Bhrigu Tantra Nadi Examples
Bhrigu Tantra Nadi Examples
Bhrigu Tantra Nadi Examples
3. Add 12 to subsequent numbers from beginning age of activation to find consecutive ages
3 places away correlates with 3rd house themes: travel, communication and starting a
8 + 12 = 20 (first age)
20 + 12 = 32, then 44, 56, 68
8th house themes: Inheritance and death themes, money from family or government
10 + 12 = 22 (first age)
22 + 12 = 34 then 46, 58
Thank you,I got the technique as well ,just to add on,first we have take the number of
places ,dispositor is away,so in the first examples it goes like this
1st example
first age =3
2nd example
first age=8
1. First take a planet what you want to know, let's say Venus for wife, Jupiter wealth,
blessing, etc..
3. Now let's say we want to know the income and possessions, we look at the second house
from Jupiter which is Virgo.
4. In this case this is the wealth and values of Jupiter in this case, second from Jupiter. Who
is the Lord of Virgo? Mercury.
5. We now take the age of 2 and add 12 each time. So at 2, 14, 26, etc there will be money
and possessions that will come through Virgo
And how, through Mercury, communication, logic, etc...
You always take the number from the house of the Lord from Jupiter make it years and add
12 (the zodiac), etc.
Each planet is an energy and will have its own houses, basically you look at each planet on
its own making it the
Obviously you can't get married (let's take Venus) lol, with the 7th Lord in the 7th year of
ALL the Lord's from Venus are and what they do.
Then some years will overlap and then you need to see when and who and where.
Yes there are 108basic combinations, and guys its simple but becomes incredible complex
cause you need to check all Lord's from each other.
For example how can he know that no matter where Mars is with 58 will be important,
because the tenth house lord from Mars will be active (which is where Mars is exalted!).
Why 58 so important for Mars? Cause 10 years (10th house) plus 4x12 (all houses in all
elements) = 58
This is it folks :-) this is the secret.
I think I get the pattern now: The house that the dispositor of Jupiter rules (count from
Jupiter) will be activate
Eg from Dr Santhip's live: Jupiter 10th house Aquarius, Saturn in 11th = Saturn in 2nd house
(from Jupiter) =
all the age involve with 2nd house (2, 14, 26, 38, etc) = native involve into family wealth,
making wealth,
increase value.
I have question: how we know if the result is good or bad? Like how we know this Jupiter
dispositor here will give
First technique, I do not understand one thing: if Venus, Sun, Mercury activate in the age of
the house they
(when Venus, Sun finish 2nd circle) but 36, 37?