Simulation and Experimental Investigations of A Direct-Injection Combustion System For High Speed - High Performance Engines
Simulation and Experimental Investigations of A Direct-Injection Combustion System For High Speed - High Performance Engines
Simulation and Experimental Investigations of A Direct-Injection Combustion System For High Speed - High Performance Engines
2009-32-0045 / 20097045
Development stage
ETkin t
considering vehicle prices around 10.000- 1) Break up and evaporation of the injected fuel
15.000€. mass: For a good mixture preparation, fast fuel
4.) Increasingly strict emission regulations specifying evaporation is necessary to guarantee a
exhaust emission levels similar to today’s homogenous stoichiometric mixture at ignition
passenger cars (EURO IV and V – sooner or later timing.
including OBD) intensify the above mentioned
2) Transport of the liquid and gaseous fuel
conflicts. In medium and long term, new emission
fractions in the combustion chamber: Although
concepts will be necessary whereby internal
the mixture preparation concept is intended to
mixture preparation can be a useful support.
be homogenous and quantity controlled, in
Furthermore, with EU V (~2025) a legal obligation
some operating points non-homogenous
for an onboard diagnosis system is probable -
zones and zones with residual gas can occur.
adding to the overall system complexity. Beside
In order to guarantee an ignitable fuel mixture
the emission topic, it can be expected that the
around the spark plug as well as high
pressure to reduce CO2 emissions will also
combustion stability, the injected fuel mass
increase for recreational vehicles.
has to be dispersed and guided through a
5.) The demand for short development cycles. To
directed air motion and/or a shaping of the
compete successfully on the market, short
piston top.
innovation cycles are increasingly necessary.
Therefore, an efficient and effective use of the 3) Combustion of the air-fuel mixture: For an
development tools is of great importance for time efficient and stable combustion over the whole
saving combustion development, especially under speed and load range (short ignition delay and
the aspect of increasing demands on the combustion durations) a high degree of
combustion system (see above). turbulent kinetic energy is necessary.
These physical processes can be described by
Derived from the mentioned specific requirements,
respective models as function of the underlying
combustion system-relevant questions have been
physical variables [2]. For the development of a
defined to help to evaluate the potential of GDI with
combustion system it is of great importance to
respect to the stated technological challenges. Beside
understand the system relevant models and
questions concerning the overall engine performance
parameters – on the one hand, to avoid a
(BMEP, BSFC, emissions, etc.), which will be
misinterpretation of the simulation results, and on the
separately treated (see chapter “Performance and
other hand, to allow an understanding for the
results”), the presented findings (see chapter “Findings
improvement of an existing combustion system.
from experimental and simulation investigations”)
Additionally, the correct choice of adequate
focus on the following questions:
experimental investigations for the calibration of the
simulation models is based on the factual knowledge
x Is it possible to improve the performance of about the processes.
the concept engine with internal mixture
preparation utilizing increased volumetric
efficiency and/or advantageous knocking
A high degree of turbulent kinetic energy of the charge
x Is it possible to facilitate a satisfactory mixture motion is not only important for a good mixture
formation and combustion over the whole preparation, but also for an intense and
engine speed and load range and to improve thermodynamically efficient combustion leading to an
the combustion stability at low speed and low ideal premixed flame. The degree of turbulence of a
load compared to external mixture fluid flow can be described by the turbulent Reynolds-
preparation? Are modifications of the Number Ret using turbulent length and time scales
combustion chamber, using optimized piston
(with k, the kinetic energy, li the integral length, Q the
bowl shapes, sufficient beneficial regarding
mean kinematic viscosity and v the mean fluctuation
mixture preparation?
velocity) [2]:
x Is it possible to reduce the scavenging losses
by late direct injection compared to MPFI?
