards, Meilgaard et al., 1991). late means and SDs of panel ratings. Flavor components which
Standards A and B were prepared and stored at –20 ± 2 °C until affected the response of the descriptive variables were identified
needed. The intensity ratings assigned to all reference standards by regression analysis. With mean scores across replicates as
during training are listed in Table 2. dependent variables (O’Mahony, 1995; Schutz, 1983), a reduced
A standard for good performance was also set during training. second order polynomial was fit to the descriptive data. The
Panelists were considered to be performing well when ratings polynomial took the form: Σ(y) = β1x1 + β2x2 + β3x3 + β12x1x2 +
were within ±10 mm from the mean based on a 150-mm line scale β13x1x3 + β23x2x3 + δ12x1x2(x1 – x2) + δ13x1x3(x1 – x3) + δ23x2x3(x2 –
(Meilgaard et al., 1991). x3), where Σ(y) was the expected value of the response of the
Each replication of the experimental design was evaluated dependent flavor variables; x1, x2, and x3, respectively (i.e.,
within two sessions. Therefore, each panelist rated six treatments expected value of the random variable = the descriptive re-
per evaluation. Two replications of the design were evaluated sponse), corresponded to the proportions of sugar, acid, and water
within the same day, one in the morning and the other in the in the blend; and β1, β2, β3, β12, β13 β23, δ12, δ13, and δ23 were
afternoon (i.e., each panelist evaluated each treatment in a total of coefficients associated with the model terms (Snee, 1979). This
12 experienced judges. The effect of water was most probably due ing, subject to error due to the variability of human judgement,
to its ability to release entrapped volatiles or disrupt apparent and, therefore, expensive. Most breeders and molecular biolo-
interactions between the mango pulp and flavor compounds, thus gists do not have access to trained panels, yet flavor quality is an
increasing the release of the latter (Harrison and Hills, 1997; important characteristic to be considered when evaluating culti-
Malundo et al., 1997). This may also indicate that the level of var selections. Understandably, there have been constant at-
juiciness in mango fruit is important to flavor perception. In tempts to replace sensory panels with instrumental and/or chemi-
addition, some of the interaction terms were also significant for cal measures that are not susceptible to fatigue nor psychological
some of the descriptors (for sweet in particular) which is not fluctuations which characterize human performance (Szczesniak,
surprising since, for example, acid affects perception of sweet- 1987; Trant et al., 1981), yet relate to the sensory experience.
ness and vice versa. In addition, the levels of sugars and acids Chemical measures for sugar and acid levels are currently
interacted to affect the responses to some of the aromatic descrip- standard indices for evaluating flavor quality in fruit and veg-
tors. etables. However, while sugar and acid concentrations indicate
The R2 values presented in Table 3 indicated that varying degree of ripeness, these do not necessarily relate to flavor
levels of sugar, acid, and/or water explained much of the varia- properties (Alavoine et al., 1990). The extent to which these
tions observed in mango samples in terms of the flavor descrip- measurements correlate with descriptive ratings must be estab-
tors sweet, sour, bitter, peachy, sweet potato, banana, astringent, lished (Trant et al., 1981) for them to be useful tools for breeders
and biting. Based on the discussions presented above, sugars and and others interested in screening genetic material for flavor
acids would be expected to account for much of the sweetness quality.
variations observed among the samples evaluated. In addition, A chemical measure can be used with confidence as a predictor
acid would logically be responsible for most of the sour taste in of descriptive score if the simple correlation coefficient between
mango. A variety of compounds contributing to the bitterness and the two variables is ≥0.90. When the coefficient is ≥0.80 but
astringency of fruit are known (Kays, 1991), however, results in
Table 3 indicate that variations in sugars and acids accounted for Table 4. Pearson correlation coefficients (r) between flavor variables and
much of the bitterness and astringent sensations in mango. In chemical measurements (n = 24).
addition, the contribution of these two in explaining variations in Chemical measurement
fruity flavor notes (i.e., peachy, sweet potato, and banana) were
Flavor variable TSS pH TA TSS/TA
also major. It is uncertain whether these observations were due to
the psychological association of sugars and acids with fruit in the Taste
minds of the panelists or from actual chemical or physical Sweet 0.72* 0.48** –0.44** 0.60*
interactions of the two taste components with other flavor com- Sour NS –0.96* 0.95* –0.84*
pounds. However, the importance of sugars and acids as potentia- Bitter –0.49** –0.54* 0.48** –0.57*
tors of some aromatic flavor sensations was clearly established. Aromatics
Sugar and acid also explained some of the variations observed Peachy 0.79* NS NS NS
among the samples in terms of the flavor notes pine/turpentine, Pine/turpentine –0.52* NS NS NS
grassy, and orange peel. However, because of the relatively low Sweet potato 0.41** 0.74* –0.72* 0.74*
coefficients of variation (R2) resulting from regression analysis, Banana 0.47** 0.63* –0.64* 0.62*
it is obvious that other flavor compounds, such as aroma volatiles, Grassy –0.66* NS NS NS
also are factors in the sensation of these attributes as was shown Orange peel NS –0.56* 0.51** –0.60*
by Malundo et al. (1996). Chemical feeling
MENTS. Despite test protocols that minimize bias, use of descrip-
Biting NS –0.96* 0.91* –0.91*
NS ,*,**
tive panels to evaluate product quality is complex, time-consum- Nonsignificant or significant at P < 0.05 or 0.01, respectively.