Impact of Brand Image and Advertisement On Consumer Buying Behavior

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Impact of Brand Image and Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behavior

Article  in  World Applied Sciences Journal · January 2013

DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.23.01.824

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World Applied Sciences Journal 23 (1): 117-122, 2013
ISSN 1818-4952
© IDOSI Publications, 2013
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.23.01.824

Impact of Brand Image and Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behavior

Muhammad Ehsan Malik, 2Muhammad Mudasar Ghafoor, 3Hafiz Kashif Iqbal,
Qasim Ali, 4Hira Hunbal, 4Muhammad Noman and 4Bilal Ahmad
Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Dean Economics and Management Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
School of Business, University of Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom
School of Business and Economics, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Department of Business Administration, University of the Punjab Gujranwala Campus, Pakistan

Submitted: Apr 27, 2013; Accepted: Jun 3, 2013; Published: Jun 20, 2013
Abstract: Brand image and advertisement play a crucial role to boost up any business performance as brand
image is an implied tool which can positively change people’s buying behaviors and advertisement is behaving
as a driving force for any business as it’s an effective source to convey your message and stay in customer’s
mind. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of brand image and advertisement on consumer
buying behavior in the general public at Gujranwala city. Questionnaire survey was used to collect the data by
using non probability convenient sampling technique. A sample of 200 questionnaires was used in which
175 responses were collected within the period of one month. Findings show that brand image and
advertisement have strong positive influence and significant relationship with Consumer buying behavior.
People perceive the brand image with positive attitude. Study depicted that teenagers in Gujranwala are more
conscious about their social status so they prefer branded products and advertisement affects their Consumer
Buying Behavior positively. In the last of article limitations of research, implications and suggestions for further
research also included.

Key words: Brand image Advertisement Consumer Buying Behavior

INTRODUCTION can build long term profitable relations with customers.

Refine quality of products and social responsibilities of
People in our society are so conscious about their any business can positively affect the behaviors of
status and they prefer to use branded products to show people regarding brand image, satisfaction and loyalty.
off their status symbol. Brand is considered as implied At present time in global and emerging markets
device through which any business can attain the business war is not only on price but customer attraction,
attraction of people and can enjoy the competitive edge. loyalty and relationship matters a lot. Companies are so
In our local scenario it also considered as a valuable asset conscious about their customer’s satisfaction.
for any business as it can change peoples’ buying Advertisement plays a crucial role for any business to
behavior. It can play a vital role to expand any business. boost up its performance graph as it is a powerful strategy
Brand image development is a long term process and it to attract your customers toward your product. In
can prove a strong weapon to fight with your competitors. Pakistan advertisement also becoming a driving force for
Customers rely on branded products and mostly prefer to any business because it can force people to change their
buy products with well known brand name. Marketing behavior regarding your product in positive sense.
valuable strategies and tools can develop the brand of Advertisement is a dominant and leading weapon in all
any product. If brand is managed in effective ways, a marketing tools due to its positive impact on consumers’
business can enjoy maximum number of customers and buying behavior. It’s an effective way to communicate

Corresponding Author: Hafiz Kashif Iqbal, School of Business and Economics,

University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.

