Managing States
Managing States
Managing States
- Login Pages
o URL Rewriting – use when you want to link urls or links
Only applicable on GET method, not applicable for POST due
Lengthy data
Security issues
Placed in <a href=”place URL here of GET”>Some Text</a>
Data acquired through getParameter() with ServletRequest
URL have limited symbols that you can use because other
symbols are used on HTML code
o Hidden Fields – used when you want to pass passwords
Use on post method because password is hidden
Data acquired through getParameter() with ServletRequest
o Cookies
Server -> Client (Request, Response)
request.getCookie() to remember the cookie that the
client requested
The name and value pairs are saved in the clients computer
J Session ID – Lets say you login to chinabank every time
you input a username and password the server throws a
response which is “cookie” the cookie tries to remember your
username and password that creates a name and values pair
which is the J session ID
Now if you connect to a public wifi and access your
bank account there is a high possibility of “Session
Hijacking” – a “sniffer” is used to pretend a web
action on the URL’s J session ID
In short summary do not log in to banking sites on a
closed or public network
Session id (name) – stored in your computer’s harddrive or
clients computer
o HTTPSession Objects
The name and value pairs are saved in the server
Session data (value) stored on the server
You don’t instantiate HTTPSession object because it a
interface instead you run it through the request method.