Human Sexuality PDF
Human Sexuality PDF
Human Sexuality PDF
The change away from this absurd sexosophy toward the rati
y sexual science was occasioned by one thing more
thng was the discovery of the industrial processing of rubber. l
commercial production ofthe first rubber condom. That was in the
true beginning ofthe contraceptive age was in the
ruer condoms were produced. That was barely halfa century ago.
late l92
Half a century is not time enough for a society to reformulate i
s sexosophy. lt takes longer to accommodate to the new sexua
made possible to human beings by birth control and plan
toay, therefore people
osexosophy andin all countries are caught
the new.
ln sexology also you should take nothing for granted. Like all sciences.
sexology is constantly being updated as new experiments are done, and new
evidence produced. The rate of change in sexology today is very rapid, especially
in the sexology of neuroscience, hormones, and the brain.
The idea to publish this work was in my mind all the time since the y
1964; at that time, 1 was teaching a modest course of sexology as part of
graduate medical curriculum. Only in 1977 did I succeed to convince my m
colleagues about the values of a sexology course for the Ain Shams medical
students. lt is true, 1 must admit that very few professors were aggressive and
even highly critical of this endeavor, but the majority to be honest were
encouraging and very enthusiastic, realizing the great need for my scientific
adventure specially in Egypt. Now, the book is ready for the thousands of medica
students and doctors, who were asking for it and expressing their honest deman
for this reference, as such I had to put my lectures on paper. 1 present this m
work for all, to read, to learn and may be to benefit, so that they may have a
stable and happy family life.
Forgive me, this book is not meant only for medical students or doctors.
No, it is for all adults, it is for everybody especially parents and teachers. As a
matter of fact, it is for everyone male or fernalc who is interested to know the
truth about our human sexuality long forgotten in this good part ofthe world.
I sincerely hope that this piece of scientific work will not offend anyone
because of its frankness in such a very sensitive and highly vital medical iss
but 1 can assure everybody that 1 have done my utmost to present an hones
knowledgeable explanation of such a delicate part of our sexual physiolo
anatomy. My friend, Professor Dr. John Money, who is an international author
in the entire field of sexology and a world expert on gender identity kindly
forwarded this book while he was in Cairo, 1981. His famous lecture in the Ain
Shams Faculty of Medicine, inspired me to complete this work and to write more
on the dangers of female circumcision in Egypt and in some parts of Africa.
1 have tried through this third edition to add what was recently discover
in the field of sexual medicine over the past ten years. The normal physi
mechanisms of erection in the male is quite evident and well documented now
. Male erectile dysfunctions. are amenable to better treatment with mo
available eg. Viagra (Sildenatil citrate), pharmacogenic intracavernosal
injections for diagnosis and treatment are on the market but must be under
medical care. Female genital mutilation has become a national sensitive issue in
Egypt especially after the lC`l’D conference in 1994; and a new tlcrrree is issued
by the Minister of llealth prohibiting its practice by anybody, medical or n
medical. '1`he vital role ofthe external female genitalia in achieving orgasm in
non—eircumcised females was confirmed by Johnson and Kaplan. The recent
advances in the research of All)? virus and the possible role of new drugs e.g.
AZT to combat the virulence of this epidemic. The unfortunate widespread of
AlDS virus (40 millions) in the year 2000 in Africa and Southeast Asia, as well
as STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) 320 millions last year (WHO reports).
The possible role of olfaction in human sexuality through the sex attractant
pheromones was discovered in human vaginal secretions reported by Beiber et al.
For several years, it was with concern that many professors noted th
medicar profession is not trained to deal with sexual problems. We all kn
doctors that problems conceming sexuality is brought
cncs and hospitals or unfortunately
proems concerning the following very sensitive issues: never brought at all
Sex education of our children from infancy to adulthood conceming healthy
medical information to protect them against drug misuse, abnormal sexual
behavior and sexual harassment.
Adults sexual information before marriage for both males and females.
3) Unwanted repeated pregnancies and the dangers of criminal abortion.
Problems of infertility and its treatment; as well as the right advice as regards
the suitable methods of contraception accepted by both husband and wife to
avoid population explosion.
Babies born with sexual anomalies e.g. kryptoorchidism and true or
Questions about masturbation and noctumal enurcsis.
Questions about female circumcision, described properly now as female
genital mutilation and its drastic complications.
Questions about sexual perversion e.g. homosexuality, lesbianism and oral
How to deal with marital sexual dysfunctions reflected upon many marriages
to avoid divorce, separation and marital disruptions.
10) Male sexual inadequacy e.g. erectile dysfunction in the husband, premature
ejaculation and ejaculatory incompetence.
ll) Female sexual inadequacy e.g. frigidity, lacking orgasmic capacity, non
resolved sexual tension, vaginismus, dyspareunia and apareunia.
12) The normal physiology and anatomy of coitus in both males and females.
13) T`he endocrinological, nervous and physiological responses of the sexually
stimulated male and female e.g. sexual dysfunctions in the diabetic and
hypertensive patients; not forgetting heart diseases.
14) The immense values of precoital petting and the importance of the erogenous
15) Effect of prescribed drugs on sexual performance and the false role of
aphrodisiacs e. g. Hashish, bango and heroin etc.
16) Sexual performance in old age.
17) How to avoid sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), as well as AIDS.
18) Mental hygiene in sexual behavioral development; the critical phases of
lactation and its importance, weaning, toilet training and infantile correction
last but not least the critical puberty problems faced by our children.
Not only patients but plenty of people including husbands, wives and
couples bring these questions and thousands other problems to their doctors
because they are sure that the doctor is an expert '? All too often he is not
and the doctor is unfortunately is as ignorant as his or her patient !
Since 1959, Masters and Johnson have been engaged in the treatment of
patients complaining of these conditions. One novel and new feature of this
approach is that they as a male—female team of therapists treat husband and wife
as a patient team. A second feature is their use of retraining procedures - the
actual training of husband and wife to use new techniques described in detail for
achieving mutual sexual satisfaction. ln addition to this the Masters and Johnson
techniques provide simultaneously a sort of a psychotherapy treatment for their
patients even ifit is not structured and formalised in the traditional ways. By their
own confidence and frankness, they reduce their patients`anxiety and shyness.
This makes it possible for a husband and wife to talk freely about their
sexual problems with the sexolegist and with each other and then to do something
about it. Once patients feel they have made even a little progress as the result of
this combination of psychotherapy and retraining. they feel encouraged to
continue further training. Thus, the underlying psychological factors are of great
importance in the total approach of sexologists and other doctors as well, to the
treatment of sexual inadequacies and psychosexual problems.
- Be comfortable with sexual topics and put patients at ease in discussing them.
Listen well, remember to take a sexual history and know how to take an
accurate and useful one.
Remain aware of patient`s feelings and thus avoid creating shame and
Recognize masked psychosexual problems and the sexual implications of
various dysfunctions and courses oftreatment.
Judge whether the sexual implications or problems are within the physician’s
competence; if they are not refer the patient to an appropriate professional expert.
Within the competence of an expert, a plan of treatment is set up with the
patient`s full knowledge and consent.
Take advantage of the educational and preventive aspects of medical sexual
ln the year l787, the German society was shocked when a famous
headmaster by the name of Herr Sprengel published a scientific paper with the
following daring title: "lVIystery of nature in the fertilization of flowers". The
poor headmaster was immediately sacked from his post and the paper was
condemned and described as trash,.
ln the Victorian era, at the time of Queen Victoria ruling the British
Empire. any wife reaching an orgasm during an act of coitus was considered by
some as loose and described as a whore or prostitute because sex is for men’s
pleasure and not for women !
During the late 19th century and in the early twenties, Sigmun
presented hisunfortunately
e was escried famous sex theory,
as a crazy which
man and ought tocaused
be handedquite
to the
ln the year 1930 in England, Professor ll. Ellis was put in prison af
published his masterpiece book in sexology, namely, "The Psycho
With the advent of time Professor Alfred Kinsey, an entom
presented two great books dealing with sex research. "Sexual beha
human male, which was published in 1948 and he put forward his seco
in the year 1952, namely, "Sexual behavior in the human female". T
books entailed 18.000 interviews with male and female volunteers, w
most remarkable sex discoveries namely:
The publication ofthe Masters and Johnson report in 1966, on the "Hum
Sexual Response" marks a tuming point in the history of sex research. lt
lot of knowledge and scientific data concerning the sexual behavior of t
male and female through their sex research, the physiology of coitus an
stages of the male and female sex cycle were revealed.
The societies nowadays have taken a giant step towards the day
human sexuality can be openly taught - to the married and young
going to be married, who need such insight so despera
wo neeit even more, not forgetting our medical students as well as their
medical staff.
Sigmund Freud and the development of sexuality.
Infant and childhood sexual behavior.
Mental hygiene in sexual development.
Early conditioning and sexual development.
Patterns of sexual behavior.
Endocrine aspects of sexual behavior.
Today, it is generally accepted that sexual behavior does not come
naturally to human beings, but is in fact shaped by social conditioning and
learning, mainly through this conditioning which produces different results in
different individuals and societies. Also, there is no longer any doubt that
children are capable of sexual responses and that certain early childhood
experiences can have a crucial influence on a person’s later sexual development.
What is true of human physical growth also applies to the development of human
sexual behavior. Masculine and feminine attitudes and the preference of certain
sexual partners or certain forms of sexual activity are not established once and for
all at one particular moment, but are acquired gradually over a period of time.
The outcome of this process depends not only on a child’s inherited abilities, but
also on social influences, such as the reactions of parents, teachers, playmates,
and friends. For example, an infant boy may consistently be treated like a girl by
his family and thus leam to consider himself a female !... This early role
assignment may then become irreversible and lead to lifelong difficulties. To put
it another way, children whose sex is misdiagnosed at birth for one reason or
another learn to identify with the sex that is assigned to them. Furthermore, once
a certain critical period of their age has passed, this identification is permanent
even ifthe mistake is later discovered. After a certain age, a boy raised as a g
will continue to consider himself female and in most cases, feel sexually attract
to males, while a girl raised as a boy will continue to consider herself male and,
in most cases, feel sexually attracted to females. That is why a person’s sexual
development has at least three aspects to consider.
Now, the realization that adult sexual behavior results from a long,
complex, and often hazardous development is relatively new. Until about the
beginning of our century, sex was believed to be largely instinctive, i.e. the result
of biological heredity. Most people simply assume that, at some time after
puberty, sexual desire and sexual activity "come naturally" to every male and
female, and that no social conditioning was involved or necessary. Sexuality wa
thought to be a "force of nature" which appeared suddenly and then, al
itself] found its full "natural" expression. People believed that society could
suppress this force, but had no part or role in shaping it. The first serious
challenge of this view came from Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939 ) and his
What Freud really said was that sexual life does not begin at puberty
only, but it starts with clear manifestations soon afier birth and that the stages o
sexual manifestations are:
l. During the first year of life. the mouth is the center of pleasurable
excitation, that is why it was termed the "oral phase" or "oral eroticism". lt is
divided into two phases, the first is where pleasure involves "sucking" the
mothcr`s breasts, but later "bitting" the breast`s nipples becomes an important
issue. Most mothers who are breast feeders, know too well these two phases and
the tendency for everything to go into the mouth of the baby regardless of
suitability and the second painful phase of "oral sadism". As the infant sucks the
mother’s breast, it finds not only nourishment, but deep physical and
psychological satisfaction. ln this phase, the month also serves as an organ of
exploration, the infant when he puts everything in its mouth is doing so. in order
to get to know it. "Taking in" the world. is the first attempt at mastering it.
2. During the third year of life, the anus becomes the chief center of sex
- citation and hence it is described as the "anal phase". Here, acc
the child gets pleasure "expelling" his faeces at the
aer n ts pase, from retainingits faeces. The child now gaining control ov
the bowel movements and thereby, indirectly, over the attending adu
can now please or displease by eliminating or withholding faeces. At the
time, the child learns to grant or withhold affection,
maser te world by holding backand "letting go". lt is interesting to note tha
the anal phase is often coincident with the time of "toilet training"
3. While the oral and anal phases, which extend roughly through the
three years of life, are the same for both sexes, the now
pase(from Greek phallos: penis) brings an increasing awareness of sexual
differences between the male and female sex organs. The most pleasurab
of the body are no longer the mouth or the anus. but the penis Hur boy
clitoris for girls. This is the phase in which children become actively
about their surroundings, they poke their fingers into things, look
by taking them apart, and also investigate their own and each other’s bodi
worth reminding
pens anthe clitoris at thishere
age, is that the
different andpleasure
divorced fromderived from th
ideas of sexual
intercourse. and the child is completely ignorant of modes or techniqu
adult mature sexuality. Boys for instance, become interested in the size of their
penises and they may even compete as regards the power oftheir urination!.
4. At around the age of five years, the phallic phase is inhibited by
complexes, namely, the Oedipus and castration complexes, who tend
the infantile sexuality. The term "Oedipus complex" is the child’s erotic
attachment to the parent ofthe opposite sex as well as a feeling of riva
the parent of the same sex. The name was related to the legendary G
Oedipus who unknowingly killed his father and married
t is the rule for a four- year—old boy to be deeply in love with his mother. Sh
for him, the only woman he knows and cares to know, however, this wom
already has a husband—the father. The boy is jealous of him and would like to
push hirn aside in order to assume his position. This desire is usually expre
openly and spontaneously, as for instance when the boy climbs into his mother`s
bed announcing: "when l grow up. l'll marry you!." Obviously this situati
through the normal development ofa child takes anothe
hs desire to marry his mother with the wish to marry a woman like his mother
, and his urge to take the place of his father turns into the determination to becom
a man like his father. The boy can make this transition easily, if the father
provides an attractive model to follow, and if he actively encourages his s
become a healthy man. At the same time, it is the mother`s task to hel
realize that she has already chosen and is no longer available as a se
This elsewhere
parental attitude
he is mature.
will lead the boy to seek his sexual grati
5. ln the case of a girl, the development takes the opposite course; she
loves her father and is jealous of her mother. The respective psychoanalytic term
is "Electra complex", after Electra, a legendary Greek princess who, after t
death of her beloved father helped to kill her mother who had murdered him.
Freud believed that every child normally progressed from the oral to the
anal phase and finally to the phallic phase, unless some negative influen
interfered with this sexual development. However, if the particular needs of any
one of these phases were either unfulfilled or gratified to excess, the ch
become "fixated", and thus hampered in its psychosexual growth. For example
child’s too rigid or over indulgent toilet training could lead to a fixat
anal level of satisfaction. As an adult such a child would then tum into an anal A
character", i.e. a person who is obsessed with discipline, order, and cleanli
who hoards money, (the unconscious equivalent of faeces, which can be
"withheld" from others) and who prefers anal stimulation to all other forms of
sexual intercourse. An "oral character", on the other hand, would continue to
depend mainly on his mouth even for sexual satisfaction such as deep ki
and/or abnormal oral genital contact. He or she might become a compulsive ea
smoker, or drinker, not forgetting bitting nails or lips and thumb sucking. Ora
eroticism could be expressed directly in our society and may be of no harm wi
our culture, but anal eroticism, however, has almost no overt expression oth
than sexual perversion i.e. sodomy or anal intercourse. One ofthe few anal
eroticism direct expressions is the excessive interest in bowel movements
cleverly exploited by drug manufacturers in our society. Children
become tixated in this manner eventually reach "genital maturity. That is to
say, after a so-called latency period, during which obvious sexual interes
largely suspended, the sexual urge reawakens with puberty arrival an
satisiaction through genital intercourse. Oral and anal stimulation may still
joyed but to a limited extent, because they now take second place to
for adults, is the one truly "mature" fomi of sexual expression.
