Experimental - Investigation - of - Crude Oil Desalting
Experimental - Investigation - of - Crude Oil Desalting
Experimental - Investigation - of - Crude Oil Desalting
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3 authors, including:
A. Elkamel
University of Waterloo
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Chemical Engineering Department,
College of Engineering and Petroleum ,
Kuwait University, Safat, Kuwait
Kuwait Oil Company, Safat, Kuwait
Chemical Engineering Department,
College of Engineering and Petroleum ,
Kuwait University, Safat, Kuwait
As most oil fields are growing older, resulting in wet crude oil production,
it is necessary to provide desalting=dehydration systems to separate
the oil and water before the oil can be further processed. Oil de-
salting=dehydration is the process of removing water-soluble salts from an
oil stream. With the increasing regulations on effluent water and the ever-
increasing cost of producing a barrel of oil, the use of emulsion-treatment
plants has become an important practice in crude oil processing. Treat-
ment of emulsions has always ranged from simple methods such as
gravity settlement to highly sophisticated methods such as tri-volted
desalting and dehydration systems. The development of desalting systems
has always been evaluated in terms of quantities of salt and water being
removed. In a desalting unit, when crude oil is heated as part of various
desalting=dehydration or refining processes, the water may be driven off
as steam. The salts in the water, however, do not leave with the steam.
They crystallize and may either remain suspended in oil or form scale
within heat-exchange equipment. Entrained salt crystals may deactivate
catalyst beds and plug processing equipment. Because of these potential
problems, refineries usually reduce crude oil salt content to very low
levels prior to processing. To reduce the amount of desalting required at
the refinery, some oil purchasing contracts specify a maximum salt con-
tent as well as a maximum water content. A typical salt specification
would be 10 Pounds per Thousand Barrels (10.0 PTB). To satisfy such
purchase specifications, producers may be required to perform some oil
Among the many reasons desalting=dehydration units are installed is
to avoid transporting high viscosity liquids, ‘‘water-in-oil’’ emulsions,
which require more pumping energy. Furthermore, salts and water are
removed in day-to-day operation for three reasons: corrosion, scale
accumulation, and lowering of activity of catalysts.
Literature Survey
Schramm (1992) discussed the basic principles of petroleum emulsions.
The author noted that the factors that affect emulsion stability are:
viscosity, density differential, water percentage, age of emulsion, control
of emulsifying agents, and the agitation control. The author also noted
that the success of chemical treatment methods is dependent upon the
amount of the chemical, heating, and sufficient residence time for settling.
In addition, Schramm described sampling and testing techniques that
assist in characterizing a process stream’s composition and thus in eval-
uating the effectiveness of a particular separation process. Bartley (1982)
described how heavy crudes present unique problems that require
additional design considerations. Chawla (1987) discussed the problem
of wet crude in Kuwait and the need for desalting plants. al-Kandari
(1997) reported that there are several problems generated from producing
wet crude oil streams: corrosion, lowering the activities of catalysts, and
scale development.
There are many recent studies that seek to develop a comprehensive
general framework for removing water from crude oil that requires
additional processing beyond gravitational separation. For the best
desalting operating conditions, Axsia (2000) suggested that there are a
number of important design features to be considered. Recent advances
in the development of efficient desalting=dehydration processes have
made it possible to reach an optimum set of factors. One method is the
In a desalting=dehydration process, there are several parameters that can
be altered in order to reach an optimum combination of operating con-
ditions. This daily practice that takes place in most desalting=dehydration
plants is the theme of this experimental section. Under this study, five
parameters will be altered to reach the goal of the study, an optimum
combination of parameters. These are: crude temperature ( C), mixing
time (min), settling time (min), chemical=demulsifier dosage (ppm), and
the amount of freshwater added (%) in ratio to that of the wet crude’s
Crude oil, collected from a Kuwaiti oil well, was supplied by Kuwait Oil
Company (KOC). The characteristics of the crude oil are illustrated in
Table I. Brackish water used in the experiment was collected from field
operation of the Kuwait Oil Company. Table II gives its characteristics.
