Working Paper - 2018-2019A
Working Paper - 2018-2019A
Working Paper - 2018-2019A
Date Reference Payee Particulars Source of Amount J.O Conforme Notice to Notice of DEFICIENCIES/Requirements
Fund Date Proceed Award
Conforme Conforme
Date Date
Gross Net
5/6/2019 05-230-2019 Queen Margarette Payment of food and accommodation to be organic 336,000.00 315,000.00 3/27/2019 3/27/2019 3/18/2019 insufficient number of attendies, only 95
used for the conduct of retooling of PNS for attended out of 140 participants
organic agriculture AEWs
5/27/2019 05-262-2019 Kititay Food and Agri Payment of meals and snacks for 2 days served halal 124,600.00 118,670.00 12/7/2018 12/7/2018 12/7/2018 insufficient number of attendies, only 61
Products during the seminar on project management attended out out of 70 participants
strategies for Halal Food industry Development
Program of DA Calabarzon
Various Disbursement Voucher - DA IVA
Working Paper - 100% Accomplishment for Infra Projects
Date Reference Payee Particulars Source of Amount Duration of Notice to Date of Statement of Work Date of DEFICIENCIES/Requirements
Fund Contract Proceed Completion Accomplishment Inspection
as per NTP Report
Gross Net date
4/15/2018 04-202-2018 Junterial Industrial & payment for 15% mobilization for the Rice 749,384.23 749,384.23 90 CD 3/23/2018 7/31/2018 with estimated LD of 121 days as of
Development Corp. rehabilitation of 5 units seed storage 100% accomplishment
(4,995,894.88) unde rice banner program FY 2018
7/4/2018 07-414-2018 payment for 78.28% accomplishment 3,760,837.23 2,400,316.95 5/23/2018 5/31/2018
12/18/2018 12-836-2018 Payment of 100% accomplishment 1,644,141.37 1,533,950.27 11/21/2018 11/29/2018
6/27/2018 06-396-2018 Junterial Industrial and Payment for 15% mobilization for the HCVDP 224,347.62 224,347.62 90 CD 6/21/2018 9/29/2018 certificate of turn-over and
Development Corp construction of coffee roasting facility acceptance & certificate of
(1,495,650.77) under hvcdp program completion not dated
12/7/2018 12-803-2018 Payment for 100% accomplishment 414,006.90 395,642.89 10/29/2018 11/5/2018 with estimated LD of 37 days as of
100% accomplishment
6/28/2017 06-060-2017 Junterial Industrial & Payment for 15% mobilization for the Rice 405,052.17 405,052.17 90 CD 6/27/2017 10/5/2017 certificate of turn-over and
Development Corp construction of canal extension od acceptance & certificate of
(2,700,347.83) macatad diversion dam at brgy. completion not dated
Macatad, siniloan, laguna under ssip of
rice program
8/16/2017 08-045-2018 Payment of 39.38% accomplishment 658,224.73 485,442.23 with estimated LD of 31 days as of
100% accomplishment
9/27/2018 09-089-2017 Payment of 55.34% accomplishment 335,041.11 280,596.93 9/25/2017
(2nd Progress Billing)
12/7/2018 12-803-2018 Payment of 100% accomplishment 1,302,029.82 1,360,484.76 10/29/2018 1/2/2018
6/29/2017 829278 NQ Villapando Payment of 15% mobilization for the Rice 816,613.35 816,613.35 90 CD statement of work accomplishment
Construction construction of Briones-Del Valle- for the 40.86% no date indicated
(5,444,088.99) Callejon Canal Lining at San Antonio
Quezon unser SSIP of rice program
8/15/2017 08-042-2017 Payment for the 40.86% 1,407,591.21 1,046,157.96 ₋ certification of completion and turn
accomplishment over of acceptance no date
6/26/2018 06-390-2018 Payment of 87.44% accomplishment 2,536,320.26 2,124,168.22 6/4/2018 6/6/2018
12/7/2018 12-799-2018 Payment for 100% accomplishment 1,159,616.66 1,116,893.90 9/5/2018 8/30/2018
4/4/2018 04-163-2018 NQ Villapando payment of 15% mobilization for the Rice 288,086.09 288,086.09 90 CD 3/1/2018 6/9/2018 submit approved certification of
Construction construction of Sulib Small Diversion completion and certificate of
(1,920,573.92) Dam at Brgy. Sulib, Pangil Laguna unser turnover & acceptance with
SSIP of rice program corresponding dates
9/26/2018 09-635-2018 Payment for 81.67% accomplishment 1,568,603.97 1,025,619.73 9/14/2018 9/21/2018 with estimated LD 172 days as of
81.67% accomplishment
12/6/2018 12-788-2018 Payment for 100% accomplishment 508,830.35 486,832.23 11/27/2018 11/28/2018
Date Reference Payee Particulars Source of Amount Duration of Notice to Date of Statement of Work Date of DEFICIENCIES/Requirements
Fund Contract Proceed Completion Accomplishment Inspection
as per NTP Report
Gross Net date
5/9/2018 05-271-2018 Iritec Intl. Co. Ltd. Payment for the 15%mobilization for Organic 179,666.78 179,666.78 90 days 4/20/2018 7/29/2018 with estimated LD 89 days as of
(1,197,778.51) the construction of 7 units 57.14% accomplishment
vemicomposting shed under organic
agriculture program CY 2018
8/23/2018 08-528-2018 Payment for 57.14% accomplishment 684,444.86 504,778.08 8/7/2018 8/14/2018 submit certificate of completion with
corresponding date
12/19/2018 12-845-2018 Payment for 100% accomplishment 581,778.14 549,694.79 10/15/2018 10/26/2018
12/27/2017 407908 N.Q. Villapando Payment for the 15% mobilization for Rice 330,157.16 330,157.16 90 CD 12/7/2017 3/17/2018 certificate of completion and
Construction the rehabilitation of Tallan Pantoc DD certificate of turnover and
(2,201,047.70) at brgy. Talaan pantoc, sariaya, quezon acceptance not dated
under rice program CY 2017
4/19/2018 407935 Payment for 87.27% accomplishment 1,920,905.20 1,278,600.94 3/22/2018 3/22/2018 with estimated LD 256 days as of
87% accomplishment
12/6/2018 407968 Payment for 100% accomplishment 472,233.02 454,724.12 11/27/2018 11/28/2018
Disbursement Vouchers with Incomplete Documentation
For the Period April-May 2019
Source of Notice to Notice of Date of Date of Delivery/
Amount P.O
Fund Duration of Proceed Award Completion Inspection and
Reference Payee Particulars Conforme DEFICIENCIES/Requirements
Contract Date Conforme Conforme as per NTP Acceptance
Date Date date Report
4/8/2019 04-160-2019 Philippine Society of Payment for the registration fee on the 69th hvcdp 15,000.00 15,000.00 submit OR
Agricultural and Biosystems PSABE annual national convention and 16th
Engineerrs international agricultural and biosystems
engineering conference and exhibition
4/8/2019 04-160-2019 Mt. Gravatt Tristania Way Payment for the procurement o garden tools organic 320,085.00 302,937.59 submit complete post
Company for dictributionto organic farmers beneficiaries masterlist of the recipients
with corresponding dates and
4/10/2019 04-163-2019 Avelita M. Rosales Cash advance for the unpaid salary (1day) of corn 51,355.12 51,355.12 Submit Certification from
contractual personnel at DA-Stiac-Lares for the Accountant that previous CAs
month of January 2019 have been liquidated and
accounted for.
4/10/2019 04-163-2019 Avelita M. Rosales Cash advance for the mandatory expenses at corn 500,000.00 500,000.00 Submit Certification from
LARES, Research laboratpry facilities of the Accountant that previous CAs
station have been liquidated and
accounted for.