Infants of both sexes may be observed rubbing their sex organs against the
bed, the floor, or some toy in a thrusting motion, and there is no doubt that they
derive physical pleasure from it. For sometime, they are still unable to coordinate
their movements and to use their hands for a more direct stimulation. However,
after a while they may leam to do so and begin to masturbate. Quite often, such
deliberate masturbation is carried through to the point of orgasm. Kinsey and his
co—workers reported that orgasm during masturbation occurred in nine males less
than 1 year old. "The behavior involved a series of gradual physiologic changes,
the development of rhythmic body movements with distinct penis throbs and
thrusts, an obvious change in sensory capacities, a final increased tension of
muscles, and a sudden release with convulsions, including rhythmic contractions
followed by disappearance of all symptoms". Bakwin described masturbation in
three infant females that appeared to result in the physiologic manifestations of
orgasm, including abrupt general relaxation and sweating. Havelock Ellis, cites a
paper by West written in l895, "Masturbation in Early Childhood", and one
written by Townsend in 1896 on, "Thigh—Friction in children under one year"
Infant Masturbation
Childhood hlasturbation
By the time boys and girls reach the age of l5 years, only about 25% of all
girls have masturbated to orgasm, while the comparative figure for boys is nearly
l00%!. It can be said therefore, that masturbation is a universal experience of
male adolescence. However, there is much individual variation as regards the
frequency and technique. Some boys masturbate regularly and of`ten, others only
occasionally or for a short period of their lives. As for technique, many boys use
one or both hands to squeeze and stroke the penis. Some rub it against the bed
mattress, a blanket, or a pillow. Others try to approach the feelings of coitus by
inserting the penis into the wide mouth of a bottle, a toilet paper tube, or a pa
rolled-up socks. Still others try to take their own penis into their mouth, althoug
they normally find this to be anatomically impossible, (only about l% of all
males can do it). It is not unusual for a boy to experiment with these and similar
masturbation techniques and to switch from one to the other, according to the
circumstances. However, no matter w·hat method is used, the adolescent male
soon learns how to reach orgasm at will.
Female Masturbation
lt seems that on the whole, fewer girls than boys masturbate to orgasm at
any early age. One reason for this may be found in the different anatomy of the
two sexes. A penis is comparatively easy to manipulate, and its erection is more
difficult to ignore than the mere lubrication ofthe vagina, A second reason, may
be the passive nonsexual attitude that girls learn to adopt as a result of our social
conditioning. In our culture, little girls are usually not encouraged to be sexual
beings, while many boys are taught how to masturbate by others (mostly older
boys), girls usually develop the practice by themselves. Actually, in some
instances girls masturbate regularly for years before they find out that this is what
they have been doing. They may then be quite shocked and feel guilty about it..
Society and Masturbation
After all, rtl0Sl people ltr Our culture Corrsicler rrinslirrbntimt wrong, and in
spite of all the propaganda tothe contrary, many adolescents still adopt the moral
values of their elders. Since most adolescent boys masturbate, the moral problem
is particularly acute for them; they are told not only that masturbation is sinful,
but also that it may cause physical or mental ailment. They are sometimes wamed
that excess masturbation can somehow weaken the body; as a result, many boys
feel a double guilt. They seem to displease God and to ruin their health at the
same time.
Parents who see their boys or girls masturbate make a serious mistake if
they become alamied and shocked about it, reacting wrongly by forcing them to
stop under the threat of severe punishment. This will only create needless feelings
of guilt in the children because they continue to perform the practice of
masturbation in secret, (hence the name). The sexual response is a normal
function of the human body at any age and, as such, for many children
masturbation is simply part of growing up sexually, and there is no medical
reason why they should not be able to stop practicing it.
Another potential source of trouble is the reaction of some parents who are
horrified when they discover that their child has been involved in sex play and, in
some cases, they feel that such bad behavior deserves drastic and severe
punishment. This attitude is incomprehensible to children at such an age, and
thus they may for the first time in their lives, feel misunderstood, betrayed, and
abandoned. They also may become so fearful and suspicious of anything sexual
that their further personality development is seriously impaired. Some sensitive
children never outgrow such an early traumatic experience. lt is therefore very
fortunate that, in recent years, adult healthy sex education has made great
progress and parents generally have now become more understanding and
tolerant in these sexual matters.
Mental Hygiene in Sexual Development
For healthy sexual development to maturity, the factors and conditions
involved are nearly the same for both sexes.
Since lactation is the only source for the existence ofthe infant, this animal
existence and dependence upon the breasts of the mother or the milk bottle
, continues and last till the critical time of weaning. Now, the baby learns
first time the feelings of rage, anger. fear, anxiety and hate; because she or he was
deprived of the breast or the bottle. Substitute gratilication is the only
consolation for the baby at this critical time. no wonder, thumb sucking or the
rubber tcat become their sole pleasure for sometime to come, even to aduIt—hood
and a good example is the lolly—pup sweets preferred by some adults!.
Both ends of the gastro-intestinal tract are pleasurable to the baby and are
accepted well by his or her mother or nanny; suddenly, the mother or the society
approves only of one end, namely the mouth and describes the other end, the anus
and the excreta as disgusting and aversion linked. Also, the genitals are
considered private all of a sudden and secretive, then; the threats and punishment
the baby receives during toilet training may be mild or severe. But, the sexual
organs will always remain associated with dirt, secrecy, privacy and guilt
feelings, depending upon the degree ofthreats and the punishments severity.
Infantile Correction
Naturally, the infant explores his or her body and the sex organs as well; at
once, he or she is met with disapproval, even horror, and sometimes punishment
depending upon the culture and the mentality of the parents involved. This severe
infantile correstion reinforces the previous lesson of toilet training in linking and
associating the sexual organs with dirt, not nice and private, including masturba
tion. No wonder that the sexual urge at maturity is usually associated with a sense
of guilt, defilement, sin and penance. A good example, is the resultant frigidity of
many women who submit sexually to their husbands only as a duty and not for a
pleasurable coitus. They may stiffer as such from dyspareunia, vaginismus and
they sometimes refuse coitus altogether (apareunia).
Anatomical Loss
Girls become aware and conscious very early about their anatomy and they
feel mutilated and anxious for the loss of the penis. They phantasize plenty and
compensate for this inferiority complex or mutilation complex by the
spectacular sexual achievements of puberty and they then feel better than boys
due to the development of the secondary sexual characters, eg. breasts.
Since the physical changes of puberty may appear early or late, quickly or
slowly; individuals of the same chronological age may find themselves in very
different stages of development. For an adolescent, this is often a matter of great
concern, boys may worry about their height, the breadth of their shoulders, the
strength of their muscles and the size of their penis. Girls may be afraid of
growing too tall, and they may anxiously measure the size of their breasts and the
width of their hip. Indeed, during this period, young people tend to become
extremely sensitive and self—conscious about their appearance, especially if they
gain too much weight or due to the presence of acne. Another potential source of
embarrassment is the heightened sexual responsiveness, for example, boys may
resent the fact that they have sudden erections at very awkward moments.
Paradoxically, the sexual awareness of girls lags well behind that of boys. While
the secondary sexual characteristics may appear much earlier in females than in
males, the female capacity for sexual arousal and
aer. nortunatey, many parervs still allow their girls to menstruate for the tirs
time without knowledge or ed.=cation; it is a major
appen around menarche, which is seldom forgotten or fo
Libido at Maturity
Apart form theoretical considerations regarding infant sexual physiology, a
number of observations provide an instructive view. Personnel working in a
delivery ward such as doctors and nurses or in a newbom nursery are all familiar
with the fact that newbom males have spontaneous erections; newbom females
have vaginal lubrications which parallel the vasocongestive mechanism that
produces erections in the male. These examples of early physiologic function in
the sexual apparatus are clearly not learned events but represent an activation of
inbom reflex responses in just the same way that an infant does not learn to
sweat, to breathe, to digest, or to urinate. The implications of this statement are
clear "Sexual functioning is a natural process"
lt is, of course true that all hurnarr beings are born with the capacity to
respond to many kinds of sensual stimulation. We also mentioned that erections
ofthe penis, the lubrication of the vagina, muscular contractions, and rhythmic
pelvic movements can be observed in very young infants. ln short, nobody has to
learn the physiological responses that lead to orgasm. Still, everybody does learn
under which specific circumstances these responses may be triggered. From their
first years of life, children learn to react positively to certain stimuli and
negatively to certain others. As a result of their personal experiences, they then
acquire their individual sexual behavior patterns. Thus. lmnran beings learn to be
masculine or feminine, heterosexual or homosexual. They also learn to
masturbate, to engage in coitus, and to feel happy or guilty about sox. They learn
to prefer younger or older partners, blondes or brunettes, Europeans, Africans or
Asians. Some persons develop a strong attachment to one particular partner and
arc unable to respond to anyone else, others change their partners frequently.
Some like variety in their erotic techniques, others stick to a single approach
throughout their lives. Some men and women depend on complete privacy for
their sexual responsiveness, others find additional stimulation in the knowledge
that they are being watched. There are people whose sexual advances are
passionate. inconsideratc, and even brutal: and there are others who enjoy making
love slowly. gently. and deliberately. Certain individuals may even prefer solitary
masturbation to any sexual intercourse. and certain others may seek sexual
contact with aninralsn
Since these and many other personal sexual interests, choices, and
preferences are developed through learning, they may appear natural, reasonab
and indeed, inevitable to the person involved. Even sexual behavior which se
outrageous, fantastic, meaningless or absurd to most peo
anrewarding to a certain individual because of the way in which he has been
conditioned. A man who becomes excited sexually at the sight of a wood
horsel, may merely reflect some early experience in childhood in which sex
pleasure was associated with a merry—go round, and his behavior
no more difficult to explain than that of another man who becomes
aroused while watching a striptease show'?. The latter male sexual re
have a certain advantage over the fomier, because we consider it nonnal for the
majority of males, but neither of them should be of any social concern. On the
other hand, it is clear that every society has a right to protect itself aga
acts that involve force or violence, or which take place in front of un
witnesses. Such acts may be satisfying to the person who commits them, bu
they obviously violate fundamental rights of others, they are socially
unacceptable. Traditionally, they have always been treated as serious crimes
which deserved severe punishment. However, in modern titties there has been
growing tendency to view such acts as symptoms of mental illness rather tha
crimes. Psychiatrists began to argue in court that certain sexual offenders shou
not be sent to prison but to a mental hospital, and that they should not be
punished but cured of their illnesses..
lt is fair to say that all of these people are sexually maladjusted. In other
words, their particular learning experiences have rendere
sexuacommunication. They either have become insensitive to the needs of
others, or are unable to fulfill them. They cannot relate to their sexu
complete persons, or adapt their own desires to different circumstances a
situations. They seem condemned to repeat the same frustrati
defeating acts, in short, they fail to achieve the hill amount of physica
emotional satisfaction of which tnost human beings are capable.
There is now a greater awareness than ever before that men and women are
capable of learning, unlearning, and relearning many sexual attitudes and
reactions throughout their lives. "Nevertheless, the importance of sexual
conditioning in infancy and childhood remains well recognizcd". There is also
HO doubt that parents and Close relatives have a great influence on a child's
development. The discipline they demand, the routines they establish and the
examples they set give boys and girls the first concept of sexual differences and
teach them how to relate to their own bodies. Adults convey their sexual attitudes
to children in a thousand different ways; through their sense of modesty and
privacy, the way they answer questions about sex, the words they use for sexual
organs and sexual activity, their tone of voice, their gestures and fascial
expressions while reacting.
All babies are bom with a certain physical equipment which enables them
to respond to sexual stimulation. They feel pleasure when their sex organs or
other erogenous zones are touched, and they may even reach orgasm fairly early
in life. Nevertheless, infants are still "sexually inarticulate". They respond rather_
indiscriminately to all kinds of stimuli, and their responses are not yet fully
integrated and coordinated as we mentioned before. Only gradually, and under
the influence of social conditioning, do children begin to structure their sexual
behavior in a way that is acceptable to the culture in which they grow up. ln other
words, they not only learn the "proper" responses, but also suppress and forget
the "improper" ones. ln fiact, when they try later to increase their sexual
responsiveness through treatment, they may spend a great deal oftime and energy
releaming the very responses they were once taught to suppress.
For infants, the main source of sensual stimulation is the mother. As they
are being touched, caressed, and nursed, they learn to feel loved and accepted and
to gain confidence in the world. Physical closeness gives them the sense of
security they need for a healthy development. lt is therefore very unfortunate that
some hospitals still separate newborn infants from their mothers, thus depriving
both of the first essential communication. Later, this initial mistake may be
compounded by the mothers themselves when they avoid any skin contact with
their infants and keep them clothed even while playing with them. By the same
token, a mother who does not breast feed her baby misses an important
opportunity to build a more intimate relationship. Babies want more than just
nourishment, they also hunger for human warmth and reassurance. Some working
mothers realize their chi|dren's needs in this respect, but refuse to meet their
natural demands and stop lactation after a rather short time because of many
excuses unfortunately. However, just as infants cannot learn to speak unless they
are spoken to, they cannot learn to show love and affection unless they are
hugged, stroked, tickled, and kissed by their parents or nurses. Parents who deny
their children such physical and emotional gratification leave them frustrated,
and in fact teach them to feel uncomfortable with their bodies. There is no doubt
that such negative early experiences can deeply affect the chiId's future attitude
toward sex.
usually much more specific. For example a "typical
attracteto all females, but only to those of a certain age,
coor, etc., In fact, he may prefer not only a special type of female, but
special type of sexual intercourse under special cond
preerences and tastes within the general framework of a person's sexua
orientation are best
result of conditioning.
described as personal "sexual interests". The
The importance of hormonal influences on reproduction and sexual
behavior has been recognised since thc early part of this century. Although it was
initially thought that the pituitary gland was thc primary focus of control aver
those processes, it is now known that the brain itself acts as the major regulator,
with the hormones that are secreted in the hypothalamus controlling the functions
of the pituitary. The brain is also a target for the sex steroid hormones
manufactured in the gcnads. For example, these hormones act on sexual
differentiation ofthe brain during fetal life, initiate puberty, and play a role in thc
regulation of sexual behavior.
