Nutanix and Trend Micro Deliver Hyperscale Secure Enterprise Cloud
Nutanix and Trend Micro Deliver Hyperscale Secure Enterprise Cloud
Nutanix and Trend Micro Deliver Hyperscale Secure Enterprise Cloud
Customers using the Nutanix enterprise cloud platform to achieve a more agile, reliable, At a glance
cost-effective IT environment need proven security that will protect all applications Traditional security is irrelevant in a
seamlessly. Complementing and building upon Nutanix’s native security posture, Trend hyperscale virtualized environment:
Micro™ Deep Security™ provides a comprehensive platform for virtualized environments
•• Insufficient visibility to east-west traffic
and is designed to simplify security operations while accelerating the ROI of virtualization
•• Security policies and provisioning lag
and cloud projects.
behind workload agility
BUILDING HYPERSCALE SECURE HYBRID CLOUDS •• Disparate security solutions and lack
of uniform policies across platforms
The Nutanix enterprise cloud platform delivers invisible infrastructure for next-generation enterprise create security holes
computing, elevating IT to focus on the applications and services that power its business.
Deep Security and Nutanix
Trend Micro Deep Security is a security platform that is purpose-built for cloud and
virtualization and unlocks virtual machine (VM) performance for servers and virtual desktop •• Fully validated on AHV, vSphere,
and Hyper-V
infrastructure (VDI) environments. As a security solution with Nutanix Ready validation for
all three hypervisors (vSphere, Acropolis with AHV, and Hyper-V), Deep Security helps secure •• Layered security for deep protection
workloads deployed on the Nutanix enterprise cloud platform, helping to reduce risks and customized for each workload
meet compliance and governance requirements. •• Optimized for key enterprise workloads
like VDI, SAP, and Oracle, and drive
industry compliance such as PCI,
•• Optimized for virtualized workloads – Deep Security is purpose-built for virtualized workloads. •• Highly optimized, minimal footprint
It is architected for minimal resource consumption and improved performance, and eliminates
the risk of “security storms.” Automation capabilities ensure VMs are secure throughout their
Key benefits for business and IT
lifecycle, and policies and rules are applied automatically based on the context of the VM.
•• Scale securely without compromising
•• Native support for Nutanix AHV – Fully validated on Nutanix AHV, Microsoft Hyper-V and on performance and efficiencies
VMware vSphere hypervisors, Deep Security enables secure mobility of workloads between
hypervisors without compromising security. •• Elastic protection through automated
policy and security controls
•• Comprehensive security in a single centralized platform – Deep Security includes six •• Consistent policies and
different security modules (anti-malware, web reputation, system integrity monitoring, unified operations across
intrusion prevention, bi-directional stateful firewall, and log inspection), all in one fully hybrid cloud environments
integrated platform. This enables Nutanix customers to apply a layered security strategy,
customized to fit the security posture of the workloads.
Deep Security secures workloads no matter where they reside—in a private cloud Securing VDI workloads
powered by the Nutanix enterprise cloud platform or on one of the public cloud platforms. •• Optimized for VDI workloads, Deep Security
Deep Security supports and is fully validated on all the hypervisors supported by Nutanix. helps improve the security and performance
Nutanix deployments secured by Trend Micro Deep Security function as follows: of VDI workloads on the Nutanix enterprise
cloud platform. The agentless security model
•• On vSphere hypervisor, Deep Security provides lightweight, automated capabilities on VMware vSphere hypervisor helps maximize
leveraging VMware APIs to offload key security functions to a dedicated Deep Security consolidation ratios to offer 30 percent more
Virtual Appliance (DSVA), eliminating a security agent footprint on the guest VMs. VM density compared to agent-based security
solutions. Scan cashing technology improves
•• On AHV and Hyper-V environments, Deep Security supports an agent-based architecture, VDI performance with 2x faster logins and 20x
where the lightweight Deep Security Agent (DSA) is installed on each of the guest VMs. faster full scans.
•• All the DSAs and the DSVA are centrally managed through the Deep Security Manager,
which helps deploy policies, rules, and security settings, and also helps automate the Elastic security for hybrid
deployment and provisioning of the DSAs. cloud deployments
•• Supports all the Nutanix enterprise cloud
•• As VMs are migrated from one hypervisor to another, or from private to public cloud, platform hypervisors (AHV, vSphere and
the security policies and rules travel with the workload, eliminating security gaps. With Hyper-V) and all major public clouds. Unified
a single, comprehensive security solution, deployment, and management are much faster policies move with each workload as the
and easier as customers move workloads from one medium to another. workloads move from one hypervisor to
another or from private to public cloud.
Centralized management makes policy
enforcement very simple.
For more information on how Nutanix and Trend Micro Deep Security can help
with your virtualization and cloud projects, please visit
For more information about Trend Micro Deep Security and how it can be used to secure
Nutanix deployments, email us at or call 1-877-218-7363. Copyright © 2016 Trend Micro Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Trend Micro, the Trend Micro logo and the t-ball logo, and Deep
Security are trademarks or registered trademarks of Trend
Micro Incorporated. All other company and/or product names
may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners.
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