Submitted by Submitted To: Enrollment: Class Topic: Corporate Social Responsibility
Submitted by Submitted To: Enrollment: Class Topic: Corporate Social Responsibility
Submitted by Submitted To: Enrollment: Class Topic: Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility
Corporate social responsibility
CSR is company commitment that who to manage the social
environmental and economic effects of it operation responsibly and in
line with public expectation
There is no such universally accepted definition of CSRit is generally
come to mean business decision making linked to ethical values and
respect for people and environment,
Principal of corporate social responsibility
Following are the principal of CSR
1. Sustainability
This principle is basically concerned with the effect that the action
taken today have upon available in future.
It means that if resources are used today will be no longer available in
future and this is the particular concerned.
These resources include for example coal iron they are limited and
once used then not available in future mean they are not renewable.
And then in future we need alternative for the limitation of these
resources in future
Therefore the society must not used the resource that can be generated
For example
Corporate social responsibility
A paper industry have replanting tress to replace those harvesting and
this has effect of retaining cost in the present rather than temporary
externalizing them .
2. Accountability
It deal with that organization recognize that their action effect external
environment and therefore must assume responsibility for it action.
This concept based on recognition that organization is the part of part of
wider society’s network and has responsibility.
Therefore accountability is important in the development of appropriate
measure of environmental performance and reporting of the firm action.
This reporting is based on following factor
3. Transparency
Transparency as principle of CSR simply means that the external impact
of organization action can be ascertained from that organization
reporting and pertinent fact is not disguised with in that reporting.
Corporate social responsibility
Transparency is of particular important to external user of because these
user lack background information to internal user of such information
Transparency therefore can be seen to follow from the other two
principle mention above and equally can be seen to part of process of
recognition of responsibility.
Corporate social responsibility
The first thing which need in rural area ia social infrastructure
Because our roral area lack proper infrastructure that is
Better health care facilities
For example
Sending mobile health care units on regular interval
Team of doctor who provide health check and medication
Corporate social responsibility