The precise relationship between hormones and sexual behavior is rmt clearlx
:m< icrstmvd at present. ln Il variety cwfnmnpx imntc animal species. plasma testosterone
concentrations increase after cmitus or ejaculation. In monkeys, however, although
ncccws of adult males t0 receptive females reportedly leads to increased circulating
2<:$ms,tmunc, neither testosterone 1mr Iutcinizing hormone increases SigHimCiHl{l§
Qiif :te¤Et: >:¤ aw <;§aculz1ti<m, Cbnflicfing results have hmm ¤e·pm*z<e<_i in wgzir
;>—;zz::m:~TA t~§f!20a1g?: inns =:uciics indicate that testosterone ¥@\‘@ls d¤ um incrc:2¤c nffcr
gw 5¤§E`€“Q?l}i'??I%?i(“¥L STE!} other reports {hi} to document za nwdiixe correlation
<r;r·;12::} activity or sexuni in!m·<~¤t mu! scrum e¤¤t<~¤tm ~¢» kwin "!!»-we
;=::· ·—·im$i<::<1 %mli£:w1mg SsxCr<:&S;cd \€$i0¢<?<é:·<>m· :ai`i<—r· vn:1<t11xlwzzt
Lzmaus, mus i:1mr:p<m2cm viewing cmtic xmwicc
k gr \_/( C
/ \ fix d . {**2-} /
Figure l. Testosterone and the brain
Schematic representation of the reciprocal influences between testosterone an
(a) is the cortex which responds to life experiences. (b) represents the hyp
which is intimately connected to (c) the pituitary gland w
orne (). This hormone regulates testosterone production by the male testes
, and in tum, the level oftestosterone profoundly affects cerebral functioni
Persky and his colleagues have recently suggested interrelationships
hormone levels and the sexual behavior of couples; in addition, evid
indicating that there may be a seasonal cycle of plasma testosterone in men
, nocrne
further compounds the methodological difficulties
reguaton in women is somewhat more complex than in men, since
women undergo a series of cyclic hormone changes from the onset Of
menstruation until the time of menopause.
Recent evidence indicates that (LH-RF), the small peptide molecule of the
luteinizlng hormone - releasing factor, may enhance sexual desire even in the
absence of testosterone or when testosterone is ineffective. This finding h
raised interesting questions, such as: Does LH-RF act directly on the sex cen
of the brain ‘?. Can it be used clinically to increase libido ‘?. As yet, LH-RF is
mystery, but it has important implications and merits further investigation.
Evidence suggests that serotonin, or 5-HT (hydroxy-tryptami-ne) acts as an
inhibitor, and dopamine as a stimulant to the sexual centers ofthe brain.
The penis consists of three cylindrical bodies of erectile tissue, the paired
corpora cavemosa lie parallel to each other and just above the corpus spongiosum
which contains the urethra. The erectile tissues consist of irregular sponge l
networks of vascular spaces interspersed between arteries and veins. The distal
portion ofthe corpus spongiosum expands to fonn the glans penis. Each cylindr
body is covered by a fibrous coat or tissue, the tunica albuginea, and all three
corpora are enclosed in a covering of dense fascia. At the base of the penis the
corpora cavernosa diverge to form the crura, which attach firmly to the pubis and
ischium (the pubic arch). The blood supply to the penis derives from terminal
branches ofthe internal pudendal arteries (Figs. 2 - 4).
Q ;·__ ,l
e" ‘~~
K Y ¢,v_j»§\gt»l;J jyféiéri M9” .
Urethral :`
hlechanism of erection
Q;. envelope /,{g;I-°_‘?>$<`?5Y
Septum penis { m' T l `
( Ectiniform) p
'\ §,,, C0FD01`&
eavernosa penis
" §: Urethra
{ .T
\ ‘V\/ /
‘/ »$ /r// `{ Rectum
Urinary bladder
\1 g ” *4\/ ’
_`\? 5 \‘··~
,T{g;*?’}i;逰¢l /_
§_{g{ ,-» Y {Ae! ,_ wr- -’Q3\J<¤ Vas defcrens
Seminal vesncle
Penile urethra
¤Y\ `
’ 5/ V \ /»/%/ _-
.xw @3%, /
Z Y NEW $`!:=7? Glans penis
The prostate gland, which is normally about the size of a chestnut, consists
of a fibrous muscular portion and a glandular portion. The prostate is located
directly below the bladder and surrounds the urethra as it exits from the u
bladder. The rectum is directly behind the prostate, permitting palpation of t
gland by rectal examination. The prostate produces clear alkaline fluid that
constitutes portion of the seminal fluid, the prostate is also a major site of
synthesis of chemical substances. known as prostaglandins, which have a wide
variety of metabolic roles. Prostatic size and function are largely androgen
dependent. Cancer ofthe prostate arises in the glandular portion, whereas benig
prostatic hypertrophy usually results from enlargement of the tibromuscular
component of tltésprostate.
—»>m£:·ml vesicles
The seminal vesicles are paired structures that lleittgalnst the posterior
aspect ofthe base of the bladder and join Zvlth the end ofthe vasa dllferentla
(which are the tube like structures that carry the spermatozoa from the testes) to
form the cjaculatory ducts. The ejaculatory ducts open into the prostatic urethra;
the major Huid volume of the ejaculate derives from the seminal vesicles,
C`owper's glands, which may produce a pre-ejaculatory mucoid secretion, are
otherwise of unknown function.
II. Female Sexual Anatomy
( A ) The external genitals of the female
They consist ofthe labia majora, the labia minora, the clitoris, and the
perineum. The Bartholin's glands, which open on the inner surfaces of the labia
minora, may be considered functionally within the context of the extemal female
genitals, although their anatomic position is not in fact external. (Fig. 5).
Clitoral shaft M
{ rf" · ‘~ - §“\ \
Labia majora
The labia minora have a core of vascular, spongy connective tissue without
fat cells; their surfaces are composed of stratified squamous epithelium with large
sebaceous glands. Its very essential role as one of the three primary erogenous
in females will be discussed fully in the chapter of the sexually stimula
The clitoris, which is located at the point where the labia majora mee
anteriorly, is made up of two small erectile cavemous bodies enclosed in a
flbrous membrane surface and ending in a glans or head. Histologically
of the clitoris is very similar to that of the penis. The clitoris is richly
with free nerve endings in contrast with vagina, where they are extrem
within the interior of vagina. These free nerve endings
uncton other than serving as a receptor and transducer for erotic
the human female. The very important role that the clitoris plays dur
excitement will be discussed fully in the chapter ofthe physiology ofcoitu
female; while the loss of the clitoris and the labia minora due to the drastic and
tragic operation of female circumcision will be strongly c
ofemale circumcision.
They include the vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. These
structures may show considerable variation in size, spatial relationship, and
appearance as a result of individual
age and presence or absence of disease.
differences as well as reproductive histo
The walls ofthe vagina are completely lined with a mucosal surface that is
now known to be the major source of vaginal lubricati
gans within the vaginal walls, although there is a rich vascular capillary b
The vagina is actually a muscular organ, capable of contraction _and
can accommodate
smaller object.
to tl1e passage ofa baby and can adjust in size to accept
fg éa ‘
`(ii if
tf/T ii‘i ‘ Q,
y. _ _ 37
._ _
{ ti xg N °**:°
V Nl ’
The cervix is the part of the uterus that protrudes into the vagina, while the
cervical os provides a point of entry for the spermatozoa intonthe upper female
genital tract and also serves as an exiting point for the menstrual flow. The
endocervical canal contains numerous secretory crypt's like glands that produces
mucus. The consistency of cervical secretions varies during various phases of
hormonal stimulation throughout the menstrual cycle. Just prior to or at the time
of ovulation. cervical secretions become thin and watery; at other times of the
cycle, these secretions are thick and viscous, forming a mucus plug that blocks
the cervical os.
The uterus is a muscular organ that is situated in close proximity to the
vagina, the two linings of the uterus, namely the endometrium and the
myometrium function quite separately. The myometrium is important in the onset
and completion of labor and delivery, with hormonal factors thought to be the
primary regulatory mechanism. The endometrium changes in structure and
function depending on the hormonal environment. Under the stimulus of
increasing estrogenic activity, the endometrium thickens and becomes more
vascular in preparation for the possible implantation of a fertilized egg. lf the
fertilized ovum implants, the endometrium participates in the formation of the
placenta. When fertilization and implantation do not occur, the greatly thickened
endometrium begins to break dov resulting in the menstrual flow as a means of
shedding the previously proliferateci enciometrial tissue, which will regenerate
under appropriate hormonal stinmitis in the nexi menstrual cycle. Endometrial
biopsy may be undertaken as part of an ieizrtiaty evaluation to determine if
ovulation has occurred and to observe. .v§:»s::·feci· appropriate progesterone secretion
has been present.
Fallopian tubes
The fallopian tubes or oviducts originate at the uterus and open near the
ovaries, terminating in finger—like extensions called fimbriae. The fallopian tube
is the usual site of fertilization; the motion of cilia within the tube combined with
peristalsis in the muscular wall results in transport of the fertilized ovum to the
uterine cavity.
The ovaries are paired abdominal structures that periodically release eggs
during the reproductive years and also produce a variety of steroid hormones.
These two small oval bodies (4 cms x 3 cms) are located in the lower abdomen,
held in place by the ovarian ligaments which are attached to the uterus. The
female sex hormones which are prodasced (oestrogen and progesterone) play a
role in the sexual behavior of females
Barth0Iin’s glands
A pair of glands located just inside the inner lips (labia minora) on either
side ofthe vaginal entrance. A small amount of fluid is produced by these glands
only after a woman is thoroughly aroused sexually and the act of intercourse has
been particularly prolonged .
The external genitalia of both sexes are developed from the same genital
tubercle embryologically at around the sixth week of gestation. The genital
tubercle eventually differentiates into a clitoris in the female and a penis in the
male. This point of embryological development is of medical interest
sexologically denoting the importance of the extemal female genitalia in the
physiological responses ofthe sexually stimulated female as well as the dramatic
loss of these vital organs through the serious operation of female circumcision
(Fig. 7).
I P T / =‘ ANA I
ANUS asm mar Me
·= {Q3 ///Z(;)q?uS CALLOSU
G}! ‘¥
WS ' C'
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The sexual system has extensive neural connections with other parts of the
brain, it is highly probable that the sexual centers have significant connections,
neural and / or chemical, with the pleasure and the pain centers of the brain.
When we have sex, the pleasure centers are stimulated and this accounts for the
pleasurable quality of erotic behavior. But when we are in pain, we do not feel
like sex because the pain centers inhibit the sexual system. Indeed, all of human
behavior is organised around the seeking of pleasure and the avoidance of pain
i.e. the seeking of stimulation of the pleasure center and the avoidance of pain
center stimulation.
Recent studies have indicated that chemical receptor sites are located on
the neurons of the pleasure centers which respond to a chemical that is produced
by brain cells. This substance is called "endorphin" because it resembles
morphine in its chemical characteristics, as well as, its physiologic effects of
causing euphoria and alleviating pain. lt may be speculated that eating and sex
and being in love i.e. behaviors which are experienced as pleasurable, produce
this sensation by stimulation ofthe pleasure center, electrically or by causing the
release of endorphins, or by both mechanisms.
Sexual desire must also be anatomically and /or chemically connected with
the pain centers, for if a sexual object or situation produces pain - i.e. is
experienced as destructive or dangerous - it will cease to evoke desire, in other
words, pain has the capability of inhibiting sexual desire. Because our brains are
organised so that pain has priority over pleasure, which makes sense from an
evolutionary perspective, hence, individual survival must come before
reproduction. When we perceive that we are injured i.e. (in pain) or in danger
(fear), the pain center becomes activated and governs our functions, so that all
our energies are focused on finding solutions e.g. (fighting, running,
outmaneuvering, finding alternative strategies), instead of becoming distracted by
sex and vulnerable because of our sexual urges. The ability of the pain centers to
inhibit the sexual centers, which has clear adaptive value, is also the biological
basis for me neurotic inhibition oflibido.
It may also be speculated that neural connections exist between the central
sex centers and the spinal reflex centers that govem genital functioning. Input
from the higher centers can enhance or diminish the genital reflexes, thus, when
libido is high, when a person feels sexy and sensuous, erection and lubrica
full and rapid and orgasm is easily achieved. ln fact, erection and even orgasm
may at times be achieved purely on the basis of external stimuli and fantasy
without any physical stimulation of the genitals. But the opposite is also true,
when desire is absent and the sexual experience is flat and joyless, the threshold
for the genital reflexes is much higher. When one is not "turned on", it can take
"forever" and the physical stimulus must be intense enough before the genitals
will be able to function. A summary to the anatomy and physiology ofthe sexual
response denotes that the sexual desire or libido, also termed "the sexual drive", is
produced by the activation ofthe neural system in the brain, while the excitement,
plateau and orgasmic phase: involve the genital organs. In both males and
females, the excitement and plateau phases are produced by reflex vasodilatation
of genital blood vessels. By contrast, orgasm essentially consists of reflex
contractions of certain genital muscles. The two genital reflexes are served by
separate reflex centers in the lower spinal cord.
_ _ Frmbriae
Fallopian tube
Urinary bladder
k\ \
xi.vI"?. X Dnriulll
Minor lips
Major lips
Figure 9. External and internal sex organs ofthe female (side view).
Very little was known about the physiology of the female sexual response
till Masters and Johnson undertook their brilliant sexual research. For two
decades, they studied the sexual behavior of men and women under scientific
laboratory conditions; they observed and recorded approximately l4.000 sexual
acts. They took, photographs of the extemal and intemal female organs during
various sexual activity which revealed the dramatic physiological and anatomical
changes which prepare the female body for sexual intercourse. Johnson devised
an artificial phallus made of clear plastic and equipped it with light and camera;
as the woman copulated with the artificial penis, it was possible to photograph
and record the various reactions of the clitoris, the labia, the vagina and the uterus
during the fours stages ofthe sexual response cycle.
( 1 ) Excitement phase
In females, the first and most obvious sign of sexual excitement is the
"lubrication of the vagina", known also as "sweating of the vagina". ln
response to effective sexual stimulation, which may occur very suddenly taking
from l0 to 20 seconds, the vaginal walls which is relatively dry in the
unstimulated state, soon provides a moist coating for the entire vagina in
preparation for penetration. Without such lubrication, the insertion of a man's
erect penis into a woman’s vagina is painful for both. Few causes of vaginal
dryness are insufficient or clumsy pre-coital petting or unwillingness of the
female partner to join in the act of coitus. lt is important to recognize that there
are no secretory glands in the vaginal mucosa or submucosa but instead there is a
well developed capillary system that surrounds the basal membrane. During
sexual excitement transudation of fluid do occur as a result of vasocongestion
producing this lubrication within the vagina and that the secretory glands lining
the cervix do not contribute meaningfully to vaginal lubrication. The
corresponding first sign of excitement in males is the erection of the penis, in
short, as the penis becomes ready to enter the vagina, the vagina becomes ready
to receive it. lt is interesting to know that in cases of pronounced sexual
excitation in some women with a resultant profuse vaginal lubrication, some male
partners do complain about this excessive vaginal sweating not knowing the
essential values ofthis lubrication. (Fig lm
/cum S (
N k f etwor 0
H jymphysis
'\ w /gg
( ) x, 1 Cervix
_, gg blood vessels
’\ c , A ‘ 6l’ °c
. . \ Lubricating/rib 5 ,,, _§_6 h S X
{ drsplsts ""¥°‘f"""`““i‘j*§_/~»47 " No lubr
KJ · · Colon Rectum /Z`•`L‘\\
With continued sexual arousal, the inner two thirds of the vagina increase in
both length and width creating a tenting balloon effect, namely what is called the
vaginal barell, lt is interesting to note that the vagina in its unexcited state, is a
collapsed tube i.e. its walls are touching. It is not known precisely which muscles
are involved in this phenomenon but the pubovesical ligament which contains a
large proportion of smooth muscular element play an important role, when
contractions of this ligament do accomplish the lifting ofthe anterior wall. It is
very important to keep this fact in mind of all gynaecologists while fitting a woman
with the vaginal diaphragm, to choose the right sized cap, often used as a local
method of contraception. The color of the vagina change from the usual purple red
to a deep purple color that becomes even darker during the following stages of
L_ __`` /,;;,»tVagina
Early uterine __,»T.__ ~_’,.·
elevation \ (
xx G `
\,j%/ . I
\Labia minora size increase
'\Labia majora separation
and elevation
The response of the labia majora in the female depends on her parity, if
she is a nulliparous woman, sexual excitement will cause her major lips to flatten
sl-; Ann tr? ¤nl·••·m¤•n¤¤+ nail nvpnrn h¤•· w¤Hi¤¤l hw"-,lTG`»'•E
a·na.icra in a multiparous woman are large and new they grow even larger as a
viii cfengorgeinent and do expose the vaginal criice in an exaggerated manner
evizs-¢ river become elevated and separated.
