0 beta 10
Included Features
- BSI world addition
- BSI map
- BSI regular billboards
- BSI teaser video (plays if you don't press a button when first prompted to)
- BSI vehicles
- BSI billboards, smash gates and mega jumps (realized as super jumps)
- BSI gas stations, auto repair shop and junk yard
- BSI online challenges
- Cops & Robbers vehicles
- PCPD Rai-Jin and PCPD Olympus
- Sponsor vehicles
- Traffic vehicles
- Loading screens
- Custom intro video
- Criterion Games Network News replacement
- Vehicle crash protection for non VP-players when VP-players use new vehicles
- Enhanced User Account Control handling
- Experimental Steam and Origin support
- Game overlay information console and custom hotkeys
- Vehicle additions for online races
- Experimental player country flags
- Experimental bully repellent
- Experimental away from keyboard (AFK) feature
- Experimental windowed mode support
- Experimental support for spawning cars in bike rooms and vice versa
- Experimental speedometer, tachometer, odometer, trip meter, fuel meter and nitro
(boost) meter
- Manual gearbox
- Junk yard manufacturer icons for all vehicles except The Chrome Car
- Vehicle spawn feature from Vanity Pack 1.5
- Traffic On/Off feature from Vanity Pack 1.5
- Offroad On/Off feature from Vanity Pack 1.5
- Color selection feature from Vanity Pack 1.5
- Boost selection feature from Vanity Pack 1.5
- Wheel selection feature from Vanity Pack 1.5
- A selection of community vehicles from Vanity Pack 1.5
- New community vehicles
- Extreme Olympus and Toy Extreme Olympus from Russian Vanity Pack courtesy of
How To Use
- Start Vanity Pack. With User Account Control (UAC) turned on
you will see an elevation dialog. After confirming you should
see a Vanity Pack window. With UAC turned off you should see
the Vanity Pack without being prompted for elevation. This
might not work on all configurations. If it doesn't, turn UAC
on or start VanityPack.exe as Administrator.
- Burnout Paradise will be launched automatically.
- Wait for Vanity Pack to do its thing. If you have auto-login
turned on, it should all be automatic. If you don't then you
will need to log in to the Criterion Games Network/Origin
inside the game.
- To get help about Vanity Pack startup parameters, run VanityPack.exe
with the command line argument "--help" (without quotes). Some
help information will be logged to a log file in the logs directory
of your Vanity Pack installation.
Use the "Switch Menu" hotkeys to switch between the different menus.
The "Toggle Menu" key(s) toggle back and forth between hiding the menu
and showing the information console. The console shows the state of
features like Traffic and Offroad as well as Color and Boost information.
It also shows the selected vehicle to spawn.
Use the "Toggle Traffic" and "Toggle Offroad" hotkeys to toggle those
features on or off.
To switch vehicles outside the junk yard, use the "Switch Vehicle Selection"
hotkeys (in conjunction with SHIFT as needed) to select the vehicle to
spawn. You can then either spawn the vehicle by using the "Spawn Selected
Vehicle" hotkey or save it to one of ten slots using the "Save Vehicle Selection"
hotkey followed by a numeric key (0-9). Use the "Spawn Saved Vehicle" hotkey
followed by a numeric key (0-9) to spawn one of the ten saved vehicles.
You can also use the "Switch Vehicle Selection to Currently Driven Vehicle"
hotkey to set current vehicle selection to the vehicle currently driven.
To see the list of saved vehicles, press the "Spawn Saved Vehicle from Menu"
hotkey. Once triggered, you can use the same hotkey again to return to the
regular menu or press a numeric key (0-9) to spawn the respective vehicle.
A "(0-9)" indicator will display next to the menu when a numeric key is
To switch colors and color types, use the "Switch Color" and "Switch Color
Type" hotkeys. Use a combination of CTRL and/or SHIFT with the "Switch Color"
hotkey to make bigger steps in color selection. Use the "Save Color Settings"
hotkey followed by a numeric key (0-9) to save the selection. To restore the
color setting use the "Restore Color Settings" hotkey followed by a numeric
key (0-9).
To see the list of saved color settings, press the "Restore Color Settings
from Menu" hotkey. Once triggered, you can use the same hotkey again to
return to the regular menu or press a numeric key (0-9) to restore the
respective color settings.
A "(0-9)" indicator will display next to the menu when a numeric key is
Please note that these selections operate on the car you are
currently driving and that a change in color selection can be seen right away.
