The Rapakivi Granite Plutons of Bodom and Obbnas, Southern Finland: Petrography and Geochemistry
The Rapakivi Granite Plutons of Bodom and Obbnas, Southern Finland: Petrography and Geochemistry
The Rapakivi Granite Plutons of Bodom and Obbnas, Southern Finland: Petrography and Geochemistry
KOSUNEN, PAULA 1999. The rapakivi granite plutons of Bodom and Obb-
näs, southern Finland: petrography and geochemistry. Bulletin of the Geologi-
cal Society of Finland 71, Part 2, 275-304.
The Obbnäs and Bodom granite plutons of southernmost Finland show the
typical petrographic and geochemical features of the Proterozoic rapakivi gran-
ites in Finland and elsewhere: they cut sharply across the 1900 Ma Svecofen-
nian metamorphic bedrock and have the geochemical characteristics of sub-
alkaline A-type granites. The Bodom pluton is composed of porphyritic gran-
ites (hornblende-, hornblende-biotite-, and biotite-bearing varieties) and an even-
grained granite that probably represent two separate intrusive phases. This litho-
logic variation does not occur in the Obbnäs pluton, which is almost entirely
composed of porphyritic hornblende-biotite granite that gradually becomes more
mafic to the southwest. Three types of hybrid granitoids resulting from magma
mingling and mixing occur on the southwestern tip of the Obbnäs peninsula.
The Bodom granites are syenogranites, whereas the composition of the Obbnäs
granite varies from syeno- to monzogranite. The main silicates of both the Bo-
dom and Obbnäs granites are quartz, microcline, plagioclase (An 1541 ), biotite
(siderophyllite), and generally also amphibole (ferropargasite or hastingsite). Pla-
gioclase-mantled alkali feldspar megacrysts are absent or rare. The accessory
minerals are fluorite, allanite, zircon, apatite, and iron-titanium oxides; the Obb-
näs granite also contains titanite. The Bodom and Obbnäs granites are metalu-
minous to weakly peraluminous, with average A/CNK of 1.00 and 1.05, respec-
tively, have high Fe/Mg (average FeO tot /[FeO tot +MgO] is 0.94 for the Bodom
and 0.87 for the Obbnäs granites), and high Ga/Al (3.78 to 5.22 in Bodom and
2.46 to 4.18 in Obbnäs). The REE contents are high with LREE-enriched chon-
drite-normalized patterns and moderate (Obbnäs) to relatively strong (Bodom)
negative Eu-anomalies. The Obbnäs granite is enriched in CaO, TiOz, MgO, and
FeO, and depleted in Si0 2 and K 2 0 compared to the Bodom granites. Also, there
are differences in the Ba, Rb, and Sr contents of the two plutons (Ba and Sr
higher, Rb lower in Obbnäs) that cannot easily be traced to single parental granite
magma. These features, together with the presence of titanite in the Obbnäs plu-
ton, suggest different sources for the granites of the two plutons: a potassium
feldspar-rich source for Bodom and potassium feldspar-poor for Obbnäs.
Lake Bottom,
Rapakivi granite
Svecofennian Granite
^fltiF ™ Grano- and quartz diorite
lu saiu
® Gabro, anorthosite, and peridotite
Metabasalt and amphibolite
Porkkala-Mäntsälä Phyllite, mica schist, and mica gneiss
shear zone
Quartz-feldspar schist and gneiss
Fig. 1. a. Map showing the location and geological setting of the Bodom and Obbnäs plutons. After Laitakari et
al. (1996) and Simonen (1980). Porkkala-Mäntsälä shear zone after Elminen (1999). b. Rapakivi granite plu-
tons (dark grey) of the area surrounding the Gulf of Finland. After Koistinen (1994).
The rapakivi granite plutons of Bodom and Obbnäs, southern Finland: petrography and geochemistry 277
278 Paula Kosunen
0 Geochemical sample
1 1
1 km
Vantaanjoki river
To Helsinki
Porphyritic biotite granite
Porphyritic homblendc-biotite
Even-grained biotite-
horablende granite
Weakly porphyritic variety
of even-grained granite
Svecofennian rocks
2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542
groundmass of all varieties but is most common to An23_32 in the hornblende-biotite granite and
in the hornblende granite in which the total An32_33 in the hornblende granite. The plagiocla-
amount of quartz is lowest. se grains of the hornblende granite frequently have
The subhedral groundmass of the porphyritic albitic rims (An8_9). The central parts of the pla-
granites is mainly composed of quartz, alkali feld- gioclase grains are commonly altered to sericite,
spar, and plagioclase grains with diameters of 1
to 4 mm. Alkali feldspar is perthitic microcline 1
The mineral compositions were determined from
with a well-developed cross-hatch twinning. Pla-
polished thin sections with a Cameca Camebax SX50
gioclase grains are zoned and the anorthite electron microprobe at the Geological Survey of Finland
contents vary from An15_23' in the biotite granite in Espoo.