The Iabia minora swell considerably in size in all females with sexual
stimulation and they do change their color to a progessively deeper red while
extending outwards all the time..
The clitoris, just like the penis increases in as its erectile tissue
becomes filled with blood and it gets firm in consistency as a result of the proce
of vasocongestion, although a true erection does not loccur literally, because of
the marked difference between the size of penis and clitoris. The increase in t
size ofthe clitoris is most noticeable in the diametenof the clitoral shaft, while its
length increases 2 to 3 times as much as the original one which is 4 x 4.5 mm
the average adult female in the flaccid non stimulated state. There is a
pronounced increase as well in the size of the glans which becomes quite obvious
in the sexually stimulated female (Fig. 12).
(4ON (VW .
{5 Clitoral
l {
v 5
M lm
,J li
Sha t diameter l
r‘ (> l/(, i.
y`{ \Nshaft N ncrease \ b\\,\\ reaction 7 ’ J
\ \ - ° _' Cl/ my _. ·. ~;;.
. l i, l Y \
litoral hood
I —*=-`}_ itora
i/l/ Glans and shaft
V. _ SIMS ’· /” Engorgement
Of mingr Iipg
of |'Y`|l¤Ol' lips
¢ Minor
r lips W lr _ </
i dll lil tl
Kh* lx /
Figure l2. Changes in the shape and position of the clitoris during sexual arousal.
Changes in other organs
Increase in
breast size
i wig .X’¥r
l · **9013
t ‘·~Ml
·. .
“ ~ \;ie, ¤ · · ‘ - F · ·. `
»; 9;,}
_V_V O s . ex
Unstimulated Excitement Plateau Resolution
baseline through
ln both men and women, the physical changes of the excitement phase are
neither constant nor always ascending. Distractions of either a mental or a physical
nature are quite likely to decrease the buildup of sexual tension, which is the
hallmark of excitation. An extraneous sound eg a sharp knock on the door, a shift in
position, or a muscle cramp, for example, are types of distraction that may occur. ln
addition. changes of tempo or manner of direct sexual stimulation can also
temporarily disrupt the process of sexual arousal. The vasocongestive mechanisms of
uu. uuuuiuu plum uu nut LUll5lllUl! u uuauuwuw uuululsul uf sexual uruukul
fact, an erection may be diminishing in firmness at just the time that excitation is
heightening; likewise, vaginal lubrication may appear to have ceased, although
neuromuscular tension is clearly nearing the plateau phase. lt is advisable therefore,
not to use lubricants unnecessarily unless prescribed, while noting all the time that
the best natural lubricant for fertility purposes is the human saliva.
(2 ) Plateau phase
The word plateau is meant to indicate that a certain level of excitement has
been reached which is then maintained for a while before orgasm occurs. This
phase physiblogically and sexologically is the continuation of the excitement
phase because it describes a higher degree of sexual arousal that occurs prior to
reaching the threshold levels required to trigger orgasm. The duration of the
plateau phase varies widely; if is often exceptionally brief in men who are
premature ejaculators. ln women, a short plateau phase may precede a
particularly intense and powerful orgasm.
During this phase there is further increase in the length and width ofthe
inner two-thirds of the vagina with a minor additional expansion in its size. and
there is a corresponding increase in elevation ofthe uterus. The rate of vaginal
lubrication often slows during this phase as compared to excitation, especially if
the plateau phase is prolonged, (Fig. I4).
,\_ I.]-'EQPTUE
{5 vaginal
r—n+m»ar rpohfihg \\ \.
body effect: \ \‘~ //\" /{-_!
H X V _`-' \Orgasm1c platform
Labia minora size increase
(sex skin)
Prominent vasocongestion occurs in the outer third of the vagina, as a result,
this part of the vagina becomes narrower by about 33%. T`his congestion and
tightening of the outer third of the vagina has been named the "orgasmic
platform". This narrowing action is one reason why the size of the penis is
relatively unimportant to the physical stimulation received by the woman during
late intercourse, since there is actually a "gripping" action of the outer portion of
the vagina around the penis. Other reasons include the expansion of the inside of
the vagina, which decreases direct stimulation received distally from penile
thrusting regardless of penis length. Also the .fact that the inner two-thirds of the
vagina contains few sensory nerve endings, whereas, there is a richer concentration
of` such sensory nerve endings in the area in which the orgasmic platform forms.
The uterus undergoes still further increase in size and is pulled further
upwards into the abdomen.
While the labia majora show no further changes during the plateau phase,
the labia minora increase further in size and continue to darken in color,
especially in multiparous women. This marked color change is a sign that orgasm
is approaching, so much so, that if stimulation continues orgasmic release occurs
a minute or a minute and half after the labia became bright red in color.
Once a certain level of excitement has been reached, the clitoris already
erect, both the shaft and the glans become angulated and rotate ventrally l80° and
retract under the symphysis pubis disappearing under the clitoral hood. This
change, coupled with the vasocongestion occurring in the labia, makes it difficult
to visualize the clitoris in this new situation and also partially masks the location of
the clitoris to touch. lt is interesting to note that direct touching of the clitoris now,
may cause pain and discomfort but there is no loss of pleasurable clitoral
sensations during these changes however, and stimulation tothe general vicinity of
the mons pubis or the labia will result in pleasurable clitoral sensations. ln the past,
it was not always understood that this retraction ofthe clitoris indicates an increase
and not decrease of sexual excitement because the clitoris in this new position is
indirectly squeezed by the male pubis in the lithotomy position (Fig. 15).
lligure lS. 'llie clitoris in the female sexual response cycle (Plateau phase).
The greater vestibular glands (BarthoIin's glands), which correspond to
the bulbo-urethral glands (Cowper's glands) in the male, may secrete a small
nmnurnf nf Hum uhmn nm- fn elw-¤¤
r} HrncAm-inmae
gl ·.\¤e»¤¤• Plus. m- Ian. in ems
excitement phase. lt is interesting to note that the secretions ofthe Apocrine
glands in the prepuee are meant to keep this area lubricated because direct tactile
stimulation when dry may be intolerable since the clitoris isexquisitely sensitive
to touch at this stage of sexual excitation.
The sex Hush, if it did occur, may now become more intense in color and
cover a wider area of the body. Voluntary and involuntary muscular tension
greatly increases throughout the body because of a generalized myotonia. Other
extragenital features of the plateau phase common to both women and men
include; tachycardia, hyperventilation, and an increase in blood pressure,
these changes are primarily seen during the late plateau phase.
l~or ceniuries. males have been concerned alwoul penile me. lo llns (lay,
the fear of having a smaller than normal penis is still a source of great anxiety.
This fear is reflected in women’s concern over clitoral size too, however here the
concern takes two forms, fear that the clitoris is too large or that it is too small. lf
grotesquely large, partial excision may be recommended but the less drastic
measure of imbedding the clitoris in the surrounding tissue is recommended
surgically. lftoo small, hormones may be recommended but with great care.
(3 ) Orgasmic phase
experience of orgasm is essentially the same in men and women, still, it see
that nature did equip females to have more than one orgasm within a
time. This capacity of being a "multiorgasmie female" is quite common i
healthy females and is described as having a series of identifiable or
responses without dropping below the plateau phase of sexual arousal.
enough, recent research proved that it is muscular endurance rather than femin
responsivity which is the limiting factor in a woman's coital responses
this power of multiorgasmic capacity. Men, however, do not share th
Immediately following ejaculation, the male enters a "refractory perio
, during which further ejaculation is impossible, although partial or full
may sometimes be maintained. This refractory period may last for a few minut
, Or it may last for many hours; for most men, this interval lengthens
is typically longer with each repeated ejaculation within a time span of s
hours. There is a great variability in the length ofthe refractory period
within and between individual men. The refractory period is not present i
female sexual response cycle, although most women are not rnultiorg
There is one further difference, while the orgasmic pattern of males p
never varies, females may experience orgasm in a number of ways, (Fig
some women, orgasm is rather short and mild, in others it is extended and violent
i.e. lasts longer and is rather powerful. Even one and the same wom
herself responding quite differently on various and different occasions of sex
stimulation. However, the basic physiological processes underlying th
variations remain unchanged.
l ,’
‘/ l ’
` IF
` \ \§
\ €sO
/ \ xg
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Excitement w \ \m \
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0 Ye
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, Vi <.;;,__`_.:._ X R)
n\\¤ ,
\ Qty:
{".llV) }
·i Rectal
( ‘ in spliincber
ly ` Orgasmic platform
`\ Labia minora
Labia majora
j.=eE 9
» _,jy{4`_[_
Hormone release
Loss of
Uterine yvagmal
2 t ‘.» \ /
is "K +
The labia majora and the labia minora assume their former shape and size,
while the clitoris remerges from under the clitoral hood taking about 5 minutes to
retum to its normal size and colour. The uterus also shrinks back to its normal size
and as it descends from its elevated position in the abdomen, the tenting or
ballooning effect in the inner two thirds ofthe vagina is eliminated. Amazingly the
cervix now dips into the seminal pool collected in the posterior fomix if coitus was
performed in the lithotomy position. With the uterus back into the true pelvis, the
vagina is shortened in both width and length; the uterus and the vagina take about
to 8 minutes to return to their normal size, shape and position.
lt should be pointed out that unlike men, many women do not seem to have
a refractory period like men or at least it is not as obvious. kin many cases
continued or repeated sexual stimulation can bring a woman to a second and third
orgasm immediately following the first one. Indeed, many women are capable of
having many orgasms in·quick succession. Obviously in this case, the resolution
phase as described previously does not begin until after the last of these orgasms.
This is the physiological explanation of a multiorgasmic female, which is quite
different from the rare morbid condition known as "Nymphomania", which
means excessive sexual desire in the female who could not be satisfied, i.e. never
satisfied sexually. lt is a rare condition of uncontrollable sexual desire in females;
fortunately the condition is not common. lt is actually very rare.
There has been :· great deal of controversy and confusion regarding the ro
of the clitoris and the vagina in female sexuality which unfortunately was
source of clinical error in the past. ls female orgasm clitoral or vaginal ? This
specific controversial question really should be: Is it vaginal or clitoral stimulatio
that produces orgasm in females '?. In the past, according to Freudian
psychoanalysits, clinicians believed that clitoral sexual sensations were considered
as a sign of neurosis !, while clitoral eroticism was diagnosed pathological
Masters and Johnson demonstrated the fallacy of this theory in 1966. Recen
studies by H. Kaplan and S. Fisher suggests that stimulation of the clitoris
always be crucial in producing female orgasmic discharge during coitus as
other forms of lovemaking and sexual foreplay.
Of all human senses, the sense of touch whether light or deep seems to be
the one most often responsible for erotic arousal. lt could be applied directly
indirectly to the target area through stroking, squeezing or mere pressure wheth
rhythmically or arrhythmic to the primary or the secondary erogenous zone
Johnson have clearly defined the function of the clitoris as the "transmitter and
conductor" of erotic sensations. Anatomically, the clitoris is a small knob of
spongy tissue, shaft and glans, 4 x 4.5 mm (Diknson atlas of sexual anatomy)
, located below the symphysis pubis. lt has a rich nerve supply with a distr
similar to that of the glans penis with specialized sensory nerve endings, na
the Pacinian corpuscles. Touching the clitoris is experienced as intensely
pleasurable by most females, however, the clitoris is so exquisitely sensitiv
touch that direct tactile stimulation of that area may be intolerable, especially
when it is not well lubricated, but the natural presence of the secretions of the
Apocrine glands is quite sufficient for such lubrication. Most females prefer
indirect clitoral stimulation, either by pressure on the mons veneris or by late
stroking of the clitoral shaft through the labia minora. incidentally, this is
what happens during the plateau phase of the sexually stimulated female when the
angulated erect clitoris rotates ventrallyl 80° and retracts under the symphysis
while covered by its clitoral hood to become squeezed indirectly by the mal
bone in the lithotomy position. The same squeezing happens during the female
astride position which is the face to face woman above. This sex position
incidentally is preferred by a lot of American women nowadays as proved b
. Hunt with the percentage of 75% in favor, in contrast to a researc
et al. in the fifties reaching 45% only. These women confess to the fact that the
astride position enhances their orgasmic release due to their*erotic satisfaction in
response to the (Kinesthetic sense) which is the sense of active body movemen
namely the active pelvic thrusting. Some authorities attributed the popula
sex position nowadays due to the increase of women’s rising expectations of
maximum and full sexual satisfaction during coitus.
Many authorities now are sure that even during coitus. it is clitoral
stimulation that triggers the female orgasm because the clitoral hood is connected
to the labia minora anatomically. Significantly during eoitus the powerful
thrusting ofthe penis exerts rhythmic mechanical traction ofthe labia minora and
so provides stimulation for the clitoris via movements ofthe clitoral hood. ln the
final analysis. it is stimulation of the clitoris via the pubic bone pressure and by
the labia minora- clitoral hood mechanisms and not pure stimulation of the
vaginal introitus which produces the ultimate eoital orgasm in most women.
Maclean, Kaplan and Money confirmed Masters discovery that 60-70% of
women investigated require manual clitoral stimulation during sexual intercourse
in order to reach orgasm. Strange enough. although stimulation of the clitoris
seems to be the crucial element in the production of female orgasm. it is
surprising that the clitoris itselfplays no role in its actual execution
s mama ~
é‘i2w<>·i €maas·xs&&¤s:¤>§
{5% ¢;é»s5»wss.5
emeaaz rsmstef
=· Mama t
{ V $3®¥¥¥K.i
r ; use eg ;..¢;»; Z ,>-.‘v 2 an `
W zi
. 2%** ‘
».aa%M“ r
gi. _ `
`llllllllllw, lllllllllllllw,
Figure 20. External female genitals after intercourse (non circumcised woman)
lt is worth mentioning here this stmking recent evidence which was proved
beyond doubt of how valuable and important the critical role played by the
external genitalia namely; the clitoris and labiae during coitus in order to achieve
orgasm; to convince forever the public in Egypt and Africa to stop and abolish
their 3\‘v’illl practice of female circumcision better named female genital
mutilation (FGM).
