The University of Dodoma: Degree Programmes and Admission Criteria For 2017/2018

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SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
College of Business Studies and Law

Bachelor of Arts in DM027 Diploma in Economics, 4 3 75 1,000,000

Economics (BA - EC) Accountancy, Commerce,
Banking and Finance, or Tax
Administration with an
average of “B” or GPA of 3.0

Two or more principal passes in any of the

1 following subjects: Physics,
Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography,
Economics, History, Commerce or
Accountancy. In addition, a subsidiary pass
in Advanced Mathematics /Basic Applied
Mathematics or at least a credit pass in
Mathematics at O‟ level is required.

Bachelor of Arts in DM028 Diploma in Economics, 4 3 75 1,000,000

Economics and Sociology Accountancy, Commerce,
(BA - ES) Banking and Finance, Social
Works , Sociology or Tax
Two or more principal passes in any of the Administration with an
following subjects: Physics, average of “B” or GPA of 3.0
2 Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography,
Economics, History, Commerce or
Accountancy. In addition, a subsidiary pass
in Advanced Mathematics /Basic Applied
Mathematics, or at least a credit pass in
Mathematics at O‟ level is required.

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Business DM033 Diploma in Business Studies, 4 3 150 1,000,000
Administration (BBA) Business Administration,
Accountancy, Banking and
Finance, Procurement and
Two principal passes in any subjects, except Supplies Management,
3 Religious studies, with a Commerce, Economics, or
subsidiary pass in Mathematics and/or Basic Marketing with an average of
Applied Mathematics at A‟ level or at least “B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
“C” grade in Mathematics at the O‟ level. passes at O‟ level.

Bachelor of Commerce in DM034 Two principal passes in any subjects, except Diploma in Accounting, 4 3 150 1,000,000
Accounting (BCOM - AC) Religious studies, with a Accountancy, Banking and
subsidiary pass in Mathematics and/or Basic Finance, Procurement and
Applied Mathematics at A‟ level or at least Supplies Management,
“C” grade in Mathematics at the O‟ level. Commerce, Economics with an
average of “B” or GPA of 3.0 and
four passes at O‟ level.

Bachelor of Commerce in DM035 Two principal passes in any subjects, except Diploma in Commerce, 4 3 150 1,000,000
Finance (BCOM - FN) Religious studies, with a Accountancy, Banking and
subsidiary pass in Mathematics and/or Basic Finance, Procurement and
Applied Mathematics at A‟ level or at least Supplies Management,
“C” grade in Mathematics at the O‟ level. Commerce, Economics with an
5 average of “B” or GPA of 3.0
and four passes at O‟ level.

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Commerce in DM036 Two principal passes in any subjects, except Diploma in Commerce, Human 4 3 75 1,000,000
Human Resource Religious studies, with a Resource Management, Public
Management (BCOM- subsidiary pass in Mathematics and/or Basic Administration, Accountancy,
HRM) Applied Mathematics at A‟ level or at least Banking and Finance,
“C” grade in Mathematics at the O‟ level. Procurement and Supplies
6 Management, Commerce,
Economics with an average of
“B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
passes at O‟ level.

Bachelor of Commerce in DM037 Two principal passes in any subjects, except Diploma in Commerce or 4 3 50 1,000,000
Small Business and Religious studies, with a Entrepreneurship, Accountancy,
Entrepreneurship (BCOM - subsidiary pass in Mathematics and/or Basic Banking and Finance,
SBE) Applied Mathematics at A‟ level or at least Procurement and Supplies
“C” grade in Mathematics at the O‟ level. Management, Commerce,
Economics with an average of
“B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
passes at O‟ level.