280 Paula Kosunen
Fig. 3. Photographs of the different granite types of the Bodom pluton: a) porphyritic biotite granite, b) porphy-
ritic hornblende-biotite granite with a chilled margin against country rock (Svecofennian gneissic granodiorite),
c) porphyritic hornblende granite, d) even-grained hornblende-biotite granite. The diameter of the lens cover in
The rapakivi granite plutons of Bodom and Obbnäs, southern Finland: petrography and geochemistry 281
a) and d) is 5 cm, the length of the hammer handle in b) is 45 cm, and the diameter of the coin in c) is 2.7 cm.
Photos: P. Kosunen.
282 Paula Kosunen
in places also to muscovite and epidote. Biotite is The mafic minerals are iron-rich, siderophyllitic
the main mafic component of the biotite granite, biotite and hastingsite or ferropargasite, which fre-
although some grains contain remnants of amphi- quently form aggregates of several grains. Biotite
bole and thus are probably secondary in origin. is the sole mafic silicate in some places close to
The hornblende-biotite granite is characterized by the outer margins of the even-grained granite. Al-
a slight preponderance of hastingsite over biotite, teration products include sericite, muscovite, epi-
whereas the hornblende granite contains only a dote, and chlorite. Fluorite and allanite are the
small amount of biotite produced by alteration of most common accessory minerals; zircon, apatite,
hastingsite or ferropargasite. The biotites are si- and oxides occur less frequently.
derophyllitic, rather than annitic, when calculated
to 22 oxygen atoms and 0 OH-groups. The mar-
gins of the biotite grains are commonly chlori-
tized. Lithological variation comparable to that in the
Fluorite, allanite, zircon, and apatite are acces- Bodom pluton is not present in Obbnäs. The whole
sory minerals in the porphyritic biotite granite; the pluton is composed of porphyritic hornblende-bi-
hornblende-biotite granite has also oxides. The otite granite, except on the southernmost tip of the
hornblende granite does not seem to contain any Obbnäs peninsula, Obbnäsudden, where three va-
allanite and the amount of fluorite is lower than rieties of hybrid granitoids produced by magma
in the other two porphyritic varieties. The porphy- mingling and mixing are exposed (Fig. 4). On the
ritic hornblende granite contains a small amount Obbnäs peninsula and Haukipää (Fig. 4) the por-
of titanite, which occurs as sub- to euhedral grains, phyritic granite also contains mainly ovoidal mag-
usually together with hornblende. Titanite is also matic microgranular enclaves. The pluton is clear-
found in the Obbnäs granites. It should be noted ly outlined with sharp, cutting contacts exposed
that titanite is a relatively common accessory min- especially in the southeast. A contact breccia is
eral in some of the rapakivi-related granites of present in the northwestern rim of the pluton,
Estonia (Soesoo & Niin 1992), the United States where the granite encloses several angular frag-
(Anderson 1980), and Brazil (Dall'Agnol et al. ments of older migmatitic granite. The porphyritic
1997), but is generally rare in the Finnish rapaki- hornblende-biotite granite gradually becomes
vi granites (Laitakari et al. 1996). more mafic towards the southwestern part of the
pluton where it seems to grade into the hybrid
granitoids. Aplitic and pegmatitic dikes, 15 to
Even-grained hornblende-biotite granite 30 cm wide, are relatively common in the south-
The even-grained granite (Fig. 3d) is distinctly red, ern part of the pluton.
medium-grained, and more homogeneous in ap- Magmatic foliation is frequently visible on the
pearance than the porphyritic granites. The grain outcrops as parallel orientation of alkali feldspar
size typically varies from 2 to 5 mm, but in the megacrysts. More intense foliation and signs of
area north of Lake Bodomjärvi and Lake Matala- brittle deformation are locally seen in the north-
järvi (Fig. 2) the rock also contains euhedral al- western part of the pluton; they probably result
kali feldspar grains up to 5 mm wide by 10 mm from movements in the Porkkala-Mäntsälä shear
long and has a weakly porphyritic texture. zone during and after crystallization of the pluton.
The euhedral to anhedral alkali feldspar grains
are crosshatched perthitic microcline, like in the
Porphyritic hornblende-biotite granite
porphyritic granites, and are locally rimmed by
plagioclase or plagioclase and quartz. Both drop The porphyritic hornblende-biotite granite of Obb-
quartz and interstitial quartz is present. The com- näs (Fig. 5a) is coarser-grained than the porphy-
position of the plagioclase is An17_2o and the sub- ritic granites of Bodom, with groundmass grains
hedral grains frequently have albitic rims (An, 2). varying mostly from 3 to 7 mm in diameter and
The rapakivi granite plutons of Bodom and Obbnäs, southern Finland: petrography and geochemistry 283
alkali feldspar megacrysts from 1 by 2 cm up to fic in character. This change in character is accom-
5 by 5 cm in plan. The granite is red in the north- panied by a change in texture: ovoidal megacrysts
ern part of the pluton, and gets a reddish-brown become more common, plagioclase mantles
hue towards the southwest, where it is more ma- around megacrysts occur more frequently, and the
284 Paula Kosunen
Fig. 5. Photographs of the porphyritic hornblende-biotite granite of Obbnäs: a) typical granite in the northern
part of the pluton, b) the slightly more mafic granite variety in the southern part of the pluton. The diameter of
the lens cover is 5 cm. Photos by P. Kosunen.