Non Resolved Sexual Tension in Females
lf the orgasmic release has been obtained successfully, then there is rapid
detumescence from the naturally accumulative physiological processes, namely,
what happens actually during the resolution phase. Sometimes, the loss of muscle
tension and its decrease, as well as the process of drainage of venous blood from
the state of congestion is much slower and is definitely retarded if an orgasm has
not been experienced. A good example of this condition is the practice of coitus
interruptus chronically, because there will be signs and symptoms of residual
sexual tension as well as non resolved vasocongestion. They are manifested
commonly as bilateral adnexal pains, low backache with increased varicosity
and the possible formation of varicocele when the condition becomes chronic.
Low abdominal pain indicative of uterine vasocongestion in females, long
neglected and misdiagnosed oftenly is indicative of non-orgasmic coitus and / or
long exhaustive making love. Masters and Johnson reported in 1979, that this
pain was well pronounced in women who practiced sexual excitation only,
without proceeding to full consummation of the whole coital process; typical of
this condition also is Lesbian love making and Teaser's sexual play.
It is fair to add to this medical syndrome of non-resolved sexual tension
that in Egypt; the majority of handicapped females who were circumcised and
who are unable to achieve orgasm (Karim and Ammar, 1966).
The nervous strain commonly produced by the practice of coitus
interruptus is by no means limited to the husband, because it may produce little or
no disturbing effect on a woman who is able to achieve an orgasm before or in
spite of the interruption of intercourse. Nor, will it disturb a woman who is
equally frigid whether intercourse is interrupted or not. But if the woman is
capable of orgasm and misses it because her husband withdraws his penis out of
the vagina, it can be said with certainty that nervous strain will ensue and mount.
The repetition of this technique of withdrawal leads to vasocongestion of the
pelvic organs. Most males know that repeated sexual frustration produces aching
testicles, often associated with low backache, an equivalent process is found in
women. The vague low abdominal pain caused by congestion of the uterus and
the ovaries is puzzling to the woman and sometimes - if he is not told the full
facts- to her gynaecologist, too,.
ii`he weii known condition of nervous strain termed "A
occur often when emotional or sexual tension is allowed to pile up with a high
pitch of erotic desire is repeatedly reached and fails for some reason or another to
be released by an orgasm. Men experience acute sexual frustration less ofien than
women, because with them orgasm of some sort usually occurs whether by
orgasm during sleep or by masturbation. In femalesspontaneous relief may be
less easy to achieve and hence it is one of the reasons why anxiety neurosis is a
condition more often found in females than in males.
'g‘“‘"* ’"‘¢' ejimllnti Willi I limp pllllifl ilu. HUH UIUEI |Jl}lllJ.. ll
it may be nye impossible. The same holds good for women, one female could be
multiorgasmic, while her sister cannot achieve even sexual arousal.
Of all human senses, the sense of touch seems to be the one most often
responsible for erotic arousal. Some areas ofthe body surface in the skin and
some deeper tissues, contain more nerve endings than others and hence more
sensitive to the touch whether light or deep. A good example, is the glans of the
penis and the glans of the clitoris, they both contain the Pacinian corpuscles,
which are highly specialised nerve cells and they are both especially receptive to
sexual stimulation.
The best known and well established erogenous zones in the human body
are the glans penis and the penile shalt in the male, the clitoris, the two labia
minora and the orgasmic platform in the female; these are the primary
erogenous zones. (Figure 21 ).
ln both women and men other erogenous zones are known to be among the
areas between the sex organs and the anus, the anus itself but not the rectum, the
buttocks, the inner surfaces of the thighs, the breasts especially the nipples, thc
neck, the mouth namely the lips and tongue and lastly the ears; these are the
secondary erogcnous zones.
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ln the final analysis, people making love have to find out for themselves
which parts of their own or their partner's bodies most readily respond to caresses
and sexual stimulation No wonder, successful and efficient precoital petting is a
must for vaginal lubrication and pleasurable easy penile penetration. However, it
was found that women are more easily distracted from sexual activity even when
aroused and many of them reach orgasm only as a result of sustained and
continuous direct physical stimulation. Also, the average healthy female is less
easily stimulated sexually by mental images alone unlike males. Please refer to
the chapter of female dysfunctions discussing the treatment of frigidity and
wonder at the beautiful words of our Prophet Mohamed teaching us the great
values of sexual foreplay since nearly fourteen hundred years l
Other senses
Most people are well aware of the fact that they can become sexually
aroused not only by persons or things they touch but also by what they may see,
hear, smell or taste. The sight of a beautiful body, the sound of a musical voice,
the smell of a perfume, the taste of certain foods or of a lover's glandular
secretions can be powerful sex stimulants. However, their effect depends entirely
on mental associations, for instance, a particular person becomes excited by a
particular sight, sound, smell or taste because he or she associates it in his or her
mind with a previous pleasant sexual experience. On the other hand, unpleasant
associations produce negative reaction, they can reduce or extinguish sexual
excitement, no wonder, male sexual inadequacy is so prevalent.
lt follows from these observations that there are no constant erotic sights,
sounds or smells as such, they only become so through certain erotic experiences.
lt is not surprising therefore, that at different times and cultures people have felt
attracted to very different ideals of sexual beauty e.g. in the past, Arab men
usually preferred well padded women!. A certain piece of music may appear
stimulating to some males but not others e.g. Jazz music appeals plenty to young
Western cultured people. While the "el-zarr" music have a stimulating effect on
some of our backward women; the African drums would be said to have the same
stimulating effect on most of our African inhabitants.
_ fe ) Ws ~k~¤ 4} r¤"%*\ V
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i uml.,
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@4 §
ml" 2`H9
Qs, 40
Transverse Ssemon
Figure 22. 'Ihe interim] stiuulure til the penis ns xieuerl Front a cross
Secltml and transverse section,
It should be pointed that the presented dingmms of female and ma
response cycles ure meant Only as schematic Ccnceplualizalions of |l]
C0mmOy observed physiologic rmttems,
n greater detail in thc chapter of Sexual whil
In both men and women the physiologic signs nf cexual excitement are
produced by the reflex vusndilatation ofthe genital blood vesscls. Du
arousal, twn centers in the spinal cmd, one at S2, S`, and S, and one at TTL
and L2, causeshecmue activated
these organs to becomeand cause
swollen thc artc
and distended
and changes thr-ir shape to adapt them to their reproductive function. Th: rcf
dHa\atE<vr1uccuv¤in hoth genders, however, becnusc of anatomic differenc
male and fémafe genitals, this swelling takes diftbrent tbrms and so p
ulmngee which are dtfferent but cmuplcmcntany. The penis hccomes hard
enlarged to penetrate lhs vagina while the vagina balloons and bccumcs w
nccmnmodnte the crcct penis.
'l he penis
The cavcrnnus spaces ofthe corpora caveruusa of thc penis fill with hlncd
and distend the penis against its tough. rigid outer sheath
1acc, sqft pcni< intn a hard and erect organ cnpnblc nf penetrating the
The penis
wcuses blood is maintained hard and erect by a high pressu
as tts fluid.,
Systemic blond pressure expands the relaxed trabecular walls against the
rigid tunica albuginea. compressing the plexus uf subtunieal venules ant!
restricting venous drainage from the lncunar spaces. Erection is therefore the
result nf an equilibrium between nnerial inihnw from the czvemous arteries and
the rcsistanee to blood outflow from the Iueunar spaces resulting from these venu
ccclusive mechanisms. Detumescence is accomplislted by a reversal of these
processes. Increasing synipathetie tune, which is also involved in mediating
tvrgastn and ewvtilzatinn, causes the cavernusnl and helicinc artcrics to contract,
restricting hlnmi l`lnw lntn the lmznnar spaces Falling intralacunar pressure then
decnrnprcsscs the subtunical venules, allowing increased venous outflow and
restoring the penis to its normal state of Haccidity. We can see now that the
erectile response is primarily an parasytnputhetic nm-, zilthnngh surgical and
phnrinncnltxgicnl evidence suggests that minor sympathetic component is also
required fnr potency by controlling the outflow of erectile blond. However, it is
well known clinically that an intense sympathetic response such as that produced
by fear and anxiety. can instantly drain the penis of cxtra blood and so cause a
psychugenic loss nfereetinn
caruna g
SP · lo! Q JW
PJ ,\ EE
., i I grr:
LH CG·"` "
E¤’•=¤*i°¤ ltTes
, ticular elevation <~v¤¤*bl=?,»· · { (partial)
It is north rnentioning here that thc sarnc stimuli that bring about the
penile erection in the male result in vaginal lubrication in the female, hecausc
these two phenomena are absolutely necessary for a rrorrrral penile intromission
into the vagina and are both based upon thc saute physiological mechanism 'llre
capacity hir erection is present at all ages in the male. tlte nconatc penis is
dominated bythe glans and cxpcriments done on a two tlay old hoy, proved that
erection did occur when provoked by slight touching ol the izcnilal area. lt should
he noted again that crcction in the tnale nury he esoked hy cerebral or spinal
activation, because in rnalcs with high spinal cortl transcctinn, ercction may he
evoked by spinal reflexes alone. The same is true of vasodilation during erection
the arterial vessels nmning to the corpora cavemosa are almost closed;
parmympathetic cholinergic nerves innervate these blood vessels. 'lhe dilation
that ensues tills the cavemous spaces with blood, the pressure rises as a result
until it reaches that ofthe arterial blood pressure with maximal stiffness and
rigidity following.
The scrotum
UB CuP , r·
smmtion mm.; ED 1 it SP % M WPE S
°Z’,'2%°"""“'“°V· OG!
Ur ‘·' V if . · R
· esticular elevation ··
: ~> (full)
» Skin earl
vgI ·.>;»;c# ‘_ s S tuniu dnrmu
size increase "
Extrngcnital changes
Nut all innlcs experience the erection of their hrcust nipples, which is
brought about by direct physical stimulation of the breasts unlike females whose
breast nipples become erect involuntarily unc: thc lady is sexually stimulated. lt
usually appears toward the end of the excitement phase nr during the plateau
phase and it usually remains visible and erected for sometime aflcr lh: rcsulutinn
It is simply the sudden release of muscular and nervous tension at the climax
cl sexual excitement. This experience represent; "thn mm! Intense physical
pleasure nf which humun beings are capable of and is basically the snmc for
mules and fcmules". As mentioned before, the specific neumpliysinlugirx
mechanisms nf orgnsm are nm known presently, nevertheless. it can hc postulated
that orgasm is triggcrcd by an neural reflex arc ance the orgasmic threshold level has
been reached or exceeded This speculative mmlel, lvasud un lhs physiology of
nther body systems. will bc important in llic context of later clinical discussion, An
orgasm lasts »·niy zi ibw seconds and is halt very much like a short seivurs or rather
like :1 quick succession nf cnnvulsinns which involve the whulc burly and soon lead
lu Uumpivtc relaxation.
Mechanism bf cjuculatlnn
» ‘ —li``;`
Mit SP \( UB in »""
contractions l` p . ' ED d
_ _'/
(seconstage ,. U V PU orgasm) J , ·
. ge
` 1 r?#*{5;§ gérjx
' **52 Pix) / R i
External sphincter " ‘ i ermtraetiam
4 :· 7
skin and
·' tuniea dartos
At the tirst stage of the eiaculatory process, the very excited male
experiences a sensation ofejaculntnry inevitability,
yare perceved as the start ulejaculation, although the extemal w
propulsion of sernerr will be delayed for scveral seconds Thiserjrne lag
the onsct of ejaculation and appearance of seminal fluid lrom the penis, is a r
ofthe distance the ejaculate must travel through the urethra, as well as the
interval required for the build up of sullicient contractile pressure to p
seminal fluid pool in an anterior fashion The internal sphincter ofthe neck ofthe
urinary bladder is tightly closed during eiaculation, ensuring that the semin
fluid bolus moves anreriorly, toward the path of least resistance. Rhythmic
contractions ol the prostate, the perincal muscles, and the shall ol the penis
cornhine to assist thc propulsion process ofcjaculation duri
e orgusmic ejaculatory process (Fig 25), The first ejaculate leaves thc urethra
to the ontsidc emerging in several quick spurts, at a velocity of about 4 times the
rncan velocity ol the blood in the aorta. At times, it may be projected a
considerable distance. while at other times, the semen may H
e orce ola particular ejaculation is not related to a rnan's strength ur virility,
(Fig. 26).
It is important to rememher all the time that the nhole hotly is involve
physiologically, Iiir example, the anal sphincter muscles contract at the manic
intervals as the sex organs. ln fact, there is great neuromuscular tension
tlnoughout the whole body, because besides the muscles directly involved in t
act oforgasrnie release, whether through coitus or masturb
muscemay react involuntarily, rhythmically or with
We the sexual stirnularion proceeds, the restlessness increase and it is the single con
sudden, convulsive release from this overall tension thm
s zi matter of fact, at the time ol sexual climax, surrrrds are ollen produced
whether from the male or lemale partner, such as screaming or moaning or
incoherent noises. Stunetintes tossing ofthe head sideways is noted among some
females during this plncc Breathing become very fast and the pulsc rate mounts
to about l40, while the blood pressure rises even higher than during the plateau
f— /»}f` ` \_ r_’ 7 l
\ gm
L * ·-·f %
# / c·‘~·i~ r
, - ·.-4;-;;;;E;:. ;EE{;;;;E;.;V;
se `
During the resolution phase, tlte anatomic and physiologic changes that
occurred duiing the cxciteineut and plateau phases reverse Immediately
following ejaculation, the man enters a "rcfract0ry period", during which
further ejaculation is impossible, although partial or full erection may sometimes
be maintained. This characteristic feature of the male resolution phase may last
for a few minutes or it may last lor many hours. For most mcn, this refractory
period lengthcns with age and is typically longer with each repeated ejaculation
within a time span of scvcral hours. There is great variability iu the length ofthe
relractory phase both within and between individual men, while it is not prcscnt
Ill the female sexual response cycle (Figure 27)
Plateau //*-·_Refractory ·
71 `
Rerrsptnry l'
I pertud
cxate».;¤t/ ¤·=r*¤¤ fa Ng
/ / / ) /\
<.. s l VB VU SI'~’ ~/ /
)Pt.! t~:1> / JV
,\;\ , PU ,/ lll 2 l
l lwlla. Wee/l lll ,e·\~ R
’ »
l ` "T ` J. { Iafé
\\ 2 j*Testteular descent
\;_y T; skltltat \\ ylxl l;y.
Loss el testictxlmy EL./Qs?/<*“““‘°‘*‘°*““““
vaeoenngestion / *1
Figure 18, Mule peltts rcioluuou plutst
Lim bic System
C 0 rt e x
` {ya K`? l~
»\ vt—
N7/‘ § ,1/
4/ C
Tlrrs can 0Her variation in feelings ol` skin contaet and motion. Another
alterrrutive is for the man to kneel between the viornans legs, holding her
buttocks and bringing her to him for adequate support lhis position incidentally.
is the one which is most common in many Pneitie island societies (Ford and
Beach, l95l).