The chemical used as a demulsifier in the experiment is under the trade
name Servo CC 3408 supplied by Servo Delden BV (Netherlands).
There are three main variables that were tested in more detail: chemical
dosage (ppm), freshwater addition (%), and the mixing time (min). The
other two variables, temperature and settling time, were determined to be
of secondary priority due to the vast number of studies that have been
conducted on their effects. It is widely known how temperature and
settling time affect oil viscosity and the rate of downward settling,
Characteristic Value
respectively. Therefore, the five variables were divided into two groups: a
two-point and a multipoint variations group. The two-point group
consists of two variables: temperature ( C) and settling time (min). The
multipoint group, on the other hand, consists of three variables: chemical
dosage (ppm), freshwater addition (%), and the mixing time (min). All
factors were changed as follows:
The experimental design that was considered in this study required 980
combinations or experiments in order to study the effects of these five
variables. Temperature and settling time were the factors that were found to
be the least varied in real processes. In fact, settling time is determined in
Figure 2. Salt result and water cut efficiencies (%) vs. addition of freshwater (initial
S=R ¼ 100.0 PTB; initial W=C ¼ 5.0%; T ¼ 60 C; mixing time ¼ 1 min; settling time ¼ 1
Figure 3. Salt result and water cut efficiencies (%) vs. chemical dosage (initial S=R ¼ 61.0
PTB; initial W=C ¼ 2.0%; T ¼ 60 C; mixing time ¼ 1 min; settling time ¼ 1.0 min).
Figure 4. Salt result and water cut efficiencies (%) as a function of temperature (initial
S=R ¼ 100 PTB; initial W=C ¼ 3.0%; mixing time ¼ 1 min; settling time ¼ 1 min).
Figure 5. Salt result and water cut efficiencies as a function of mixing time (initial S=R ¼ 100
PTB; initial W=C ¼ 10%; settling time ¼ 1.0 min, T ¼ 55 C; chemical dosage ¼ 1.0 ppm).
Figure 6. Salt result and water cut efficiencies as a function of settling time (initial
S=R ¼ 90.0 PTB; initial W=C ¼ 8.0%; chemical dosage ¼ 5.0 ppm; T ¼ 55 C; mixing
time ¼ 1.0 min).
Effect of Heating
Heating is another important factor used in the desalting=dehydration
process. When an emulsion is subjected to heating, the rise of tempera-
ture will increase thermal motions to enhance the collision rate. As the
temperature increases the viscosity (including interfacial viscosity) will be
reduced, thus increasing the likelihood of water drop coalescence. The
results shown in Figure 4 are representative of the effect of temperature
Effect of MixingT|me
Mixing is used in a desalting=dehydration process to promote further
dispersion of dilution water and demulsifier=chemical with the emul-
sion. It is also used to help smaller water droplets coalesce, enhancing
the S=R efficiency and, in particular, affects the W=C efficiency.
Figure 5 illustrates this effect. Initially, the W=C efficiency increased
slightly above the S=R efficiency with increasing mixing time. Both
efficiencies increased up to the point of 5 min, when W=C efficiency
began to deteriorate. The reason for such deterioration is due to the
phenomenon of emulsion type inversion when an emulsion suddenly
changes type, from water-in-oil to water-in-oil-in-water. This process
was almost invariably observed in the beaker tests after emulsions had
been stirred for a sufficiently long time. The time required for a stable
emulsion to invert depends on the stirring speed, temperature, the
surfactant species, and its concentration (Sun and Shook 1996).
Although many papers and studies have explored this subject, the exact
mechanism of inversion remains unclear.
It can also be observed from Figure 5 that at a long mixing time, as
more salt quantities melt and are collected at the bottom of the test
beaker, the S=R efficiency improves. Elgibaly et al. (1999) also reported
similar observations. TPL (1992) also reported that too low pressure
drops (short mixing time) across the mixing valve of a desal-
ting=dehydration process will cause a decrease in S=R efficiency. That is
due to a less intimate contact between dilution water and crude. In this
case, a high S=R in the treated crude stream can be expected. In contrast,
too high pressure drops (long mixing time) will create a mixture between
water and oil with a very high stability. Under this case, a high W=C in
the treated crude stream can be expected. So, for the oil and demulsifier
investigated, very short mixing times will improve the W=C efficiency but
not the S=R efficiency. Along the same line, very long mixing times will
improve S=R efficiency but not the W=C efficiency. The latter statement
actually reflects a situation encountered in our experiment, as can be seen
in Figure 5.