This is not the case with boost selection, described below.
To switch boost type, length and fade, use the "Switch Boost Type", "Switch
Boost Length" and "Switch Boost Fade" hotkeys. Please note that a change to
any of these does not immediately take effect to the car you're driving.
You will have to re-spawn the car or re-select the car in the junk yard
for the new boost settings to be activated.
To toggle auto kick and mute, use the "Toggle Auto Kick And Mute" hotkey.
For this feature to work you will have to add additional information to your
VanityPack.ini file, see the "Bully Repellent" section below.
NOTE: Please do not edit the VanityPack.ini file while Vanity Pack is
running or you will most likely lose the information entered. Only edit
the VanityPack.ini file before starting Vanity Pack. There is one
exception to this, see the Bully Repellent section below.
You can use a single key, possibly modified by between zero to three of
the modifier keys, CTRL, ALT and SHIFT. Separate key names and modifier
key names with plus signs (+).
When Vanity Pack starts up it will write to its log file a message stating
whether or not the custom key bindings were successfully parsed. It will
also log the key bindings that are in effect. If there is an error in
parsing the custom key bindings from VanityPack.ini, Vanity Pack will
fall back to using the default key bindings.
Please note that on some keyboards you will need to install a special driver
to be able to use media keys and other keys beyond the 101/102 standard keys.
Some keyboards, like the HP KG-0636, does unfortunately not pass through
presses of some of their media keys to third party applications like Vanity Pack.
If you want to change the key repeat settings, edit the following values in
VanityPack.ini. They are all represented in milliseconds and should be put
in the UserSettings section of the VanityPack.ini file.
KeyRepeatRate (default 10) changes the key repeat rate when holding one
or more keys down.
The following section shows the key binding names that Vanity Pack knows
about. Please note that not all these keys are actually available on
every keyboard. The chart below shows them as laid out on my standard
US keyboard. You keyboard layout might differ.
To further investigate key scan codes, should you not find what you're
looking for in the chart below, you can use the VanityKeys.exe program,
which you can find in the Vanity Pack installation directory. If you
are running on a non-US keyboard layout and you are having problems
running this software, please report any issues.
Other, less common key binding names (available on some media keyboards):
Here are the default key bindings that the Vanity Pack uses unless you have
successfully assigned your own custom hotkeys.
ToggleHotkeys = SHIFT+OEM3
TogglePanel = OEM3
AdjustVehicleIndexDown32 = SHIFT+1
AdjustVehicleIndexDown = 1
AdjustVehicleIndexUp32 = SHIFT+2
AdjustVehicleIndexUp = 2
AdjustColorDown4096 = CTRL+SHIFT+3
AdjustColorDown256 = SHIFT+3
AdjustColorTypeDown = CTRL+3
AdjustColorDown = 3
AdjustColorUp4096 = CTRL+SHIFT+4
AdjustColorUp256 = SHIFT+4
AdjustColorTypeUp = CTRL+4
AdjustColorUp = 4
AdjustBoostLengthDown = CTRL+5
AdjustBoostConsumptionDown = SHIFT+5
AdjustBoostTypeDown = 5
AdjustBoostLengthUp = CTRL+6
AdjustBoostConsumptionUp = SHIFT+6
AdjustBoostTypeUp = 6
AdjustWheelDown32 = SHIFT+7
AdjustWheelDown = 7
AdjustWheelUp32 = SHIFT+8
AdjustWheelUp = 8
PreviousPanel = F3
TogglePanelAlternate = SHIFT+F4
NextPanel = F4
ToggleTrafficOff = SHIFT+F5
ToggleTraffic = F5
ToggleOffroadOn = SHIFT+F6
ToggleOffroad = F6
SaveRespawnVehicle = SHIFT+F9
RecallRespawnVehicle = F9
SaveColor = SHIFT+F10
RestoreColor = F10
SaveVehicleSettings = SHIFT+F8
SaveVehicleSettingsForSavedVehicles = CTRL+SHIFT+F8
SaveVehicleSettingsForAllVehicles = CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F8
RestoreDefaultVehicleSettings = CTRL+F8
RestoreVehicleSettings = F8
SwitchVehicleSelection = CTRL+TAB
SwitchVehicle = TAB
ToggleAutoKickAndMute = CTRL+BACKSPACE
ToggleWindowedMode = ALT+RETURN (Alt+Enter)
ToggleGearboxType = F7
ToggleUnits = SHIFT+F7
ToggleMeters = CTRL+F7
AdjustGearDown = X
AdjustGearUp = D
ResetTripMeter = ALT+F7
ToggleLocalTime = CTRL+SHIFT+F7
Bully Repellent
Please also note that the bully repellent features are not
active by default as Vanity Pack starts. You will need to
press the corresponding hotkey to toggle it on (or off).