A "sitting position" involves the use of a chair without arms. \rVith one
partner resting against the hack of the chair for support, the couple can have
intercourse seated tace—t0et`acc with their legs overlapping the sides nl` the chair
ln this position, the couples hands are free ter caressing while they are also able
to kiss. Pcnile penetration irr this "<ining position" is deep, and there rs
considerable skin contact in the genital area However. the deep penetration may
he painful for sorne women iftherr partners penis bumps against their cervix.
the most ernnrnon alternative to the "missi0nary position". i e. litlrotorny
prrsirinrr is one in which the couple are "t'aee-torfacc". "with the woman
:th0ve" This position offers advantages suurlnr to the ruissionary position hut rs
more relaxing lor the ruan llc can lie back eonrtortahly exerting little energy to
maintain himself m that positron and use his hands to caress his partner `s body ln
so doing. hc can concentrate more easily on his own sensations. It may also otier
certain advantages to a woman. lf her partner is esceptionally lrearvy, this position
literally takes the weight off of her ln addition. she can more easily regulate the
paec of movcrncnt toward orgasm in rhythm with hcr own build up of sexual
settsattons. l·maIly. it may be xery useful for a couple in which the man tends to
ejaculate too quickly The man’s relaxed position as such is less likely to promote
rapid ejaculation. It is lor this reason that the womaneabovc positron is otten
counseled and ady ised strongly in cases of frequent premature ejaculation.
The womaneabove position also has certain disadvantages, rt ts more
fatigtiing for the woman especially for fragile females She tnay have to kneel in a
position which causes mttscular strain in her thighs ln addition, where there is
vigorous movements with deep penetration in this position, some women Gnd
that it is internally disconrllrrting or even painful especially with strong pelvic
The must common arrangement for the “woman-above position" is for the
woman to kneel astride her husbands hips and squat down on his erect penis. She
cart then use her kneeling logs to move herself up and down according to her
desire. Her husband can make her rtrorc comfortable and relieve some ofthe strain
by holding her by the waist to assist her up and down movements. lhere are
numerous variations ofthe `wyornan-above position" 'l`he woman can lie {lat on top
of her partner but rrrrfonunatcly, movernents in such a position may be difficult.
She may have to use her elbows as a balance point to create movementr or her
partner may have to rmwc her with his arms. A more unusual variation is for the
woman to squat above `her partner but lace toward his legs. Such a positron otlers
less friction to tlte clitoris unless it is provided manually. It is also less
psychologically intimate because the man faces his partnet's back and buttocks.
The final cet of variations are "rear-etrtry positions". One arrangement is
for both partners to knecl with thc man behind thc woman and between her legs.
'lhrs position provides the man with considerable freedom to move his hands in
caressing his partners body. It also provides thc man with a fulhbodied feeling of
motion during the thrusting movcrrtcnts of intercourse (This increases stimulation
to the kincsthctic sense — the sense of body rrrovernenr). In addition, the soft
pressure of his partner’s buttocks against his whole genital region may provide
exerting tactile stimulation.
Unfortunately; the “rear—entry position" does not oiier many advantages for
women. Friction to the clitoris may be inadequate and may have to be provided
manually during intercourse. Body contact tor her is minirttal and possibilities of
active participation are limited to mere thrusting backward movement. The deep
penetration for some women may result in discomfort or even pain Finally. such
a position rnav not provide rr sense of intimacy for tr couple because partners are
unable to view each other`s facial expressions. This position is perhaps, the most
tahooert in American culture because it attributes symbolic associations with
animal sexual behavior as well as a possible degradation ofwomcn...
A variation ofthe “rear-entry position" is a sitting arrangement. The man
can sit in a chair or on the edge of the bed with his wife seated on his lap, her
back toward him. lle is Free to move his hands and manually caressing her,
however, genital movement in this position is diflicult. A variation ofthe "rear-
entry position”, for the nrore athletic, is a partial standing arrangement. The
woman stands and bends the upper part of her body at the hips, grasping the back
of a chair or some other snppon for her balance. the man stands behind her,
holding her by her waist for balance. Such a position can he very dilticult to
manage ifthe sizes and body shapes ofthe couple are inappropriate for it.
Such variable positions are tor most people only considered as a rare
amusement, when circumstances and mood pem1it some good humored sex play.
lhere are a great many other possible positions hir sexual intercourse. However,
the basic pattems have been described here and others are simply modifications
of them.
Another set of variations are "alrIe—toeaide poaltions". A couple may have
intercourse lying on their sides and facing each other 'lhe woman can raise her
ripper leg and rest it across her husbnnd`s hip enabling him to enter her vagina. ln
this position, both partners are free to use their hands and mouth in caressing each
other. ln this position, also. it is easy for a couple to maintain their contact after
orgson as they ant asleep.
Yet the "suic to—side position" also presents some rlillicnlties lt may be
very dillicult to manage ifthe body shapes ot a couple Arc inappropriate for it e.g.
obesity ln addition, such a position does not allow for vigorous genital
movement because the couple's bodies are nearly locked into a constrirted
An altemative "side—toeside position" is one in which the man lies on his
side facing the woman`s hack This position is perhaps, the one which is most
relaxing for a couple. lt is a variation particularly appropriate for times when n
couple are very tired or on sleepy mornings or when there is mild illness or
during pregnancy. llowever, in cases where one, or both of a couple are obese
this position may be very ditlicult to manage. In addition, while this position
enables the man to have a maximum ul` possibilities for manually caressing his
wife, she is left with few possibilities Rvr activc sexual participation ll` manual
caressing is not provided, she may feel httle sensuous contact and inadequate
friction to hcr clitoris.
Religious view
There is nothing more instructive and reliable than thc beautiful meaning, a
conplemould lrcnelit from and make use of following this holy statement out of
the Koran; namely, the fensibilitv of nn) desired sexual position mul at any time
they like provided it is vaginal intercourse and preceded by sexual lnreplay
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:,,rs._,llQ...a_)llal•l(...+4 Hs)! Qkl¤,..!.llO.alil1rhy;l
·(,»¤S ue`! ,»e···¤ll) -'é···¤Y l.•·—>¥.• o-ll }—$L»= lib 2-Sl ·i·J$ }~$JL?··?
Cnitus during pregnancy
lt is worth mentioning here that there is no reason thataeouple should
refrain from coitus in the first three months of pregnancy provided that the
pregnancy is normal and the oouple apply the proper pregnant sex position and-
without due force or pressure The same holds good for the next three months of
gestation, since the obstetrician should be thejudge all the time especially in the
last mmnhs ot` pregnancy and during lactation, providing vital advise as regards
possible contraception as well.
• lmpctency.
Premature Ejaculation.
Ejaculatory lncompetence.
• Mixed Sexual Dysfunctions.
(8) Neurologic Causes: (9) Vascular Causes:
l Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. lmpaired blood flow (main cause).
Cerebral palsy. Excessive venous leakage (main cause).
Spinal cord tumors or transection. Aneurysm.
Electric shock therapy. Arteritis.
Multiple sclerosis. Atherosclerosis.
Myasthenia gravis. Thrombotic obstruction of aortic
Nutritional deficiencies. bifurcation.
Peripheral neuropathies affecting (10) Miscellaneous Causes:
SH outflow. Chronic renal failure.
Spina bifida. Cirrhosis.
Sympathectomy. Obesity.
Tabes dorsalis.
Toxicologic agents (Lead, Herbicides).
Temporal lobe lesions. Chronic alcoholism.
Cauda equina lesions. B—blockers (antihyperteiisive drugs).
Prolapsed intravertebral disc. Antipsychotic & antidepressant drugs
Major Categories of Psychogenic lmpotence
An interesting category of psychogenic impotence that has only recently
been recognized is aptly described by the term: Widower's syndrome. In this
disorder, generally involving men over the age of 50, there is characteristi
prolonged period of little or no sexual activity in conjunction with a lengthy
eventually fatal physical illness of the wife. During this protracted illness- cancer
being the most frequent variety- the male often becomes a caretaker of his
spouse, providing increasing physical and psychological ministration to his
partner as she becomes more and more severely debilitated and dependent on
him. The husband may be frustrated by the lack of sexual outlet but avoids sexual
contact with his sick wife except on infrequent occasions. His combined sense of
_conjugal duty and guilt over his wife is usually sufficient to restrain him from
seeking extramarital sexual involvement; a few men in this category may seek out
the services ofa prostitute, an experience that typically proves unsatisfactory and
tends to engender more guilt. After his wife finally dies and he observes what he
considers to be an appropriate mouming period, the widower’s first attempt at
resuming sexual activity with his new wife or a partner ends in erectile failure, a
situation that is as embarrassing as it is frustrating. From this point on, his
performance anxieties are mobilized; in general, no matter how alluring or
cooperative his subsequent partner (s) may be, he continues to be locked into a
cycle of performance pressures, spectatoring, and subsequent erectile insecurity
Variants of the widower’s syndrome may occur in men whose histories are not
precisely the same as the one just outlined — for exarnplc, impotence is not
uncommon af`ter divorce as well as after sudden death of a spouse but the
underlying dynamics of these situations appear to be different from the specifics
ofthe widower’s syndrome.
Normal penile erections do not usually occur unless there are reasonably
intact anatomic, neurologic, circulatory, and hormonal support mechanisms. For
this reason, ascertaining whether an impotent man experiences erections under
any special set of circumstances is an important aspect of the process of
differential diagnosis. The initial objective is to determine whether impaired
erectile function is due primarily to psychogenic factors or to physical ones; the
sexual history is the most useful single indicator of this.
lf a man achieves erections under certain conditions but not others, the
likelihood is high that the impotence is psychogenic. Thus, the impotent man
who experiences erections with masturbation, during homosexual activity,
during extramarital sex, in response to reading or looking at erotic materials or
with certain types of abnormal sexual activity (fellatio, sadomasochistic acts, or
wearing particular items of clothing, for example) is unlikely to have a physical
or metabolic explanation for his difficulties. For the same reason, the common
history ofthe man who has no difficulty achieving a firm erection, only to los
promptly upon attempting vaginal insertion is strong evidence for a psychog
It is important to recognize that impotence is not synonymous with the
absence of erections. Many impotent men experience erections that are quite f
but are only transient; other men have a pattem of impaired penile rigidity but
able to obtain or maintain a partial degree of erection. Care should be used in
interpreting the clinical significance of such variations. Although a patient wh
able to have intercourse with one woman but not another is probably
psychogenically impotent. There is also the possibility that the degree and
firmness of his erections are the same with both women, but that differences
between the women in vaginal size, muscle tone, and physical cooperation lead
differences in the man's ability to have intercourse. The temporal association of
the onset of impotence with a major psychological stress may be related to the
onset of a medical problem that was precipitated by the stress, rather than being
indicative of a purely psychogenic origin of the dysfunction. Certain types of
organic impotence may be episodic, rather than persistent and worsening, for
example, the impotence caused by multiple sclerosis follows such a waxing and
waning course. For such reasons, more reliable methods for differential diagnosis
are desirable, and even when the history appears compatible with a psychologic
origin of sexual dysfunction, careful assessment of physical factors should also be
All impotent men with equivocal histories should undergo an oral gluc
tolerance test after adequate dietary preparation (including at least 300 gm of
carbohydrates daily for three days) for the detection of diabetes mellitus, whi
appears to be the single most common disease causing erectile failure. Even in
men with no other symptoms that suggest the presence of diabetes, an increased
rate of abnormal carbohydrate tolerance has been found. Detecting diabetes do
not automatically imply that is the cause of impotence, since diabetic men may
also be impotent for psychogenic or other organic reasons; but the presence of
diabetes coupled with a history suggestive of an organic process indicates the
need for further testing to evaluate neurologic and circulatory mechanisms.
Men with impotence accompanied by low libido or with a history
compatible with an organic origin of dysfunction should have a measurement of
circulating testosterone concentrations. The blood sample should be obtained in
the early morning hours (between 7:00 and 10:00 A.M.), because there is diumal
variation of testosterone levels that makes it difficult to interpret low values
obtained at other hours. Subnormal levels of testosterone may indicate the
presence of hypogonadism and depending on the clinical context may require
further diagnostic testing. lf no medical contraindications exist, a trial of
testosterone replacement therapy is warranted for a period of two to four months
when a low testosterone value is found. lf improvement in the potency proble
does not occur during this time and no other medical explanation of the
dysfunction is present, it is possible that the depressed testosterone level was a
result of psychological stress, a course of sex therapy should then be
The use of laboratory testing for impotent men must be viewed within a
context of the expense of such procedures. Modern laboratory methods permit
economical screening profiles that include assessment of a spectrum of
biochemical parameters that may be of diagnostic assistance. Evaluation of the
fasting blood sugar, liver function, serum electrolytes, lipid levels, thyroid
function, creatinine and sex hormone binding globulin and a complete blood
count (CBC) may be useful. More specialized endocrine testing may be helpful
in certain cases of hypogonadism; specifically, measurement of LH, FSH, and
prolactin may be used in differentiating between hyper and hypogonadotropic
One of the most promising techniques to be developed for the diagnostic
assessment of impotence is the physiologic monitoring of erection pattems during
sleep. Based on observations showing that normal men have periodic reflex
erections during the sleep cycle, the measurement of nocturnal penile
tumescence (NPT) derives its usefulness from the fact that men with organic
impotence have impaired erections or no erections at all during sleep, whereas
men with psychogenic impotence have normal erection patterns. Presumably, the
removal by the state of sleep of anxiety, intemal conflicts, or other psychological
factors that may impede erection during wakefiilness allows normal body reflex
pathways to take over and produces measurable episodes of penile tumescence. In
an extensive series of investigations conducted in a sleep research laboratory,
Karacan and his colleagues have analyzed (NPT) pattems in various groups of
men with and without potency disorders. These workers utilized simultaneous
electroencephalograpli tracings (EEG) with continuous measurements of
changes of penile circumference during sleep. From the findings of these studies,
a simplified instrument has been developed to measure NPT pattems outside the
sleep research laboratory. This device records changes in penile circumference
during sleep that permit evaluation of the organic versus psychogenic origins of
impotence. Although further systematic study is required to determine whether
the reliability of this simplified instrument is comparable to the more complete
data obtained from a sleep research laboratory, it is an accessible and more
economical method of diagnostic screening that holds significant potential.
Questions that need to be answered in regard to either technique include the
validity of NPT measurements in depressed patients (since depression) is known
to interfere with normal sleep pattems and the effects of drugs on erections
associated with sleep. The Rigiscan device is of great use in diagnosis.
The NPT tracing does not distinguish between various types of organic
impotence, although it appears to discriminate successfully between psychogenic
and organic forms of impotence most ofthe time. lt is usually necessary, if organic
impotence is documented, to perform additional diagnostic studies to determine the
exact mechanism leading to impotence, since this may have important implications
for the treatment. Techniques that may be useful in this regard include:
arteriography or penile pulse and blood pressure measurements to assess
vascular competency and cystometrography or direct neurophysiologic testing
to evaluate the neurologic factor. Colour Dopler sonography is of great diagnostic
values to detect organic vascular lesions both arterial and venous. lntracavernosal
injections; with muscle relaxants e.g. pappaverine can be used to produce erections
for diagnostic and treatment purposes as well.
psychotherapy aimed at improving depression, self esteem, communication
pattems, or other aspects of psychosocial health. However, when physical
metabolic conditions preclude the possibility of coital functioning, this fac
be pointed out to the Couple and alternative suggestions for sexual exp
should be discussed. In selected cases, consideration may be given to th
implantation of a penile prosthetic device to pennit participation in intercour
Although many cases of impotence are attributable to psychogenic fact
, significant numbers of men, are impotent because of irreversible organ
In the past decade, increasing interest in sexual function coupled with
technology has led to the development of a variety of penile prosthetic dev
that are implanted surgically in men with organic impotence to facilitate their
participation in coital function. Candidates for such surgery include men with
impotence resulting from diabetes, penile or pelvic trauma, vascular o
disorders and various types of operations (for example, impotence due
prostatectomy, cystectomy, colectomy or aneurysm repair).