The rapakivi granite plutons of Bodom and Obbnäs, southern Finland: petrography and geochemistry 285
groundmass gets less coarse (Fig. 5b). In the feldspar megacrysts is here called 'densely por-
southern part of the pluton some euhedral plagi- phyritic' (Fig. 6a), whereas the type that has only
oclase grains are present, these are coarser than few megacrysts is 'sparsely porphyritic' (Fig. 6b).
the groundmass and vary in plan from 0.5 by 1 cm The composition of the hybrid granitoids varies
to 1 by 2 cm. from granitic (densely porphyritic) to granodior-
The alkali feldspar of both the groundmass and itic (sparsely porphyritic and even-grained). The
the megacrysts is crosshatched microcline. The even-grained granitoid is found on a small islet
megacrysts typically contain relatively coarse just south of Obbnäsudden, in contact with the
perthite lamellae as well as small euhedral crys- densely porphyritic granitoid (Fig. 6c). The sparse-
tals of plagioclase and quartz. In addition to al- ly porphyritic type generally occurs as irregular
kali feldspar, the groundmass contains variable areas within the densely porphyritic granitoid,
amounts of quartz, plagioclase (An23_27), si- which probably grades into the porphyritic horn-
derophyllitic biotite, and hastingsite. The plagi- blende-biotite granite of Obbnäs. The contacts
oclase grains are commonly altered to sericite, and between the two porphyritic types are everywhere
muscovite, epidote and carbonate also occur in well defined, but not cutting, and in places it is
places. Biotite grains occasionally have chloritized possible to see alkali feldspar megacrysts on their
rims. Accessory euhedral or subhedral titanite, way from the densely porphyritic granitoid into the
metamict allanite, and interstitial fluorite are gen- sparsely porphyritic granitoid (Fig. 6d). The
erally encountered with the main mafic constitu- sparsely porphyritic granitoid is interpreted as
ents. Small euhedral zircon, apatite, and oxide the result of intrusion of more mafic material into
grains are also present. the alkali feldspar megacryst-bearing densely
Signs of brittle deformation are frequently vis- porphyritic granite melt, which had already been
ible in thin section: quartz grains display ubiqui- hybridized in a preceding mixing event. The old-
tous undulose extinction, biotite grains and pla- er Svecofennian granite and gneisses present on
gioclase twin-lamellae are locally bent, and defor- Obbnäsudden are clearly cut by the hybrid grani-
mation lamellae can be seen in titanite grains. In toids, and locally occur as fragments in them
the northwestern part of the pluton, where defor- (Fig. 6e).
mation has been most intense, quartz is sheared In addition to the ovoidal alkali feldspar mega-
and fine-grained, and alkali feldspar megacrysts crysts (2 to 5 cm in diameter), the porphyritic
are broken with fractures often filled with quartz, hybrid granitoids contain euhedral grains of pla-
chlorite, and epidote. gioclase, which are clearly coarser (0.5 by 1 cm
to 1 by 2 cm in plan) than the groundmass. The
sparsely porphyritic granite also contains some
Evidence of interaction of two magmas:
hybrid granitoids and magmatic microgranular relatively large quartz grains (diameter up to
enclaves 1 cm), as well as mineral aggregates coarser than
the groundmass in general. The megacrysts of the
The well-exposed seashore outcrops of Obbnäsud- sparsely porphyritic granite - alkali feldspar, pla-
den, the southernmost tip of the Obbnäs peninsu- gioclase, and quartz - are commonly rounded and
la (Fig. 4), comprise several Svecofennian rock have a slightly corroded appearance, which is one
types and three types of hybrid granitoids, which of the features indicative of mingling of mafic and
belong to the Obbnäs pluton. The latter are, most felsic components in a bimodal magmatic associ-
likely, results of mingling and mixing of two mag- ation (e.g. Cantagrel et al. 1984, Didier 1987, Sa-
mas of slightly different composition. One of the lonsaari & Haapala 1994, Salonsaari 1995).
hybrid granitoids is even-grained; the other two Among the other features typical of the hybrid
types are porphyritic and differ from each other rocks, needle-like apatite is found in the granitoids
by the amount of alkali feldspar megacrysts they of Obbnäsudden, but corona textures (amphibole
contain. The type that contains abundant alkali rims around quartz grains and micrographic pla-
286 Paula Kosunen
The rapakivi granite plutons of Bodom and Obbnäs, southern Finland: petrography and geochemistry 287
gioclase-quartz mantles surrounding alkali feld- contain accessory apatite that is occasionally
spar grains) are not present. found as needle-like crystals. The An-content of
The groundmass of the densely porphyritic hy- plagioclase is 28-37 % in the densely porphyritic
brid granitoid contains the same mineral assem- granitoid and 36-41 % in the sparsely porphyrit-
blage as the porphyritic hornblende-biotite gran- ic granite; biotite of both types is siderophyllitic
ite, but the amounts of plagioclase, amphibole, (22 O, anhydrous), and amphibole is ferropargasite
biotite, titanite, and oxides are higher, and the or hastingsite. Compositions of the minerals in the
amounts of alkali feldspar, quartz, allanite, zircon, even-grained variety have not been determined.