Effect of SettlingT|me
The settling time factor was experimentally investigated using a cen-
trifuge at a fixed speed of 1000 rpm. The relative centrifugation force
(g force) was 223.6. The time was varied from 1 to 5 min. Figure 6
shows a dramatic increase of S=R and W=C efficiencies. The settling time
factor was varied here from 1.0 min to 5.0 min. Basically, the two effi-
ciencies follow the same pattern when settling time is applied. The S=R
efficiency shows a sharp increase at the first three levels (1.03.0 min) and
then a leveling off towards the end points (4.05.0 min). The W=C effi-
ciency increases as a result of the increase of gravity difference between
oil and water. It can also be observed from Figure 6 that at higher settling
times (4.05.0 min), the efficiency reached a maximum value of 65.0%.
The asymptotic behavior in W=C efficiency is due to reaching a point at
which the water droplets are too small to settle out. This can be attributed
to their relatively high specific surface. A specific concentration of che-
mical=demulsifier or more mixing times is required for further settling.
This is due to the type of emulsion that is being tested; more than 40.0%
of the water droplets are considered too small to release from the thin
films surrounding them. Those thin films create what is known as a tight
emulsion: an emulsion that contains very small droplets (less than 10.0
microns) that are hard to settle out.
Combined Effects
Figure 7 shows W=C as a function of mixing time at two different tem-
peratures, 55 and 70 C. In this run, the sample initial W=C was 12.0%,
chemical dosage was 1.0 ppm, dilution water injection rate was 1.0%, and
settling time was 1.0 min. The experimental data show the optimum
mixing time with the corresponding temperature. Mixing times in the
range of 12.015.0 min at 55 C give a W=C less than 3.0%. The figure
clearly shows that increasing the temperature while fixing the mixing time
would not improve the W=C final value for the oil and demulsifier stu-
died. This is true because at higher temperatures, the decrease in viscosity
is counterbalanced by the effect of chemical=demulsifier on the type of
Water associated with oil production can cause considerable operational
problems. The removal of this water can be readily accomplished by
using a desalting=dehydration process. The process utilizes a set of
interacting factors to produce the optimum outcome of treated crude oil
with the least S=R and W=C.
Based on the experimental study performed with a Kuwaiti crude oil
and the demulsifier Servo CC 3408, two main conclusions can be drawn.
First, settling time is the main factor that could be utilized to the highest
level in achieving the best operating conditions. Secondly, excessive
Figure 7. Water cut (%) vs. mixing time at two different temperatures (initial
W=C ¼ 12.0%; chemical dosage ¼ 1.0 ppm; dilution water ¼ 1.0; setting time ¼ 1.0 min).
Figure 8. Water cut vs. chemical dosage at two different temperatures (initial W=C ¼ 8.0%;
mixing time ¼ 1.0 min; settling time ¼ 1.0 min; dilution water ¼ 1.0%).
Figure 9. Salt result vs. chemical dosage at two different dilution waters (initial S=R ¼ 100.0
PTB, initial W=C ¼ 8.0%; mixing time ¼ 3 min; T ¼ 55 C; settling time ¼ 1 min).
Figure 10. Water cut vs. chemical dosage at two different dilution waters (initial S=R ¼ 100
PTB, initial W=C ¼ 8%; mixing time ¼ 3 min; T ¼ 55 C; settling time ¼ 1 min).
The authors would like to thank Kuwait Oil Company for providing
assistance and help in carrying out this work. Discussions with Prof.
A. Elgibaly at the beginning of this project were helpful. The authors
would like to acknowledge partial support of Kuwait University research
administration unit under grant EC072. The support of the graduate
school for the first author is also appreciated.
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