AutoMute = playername3,playername4
Please note that the game might exit windowed mode after
returning to the game having displayed the Criterion Games
Network News page. If this happens, just toggle once or
twice more to return to windowed mode.
To disable AFK mode, use the "Toggle AFK Mode" hotkey. AFK
mode is enabled by default on start of the game.
Speedometer, Tachometer, Odometer, Trip Meter, Fuel Meter and Nitro Meter
Vanity Pack includes an experimental set of meters showing a range of data
such as:
- Speed
- Fuel level
- Nitro level
- Trip distance
- Total distance
- Gear
- Game Time or Local Time
The speedometer and distance meters display in miles per hour and miles
by default. To toggle between metrics and imperial units, use Shift+F7.
The units selected will be stored in the VanityPack.ini file under the
MetricUnits key in the UserSettings section.
The speedometer needle works only when the wheels are on the ground.
When the vehicle is in the air, the needle will fall off, while the
digital meter shows the air speed. The needle will stop at one full
revolution even if your actual speed is higher.
To toggle the time displayed in the tachometer between game time and
local time, press Ctrl+Shift+F7. The selected setting will be saved
in the VanityPack.ini file under the LocalTime key in the UserSettings
The odometer and trip meter distances will increase while you are driving
as long as the wheels are on the ground. Depending on the active units,
the rollover distances for the trip meter and odometer are:
- imperial units: 10000 miles and 1000000 miles
- metric units: 10000 kilometers and 1000000 kilometers
The distance driven are stored in the VanityPack.ini file (as yards)
and will persist between gaming sessions. They are stored under the
keys YardsDriven and YardsDrivenTrip in the UserSettings section.
The initial value given to the odometer is calculated from your savegame.
If you do want to start the odometer at 0 you will need to edit the
VanityPack.ini file before starting Vanity Pack.
NOTE: The distances are stores in yards regardless of if you are using
metric or imperial units.
The nitro (boost) meter shows how much boost power is available,
similar to the game's boost bar.
The fuel meter starts at a random value and then decreases as you
drive around Paradise City. Driving through a gas station will
fill up the tank. For bikes, this doesn't work, so their gas tank
is filled up when the boost bar is filled (having first activated
boost, of course).
NOTE: The gas level is currently just visual eye candy and does not
affect the vehicle when the tank is empty.
MetersColorARGB = C824FFFC
NeedleColorARGB = C8FF2634
Manual Gearbox
To toggle between automatic and manual gearbox, press F7. In
manual gearbox mode, press D to switch gear up and X to
switch gear down. You can also use arrow up and arrow down,
or whatever up/down keys you have configured in the game.
As an experimental feature, there is support for manual
gear switching using up/down on the gamepad joystick.
NOTE: These gear switching hotkeys and gamepad only work
when in manual gearbox mode.
How To Uninstall
- Run the Vanity Pack uninstaller.
- Restore your save game from your backup as needed.
Known Issues
- See the FAQ for the most up to date information on issues
- The save game may not be compatible with the original, un-modded,
game after using this mod. Please make backups as necessary.
- The toy P12 88 Special does not, just like its bigger parent,
silence the engine while hovering.
Version Log
2.0.0 alpha 1 - Initial alpha testing release containing only
the Big Surf Island world and map
2.0.0 alpha 2 - Improved installer and launcher
2.0.0 alpha 3 - Updated loading screens
- Fixed issue with being teleported back to the Paradise
Keys Bridge after wrecking your vehicle
- Various minor bug fixes
2.0.0 alpha 4 - Added feature to allow VP and non-VP players to
share a room without crashing non-VP players' games
when VP players use new vehicles such as BSI vehicles,
cop cars and sponsor cars.
