Model Project Profiles
Model Project Profiles
Model Project Profiles
(Canning Unit)
Govt. of West Bengal
Prepared By
NABARD Consultancy Service
Private Limited
Table of Contents
I. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 2
II. OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................... 2
III. RAW MATERIAL AVAILABILITY ........................................................................................ 2
IV. MARKET OPPORTUNITIES ................................................................................................... 2
V. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................ 2
· Product and Its Uses .............................................................................................................. 2
· Capacity ................................................................................................................................. 3
· Manufacturing Process with Flow Chart ................................................................................. 3
VI. PROJECT COMPONENTS ....................................................................................................... 3
· Land and Building................................................................................................................... 3
· Civil Works ............................................................................................................................. 3
· Plant and Machinery .............................................................................................................. 4
· Miscellaneous Fixed Assets .................................................................................................... 4
· Preliminary & Preoperative Expenses ..................................................................................... 4
· Contingency ........................................................................................................................... 4
VII. PROJECT COST ....................................................................................................................... 5
VIII. MEAN OF FINANACE............................................................................................................. 5
IX. WORKING CAPITAL ASSESMENT ....................................................................................... 5
X. MANPOWER REQUIREMENT ............................................................................................... 6
a. Administrative and Supervisory .......................................................................................... 6
b. Unskilled Labour ................................................................................................................ 6
XI. PROJECT PROFITABILITY .................................................................................................... 6
· Installed Capacity and Capacity Utilization ............................................................................. 6
· Yield and Production .............................................................................................................. 6
· Sales Revenue ........................................................................................................................ 6
· Profit Calculations .................................................................................................................. 7
XII. FINANCIAL PARAMETERS ................................................................................................... 7
· Cash Flow Statement ............................................................................................................. 7
· Break Even Analysis ............................................................................................................... 8
· Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) ....................................................................................... 8
· Internal Rate of Return (IRR) .................................................................................................. 8
· Projected Balance Sheet ........................................................................................................ 8
XIII. ASSUMPTIONS ...................................................................................................................... 9
XIV. ADDRESS OF SUPPLIER OF PLANT AND MACHINERY ............................................... 9
The meat production in India is 2.3 million tonnes per year (2010-2011). India exports
more than 500,000 tons of meat of which majority is buffalo meat. Indian buffalo
meat is witnessing strong demand in international markets due to its lean character
and near organic nature. West Bengal is the highest producer of meat in India
followed by Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. It is also the
largest consumer of meat products including “fresh” meat.
The commercial meat canning unit will have following objectives
· Capacity
Capacity of meat processing plant is considered as160MT per year.
Cleaning of Canning and Labelling and
and Cutting Cooking Mincing
Ingredients Sealing Packing
of Meat
· Civil Works
Main building and storage Area 1000 sq. m
Other Civil Structures 500 sq. m
The construction cost is considered as Rs. 6000 per sq. meter. Hence the total
construction cost for built up area is Rs. 60.00 Lakhs. Another 500 sq. meter
area is required for slaughtering & dressing, boundary wall, parking area etc.
An amount of Rs. 5 Lakhs is necessary to take care of miscellaneous civil
· Contingency
Contingency charges are considered as a 2 % of the cost of project excluding
the pre-operative expenses and the land cost.
Rupees in Lakh
b. Unskilled Labour
Ten labours are required for slaughtering, handling, packing etc. Wages per
person per day is Rs. 220/-. This would be cost for Rs. 6.60 Lakhs per annum.
· Sales Revenue
The sale revenue at 100% capacity utilization will be,
Products Price/unit Income (Rs in
(Rs) Lakhs)
Canned Meat 450.00 720.00
By product (Skin & other
250 33.68
edible offal 13480 animals)
The debt service coverage ratio based on the assumed techno economic
parameters is found satisfactory. The average DSCR is 1.53.
· Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
The financial indicators like Net Present Worth (NPW), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR),
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) etc were analysed by discounting cash flow @15%
discounting rate. The internal rate of return is found to be 36.03% and BCR is
about 1.03.
· Projected Balance Sheet
Liabilities Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Yr 7
Equity 20.06 20.06 20.06 20.06 20.06 20.06 20.06
Term Loan 60.19 50.12 41.77 33.41 25.06 16.71 8.35
Reserve & Surpluses 2.23 10.63 19.36 28.75 39.13 50.27 61.77
Total 82.48 80.81 81.18 82.22 84.25 87.04 90.18
Gross Fixed Assets 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25
Less Depreciation 3.25 10.70 17.23 22.94 27.95 32.34 36.19
Net Fixed Assets 70.00 62.55 56.02 50.31 45.30 40.91 37.06
Intangible Assets 7.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00
Cash & Bank
5.48 11.26 19.16 26.91 34.95 43.13 51.12
Total 82.48 80.81 81.18 82.22 84.25 87.04 90.18
TNW 102.55 100.87 101.25 102.28 104.31 107.10 110.25
TOL 60.19 50.12 41.77 33.41 25.06 16.71 8.35
TOL/TNW 0.59 0.50 0.41 0.33 0.24 0.16 0.08