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Model Project on Meat Processing

(Canning Unit)
Govt. of West Bengal

Prepared By
NABARD Consultancy Service
Private Limited
Table of Contents
I. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 2
II. OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................... 2
III. RAW MATERIAL AVAILABILITY ........................................................................................ 2
IV. MARKET OPPORTUNITIES ................................................................................................... 2
V. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................ 2
· Product and Its Uses .............................................................................................................. 2
· Capacity ................................................................................................................................. 3
· Manufacturing Process with Flow Chart ................................................................................. 3
VI. PROJECT COMPONENTS ....................................................................................................... 3
· Land and Building................................................................................................................... 3
· Civil Works ............................................................................................................................. 3
· Plant and Machinery .............................................................................................................. 4
· Miscellaneous Fixed Assets .................................................................................................... 4
· Preliminary & Preoperative Expenses ..................................................................................... 4
· Contingency ........................................................................................................................... 4
VII. PROJECT COST ....................................................................................................................... 5
VIII. MEAN OF FINANACE............................................................................................................. 5
IX. WORKING CAPITAL ASSESMENT ....................................................................................... 5
X. MANPOWER REQUIREMENT ............................................................................................... 6
a. Administrative and Supervisory .......................................................................................... 6
b. Unskilled Labour ................................................................................................................ 6
XI. PROJECT PROFITABILITY .................................................................................................... 6
· Installed Capacity and Capacity Utilization ............................................................................. 6
· Yield and Production .............................................................................................................. 6
· Sales Revenue ........................................................................................................................ 6
· Profit Calculations .................................................................................................................. 7
XII. FINANCIAL PARAMETERS ................................................................................................... 7
· Cash Flow Statement ............................................................................................................. 7
· Break Even Analysis ............................................................................................................... 8
· Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) ....................................................................................... 8
· Internal Rate of Return (IRR) .................................................................................................. 8
· Projected Balance Sheet ........................................................................................................ 8
XIII. ASSUMPTIONS ...................................................................................................................... 9
XIV. ADDRESS OF SUPPLIER OF PLANT AND MACHINERY ............................................... 9

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The meat production in India is 2.3 million tonnes per year (2010-2011). India exports
more than 500,000 tons of meat of which majority is buffalo meat. Indian buffalo
meat is witnessing strong demand in international markets due to its lean character
and near organic nature. West Bengal is the highest producer of meat in India
followed by Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. It is also the
largest consumer of meat products including “fresh” meat.

The commercial meat canning unit will have following objectives

· Production of ready to serve canned meat product.

· Preservation of meat and also production of hygienic meat product.
· Export of the canned meat product.


Around 20.5 million goats are slaughtered in Bengal every year. Bengal produces
over 31 percent of the total goat meat production in India annually. Bengal black
goat has high demand in the export market due to its low fat and low cholesterol


People are becoming conscious about the health. Because of existing poor
slaughter house conditions quality of meat is affected. Hence there is huge
market potential for the processed canned meat products in India. Canned meat
has great demand in domestic as well as international market. It is used in hotels,
canteens, railways, airlines and for export.


· Product and Its Uses

Meat is highly perishable product. Canned meat can be preserved for a long
duration without any loss in the quality. Canned meat would be ready to serve

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product and could be used instantly. Meat processing waste can be utilized for
preparation of fish feed, animal feed and as a manure.

· Capacity
Capacity of meat processing plant is considered as160MT per year.

· Manufacturing Process with Flow Chart

The process starts with slaughter of sheep/goat, dressing, cleaning, deboning of
meat and cutting it into pieces of 6-7 cms and preparation of various ingredients.
Then these ingredients are cooked. After mincing, all the ingredients are properly
mixed and pre-heated at around 80-85 oC. Finally, they are filled into lacquered
cans; cans are sealed and processed/sterilised at a pressure of about 15 lbs PSI for
about 40-45 minutes. Cans are immediately cooled, labelled and packed. The
product should have a thick free-flowing consistency with a total soluble solid
content of not less the 13%

Cleaning of Canning and Labelling and
and Cutting Cooking Mincing
Ingredients Sealing Packing
of Meat


· Land and Building

A plot of land of around 0.5 acre shall be required which would cost around
Rs. 2.5 Lakh. The cost of land development will be Rs. 5 Lakhs.

· Civil Works
Main building and storage Area 1000 sq. m
Other Civil Structures 500 sq. m
The construction cost is considered as Rs. 6000 per sq. meter. Hence the total
construction cost for built up area is Rs. 60.00 Lakhs. Another 500 sq. meter
area is required for slaughtering & dressing, boundary wall, parking area etc.
An amount of Rs. 5 Lakhs is necessary to take care of miscellaneous civil

