Phytochemical Analysis of Leaves Extract of Abutilon Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
Phytochemical Analysis of Leaves Extract of Abutilon Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
Phytochemical Analysis of Leaves Extract of Abutilon Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719
Vol. 08, Issue 9 (September. 2018), ||V (II) || PP 11-21
Key words: Abutilon pannosum, GC/MS, Phytochemicals, n- Butanol extract, Soxhlet extraction
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Date of Submission: 31-08-2018 Date of acceptance: 15-09-2018
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Information about the chemical components and its mechanism & application are very useful in
divulging innovative sources of economic phytocompounds for the production of complex chemical substances
and for discovering the real importance of folkloric therapies. And also need to authentication of the herbal
drugs has established as a new branch of science, emphasizing and prioritizing the standardization of the natural
drugs and products because several of the phytochemicals have a complementary and overlapping mechanism
of action.Also essential to experiment the biological activities of locally grown medicinal plants will expose the
herbs as potential sources for therapeutic agents, through isolation, identification, and characterization the new
phytochemical constituents.[1]
This work will help to identify the therapeutic value of butanol extract of A. pannosum (Forst.f) leavesby
use of GC-MS. Abutilon belongs to the family Malvaceae. [2]The genus Abutilon is used for the dealing with
several diseases in ethnic medicines.[3 to 5]The leaves were used as an adjunct to medicines used for relieving
dehydration, diarrhea, treating bronchitis, for pile grumbles, gonorrhea, in reducing fever, diabetics,
hemorrhoids, and anemia, treating a vaginal infection and in impatience of the bladder and it is also used in
cleaning wound and ulcer.[6]Gas chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrum (GC/MS) has been widely useful
unequivocally to recognize the structures of various Phytoconstituents from plant extracts with great
achievement.[7]TheGC-MS analysis is a mutual validation experiment. It splits all the parts in an extract and
provides a descriptive mass spectra. Through the injection port, the extract is inserted into of the GC device,
convert to vaporized form. That could travel according to their mass by charge ratio and examines by mass
spectra. Every constituent electronically produces on a paper chart. The time intervened between injection and
elution is called the "retention time." It can help to distinguish among some composites. [8]
2.3Identification of Phytocomponents
The identification of bio-component in the n-butanol extract of (A. pannosum) was done by Mass
Spectroscopy comparing retention indices and mass spectra fragmentation patterns with the computer library of
NIST08s and Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data’s, New York (Wiley 8) have been usedto identify the
compound in above extract.
The chemical compoundsin the n-butanol leaf extract of A. pannosum were found to be in the order
of11,14,17-Eicosatrienoic acid(21.05%),9,12,15-Octadecatrien-1-ol (21.03%),9,12,15-Octadecenoic acid
(21.01%),Pentadecanoic acid (16.81%),Citronellylvalerate(11.08%),9-
Eicosyne(11.06%),Phytol(11.04%),Neophytadiene (11.02%), α-Tocopherol (4.48%),n-Hexadecanoic acid
(2.16%), Squalene (2.75%), were obtained at high concentration.All this major component (described in table 2)
have higher biological activity like anticancer, antimicrobial, antiarthritic, antidiabetic, antioxidant,anti-
inflammatory,antihypertensive, anti-atherogenic and antitumor activities etc. [9] The leaves n-butanol extract
also possessPentadecane, Hexadecane,tricosane, pentacosane, heptacosane, octacosane, docasane, n-
heneicosane,eicosane, triacontane, dotriacontane, hexatriacontane types of carbohydrates as well as
hydrocarbons which are good exhibited antibacterial, antiviral and antioxidant activity. [10][11]
Figure 1Chromatogram of the bioactive compound of n-butanol extract of A. pannosum leaves sample
Figure 2 Mass spectra of the bioactive compound of n-butanol extract of A. pannosum leaves sample
Table 2: Components Identified and it’s Activity/Uses in n-butanol Extracts of A. pannosumby GC-MS
No Structure Nature Importance Ref.
Anti-inflammatory, 14,
n-Hexadecanoic OH
2 Fatty acid antioxidant, antipsychotic, 15,
antiallergic 16
Antimicrobial, antioxidant,
3 Dotriacontane Hydrocarbon antispasmodic,
antibacterial and antiviral
functional phase change
4 Eicosane Hydrocarbon 19
material for clothing
Antifungal and
7 Docasane CH3 (CH2)20 CH3 Carbohydrate 23
Diuretic, antimicrobial,
(E)- (7R,11R)-
3,7,11,15- 25,
9 Diterpene anticancer, anti –
tetramethyl-2- 26
OH inflammatory fragrance
Sat. aliphatic
10 9-Eicosyne CH3 (CH2)7C C(CH2)9 CH3 Antimicrobial 22
12 Pentacosane Antibacterial 12
1 Carbohydrate/Hy 12,
Tricosane Antibacterial
3 drocarbon 13,
Antimicrobial, antifungal,
14 Pentadecanoic acid Fatty acid 28
Antimicrobial, antifungal,
19 dl-Citronellol Essential oil antispasmodic and 31
anticonvulsant activities
9,12,15- OH
Anti-inflammatory and
20 Octadecatrienoic Fatty acid 32
anti-atherogenic properties
9,12,15- Antioxidant and
21 Fatty acid 33
Octadecatrien-1-ol antibacterial
Antibacterial, Chemo
immunostimulant, anti-
23 Squalene Triterpene tumor, antioxidant,
anticancer, lipooxygenase-
inhibitor, perfumery,
pesticide, sunscreen
Antibacterial, antioxidant,
antifungal anti-cancer
24 Farnesol Sesquiterpenoids 37
OH agent, and
chemoprotective effects
Anticancer, antitumor,
25 α-Tocopher Vitamin E antioxidant, antiinfertility, 38
The present study has been carried out on thequalitative and quantitative analysis of the major
bioactive components of therapeutically significant plant A. pannosum leaves by use of GC-MS. Totalnine
different types of bio-compounds were identified from the A. pannosum leavesextracts by using n-butanol
solvent. The biological activities of each of the identified phytocomponentsrange from anticancer,
antimicrobial, antiarthritic, antioxidant,anti-inflammatory,antihypertensive, anti-atherogenic and antitumoral
activities.These findings have provided the scientific basis for the therapeutic use of the plant. Though, isolation
of theseparate phytochemical components subject to biologicalactivity and toxicity profile will give fruitful
We would like to thank the KSKV Kachchh University (Bhuj), Department of Chemistry to providing
facility for this work and guidance.
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