Mobile Computing
Mobile Computing
Mobile Computing
A code of conduct. Defines how a company’s employees should act on a day-to-day basis.
It reflects the organization’s daily operations, core values and overall company culture. As a
result, every code of conduct is unique to the organization it represents. Yet many companies
struggle with how to write a great code of conduct and, as a result, their codes fall short.
All members of British computer society agree to abide by the BCS code of conduct and to
observe the provisions of the BCS code of Good practice.
The BCS code of conduct specifies out the professional standard required by BCS as a
condition of membership. This applies to students, and affiliates and also non members who
offer their expertise as part of BCS professional advise register.
The BCS code of good practice. it is intended to help BCS members personally by providing
a frame work of guidance into which their particular needs can be fitted
Software engineering code of Ethics and professional practice which acts as a professional
standard for teaching and practicing software engineering
Client and employer- software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of
their client and employer, consistent with the public interest
Product –software engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications meet
the highest professional standard possible.
Profession- software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession
consistent with the public interest.
Colleagues-software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of the colleagues. Several other
codes of conduct include
Everyone granted access to Metropolitan information Data must abide by the ICT code of
Violation of one or more of the rules in this code of conduct may result in the user being
denied access to MIU Data for a period determined by or on behalf of the Board. This period
will be no longer than one year. The period may be extended in the event of repeated
Access codes are strictly for personal use, and may not be lent out to others.
System administrators are not allowed to ask you for your access codes under any
Lending out access codes to third parties is prohibited. MID data’s parent network, prohibits
the use of its network by third parties.
There is no need to lend out your access code to fellow students or colleagues: they have
been issued their own access codes.
For example, choose a password made up of the first letters of a sentence you find easy to
remember, and change one or two letters into characters. ‘I hardly ever eat cabbage anymore'
would then become Ihe!ca. Keep in mind that specially designed software can be used to find
out your password by means of password guessing if you choose anything obvious. Your
username and password must always be different.
Saving your data on the server will limit damage to your files in the event of a major incident:
backups are made of all files you save on the server, which is more effectively protected
against viruses and other threats than your own computer.
If possible, use a firewall on your pc at home, and regularly install updates of your operating
MIUemployees and/or students may not use University Data to engage in activities that are in
violation of any law.
MIU employees have a relationship with the MIU subject to employment law, and may be
subject to additional rules on the basis of their collective labour agreement.
In spite of freedom of expression, there are limits to what is deemed acceptable. Make sure to
observe proper conduct. Try to keep in mind the old adage ‘do unto others as you would have
them do unto you'.
This includes software for which the required licensing fees have not been paid and software
that disrupts normal operation of the computer and/or University network. Software
applications such as BitTorrent are not illegal, but the consequences of their use almost
always are.
The term computer viruses should also be taken to include worms and Trojans etc. Be careful
when opening attachments and programmes found on the Internet.
Do not participate in ‘chain mails', no matter how valuable their message may seem. Peace on
earth won't be achieved by bombarding others with e-mail messages.
You may not send out anonymous e-mails or e-mails with an incorrect sender address (spam).
In the case of abuse, users may be denied access to ICT services, including. Employees found
guilty of abuse may be subject to dismissal
Index 1
Is readily available online. Alphabet, Google’s parent company, has published the code of
conduct under the investor relations section of its website for current and future stakeholders
to review. Google emphasizes the values it maintains and outlines a variety of important
factors throughout the code of conduct. The document clearly states who must adhere to the
standards set forth and how misconduct will be addressed.
The code underscores the importance of speaking up and taking action against wrongdoing
while complementing the scope of Google’s operations and culture. For example, one section
of the code of conduct is dedicated to the company’s “Dog Policy” which the company
As with any strong code of conduct, PepsiCo’s code has rooted its expectations in the core
values of the organization. The company has also dedicated an entire section of the code to
explaining how the code will be administered. This includes information on investigations
related to misconduct and disciplinary actions the company may take. PepsiCo’s code of
conduct also encourages employees to report bribery, violence or other misconduct by
contacting the company’s hotline.
Is published on the company’s investor relations website and available for download as a
PDF. Though it does not contain images or visuals, the code is simple, straightforward and
easy to understand. It covers important topics including conflicts of interest, harassment,
confidentiality and protection of user data.
Index 2
Face book also highlights that employees can report violations anonymously to sources that
they feel comfortable speaking to, including their managers, the HR department, or the Legal
Department. The code of conduct also includes links to the company’s whistleblower and
complaint policy.
have been drafted around one central theme: trust. The company emphasizes that trust is an
important aspect of its operations, including with customers, governments, fellow employees,
investors and representatives. The code of conduct also offers a process to help employees
make difficult decisions that reflect Microsoft’s values and standards.
Microsoft provides its employees with a visually appealing and easy-to-read document that
is reflective of the organization’s values..
Nokia’s Code of Conduct
Is a detailed and thorough document. It highlights key policies that all employees should be
familiar with. Each section of the code of conduct also provides employees with a clear
understanding of what their responsibilities are and red flags that may arise in different
This easy-to-understand document is focused on helping employees make the best choices
based on the company’s values. The company has also provided a clear description of
reporting processes, retaliation policies and corrective action policies.