2.0.0 alpha 5 - Added BSI cars, Cops & Robbers cars, Sponsor cars and Traffic cars
- Rearranged junkyard menus and added new icons
- Various minor bug fixes
2.0.0 beta 1 - Added PCPD Rai-Jin and PCPD Olympus cars
- Added BSI and Vanity Pack branding
- Added horns to most BSI cars
- Added hover to the P12 88 Special Toy Car
- Various minor bug fixes
2.0.0 beta 2 - Fixed execution issue for Windows XP
- Improved vehicle game crash protection
- Various minor bug fixes
2.0.0 beta 3 - Fixed Steam issue for online freeburn play
- Added player greeting as feedback for proper initialization
- Added Respawn feature from Vanity Pack 1.5
- Added Traffic On/Off feature from Vanity Pack 1.5
- Added Offroad On/Off feature from Vanity Pack 1.5
- Added game overlay information console
- Various minor bug fixes
2.0.0 beta 4 - Improved game overlay information console, which crashed
in beta 3 for some players.
- Fixed issue where changing graphics mode would crash the game.
- Added color selection feature from Vanity Pack 1.5
- Added boost selection feature from Vanity Pack 1.5
2.0.0 beta 5 - Fixed crash when quitting the game
- Updated keyboard handling code
- Updated online detection
2.0.0 beta 6 - Fixed issue where initialization never completed on the Steam
- Expanded vehicles available for quick spawning to all vehicles
- Added saving and loading of user's vehicles and color preferences
- Added FAQ
2.0.0 beta 7 - Fixed issue with winning burning route vehicles and not being able
to proceed
- Improved player name detection during initialization
- Added Hunter Extreme Olympus from Russian Vanity Pack courtesy of
- Added experimental support for player country flags
- Added remaining BSI props
- Added BSI auto repair, gas stations and junk yard
- Added BSI smash gates, billboards and mega jumps (realized as super
- Added Vanity Pack 1.5 community vehicles:
* Hunter Olympus - No Vinyl mod by Rich0G007
- Updated FAQ
2.0.0 beta 8 - Added BSI challenges
- Added support for installing future versions on top of older
versions (beta 8 or later)
- Added hotkey to toggle hotkeys on/off
- Added 5th (unknown) color type
- Updated experimental support for player country flags
- Added support for disabling player country flags (see FAQ for
- Resequenced BSI vehicles in junk yard (except for P12 Diamond,
which was already in the PC game)
- Fixed Burnout Paradise launch issue for Origin
- Fixed issue with crash when entering online freeburn for Steam
- Fixed one issue with races crashing non-VP players
- Fixed map cursor boundary
- Fixed issues with online road rage and custom races to not allow
BSI checkpoints
- Fixed issue with hotkeys not working for some players
- Fixed issue with hotkey modifiers
- Fixed various stability issues from reported game crashes
- Updated FAQ
2.0.0 beta 9 - Fixed issue with going online using Steam
- Fixed issue with reading VanityPack.ini file during initialization
- Fixed numerous issues with vehicle selection during online races
- Added extra vehicles to vehicle selection during online races
- Improved detection for if all players in the online freeburn have
Vanity Pack
- Improved experimental support for player country flags
- Added extra logging for players having network issues during
- Added support for remembering if to show or hide the information
console on startup
- Added support for custom key bindings
- Added support for bully repellent
- Added hotkeys for saving and restoring vehicle settings in
- Added experimental Away From Keyboard (AFK mode)
- Updated Hunter Extreme Olympus from Russian Vanity Pack courtesy of
- Added Hunter Toy Extreme Olympus from Russian Vanity Pack courtesy
of PASHOk_M_oVe
- Added community vehicles:
* Carson Annihilator Street Rod - Carbon mod by oleg_aka_djmeg
* Carson GT Flame - Starry Night mod by isma-lopez
* Carson GT Nighthawk - Alien Nighthack mod by isma-lopez
* Carson Opus - General Opus mod by oleg_aka_djmeg
* Hunter Cavalry Bootlegger - General Lee mod by PCPunisher_OFC
* Hunter Civilian - Non Grata mod by isma-lopez
* Hunter Oval Champ 69 - Kobra mod by DarkRain098
* Kitano Hydros Techno - Valve mod by Slashcammas
* Kitano Touge Criterion - Tough mod by Serrmix
* Montgomery Hawker - Beat the Team mod by Electronic Arts
* Montgomery Hawker Solo - Hawker GT mod by isma-lopez
