Phytochemical Analysis of Leaves Extract of Abutilon Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)

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IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) www.iosrjen.

ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719
Vol. 08, Issue 9 (September. 2018), ||V (II) || PP 11-21

Phytochemical Analysis of leaves Extract of Abutilon

pannosuminn-Butanolfor its Bioactive Components through Gas
Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
Mital K. Aadesariya1, Vijay R. Ram1, Pragnesh N. Dave1,2*
Department of Chemistry, KSKV Kachchh University, Bhuj, Kachchh- 370001
Department of Chemistry, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidynagar-388 120 (Gujarat),India
Corresponding Author: Mital K. Aadesariya1

Abstract:Abutilon pannosum usually recognized as khapat is a significant therapeutic plant used in a

traditional system. Its extract is also used in treating against bronchitis, gonorrhea, diarrhea in relieving thirst,
and inflammation of the bladder and in reducing fever, cleaning wound and ulcer, treating a vaginal infection,
diabetics, hemorrhoids and can also be used as an anemia. The present study has been carried out on the
qualitative and quantitative analysis of the major bioactive components of therapeutically significant plant A.
pannosumleaves (APL) by the use of GC-MS, whereas the mass fragment spectra of the compounds were
compared with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) library. The soxhlet extraction of a
sample was done by use of continuous hot percolation method using n- Butanol as a solvent. After extraction, it
was concentrated by using distillation method. Crude n- Butanol extracts were introduced in GC/MS instrument
for isolation and identification of valuable phytochemicals. GC-MS analysis has revealed the existence of 25
compounds. The result exhibited that there are very significant phytochemicals found in n-Butanol leaves
extract of A. pannosum likeFatty acid, Hydrocarbons, Carbohydrate, Diterpenoid, Diterpenes, Triterpene,
Sesquiterpenoids,Phytosterol, Vitamin E and Steroid compounds.

Key words: Abutilon pannosum, GC/MS, Phytochemicals, n- Butanol extract, Soxhlet extraction
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Date of Submission: 31-08-2018 Date of acceptance: 15-09-2018
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Information about the chemical components and its mechanism & application are very useful in
divulging innovative sources of economic phytocompounds for the production of complex chemical substances
and for discovering the real importance of folkloric therapies. And also need to authentication of the herbal
drugs has established as a new branch of science, emphasizing and prioritizing the standardization of the natural
drugs and products because several of the phytochemicals have a complementary and overlapping mechanism
of action.Also essential to experiment the biological activities of locally grown medicinal plants will expose the
herbs as potential sources for therapeutic agents, through isolation, identification, and characterization the new
phytochemical constituents.[1]
This work will help to identify the therapeutic value of butanol extract of A. pannosum (Forst.f) leavesby
use of GC-MS. Abutilon belongs to the family Malvaceae. [2]The genus Abutilon is used for the dealing with
several diseases in ethnic medicines.[3 to 5]The leaves were used as an adjunct to medicines used for relieving
dehydration, diarrhea, treating bronchitis, for pile grumbles, gonorrhea, in reducing fever, diabetics,
hemorrhoids, and anemia, treating a vaginal infection and in impatience of the bladder and it is also used in
cleaning wound and ulcer.[6]Gas chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrum (GC/MS) has been widely useful
unequivocally to recognize the structures of various Phytoconstituents from plant extracts with great
achievement.[7]TheGC-MS analysis is a mutual validation experiment. It splits all the parts in an extract and
provides a descriptive mass spectra. Through the injection port, the extract is inserted into of the GC device,
convert to vaporized form. That could travel according to their mass by charge ratio and examines by mass
spectra. Every constituent electronically produces on a paper chart. The time intervened between injection and
elution is called the "retention time." It can help to distinguish among some composites. [8]


A. pannosum leaves were collected from the Punitvan,Bhuj- Kachchh. Leaves were washed with tap & distilled
water and dried. Using electric grinder it has been converted into the fine powder and prepared to use for further

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Phytochemical Analysis of leaves Extract of Abutilon pannosum in Butanol
2.1Preparation of Plant Extraction
15 gm of leaves powder was extracted with 2-3 liter of n-Butanol (117.6º C) for 12 hours using plant
tissue homogenization method. After extraction, it was filtered and the exclusion of solvent was done under
pressure by distillation process to afforded extract. Extracts were collected in an airtight glass tube. [9]

2.2 GCMS Data Analysis Study

Shimadzu made GC-MS QP2010 instrument was used forGC-MS analysis. The composition of the
volatile constituents was established by GCMS analysis. It was performed on a Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010
system in EI mode prepared with a split/splitless injector (300.00°C), at a split ratio of 1/10 using SGE make
BPX5WCOT (Wall coated open tubular) capillary column (30m,0.25mm i.d., 0.25μm film thickness). Helium
was used as a carrier gas at a flow rate of 2.5ml/min and Hold Time was 2.00 min. The injection volume of each
sample was 3μl Column Oven Temperature was maintained at 70.0°C to 300.0°C. The flow rate of Career gas
was 1.47 ml/min. The chromatogram is shown in Figure 2 and identified by Comparison with NIST and Wiley
compound library which is presented in Table 1.