x Is it possible to improve the mixture formation 2k li vcli
Ret Equation 1: Turbulent Reynolds number
through double injection strategies? [5] Q Q
COMBUSTION SYSTEM CONCEPT – With a turbulent Reynolds-Number above 1, turbulent
RELEVANT PHYSICAL PROCESSES fluctuations, which can be modeled with several
approaches differing in complexity and detailedness,
occur. For 3D CFD simulations usually standard
Preliminary investigations and existing research
results explicitly show that the following three turbulence models like the k-H model are used. These
processes are of major importance for mixture fluctuations also cause a transport of momentum,
preparation and combustion (boundary condition: mass, and energy across the flow direction. Hence,
homogenous air-wall guided GDI concept). The they contribute decisively to the mixture formation and
understanding of these processes is of major combustion process. The turbulent kinetic energy is a
importance when using simulation tools. measure for its intensity. To achieve a high degree of
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turbulent kinetic energy, high inflow velocities of the injection for diesel combustion systems neglecting film
charge and squish-induced flow are supportive. High effects. Hence, it is clear that for the following reasons,
inflow velocities mainly depend on the piston speed the existing models have to be adapted for a GDI
and the design of the intake port. A tumble or swirl port combustion system:
allows to add a directed charge motion, further
- Significantly lower injection pressures
supporting mixture preparation and transportation.
compared to diesel DI engines.
- Significantly higher injection pressures
compared to MPFI gasoline engines.
The Weber-Number, which is dependent on the - Significantly higher wall temperatures
density U, the relative flow velocity vrel, the compared to the intake ports of MPFI gasoline
characteristic diameter dT and the surface tension V, engines.
characterizes the break up of a fuel spray – the higher Especially the influence of the surface temperature is
the number, the more intense the atomisation is: of main importance, due to temperature dependent
Uv rel ² d T physical surface phenomena, such as the Leidenfrost
We Equation 2: Weber number effect. [7], [8]
The relevant parameter for an intense break up is the The setting of the parameters of the spray-wall
relative velocity between the fuel spray and the air interaction model (calibration) can be conducted in a
motion. High velocities can be reached via a high spray chamber [ 9 ] using different simplified piston-
injection pressure as well as an intense counter flow of bowl geometries. Beside the influence of the bowl
the charge motion. For the simulation of the spray geometry, also the effects of the wall temperature and
break up, numerous models exist (e.g. Wave, the injection pressure have to be investigated. Figure 5
HuhGosman, etc.). Beside the choice of the correct shows a comparison of a spray chamber recorder data
model, a good adjustment of the model is decisive. (top picture) and the respective simulation results of
Therefore spray chamber measurements are a two different calibrated interaction models (middle and
necessity. bottom picture). The upper simulation picture shows a
rather good correlation with the experimental results,
SPRAY EVAPORATION MODELS whereas the lower one differs significantly.
dmd f
Q vs Equation 3: Evaporating mass flux
dt qs
The mass flux is dependent on the heat flux Q , the
local surface heat flux q s , and the vapour mass
flux fvs . High temperatures of the surrounding gas, a
large surface (small droplets) and high relative
velocities support a fast evaporation.
BMEP [bar]
interaction models (operating point: 2000 rpm, 2bar 11 0
BMEP – at identical operating parameters) 10 110
Rel_BSFC [% of MPFI]
9 105
8 100
7 95
5 85
The development of the combustion concept based on 4 80
the findings of the first investigations and the given 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Engine speed [rpm]
boundary conditions.
Figure 7: System comparison GDI - MPFI (BMEP,
With these data transient 3D-CFD simulations with
BSFC, Power)
moving piston and real world boundary conditions
were performed in order to investigate different
injection strategies, spray targets and injection BMEP/Engine Power at WOT
pressures as well as different combustion chamber
geometries including piston bowl variants. Evaluations Over a broad engine speed range the BMEP could be
of the simulation tools for these applications were raised with GDI while maintaining the maximum
conducted as described before. Additionally these engine power. Especially at low engine speed, the
optical experimental investigations of the interaction of results show a significant advantage concerning
piston bowl shapes and the injection spray were used internal mixture preparation. For engine speeds above
to intensify the understanding of the physical 8000rpm similar BMEP values compared to external
processes. mixture preparation can be achieved.
