Chapter I PDF
Chapter I PDF
Chapter I PDF
The memoir tells about the experience of woman who lives in harem area.
Harem is a slight variation of the word Haram, the forbidden and proscribed.
It is the opposite of Halal, the permissible. Harem is the place where a man
sheltered his family, his wife or wives and children and relatives. The women
in harem area cannot go outside, They have to get the permission from the
harem area cannot see the world, because of that, there are many activities of
women in harem to spend their leisure time. They are wonderful women, they
can make their life happy with their lack to see or to know the information in
the world. They can make young Fatima rich of knowledge, creativity, and
smart with their story about the wonderful woman outside the Harem that can
make revolution for woman life. Because the story begins in 1940s, so there
are many story about the struggle women from East country. This book has
as everything in print (Wellek and Warren 1956: 20) while Wilson (1958: 10)
stated that literature may be defined as words working hard; literature is the
exploitation of words.
Literature is a work of art, which expresses the human life and the problem of
society, particularly concerns with law, religion and norms, and value of
society, economics and politics with qualities of the relationship among them
the Sorbonne and at Brandeis University, where she earned her doctorate. She
des Lettres between 1974 and 1981 on subjects such as methodology, family
On several occasions in the late 1970s and early 1980s she conducted
interviews in order to map prevailing attitudes to women and work. She has
done sociological research for UNESCO and ILO as well as for the Moroccan
authorities. In the late 1970s and in the 1980s Mernissi contributed articles to
Mernissi was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award along with Susan Sontag.
same city.
1987. Beyond the Veil has become a classic, especially in the fields of
For Doing Daily Battle: Interviews with Moroccan Women (1991), she
Tales of a Harem Girlhood (in the US, the book was originally titled The
Harem Within: Tales of a Moroccan Girlhood, and is still known by that title
in the UK).
tells a story about her family and her experience when she was child. Fatima
Menerssi was born in Morocco, she was born into a middle-class family
in Fes in 1940. In that time, women just stay at home. Fatima lives in harem
area, where woman cannot go outside without permission from a man. Harem
is a slight variation of the word Haram, the forbidden, the proscribed. It is the
opposite of Halal, the permissible. Harem is the place where a man sheltered
his family, his wife or wives and children and relatives. Fatima lives with her
big family, in that house besides she lives with her father and mother, she also
lives with her grandmother from her father, her uncle, her cousin, her aunts
When she was child, her country was divided into two sides, there
were north and south, north colony by Spain and South colony by France.
This situation is one of the reasons why woman in harem cannot go outside.
Besides that, in harem itself the woman cannot go outside is one of the
traditional rules which is kept by her grandmother, however there are some
other rules inside the harem which have to obeyed the rules. The woman may
not listen to radio so they cannot get information about news in the world.
But, this situation does not make that woman be hidden. The women around
Fatima are the best woman in the world, although they have constraint, they
are still comfort living in harem. Fatima’s father has a doorkeeper, he keeps
the door and prevent the woman to go outside. The name of doorkeeper is
Ahmed. Although there are some rules which have to obeyed, the woman in
harem like Fatima, her mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, and another woman
still comfort because they have many activities to fill their leisure time. The
activity helps young Fatima to know development of world and she knows
about the great woman in another country. But, although her father and her
uncle may not permit woman to go outside, they love his family. The proof is
Fatima, her sister Chama, and another sister still get education. Her father and
Fatima and woman in harem have many activities. When she was
child she liked listening the story from her mother, aunt, and her sister. One
late afternoon, her mother makes time for her. She tells the story about a
thousand and one night. Besides her mother she likes listening a story from
aunt Habiba, when Fatima listens that story, she is not alone but with her
sister and cousin, like Malika and Samir. Aunt Habiba knew how to talk in
the night, Fatima, her sister, and her cousin can imagine taking ride in a large
ship sailing from Aden to the Maldives, or taking them to an island where the
bird spoke like human beings, riding on her word, Fatima, her sister, and
cousin traveled past Sind and Hind, leaving Muslim territories behind, living
dangerously, and making friends with Christians and Jew, who shared their
bizarre foods with them and watched us do our prayers, while we watched
side, she lives in a farm and there is a beautiful flower garden and very wide.
when she meets her grandmother she always asks about the differences harem
in her house and her grandmother house, Fatima’s opinion when she comes to
Yasmina’s house she can do anything, although that house is harem too. Her
sister Chama also has many stories. Chama’s story is about Caliphs and she
also tells them about woman’s stories in another country. Chama tell her
stories with theater. So, all of members in harem like to watch her theater,
cousin Zin likes to watch it. The heroines most often portrayed in Chama’s
theater were, in order of frequency: Asmahan, the actress and singer, the
thousand and One Night, and finally, important religious figures. Among the
favorites of Chama: Aisha Taymor, Zaynab Fawwaz, and Huda Sya’ rawi.
