An Operator's Guide To Water Treatment Coagulants
An Operator's Guide To Water Treatment Coagulants
An Operator's Guide To Water Treatment Coagulants
Paper Presented by :
Peter Gebbie
This paper is intended as a guide to using water treatment coagulants by answering a series of
questions that many Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Operators have probably thought of but were
too afraid to ask, or maybe didn’t quite know where to look for the answers!
Coagulants are chemicals that are used to assist with the removal of colour and turbidity
present in untreated, raw water. They do this by forming settleable particles in the form
of flocs, which are then removed in downstream clarification or filtration treatment
Remember Gebbs’ Rules when looking at coagulants and their potential applications.
GEBBS’ RULE 2 as a consequence of Gebbs’ Rule 1, the pH of the chemically dosed raw
water will decrease. This often means that supplemental alkalinity in the
form of lime; soda ash, or caustic soda will have to be added to maintain an
acceptable dosed-water pH
GEBBS’ RULE 3 not all inorganic coagulants are created equal! Some will have a greater
impact on the raw water alkalinity and pH than others. For example, New
Age Coagulants such as aluminium chlorohydrate (ACH) and
polyaluminium chloride (PACl) have less impact than alum. Organic
coagulants do not affect the raw water alkalinity and pH
GEBBS’ RULE 4 all coagulants produce sludge in the form of the metal hydroxide together
with the coloured and colloidal matter that is removed from the raw water.
But again, not all inorganic coagulants behave in the same way. For
example, ACH and PACl produce less sludge than alum when dosed at
equivalent levels. Organic coagulants produce little sludge; another
GEBBS’ RULE 5 inorganic coagulants will increase the total dissolved solids concentration of
the treated water. This may be undesirable, especially when using alum, as
sulphate levels in the finished water will increase
Depending on the pH after the coagulant is added, two possible reactions are generally
• with aluminium-based coagulants, the metal ion is hydrolysed to form aluminium
hydroxide floc as well as hydrogen ions. The hydrogen ions will react with the
alkalinity of the water and in the process, decrease the pH of the water as can be seen
from Equation (1) for alum.
Less hydrogen ions are produced with ACH, reflecting the hydroxylated nature of
this compound. PACl also shows similar hydrolysis as represented by Equation (3).
In this reaction, three moles of H+ are formed.
The above hydrolysis reactions typically take place at a dosed water pH in the range
5.8 to 7.5, depending on the particular coagulant. Colour and colloidal matter is
removed by adsorption onto/within the metal hydroxide hydrolysis products that are
formed, and is sometimes referred to as sweep-floc coagulation.
• if an excess of alum is added so that the dosed water pH is less than 5.0, then the
metal ions (Al3+) will directly eutralize the negatively charged organic compounds
and colloids in the raw water. This allows the organic molecules to contribute to floc
formation and is often referred to as enhanced coagulation and is often done to boost
the removal of disinfection by-product precursors.
Generally, alum is the first coagulant of choice because of its lower cost and its
widespread availability. For coloured, low turbidity, low pH/alkalinity surface waters
pre-treatment with lime, soda ash or caustic soda will normally be required to ensure that
the optimum coagulation (dosed-water) pH is achieved.
These raw waters however, also make the use of ACH possible. It is often feasible to
coagulate at a relatively high pH (7.5-8.0), avoiding the need to dose alkali for pH
correction, which is often difficult at small WTP’s.
Iron-based coagulants, such as ferric chloride, ferric sulphate and PFS®, are not that
popular in Australia and tend be more expensive than alum on an equivalent dose basis.
They also consume more alkalinity than alum, and hence tend to depress pH of the dosed
water much more. Opinions also differ as to whether they produce a fluffier floc, which is
more difficult to settle. Several WTP’s in NSW use PFS® in order to meet very stringent
manganese limits in the finished water, which appears possible with the use of this
coagulant. Ferric-based coagulants are extremely corrosive and produce highly visible
blood-/rust-coloured stains whenever there are chemical spills and leaks.
Aluminium-based coagulants are also claimed to show higher Crypto oocyst removal
than ferric-based chemicals, which is another possible advantage.
Table 1 summaries data for the most commonly used coagulants available in Australia. It
also gives important characteristics and supplier details, as well as some notes on
possible applications.
Organic coagulants such as polyDADMAC liquid cationic polymers are generally only
used in direct filtration WTP’s where the low doses applied make their use feasible. Also,
polyDADMAC’s are not as good as inorganic coagulants in removing true colour and
natural organic matter from water.