4/10/2019 04-166-2019 NTDCY 888 Global Enterprises Payment for the supply and delivery of 12 units organic 3,594,000.00 3,365,524.28 60 days 3/11/2019 3/11/2019 1/30/2019 3/19/2019 pls justify why that the
shredder Machine Decorticator attached potential beneficiaries
is different in the actual
4/10/2019 04-166-2019 NTDCY 888 Global Enterprises Payment for the supply and delivery of 4 units corn 1,196,000.00 131,928.57 30 cd 3/10/2019 3/10/2019 1/21/2019 3/18/2019 submit approved MOAs of the
silage/forage chopper farmers beneficiaries with
corresponding certificate of
acceptance and date received
4/10/2019 04-176-2019 Editha Salvosa Reimbursement of meals and snacks officially amad 7,886.00 7,886.00 submit minutes of meeting
used in the conducr of meeting re: FY 2020
Indicative Plan and Budget Proposal of AMAD
4/22/2019 04-189-2019 UPLBFI sub-account with the Payment of training fees for the capacity sto-ild 55,500.00 55,500.00 Original Receipt not attached
Code: OEP17-007L building on fungal disease diagnosis and
identification and capacity building on disease
diagnosis of economically Important crops
4/23/2019 04-193-2019 Philippine Institute of Pure and Payment of seminar fee for the attendance to sto-ild 4,000.00 4,000.00 Original Receipt not attached
Applied Chemistry control charting on June 21, 2019 at the PIPAC
Building Ateneo de Mania University Campus,
Loyola Heights, QC
4/23/2019 04-193-2019 Philippine Institute of Pure and Payment of seminar fee for the attendance to sto-ild 4,000.00 4,000.00 Original Receipt not attached
Applied Chemistry control charting on June 21, 2019 at the PIPAC
Building Ateneo de Mania University Campus,
Loyola Heights, QC
4/23/2019 04-193-2019 Philippine Institute of Pure and Payment of seminar fee for the attendance to sto-ild 4,000.00 4,000.00 Original Receipt not attached
Applied Chemistry control charting on June 21, 2019 at the PIPAC
Building Ateneo de Mania University Campus,
Loyola Heights, QC
4/23/2019 04-193-2019 Philippine Institute of Pure and Payment of seminar fee for the attendance to sto-ild 4,000.00 4,000.00 Original Receipt not attached
Applied Chemistry control charting on June 21, 2019 at the PIPAC
Building Ateneo de Mania University Campus,
Loyola Heights, QC
5/9/2019 05-235-2019 Gloria G. Salazar Reimbursement of allowabe transportation sto-ild 2,386.00 2,386.00 Disbursement Voucher not
expenses and per diem for he period March 4- approved by accountant &
5, 28, April 1-3, 5, 2019 Agency Head
5/9/2019 05-236-2019 Maria Ella Cecilia B. Obligado Reimbursement of meals served during the sto-ild 2,723.00 2,723.00 not entitled to reimburse meals
overtime service for the preparation of the during overtime service
Regional Management Committee Meeting
(RMC) on March 14, 2019
5/27/2019 05-263-2019 Philippine Association of Payment for regiatration fee to particioate in hvcc/rice Original Receipt not attached
Agriculturists, Inc the 7th National Congress 2019 Philippine
Agriculturists Summit of July 7-11, 2019 at PICC
Disbursement Voucher of Various Infra Project
Ongoing Construction
Date Reference Payee Contract Amount Source of Amount
Fund Mobilization Gross Retention Tax Liquidated Net
Particulars Damages
March 21, 2018 03-115-2018 Iritec Int'l. Co. LTD (5,742,366.30) payment for 15% mobilization for the construction rice 861,354.95 861,354.95
of Dambo Solar Powered Irrigation system under
SSIP of rice program
September 27, 2018 842291 Payment for 48.54% accomplishment 2,787,099.50 2,334,195.83
December 20, 2018 12-866-2018 Payment of 71.66% accomplishment 1,328,032.28 112,227.03
May 28, 2019 05-267-2019 Payment of 84.35% accomplishment 728,493.23 610,113.09
September 05, 2017 09-008-2017 Hannahziel Builders and Supply to payment of 15% mobilization for the rice 592,800.00 592,800.00
(3,952,000.01) construction of mahabang lalim diversion dam at
brgy. Mahabang lalim gen. nakar under ssip of rice
December 07, 2017 12-011-2017 payment for 33.88% accomplishment (1st 1,338,889.60 528,520.04
progress billing)
May 03, 2018 05-258-2018 payment of 62.13% accomplishment (2nd 1,116,457.53 935,033.19
progress billing)
August 29, 2017 08-068-2017 Hannahziel Builders and Supply payment of 15% mobilization for the construction rice 383,040.00 383,040.00
(2,553,600) of Tulay na Patpat Canal Lining at Brgy. Tulay,
Ibaan, Batangas under SSIP of rice program
May 03, 2018 05-258-2018 payment of 50.10% accomplishment (1st progress 895,990.00 688,089.03
May 28, 2018 05-301-2018 Heal The world Energy savings payment for 15% mobilization for the construction rice 868,429.39 869,429.39
Corp./JBRC construction Corp. (Joint of Banabahin Ibaba Solar Irrigation system at Brgy.
Venture Agreement (5,789,529.27) Banabahin Ibaba, Lopez, Quezon under SSIP of
Rice Program
September 26, 2018 09-639-2018 Payment for 60.62% accomplishment 3,509,477.75 2,070,758.22
February 04, 2019 02-016-2019 Payment for 80.95% accomplishment 1,177,420.50 986,089.66
May 21, 2019 05-257-2019 Payment of 84.84% accomplishment 1,402,400.33 1,174,510.29
May 28, 2018 05-301-2018 Heal The world Energy savings payment for 15% mobilization for the construction rice 868,100.34 868,100.34
Corp./JBRC construction Corp. (Joint of Pinagbayanan Solar Irrigation system at Brgy.
Venture Agreement (5,787,335.62) Pinagbayanan, Pitogo,Quezon under SSIP of Rice
September 26, 2018 06-639-2018 5,167,772.69 Payment for 50.23% accomplishment 868,185.81 2,907,513.48 290,751.35 181,719.59 1,566,856.73
December 20, 2019 12-895-2019 Payment of 100% accomplishment 864,116.86 86,411.69 54,007.30 723,697.87
Retention 578,790.55 578,790.55
5,426,161.32 Subtotal 868,185.81 5,787,905.41 578,790.55 361,744.09 5,426,161.32
ok ok ok ok
May 31, 2018 05-311-2018 Heal The World energy Savings 5,789,965.30 payment for 15% mobilization for the construction rice 868,498.81 868,498.81
Corp./JBRC Comstruction Corp. (Joint of Wawa Ibayo Solar Powered Irrigation System ay
Venture Agreement) (5,789,965.30) Brgy. Wawa, Lumban, Laguna under SSIP of rice
banner program
September 26, 2018 09-638-2018 Payment of 48.99% accomplishment 868,494.80 2,836,604.93 283,660.49 177,287.81 1,507,161.83
March 07, 2019 03-104-2019 Should be Tax: 361,872.83 Payment for 90.69% Accomplishment 2,414,190.49 241,419.05 150,886.91 2,021,884.54
October 08, 2019 10-630-2019 Net: 5,428,092.47 Payment for 100% Accomplishment 539,169.88 53,916.99 33,698.12 5,929.50 445,625.27
5,789,965.30 578,996.53 361,872.83 5,929.50 4,843,170.45
ok ok ok ok
May 31, 2018 05-311-2018 Heal The World energy Savings Payment for 15% mobilization for the consturction rice 867,217.81 867,217.81
Corp./JBRC Comstruction Corp. (Joint of Matalatala Solar Powered Irrigation system at
Venture Agreement) (5,789,992.05) Barangay Matalatala, Mabitac, Laguna under SSIP
of rice banner program FY 2018
06.11.18 06-342-2018 E.A Saguid Construction Payment for 15% mobilization for the construction 793,374.75 793,374.75
(5,289,165.00) of Rice Seed Storage Facility at Brgy. Maraoay,
Lipa City Batangas
08.01.18 08-481-2018 Payment for 50.09% accomplishment 2,649,288.13 1,425,404.06
September 25, 2018 09-632-2018 Payment for 75.49% accomplishment 1,343,502.53 1,125,183.37
June 19, 2018 06-358-2018 Heal The World Energy Savings Payment for 15% mobilization for the construction 845,541.00 845,541.00
Corporation (5,636,940) of RARES solar powered irrigation system at brgy.