and fluorite lower. The groundmass of the sparsely Relatively mafic microgranular enclaves of
porphyritic granitoid is finer-grained (0.5 to 1 mm) magmatic origin can be found in several places in
than that of the densely porphyritic type (1 to 3 the porphyritic hornblende-biotite granite of the
mm), and contains abundant amphibole, biotite, southern Obbnäs pluton, especially in the area of
titanite, and oxides. Plagioclase clearly predomi- Haukipää and Obbnäs peninsula (Fig. 4). The en-
nates over alkali feldspar, quartz is less common claves are usually ovoidal - deformed elongated
than in the densely porphyritic type, zircon and enclaves are found in places - and vary in size
allanite are rare, and fluorite is missing. The even- from 10 to 50 cm (Fig. 6f). They are finer-grained
grained hybrid granitoid is similar to the sparsely than the surrounding granite, contain variable
porphyritic one, but does not contain any alkali amounts of alkali feldspar megacrysts, and com-
feldspar megacrysts. All the hybrid granitoids also monly bear a resemblance to the sparsely porphy-
The rapakivi granite plutons of Bodom and Obbnäs, southern Finland: petrography and geochemistry 289
ritic hybrid granitoid of Obbnäsudden. Some en- by XRF, rare earth elements and trace elements
claves contain megacrysts that are partially inside Y, Sc, Th, U, Hf, Nb, Ta, Ga, and Zr by ICP-MS.
the surrounding granite, suggesting that the mega- Loss on ignition (L.O.I) was determined gravimet-
crysts originally crystallized from the granitic rically at 1000 °C and fluorine by ion-specific
magma and were subsequently engulfed by glob- electrode.
ules of more mafic magma intruding into the crys-
tallizing magma chamber.
Major elements
Table 1. Average major element compositions of the Bodom and Obbnäs granites and the porphyritic hybrid
Porphyritic granites
Hbl-granite Hbl-bt-granite Bt-granite granite
wt% (n = 2) (n = 6) (n = 8)
Si0 2 67.30 ±3.39 71.35 ± 1.69 73.30 ± 1.43 72.38 ± 1.72
TiOi 0.41 +0.21 0.24 ± 0.02 0.16 ±0.02 0.22 ± 0.04
A1Ä 14.05 ±0.21 13.38 ± 0 . 6 7 12.72 ±0.73 12.39 ±0.54
FeOtol 5.27 ±2.51 3.23 ± 0 . 2 2 2.48 + 0.44 3.48 ± 0.54
Fe 2 0 3tM 5.85 ±2.79 3.59 ±0.24 2.75 ± 0.49 3.87 ±0.60
MnO 0.08 ± 0.05 0.04 ±0.01 0.03 ±0.01 0.04 ±0.01
MgO 0.31 ±0.01 0.19 ±0.05 0.18 ± 0.11 0.16 ±0.07
CaO 2.09 ±1.41 1.19 ± 0.12 1.06 ±0.16 1.24 + 0.12
Na 2 0 2.95 ± 0.24 2.70 ± 0 . 1 3 2.67 ±0.19 2.50 ±0.14
K,6 5.68 ± 1.48 6.01+0.59 5.63 ±0.62 5.83 ±0.23
P2O5 0.062 ± 0.040 0.033 ± 0.005 0.024 ± 0.007 -
Porphyritic hbl- Densely porphyr. Sparsely porphyr.
bt-granite hybrid granitoid hybrid granitoid
wt% (n = 19) (n = 2) (n = 2)
syenogabbro /
essexite <4-°
1000 I monzonite\
nepheline quartz
syenite monzonite granodiorite
xsv ^ monzogranite
alkali g r a n i t e
Obbnäs is less evolved in character than the Bo- densely porphyritic hybrid granitoid contains 65.6
dom granites. It contains 66.4 to 73.8 wt% SiO, to 66.5 wt% SiO,, and has a major element com-
and has a generally lower content of K 2 0 , and a position similar to that of the least evolved sam-
higher content of Ti0 2 , CaO, MgO, and P 2 0 5 than ples of the porphyritic hornblende-biotite granite
the latter (Fig. 8 and Table 1). Samples with the (Fig. 8). The compositions of the sparsely porphy-
least evolved major element composition are ritic and even-grained granitoids are more primi-
present in the southern part of the pluton, in agree- tive with 62.4 to 62.8 and 64.6 wt% SiO,, respec-
ment with the field observations of the more ma- tively, which is probably due to a smaller propor-
fic nature of the granite in the southwest. The tion of alkali feldspar megacrysts in the mixture.
