Heston Model: Sankarshan Basu Professor of Finance Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Heston Model: Sankarshan Basu Professor of Finance Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Heston Model: Sankarshan Basu Professor of Finance Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Heston Model
Sankarshan Basu
Professor of Finance
Indian Institute of Management
dS μS dt V S dW1
t t t t t
dV κ(θ V )dt σ V dW2
t t t t
dW1dW2 ρdt
t t
where,S and V are priceand volatility processes.
t t
W1 and W2are Brownianmotion processeswith correlation ρ.
t t
V is a square- root mean revertingprocesswith long- run mean θ and rate of reversionκ.
is the volatility of volatility.
• Departure from normality (as assumed in
- Empirical studies have shown that an asset’s log-
return distribution is non-Gaussian. The
distribution is leptokurtic with fat tails and high
• Heston model can imply a number of
distributions by varying ρ, σ and κ. So, the model
is very robust and addresses the shortcomings of
the BSOPM.
- ρ can be interpreted as the correlation between
the log-returns and volatility of the asset
affecting the fatness of tails.
- If ρ > 0, volatility increases when asset
price/return increases, spreading the right tail
and squeezing the left tail creating a fat right-
tailed distribution.
- If ρ < 0, volatility increases when asset
price/return decreases, spreading the left tail and
squeezing the right tail creating a fat left-tailed
- σ affects the kurtosis of the distribution. When σ
= 0, the volatility is deterministic and hence the
log-returns will be normally distributed.
Increasing σ will increase the kurtosis only,
creating heavy tails on both sides.
- κ, the mean reversion parameter, can be
interpreted as representing the degree of
volatility clustering meaning large price variations
are more likely to be followed by large price
variations as observed in the market.
• Title of paper – “A Closed-Form Solution for
Options with Stochastic Volatility with
Applications to Bond and Currency Options”
• Author – Steven L. Heston
• Source – The Review of Financial Studies, Vol.
6, No. 2 (1993), pp. 327-343