Cuyambay. Tanay, under corn program
February 04, 2019 02/016/2019 Payment for 30.26% accomplishment 860,453.48 583,229.37
May 21, 2019 05-256-2019 Payment of 74.99% accomplishment 1,526,582.13 1,278,512.53
June 19, 2018 06-358-2018 Heal The World Energy Savings Payment for 15% mobilization for the 898,623.00 898,623.00
Corporation (5,990,820) construction of solar powered irrigation system at
brgy. Ilayang Pulo, Pagbilao, Quezon CY 2018
May 21, 2019 05-256-2019 Payment of 85.13% accomplishment 291,030.70 243,738.21
06.20.18 06-370-2018 Hannahziel Builders and Supply payment of 15% mobilization for the construction rice 2,881,545.00 2,881,545.00
(19,210,300.00) of Ilayang Burgos, SWIP project at Brgy. Ilayang
Burgos, Pitogo, Quezon under SSIP of rice program
June 27, 2018 06-049-2018 payment of 67.71% accomplishment for the 743,099.07 622,345.46
construction of Canal Lining of Sabang Diversion
Dam at Brgy Sabang, Ibaan, Batangas under SSIP
of rice program CY 2017
June 25, 2018 06-378-2018 E.A Saguid Construction (1,990,000) Paymemt of 15% mobilization for the construction hvcdp 298,500.00 298,500.00
of 1 unit tissue culture laboratory & 1 banana
processing center
December 13, 2018 12-811-2018 Payment of 79.94% accomplishment for the 1,590,813.12 1,033,805.99
construction of 1 unit tissue culture laboratory & 1
unit banana chips processing center under hvcdp
CY 2018
September 26, 2018 09-634-2018 MGDJ Construction (1,495,000) Payment for 15% mobilization for the construction hvcdp 224,250.00 224,250.00
of cacao processing facility under hvcdp CY 2018
Date Reference Payee Contract Amount Source of Amount
Fund Mobilization Gross Retention Tax Liquidated Net
Particulars Damages
December 03, 2018 12-777-2018 Payment of 71.94% accomplishment for the 1,075,432.33 676,424.48
construction of cacao processing facility
September 15, 2017 09-035-2017 TAD Construction hvcdp 674,465.96 674,465.96
( 4,496,439.70) Payment for 15% mobilization for the construction
of 5 units Packaging House under HVCDP
July 05, 2018 07-422-2018 Payment for 29% of accomplishment 499,104.80 417,606.83
November 20, 2018 11-760-2018 Payment of 55% accomplishment 1,052,166.90 979,099.75
December 20, 2018 12-852-2018 Payment of 72% accomplishment for the 687,955.27 640,180.59
construction of 5 units packing house at
August 15, 2018 08-518-2018 N.Q Villapando (17,308,401.08) Payment for 15% mobilization for construction of 2,596,260.16 2,596,260.16
Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
(RADDL) under livestock program
December 17, 2018 12-827-2018 Payment for 65.39% acomplishment 11,318,728.12 6,883,174.64
May 03, 2019 05-221-2019 Payment of 75.87% accomplishment 1,812,968.80 1,518,361.37
December 17, 2018 12-828-2018 JSP Construction (1,486,231.25) Payment of 80.64% accomplishment for the 1,198,466.88 1,123,562.70
construction of Perimeter Fence of RADDL in
Marawoy, Lipa city Batangas under livestock
program CY 2018
February 21, 2019 02-001-2019 GHVR Trading and Payment of 15% mobilization for the bar 1,103,954.49 1,103,954.49
Construction(7,359,696.62) establishment of 2 storey R7D multi-purpose
building in LARES, Lipa City under DA Bar Fund CY
April 10, 2019 04-174-2019 Nabong Collantes Corporation Payment of 30% accomplishment for the rice 1,876,246.97 1,571,507.59
(6,254,628.76) construction of San Diego Dam at Brgy. San Diego,
Lian, Batangas under SSIP Rice Program
May 20, 2019 05-251-2019 Payment of 55.19% accomplishment 1,575,664.83 1,319,619.30
April 10, 2019 04-166-2019 RM Adalim Construction Payment of 80% accompishment for the rice 1,318,033.50 1,103,853.06
(1,674,541.90) construction of Multi-purpose Drying Pavement at
May 06, 2019 05-225-2019 E.A Saguid Construction (1,435,000) Payment of 70.80% accomplishment for the Canal rice 1,015,952.94 850,860.59
Improvement of Taytay, Nagcalan, Laguna under
SSIP Rice program CY 2019
May 15, 2018 05-285-2018 Mt. Gravatt Tristannia Way Trading Payment for the 15% mobilization for the 15 units organic 443,925.00 443,925.00
company/Manuel A. Dela TorreJr. greenhouse under organic agriculture program CY
Builders (Joint Venture) (2,959,500) 2018
September 25, 2018 09-625-2018 Payment of 33.33% accomplishment 986,500.00 382,268.75
May 28, 2019 05-267-2019 Payment of 85.33% accomplishment 1,538,490.00 1,288,862.25
Date Reference Payee Contract Amount Source of Amount
Fund Mobilization Gross Retention Tax Liquidated Net
Particulars Damages
June 19, 2018 06-358-2018 Heal The World Energy Savings Payment for 15% mobilization for the hvcdp 868,367.00 868,367.00
Corporation (5,789,113.38) constructionof Ilayang Calumpang Solar Powered
Irrigation System at Brgy. Ilayang Calumpang,
Tayabas City
June 19, 2018 06-358-2018 Heal The World Energy Savings Payment for 15% mobilization for the construction corn 868,571.75 867,571.75
Corporation (5,790,478.36) of Pansoyu solar Powered Irigation System at
Brgy. Pansoy, San Andres Quezon under corn
program CY 2018
06.20.18 06-366-2018 Hannahziel Builders and Supply payment for 15%v mobilization for the rice 721,775.10 721,775.10
(4,811,834.00) construction of Tulay na Patpat Diversion Dam at
Brgy. Tulay na Patpat, Ibaan, Batangas under SSIP
of Rice Banner Program
December 20, 2018 12-851-2018 Agri Component Corporation Payment of 15% mobilization for the construction corn 434,115.95 434,115.92
( 2,894,106.33) of Solar Powered Irrigation Syatem at Brgy.
Pantihan II, Maragondon, Cavite City CY 2018
under Corn Program
May 21, 2019 05-254-2019 JSP Construction (1,159,450.46) Payment of 15% mobilization for the constuction rice 172,210.68 172,210.68
of ibabang Talim Canal Lining Phase II at Brgy.
Ibabang Talim, Lucena City, Quezon under SSIP of
Rice program FY 2019
May 21, 2019 05-254-2019 JSP Construction (6,757,403.76) Payment of 15% mobilization for the constuction rice 1,013,610.56 1,013,610.56
of Calo Diversion Dam at Brgy. Calo, Bay, Laguna
under SSIP Rice program FY 2020
May 21, 2019 05-255-2019 JSP Construction (2,403,445.35)) Payment of 15% mobilization for the construction rice 360,516.80 360,516.80
of Montecillo Canal Lining Phase III at Brgy.
Montecillo, Sariaya Quezon under SSIP of rice
banner program FY 2019
May 21, 2019 05-255-2019 JSP Construction (2,023,915.11)) 2,023,915.11 Payment of 15% mobilization for the construction rice 303,587.27 303,587.27
of Canal Improvement of Lutican Malabag
Diversion Dam at Brgy. Lutucan Malabag, Sariaya,
Quezon under SSIP of Rice Banner Program FY
September 04, 2019 09-503-2019 93,665.09 69.85% Accomplishment 1,046,815.45 104,681.55 65,425.97 876,707.94
November 18, 2019 11-720-2019 100% Accomplishment 451,825.92 45,182.59 28,239.12 378,404.21
June 24, 2019 06-330-2019 70.03% Accomplishment 1,964,735.37 196,473.54 122,795.96 1,645,465.87
September 24, 2019 09-578-2019 100% Accomplishment 840,778.39 84,077.84 52,548.65 704,151.90
November 07, 2019 11-693-2019 Should be Tax: 175,344.61 10% Retention 280,551.38
Net: 2,630,169.15 2,805,513.76 280,551.38 175,344.61 0.00 2,630,169.15
ok ok ok ok
Nabong Collantes Construction 1,958,675.00 Vegetable Processing Facility under High Value HVCDP
Crops Development Program CY 2019
15% Mobilization 293,801.25 293,801.25
Should be Tax: 122,417.19 70.01% Accomplishment 293,801.25 1,077,465.82 137,126.71 85,704.19 854,634.92
November 27, 2019 11-743-2019 Net 1,836,257.81 100% Accomplishment 587,407.93 58,740.79 36,713.00 491,954.14
December 12, 2019 12-809-2019 10% Retention 195,867.50 195,867.50
1,958,675.00 195,867.50 122,417.19 0.00 1,836,257.81
ok ok ok ok ok
Duration of Invitation to Bid Pre-Bid Conference Opening of Bids Post-Qualification Evaluatio Notice of Award Notice of Award Notice to Proceed Date of Completion Revised Date of Actual Date of
Contract Report (Conforme) as per NTP date Completion Completion
90 March 08, 2018 March 09, 2018 April 17, 2018 July 27, 2018 ###
150 Nov. 27,2018-January 9, 2019 January 21, 2019 January 31, 2019 May 3, 2019 August 04, 2019 ### ###
Duration of Invitation to Bid Pre-Bid Conference Opening of Bids Post-Qualification Evaluatio Notice of Award Notice of Award Notice to Proceed Date of Completion Revised Date of Actual Date of
Contract Report (Conforme) as per NTP date Completion Completion
October 23- Nov. 19, 2018 November 05, 2018 November 18, 2018 Dec.3, 2018-January 16, 2019 January 21, 2019 March 4, 2019
June 18, 2019 August 17, 2019 August 16, 2019
February 4, 2019
February 6, 2019
Statement of Work Certificate of Certificate of Date of Inspection DEFICIENCIES/Requirements
Accomplishment Completion Turnover/Accept Report
09.14.18 09.17.18
August 23, 2019 August 23, 2019 extension due to rainfall. Some days were only moderate. No request
for Suspension and Approved Suspension Order resulting to elapsed
days of 286 CD.
09.14.18 09.17.18
09.19.18 09.21.18 Suspension Request dated June 4, 2018-validation of the exact plan
and negotiation between landowners for the Location of the
materials; Simultaneous Projects: construction of Inalusan Solar
Irrigation system at Brgy.Inalusan, Lopez, Quezon under SSIP of Rice
Program; construction of Pinagbayanan Solar Irrigation system at
Brgy. Pinagbayanan, Pitogo,Quezon under SSIP of Rice Program;
Banabahin Ibaba Solar Irrigation system at Brgy. Banabahin Ibaba,
Lopez, Quezon under SSIP of Rice Program; Matalatala Solar Powered
Irrigation system at Barangay Matalatala, Mabitac, Laguna under SSIP
of rice banner program FY 2018; San Pedro Solar Powered Irrigation
System ay Brgy. San Pedro, Morong, Rizal under SSIP of rice program
09.19.18 09.21.18
12/5/2018 December 12, 2018
5/10/2019 September 21, 2019
Statement of Work Certificate of Certificate of Date of Inspection DEFICIENCIES/Requirements
Accomplishment Completion Turnover/Accept Report
07.18.18 07.25.18
09.12.18 09.19.18
with estimated liquidated damages
08.14.18 08.16.18
09.19.18 09.21.18
07.20.17 07.20.17
06.18.18 06.21.18
### ### December 13, 2019 MOA/Deed of Donation/Acceptance; only turnover and acceptance
of ISAGANI A. BAGUI, President, Farmers Association, Lutucan,
Malabag, Sariaya, Quezon; Extension was due to request of farmers
to halt construction for the presence of their standing crops.;
Request for Extension Order dated September 2, 2019 was approved
per later dated Sept. 11, 2019 which caused 60 days extension and
revision of 150 days contract duration.