As any competent WTP Operator knows, the pH value of a solution gives an indication of
how acidic or alkaline it is. It’s a very important parameter in water treatment, especially
in determining effective coagulation. Each coagulant has a narrow optimum operating pH
range. For example, alum tends to work best at a dosed-water pH of 5.8-6.5. If the pH is
lower or higher than this optimum, then problems of high residual colour and aluminium
or disinfection by-products may occur in the finished water.
This can create problems when the raw water has a high alkalinity or pH. High alum
doses will then be required to achieve the right dosed-water pH. The alternative is to add
acid to decease the pH to a lower value before dosing the coagulant. Note that this is the
opposite of the more common practice of dosing alkali (lime, soda ash or caustic soda) to
raise the pH of low alkalinity waters.
If the pH falls outside the optimum range, you may have trouble meeting the Australian
Drinking Water Guideline limit of 0.2 mg/L aluminium in the finished water, as well as
increasing the possibility of having floc precipitate out later in water storages or within
the reticulation system. ACH works well over a higher pH range, anywhere from 6.5 to
7.5. In some cases, this may mean that you can coagulate at a pH that avoids the need for
post-treatment alkali dosing. This has been successfully implemented at a WTP located in
Eastern Victoria. Changing over from alum to ACH has enabled the WTP Operator to
decommission a small, “pesky” post-treatment lime dosing system.
Ferric coagulants also work well over a wide pH range and often can be used at the
higher end of the range, say from 7.5 to 8.0.
Organic polyDADMAC’s work pretty well at any pH and this may prove to be an
advantage in certain applications.
The first term you should be aware of is “basicity”. This gives a quantitative measure of
how many hydroxyl ions are included in the structure of a polyaluminium or polyferric
coagulant. The higher the basicity of a coagulant, the lower the impact it will have on
dosed water pH. For example, ACH (Al2(OH)5Cl) has a basicity of 83.3%. Typically,
commercially produced ACH will have a basicity of 83-85%, indicating that it will have
less impact on dosed water pH than PACl, which we have noted earlier has only has three
OH ions in its structure and consequently has a basicity of 50%. Alum has no OH ions in
its structure and hence has zero basicity.
The next term to be familiar with for aluminium-based coagulants is “percent Al2O3”.
This is a common method of quoting the strength of aluminium-based coagulants on a
w/w basis. Another method of referring to concentration is to state the aluminium
content, which is roughly half the Al2O3 content. For example, liquid alum is typically
7.5% w/w Al2O3, which is the same as 4.0% w/w aluminium (Al). For ACH and PACl
coagulants, the brand name often incorporates its Al2O3 strength. As an example, PAC-23
produced by Aluminates, is ACH with an Al2O3 content of nominally 23% w/w.
Similarly, for Omega Chemical’s MEGAPAC 10, this is PACl with a nominal Al2O3
content of 10% w/w.
The term “percent weight/weight” or “% w/w” is similar to the previous term and is the
number of kilograms of active chemical per 100 kilograms of liquid chemical. For
example, liquid alum at 7.5% w/w Al2O3 has 7.5 kg of Al2O3 in solution for every 100 kg
of liquid chemical delivered.
Another important term is “specific gravity” or “SG”: This is the unit weight of a liquid
chemical relative to water at the same temperature. Strictly speaking, SG has no units but
you’ll often find SG or a coagulant’s density stated on laboratory reports as “g/mL” or as
“kg/L”. The two are approximately the same and so in most cases can be interchanged.
When calculating coagulant doses, or any other chemical for that matter, it is important to
first state on what basis the dose is to be expressed. The most commonly used unit in
water treatment is “mg/L”, which is a weight per volume unit. This is also the same as
parts per million (ppm), but only when quoted as ppm on a weight/weight basis, as we
will shortly see!
If you state a chemical dose as “ppm” using the volume of chemical dosed to the volume
of raw water, then what you have calculated is “ppm v/v” and this is NOT the same as
To calculate the dose of a coagulant or other chemical in mg/L, you will need to know its
% w/w strength and specific gravity.
You can see from this example that the two results are quite different, so it important to
understand how your coagulant dose is calculated, especially when you quote numbers to
others, including your Operations Manager or Finance Comptroller!
Remember that there is only one sure way to determine which coagulant will work best
for a particular raw water, and that is to carry out some jar-tests in the laboratory. In
evaluating which coagulant you reckon is the best, just be careful in how you express the
various chemical doses!
And…happy jar-testing!!