World Appl. Sci. J., 23 (1): 117-122, 2013

and convey your message to the audience and it’s a and loyalty. Chinese people have negative behavior
promotional strategy for the promotion of awareness for their own produced brands while in UK brand
relating to any product. Consumer buying behavior can development is better than China.
be positively changed due to attractive ads. Female consumers’ buying behavior is highly and
As brand image and advertising are playing an positively affects by branding status, attitude toward a
important role in any business to make it successful brand, Self Concepts and with others’ opinions. People
therefore the core purpose of this study is to explore the are now more conscious and involved in branded fashion
impact of brand image and advertisement on Consumer clothing. Different factor have significant influence on
Buying Behavior. We want to see that how people female buying behavior.[6]. Furthermore Prince [7]
perceive any brand and how a brand image and summed up that brand name and product packaging
advertising can influence the Consumer Buying Behavior affects individual buying behavior. Packaging attributes
of people and especially the buying behavior of teenagers of a product attract consumers. Product experience, brand
at Gujranwala. Section two will present a picture of awareness and buyer confidence have relatively few
literature and hypotheses development. Section three and influence on college students’ buying behavior in
four will show the research methodology and findings of consumer products as compared to packaging. Dastoor et
this study respectively. Section five comprises on al. [8] mentioned that brand equity has different
conclusion, limitation in research and further suggestions dimensions like brand image, brand awareness, brand
and opportunities for this research. identity and perceived quality. Brand equity of low mental
conflict products with respect to these dimensions has a
Literature Reviews: According to Khasawneh and direct and positive effect on consumer buying intentions.
Hasouneh [1] Customers realize the importance of brand Mentioned by Dastoor et al. [9] that brand is implied
while in their purchasing decisions and customers’ device that helps out to companies to enjoy competitive
demographic characteristics have no significant relation benefits. Brand asset is multidimensional structure with
and effect on brand awareness. People prefer the branded consumer point of view. Brand assets with perceived
products with higher prices because they consider that quality and price of dairy products have a positive and
branded items have more quality then non branded direct relationship with consumer buying behavior. Rubini
products. Brand preference is also a symbol of status. [10] said that brand is an intangible thing but it has a great
Nepalia [2] summed up that to manage the brand means to influence on consumer buying attention. Brand loyalty
apply marketing tools for a brand or particular product or can be behavioral or attitudinal so we can say that brand
series. If brand will be managed effectively product value loyalty can be coincident. Knowledge regarding a brand
and brand loyalty will also be enhanced in customers’ has influence on customer buying behavior when
mind. Marketers consider a brand as a promise with customers are brand oriented.
consumers that product quality will be same in future and In addition Niazi et al. [11] said that advertising is an
due to this promise sales enhance. Furthermore Saad effective tool to attract people and to divert their attitude
Hussain et al. [3] said that sometimes companies’ social positively toward product. There is a moderate
responsible activities affect positively to customer’ brand relationship between consumer purchase attention,
choice. Brand attitude and image affects positively and environmental factors and emotional factors. If consumer
environmental issues affects negatively to customer is emotionally attached with the product he/she will prefer
buying behavior. In addition, Del Rio et al. [4] explained to purchase that product. According to Rasool et al. [12]
that customers recognize the value of any brand with sometimes people change their brands just to test the
respect to its different functions like guarantee, social and other brands. Purchase attention of people also changed
personal identification and status symbol. These factors with change in income level and male mostly prefer the
have positive effects on customers’ brand loyalty and advertisements than female. In expensive products
willingness to accept extension in brands. Brand advertisement and repetition in ads not positively affect
association has a positive relation with buyer purchasing consumer buying behavior. Zain-ul-Abideen and Saleem
attentions. As mentioned by Tamm [5] that brand is [13] said that advertising is a marketing promotional
considered as valuable asset and attractive tool to capture strategy to catch the people’s attraction for specific
customers for particular products. Consumer behavior can action for product or service. Consumer purchase
be examined on the basis of brand awareness, association behavior positively affects by emotional responses.