August 16, 2019 August 16, 2019 Wrong estimate of contract end date thus there should have been
liquidated damages of for 11 days of delay.
Quezon Mango July 17, 2019 Wrong estimate of contract end date thus there should have been
Growers liquidated damages of for 11 days of delay.
August 16, 2019
12/3/2018 12-776-2018 Odette S. Puzon Payment of travelling expenses and per diems 1
during travel for the period covered Oct. 4;9-
12/6/2018 12-787-2018 GB Enterprises and Plant Nursery Payment for the procurement of agricultural 257,900.00 247,584.00 15 days 1/31/2018 5/22/2018 6/11/2018 1
supplies for use of different projects under
ressearch division
12/6/2018 12-793-2018 Kison Enterprises Payment of various other supplies 42,170.00 40,483.20 15 CD 7/9/2018 9/14/2018 9/20/2018 1
12/6/2018 12-793-2018 Kison Enterprises Payment for the procurement of office supplies 38,120.00 36,595.00 15 CD 6/18/2018 8/15/2018 8/28/2018 1
for the implementation of CPAR Rice Garlic
12/6/2018 12-794-2018 Iritec Int'l. Co LTD Payment for the supply and delivery of 375pcs 446,250.00 422,343.74 15 CD 3/2/2018 3/5/2018 3/30/2018 4/18/2018 1
water plastic drum
12/6/2019 12-795-2018 GB Enterprises and Plant Nursery Payment od agricultural supplies to be used for 593,000.00 587,070.00 15 CD 5/14/2018 6/29/2018 7/13/2018 1
participatory varietal selection on nextgen
12/7/2018 12-800-2018 Kahariam Realty & Farmsd, Inc Payment for supply and delivery of live animals 66,000.00 65,340.00 15 CD 4/23/2018 7/11/2018 7/26/2018 1
to be used for livestock assistance in
calabarzon CY 2018
12/14/2018 12-814-2018 Brixton Construction Payment for the supply and delivery of 28 units 693,000.00 655,875.00 15 CD 8/7/2018 8/20/2018 1
power sprayers
12/17/2018 12-822-208 Mercogene Pharmacy and Payment for the supply and delivery of 102,005.00 96,540.00 9/17/2018 11/9/2018 11/26/2018 1
General Merchandise laboratpry supplies
12/17/2018 12-823-2018 Belman Laboratories Payment of chemical and filtering supplies of 116,021.00 109,805.50 1
12/17/2018 12-823-2018 Interlab Analytics and Scientific Payment of standard solutions for elemental 50,410.00 47,709.46 15 CD 9/11/2018 1/4/2019 1
Supplies, Inc analysis
12/17/2018 12-823-2018 Interlab Analytics and Scientific Payment of standard solutions for elemental 20,720.00 17,557.20 15 CD 9/11/2018 1/4/2019 1
Supplies, Inc analysis
Date Reference Payee Particulars Amount Duration of P.O Conforme Notice to Date of Date of Delivery/
Contract Date Proceed Completion Inspection and
as per NTP Acceptance
date Report
Gross Net
12/17/2018 12-824-2018 Z. Antioquia Construction Final payment for the repair and maintenance 295,706.45 277,224.80 1
of office/laboratory building of RSL
12/17/2018 12-825-2018 GB Enterprises and Plant Nursery Payment for the supply and delivery of 224,190.00 215,222.40 15 days 7/30/2018 9/26/2018 10/15/2018 1
agricuktural supplies under organic agriculture
12/17/2018 12-825-2018 GB Enterprises and Plant Nursery Payment of agricultural supplies for use in 49,010.00 47,049.60 15 days 1/25/2018 3/8/2018 3/17/2018 1
different projects under research division
12/17/2018 12-825-2018 Selah Garden Suite, Inc Payment for meals, venue and accommodation 314,910.00 126,478.12 1
for the conduct of user's training cum
orientation for the adoptation of resource
12/17/2018 12-826-2018 Holy Angel Trading Payment for office supplies for the 187,436.00 177,394.78 15 days 5/28/2018 8/15/2018 8/30/2018 1
implementation of CPAR-Rice Garlic project
12/17/2018 12-826-2018 Holy Angel Trading Payment for the supply and delivery of general 13,250.00 12,540.18 15 days 8/22/2018 11/6/2018 11/13/2018 1
merchandise for official use in RAIC and
livestock office
12/17/2018 12-826-2018 Profeta Castillo Welding Shop Payment for the procurement of 4 units wood 298,000.00 286,080.00 15 days 9/13/2018 9/13/2018 10/23/2018 1
vinegar chamber (mokusaku) under organic
agriculture program
12/18/2018 12-832-2018 Maricar Dela Cruz Reimbursement of travelling expenses and per 2,970.00 2,970.00 1
diems for the month of October 2018
12/18/2018 12-834-2018 Guill-Bern Corporation Payment of consumables for milestone 276,500.00 233,208.00 15 CD 5/18/2018 11/27/2018 1
Microwave Digestor of RAFL
12/18/2018 12-834-2018 Z. Antioquia Construction Final payment for the rehabilitation of RSL 996,820.26 934,519.00 1
12/18/2018 12-840-2018 GB Enterprises and Plant Nursery Payment for the various agricultural supplies to 488,680.00 469,132.80 20 days 3/6/2018 5/15/2018 5/29/2018 1
be used in agricultural production and field
operation of RARES, Tanay, Rizal
6/27/2018 06-395-2018 Right Agri Dev., Inc (13,470,000) Partial payment of 13,500 out of 15,000 packs 12,123,000.00 11,880,540.00 30 CD 05.09.18 05.11.18 05.14.18 1
hybrid seeds under rice program
12/19/2018 12-850-2013 Payment for the remaining 1,500 packs hybrid 1,347,000.00 1,320,060.00
12/20/2018 12-851-2018 Seedworks Philippines, Inc Payment of supply and delivery of 3000 bags 11,910,000.00 11,671,800.00 30 CD 6/21/2018 7/12/2018 1
hybrid seeds under rice program
Date Reference Payee Particulars Amount Duration of P.O Conforme Notice to Date of Date of Delivery/
Contract Date Proceed Completion Inspection and
as per NTP Acceptance
date Report
Gross Net
12/20/2018 12-856-2018 Juanita G. Ganitnit Reimbursement of TEV incurred while on 1
official travel on Nov. 20-23, 2018 at Icon
Hotel, Timog Ave., QC
12/20/2018 12-856-2018 Isabella A. Salazar Contract for Job Order to be used for livestock 41,280.00 1
prpgram implementation purposes
12/20/2018 12-863-2018 Avelita Rosales Payment of cash advance mandatory expenses 500,000.00 500,000.00 1
at LARES, research laboratory facilities of the
12/20/2018 12-863-2018 Arlie Tolentino Payment of travelling expenses and per diems 7,440.00 7,440.00 1
during official travel for the month of Oct
2,5,12,18,19,22,24,29,30, 2018
12/20/2018 12-863-2018 Dener Isaac Gruezo Payment of traveling expenses and per 6,322.00 6,322.00 1
diemsduring official travel for the the month of
November 2018
12/20/2018 12-863-2018 Arli Tolentino Payment of traveling expenses and per 6,240.00 6,240.00 1
diemsduring official travel for the the month of
November 2019
12/20/2018 12-863-2018 Jonathan Marino Payment of traveling expenses and per 6,240.00 6,240.00 1
diemsduring official travel for the the month of
November 2019
12/20/2018 12-863-2018 Joshua Christian Bernard V. Igaya Payment of traveling expenses and per 6,240.00 7,452.00 1
diemsduring official travel for the the month of
November 2019
6/27/2018 06-395-2018 Pangasinan Organic Seed Growers Partial payment for he supply and delivery of 11,257,290.00 11,032,144.20 30 CD 5/7/2018 5/7/2018 6/6/2018 5/15/2018 1
& Nursery MPC (29,857,780.00) 8,217 bags (40kg/bag) out of 21,794 of
certified seeds
10/3/2018 10-663-2018 2nd payment of the supply and delivery of 1,370,000.00 1,370,000.00 5/23/2018 2
1,000 bags of cerified seeds under rice program
9/27/2018 09-660-2018 DRREF Agri Products Marketing Partial payment for the supply and delivery of 4,419,600.00 4,375,404.00 30CD 7/13/2018 7/16/2018 7/26/2018 7/26/2018 1
(15,981,000) various agricultural supplies (hybrid seeds,
urea, complete fertilizer & muriate of potash)
12/20/2018 12-855-2018 Full Payment of the supply and delivery of 11,561,400.00 11,330,172.00 8/3/2018 8/3/2018
various agricultural supplies
2/4/2019 02-018-2019 Davao Oriental Seed Producers Full payment of 794 bags hybrid seeds in 2,648,784.00 2,648,784.00
Cooperative support to hybridization program under rice
9/26/2018 09-647-2018 DRREF Agri Products Marketing Partial payment of the supply and delivery of 7,377,655.00 7,230,101.90 30 cd 5/4/2018 5/7/2018 5/22/2018 1
(17,576,550) 5,251 bags of certified seeds including freight
under rice program
2/4/2018 02-019-2019 Payment for the remaining 7,259 bags of 10,198,895.00 9,994,917.10 6/11/2018
certified seeds out of 12,510 bags
2/4/2019 02-019-2019 Guill-Bern Corporation Payment ofspare parts of miletone microwave 584,840.00 553,509.28 15 days 8/20/2018 9/27/2018 12/3/2018 1
digestor of RAFL
2/4/2019 02-028-2019 Julany Castillo Reimbursement of travelling expenses and per 8,378.00 8,378.00 1
diems during official travel for the month of
November 2018
2/4/2019 02-017-2019 Global Agri-Ventures Mktg Coop Payment for supply and delivery of live animals 595,950.00 589,990.50 15 days 09/31/18 11/21/2018 12/4/2018
to be usd in livestock multipliet farm in
calabarzon area
Date Reference Payee Particulars Amount Duration of P.O Conforme Notice to Date of Date of Delivery/
Contract Date Proceed Completion Inspection and
as per NTP Acceptance
date Report
Gross Net
a. approved DV
b. aprroved ORS
c. approved contract
with estimated LD
4/10/2019 04-167-2019 Klick Lucky Marketing Payment for the 11 units cellphone sto 163,900.00 155,119.65 15 days 2/14/2019 2/14/2019 12/19/2018 3/13/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
(geotagging device) for the use of PMED in the conforme is late, as per notice of award the
conduct of the results based monitoring contractor/supplier required within 10 days
evaluation of programs and projects from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
4/10/2019 04-169-2019 Jaelu Trading Payment for the supply and delivery of tires rice-pss 29,900.00 28,298.22 12/07/118 2/8/2019 2/8/2019 12/4/2018 2/15/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
use of RP vehicle B1A663 conforme is late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
4/10/2019 04-170-2019 Klick Lucky Marketing Payment for the procurement if iffcie furniture organic 59,200.00 56,028.57 15 days 12/21/2018 3/11/2019 12/21/2018 3/14/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP conforme is
and fixture to be used for installation of blind late, as per notice of award the
curtain at organic agriculture program contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
4/10/2019 04-170-2019 Klick Lucky Marketing Payment for the supply and delivery of various hvcdp 34,609.00 32,754.95 15 days 2/28/2019 2/28/2019 12/3/2018 3/15/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
supplies used in preparation of budget conforme is late, as per notice of award the
execution documents, cash planning report contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
4/10/2019 04-171-2019 Ludi G. General Payment for the supply and delivery of supplies livestock 47,512.00 45,611.00 15 days 2/8/2019 2/8/2019 12/13/2018 2/22/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