In parallel first experimental investigations were
performed with the basic engine concept with external BSFC at WOT
mixture preparation and these results were used for an
adjustment of the simulation and for an extraction of Especially at low engine speeds between 2000 and
boundary conditions. 4000rpm as well as higher engine speeds around
Out of many variants of piston bowl shapes, spray 7000 to 8000rpm a huge improvement regarding fuel
targets and injector positions, two piston bowl efficiency can be achieved. This efficiency gain is
concepts together with one injector position were mostly due to the higher power output whilst keeping
chosen for prototyping and subsequent experimental similar fuel mass flow (Figure 8). In addition, a leaner
investigations. The first investigations with internal mixture could be applied to several operating points
mixture preparation were performed with the original without knocking problems. On the contrary, high
piston shape in order to achieve an early adjustment specific HC emissions at low engine speed could be
between simulation and experiment. observed, preventing even higher fuel savings (Figure
In the following the results of the combustion concept 9).
development are presented.
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14 0.84 10
BMEP [bar]
12 0.80 5
10 0.76
8 0.72
6 0.68
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 -10
Engine speed [rpm] 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Engine speed [rpm]
Figure 8: System comparison GDI – MPFI
(equivalence ratio, delivery ratio) Figure 10: System comparison GDI - MPFI (heat
Emissions at WOT
As expected, the specific NOx emissions of the MPFI FINDINGS FROM EXPERIMENTAL AND
show an increase due to a faster combustion and SIMULATION INVESTIGATIONS
therefore higher combustion temperatures. Due to the
rich mixture of the original MPFI, the external mixture In the following section, the findings of the combustion
preparation results in very low NOx emissions which system concept are discussed by means of the above
lead to much higher relative NOx emissions. This is stated questions.
true especially in speed ranges where the MPFI
engine is richer than the GDI. HC emissions showed IS IT POSSIBLE TO IMPROVE THE ENGINE
an increase which is mainly caused by scavenging PERFORMANCE WITH INTERNAL MIXTURE
losses due to the necessary early start of injection of PREPARATION?
this piston variant. For most of the operating points the
observed specific CO emissions are below the MPFI As seen before (Figure 7) the results show a
reference. significant advantage regarding the engine
performance at WOT with GDI. The improvement is
equivalence ratio MPFI
equivalence ratio GDI mainly based on two reasons:
NOx emission GDI
Equivalence ratio [-]
CO emission GDI
1.3 HC emission GDI 1000 - Advantages regarding ignition timing and
1.2 900 ignition delay: For most of the operating points
Rel. Emissions [% of MPFI]
24 9.2
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Engine speed [rpm] 21 9.0 BMEP [bar]
15 8.6
12 MPFI 8.4
9 8.2
6 8.0
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Ignition angle [CA BTDC]
Figure 11: Ignition timing with GDI (2000rpm, WOT)
As Figure 11 shows, the series ignition timing at
2000rpm WOT of the MPFI setup (~18° before TDC)
can be put more then 3° earlier with GDI due to a
better knocking behavior - resulting in an 8° earlier
center of combustion due to further advantages
regarding ignition delay and combustion duration.
Downloaded from SAE International by Eindhoven University of Technology, Thursday, November 26, 2020
BMEP [bar]
Figure 14: Charge velocity [m/s] - high rpm, WOT
10 base GDI
modified GDI Nevertheless, the simulation as well as experimental
results showed a good performance of the GDI
combustion system at low engine operating points,
founded in a significant contribution to the kinetic
6 energy level of the injection compared to the
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
underlying charge motion. By using the series piston
Engine speed [rpm]
geometry, better combustion stability compared to
Figure 12: GDI engine performance at high rpm MPFI could already be reached (Figure 15). Even
more significant advantages could be observed by the
IS IT POSSIBLE TO FACILITATE A use of a piston bowl.
COMBUSTION OVER THE WHOLE ENGINE SPEED Figure 15 shows an improvement of the combustion
AND LOAD RANGE? stability (evaluated by the Coefficient of Variation –
COV) by a factor of 2 with GDI and the use of a piston
bowl compared to external mixture preparation.
Low engine speeds and low load Although the absolute values are high compared to
automotive standard, a reduction of the COV
The preliminary 3D-CFD simulation results already significantly below 10% is a good result for a high
revealed possible “problem-areas” regarding mixture performance motorcycle engine with a speed range
formation. Due to the layout of the intake ports for from 1500 to 12.000rpm and a possible BMEP range
maximum performance, especially at low engine from 1 to 13.
speed and low load, very little turbulence is generated
in the combustion chamber during the gas exchange
(Figure 13 and Figure 14). Whereas the charge motion
at high speed and WOT reaches velocities above
150m/s, maximum velocities at low speed and low
load are far below 50m/s, posing potential difficulties
for a sufficient mixture preparation.