2.3Identification of Phytocomponents
The identification of bio-component in the n-butanol extract of (A. pannosum) was done by Mass
Spectroscopy comparing retention indices and mass spectra fragmentation patterns with the computer library of
NIST08s and Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data’s, New York (Wiley 8) have been usedto identify the
compound in above extract.


In the present study,nine different types of bioactive chemical constituents were identified in the A.
pannosum leaves with important chemical properties. It has been described below in table 1 & 2 and mass
spectra of that bioactive compound have been shown in figure 1.

Table 1Bioactive compound detected from n-butanol extract of A. pannosum

Sr CAS % of
Name Synonyms Formula RT M.W
No. ID P.A
1 Tetradecanoic acid Myristic acid C14 H28 O2 8.615 544-63-8 228 2.16
2 n-Hexadecanoic acid Palmitic acid C16 H32 O2 8.616 57-10-3 256 2.16
3 Dotriacontane Bicetyl C32 H66 8.855 544-85-4 451 2.75
4 Eicosane n-Eicosane C20 H42 8.857 112-95-8 282 2.77
5 Octacosane n-Octacosane C28 H58 8.859 630-02-4 394 2.79
6 Heptacosane n-Heptacosane C27 H56 8.861 593-49-7 380 2.80
7 Docasane n-Docosane C22 H46 8.863 629-97-0 310 2.81
8 Neophytadiene C20 H38 9.020 0-00-0 278 11.02
(E)- (7R,11R)-3,7,11,15-
9 tetramethyl-2-hexadecene- Phytol C20 H40 O 9.022 150-86-7 296 11.04
10 9-Eicosyne 9-Eicosyne C20 H38 9.200 278 11.06
11 Citronellylvalerate Citronellylvalerate C15 H28 O2 9.202 0-00-0 240 11.08
12 Pentacosane n-Pentacosane C25 H52 9.275 629-99-2 352 3.32
13 Tricosane n-Tricosane C23 H48 9.277 638-67-5 324 3.34
Pentadecanoic acid methyl
14 Pentadecylic acid C15 H30 O2 9.470 1002-84-2 242 16.81
15 Hexatriacontane n-Hexatriacontane C36 H74 9.680 630-06-8 507 3.16
16 Heneicosane n-Heneicosane C21 H44 9.682 629-94-7 296 3.16
17 Pentadecane n-Pentadecane C15 H32 10.065 629-62-9 212 2.82
18 Hexadecane Cetane C16 H34 10.067 544-76-3 226 2.84
19 dl-Citronellol Dihydrogeraniol C10 H20 O 10.090 156 3.81
20 Methyl linolenate C19 H32 O2 10.155 301-00-8 296 21.01
21 9,12,15-Octadecatrien-1-ol C18 H32 O 10.157 2774-90-5 264 21.03
11,14,17-Eicosatrienoic Methyl-11,14,17- 55682-88-
22 C21 H36 O2 10.159 320 21.05
acid eicosatrienoate 7
23 Squalene Spinacen C30 H50 12.740 111-02-4 410 2.75
24 Farnesol Dihydrofarnesol C15 H26 O 12.742 4602-84-0 222 2.77

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Phytochemical Analysis of leaves Extract of Abutilon pannosum in Butanol
25 tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12- Vitamin E, α-Tocopher C29 H50 O2 14.545 59-02-9 430 4.48
trimethyltridecyl)-, [2R-

The chemical compoundsin the n-butanol leaf extract of A. pannosum were found to be in the order
of11,14,17-Eicosatrienoic acid(21.05%),9,12,15-Octadecatrien-1-ol (21.03%),9,12,15-Octadecenoic acid
(21.01%),Pentadecanoic acid (16.81%),Citronellylvalerate(11.08%),9-
Eicosyne(11.06%),Phytol(11.04%),Neophytadiene (11.02%), α-Tocopherol (4.48%),n-Hexadecanoic acid
(2.16%), Squalene (2.75%), were obtained at high concentration.All this major component (described in table 2)
have higher biological activity like anticancer, antimicrobial, antiarthritic, antidiabetic, antioxidant,anti-
inflammatory,antihypertensive, anti-atherogenic and antitumor activities etc. [9] The leaves n-butanol extract
also possessPentadecane, Hexadecane,tricosane, pentacosane, heptacosane, octacosane, docasane, n-
heneicosane,eicosane, triacontane, dotriacontane, hexatriacontane types of carbohydrates as well as
hydrocarbons which are good exhibited antibacterial, antiviral and antioxidant activity. [10][11]

Figure 1Chromatogram of the bioactive compound of n-butanol extract of A. pannosum leaves sample

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Phytochemical Analysis of leaves Extract of Abutilon pannosum in Butanol

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Phytochemical Analysis of leaves Extract of Abutilon pannosum in Butanol

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Phytochemical Analysis of leaves Extract of Abutilon pannosum in Butanol

Figure 2 Mass spectra of the bioactive compound of n-butanol extract of A. pannosum leaves sample

Table 2: Components Identified and it’s Activity/Uses in n-butanol Extracts of A. pannosumby GC-MS
No Structure Nature Importance Ref.