Bachelor of Commerce in DM038 Two principal passes in any subjects, except Diploma in Commerce or 4 3 50 1,000,000
International Business Religious studies, with a International Business
(BCOM - IB) subsidiary pass in Mathematics and/or Basic Accountancy, Banking and
Applied Mathematics at A‟ level or at least Finance, Procurement and
“C” grade in Mathematics at the O‟ level. Supplies Management,
Commerce, Economics with an
average of “B” or GPA of 3.0 and
four passes at O‟ level

Bachelor of Commerce in DM039 Two principal passes in any subjects, except Diploma in Commerce or 4 3 75 1,000,000
Tourism and Hospitality Religious studies, with a Tourism Management,
Management (BCOM- subsidiary pass in Mathematics and/or Basic Accountancy, Banking and
THM) Applied Mathematics at A‟ level or at least Finance, Procurement and
“C” grade in Mathematics at the O‟ level. Supplies Management,
Commerce, Economics with an
average of “B” or GPA of 3.0
and four passes at O‟ level.

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Commerce in DM040 Two principal passes in any subjects, except Diploma in Commerce, 4 3 75 1,000,000
Marketing (BCOM-MKT) Religious studies, with a Accountancy, Banking and
subsidiary pass in Mathematics and/or Basic Finance, Procurement and
Applied Mathematics at A‟ level or at least Supplies Management,
10 “C” grade in Mathematics at the O‟ level. Commerce, Marketing, or
Economics with an average of
“B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
passes at "O‟ level.

Bachelor of Art in DM045 Two or more principal passes in any of the Diploma in Economics or 4 3 75 1,0 00,000
Economics and Statistics following subjects: Physics, Statistics with an average of
(BA - Eco. Stat) Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography, “B” or GPA of 3.0
Economics, Commerce or Accountancy. In
11 addition, a subsidiary pass in Advanced
Mathematics /Basic Applied Mathematics or
at least a credit pass in Mathematics at O‟
level is required.

Bachelor of Laws (LLB) DM047 Two principal passes with a minimum of two Diploma in Law or Law 4 4 200 1,500,000
D's, one of which must be in History or Enforcement or any other
English. An applicant without History or related Diploma with an
12 English at A' level must have a credit pass average of “B” or GPA of 3.0
(grade “C” or higher) at O' level. and four passes at O‟ level.

Bachelor of Commerce in DM066 Two principal passes in any subjects, except Diploma in Commerce or 4 3 150 1,000,000
Procurement and Logistic Religious studies, with a Procurement and Logistics
Management (BCOM- subsidiary pass in Mathematics and/or Basic Management, Accountancy, or
PLM) Applied Mathematics at A‟ level or at least Economics with an average of
“C” grade in Mathematics at the O‟ level. “B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
passes at O‟ level.

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Commerce in DM067 Two principal passes in any of the following Diploma in Commerce, Business 4 3 75 1,000,000
Information Management subjects, except Religious Management, Accountancy, or
(BCOM- IM) studies, with a subsidiary pass in Economics with an average of
Mathematics and/or Basic Applied “B” or
Mathematics at A‟ level or at least “C” grade GPA of 3.0 and four passes at
14 in Mathematics at the O‟ level O‟ level.

Bachelor of Business DM073 4 3 50 1,200,000

Administration (BBA - Diploma in Business
Evening) Administration, Commerce or
Procurement and Logistics
15 Two principal passes in any subjects, except Accountancy, Banking and
Religious studies, with a Finance, Marketing, or
subsidiary pass in Mathematics and/or Basic Economics with an average of
Applied Mathematics at A‟ level or at least “B” or GPA of 3.0
“C” grade in Mathematics at the O‟ level. and four passes at O‟ level .

College of Earth Sciences

Bachelor of Science in DM014 Two principal passes in Physics, Chemistry, Diploma/FTC in Geology with 4 3 50 1,500,000
Applied Geology Mathematics, Geography at A Level. an average of "B" or GPA of
16 3.0 and four passes at ‘O’ Level
science subjects

Bachelor of Science in DM015 Two principal passes of at least “D” grade in Diploma/FTC in Mining 4 4 30 1,500,000
Mining Engineering Mathematics and Physics and atleast “E” Engineering with an average
grade in Chemistry or Geography at A Level. of "B" or GPA of 3.0 and four
passes at ‘O’ level science

Bachelor of Science in DM016 Two principla passes of atleast “D” grade in Diploma/FTC in Mineral 4 4 30 1,500,000
Metallurgy and Mineral Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry at A- Processing Enginering with an
Processing Engineering Level, and those without principal pass in average of "B" or GPA of 3.0
chemistry, must have atleast ‘C’ in Chemistry and four passes at ‘O’ level
at "O" Level. science subjects .