292 Paula Kosunen
Bodom Obbnäs
Finnishrapakivigranites T Porphyritic hornblende granite • Even-grained hybrid granitoid
(about 85 % of the rocks
" Porphyritic hornblende-biotite granite • Sparsely porphyritic hybrid granitoid
plot within the area)
V Porphyritic biotite granite • Densely porphyritic hybrid granitoid
O Even-grained granite H Magmatic microgranular enclave
in porphyritic hornblende-biotite granite
+ Porphyritic hornblende-biotite granite
Fig. 8. Harker-variation diagrams for the major element compositions (wt%) of the Bodom and Obbnäs granites
and the hybrid granitoids. Data for the Finnish rapakivi granite fields as in Fig. 7.
other Finnish rapakivi granites seem to be the batholith, where Rb/Ba and Rb/Sr vary from 0.13
lower P , 0 5 in Bodom and lower FeO to , and partly and 1.26 in hornblende granite to 3.45 and 26.5
higher A1 2 0, in Obbnäs. in topaz-bearing granite. The values for Rb/Ba and
According to Fig. 9, both the Bodom and Obb- Rb/Sr of the Bodom granites settle between the
näs granites are subalkaline, peraluminous to met- values for the biotite-hornblende and biotite gran-
aluminous granites, with average A/CNK values ites of Suomenniemi, as does the average Si0 2
of 1.00 and 1.05, and K 2 0 / N a 2 0 of 2.22 and 2.06, content. The Rb/Ba of the Obbnäs granite resem-
respectively; the corresponding average values for bles the average value for the hornblende granite
Finnish rapakivi granites are 0.99 and 2.33 (Rämö of Suomenniemi (lower Si0 2 than in the Obbnäs
& Haapala 1995). The granites of both plutons granite), but the Rb/Sr is clearly lower in the
also have the high Fe/Mg typical of rapakivi gran- former.
ites; the average FeO tot /(FeO tol + MgO) is 0.94 for The difference in the fluorine content of the
the Bodom granites and 0.87 for the Obbnäs gran- Bodom and Obbnäs granites is also noteworthy.
ites. In the Finnish rapakivi granites this ratio var- In the Bodom granites, the amount of fluorine
ies from 0.79 to 1.00 (Rämö & Haapala 1995). It varies from 1300 to 6600 ppm, with an average
should be noted, however, that there is a clear dif- of 3400 ppm, while the porphyritic hornblende-
ference in the overall Fe/Mg ratio between Bod- biotite granite of Obbnäs contains only 200 to
om and Obbnäs, with a higher ratio in the former. 1700 ppm fluorine, the average being as low as
The hybrid granitoids shown in Fig. 9 are excluded 1111 ppm (Table 2, Fig. 10). As the highest
from the averages above; averages for the differ- amounts of fluorine are usually encountered in
ent granitoid types are given in Table 1. highly fractionated, high-silica rapakivi granites,
the Obbnäs granite could be expected to contain
a lower amount of fluorine than the more evolved
Trace elements
Bodom granites. However, the porphyritic horn-
The average trace element composition of the blende granite of Bodom, with a lower average
Bodom and Obbnäs granites and the porphyritic S i 0 2 than the Obbnäs granite, also contains a
hybrid granitoids are given in Table 2. Rapakivi clearly higher amount of fluorine, 1750 ppm on
granites by definition have the geochemical char- the average. In the mean compositions of the Wi-
acteristics of A-type granites (Haapala & Rämö borg and Laitila rapakivi granites and the horn-
1992), which include high contents of high field blende and biotite-hornblende granites of the
strength elements such as Ga, Zr, and REE (ex- Suomenniemi complex, with Si0 2 contents lower
cluding Eu), high F content, and high Ga/Al, Rb/ than in the Obbnäs granite or close to it, the
Ba and Rb/Sr (Whalen et al. 1987, Rämö 1991). amount of fluorine is 1900 to 2600 ppm (Rämö
The trace element contents are generally higher in & Haapala 1995, Table 2), again considerably
the Bodom granites than in the porphyritic horn- higher than in the Obbnäs granite.
blende-biotite granite of Obbnäs (Fig. 10), but The average trace element composition of the
there are two important exceptions: Ba and Sr. The hybrid granitoids differs from that of the porphy-
average Rb/Ba and Rb/Sr of the Bodom granites ritic hornblende-biotite granite of Obbnäs (Fig.
are 0.44 and 3.14, while the values for the por- 10). The higher amounts of Ba and Sr in the hy-
phyritic hornblende-biotite granite of Obbnäs are brid granites suggest that the anomalously high Ba
considerably lower, 0.14 and 0.89. Rämö and Haa- and Sr contents of the Obbnäs granite could also
pala (1995, Table 2) presented area-weighted be explained by mixing, especially because the
mean composition of rapakivi granites of the Wi- contact between the hybrid granitoids and the ac-
borg and Laitila batholiths and reported Rb/Ba of tual granite is gradational. High Ba and Sr con-
0.24 and 0.23, and Rb/Sr of 2.23 and 2.50, respec- tents are, however, found also in samples from the
tively. They also presented the mean composition northern half of the pluton where no clear evi-
of different granite types of the Suomenniemi dence of mixing is present. Also, the low amount
294 Paula Kosunen
a) A/CNK 2
peraluminous peraluminous
metaluminous metaluminous
60 70 60 70
SiO,(wt%) SiO, (wt%)
b) Na,0+K,0 (wt%) 15 15
12 - 12
... %
9 9
6 +
6 0 -
Alkaline Alkaline
3 3
Subalkaline Subalkaline
0 0
40 50 60 70 80 40 50 60 70 80
SiOj (wf/o) SiO, (wt%)
1.0 1.0
(wt%) RRG+CEJG YTÅ&Y \
0.9 +
0.9 • B N+V++ +
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
60 65 70 75 60 65 70 75
Si02(wt%) Si02(wt%)
Fig. 9. Bodom and Obbnäs granites and the hybrid granitoids plotted in a) A/CNK vs. Si02, b) K20+Na20 vs.