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Fuel mass
3.0E-06 15
sufficient mixture preparation resulting in significant
scavenging losses. The application of an adjusted 2.0E-06 10
piston bowl enables a later injection timing avoiding
the extraordinary high scavenging losses while 1.0E-06 5
fuel mass evaporated - piston bowl turbulent kinetic energy - flat piston
200% GDI (with piston bowl) turbulent kinetic energy - flat piston (no INJ) turbulent kinetic energy - piston bowl
MPFI turbulent kinetic energy - piston bowle (no INJ)
at 2000rpm - 2bar BMEP
Figure 18: Simulation results - Evaporation of different
GDI concepts (2000rpm, 2bar BMEP)
High engine speed
80 GDI (with piston bowl) processes”) but also on secondary effects, the results
MPFI show a discontinuous characteristic with a noticeable
60 peak at 5000rpm.
5% MBF 50% MBF 90% MBF
of Injection [ms]
Soot emission
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Engine speed [rpm]
Figure 21: Interaction of injection spray and opening
Figure 19: Soot emissions at WOT intake valve
While sufficient time for the mixture preparation allows
for a homogenous charge at low engine speed, the IS IT POSSIBLE TO REDUCE THE SCAVENGING
intensified charge motion leads to a decrease of the LOSSES BY LATE DIRECT INJECTION?
detected soot emission at high engine speed. In
accordance with the results of the experimental A principal advantage of GDI is the theoretical
investigations, the simulation results also show possibility to avoid scavenging losses by the use of
disadvantages for the mixture preparation at 5000rpm. fuel injection after the exhaust valve closes. The
Figure 20 illustrates the characteristics of the simulation and experimental investigations show that
evaporated and injected fuel mass for different engine at many operating points the fuel injection has to start
speeds. At 5000rpm, the evaporation of the injected already before the exhaust valve closes (EVC at
fuel lasts over a longer time fraction of an engine ~400°CA) to provide sufficient time for the mixture
revolution than at lower or higher engine speed. preparation. Figure 22 shows the BMEP optimized
injection timing over the engine speed at WOT for two
different piston configurations (dashed line: piston with
bowl, continuous line: piston wo bowl). It shows the
Fuel mass injected/evaporated
wetting resulting in pool fires could be detected by Figure 22: Injection timing at WOT for 2 piston
means of optical investigations. Piston wetting is also configurations
dependent on the injection timing, as well as on the For the operating range at lower engine speeds and
respective piston position. As commonly known, part load, the use of a piston bowl allows significantly
effects of wall-wetting inside the combustion chamber later SOI - also later than EVC. A SOI variation at
significantly contribute to soot formation. [11] 2000rpm and constant fuel mass (appr. 2.5bar BMEP)
showed a complete avoidance of scavenging loses
and a minimum of HC emissions at an injection start at
400° after TDC (Figure 23). The remaining HC
emissions are unburnt fuel fractions. The amount of
unburnt HC increases further with SOI later than 400°
ATDC due to insufficient mixture preparation.
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6 3.6 15
BMEP [bar]
4 3.2
2.4 5
525 2.0 0
Temperature [K]
The analysis of the evaporation rate of the injected fuel
shows a significant dependency on the injection time.
The main influential parameter beside the intensity of
the charge motion is the temperature inside the
combustion chamber. Both factors have a strong
correlation to the crank angle and the piston motion,
respectively. For a fast evaporation a high turbulence 400 450 500 550 600 650 700
level as well as a high temperature is favorable. Crank angle degrees - ATDC
Shortly after the top dead center both parameters, Figure 25: Simulation results split injection - at
temperature and kinetic energy, have their maximum 2000rpm and 2bar BMEP
during the intake stroke. Therefore, the earliest
possible fuel injection is principally advantageous for a CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK
good mixture preparation. For reasons of the spray-
piston interaction and exhaust gas after treatment, In the course of the above described research
different injection timings could be more favorable. activities a GDI combustion system concept for a high
speed high performance engine has been developed
and investigated. The findings focus on the evaluation
of the combustion concept at WOT and part load at
Previous investigations [5] showed the potential of stationary operating points not accounting for possible
double injection strategies for GDI combustion response advantages of a GDI concept compared to
systems at lower loads. Therefore, beside the timing of MPFI.
