Creativity: Creativity Is A Process Involving The Generation of New Ideas or Concepts, or
Creativity: Creativity Is A Process Involving The Generation of New Ideas or Concepts, or
Creativity: Creativity Is A Process Involving The Generation of New Ideas or Concepts, or
A useful distinction has been made by Rhodes between the creative person, the
creative product, the creative process, and the creative "press" or environment.
Each of these factors are usually present in creative activity. This has been
elaborated by Johnson, who suggested that creative activity may exhibit several
dimensions including sensitivity to problems on the part of the creative agent,
originality, ingenuity, unusualness, usefulness, and appropriateness in relation
to the creative product, and intellectual leadership on the part of the creative
The ancient Greeks, who believed that the muses were the source of all
inspiration, actually had no terms corresponding to "to create" or "creator." The
expression "poiein" ("to make") sufficed. They believed that the inspiration for
originality came from the gods and even invented heavenly creatures - the
Muses - as supervisors of human creativity.
According to Plato, Socrates taught that inspired thoughts originate with the
gods; ideas spring forth not when a person is rational, but when someone is
"beside himself," when "bereft of his senses." Since the gods took
away reason before bestowing the gift of inspiration, "thinking" might actually
prevent the reception of divinely inspired revelations. The word "inspiration" is
based on a Greek word meaning "the God within." The poet was seen as making
new things—bringing to life a new world—while the artist merely imitated.
In the visual arts, freedom was limited by the proportions that Polyclitus had
established for the human frame, and which he called "the canon" (meaning,
"measure"). Plato argued in Timaeus that, to execute a good work, one must
contemplate an eternal model. Later the Roman, Cicero, would write that art
embraces those things "of which we have knowledge" (quae sciuntur).
In Rome, these Greek concepts were partly shaken. Horace wrote that not only
poets but painters as well were entitled to the privilege of daring whatever they
wished to (quod libet audendi). In the declining period of antiquity, Philostratus
wrote that "one can discover a similarity between poetry and art and find that
they have imagination in common." Callistratos averred that "Not only is the art
of the poets and prosaists inspired, but likewise the hands of sculptors are gifted
with the blessing of divine inspiration." This was something new: classical
Greeks had not applied the concepts of imagination and inspiration to the visual
arts but had restricted them to poetry. Latin was richer than Greek: it had a term
for "creating" (creatio) and for creator, and had two expressions—
facere and creare—where Greek had but one, poiein. Still, the two Latin terms
meant much the same thing.
Although neither the Greeks nor the Romans had any words that directly
corresponded to the word creativity, their art, architecture, music, inventions,
and discoveries provide numerous examples of what we would today describe
as creative works. At the time, the concept of genius probably came closest to
describing the creative talents bringing forth these works.
The influential Christian writer Saint Augustine felt that Christianity "played a
leading role in the discovery of our power to create" (Albert & Runco, 1999).
However, alongside this new, religious interpretation of the expression, there
persisted the ancient view that art is not a domain of creativity. This is also seen
in the work of Pseudo-Dionysius. Later medieval men such as Hraban the Moor,
and Robert Grosseteste in the thirteenth century, thought much the same way.
The Middle Ages here went even further than antiquity; they made no exception
of poetry: it too had its rules, was an art, and was therefore craft, and not
Another shift occurred in more modern times. Renaissance men had a sense of
their own independence, freedom, and creativity, and sought to give it voice.
Baltasar Gracián (1601-1658) wrote: "Art is the completion of nature, as it were
'a second Creator'"; … Raphael, that he shapes a painting according to his
idea; Leonardo da Vinci, that he employs "shapes that do not exist in
nature"; Michelangelo, that the artist realizes his vision rather than imitating
nature. Still more emphatic were those who wrote about poetry: G.P. Capriano
held (1555) that the poet's invention springs "from nothing." Francesco Patrizi
(1586) saw poetry as "fiction," "shaping," and "transformation."
The Western view of creativity can be contrasted with the Eastern view. For
the Hindus, Confucius, Daoists and Buddhists, creation was at most a kind of
discovery or mimicry, and the idea of creation from "nothing" had no place in
these philosophies and religions.