* Nakamura Ikusa GT - Proyecto Silvia 3 mod by isma-lopez
* Nakamura Ikusa GT - Supra mod by isma-lopez
* Watson R-Turbo Roadster - Split/Second mod by Slashcammas
- Added Vanity Pack 1.5 community vehicles:
* Carson Annihilator - Muscle mod by ouerbacker
* Carson Fastback Special - Sporty mod by ouerbacker
* Carson Inferno Van - DHL Van mod by Mr_bingley
* Carson Inferno BRT Van - A-Team Van mod by Mr_bingley
* Hunter Citizen - FBI mod by LeMansRacer
* Hunter Civilian - Taxi mod by RichOG007
* Hunter Oval Champ 69 - Hunter mod by ouerbacker
* Hunter Racing Oval Champ - Party mod by Mr_bingley
* Hunter Reliable Custom - No Vinyl mod by RichOG007
* Jansen P12 - mod by udreamibuild
* Kitano Hydros Custom - Subaru mod by Mr_bingley
* Kitano Hydros Techno - Drivers Ed mod by LeMansRacer
* Kitano Touge Criterion - Vanity Pack mod by Mr_bingley
* Krieger PCPD Special - Carbon mod by Hellcopa
* Rossolini Tempesta GT - Tempesta Dream GT mod by S-J
* Watson Burnout Roadster - Burnout Hints Roadster by Mr_bingley
- Updated vehicle handling for Carson Annihilator Street Rod finishes
2 & 3 to match finish 1
- Updated boost bar length for Montgomery Hawker Mech finishes 2 & 3
to match finish 1
- Fixed strength, camera and lights for AI vehicles
- Added Vanity Pack Heroes to scrolling credits
- Updated Vanity Pack log file contents to UTF-8 encoding
- Added lock for preventing running multiple concurrent instances of
Vanity Pack
- Added support for Vanity Pack closing down the game when exiting
Vanity Pack (when running the game in windowed mode)
- Added modding support for modders
- Various minor bug fixes
- Updated FAQ
2.0.0 beta 10 - Updated Carson Opus - General Opus mod by oleg_aka_djmeg
- Updated Hunter Extreme Olympus from Russian Vanity Pack courtesy of
- Updated Hunter Toy Extreme Olympus from Russian Vanity Pack
courtesy of PASHOk_M_oVe
- Updated Kitano Touge Criterion - Tough mod by Serrmix
- Fixed issue with entering junk yard, entering water or respawning
upside down with offroad mode on
- Fixed some crashes due to incorrect vehicle model data
- Fixed some crashes due to incorrect world model data
- Fixed Steam crash on game exit
- Added speedometer (in mph or km/h) and tachometer
- Added local time option for tachometer
- Added fuel meter and nitro (boost) meter
- Added odometer and trip meter
- Added manual gearbox
- Updated some key bindings to trigger on key up instead of key
- Added manufacturer icons to the junk yard for Cop, BSI and DLC cars
(all but The Chrome Car)
- Added experimental support for spawning cars in bike rooms and vice
- Fixed issue with incorrect respawn location after wrecking on the
mainland (non BSI) map
- Added Traffic On/Off feature for bike rooms
- Added possible fix for Steam's Application load error 5:0000065434
- Added possible fix for startup error related to a third party
library used for UUID generation
- Added experimental support for toggling between fullscreen and
windowed mode (ALT+ENTER)
- Added configuration for centering of game window when toggling to
windowed mode
- Added configuration for starting the game in windowed mode
- Changed limit of color values from 0x100000000 to 0x10000
- Added support for saving up to 10 colors
- Added support for saving up to 10 vehicles
- Updated default key bindings for saving and restoring colors
- Updated default key bindings for saving and spawning vehicles
- Added key binding for toggling AFK mode
- Added wheel selection feature from Vanity Pack 1.5
- Added thumbnail contact sheet of all wheels
- Fixed issue with country flags showing on top of menu
- Fixed issue with loading of vehicles from the VanityPack.ini file
into their save slots
- Fixed issue with incorrect color type being applied after
respawning a vehicle having settings saved in VanityPack.ini
- Fixed boost sound for Carson Toy Nighthawk
- Fixed siren sound for Hunter Toy Spirit
- Fixed Boost Fade value range
- Updated fallback vehicles for Extreme Olympus and Toy Extreme
Olympus for non VP players
- Updated support for Vanity Pack closing down the game when exiting
Vanity Pack
- Added support for closing down Vanity Pack when exiting the game
- Added backup of VanityPack.ini file into backup folder before
upgrading its format
- Various minor bug fixes
- Updated FAQ