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Science in Geo- DM077 Two principal passes in Physics and Diploma in Geo-informantics or 4 4 45 1,500,000
informatics Mathematics. any other related Diploma with
an average of "B" of GPA of 3.0
and four passes at ‘O’ level.

Bachelor of Science in DM078 Two principal passes at A-Level in any of the Diploma in Water Supply and 4 4 50 1,500,000
Environmental following two subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Sanitation Engineering,
Engineering Mathematics or Geography. Evironmental Engineering, Civil
Engineering, Mining
Engineering, Water Resources
Engineering, and Irrigation
Engineering with an average
pass of B or GPA of 3.0 from a
recognized institution and
approved by Senate with passes
at “O” level in Mathematics and
two of the following subjects -
Physics, Chemistry, Biology and

Bachelor of Science in DM079 Two principal passes in any of the two Diploma in Laboratory Science 4 3 50 1,500,000
Environmental Sciences subjects: Advanced Mathematics, Physics, and Technology, Food Science
Chemistry, Biology or Geography. and Technology, Environmental
Health Sciences, Water Supply
and Sanitation Engineering,
Civil Engineering, Mining
Engineering, Water Resources
Engineering, Irrigation
Engineering, Geology,
Aquaculture/Marine Sciences,
Agriculture, Forestry, or Botany,
with an average of “B” or GPA
of 3.0

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Science in DM080 Two principal passes in Mathematics and Diploma in Renewable Energy 4 4 30 1,500,000
Renewable Energy Physics, and principal or subsidiary pass in or any other related Diploma
Engineering Chemistry at A‟ level. Those without a with an average of “B” or GPA
principal or subsidiary pass in Chemistry of 3.0 from a recognized
must have at least a pass at O‟ level. institution approved by Senate.
In addition one must have at
least B grade pass in any
22 mathematics related subject in
the Diploma or “C” pass in
Mathematics and any two
principal passes in Physics,
Chemistry, and Geography in O‟

College of Education
Bachelor of Education in DM048 Diploma in Education, Adult 4 3 76 700,000
Arts Education, and Education
Two principal passes in any of the following Management with an average
23 two Arts subjects: Kiswahili, English, of “B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
Literature, History, Geography, French, passes at O‟ level.
Arabic, or Economics.

Bachelor of Education in DM049 Diploma in Education 4 3 76 700,000

Commerce (Economics, Accountancy,
Two principal passes, one of which must be Commerce, Book-keeping)
Economics, Commerce, with an average of “B”or GPA of
Accountancy or Mathematics. A subsidiary 3.0 and a pass in Mathematics
pass at A‟ level or grade “C” in Mathematics plus other 3 subjects at O‟ level.
at O' level is required.

Bachelor of Education in DM050 Diploma in Education, Adult 4 3 140 700,000

Psychology Two principal passes in any of the two Arts Education, and Education
or Science subjects: Kiswahili, English, Management with an average
Literature, History, Geography, French, of “B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
25 Arabic, Economics, Mathematics, Physics, passes at O‟ level.
Chemistry or Biology.

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Education in DM051 Diploma in Education, Adult 4 3 240 700,000
Special Needs Education, Education
Two principal passes in any of the two Arts
Management as appropriate
or Science subjects: Kiswahili, English,
with two teaching subjects
Literature, History, Geography, French,
26 with an average of “B” or GPA
Arabic, Economics, Mathematics, Physics,
of 3.0 and four passes at O‟
Chemistry or Biology.

Bachelor of Education in DM052 Two principal passes in any of the two Arts Diploma in Education, Adult 4 3 270 700,000
Adult Education and or Science subjects: Kiswahili, English, Education& Community
Community Development Literature, History, Geography, French, Development, or Education
Arabic, Economics, Mathematics, Physics, Management with an average
Chemistry or Biology. of “B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
passes at O‟ level.