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· Plant and Machinery
Qty. in Price in
S.N. Name of Machinery
Nos Rs.
1 Slaughter House Equipments 1 300000
2 Ps-Steam Boiler: Ps-500 Kgs./Hr. Capacity 1 450000
3 PS-WORKING TABLE: Top stainless steel 304. 1 225000
Ps-Steam Jacketed Kettle (Model No.Psk110): 50
4 1
Gallons (225 Ltrs.) 51300
5 of passing 2 A2! /2 cans at a time. 86200
PS-CANNING RETORT: With Thermometer and
6 Pressure gauge Capacity 280/300 A21/2 cans. 51500
7 Electric Hoist: 1Ton Capacity. 1 36000
8 Complete Reforming and seaming unit 1 237830
9 Aluminium and SS vesals of various size. 5 25000
10 Meat Mincer 1 100000
11 Refrigerator -complete unit of freezer 1 350000
12 Weigh scale -large 1 18000
13 Masonary tanks for cooling /Pickling 1 150000
14 Laboratory equipment 1 110000
Total Machinery (Rs. In Lakhs) 21.91
Transportation, Erection, VAT, etc. 4.44
Total Cost of Plant and Machineries (Rs. In Lakhs) 26.35

· Miscellaneous Fixed Assets

The cost of miscellaneous fixed assets is considered as Rs. 3.78 Lakhs. Cost of
miscellaneous fixed assets includes cost of office furniture and other
infrastructure, telephone installation, electrical infrastructure etc.

· Preliminary & Preoperative Expenses

Provision of Rs. 5.00 Lakhs will be necessary to take care of the expenses like
registration, travelling etc.

· Contingency
Contingency charges are considered as a 2 % of the cost of project excluding
the pre-operative expenses and the land cost.

· Margin money for working capital

Margin money for working capital is considered for one cycle in the project
cost while calculating project components.

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S. No. Particulars Amount
(Rs. In Lakhs)
1 Land & Land Development 7.5
2 Civil Works 65.00
3 Plant & Machineries 26.35
4 Miscellaneous Fixed Assets 3.78
5 Preliminary & Preoperative Expenses 5.00
6 Contingency 2.00
7 Margin money for working capital 21.14
Total Project Cost in Lakhs 130.77


S. No. Source of Finance Amount (Rs. In Lakhs)

1 Equity (25%) 32.69
2 Term Loan from Bank (75%) 98.08
Total Project cost 130.77


Working capital required to run the plant is worked as under:

Rupees in Lakh

Working Capital Assessment

Raw material 10 10.51 14.71 18.91
WIP 5 5.58 7.82 10.05
Finished Goods 30 33.51 46.91 60.32
Debtors 30 34.94 48.96 62.36
Total 84.54 118.40 151.64
Creditors 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0
WCG 84.54 118.40 151.64
Margin 25% 21.14 29.60 37.91
MPBF 63.41 88.80 113.73
Interest 14% 8.88 12.43 15.92

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a. Administrative and Supervisory

Salary Per Month

Particulars No’s in Rupees
Factory Manager 1 20,000
Purchase & Sales Manager 1 15,000
Accountant -cum -Cashier 1 10,000
Clerk 3 7,500
Store In charge 1 10,000
Guard 2 5,000
Food Technologist 1 12,000
Veterinary Doctor 1 18,000
Supervisor 2 8,000
Mechanic-cum Boiler
Operator 1 7,000
Skilled Workers 5 6,000
Unskilled workers 10 5,000
Total Salary in INR Lakh 1.73

b. Unskilled Labour
Ten labours are required for slaughtering, handling, packing etc. Wages per
person per day is Rs. 220/-. This would be cost for Rs. 6.60 Lakhs per annum.


· Installed Capacity and Capacity Utilization

The capacity of meat processing plant is to produce 160 MT of processed canned
meat per year. During fist year only 50% capacity will be utilized, in second year
70% and from third year onwards 90% of total capacity will be utilized.

· Yield and Production

At 100 % capacity utilization around 160000 containers of 1 kg of canned meat
per year will be produced.

· Sales Revenue
The sale revenue at 100% capacity utilization will be,
Products Price/unit Income (Rs in
(Rs) Lakhs)
Canned Meat 450.00 720.00
By product (Skin & other
250 33.68
edible offal 13480 animals)

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· Profit Calculations
Particulars Amount (Rs. In lakhs)
Installed Capacity (MT / Year) 160
Years 1 2 3 4 5
Capacity utilization (%) 50 70 90 90 90
Canned Meat 360.00 504.00 648.00 648.00 648.00
By product 17 24 30 30 30
Total income 376.84 527.58 678.32 678.32 678.32
Total expenditure 352.20 493.19 628.09 628.31 628.53
PBDIT 24.64 34.39 50.22 50.01 49.79
Depreciation 10.23 9.04 7.99 7.06 6.25
Interest on term loan 11.77 11.77 10.33 8.89 6.93
Interest on working capital 8.88 12.43 15.92 15.92 15.92
Intangible assets written off 0.00 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30
Profit after depreciation and interest 2.63 11.28 29.60 31.76 34.31
Tax @ 36% 0.95 4.06 10.66 11.43 12.35
PADIT 1.69 7.22 18.95 20.32 21.96
Surplus available for repayment 23.69 28.03 37.26 36.27 35.13
Cash Accruals 11.92 16.26 26.93 27.38 28.21


· Cash Flow Statement

The statement of cash flow is concerned with the flow of cash in and out of the
business. Cash inflow means the source of cash which includes equity, Loan from
bank and the cash accruals from the business. Cash outflow is a sum of cash
required for the applications like increase in fixed assets, for repayment of term
loan, preoperative expenses and cash required for the payment of dividend.