Merchandise to be used in the conduct of feed formulation conforme is late, as per notice of award the
for animals of multiplier farms contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
4/10/2019 04-171-2019 Trojeka Trading, Co. Payment for the supply and delivery of various rice 211,450.00 200,122.32 15 days 2/19/2019 2/19/2019 12/5/2019 27-Feb Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
supplies used of rice program and raed conforme is late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
4/10/2019 04-171-2019 Philcopy Corporation Payment of 5 pcs kyocera toner for the use of rice 33,967.50 32,147.81 15 cd 3/7/2019 3/7/2019 12/19/2018 3/12/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
property and supply unit conforme is late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
4/24/2019 04-199-2019 Klick Lucky Marketing Payment for the supply and delivery of various rice 47,220.00 44,690.35 15 days 11/29/2018 2/11/2019 11/27/2018 2/20/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP conforme is
supplies of RAFC late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
4/24/2019 04-200-2019 Dynamics Development Payment for the delivery of 1 unit colloid mill 290,000.00 274,464.28 15 days 3/25/2019 3/25/2019 12/17/2018 4/8/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
Trade & General Services conforme is late, as per notice of award the
Inc contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
Date Reference Payee Particulars Source of Amount Duration of P.O Conforme Notice to Notice of Date of Delivery/ DEFICIENCIES/Requirements
Fund Contract Date Proceed Award Inspection and
Conforme Conforme Acceptance
Date Date Report
Gross Net
4/24/2019 04-200-2019 Golden Bat Inc Payment for the delivery of laboratory supplies sto-ild 47,376.00 45,405.85 15 days 12/10/2018 3/15/2019 12/6/2018 3/25/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
Aliquot for minimum essential media used for conforme is late, as per notice of award the
AI testing contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
4/24/2019 04-200-2019 Holy Angel Trading Payment for the su[pply and delivery of office halal esets 15,560.00 14,726.43 15 days 12/10/2018 3/12/2019 12/7/2018 3/19/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP conforme is
supplies to be used as training supplies for the late, as per notice of award the
conduct of Halal-Agri-Fishery Regional Summit contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
4/24/2019 04-200-2019 Klick Lucky Marketing Payment for the supply and delivery of various other 80,848.50 76,517.33 15 days 2/19/2019 2/19/2019 12/18/2018 2/19/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
supplies for offical use of AMAD market devt conforme is late, as per notice of award the
services contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
4/24/2019 04-200-2019 Klick Lucky Marketing Payment for the supply and delivery of various 490,372.55 464,102.59 7 days 12/21/2018 2/15/2019 12/19/2018 3/1/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP conforme is
office supplies used in satellite office of DA IVA late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
4/24/2019 04-200-2019 Trojeka Trading, Co. Payment of various ICT parts and accessories rice 184,815.00 174,914.20 15 days 9/28/2018 12/6/2018 9/20/2018 12/14/2018 Pls justify why that the date of NTP conforme is
for use of rice program indata gathering, field late, as per notice of award the
monitoring and validation report generation contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
4/26/2019 04-206-2019 Jaelu Trading Payment for the supply and delivery of various rice 32,375.00 30,640.63 15 days 11/26/2019 2/11/2019 11/23/2019 2/15/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP conforme is
office supplies of rice program late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
4/26/2019 04-206-2019 Jaelu Trading Payment for the supply and delivery of various rice 49,816.00 47,147.28 15 days 12/10/2018 2/11/2019 12/10/2018 2/28/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP conforme is
office supplies of RCPC late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
4/24/2019 04-038-2019 GB Enterprises and Plant Payment of agricultural supplies to be used for bar fund 35,450.00 34,032.00 15 days 12/3/2018 2/7/2019 11/28/178 12/19/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP conforme is
Nursery implementation of research project re: late, as per notice of award the
enhancement of adlay production through contractor/supplier required within 10 days
intercropping og leguminous crops in quezon & from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
Date Reference Payee Particulars Source of Amount Duration of P.O Conforme Notice to Notice of Date of Delivery/ DEFICIENCIES/Requirements
Fund Contract Date Proceed Award Inspection and
Conforme Conforme Acceptance
Date Date Report
Gross Net
4/26/2019 04-040-2019 Jaelu Trading procurement of other supplies for use in the bar funded 34,740.00 32,878.93 15 days 11/16/2018 2/7/2019 11/14/2018 2/15/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP conforme is
meat processing facility in Carits Sac Gumaca, late, as per notice of award the
Quezon for the bar funded project contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
4/26/2019 04-040-2019 GB Enterprises and Plant payment for agricultural supplies bar funded 38,720.00 38,332.80 15 days 12/3/2018 11/28/2018 3/13/2019 3/26/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP conforme is
Nursery late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
5/6/2019 05-229-2019 Kison Enterprises Payment for the agricultural supplies for use of livestock 148,200.00 142,272.00 15 days 12/14/2018 3/5/2019 12/14/2018 3/19/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP conforme is
research division late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
5/6/2019 05-229-2018 Klick Lucky Marketing Payment for the supply and delivery of office organic 47,615.00 45,064.20 15 days 11/20/2018 2/11/2019 11/16/2019 2/22/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP conforme is
supplies of organic agriculture office late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
5/6/2019 05-229-2019 Jaelu Trading Payment for the supply and delivery of various rice 44,656.00 42,263.72 15 days 12/10/2018 no date 12/6/2018 3/29/2019 with estimated liquidated damages
supplies for official use of RCPC
5/3/2019 05-046-2019 GB Enterprises and Plant Payment for the fertilizers under BAR-Fuded bar 344,200.00 330,432.00 15 days 11/19/2018 3/12/2019 11/15/2018 3/20/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP conforme is
Nursery project late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
5/14/2019 05-242-2019 HLYC Trading Payment for the procurement of 1 unit Light hvcdp 998,500.00 945,008.93 30 CD 3/27/2019 3/27/2019 12/28/2018 4/5/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
Cargo Truck 9Hauling Truck) for official use of conforme is late, as per notice of award the
HVCD contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
5/14/2019 05-242-2019 Corrines Garden Payment for the supply and delivery of hcvdp 2,472,750.00 2,423,295.00 30 CD 6/19/2018 6/20/2018 3/26/2018 8/22/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
certified grafted cacao conforme is late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
5/21/2019 05-259-2019 NTDCY 888 Global Payment for 30 units Grain Collector under rice rice 5,244,000.00 4,910,631.43 30 CD 3/7/2019 3/7/2019 1/21/2019 4/8/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
Enterprises banner program CY 2019 conforme is late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
5/28/2019 05-267-2019 All Certified Equipment Payment for 65 units Seed Spreader/Fertilizer rice 3,412,500.00 2,888,437.50 30 days 3/14/2019 3/14/2009 1/21/2019 4/8/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
Trading corp. Applicator under Rice Banner Program FY 2019 conforme is late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
5/28/2019 05-267-2019 Brixton Construction & Payment for 1 unit Presision seeder under rice rice 1,620,000.00 1,517,014.28 45 days 3/11/2019 3/11/2019 1/21/2019 4/22/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
Industrial Corp banner program CY 2019 conforme is late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
Date Reference Payee Particulars Source of Amount Duration of P.O Conforme Notice to Notice of Date of Delivery/ DEFICIENCIES/Requirements
Fund Contract Date Proceed Award Inspection and
Conforme Conforme Acceptance
Date Date Report
Gross Net
5/28/2019 05-267-2019 3R Metal Craft Payment for 15 units hand tractor w/trailer rice 2,232,000.00 2,090,108.57 30 CD 3/11/2019 3/11/2019 1/21/2019 3/29/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
under rice program conforme is late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
5/28/2019 05-266-2019 All Certified Equipment Payment for 2 units Recirculating Grain Dryer rice 5,990,000.00 5,609,207.15 30 CD 3/11/2019 3/11/2019 1/21/2019 4/5/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
Trading corp. under rice banner program FY 2019 conforme is late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
5/30/2019 05-276-2019 3R Metal Craft Payment for 5 units floating tiller under rice rice 440,000.00 416,428.57 15 days 2/28/2019 2/28/2019 10/19/2018 3/12/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
banner program CY 2018 conforme is late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
5/30/2019 05-278-2019 Suki Trading Corporation Payment for the supply and delivery of 3 units corn 504,000.00 477,000.00 15 days 12/17/2018 12/17/2018 10/29/2018 12/19/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
mechanical corn sheller CY 2018 conforme is late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
5/30/2019 05-278-2019 D' Brothers International Payment for 1 unit rice reaper/harvester under rice 138,000.00 130,607.15 15 days 3/13/2019 3/13/2019 12/28/2018 3/28/2019 Pls justify why that the date of NTP and PO
Trading Corp rice banner program conforme is late, as per notice of award the
contractor/supplier required within 10 days
from the receipt of NOA to enter into conract.