World Appl. Sci. J., 23 (1): 117-122, 2013

People mostly prefer those brands with which they are Behavior. Due to television ads canned food demand as
emotionally attached. Similarly Ayanwale et al. [14] well as price increased. Television ads play a crucial role
described that when there is number of competitors to change consumers purchase attention and increase
and consumers have different brand choices than consumer’s new patterns about canned foods. [20].
manufacturer needs to understand the factors that can Furthermore Ghani and Jan [21] described that
gain the attraction of buyers. Male and female both demographic factors have significant relationship with
equally influenced by advertising for brand choices. TV consumer buying desire trend. An age factor has negative
ads are most preferred by people. Companies should give relation with customers buying desire and gender and
proper attention for advertising their products to increase income are not significantly attached with it. All
their market share. Bishnoi and Sharma [15] concluded demographic variables indirectly deal with consumer
that teenagers in rural areas are more influenced by buying behavior tendency. In Modern age people make
advertisings rather than urban areas. TV ads play a vital shopping for social status, self esteem and mental
to role to enhance the involvement of people in product satisfaction. Consumer buying behavior significant
selection and purchase decision. The ads of those brands positive relation with social status and brand loyalty.
which are not required to urban teenagers have no greater Income has no moderate relation among brand loyalty and
influence on them. They positively react for those consumer purchase attention. [22]
products ads which they consider that benefits of product
will be more than expectations. H1: Brand Image has significant relationship with
Advertisement convinces the people to use product Consumer Buying Behavior.
at least once in their lives. Celebrities used in ads have
greater positive influence on people. Most of the times H2: Advertisement has significant relationship with
people rely on advertisements rather than other sources Consumer Buying Behavior.
like family, friends and reference groups opinions
regarding product. Advertisement can affect people with Hypothetical Model: On the basis of literature review
any income level but it has no greater influence on and previous hypothesis researchers develop a frame
expensive products. [16]. In current scenario advertisers work which is expressing the relationship between
want to make internet ads rather than television with a brand image, advertisement and consumer buying
view to additional worth of interactivity in ads. behavior.
Interactivity in ads lead to more people involvement and
this interaction will drive to create brand loyalty. In online MATERIALS AND METHODS
advertising feedback is effective tool for effective
strategic planning. [17]. According to Pughazhendi et al. Research Instrument and Sample: To examine the impact
[18] in emerging markets advertisers use dominant of brand image and advertisement on consumer buying
celebrities in ads to promote their product image. Single behavior survey method is applied. Questionnaire we
and multiple celebrity involvement in ads affect buying have designed comprises of two sections. First section is
behavior in different ways. This study shows that related to the personal profile of the respondents
consumer behavior and attitude regarding brand, ads and including their age, gender, marital status, education level
purchase decision are positively affects by multiple and income level which is measured by nominal scale.
celebrities’ ads but just in low involvement products and Second section is related to the questions relevant to
in more involvement products there is no major difference variables namely brand image, advertising and consumer
in single or multiple celebrities’ ads. buying behavior measured by 5-point likert scale.
Consequently Jakstien et al. [19] said advertising has We selected the educational institutes (University of
a vital role in modern age because it’s a mechanism to Punjab Gujranwala Campus, Gift University and Punjab
build the behaviors of society regarding products. With College) and general consumers in markets as sampling
the help of ads people can enjoy information and make frame of our study, from which we distributed
decisions regarding product. People emotional, questionnaire by adopting non probability convenient
psychological and behavioral aspects play a crucial role sampling technique. 200 questionnaires were distributed
during buying decision. There is a significant positive randomly to the general public and in educational
relationship between television ads and Consumer Buying institute.

World Appl. Sci. J., 23 (1): 117-122, 2013

Demographics: We distributed 200 questionnaires out of Table 1.1showed that the mean value of Brand image
which 175 questionnaires were correctly responded by is 3.8527 which is near to 4 and it means that most of the
respondents. 106 were filled by female and 69 filled by respondents response positively and their responses in
male respondents whose percentage is 60.6% and 39.4% support of brand image at 5 likert scale and these
respectively. Mostly respondents were between the ages responses can deviate o.44049 from the average
of 15-20 years whose percentage is 64%. Following to this responses of the respondents. Mean value of
25.7% were of the age group 21-25 years, 3.4% were of the Advertisement is 3.5578 and it is near to 4, it shows that
age 26-30, 5.1% and 1.7% were of the age group 31-35 and mostly people are agree that advertisement has positive
36-40 respectively. Among these respondents 90.9% impact on their buying behaviors. These responses can
respondents were single and 9.1% respondents were deviate 0.64856 for advertisement and 0.88109 for
married. Furthermore respondents were 18.3%, 66.9%, consumer buying behavior at 5 point scale from strongly
8.6% and 6.3% belonged to intermediate, graduate, post disagree to strongly agree.
graduate and higher education level respectively. Table 1.2 indicates that brand image is positively
related to the consumer buying behavior with value of
Analysis, Findings and Discussion of Results: To 0.469 which is significant at 1%. Advertisement is also
observe the impact of brand image and advertisement on positively related to the consumer buying behavior with
consumer buying behavior we used the multiple the value of 0.324 which is significant at 1%. The
regression analysis and applied Pearson correlation to correlation of 0.469 indicates that brand image and
examine the connection between variables. In descriptive consumer buying behavior explain the variance in one
statistics, we calculated mean and standard deviation to another to the extent of 21.9% (0.469)2. The correlation of
check the inclination of our respondents. 0.324 shows that advertisement and consumer buying

Table 1.1: Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N
Brand Image 3.8527 .44049 175
Advertisement 3.5578 .64856 175
Consumer Buying Behavior 3.4381 .88109 175