SiO2, and c) FeOto/(FeOlcll+MgO) vs. Si02 variation diagrams. The line separating the alkaline and subalkaline
fields in b) is from Irvine and Baragar (1971). The fields in c) are from Maniar and Piccoli (1989): RRG - rift-
related granitoids, CEUG - continental epeirogenic uplift granitoids, POG - post-orogenic granitoids, IAG -
island arc granitoids, CAG - continental arc granitoids, CCG - continental collision granitoids. Data for the
Finnish rapakivi granite fields as in Fig. 7.
The rapakivi granite plutons of Bodom and Obbnäs, southern Finland: petrography and geochemistry 295
Table 2. Average trace element compositions of the Bodom and Obbnäs granites and the porphyritic hybrid granitoids*
Porphyritic granites
Hbl-granite Hbl-bt-granite Bt-granite Even-grained Porphyritic hbl- Densely Sparsely
granite bt-granite porphyr. porphyr.
hybrid hybrid
granitoid granitoid
ppm (n = 2) (n = 4) (n = 6) (n = 8) (n = 19) (n = 2) (n = 2)
F 1750 ± 3 5 3 1725 ± 700 3400 ±1200 4775 ± 1424 1111 ± 4 0 7 1105 ± 7 0 0 1780 ± 4 5 2
Cl 475 ± 2 1 9 395 ± 57 222 ± 82 342±118 239 ± 8 1 365 ± 2 3 3 655 ± 1 7 6
Ba 1788 ± 2 3 7 1309 ± 5 2 1 701 ± 2 4 7 483 ± 193 1449 + 590 2283 ± 4 2 1 1693 ± 2 5
Rb 190 ± 45 211 ± 13 269 ± 49 257 + 24 159 ± 2 2 157 ± 2 5 96 + 11
Sr 168 ± 10 131 ± 3 0 91 ± 2 4 62 ± 13 215 ± 7 8 316 ± 6 381 ± 4
Y 96 ± 2 9 78 ± 1 4 82 ± 3 4 124 ± 18 55 ± 16 53 ± 8 62 ± 1
Zr 795 ± 474 411 ± 7 6 278 ± 42 487 ± 114 432 ± 113 521 + 18 669 ± 1
Nb 74 ± 3 2 46 ± 9 42 ± 17 79 ± 12 24 ± 6 31 ± 5 34 ± 2
Th 20 ± 9 33 ± 10 44 ± 12 36 ± 4 20 ± 12 11 ± 0 5±3
Pb 27 ± 2 4 48 ± 6 48 ± 6 53 ± 6 38 ± 5 25 ± 18 _
Ga 33 ± 5 29 ± 2 28 ± 1 33 ± 1 25 ± 2 27 ± 1 27 ±2
Zn 144 ± 3 1 105 ± 18 78 ± 17 143 ± 3 7 68 ± 19 80 ± 2 7 131 ±23
V - 9.0 ± 2 . 0 7.0 ± 2 . 0 7.0 ± 3 . 0 22.0 ± 9 . 0 27.5 ± 13.4 71.5 ±19.1
Hf 20.1 ± 11.2 11.0 ± 1.6 8.7 ± 1.5 14.5 ± 2 . 5 10.5 ± 2 . 3 11.0 + 1.4 15.3 ±1.0
Sc 6.8 ± 3 . 3 4.3 ± 1.0 3.6 ± 4 . 6 5.0 ± 2 . 0 7.1 ± 2 . 0 8.8 ± 2 . 8 16.6 ±3.1
Ta - 1.7 ± 0 . 4 2.0 ± 0 . 4 3.5 ± 0 . 7 0.9 ± 0 . 2 - -
I 100
Cl Ba Rb Zr Nb Th Pb Ga Zn V Hf Sc Ta
Fig. 10. A spiderogram showing average trace element compositions (ppm) of the Bodom and Obbnäs granites
and the hybrid granitoids.
of fluorine in the hornblende-biotite granite can- rocks of Obbnäs the ratio is slightly lower, 3.01
not be explained by mixing, as the fluorine con- to 4.18 in the porphyritic hornblende-biotite gran-
tents are higher in the hybrid granites, and thus ite and 2.46 to 4.09 in the hybrid granitoids, but
mixing would have elevated the fluorine content still high enough to set them apart from S-, M-,
in the granite instead of lowering it. and I-type granites. Also, the high Zr-, Nb-, Ce-,
Despite the peculiarities in the trace element and Y-content of the Bodom and Obbnäs rocks
composition, the porphyritic hornblende-biotite separates them from highly fractionated, non-per-
granite of Obbnäs plots into the A-type granite alkaline I- or S-type granites, which can have ge-
field in the Ga/Al-discrimination diagrams, togeth- ochemical features resembling the A-type (Figs.
er with the hybrid granitoids and the Bodom gran- 11c and l i d ) .