Date Reference Payee
Gross Net
Reimbursement of travelling expenses and pre diems market 8,195.00 8,195.00
incurred on Sept 5-7/21-24; Oct 1/5-8; Nov 22-24; Dec devt
5-7, 2019 services
Reimbursement of travelling expenses an pre diem rice 4,502.00 4,502.00
incurred in the implementation of rice program for
the month of November 2018
Reimbursement of travelling expenses and per diem hvcdp 6,822.00 6,822.00
incurred for the month of October 2018
Reimbursement of travelling expenses and per diem rice 5,675.00 5,675.00
incurred for the period of January
15,16,18,22,23,25,29,30 and Feb 1, 2019
Reimbursement of travelling expenses for the month RL current 3,200.00 3,200.00
of February 6-7/12-13/19-20, 2019
Reimbursement of travelling expenses for the month rice 5,530.00 5,530.00
of February 2019
Reimbursement of travelling expenses for the month rice 3,809.00 3,809.00
of January 2019
Reimbursement of travelling expenses and per diem market 4,253.00 4,253.00
incurred for the period Feb 7,20-22,26-28 & March 1, devt
2019 services
not entitled to claim incidental expense for travel incurred dated Nov
22-24, 2018/travel not within 50 km
not entitled to claim per diem for travel incurred dated Feb 20-22,
2019 at La Breza Hotel, Quezon City re: attended workshop of the
Regional Plan and Budget proposal/travel not within 50 km/ submit SO
not entitled to claim per diem for travel incurred dated Feb 20-22,
2019 at La Breza Hotel, Quezon City re: attended workshop of the
Regional Plan and Budget proposal/travel not within 50 km/ submit SO
not entitled to claim per diem for travel incurred dated Feb 20-22,
2019 at La Breza Hotel, Quezon City re: attended workshop of the
Regional Plan and Budget proposal/travel not within 50 km/ submit SO
not entitled to claim incidental & meals expenses for travel incurred
dated Feb 20-22, 2019 at La Breza Hotel, Quezon City re: attended
workshop of the Regional Plan and Budget proposal/travel not within
50 km/submit SO
4/23/2019 04-192-2019 Coronado's Farm Plant Payment for the supply and delivery of 400 hvcdp 19,600.00 19,600.00 15 days 10/18/2017 10/22/2017 10/18/2017 11/12/2017 10/5/2018 Date of obligation is 09/20/2017.
Nursery pcs Criollo Seedlings Pls justify why that the payment
was made on 04/23/19
submit certification of tax
with estimated liquidated damages
5/6/2019 05-230-2019 Spade Ace Travel & Tours Payment of van rentals used of livestock livestock 98,500.00 92,343.75 Date of obligation is 12/27/2017.
Corp program & integrated laboratory division Pls justify why that the payment
was made on 05/03/19
submit SO of the passengers per
Date Reference Payee
Gross Net
Payment for the van hire used during the conduct of sto 63,200.00 60,040.00
farmerd interview and other official matter
Payment for the use of 2 units van rental for 2 days during sto 30,000.00 28,500.00
the conduct of coaching and monitoring of the LGUs
proposal preparation
Payment of van rental used for 2017 Rice Achievers rice 38,000.00 36,100.00
Awarding Ceremony on July 30-August 1, 2018
Payment of 4 units van rental used for the Regional Halal regulatory 36,000.00 33,750.00
Agri- Fishery Summit/Conference
Payment pf van hire to facilitate the conduct of 4th qtr 2018 rice 27,600.00 25,875.00
regional management committee meeting-cum planning
workshop at Tanza Cavite
submit list of passengers from DA Visayas to Tayabas Quezon on October 25, 2018 / pls
justify why that the no. of passengers per trips is 3-7 persons only / submit SO/TO of the
passengers/ no date indicated in the attached training proposal/ as per JO No. 2018-210
dated 04/25/18 the venue is in Quezon province but the attached itenerary is Laguna &
submit SO/TO of the passenger/the cost of van rental from DA IVA to Los Banos is P30,000
per day(round trip)/ pls justify why that the no. of passengers per trips is 6-7 persons
only/no date indicated in the attached training proposal
submit TO/SO of the passengers/pls justify why that the no. of passengers per trips is 6-7
persons only
excessive van rental/only 4 passengers from Rizal to Batangas (103 KM); 7 passengers from
Lucena to Batangas (74 KM); 4 passengers from Cavite to Batangas (75.7 KM); 4 passengers
fron Laguna to Batangas (80.8 KM)/submit SO/TO of the passengers
submit complete list of passengers/SO & TO of the passengers/
Various Disbursement Voucher - DA IVA
Working Paper -Incomplete Documentation
December 2018 & February 2019
Date Reference Payee Particulars Amount DEFICIENCIES/Requirements
Gross Net
12/3/2018 12-772-2018 Kititay Food and Agri Products Payment of meals during farmers forum on credit 795,000.00 755,250.00 submit program of activities
programs of DA
12/14/2018 12-814-2018 Brixton Construction Payment for the supply and delivery of 28 units power 693,000.00 655,875.00 submit MOA of the recipients with corresponding
sprayers certifucate of acceptance
12/17/2018 12-824-2018 Z. Antioquia Construction Final payment for the repair and maintenance of 295,706.45 277,224.80 certificate of turnover & certificate of completion
office/laboratory building of RSL not dated
12/17/2018 12-825-2018 Selah Garden Suite, Inc Payment for meals, venue and accommodation for the 314,910.00 126,478.12 the attached collection receipt is for GB enterprises
conduct of user's training cum orientation for the amounting P469,132.80
adoptation of resource management
12/17/2018 12-826-2018 Profeta Castillo Welding Shop Payment for the procurement of 4 units wood vinegar 298,000.00 286,080.00 no signature of RAFC Chairman, APCO Quezon,
chamber (mokusaku) under organic agriculture program APCO Batangas and APCO Laguna in the attached
MOA of SALIKASA Farmers Association not
12/18/2018 12-834-2018 Z. Antioquia Construction Final payment for the rehabilitation of RSL 996,820.26 934,519.00 certificate of turnover & certificate of completion
not dated
12/20/2018 12-851-2018 Seedworks Philippines, Inc Payment of supply and delivery of 3000 bags hybrid 11,910,000.00 11,671,800.00 submit complete post masterlist of the recipients
seeds under rice program with signatures
12/20/2018 12-863-2018 Avelita Rosales Payment of cash advance mandatory expenses at 500,000.00 500,000.00
LARES, research laboratory facilities of the station
Submit Certification from Accountant that previous
CAs have been liquidated and accounted for.