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Phytochemical Analysis of leaves Extract of Abutilon pannosum in Butanol
Fatty acid Antioxidant, anticancer,
1 Tetradecanoic acid 12,
OH hypercholesterolemia

Anti-inflammatory, 14,
n-Hexadecanoic OH
2 Fatty acid antioxidant, antipsychotic, 15,
antiallergic 16

Antimicrobial, antioxidant,
3 Dotriacontane Hydrocarbon antispasmodic,
antibacterial and antiviral

functional phase change
4 Eicosane Hydrocarbon 19
material for clothing

Octacosane Carbohydrate Act as good phase change 20,

s/Hydrocarbon materials 21

6 Heptacosane Hydrocarbon Antibacterial 22

Antifungal and
7 Docasane CH3 (CH2)20 CH3 Carbohydrate 23

Strong bactericidal, anti-

8 Neophytadiene Diterpenoid inflammatory, antifungal 24

Diuretic, antimicrobial,
(E)- (7R,11R)-
3,7,11,15- 25,
9 Diterpene anticancer, anti –
tetramethyl-2- 26
OH inflammatory fragrance
Sat. aliphatic
10 9-Eicosyne CH3 (CH2)7C C(CH2)9 CH3 Antimicrobial 22

Fatty alcohol Flavour and fragrance

11 Citronellylvalerate 27
esters substance, Insecticide

12 Pentacosane Antibacterial 12

1 Carbohydrate/Hy 12,
Tricosane Antibacterial
3 drocarbon 13,

Antimicrobial, antifungal,
14 Pentadecanoic acid Fatty acid 28

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Phytochemical Analysis of leaves Extract of Abutilon pannosum in Butanol

15 Hexatriacontane Terpene alcohol Antioxidant activity 24

Antibacterial, Inhibit larva

16 Heneicosane Carbohydrate 29

17 Pentadecane Hydrocarbon Antibacterial activity 30

18 Hexadecane Hydrocarbon Potent antifungal activity 30

Antimicrobial, antifungal,
19 dl-Citronellol Essential oil antispasmodic and 31
anticonvulsant activities

9,12,15- OH

Anti-inflammatory and
20 Octadecatrienoic Fatty acid 32
anti-atherogenic properties

9,12,15- Antioxidant and
21 Fatty acid 33
Octadecatrien-1-ol antibacterial

11,14,17- Polyunsaturated Antiarthritic, anticoronary,

22 34
Eicosatrienoic acid OH fatty acid antiinflammatory activity

Antibacterial, Chemo
immunostimulant, anti-
23 Squalene Triterpene tumor, antioxidant,
anticancer, lipooxygenase-
inhibitor, perfumery,
pesticide, sunscreen

Antibacterial, antioxidant,
antifungal anti-cancer
24 Farnesol Sesquiterpenoids 37
OH agent, and
chemoprotective effects

Anticancer, antitumor,
25 α-Tocopher Vitamin E antioxidant, antiinfertility, 38

Tetradecanoic acid, n-Hexadecanoic acid, 11,14,17-Eicosatrienoic acid,9,12,15-Octadecenoic acid and

Pentadecanoic acid all are fatty acids. The human body needs essential fatty acids to construct and repair cell
membranes enabling the cells to obtain optimum nutrition and expel harmful waste products. [39] A primary
function of essential fatty acids, which support the cardiovascular, reproductive, immune and nervous systems,
is the production of prostaglandins. These regulate body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, blood
clotting, fertility and play a role in immune system by regulating inflammation. [40]In the study of [41], the
phytochemical investigation of A. pannosum resulted in the separation and identification of a new flavonoid, at
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Phytochemical Analysis of leaves Extract of Abutilon pannosum in Butanol
25.6358 RT that is, kaempferol 4'-O-(6”-O-E-p-coumaroyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside 1 from butanol fraction, along
with the identification of the volatile constituents of petroleum ether and methylene chloride by GC/MS
analysis.kaempferol 4'-O-(6”-O-E-p-coumaroyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside 1 is a representative acylated flavonol 3-
O-glycoside, possess antioxidant activity.The identification of good amount of chemical components by gas
spectrometrymethod in n-butanol crude extracts of A. pannosumleaves sample might have some ecological

The present study has been carried out on thequalitative and quantitative analysis of the major
bioactive components of therapeutically significant plant A. pannosum leaves by use of GC-MS. Totalnine
different types of bio-compounds were identified from the A. pannosum leavesextracts by using n-butanol
solvent. The biological activities of each of the identified phytocomponentsrange from anticancer,
antimicrobial, antiarthritic, antioxidant,anti-inflammatory,antihypertensive, anti-atherogenic and antitumoral
activities.These findings have provided the scientific basis for the therapeutic use of the plant. Though, isolation
of theseparate phytochemical components subject to biologicalactivity and toxicity profile will give fruitful

We would like to thank the KSKV Kachchh University (Bhuj), Department of Chemistry to providing
facility for this work and guidance.

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