Table 1.2: Correlations

Brand Image Advertisement Consumer Buying Behavior
Brand Image Pearson Correlation 1 .406** .469**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
N 175 175 175
Advertisement Pearson Correlation .406** 1 .324**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
N 175 175 175
Consumer Buying Behavior Pearson Correlation .469** .324** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
N 175 175 175
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Table 1.3: Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson
1 .491a .241 .232 .77191 1.892
a. Predictors: (Constant), Adv, Brand image
b. Dependent Variable: Consumer Buying Behavior

Table 1.4: ANOVA

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 32.593 2 16.296 27.350 .000 a
Residual 102.487 172 .596
Total 135.079 174
a. Predictors: (Constant), Advertisement, Brand image
b. Dependent Variable: Consumer Buying Behavior

World Appl. Sci. J., 23 (1): 117-122, 2013

Table 1.5: Coefficients

Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) -.449 .530 -.847 .398
Brand Image .809 .145 .404 5.563 .000
Advertisement .217 .099 .160 2.198 .029
a. Dependent Variable: Consumer Buying Behavior

behavior explain the variance in one another to the extent behavior. Advertisement also has positive influence on
of 10.49% (0.469)2.Furthermore to examine the impact of consumer buying behavior as results showed that
brand image and advertisement on Consumer buying advertisement also playing a dynamic role especially in
behavior multiple regression analysis was applied with behaviors of teenagers.
Darbin-Watson for the examining the nature of
correlation. Conclusion, Limitations and Further Research: Our
Table 1.3 indicates the entire summary of findings. purpose of this study was to examine the relationship
R square shows the variation in the Consumer buying between brand image, advertisement and Consumer
behavior (dependent variable) due to the influence of buying behavior. For this purpose survey questionnaire
brand image and advertisement (independent variables). method was used and through non probability convenient
R square value is 0.241 it means that independent sampling technique responses of respondents collected.
variables (brand image and advertisement) has 24.1% After applying all necessary SPSS tests results revealed
influences on dependent variable (Consumer buying that brand image has strong positive impact on Consumer
behavior). Durbin-Watson was calculated to examine the buying behavior as it’s an implied device that can change
type of correlation among the study variables either people’s buying behaviors positively and teenagers in
correlation is positive, negative or zero. Durbin-Watson Gujranwala are becoming more and more conscious for
is 1.892 which is less than 2 and it demonstrates that branded products to show off their personality symbol.
positive autocorrelation exist among study variables. Advertisement also has positive impact on consumer
Table 1.4 shows the level of significance whether it is buying behavior. After these results and finding we can
acceptable or not. Results in table 1.4 indicate that summarize this research that if people will be well aware
significant level is which is less than.05. Thus is about the brand and they have good brand perception,
acceptable and shows strong impact of brand image and loyalty and association then automatically brand image
advertisement on Consumer buying behavior. will be more and stronger in their minds and that brand
Table 1.5 shows beta values which mean individual will become the part of their buying behavior. In the light
independent variables influence on dependent variable. of this study we can say that now day’s advertisement is
Result indicated that brand image has the strong a big marketing weapon to attract your customers and to
influence on Consumer buying behavior with beta stay in customer’s mind.
value.404. It explains that 40.4% variation in Consumer In addition this study can be more accurate in future.
buying behavior cause due to brand image which is Sample size can be increased. As this study was financial
significant at.000 and supported H1. Similarly constrained which is only limited to people belongs to
advertisement has also strong impact on Consumer Gujranwala city,so other cities will also be studied in near
buying behavior with beta value.160. It explains that 16% future.
variation in Consumer buying behavior cause due to
advertisement which is significant at 0.29 and supported Practical Implication: This research provides the insight
to H2. It shows that H2 is partly and weekly supported as to the companies and business that how they can make
compare to H1. better their marketing and promotional tools to capture
In the last we concluded that brand image and their customers. With the help of this study Marketing
advertisement has strong positive impact on Consumer Managers of companies can understand that how
buying behavior. Results showed that people are so important a brand image and advertisement is to boost up
conscious about the purchase decisions regarding any business. This is a real picture of society that brand
branded products. Brand image has significant positive image and advertisement playing a crucial role to change
influence and relationship with Consumer buying the people’s buying behavior.

World Appl. Sci. J., 23 (1): 117-122, 2013

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