ites (Figs. 11a and l i b ) . The Ga/Al-ratio varies In the tectonic discrimination diagrams of
from 3.78 to 5.22 in the Bodom pluton, where the Pearce et al. (1984), the Bodom and Obbnäs gran-
highest values are encountered in the even-grained ites plot into the field of within-plate granites of
granite (averages are given in Table 2). In the attenuated continental crust (Fig. 12); the Finnish
The rapakivi granite plutons of Bodom and Obbnäs, southern Finland: petrography and geochemistry 297
a) b)
1 1 ' i
/ \\
1 / i \ 1 i
1 100
' 1 1 ' 1 '
0 °
° o -
70 - s .. v o
/ \ °
o •
/ •
\ B 40
v o V 0 • ffi P
30 - B
S A v ../
M 20
I V +1 v v 1
-v. , 1..,- , 1
10 + 1 i
3 4 5 3 4 5
10000*Ga/Al 10000*Ga/Al
FeO*/MgO (K^O+Ni ijO)/CaO
V o o °
- " v O
FG + 7 •
v i o T
v ¥ o vJ- *
FG "^S-tQ \
ZH-Nb+Ce+Y Zr+Nb+Ce+Y
Y Y+Nb
even-grained Bodom granite is distinctly higher aly, average Eu/Eu* 0.52, in line with the more
than those of the porphyritic Bodom granites, primitive character of the rock. The average (La/
which supports the idea suggested by the field Yb) N and Eu/Eu* of the Finnish rapakivi granites
observations of a separate intrusion phase. All the are 9.24 and 0.26, respectively (Rämö & Haapala
patterns show a strong LREE-enrichment: the av- 1995). The smaller (La/Yb) N value and the pro-
erage (La/Yb) N is 19.0 for the porphyritic Bodom nounced negative Eu-anomaly reflect the presence
granites, 23.0 for the even-grained Bodom gran- in several Finnish rapakivi suites of highly frac-
ite, and 20.4 for the porphyritic hornblende-biotite tionated, topaz-bearing granites, which character-
granite of Obbnäs. The average Eu/Eu* for the istically show a flat chondrite-normalized pattern
porphyritic Bodom granites is 0.36, and the in- with a strong Eu-depletion. The representative
crease in the depth of the anomaly from the horn- samples of the hornblende and biotite granites of
blende granite to biotite granite (see Table 2) the Suomenniemi complex (Rämö 1991) have
agrees with the idea of a single fractionation se- REE patterns fairly similar to the Obbnäs and
ries. The strongest Eu-depletion is found in the Bodom granites (Fig. 13a).
even-grained Bodom granite, for which the aver- The hybrid granitoids (including the magmatic
age Eu/Eu* is 0.23. The porphyritic hornblende- microgranular enclave) are slightly enriched in
biotite granite of Obbnäs has a weaker Eu-anom- HREE in comparison to the porphyritic horn-
The rapakivi granite plutons of Bodom and Obbnäs, southern Finland: petrography and geochemistry 299
a) 1000
_ granite of the
Biotite granite of the T Porphyritic hornblende granite
Suomenniemi complex v Porphyritic hornblende-biotite granite
V Porphyritic biotite granite
O Even-grained granite
La Ce Pr Nd S m E u Gd Tb Dy Ho Er T m Y b Lu
b) Obbnäs
O Hybrid granitoids and the magmatic
microgranular enclave in porphyritic
hornblende-biotite granite
La Ce Pr N d S m E u G d T b D y H o Er T m Y b L u
Fig. 13. Average chondrite-normalized REE contents of a) the Bodom and Obbnäs granites compared to repre-
sentative samples of the rapakivi granites of the Suomenniemi complex (Rämö 1991), and b) the porphyritic horn-
blende-biotite granite and the hybrid granitoids of Obbnäs compared to the magmatic mafic enclaves (MME) of
the Jaala-Iitti complex (Salonsaari 1995). The normalizing values according to Taylor and McLennan (1985).
Table 3. Behavior of Ba, Rb, and Sr during fractional crystallization of two slightly different mineral assem-
blages (granitic and granodioritic) from a parent melt with composition similar to the porphyritic hornblende-
biotite granite of Obbnäs.
Fractional crystallization
(Rayleigh fractionation)
C = C 0 F (D "" (ppm) C = C0F<°-" (ppm)
F Ba Rb Sr Ba Rb Sr
0.95 1316 165 196 1349 164 201
0.93 1265 167 188 1309 167 196
0.76 867 193 130 989 190 151
0.69 724 207 109 865 202 133
0.67 685 211 103 830 206 129
0.65 647 212 98 796 210 124
Determined average amounts of Ba, Rb, and Sr in the porphyritic
hornblende-biotite granites of Obbnäs and Bodom
B a (ppm) Rb (ppm) Sr (ppm)
Obbnäs (C0) 1449 159 215
Bodom (C) 1309 211 131
D is the bulk partition coefficient. The mineral/melt partition coefficients used in the calculation of D are from Rollinson
(1993, Table 4.3).
C 0 is the trace element abundance in the parent melt (equal to the porphyritic hbl-bt granite of Obbnäs).
F is the amount of the residual (daughter) melt.
C is the trace element abundance in the residual (daughter) melt (equal to the porphyritic hbl-bt granite of Bodom).
Obbnäs granites (see Fig. 9). Detailed quantitative Niin 1992, Laitakari et al. 1996) do contain ac-
modelling and isotopic studies of the Bodom and cessory titanite. According to Dall'Agnol et al.