Bachelor of Education in DM053 Diploma in Education, Adult 4 3 250 700,000

Two principal passes in any of the following
Early Childhood Education, or Education
two Arts or Science subjects: Kiswahili,
Education Management with an average
English, Literature, History, Geography,
28 of “B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
French, Arabic, Economics, Mathematics,
passes at O‟ level.
Physics, Chemistry or Biology.

Bachelor of Education in DM054 Diploma in Education, Adult 4 3 130 700,000

Guidance and Counseling Two principal passes in any of the following Education, Community
two Arts or Science subjects: Kiswahili, Development, or Education
English, Literature, History, Geography, Management with an average
French, Arabic, Economics, Mathematics, of “B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
Physics, Chemistry or Biology. passes at O‟ level.

Bachelor of Education in DM055 Diploma in Education, Adult 4 3 93 700,000

Administration and Education, Community
Management Development, or Education
Two principal passes in any of the following Management with an average
30 two Arts or Science subjects: Kiswahili, of “B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
English, Literature, History, Geography, passes at O‟ level.
French, Arabic, Economics, Mathematics,
Physics, Chemistry or Biology.

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Education in DM056 Two principal passes in any of 4 3 93 700,000
Policy, Planning and the following two Arts or
Management Science subjects:
Kiswahili, English, Literature,
History, Geography, French,
Arabic, Economics,
Mathematics, Physics,
Chemistry or Biology.
Two passes in Arts or Science teaching
subjects in ACSEE
Bachelor of Education in DM057 Two principal passes in any of the following Diploma in Education with an 4 3 120 1,200,000
Science Science subject: Physics, average of “B” or GPA of 3.0
Chemistry, Biology and/or Mathematics and four passes at O‟ level.

Bachelor of Education in DM060 Two principal passes in any of the following Diploma in Education with an 4 3 76 1,200,000
Science with ICT Science subject: Physics, Chemistry, Biology average of “B” or GPA of 3.0 and
and/or Mathematics. four passes at O‟ level.

College of Health Sciences

Doctor of Medicine DM001 Three principal passes in Physics, Certificate of Secondary 8 5 100 1,800,000
Chemistry and Biology with minimum Education Examination (CSEE)
entry of 8 points. Whereby one must have at with at least Five (5) passes
least C grade in Chemistry and including two
Biology and at least D grade in Physics. credit passes in Chemistry and
Biology and a D grade in Physics
PLUS Diploma in Clinical
34 Medicine
with an average of “B+’’ or
GPA of 3.5
BSc (lower second) majoring in
Chemistry, Biology /Zoology.

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Science in DM002 Three principal passes in Chemistry, Certificate of Secondary 6 4 70 1,500,000
Nursing Biology, and either Physics or Education Examination (CSEE)
Mathematics or Nutrition with a minimum with at least Five (5) passes
of 6 points. Whereby one must have at least including two
C grade in Chemistry and at least D grade in credit passes in Chemistry and
Biology and E grade in Phyiscs or Biology and a D grade in Physics
Mathematics or Nutrition. PLUS Diploma or Advanced
Diploma in Nursing or Midwifery
with an average of “B+’’ or
GPA of 3.5
BSc (lower second) majoring in
Physics/Mathematics, Chemistry,
Biology /Zoology.

College of Humanities and

Social Sciences
Bachelor of Arts in DM022 Two principal passes in two language Diploma in Education subject 4 3 50 800,000
Literature subjects (Kiswahili/English/French with an average of “B” or GPA
/Arabic). of 3.0 and four passes at O‟
Bachelor of Arts in Public DM029 Diploma in Public 4 3 155 800,000
Administration (BA - PA) Administration, Human
Resources Management or
Two principal passes in the following Arts Education with an average of
subjects: “B”
History/Geography/Kiswahili /English or GPA of 3.0 and four passes
/French at O‟ level.