Particulars 1stYear 2ndYear 3rdYear 4thYear 5th Year

142.69 16.26 26.93 27.38 28.21
Cash Inflow
130.77 12.00 12.00 17.00 17.00
Cash outflow
0.00 11.92 16.18 31.11 41.49
Opening Balance
11.92 4.26 14.93 10.38 11.21
11.92 16.18 31.11 41.49 52.70
Closing Balance

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· Break Even Analysis
Particulars (Rs. In Lakhs) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Sales Revenue 376.84 527.58 678.32 678.32 678.32
Total Variable Cost 335.10 469.14 603.18 603.18 603.18
Contribution 41.74 58.44 75.14 75.14 75.14
Total Fixed Cost 28.88 35.72 35.00 33.52 31.53
Break Even Point (%) 69.17 61.13 46.58 44.61 41.96

The unit is expected to break even at approximately 69 % capacity utilization

during first year and during third year onwards the breakeven is at 47%.

· Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)

· DSCR Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Coverage Available 23.69 28.03 37.26 36.27 35.13
Debt 11.77 23.77 22.33 25.24 23.27
DSCR Ratio 2.01 1.18 1.67 1.44 1.51
Average DSCR Ratio 1.53

The debt service coverage ratio based on the assumed techno economic
parameters is found satisfactory. The average DSCR is 1.53.
· Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
The financial indicators like Net Present Worth (NPW), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR),
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) etc were analysed by discounting cash flow @15%
discounting rate. The internal rate of return is found to be 36.03% and BCR is
about 1.03.
· Projected Balance Sheet
Liabilities Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Yr 7
Equity 20.06 20.06 20.06 20.06 20.06 20.06 20.06
Term Loan 60.19 50.12 41.77 33.41 25.06 16.71 8.35
Reserve & Surpluses 2.23 10.63 19.36 28.75 39.13 50.27 61.77
Total 82.48 80.81 81.18 82.22 84.25 87.04 90.18
Gross Fixed Assets 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25
Less Depreciation 3.25 10.70 17.23 22.94 27.95 32.34 36.19
Net Fixed Assets 70.00 62.55 56.02 50.31 45.30 40.91 37.06
Intangible Assets 7.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00
Cash & Bank
5.48 11.26 19.16 26.91 34.95 43.13 51.12
Total 82.48 80.81 81.18 82.22 84.25 87.04 90.18
TNW 102.55 100.87 101.25 102.28 104.31 107.10 110.25
TOL 60.19 50.12 41.77 33.41 25.06 16.71 8.35
TOL/TNW 0.59 0.50 0.41 0.33 0.24 0.16 0.08

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a. The unit will work for 8 hours a day for 300 days per annum.
b. Capacity utilization: First year –50%, Second year - 70%, Third year
onwards - 90%.
c. The wages for skilled and unskilled workers are taken as per prevailing
rates in this type of industry.
d. Interest rate for term loan is 12% per annum and that for working capital
is 14% per annum.
e. Margin money is considered at 25% of the financial outlay.
f. Insurance charges for the fixed assets considered as 0.5% of the
depreciated cost of the assets.
g. Repayment period of seven years with one year grace period for
repayment of principal.
h. Costs of machinery and equipment are based on average prices quoted by
machinery manufacturers.
i. Power cost is considered as Rs. 6.00 per unit and that for the fuel is Rs. 55
per litre.
j. The cost of water is considered as 30 paisa per litre.
k. Depreciation rate of 10%, 13.91% and 15% has been considered for civil
structures, plant & machineries and miscellaneous fixed assets
l. Repair and maintenance is considered as a percentage of total project cost
excluding preliminary preoperative expenses, land and land development
cost. The percentages are 0.10, 0.25 and 0.5 for first three years respectively
and 0.75 for fourth year onwards.
m. The administrative expenses will be considered as Lump sum Rs. 50
thousand per annum.
n. The 0.5% of total income would be considered to take care of promotion
and marketing expenses.
o. Land cost is considered as Rs.5 Lakh per acre.
RND Practical Engineering: - No. 1/4, Shiv Complex, Wadgaon, Buduruk,
Pune -411 048, Maharashtra, India.
Zoy Impex:- E - 1, Sector - 22, U. P. S. I. D. C., Industrial Area, Meerut Road,
Near Samtel Divice Limited, Ghaziabad - 201001, Uttar Pradesh, India
Food Tech Equipment’s Company:- 52- A , IInd Floor, Opposite PNB, Dilshad
Garden Industrial Area , Delhi - 110095, Delhi, India

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Mark 1 Packaging Systems Pvt Ltd:-No. 75, Hasti Industrial Estate, Shilphatta
Road, Mahape, Navi Mumbai - 400 707, Maharashtra, India

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