6/27/2018 06-395-2018 Pangasinan Organic Seed Growers & Partial payment for he supply and delivery of 8,217 bags 11,257,290.00 11,032,144.20 submit complete post masterlist of the recipients
Nursery MPC (29,857,780.00) (40kg/bag) out of 21,794 of certified seeds with signatures
10/3/2018 10-663-2018 2nd payment of the supply and delivery of 1,000 bags of 1,370,000.00 1,370,000.00
cerified seeds under rice program
12/20/2018 12-864-2018 Final Payment of supply and delivery of 12,5787 bags of 17,230,490.00 16,125,206.88
certified seeds under rice program
9/27/2018 09-660-2018 DRREF Agri Products Marketing Partial payment for the supply and delivery of various 4,419,600.00 4,375,404.00 submit complete post masterlist of the individual
(15,981,000) agricultural supplies (hybrid seeds, urea, complete farmer recipients with corresponding signature
fertilizer & muriate of potash)
12/20/2018 12-855-2018 Full Payment of the supply and delivery of various 11,561,400.00 11,330,172.00
agricultural supplies
Date Reference Payee Particulars Amount DEFICIENCIES/Requirements
Gross Net
9/26/2018 09-647-2018 DRREF Agri Products Marketing Partial payment of the supply and delivery of 5,251 bags 7,377,655.00 7,230,101.90 submit complete post masterlist of the recipients
(17,576,550) of certified seeds including freight under rice program with signature and corresponding dates
2/4/2018 02-019-2019 Payment for the remaining 7,259 bags of certified seeds 10,198,895.00 9,994,917.10
out of 12,510 bags
12/14/2018 12-814-2018 Green Options Agricultural and Payment of supply and delivery of various equipment (7 477,000.00 472,741.07 out of 60 heads native pig, only 50 heads delivered
Environmental Business Center units packing machine, 7 units sorting table)
12/6/2018 12-176-2018 Meral Enterprises Payment of agricultural supplies to be used as submit complete post masterlist of the recipients
experimental animals in BAR funded project with signatures
12/21/2018 12-220-2018 Mag's & Rem Catering and Food Payment of meals for the conduct of consultation 42,750.00 40,612.50 submit approved minutes of meeting
Services meeting on GAP Module Preparation for Farmers on
Oct. 24, 2018
12/21/2018 12-220-2018 Mag's & Rem Catering and Food Payment of meals for the conduct of consultation 42,750.00 40,612.50 submit approved minutes of meeting
Services meeting on GAP Module Preparation for LGUs on Oct.
22, 2019
12/21/2018 12-225-2018 Z. Antioquia Construcrion Payment for one job order for the rehabilitation of 40,000.00 37,500.00 submit certificate of completion/accomplishment
coffee processing house report with corresponding date
Various Disbursement Voucher - DA IVA
Working Paper - Goods with LD
December 2018
Date Reference Payee Particulars Amount Duration of Notice to Date of Date of Delivery/ DEFICIENCIES/Requirements
Contract Proceed Completion Inspection and
as per NTP Acceptance
date Report
Gross Net
12/6/2018 12-794-2018 Iritec Int'l. Co LTD Payment for the supply and delivery of 446,250.00 422,343.74 15 CD 3/5/2018 3/30/2018 4/18/2018 with estimated LD of 19 days. Pls justify
375pcs water plastic drum for the delayed of completion
12/17/2018 12-823-2018 Interlab Analytics and Payment of standard solutions for 50,410.00 47,709.46 15 CD 9/11/2018 1/4/2019 with estimated LD.Pls justify for the
Scientific Supplies, Inc elemental analysis delayed of completion
12/17/2018 12-823-2018 Interlab Analytics and Payment of standard solutions for 20,720.00 17,557.20 15 CD 9/11/2018 1/4/2019 with estimated LD.Pls justify for the
Scientific Supplies, Inc elemental analysis delayed of completion
12/18/2018 12-834-2018 Guill-Bern Corporation Payment of consumables for milestone 276,500.00 233,208.00 15 CD 5/18/2018 11/27/2018 with estimated LD. Pls justify for the
Microwave Digestor of RAFL delayed of completion
6/27/2018 06-395-2018 Pangasinan Organic Seed Partial payment for he supply and 11,257,290.00 11,032,144.20 30 CD 5/7/2018 6/6/2018 5/15/2018 with estimated LD of 176
Growers & Nursery MPC delivery of 8,217 bags (40kg/bag) out of
(29,857,780.00) 21,794 of certified seeds
12/20/2018 12-864-2018 17,230,490.00 16,125,206.88 11/29/2018
Final Payment of supply and delivery of
12,5787 bags of certified seeds under
rice program
12/20/2018 12-866-2018 Suin Star Cass Trading Payment iof various supplies used by 221,853.00 209,968.50 15 days 9/28/2018 11/27/2018 with estimated LD
rice program
Various Disbursement Voucher - DA IVA
Working Paper - Travelling Expenses
December 2018 - February 2019
Date Reference Payee Particulars Amount DEFICIENCIES/Requirements
Gross Net
12/3/2018 12-776-2018 Odette S. Puzon Payment of travelling expenses and per diems 4,739.00 4,739.00 not entitled to claim incidental ang meals expenses in
during travel for the period covered Oct. 4;9- attending the updates on budgeting rules and
11;18-19;24-26 regulations at camelot hotel on October 24-26, 2018.
Travel not within 50 kilometers, Pls explain/justify
12/18/2018 12-832-2018 Maricar Dela Cruz Reimbursement of travelling expenses and per 2,970.00 2,970.00 not entitled to claim incidental expense in attending
diems for the month of October 2018 consultation/workshop at ATI Building Diliman &
Camelot Hotel, Mother Ignacia Avenue, Quezon City on
Oct 23-26, 2018. Travel not within 50kilometers, Pls.
12/20/2018 12-856-2018 Juanita G. Ganitnit Reimbursement of TEV incurred while on 7,812.00 7,812.00 not entitled to claim hotel lodging/incidental
official travel on Nov. 20-23, 2018 at Icon expense/meals .travel not within 50kilometers. Pls
Hotel, Timog Ave., QC explain/justify
12/20/2018 12-863-2018 Arlie Tolentino Payment of travelling expenses and per diems 7,440.00 7,440.00 not entitled to claim incidental expense in attending
during official travel for the month of Oct consultation/workshop at ATI Building Diliman, Quezon
2,5,12,18,19,22,24,29,30, 2018 City on Oct 22-24, 2018. Travel not within 50kilometers,
Pls. explain/justify
12/20/2018 12-863-2018 Dener Isaac Gruezo Payment of traveling expenses and per 6,322.00 6,322.00 not entitled to claim incidental expense in attending
diemsduring official travel for the the month of workshop at Camelot Hotel Quezon City on Nov. 5-9,
November 2018 2018. Travel not within 50kilometers, Pls.
12/20/2018 12-863-2018 Arli Tolentino Payment of traveling expenses and per 6,240.00 6,240.00 not entitled to claim incidental expense in attending
diemsduring official travel for the the month of workshop at Camelot Hotel Quezon City on Nov. 5-9,
November 2019 2018. Travel not within 50kilometers, Pls.
12/20/2018 12-863-2018 Jonathan Marino Payment of traveling expenses and per 6,240.00 6,240.00 not entitled to claim incidental expense in attending
diemsduring official travel for the the month of workshop at Camelot Hotel Quezon City on Nov. 5-9,
November 2019 2018. Travel not within 50kilometers, Pls.
Date Reference Payee Particulars Amount DEFICIENCIES/Requirements
Gross Net
12/20/2018 12-863-2018 Joshua Christian Bernard V. Igaya Payment of traveling expenses and per 6,240.00 7,452.00 not entitled to claim incidental expense in attending
diemsduring official travel for the the month of workshop at Camelot Hotel Quezon City on Nov. 5-9,
November 2019 2018. Travel not within 50kilometers, Pls.
2/4/2019 02-028-2019 Julany Castillo Reimbursement of travelling expenses and per 8,378.00 8,378.00 not entitled to claim incidental expense in attending
diems during official travel for the month of payroll training program and generation of reports at
November 2018 camelot hotel diliman, in quezon city on Nov. 5-9, 2018.