Bachelor of Art in DM041 Two or more principal passes in any of the Diploma in Environmental 4 3 55 1,000,000
Environmental Economics following subjects: Physics, Studies, Economics or
and Policy (BA - EEP) Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography, Environmental Engineering
Economics, Commerce or Accountancy. In with an average of “B”
addition, a subsidiary pass in Advanced or GPA of 3.0
Mathematics /Basic Applied Mathematics or
atleast a credit pass in Mathematics at O‟
level is required.

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Arts in DM072 Diploma in Education (Kiswahili 4 3 60 800,000
Kiswahili Literature and literature as Teaching
subjects) with an average of
“B” or GPA of
Two principal passes in the following two 3.0 and four passes at O‟ level.
language subjects:
Kiswahili/English/French /Arabic

Bachelor of Arts in DM076 Diploma in Translation and 4 3 50 800,000

Translation and Interpretation or any other
Interpretation related Diploma with an
40 Two principal passes in languages, one must average of “B” or GPA
be in the English, French or of 3.0 and four passes at O‟
Kiswahili. level.

Bachelor of Arts in History DM018 Diploma in Education (History 4 3 100 800,000

as one of teaching subject) with
an average of “B” or GPA of
3.0 and
four passes at O‟ level.
Two principal passes, one in History.
Bachelor of Arts in DM019 Diploma in Education with 4 3 100 800,000
Kiswahili Linguistics Kiswahili and Language are the
major teaching subjects with an
42 average of
“B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
passes at O‟ level.
Two principal passes, one in Kiswahili.
Bachelor of Arts in English DM020 Diploma in Education with an 4 3 80 800,000
average of “B” or GPA of 3.0
and four passes at O‟ level.
Two principal passes, one in English.
Bachelor of Arts in French DM021 Diploma in Education with an
Two principal passes, one of which must be in French. 4 3 50 800,000
average of “B” or GPA of 3.0
and four passes at O‟ level.

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Arts in DM023 Diploma in Tourism and 4 3 200 800,000
Tourism and Cultural Two principal passes in any of the following Cultural Heritage with an
Heritage Arts subjects average of “B” or GPA of 3.0
(History/Kiswahili/English /French/Fine and four passes at O‟
Art) level.

Bachelor of Arts in DM024 Two principal passes, one in any of the Diploma in Theatre and Film 4 3 50 800,000
Theatre and Film following language subject with an average of “B” or GPA
(Kiswahili/English/French) of 3.0 and four passes at O‟
Bachelor of Arts in Fine DM025 Two principal passes in the following Arts Diploma in Fine Arts and Design 4 3 50 800,000
Arts and Design subjects (History/Kiswahili/English with an average of “B” or GPA
/French/Fine Art) of 3.0 and four passes at O‟
Bachelor of Arts in DM030 Diploma in Public 4 3 160 800,000
Political Science and Administration, Human
Public Administration (BA Resources Management or
- PSPA) Two principal passes in the following Arts Education with an average of
subjects: “B”
History/Geography/Kiswahili /English or GPA of 3.0 and four passes
/French at O‟ level.

DM031 Diploma in Environmental 4 3 200 800,000

Studies, Environmental Health
Sciences, or Environmental
Engineering with
an average of “B” or GPA of
49 3.0 and four passes at O‟ level,
one of which must be in
Two principal passes, one must be in Geography with atleast “C”
Geography and another in Economics, grade.
History, Biology or Mathematics.
Bachelor of Arts in Geography and Environmental Studies (BAGE)

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Arts in DM032 Diploma in Sociology, 4 3 150 800,000
Sociology (BA - SO) Education, Social Works,
Developments Studies,
Community Development, or
50 Two principal passes in the following Arts Gender and Development with
subjects an average of “B” or GPA of
History/Geography/Kiswahili /English 3.0 and four passes at O‟ level.

Bachelor of Art in Project DM042 Two principal passes in History, Geography Diploma in Project Planning, 4 3 180 800,000
Planning, Management or Economics at A‟ level and at Community Development, or
and Community least a “D” grade in Mathematics at O‟ level Development Studies with an
51 Development or two principal passes in Science subjects. average of
“B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
passes at O‟ level.

