Strawberries: Health and Human Sciences
Strawberries: Health and Human Sciences
Strawberries: Health and Human Sciences
Recommended • To make a dry sugar pack: Mix cup of dry sugar
per quart of prepared fruit. Stir until most of the
Varieties sugar is dissolved or let stand for 15 minutes.
Northeaster, • To make a dry pack: Omit sugar.
Earliglow, Guardian,
Redchief, Jewel, and • To package: Fill plastic freezer containers, freezer
Sparkle are usually jars, or zip-type freezer bags; remove air; seal;
excellent-quality and label. Sealed bags may be frozen flat on a tray
berries for freezing. and stacked when completely frozen. If using rigid
Most other varieties containers, allow ½ inch of headspace for dry
are suitable, especially for pack and 1 inch of headspace for syrup pack berries
making jams and eating fresh. in quarts.
Strawberries imported from California or Florida are • Prepared berries can also be individually quick
best for eating fresh. Homegrown varieties are best for frozen (IQF) first on a tray and then packed into
making jams and freezing. containers as soon as they are frozen. IQF berries
may be used partially thawed as a snack.
A 24-quart crate weighs 36 pounds and yields 18 to
Strawberry Jam
24 quarts. An average of 1 pound makes 1 pint of frozen
berries. One pound of fresh berries is approximately Strawberry jam can be made from several commercial
1 quart of fresh berries. pectin products. To make jam with added pectin, follow
the instructions of the pectin manufacturer to ensure
obtaining a desirable mixture.
Varieties: Strawberries imported from California or
Freeze strawberries or preserve them on the day they are
Florida are best for eating fresh. Homegrown varieties
harvested for best quality. They should be picked when
are best for making jams and freezing.
they reach an ideal maturity for eating fresh. Select berries
with fresh, sweet flavor; deep, uniform color; and firm
texture. Smaller, misshapen, and seedy berries make
good-quality jams.
Uncooked Strawberry Jam from Fresh
Berry Preparation • 1¾ cups crushed strawberries (about 1 quart)
Remove caps. Wash 1 to 2 quarts at a time and drain. • 4 cups sugar
Do not soak berries. • 2 Tbsp lemon juice
Freezing Procedure • 1 pouch liquid pectin (3 oz)
Yields approx. 4 half-pint jars
Don’t freeze more than 2 pounds of food per cubic foot of
freezer capacity per day. Whole berries may be packed in Procedure. Measure 1¾ cups of crushed strawberries.
syrup or dry sugar or frozen without sugar. Sliced or Place in an extra-large bowl. Add sugar, mix well, and let
crushed berries should be made with a dry sugar pack. stand for 10 minutes. Measure lemon juice into a small
bowl. Add liquid pectin and stir well. Stir into fruit and
• To make a syrup pack: Dissolve 3 cups of sugar in continue stirring for 3 minutes. Pour jam into freezer
4 cups of water. Add 1 cup of this syrup per quart containers or canning jars, leaving ½ inch of headspace.
of prepared fruit.
L E T ’ S P R E S E R V E Strawberries
Cover container. Let stand at room temperature until set juice. Put 3½ cups of juice into a large saucepan. Add butter
(up to 24 hours). Freeze or refrigerate. and sugar, thoroughly mixing into juice. Bring to a boil
*Source: Andress, Elizabeth L., and Judy A. Harrison, So Easy to Preserve, over high heat, stirring constantly. Immediately stir in liquid
5th ed. (Athens: University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service, 2006). pectin. Bring to a full, rolling boil and boil hard for 1 minute.
Quickly skim off any foam and immediately place in
sterile jars, leaving ¼ inch of headspace. Wipe sealing
Strawberry-Rhubarb Jelly
edge of jars with a clean, damp paper towel. Add lids,
• 1½ lb rhubarb tighten screw bands, and process jars in boiling water
• 1½ quarts strawberries according to Table 1.
• jelly bag or cheesecloth After processing is complete, turn off heat and remove
• ½ teaspoon butter canner lid. Wait 5 minutes. Remove jars from canner with
a jar lifter and place on a towel or rack. Do not retighten
• 6 cups sugar screw bands. Air-cool jars for 12 to 24 hours. Remove
• 6 oz (2 pouches) liquid pectin screw bands and check lid seals. If the center of the lid is
Yields 7 half-pints indented, wash, dry, label, and store jar in a clean, cool,
dark place. If the lid is unsealed, examine and replace jar
Procedure. Wash and cut rhubarb into 1-inch pieces and
if defective, use new lids, and reprocess as before. Wash
blend or grind. Wash, stem, and crush strawberries, one
screw bands and store separately. Fruits are best if
layer at a time, in a saucepan. Place both fruits in a jelly
consumed within a year and are safe as long as the lids
bag or double layer of cheesecloth and gently squeeze out
remain vacuum sealed.
Table 1. Recommended process times for hot pack in a boiling water canner.
Half-pints or pints 5 10 15
This publication was adapted with permission from the College of Agricultural
Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University. Content prepared by Penn State
Extension: Luke LaBorde, associate professor of food science, Penn State University,
and Martha Zepp, Extension project assistant, Lancaster County, PA.
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