In the nineteenth century, not only was art regarded as creativity, but "it alone"
was so regarded. When later, at the turn of the twentieth century, there began to
be discussion of creativity in the sciences (e.g., Jan Łukasiewicz, 1878-1956)
and in nature (such as Henri Bergson), this was generally taken as the
transference to the sciences of concepts proper to art.
Graham Wallas, in his work Art of Thought, published in 1926, presented one of
the first models of the creative process. Wallas considered creativity to be a
legacy of the evolutionary process, which allowed humans to quickly adapt to
rapidly changing environments.
In the Wallas stage model, creative insights and illuminations may be explained
by a process consisting of 5 stages:
Wallas' model has subsequently been treated as four stages, with "intimation"
seen as a sub-stage. There has been some empirical research looking at whether,
as the concept of "incubation" in Wallas' model implies, a period of interruption
or rest from a problem may aid creative problem-solving. Wardlists various
hypotheses that have been advanced to explain why incubation may aid creative
problem-solving, and notes how some empirical evidence is consistent with the
hypothesis that incubation aids creative problem-solving in that it enables
"forgetting" of misleading clues. Absence of incubation may lead the problem
solver to become fixated on inappropriate strategies of solving the
problem. This work disputed the earlier hypothesis that creative solutions to
problems arise mysteriously from the unconscious mind while
the conscious mind is occupied on other tasks.
It has been proposed that creativity is the outcome of the same cognitive
processes as intelligence, and is only judged as creativity in terms of its
consequences. In other words, the process is only judged creative when the
outcome of cognitive processes happens to produce something novel, a view
which Perkins has termed the "nothing special" hypothesis. However, a very
popular model is what has come to be known as "the threshold hypothesis,"
stating that intelligence and creativity are more likely to be correlated in general
samples, but that this correlation is not found in people with IQs over 120. An
alternative perspective, Renculli's three-ring hypothesis, sees giftedness as
based on both intelligence and creativity.
Neurology of creativity
Most people associate creativity with the fields of art and literature. In these
fields, "originality" is considered to be a sufficient condition for creativity,
unlike other fields where both "originality" and "appropriateness" are necessary.
In the art, practice, and theory of Davor Dzalto, human creativity is taken as a
basic feature of both the personal existence of human beings and art production.
Creativity in business
In such cases, the term "innovation" is often used to refer to the entire process
by which an organization generates creative new ideas and converts them into
novel, useful and viable commercial products, services, and business practices,
while the term "creativity" is reserved to apply specifically to the generation of
novel ideas by individuals, as a necessary step within the innovation process.
For example, Amabile et al. suggest that while innovation "begins with creative
ideas, creativity by individuals and teams is a starting point for innovation; the
first is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the second" (emphasis added).
Economic views of creativity
Psychometric approach
Plot Titles where participants are given the plot of a story and asked to
write original titles.
Quick Responses is a word-association test scored for uncommonness.
Figure Concepts where participants were given simple drawings of
objects and individuals and asked to find qualities or features that are
common by two or more drawings; these were scored for uncommonness.
Unusual Uses involves finding unusual uses for common everyday
objects such as bricks.
Remote Associations where participants are asked to find a word
between two given words (such as Hand _____ Call)
Remote Consequences where participants are asked to generate a list of
consequences of unexpected events (such as loss of gravity)
Social-personality approach
Fostering creativity
Daniel Pink, repeating arguments posed throughout the twentieth century, has
argued that we are entering a new age where creativity is becoming increasingly
important. In this "conceptual age," we need to foster and encourage "right-
directed thinking" (representing creativity and emotion) over "left-directed
thinking" (representing logical, analytical thought).
A growing number of psychologists are advocating the idea that one can learn
to become more "creative." Several different researchers have proposed
approaches to support this idea, ranging from psychological-cognitive, such as:
There is, however, a dark side to creativity, in that it represents a "quest for a
radical autonomy apart from the constraints of social responsibility." In other
words, by encouraging creativity we are encouraging a departure from society's
existing norms and values. Expectation of conformity runs contrary to the spirit
of creativity.