Bachelor of Arts in DM043 Diploma in Environmental 4 3 130 800,000

Environmental Disaster Studies, Environmental
Management Engineering with an average of
“B” or GPA of 3.0
52 Two principal passes in two subjects, one and four passes at O‟ level, one
must be in Geography and the other of which must be in Geography
from either Economics, Mathematics, Biology or Mathematics.
or History

Bachelor of Art in DM044 Diploma in Development 4 3 120 800,000

Development Studies (BA - Studies or Community
DS) Two principal passes in the following Arts Development with an average
53 subjects of “B” or GPA of 3.0
History/Geography/Kiswahili /English and four passes at O‟ level

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Art in DM046 Diploma in International 4 3 140 800,000
International Relations Relations Sociology, Social
(BA - IR) Works, Community
Development, Human
Resources Management, or
Two principal passes in the following Arts Public Administration with an
subjects: average of “B” or GPA of 3.0
History/Geography/Kiswahili /English and four passes at O‟ level.

Bachelor of Arts with DM058 Two principal passes in any of the following Diploma in Education with an 4 3 510 700,000
Education two Arts subjects: Kiswahili, average of “B” or GPA of 3.0
55 English, Literature, History, Geography, and four passes at O‟ level.
French, Arabic, or Economics.

Bachelor of Art in DM065 Two principal passes in any of the following Diploma in Political Sciences, 4 3 80 800,000
Philosophy and Political Arts subjects: History/ Philosophy, Sociology, Social
Science (BA - Phil) Geography/ Kiswahili/English/French Works, Community
Developments, or
International Relations and
Diplomacy with an average of
“B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
passes at O‟

Bachelor of Arts in DM068 Two principal passes in the following two Diploma in Education with an 4 3 30 800,000
Oriental Languages ( BA language subjects: average of “B” or GPA of 3.0
in Arabic) Kiswahili/English/French /Arabic and four passes at O‟ level.

Bachelor of Arts in DM069 Two principal passes in the following two Diploma in Education with an 4 3 50 800,000
Oriental Languages (BA in language subjects: average of “B” or GPA of 3.0
Chinese) Kiswahili/English/French /Arabic and four passes at O‟ level.

College of Informatics and Virtual Education

Bachelor of Science in DM003 Two principal passes in Mathematics and Diploma/FTC in Computer 3 90 1,200,000
Computer Science Physics/ Geography/ Science , Information
59 Economics/Chemistry. Technology, or Computer
Engineering with an average 4
of “B” or GPA of 3.0 and four

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Science in DM004 Two principal passes in Mathematics/ Physics/ Diploma/FTC in Computer 3 90 1,200,000
Information System Geography/ Chemistry/ Science, Information Technology
Economics/ Accountancy/ Commerce. , or Computer Engineering with
60 an
average of “B” or GPA of 3.0
and four passes at O‟ level
Bachelor of Science in DM005 Two principal passes in Mathematics and Diploma/FTC Computer Science, 4 100 1,500,000
Software Engineering Physics. Software Engineering,
Information Technology, or
Engineering with an average of
“B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
passes at O‟ level
Bachelor of Science in DM006 Two principal passes in Mathematics/ Physics/ Diploma/FTC in Business Studies 3 100 1,200,000
Business Information Geography/ Chemistry/ with an average of “B” or GPA
Systems Economics/ Accountancy/ Commerce. of 3.0 and four passes at O‟ level
Bachelor of Science in DM007 Diploma/FTC in Computer 4 85 1,500,000
Computer Engineering Sciences, Information
Technology, Computer
Engineering , or
63 Telecommunication Engineering
with an average of “B” or GPA
of 3.0 and four passes at O‟ level

Two principal passes in Mathematics and Physics. 4

Bachelor of Science in DM008 Diploma/FTC in Computer 4 85 1,500,000
Telecommunications Sciences, Information
Engineering Technology, Computer
Engineering , Electronics or
64 Telecommunication Engineering
with an average of “B” or GPA
of 3.0 and four passes at O‟ level