Penile prostheses
{ to Ei
a i iié
l. lt is
not useful to blame one's partner or oneself for the occurrence o
2. There is no such thing as an uninvolved partner when sexual difficult
3. Sexual dysfunctions
psychopathology always.
are common problems and do not usuall
4. lt is not always possible to be certain of the precise origin of a se
dysfunction, but treatment can frequently proceed successfully even wh
knowledge is lacking.
5. ln general, cultural stereotypes about how men and women should be
or function sexually are misleading and counterproductive.
6. Sex is not something a man does to a woman or for a woman;
something a man and a woman do together.
7. Sex does not only mean intercourse, apart from procreative purp
is nothing inherent in coitus that makes
or more valuable than other forms of physical contact.
it always more excitin
8. Sex can be a form.of interpersonal communication at a high inti
; when sexual communications are not satisfactory, it often indica
aspects of the relationship might benefit from enhanced communication as wel
9. Using past feelings or behaviors to predict the present is not likel
helpful, since
mt te freedom to change. such predictions tend to become self-f
l0. Developing awareness of one's feelings and the ability to communicate
feelings and needs to ones partner sets the stage for effective sexual interaction.
l l. Assuming responsibility for oneself rather than delegating this
responsibility to one's partner is often an effective means of improving the sexual
Success rate
More sex education is required to counter the considerab
misinformation conceming impotence not only among t
among doctors, who are of’ten reluctant to discuss sexua
• ¥····-··
··wrn¤u•l pharmutullltlllllyl
Smooth muscle relaxant papaverine, ot-blocker phenox
phentolamine and prostaglandin E, and other drugs such as calc
onmo.gene related peptide are being evaluated
e oses and types of drug used are adjusted to suit each pati
.. The main side effect associated with self injectio
prapsm sometimes. The development of painless, fibrotic nodules that
ay cause penile curvature is reported,
comnan oa drug called (lnvicorp) is effective also Pe
mtracavernosally when "venogenic and arteriogenic" erectile dsfuncti
yon is difficult to treat. lnvicorp is a comb
• Transurethral suppository:
Pfostaglandin E. administered transurethral is a novel sy
treating impotence
oses (0, 500, 1000 pg). under the name "Muse" which is
• ltiedical treatment:
Surgical treatment:
Only fair results have been reported alter excision and ligation ofthe deep
dorsal vein in men with venous leakage. Revascularisation ofthe corpora is
now technically feasible, with success rates of 50-60% in young patients
but microsurgcry is time consuming and expensive. Long term follow up of
veno-ligation operations is not promising.
Summary points:
The public and many doctors are ignorant about available treatments for
impotence. The disorder is strongly related to age, with an estimated
prevalence of 2% at age 40 years, rising to 25 — 30% by the age of 65
years. ln men over 75 years it is probably over 50%.
Impotence often has multiple causes and diagnostic evaluation should
include: psychosexual, neurological, endocrinological, vascular (venous
and arterial), traumatic and iatrogenic causes including drugs and
Risk factors for vasculogenic impotence are smoking, hypertension,
hyperlipidaemia, diabetes mellitus and other vascular diseases.
Premature Ejaculation
Although prematureejaculation is a common sexual dysfunction, there is
no precise definition of this problem that is clinically satisfactory at present;
partly because ofthe relative nature of the timing of ejaculation in the context of
the female partner's sexual response cycle. Ifthe man's rapid ejaculation limits his
panner's ability to reach high level of sexual arousal or orgasm, then a
problematic situation do exist. However, in some couples rapidity of ejaculation
does not impede the coital responsiveness of the woman; thus, it does not appear
needed to label this pattern arbitrarily as sexual dysfunction.
time period of stimulation needed by some women : "lt is of course, dema
that the male be quite abnormal in his ability to prolong sexual activity without
ejaculation, if he is required to match the female partner". Unfortunately, not o
premature ejaculation is diiiicult to define, but the precise cause is not known.
Kinsey, Pomeroy and Martin reported that 75 percent of the men they
studied ejaculated within 3 minutes of vaginal containment. But these data
have been influenced by their belief that rapid ejaculation was a biologically
superior trait, as well as by the fact that their study was conducted more than
three decades ago. The timing of rapid ejaculation may simply reflect a prim
focus on the sexual gratification of the male, an attitude that seems to
predominate in men from low socio-economic levels or with limited education.
_ However, this double standard regarding sex; (Sex is for the man's pleasure,
for the woman's), may be found cutting across cultural and socio-economic
Past theories of organic origins of premature ejaculation usually
identified prostatic or other genito-urinary inflammation as the cause; howe
more recent examination of large series of patients has not supported such a view.
Some authors have suggested that; relationship problems, unconscious h
toward or fear of women, or hidden female sexual arousal problems are all
processes underlying premature ejaculation. But these dynamics appear
infrequently in couples seen at the Masters and Johnson Institute and in pract
Success rate
l. Medical data indicate that organic factors may account for about 10% of
the causes of this syndrome.
2. This is in keeping with psychiatric findings that premature ejaculation
has an emotional basis in about 90% of the cases; the most frequently
encountered factor in clinical practice is anxiety.
3. The emotional basis of premature ejaculation in many cases is further
demonstrated by the more than 90% success rate in treating the syndrome by sex
4. The use of condoms or topical anaesthetics by circumcised or non
circumcised males has little or no effect in reducing premature ejaculation.
5. All evidence suggests that the problem is increasing in sex clinics, at
present, it is the most frequent presented male problem.
6. Some authors attributed the increase to w0men's rising expectations of
sexual satisfaction.
Ejaculation lncompetence
• Frigidity.
Important Facts Concerning Womcn’s Sexuality.
• Vaginismus.
There was a time when we used a single word to describe all possible
female sexual dysfunctions; frigidity (literally coldness, from Latin fri
. cold). Today we know that this vague term is no longer acceptable because
lacking diagnostic precision. Up till 1970, fiigidity was variably applied to
women who were uninterested in sex, women who never experienced orgasm a
women who purportedly experienced clitoral instead of vaginal orgasms (a
distinction that is now known to be erroneous).
Orgasmic dysfunction and frigidity:
Again, the sexual feelings of people and their daily behavior often show
curiously little correlation. Thus, a female with strong sexual desires may be
reserved .or even prudish, and may behave in public with the utmost strictness all
her life; indeed, she may fear and disapprove ofthe whole sexual side ofher
nature. While a frigid female may be very well satisfied with spinsterhood or she
may make an excellent wife, yet frigid women are well known to go quite to the
other extreme, taking prostitution as a career. Quite often, it is women of this
type. who find and even need reassurance, in a continuous change and
replacement of her sexual partners.
Sexual desire
KJ rows
Figure 35. Normal external genitals ofthe female
Proponents of clitoridectomy present the surgery in a positive light; rlomo
Kenyatta, the late western—trained leader of Kenya, not only encouraged the
surgery but also wrote of it in such glowing terms in his thesis at the London
School of Economics described the operation (l962):
[The operator". takes out .... the operating razor .... and in quick
movements, with the efliciency of a Harley Street surgeon proceeds .... with
a stroke .... . cut off the clitoris].
ln l972, a French physician provided a very different picture of pharaonic
circumcision as currently practiced in Somalia. (lt takes a strong stomach even to
read the description)...
"Af`ter separating the outer and inner lips (labia maiora and labia rninora)
with her fingers, the old woman (Daya`) attaches them with large thorns onto the
flesh of each thigh. With her kitchen knife the woman then pierces and slices
open the hood of the clitoris and then begins to cut it out. While another woman
wipes off the blood with a rag, the woman digs with her fingernail a hole the
length of the clitoris to detach and pull out that organ. The little girl screams in
extreme pain, but no one pays the slightest attention. The operator finishes thejob
by entirely pulling out the clitoris and then cuts it to the bone with the kitchen
knife. Her helpers again wipe of`f the spurting blood with a rag. The woman then
lifts up the skin that is left with her thumb and index finger to remove the
remaining fiesh. She then digs a deep hole amidst the gushing blood. The
neighbor women who take part in the operation then plunge their fingers into the
bloody hole to verify that every remnant of the clitoris is removed" .....
Thousands of women and girls have died or sustained serious injuries or
infections as a result of such wild surgery...
The photographer (a Greek lady), of my movie film entitled: "Female
Circumcision in Egypt", fainted all of a sudden while photographing the
circumcision procedures performed by a native Daya in Ain Shams district near
Cairo, l972 .... ln Minneapolis, U.S.A. (l982), my film was shown in the
"lnternational congress on family sexuality", it is sad to report that quite a
number of the feminine audience left the show room unable to continue watching
the cruel operations presented in my film.
Proponents of clitoridectomy established a medical rationale, describing a
non—excised woman as unclean; the clitoris is said to interfere with menstruation,
childbirth, and impregnation, and is considered the cause of impotence in males!.
In sum the clitoris is dirty, dangerous and disgusting; by far, the most important
"medical" reason for clitoridectomy is the claim that the clitorises of the Third
World women if not cut off, will grow to monumental proportions... One early
traveler in Ethiopia, (where infibulation is practiced widely) described the clitoris
in its natural state as being as, "|ong as a goose’s neck"l. Few carried this
exaggeration to that extreme. ..
What man in his right mind would want to marry a dirty, ugly woman who
was sterile and who would make him impotent'?. Jomo Kenyatta wrote that “No
Kikuyu man would think of marrying an uncircurncised girl". l was not surprised
to know of this statement, because many of our Egyptian or Sudanese men would
equally say the same up till this moment". But Kenyatta and many others added
another important aspect, clitoridectomy was said to subdue sexual urges and
make the woman more liiithful. The reduction of female sexuality was, and is an
important element in the acceptance of female circumcision in our society and in
underdeveloped countries as well.
There is no doubt that female circumcision and various clitoridectomy
procedures described continue to be practiced up till now, because it is said that
lslam "tolerates female circumcision". which ofcourse is not true. Up till the year
I977, 90% of Somalian teenagers had undergone pharaonic circumcision
including infibulation. Many Westerners have been shocked by this mutilation of
women and have protested against the practice. Recently, women in many parts
ofthe world including Egypt have protested this ritual. They are struggling
against these cruel practices in their own countries and in the international arena.
The elimination of (centuries-old) practices, especially those that are degrading to
women, is often a difficult and protracted effort. lt is interesting to note
historically that there are some similarities between African clitoridectomy and
Jewish circumcision practices. ln Ethiopia for example, it is startling to note that
{lll} UpLlllllUll Ull glll§ IQ llUllUllll!ll Uh lllé eighth day while in some areas of
Nigeria the clitoris isinicked, i.e. incised or notched not ablated, only to draw
blood following a Jewish custom. ln several countries, the infant is named after
the excision ceremony. Whether these similarities are simply coincidences or a
reflection ofa common origin is unknown.
The VVorld Health Organization (W.H.().) had a seminar on
clitoridectomy and intibulation in Khartoum, Sudan in 1979, realizing tlte
dangers of the operations and its complications, under the title "Traditional
Practices Affecting the Health of Women". Most of the male delegates wanted
the circumcision practices and argued that the surgery should be done in
hospitals. The women delegates were adamant in calling for total discontinuance
of the practices. Although the attendance was sparse (l0 countries) only,
resolutions were passed calling for the abolition of all female genital mutilation.
This does not mean that such surgeries will cease forthwith, but it is at least the
first step by the (W.l·l.O.) to eliminate the practices. Many groups who practice
female circumcision believe it to be analogous to male circumcision, but this is
far from the case.
ln l994, the (ICPl)) was held in Cairo (International Congress for
Population and Development); two related hot issues were discussed and
documented, namely; female circumcision, agreed to be named Female Genital
Mutilation (FGM) and sex education as well as reproductive health The mm-
Qovetntnenlal organizations (NGOs) joined hands to gain national and
international support for their efforts to deal with these two major problems to
protect our young girls and women ofthe future against this discrimination.
Reasons given
Excision is practiced to reduce or extinguish sexual sensitivity in girls, it is
traditionally performed just before marriage "in order to preserve the family" and
assure faithfulness ot wives in Sub—Saharan Africa. While in Egypt, Sudan,
Ethiopia and Somalia the age of operation is variable, from few days after birth
till the age of puberty Moral behavior of females is often given as a reason. The
operation traditionally was connected with puberty rites, however there are many
puberty rites that do not include excision. Most Africans who practice these
operations believe that excision is a custom decreed by the ancestors, therefore it
must be complied with. Most often men refuse to marry girls who are not excised.
Since marriage is still the only usual career for a woman in most parts of Africa,
the operations continue. Excision is also perceived as a way to increase fertility
and the wish ofmost women is to have as many children as possible. lt is widely
*~c'*·=·’¤t‘ in Mali und till mtr util l`ll|lLll, lll.ll lll! Ullllllls Ulllllllllél llld imply
maleness. while the prepuce ofthe penis means temalenessl. Hence, both have to
be removed before a person can be accepted as an adult in his or her proper sex in
Excision operations are at present practiced in the modem sector in
addition to the backward villages or towns including the cities throughout East
and West Africa. Fathers who make the decisions insist on the operations, as they .
believe that their daughters will not be marriageable if they are not operated
upon. It is also believed that a girl who is not operated will run wild and disgrace
her family. The wrong belief among both Moslems and Christians, that their
religions favor excision is another element that bless and encourage the
performance of this practice, no wonder, the mildest procedure which is called
"Sunna or traditional circumcision", involves removal of the prepuce and tip of
the clitoris or only part of it.
Geographic distribution (Fig. 36)
Excision is practiced in a broad area all across Africa parallel to the
Equator; from Egypt, Ethiopia and Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania in East Africa
to the West African Coast, from Sierra Leone to Mauritania, and in all countries
in between including Nigeria.