Among the religious figures, the most popular were Khadija and Aisha, the
were leaving. From then on, there were no more black litham to be seen
covering young women’s faces in Fez Medina, only old ladies and young,
newly migrant peasants kept the veil. The impact from the independence of
harem. Fatima and her sisters can school in general school. The woman feels
some people like her story about harem in Morocco. The readers of dream of
United states who said that the memoir contains a beautiful story of family,
love and strength. Shahina from Chicago, IL USA, she said the memoir is
Maplewood, New Jersey said Menerssi describe fascination life within hidden
world. But there are some people who do not like this memoir, such as Larry
from Los Angeles who said that she feels bored and sleepy when reading this
memoir. Anita Masduki said that Menerssi hates Al-Quran and Hadis because
The memoir has some points of interest for the readers to read this
style, and subject method. Character and characterization of this book, the
readers can know not only about Fatima’s childhood, but it also tells the
readers about the other attractive story. We can know the women’s character
in this memoir which struggle for justice. From setting this book, the readers
can know when that story occurs and where that story occurs. This story
occurs in 1940s and it occurs at Morocco. By setting of place and time the
readers can know about the tradition and the culture in other world, especially
Morocco at 1940s. The origins of the work comes from Fatima’s places of
exposition of the beginning, the middle and the end. From plot of this book,
we not only know about Fatima’s child also the attractive women who
struggle for justice of their freedom. And the end of this story we can know
they get the justice of their freedom. Style in here is style of the language.
The book uses everyday language as style of the language. So, the readers can
in harem life. The leisure time means that we do the activities to entertain our
self, so that we can comfort to stay at home. Leisure time can make us feel
relax with our activity. Leisure time is free time or when you are free and not
of woman. Activity in here has function to fill their free time or in their
leisure time when they feel bored, especially for woman who cannot go
outside from their house, they have to have many activities to reduce their
boring time. The activities for that woman like sewing, storytelling with
this memoir; first is because it is a story about the way of woman when they
fill their leisure time with their restrictiveness rules. The second reason is
because this memoir tells about the woman’s activities in harem area.
The first is reason the way of women when they fill their leisure
time with their restrictiveness rules. Fatima and the woman in harem have
many activities to fill their leisure time, although they have restrictiveness.
They still feel happy and are not left behind the information and development
of the world by their activities. They have manner to fill their leisure time in
are many activities that Fatima and the woman in Harem do, such theater,
dances, and storytelling about the woman’s struggle in another country and
many story also drama performance. The activities make woman in harem
believe that they still have dream to change their life, to be a free woman.
memoir, because the story of the memoir is about leisure time of woman
B. Literature Review
analysis by
of her female relatives and her own reaction to the world around
Restiwi, Siti ( 2007 ) “ between the traditional and The modern: A Critical
Girlhood (1995).
Besides two analysts above there are many analysts that use feminist,
such as:
Feminist Approach”,
And there are two other analysts who analyses this book:
C. Problem Statement
problem “How do the women fill their leisure time in Harem area and how
sociological approach.
Tales of a Harem Girlhood (1994) has benefits. The benefits of this study will
1. Theoretical Benefits
2. Practical Benefits
in literary studies
G. Research Method
kind of this research does not need statistic to collect the data.
There are two types of data, namely primary and secondary data as
a. Primary Data
b. Secondary Data
The steps taken by the researcher in analyzing the data are as follows:
Focus will be paid on the structural analysis of the memoir. The second
H. Paper Organization
literary review, problem statement, The limitation of the study, the objective
of the study, the benefit of the study, research method and paper organization.
and discussion of the finding. The research finding will describe and show the