Two principal passes in Mathematics and Physics. 4

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Science in DM062 Two principal Level passes in Mathematics/ Diploma/FTC in Health Sciences 3 90 1,200,000
Health Information Physics/ with an average of “B” or GPA
Systems Geography/Chemistry/Biology. If one of the of 3.0 and four passes at O‟ level.
principal is not in Mathematics, a subsidiary
pass in Mathematics or Physics or a grade “C”
in Mathematics or Physics at O‟ level is
Bachelor of Science in DM063 Two principal passes in Mathematics and Diploma/FTC in Computer 3 100 1,200,000
Computer and Physics/Geography/Chemistry/Economics Sciences, Information
Information Security Technology, Computer
Engineering, or Electronics and
66 Telecommunication Engineering
with an average of “B” or GPA
of 3.0 and four passes at O‟ level.

Bachelor of Science in ICT DM074 Two principal passes in the following subjects: Diploma in Computer Science, 3 100 1,200,000
Mediated Content Mathematics/ Physics/ Information and Communication
Development Geography/Chemistry/ Economics/ Biology/ Technology, Computer
Nutrition/Agriculture. Engineering, or
67 Telecommunication Engineering
with an average of “B” or GPA
of 3.0 and four passes at O‟ level.

Bachelor of Science in DM075 Two principal passes in the following subject: Diploma in Multimedia 3 100 1,200,000
Multimedia Technology & Mathematics/ Physics/ Technology or any other related
Animation (BSc MTA) Geography/ Chemistry/ Economics/ Biology/ Diploma with an average of “B”
Nutrition/Agriculture. or GPA of 3.0
and four passes at O‟ level.
College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Science in DM009 Two principal passes at “D” grade or higher Diploma in Education, Technical 4 3 70 1,200,000
Physics in Physics and in the following subjects: Education, Laboratory
Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology or Technology with an average of
Geography. “B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
passes at "O‟ level and a credit
69 pass in Physics at O‟ level.

Bachelor of Science in DM010 Two principal passes at “D” grade or higher Diploma in Education, 4 3 110 1,200,000
Chemistry in Chemistry and one of the Pharmacy, Laboratory
following subjects: Physics, Mathematics, Technology with an average of
Biology, Geography or Nutrition. “B” or GPA of 3.0 and
four passes at O‟ level including
a credit pass in Chemistry at O‟

Bachelor of Science in DM011 Two principal passes at “D” grade or higher Diploma in Education, 4 3 180 1,200,000
Biology in Biology and one of the Agriculture, Forestry with an
following subjects: Chemistry, Physics or average of “B” or GPA of 3.0
Geography. and four passes at
"O" level and a credit pass in
71 Biology at O‟ level

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

DM012 Two principal passes one of which must be Diploma for which Mathematics 4 3 200 1,200,000
Advanced Mathematics. is a Major Subject. e. g. Diploma
in Education, FTC, Diploma in
Engineering with an average of
72 “B” or GPA of 3.0 and four
passes at O‟ level

SN Programme Code Equivalent qualifications Minimum Duration Capacity Tuition Fee
Admission requirements: Direct Entry Admission (Years) TZS
(Form 6) Point
Bachelor of Science in DM013 Diploma in Statistics or any 4 3 150 1,200,000
Statistics other Diploma/FTC which
Mathematics is a major subject
e. g. Diploma in Education, FTC,
Diploma in Engineering with
an average of “B” or GPA of
3.0 and four passes at O‟
Two passes one of which must be
Bachelor of Science with DM059 Two principal level passes in any of the 4 3 120 1,200,000
Education following two Science teaching
74 subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Diploma in Education with an
Physics average of “B” or GPA of 3.0
and four passes at O‟ level.
Bachelor of Science in DM081 Two principalpasses in Science subjects, one 4 3 80 120,000.00
Aquaculture and Aquatic of which must be Biology
Science Diploma in Biological Sciences
75 with GPA not less than 3.5 or B+
grade or distinction or B grade
for FTC. AND five passes with at
least three credits at ‘O’ Level


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