a single injection, also split injection strategies have
been investigated by means of 3D CFD simulation. The derived results show a significant improvement of
The aim of the investigations is to evaluate the the BMEP characteristic as well as reduced fuel
possibility to induce an additional charge motion consumption at WOT over a wide engine speed range
through a late injection of a part of the fuel mass. The due to an increase of the volumetric efficiency and
results (Figure 24) show effects corresponding to the advantages regarding knocking behavior. The findings
above mentioned principles. Due to the reduced prove the principal applicability of a GDI combustion
temperature and lower kinetic energy level during the system at high engine speeds implicating a sufficient
second part of the injection, the application of a split mixture preparation up to 11000rpm. For low load and
injection results in a worse mixture formation. For late low speed operating points a significant improvement
injection timings around bottom dead center not only of the combustion stability has been achieved with the
the turbulence kinetic energy level is about 4 times use of GDI and the adjustment of the piston geometry.
lower but also the temperature is about 150° lower
(Figure 25), resulting in a significantly slower fuel The main design features of the GDI combustion
evaporation. concept are an optimization of the combustion
chamber including the piston bowl. This is
accompanied by an appropriate choice of the injector
position and angle and an optimization of the spray
target in order to improve the charge motion and the
spray / charge as well as the spray wall interaction.
engines has been done, the investigations confirm MPFI: Multi Point Fuel Injection
some presumed difficulties for the layout of a
NOx: Nitrogen Oxides
combustion system for the wide operating range of
such engines. The results reveal that not all SOI: Start of Injection
advantages of a GDI application can be exploited for
several reasons. One of the major drawbacks is the (A)TDC: (After) Top Dead Center
necessity of an early timing of the fuel injection over a WOT: Wide Open Throttle
broad operating range to guarantee a sufficient
mixture preparation. Hence, on the one hand, it is not REFERENCES
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CONTACT 6 Fire Manual: FIRE v2008 - ICE Physics &
Chemistry Users Guide
Stephan Schmidt: Email: 7 Elsässer G., „Experimentelle Untersuchung und
Phone: 0043 (0)316 873 7591 numerische Modellierung der freien Kraftstoffstrahl-
ausbreitung und Wandinteraktion unter
Martin Abart Email:
motorischen Randbedingungen“,
Phone: 0043 (0)316 873 4585
Forschungsberichte aus dem Institut für
Oliver Schoegl Email: Kolbenmaschinen, Universität Karlsruhe, Band 5,
Phone: 0043 (0)316 873 4597 2001
8 Mills A. A.,Fry J.D., “Rate of evaporation of
Roland Kirchberger Email:
hydrocarbons from a hot surface: Nukiyama and
Phone: 0043 (0)316 873 8090
Leidenfrost temperatures”, European Journal of
Helmut Eichlseder Email: Physics Vol. 3, 1982
Phone: 0043 (0)316 873 7201 9 Fimmel W., Jauk T., Fuchs C., Wimmer A., „Optical
Graz University of Technology, Institute for Internal
analysis and simulation of diesel sprays in a high
Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics, Inffeldgasse pressure and high temperature spray box”,
21A, 8010 Graz, Austria Proceedings of ICES2006-1376, Aachen, 2006
10 Spicher U. et al, „Ottomotor mit Direkteinspritzung“,
DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2007, ISBN 978-3-
BMEP: Break Mean Effective Pressure 11 Stevens E., Steeper R., „Piston Wetting in an
Optical DISI Engine: Fuel Films, Pool Fires, and
BSFC: Break Specific Fuel Consumption Soot Generation“, SAE Paper 2001-01-1203 (2001)
CFD: Computational Fluid Dynamics
CO: Carbonmonoxide
COV: Coefficient of Variation
EVC: Exhaust Valve Close
GDI: Gasoline Direct Injection
HC: Hydrocarbons