Obbnäs granites are currently under way and the (1997), the Jamon granite represents a magnetite-
results will be presented in a separate paper. bearing, more oxidized subgroup of the A-type
Accessory titanite is present in the porphyritic granites, while the Finnish rapakivi granites, for
hornblende-biotite granite and the hybrid grani- example, belong to 'typical' ilmenite-bearing A-
toids of the Obbnäs pluton, but it is rare in the type granites. These authors further state that the
other Finnish rapakivi granites (Laitakari et al. differences in the oxygen fugacities of these two
1996). Some of the Proterozoic rapakivi granites groups reflect differences in magma sources or in
elsewhere, for example the Wolf River batholith magmatic evolution. The presence of accessory
in Wisconsin, U.S.A. (Anderson 1980), the Jamon titanite in the Obbnäs pluton suggests that it is
granite in Brazil (Dall'Agnol et al. 1997), and sev- more oxidized than the Bodom pluton in which
eral of the Estonian rapakivi granites (Soesoo & rare titanite is found only in the porphyritic horn-
302 Paula Kosunen
blende granite. Also, the comparatively lower Fe- and plagioclase ( A n ^ , ) , with iron-rich biotite
O tot /(FeO tol +MgO) in the Obbnäs granite is indic- and/or amphibole (ferropargasite or hastingsite) as
ative of more oxidizing conditions during the mag- the mafic silicates. Accessory minerals include
matic evolution of the Obbnäs pluton, compared fluorite, zircon, allanite, apatite, oxides, and - in
to that of the Bodom pluton and similar Finnish the Obbnäs pluton - titanite.
rapakivi granites. The Jamon and Musa granites 5. The Bodom and Obbnäs granites have the
of the Amazonian Craton also display Fe/Mg sim- geochemical characteristics of subalkaline A-type
ilar to those of the Obbnäs granite (Dall'Agnol et granites. They are metaluminous to slightly per-
al. 1999). These observations are compatible with aluminous, with average A/CNK of 1.00 (Bodom)
the idea of different sources for the Obbnäs and and 1.05 (Obbnäs). Fe/Mg is high for both the
Bodom granites. Bodom and Obbnäs granites: average FeO,OI/
Interestingly enough, some of the Estonian ra- (FeO, ot +MgO) is 0.94 and 0.87, respectively. They
pakivi granites show features similar to the Obb- also have high Ga/Al and plot into the A-type
näs granite: they contain accessory titanite, have granite field in the discrimination diagrams of
low contents of F, high contents of B a, and a low Whalen et al. (1987). The REE contents are high
Rb/Sr (Soesoo & Niin 1992, Kirs & Petersell with LREE-enriched chondrite-normalized pat-
1994, Rämö et al. 1996). Further work to find out terns and moderate to relatively pronounced neg-
the extent of these similarities, as well as their ative Eu-anomalies.
implications, is required. 6. The differences in the Ba, Rb, and Sr con-
tents of the porphyritic hornblende-biotite gran-
ites of Bodom and Obbnäs cannot be adequately
CONCLUSIONS explained by fractional crystallization of either
granitic or granodioritic mineral assemblages, so
The following conclusions can be made consid- the plutons are, most likely, separate intrusions
ering the granite plutons of Bodom and Obbnäs: with different sources.
1. The mode of occurrence of the granites of 7. Compared to the Bodom granites, the Obb-
the two plutons is typical of the Finnish rapakivi näs granite is partly enriched in CaO, Ti0 2 , MgO,
granites: they sharply crosscut the Paleoprotero- and FeO, depleted in Si0 2 and K 2 0, contains high
zoic (Svecofennian) metamorphic bedrock, and amounts of Ba and Sr, and has a relatively small
occasionally enclose fragments of these older average negative Eu-anomaly. These features can
rocks. be explained by different protoliths: a potassium
2. The Bodom pluton comprises two intrusion feldspar-rich (-granodioritic) for the Bodom and
phases: a fractionation series of porphyritic gran- a potassium feldspar-poor (-tonalitic or quartz
ites (hornblende, hornblende-biotite, and biotite dioritic) for the Obbnäs granites.
granite) and a slightly younger phase composed
of even-grained granite. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I wish to thank Profes-
3. The main rock type of the Obbnäs pluton is sor Ilmari Haapala for initiating the study, Dr.
porphyritic hornblende-biotite granite, which be- Seppo Lahti for providing unpublished geochem-
comes more mafic towards the southwestern part ical data, and Dr. O. Tapani Rämö for his expert
of the pluton. Three different types of hybrid rocks advice. Professor Roberto Dall'Agnol and Dr. Ulf
produced by magma mingling and mixing are B. Andersson, to whom I offer my sincerest thanks,
found on the southernmost tip of the Obbnäs pe- also provided useful comments and insights. The
ninsula; in the southern part of the pluton the gran- research was supported by the Academy of Fin-
ite also contains magmatic microgranular en- land. This paper is a contribution to 1GCP Project
claves. 426 (Granite Systems and Proterozoic Litho-
4. The Bodom and Obbnäs granites are main- spheric Processes).
ly composed of quartz, alkali feldspar (microcline)
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