Travel not within 50kilometers, Pls. explain/justify
Various Disbursement Voucher - DA IVA
Working Paper - December 2018
Duration of P.O Conforme Notice to Date of Delivery/
Amount Contract Date Proceed Inspection and
Date Reference Payee Particulars Acceptance DEFICIENCIES/Requirements
Gross Net
12/6/2018 12-787-2018 GB Enterprises and Plant Nursery Payment for the procurement of agricultural 257,900.00 247,584.00 15 days 1/31/2018 5/22/2018 6/11/2018 pls justify the date of PO /NTP
supplies for use of different projects under conforme
research division
12/6/2018 12-793-2018 Kison Enterprises Payment of various other supplies 42,170.00 40,483.20 15 CD 7/9/2018 9/14/2018 9/20/2018 pls justify the date of PO /NTP
12/6/2018 12-793-2018 Kison Enterprises Payment for the procurement of office supplies 38,120.00 36,595.00 15 CD 6/18/2018 8/15/2018 8/28/2018 pls justify the date of PO /NTP
for the implementation of CPAR Rice Garlic conforme
12/6/2019 12-795-2018 GB Enterprises and Plant Nursery Payment od agricultural supplies to be used for 593,000.00 587,070.00 15 CD 5/14/2018 6/29/2018 7/13/2018 pls justify the date of PO /NTP
participatory varietal selection on nextgen conforme
12/7/2018 12-800-2018 Kahariam Realty & Farmsd, Inc Payment for supply and delivery of live animals 66,000.00 65,340.00 15 CD 4/23/2018 7/11/2018 7/26/2018 pls justify the date of PO /NTP
to be used for livestock assistance in conforme
calabarzon CY 2018
12/17/2018 12-822-208 Mercogene Pharmacy and Payment for the supply and delivery of 102,005.00 96,540.00 9/17/2018 11/9/2018 11/26/2018 pls justify the date of PO /NTP
General Merchandise laboratory supplies conforme
12/17/2018 12-825-2018 GB Enterprises and Plant Nursery Payment for the supply and delivery of 224,190.00 215,222.40 15 days 7/30/2018 9/26/2018 10/15/2018 pls justify the date of PO /NTP
agricuktural supplies under organic agriculture conforme
12/17/2018 12-825-2018 GB Enterprises and Plant Nursery Payment of agricultural supplies for use in 49,010.00 47,049.60 15 days 1/25/2018 3/8/2018 3/17/2018 pls justify the date of PO /NTP
different projects under research division conforme
12/17/2018 12-826-2018 Holy Angel Trading Payment for office supplies for the 187,436.00 177,394.78 15 days 5/28/2018 8/15/2018 8/30/2018 pls justify the date of PO /NTP
implementation of CPAR-Rice Garlic project conforme
12/17/2018 12-826-2018 Holy Angel Trading Payment for the supply and delivery of general 13,250.00 12,540.18 15 days 8/22/2018 11/6/2018 11/13/2018 pls justify the date of PO /NTP
merchandise for official use in RAIC and conforme
livestock office
12/18/2018 12-840-2018 GB Enterprises and Plant Nursery Payment for the various agricultural supplies to 488,680.00 469,132.80 20 days 3/6/2018 5/15/2018 5/29/2018 pls justify the date of PO /NTP
be used in agricultural production and field conforme
operation of RARES, Tanay, Rizal
12/4/2018 12-171-2018 Kison Enterprises Payment for I unit printer with ink 12,040.00 11,558.40 15 days 8/21/2018 10/15/2018 10/23/2018
12/4/2018 12-175-2018 GB Enterprises and Plant Nursery Payment for agricultural supplies 17,920.00 17,203.20 15 days 8/15/2018 10/2/2018 10/15/2018 pls justify for not following the rules of
procurement process
12/17/2018 12-198-2018 Kison Enterprises Payment for office equipment (1 unit laptop) 40,000.00 38,400.00 15 days 10/2/2017 6/27/2018 7/6/2018 pls justify for not following the rules of
procurement process
12/21/2018 12-227-2018 Kison Enterprises Payment of the office supplies used in EC-GAP 41,317.00 39,664.32 15 days 9/28/2018 11/14/2018 11/27/2018 pls justify for not following the rules of
research project procurement process
12/21/2018 12-227-2018 Kison Enterprises Payment of agricultural supplies 128,140.00 123,014.40 20 days 10/16/2017 7/17/2018 7/23/2018 pls justify for not following the rules of
procurement process
2/4/2019 02-017-2019 Global Agri-Ventures Mktg Coop Payment for supply and delivery of live animals 595,950.00 589,990.50 15 days 09/31/18 11/21/2018 12/4/2018 pls justify the date of PO /NTP
to be usd in livestock multipliet farm in conforme
calabarzon area
Amount DEFICIENCIES/Requirements
Gross Net
Province Name of Recipient Requesting Party Address Qty. Amount NTP Date Delivery Date Delivery Date No. of day/s Liquidated Remarks
Received as per NTP as per DR delay Damage
Tanay Rizal Conservation and Natural Farming Vicente Verdan Plaza Aldea, Tanay, Rizal 1 198,800.00 5/18/18 6/28/2018 6/29/2018 1 198.80
Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Atimonan Quezon Lumutan Farmers Association Marlon Liwanag Brgy. Lumutan, Atimonan, Quezon 1 198,800.00 5/18/18 6/28/2018 11/28/2018 153 30,416.40
Guinyangan, Quezon Samahan ng Maggugulay ng Marlito C. Hererra Brgy. Sta. Cruz, Guinyangan, Quezon 1 198,800.00 5/18/18 6/28/2018 11/29/2018 154 30,615.20
Ternate, Cavite Sapang Organic Farmers Association Arturo A. Dipaudhon Brgy. Sapang I Ternate, Cavite 1 198,800.00 5/18/18 6/28/2018 12/4/2018 159 31,609.20
Nasugbu, Batangas First Nasugbu Natural Farmers Analiza A. Villarba/Henry B. Brgy. Tumalim, Nagugbu, Batangas 1 198,800.00 5/18/18 6/28/2018 12/6/2018 161 32,006.80
Association Pagwagan
5 124,846.40
Province Name of Recipient Requesting Party
Atimonan, Quezon 12
New City Hall, Laurel Hill, Natatas, Tanauan 12
Brgy. Carretunan, Calatagan, Batangas 12
Brgy. Biliran, Nasugbu, Batangas 12
Province Name of Recipient Requesting Party
Tanza, Cavite Tanza Rural and Urban Organic Farmers Rommel W. Perigrino
Majayjay, Laguna Majayjay Organic Farmers Association Ricardo Braganza
Delivery Date No. of day/s Liquidated Remarks
as per DR delay Damage
9/2/2018 35 5,988.89
9/22/2018 55 9,411.12
9/17/2018 50 8,555.56
7/23/2018 -6 -1,026.67
7/27/2018 -2 -342.22
Mt. Gravatt Tristannia Way Trading Company LDDAP # 05-267-2019 dated 05/28/19
Delivery Date as
Qty. Delivery/Completion per No. of day/s Liquidated
Province Name of Recipient Requesting Party Address Received Amount NTP Date Date as per NTP DR/Certification of delay Damage Remarks
Batangas Makataal Farmers Association Arnel M. Castillo Brgy. Tulo, Taal Batangas 1 197,300.00 5/8/18 8/16/2018 5/4/2019 261 51,495.30
Sitio Makukak Farmers Asociation Noel P. Prane Brgy. Sto. Toribio, Lipa, batangas 1 197,300.00 5/8/18 8/16/2018 12/17/2018 123 24,267.90
Ako Ikaw Tayo Iisang Balaking Organiko Apolonia M. Del Mundo Brgy. Pamiga, Agoncillo, Batangas 1 197,300.00 5/8/18 8/16/2018 11/2/2018 78 15,389.40
Cavite LGU-Indang Cavite Perfecto V. Fidel - Mayor Indang Cavite 1 197,300.00 5/8/18 8/16/2018 12/10/2018 116 22,886.80
Cabite Modern Growers Inc Edilberto R. Silan Brgy. Tambo Kulit Indang, Cavite 1 197,300.00 5/8/18 8/16/2018 10/26/2018 71 14,008.30
Rizal Organikong Tatak Yapak Farmers Victor Gregory-President Morong Rizal 1 197,300.00 5/8/18 8/16/2018 4/2/2019 229 45,181.70
Samahang ng Organikong Magsasaka Glenn O. Fortu Baras Rizal 1 197,300.00 5/8/18 8/16/2018 11/26/2018 102 20,124.60
sa Baras
Mahabang Parang Cloa Holders Marilyn C. Blancaver-President Mahabang Parang Angono, Rizal 1 197,300.00 5/8/18 8/16/2018 10/19/2018 64 12,627.20
Association Inc
Laguna Agriculture and Fishery council (AFC) Generosa Espiritu Brgy. Kapatalan, Siniloan, Laguna 1 197,300.00 5/8/18 8/16/2018 11/26/2018 102 20,124.60
Magalolon Farmers Association Ronald Acueza So. Magalolon San Antonion Kalayaan 1 197,300.00 5/8/18 8/16/2018 11/9/2018 85 16,770.50
Golden Queen Bee Training Bee Rodrigo T. Ortega Brgy. Pook, Rizal, Laguna 1 197,300.00 5/8/18 8/16/2018 6/19/2018 -58 -11,443.40
Keeping Center
HERBS Inc Isabelo R. Alvero Green Valley Subdivision, Brgy. San 1 197,300.00 5/8/18 8/16/2018 8/7/2018 -9 -1,775.70
Francisco, SPC
Quezon Bukal Sur Farmers Association Benito Plata Brgy. Bukal Sur Candelaria, Quezon 1 197,300.00 5/8/18 8/16/2018 6/26/2018 -51 -10,062.30
Organic Producers and Promoters Jose G. Parlade Brgy. Behia, Tiaong, Quezon 1 197,300.00 5/8/18 8/16/2018 8/13/2018 -3 -591.90
Association of Tiaong
Sariaya Organic Producers Association Edwin Baladlad Maggalang Sariaya, Quezon/Brgy. 1 197,300.00 5/8/18 8/16/2018 8/19/2018 3 591.90
Tumbaga 1 Sariaya, Quezon
15 219,594.90