Infibulation is practiced on all females, almost without exception in all of
Somalia and whenever ethnic Somalis live (Ethiopia and Kenya). The operation
is performed on much younger children than excision, usually on four to eight
year old girls long before puberty with no ritual ceremonies. ln the Sudan,
infibulation traditionally is called "Tahur", similar to the Arabic word applied
among Egyptians which means cleansing or purity. lt is performed at a family
and neighborhood gathering of women in the most populous areas of the Sudan,
including the capital Khartoum and Umdurman, all along the Nile valley. lt is
interesting to mention that the knife used often by the operator is called "The
knife of honour"...
ln West Africa, infibulation is documented at the present time in Mali by
several Moslem population groups, though the practice goés back to pre-Moslenr
times. Intentional infibulation is said to be decreasing in'Mali, a medical source
states that infibulation is also practiced in Northern Nigeria (Moslem area). A
country by country estimate adds up to more than l60 million women
circumcised already, even though the figures of several countries in Central
Africa are not yet available and therefore are not included. For instance, Nigeria
has well over 100 million people if only half of the women are·operated, this
would mean 25 million females in Nigeria alone. Documentation shows that the
majority of the female population in most Nigerian states are excised ln Sudan,
Upper Volta, Mali, Kenya and Ethiopia, more than three—quarters· of the female
population are operated upon, this means many millions more. Almost all of the
female inhabitants of Somalia, more than l l.5 million women are infibulated. ln
Egypt, one ofthe most populous countries in Africa, about 93% of the group,of
women investigated were circumcised, the percentage reported here holds goorl
with other statistics documented by different investigators. lt is estimated that
about half ofthe Egyptian girls continue to be excised up till now. No estimate
can be made at present of the actual number of women and children operated
- upon in Indonesia and Malaysia, nor how many women and girls are involved in
the South of the Arab Peninsula and along the Persian Gulf. Latest national
demographic study reported in 1995 that 97% of women in Egypt were excised
between the ages of l5-49 yearsln.
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Medical conclusion
U"°m'a| {Old
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Anal tubcrculc
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Anatomical And Physiological Sexual Dysfunctions
Among Female Genital Mutilation
l. Any condition that affects the nerve supply to the female genitalia.
2. Any condition that endangers the vascular blood supply and integrity of
the female genital organs.
3. Extensive surgical operations traumatizing the external female sexual
Again the human female has been endowed with three primary erogenons
zones before exposing her to the operation of sex mutilation; compared with
the male one primary erogenous zone only, namely the penis. Through FGM
procedures she loses the clitoris and /or the labia minora as well; that is to say
two thirds of her primary erogenous zones, while she is left only with the
vaginal orgasrnic platform (the third primary erogenous zone). This orgasmic
platform develops only after successful sexual stimulation during the plateau
phase ofthe sexually stimulated female.
As such these handicapped females have missed the first two most important
primary erogenous zones, and if they achieve the vaginal orgasmic platfonn
and I repeat il`, they may not have a successful orgasmic coital release.
• Now, we can realise how defective and unfortunate are circumcised females
because they have lost forever these vital extemal sex organs which were
created for this one and single vital goal, namely (sexual foreplay).
Incidentally, one of the most common causes of dyspareunia (painful
intercourse) is a relatively dry vagina (deficient lubrication) and inefficient
clumsy precoital petting.
• The actual fact that circumcised females are slow to respond to sex
stimulation, advanced by their hasty husbands, is another proof of the d
they received physically at circumcision, as well as the immense mult
everlasting psychological traumas they may have had when operated upon at
such an early young age. Masters reported the fact that non circumcised
females respond to sex stimulation as quick as males and that there is no such
fallacy that females are slow in their sexual response. As a matter of fact, there
were documented cases of many females who became orgasmic during their
experiments after only 2()~3O seconds from coital penetration !... Kinzey et al.
reported as early as 1952: "That there is a critical problem for human males
since some women require IO-I5 minutes or longer of intense sexual
stimulation in order to reach orgasm “Pomeroy and Martin reported later,
confirming Kinzy`s statement that, "75% of the men they studied during
coitus ejaculated within 3 minutes of vaginal containment after peuetration"
We must not forget that the above statements are related to non circumcised
females; now we can see why many males use Marijuana in this part of the
world on the assumption that it helps to delay ejaculation in order to be able to
satisfy their frigid wives.
• The signs and symptoms of the "Non resolved sexual tension syndrome"
reported by Masters in l979, were among non circumcised females who
practice: coitus interruptus, teasers love, long exhaustive coitus and among
prostitutes. The severity of this syndrome may be mild or severe according to
its chronicity. These same signs and symptoms of non orgasmic release
complained of are: I) Bilateral adnexal pain. 2) Low backache. 3) Low
abdominal uterine pain. These complaints were long neglected and
undiagnosed by gynaecologists and they are nearly identical among our
circumcised females due to the physically defective physiological and sexua
response of chronic non resolved sexual tension, namely, coital anorgasmia.
The normal healthy coital orgasm denotes the sudden release of great
neuromuscular tension, as well as the powerful involuntary rhythmic contractions
of the fundus of the uterus, the orgasmic platform and the anus as well;
simultaneously at the speed of 0.8 of a second. These orgasmic powerful
contractions. amounting from three to fifteen contractions, pump the
vasocongested accumulated blood from the genital organs back to the state of
normality during the resolution phase, followed by relaxation and immense
satisfaction. Chronic anorgasrnia which means, repeated non orgasmic, (no
muscular contractions), with subsequent residual neuromuscular tension as well
as chronic vasocongestion ruay lead to varicosity and even a frank varicocele.
• Manifestations of chronic anorgasmia, whether mild or severe are reported by
the medical profession as the following complaints: palpitations, insomnia,
dyspepsia, early fatigue, anxiety attacks, depression, excessive worrying,
emotional tantrums; last but not least, the famous spastic colon. Sexologically
these females may present with: vaginismus (unconsumated marriage),
dyspareunia, protective frigidity, lacking orgasmic capacity, sexual aversion
and may be refusing coitus altogether (apareunia).
• The most important discovery reported by Johnson related to our subject was
the vital role played by the clitoral hood (prepuce) during the female sexual
response cycle. For those people who advocate the performance of proper
female circumcision equivalent to the male operation i.e partial removal of the
prepuce to minimize FGM complications, I present the following facts proved
by Johnson. During the excitement phase the clitoris gets erect and emerges
from under the prepuce, while later in the plateau phase, this erect clitoris gets
angulated and rotates l80° ventrally and retracts under its clitoral hood
(prepuce) against the bony symphysis pubis. ln such a safe position it is well
protected and completely covered by its prepuce to avoid any direct touch,
because all females reported that direct touch at this stage of sexual
excitement causes pain and discomfort especially ifthe area is dry. The natural
secretions of the Apocrine glands in the prepuce keeps this area well
lubricated; now we can see for sure the values and the importance of the
clitoral hood and its crucial role during this phase ofthe female sexual
response cycle.
For almost two hundred years, it has been recognized that diabetes mellitus
is frequently associated with impotence. Estimates of the frequency of impote
among men with diabetes have usually ranged from 40 to 60 percent,
approximately one out of every two men with clinically apparent diabetes
sexually dysfunctional. The significance of this fact is more apparent when it is
realized that there are at least few million men with diabetes in the U.S.A.— t
nearly 50% are impotent as a result of the complications ofthis metabolic disorder,
now how many diabetic men are suffering in Egypt ?.. The minister of Health and
Population anounced recently that 5% of the Egyptians are diabetics .
The impotence associated with diabetes can occur at any age, but with a
prevalence rate of impotence from 50 percent in men over the age of 50 years.
This may be due in part to changes in circulation secondary to accelerated
arteriosclerosis, which occurs more noticeably in the aging diabetic population.
lower prevalence of this problem is found in diabetics in their thirties or forties,
(probably 25 to 30 percent in this age group are impotent).
Natural History
It is now reasonably certain that the impotence of diabetes mellitus is
caused principally by diabetic neuropathy, a process of microscopic damage t
nerve tissue that occurs throughout the body of the diabetic. lnvestigators have
found that autonomic nerve fibres in the corpora covemosa of the penis show
moiphologic abnormalities of varying degrees due to the accumulation of
"polyols". These chemical substances produce segmental demyelination and
defective rnyelin synthesis, a process that results primarily from hypergly
Clinical studies revealed a much higher rate of abnormal cystometrogram
, indicating neurogenic bladder dysfunction in diabetics with impoten
men), than in nonimpotent subjects (3 of 30 men). In most reports, a high
percentage of impotent diabetic men have been found to have evidence of
peripheral neuropathy on clinical examination than age matched diabetic men
without impotence.
Diabetics have an increased risk for many other diseases, inclu
infection, various forms of endocrine disease (especially disorders o
and adrenal cortex) and cardiovascular disease. Since such associat
at times may be the major etiologic factor in sexual dysfunction, the p
absence of these conditions must be assessed by a careful medical h
physical examination and laboratory evaluation.
2.. exuadysfunction
Significant depression Occurs as a consequence o
is materially affecting the quality or stabil
marriage or long-term relationship.
1 12
4. There is no major loss oflibido or impairment in the ability to ejaculate.
5. There are no medical contraindications to surgery.
Diabetic men with his condition may or may not be impotent. lf they are
not impotent, there is a high probability that erective dysfunction will occur in the
future, since the underlving neuropathy is likely to worsen. However, diabetics
with retrograde ejaculation still experience orgasm, although the sensations
¤¤=·~·"*a*~* with **··· p ¤¤=¤ ge of srrtinnl fluid through thu dhtml u
, so that a man with this condition may describe an altered set of orgasmic
sensations. Rhythmic contractions ofthe prostate and seminal vesicles occur in a
normal fashion. For obvious reasons, retrograde ejaculation may be a cause of
infertility. One potential solution to this problem is to perform artificial
insemination, using an aliquot of seminal fluid and sperm cells obtained by
centrifugation of the tirst postcoital urine specimen. lf such an approach is taken,
it is advisable to alkalinize the urine prior to ejaculation, (the usual acidity
urine is spennicidal) by having the man ingest sodium bicarbonate.
Female Sexual Dysfunction in Diabetes
Virgin males and virgin females are more likely to have never masturbated,
but ifthey did, then it is done later in life and with lower frequencies and they
are more conservative and less knowledgeable about masturbation than the
non—virgin males or females.
Another finding about males, was that they were found as we mentioned
earlier to have a higher incidence of masturbatory activity, extramarital
relations, violent sex crimes, premarital sex, and are more homosexuals than
females. They indulge more in coitus during adolescence, as well as having
more sexual adventures.
Deformity of the penile shaft when fully erected, has been noticed among
some chronic manual masturbators, synstroposed deformity was recorded
among right hand masturbators, while the opposite was noted with left hand
chronic masturbators, namely dextroposed penile inclination when fully erect.
Sometimes ejaculatory incompetence, as a complication of chronic
masturbation was mentioned before in the chapter of sexual inadequacy.
When the anus is penetrated chronically during various abnormal sex acts,
such as: sodomy (receiver), or manually by the fingers for additional sexual
pleasure, e.g. during masturbation. or through introduction of solid objects
e.g. vibrators, for the achievement of anal sexual pleasure; and strangely
enough, to conceal valuables or small smuggled objects e.g. drugs and
diamonds. Over time and as a result, the repeated trauma inflicted causes
excessive dilatation or even mpture of the extemal sphincter muscle fibers
with consequent anal incontinence. "Fist fucking" is the temt used when the
whole hand is passed into the rectum,.
• The fashionable very tight jeans, frequently worn nowadays, by both males
and females are possible signs sometimes of expression of voluntary or
involuntary masturbatory activities. The results of a research published
recently denoted that there were reported cases of unexplained leucorrhoea,
pruritus vulvae as well as pruritus ani, caused by the continuous friction and
excessive heat developed, because of the continuous usage of these very tight
"No other form of sexual activity has been more frequently discussed,
more roundly condemned, and more universally practiced than
- Dearbom, 1967.
Sexual Terminology.
Abnormal Sexual Activities.
• Treatment.
Paraphilias: Sexual deviations or sometimes called sexual perversions
abnormal sexual acts.
Vaginismus: lt is a condition of involuntary spasm or constriction of the
musculature surrounding the vaginal outlet and the outer third of` the vag
psychophysiologic syndrome may affect women at any age and may
considerably in severity. The most dramatic instances of vaginismus
as unconsummated marriages, since penile insertion into the vagina may n
possible due to spasm, resistance and attendant pain; at the other end of the
clinical spectrum are cases in which coitus is possible but painful (
Karezza or coitus reservatus: A certain religious group of the pas
actively encouraged men to practice coitus without ejaculation. This kind o
coitus was
spiritual growth!.
supposed to last for several hours, aiming at furthering a
Erotomania: An excessive sexual urge which could never be satisfied in
both sexes e.g. nymphomania and satyriasis.
Nymphomania: Excessive sexual desire in the female, which, is not
satiated, never satisfied. lts occurrence is rare and it should be well differentia
from the healthy normal multiorgasmic capacity of many normal females.
Satyriasis: Unsatisfied sexual appetite in the male, unsatiated, it should b
differentiated from hypersexuality. As a matter of fact nymphomania
satyriasis are extremely rare and abnormal states of hypersexuality.
Tongue kissing: inserting the tongue into the mouth of the sexual pa
for the
purpose of increasing sexual excitement, sometimes referre
Bitting kiss: The act of bitting and kissing the flesh of a person
increased sexual excitement,
nipples during sexual excitement.
an exaggeration of this condition is bitti
Electra complex: A strong neurotic attachment or fixation of a daughter
for her father, it is termed after "Electra" a legendary Greek princess who afte
the death of her beloved father helped kill her mother who had murdered him.
Oedipus complex: A strong emotional and erotic attachment of a son for
his mother and a feeling of rivalry toward the parent ofthe same sex. lt is after
the legendary Greek king Oedipus, who unknowingly killed his father and
married his mother.
Masochism: After the famous Austrian writer Baron Masoch in the I9"`
century. lt denotes the feeling of sexual pleasure when being humiliated or
experiencing physical or mental pain.
Sadism: After the French writer De Sade in the l8"‘ century; it is acquir
sexual pleasure while causing your sexual partner or someone else physical or
psychic pain. Sadism can be very harmful because in some cases it may lead
sexual assault or even murder.
Pornography: (literally: writing about prostitutes, from Greek po
prostitute and graphein: to write). Often
sex show, movies, records, pictures, books and magaznes. gp called ob
entertainment is not an invention of our time because in Europe se
and even intentionally obscene stage shows date back to Greek and Ro
antiquity. About 250 years ago, European aristocrats attended su
shows in their own private theaters.
Other behavior modification techniques that have been used to treat the
paraphilias include positive conditioning of desired behavior, systematic
desensitization and biofeedback and penile plethysmography. A promising
method that utilizes principles of aversion therapy without electric shock or other
physical harm is a technique known as covert sensitization. The subject
imagines aversion scenes, (such as being caught by the police or being discovered
by family members) immediately after being confronted with a sexually arousing
scene, either visually or by fantasy. Another novel approach offering some
promise is the use of boredom in the reduction of undesired sexual interests via a
procedure involving verbalizing such fantasies while engaging in prolonged
masturbatory episodes.
ln Norway, asexualization was tried in the past as a method of treatment
for confirmed sex criminals especially those who were confirmed sex rapists and
serial sex killers. Oestrogen was given to these males in prison to change and
abolish their viscious sexual character; evidently they ended with gynaecomastia
and impotency
Both hypnosis and psychotherapy have been employed with varying
degrees of success in the treatment of paraphilias. ln addition, combined
approaches utilizing pharmacologic therapy (in particular, with the use of
antiandrogens such as cyproterone acetate or medroxyprogesterone acetate) and
psychotherapy or behavior modification have been gathering proponents and
appear to offer a high degree of efficacy. However, there is no single approach
that will suit all such cases. At the moment we can only hope for the future
development of a greater understanding of these behavioral patterns.
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