Engineering Survey Calibration

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SBEU 2043







1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Instrument Needed 2-4
2.1 Zero Error 2
2.2 Cyclic Error 3
2.3 Baseline Calibration 4
3.0 Fieldwork Methodology 5-10
3.1 Centering and Levelling the Total Station 5-7
3.2 Determination of Zero Error 8
3.3 Determination of Cyclic Error 9
3.4 Baseline Calibration 10
4.0 Result and Analysis 11-27
4.1 Result of Field Calibration for Zero Error 11-15
4.1.1 Data Observed from Field Calibration for 11
Zero Error
4.1.2 Calculation 12-13
4.1.3 Calculation Process 13-14
4.1.4 Zero Error Adjustment 15
4.2 Result of Field Calibration for Cyclic Error 16-20
4.2.1 Data Observed from Field Calibration for 16-17
Zero Error
4.2.2 Calculation for Cyclic Correction 17-18
4.2.3 Computation for Cyclic Correction 18-19
4.2.4 Estimated Cyclic Error Determined by 19-20
Plotted Estimation Chart
4.3 Result of Baseline Calibration 20-27
4.3.1 Data Observed from Baseline Calibration 20
4.3.2 Atmospheric Correction 20-22
4.3.3 Computation for Scale Error 22-23
4.3.4 Adjusted Data for Zero Error 24-25
4.3.5 Computation for Zero Error 26-27
5.0 Discussion 28-29
6.0 Conclusion 30
7.0 References 31
8.0 Attachment 32-35

8.1 Booking Form 32-35

1.0 Introduction

Second year students in University of Technology Malaysia who

took Bachelor of Engineering (Geomatics) are required to take a subject
called ‘Engineering Survey Technology’ with the code SBEU 2043 in their
first semester. This subject is the continuation of the previous semester
subject, Engineering Survey I. Both matriculation and STPM students are
now mixed with direct entry students who are much more experienced in
doing the survey related practice.

In this subject, the students will be taught with both theory and
practical with a total of 3 credit hours including 2 hours of in-class lectures
and 5 hours of outdoor practical. For the 2 hours of in-class lectures, the
students will be taught and guided with the topics related to the subject in
which includes Basic Theory of EDM, EDM calibration, Automated
Surveying and Introduction to Underground Utility Surveying. Meanwhile
the 5 hours of outdoor practical will expose students on how to do the
fieldwork based on what has been taught during lecture session.

This report will cover the Field and Baseline calibration, using the
Trimble M3 Series Total Station. The two different EDM calibration was
done to find the following error: Zero Error, Cyclic Error and Scale Error.

In conclusion, EDM instrument calibration is very important for

surveyors, surveyors and other users of land measuring instrument,
especially topographic appliances are important that all users know the
importance of permanent monitorization of EDM instrument, meaning
changes depending on the type parameter measurement performed and
especially depending environmental conditions.

2.0 Instrument Needed
2.1 Zero Error

Instrument Quantity Description

Total Station (Trimble M3) 1 • A combination of theodolite and

Electronic Distance Measurement

• Able to measure both vertical and

horizontal angles and also can measure
vertical and horizontal distance.

Tripod 3 • To ensure a stable support to instrument

such as prism and total station for more
accurate measurements.

Prism 2 • A reflector of electromagnetic wave

from total station for distance
measurement purpose.

• Act as a pointing target for vertical and

horizontal angle measurement.

Measuring Tape (50m) 1 • Used to measure horizontal, vertical and

slope distances.

• Having a limit of 50m in length.

Another two instruments were thermometer and barometer, but the advancement of
technology allowed us to use our smartphone to get both temperature and pressure

2.2 Cyclic Error

Instrument Quantity Description

Total Station (Trimble M3) 1 • A combination of theodolite and

Electronic Distance Measurement

• Able to measure both vertical and

horizontal angles and also can measure
vertical and horizontal distance.

Tripod 1 • To ensure a stable support to total station

for more accurate measurements.

• Only one needed for Total Station while

Prism will be put directly on B05 corridor

Prism 2 • A reflector of electromagnetic wave

from total station for distance
measurement purpose.

• Will be put directly on the marked B05

corridor railway.

• Act as a pointing target for vertical and

horizontal angle measurement.

2.3 Baseline Calibration

Instrument Quantity Description

Total Station (Trimble M3) 1 • A combination of theodolite and

Electronic Distance Measurement

• Able to measure both vertical and

horizontal angles and also can measure
vertical and horizontal distance.

Tripod 2 • To ensure a stable support to total station

for more accurate measurements.

Prism 2 • A reflector of electromagnetic wave

from total station for distance
measurement purpose.

• Act as a pointing target for vertical and

horizontal angle measurement.

Adapter Clamp 2 • Keeps both Total Station and Prism

securely locked when attached to the
baseline pillar.

3.0 Fieldwork Methodology

3.1 Centering and Levelling the Total Station

1. Tripod legs should be evenly spaced and the head should be

approximately of a level. Head should be directly above the survey

2. Place the instrument on the tripod. Secure the centering screw when
bracing the instrument with the other hand. Place the battery into the
instrument before leveling.

3. Focus the optical plummet on the point of survey.

4. Adjust the foot leveling screws to the center of the survey point of the
optical plummet reticle. When adjusting the tripod feet, place the
bubble in the center on the circular level.

5. Loose the horizontal clamp and turn the instrument until the level of
the plate is parallel to the two leveling foot screws.
6. Using the leveling screws to center the bubble. The bubble moves
towards the screw that is turned clockwise.
7. Rotate the instrument 90 degrees and level using the third leveling

8. Observe the survey point in the optical plummet and loose the
centering screw and sliding the entire instrument to center the point.
9. Check the centering screw to ensure the level bubble of the plate is
level throughout all directions.
10. Switch on the instrument by pressing and holding the "on" button (the
audible beep can be heard). The "MEAS" panel will be opened.
Choose the [Tilt] feature.

11. Adjust the foot level screws to the exact center of the electronic "bubble." Rotate
the instrument 90 degrees and repeat.

12. Loosen the horizontal and vertical clamps and point the telescope to a featureless
light background.
13. Adjust the focus of the reticle (i.e., crosshairs) until the reticle image is clearly
focused. Focus the telescope on the target and adjust the focus ring until the target
is focused.

3.2 Determination of Zero Error

Zero Error can be determined on the total stations and reflector. This error is the
difference between the electrical and physical center which is the axis of the pendulum
or the vertical axis. Typically, it is the difference between the position of the prism, or
the prism offset from the axis of the pendulum

Procedures of determination of cyclic error are as follow:

1. Three points, A, B and C, was established and marked on a flat ground using
pickets. The distance from A to C is beyond 50m. Point B should be planted in
the middle between line AC.
2. The total station was set up on point A and each prism was set up on points B
and C.
3. Distance line AB and AC was measured.
4. Then total station moved to point B and both prisms moved to point A and C.
Distance line BA and BC measured.
5. Total station once again moved to point C and both prisms moved to point A
and B. Distance line CB and CA measured.
6. For each line, 5 readings were taken for the zero error.

3.3 Determination of Cyclic Error

Cyclic error happens because of the electrical coupling between the reference signal and
therefore the measured signal or noise between the optical transmitter and receiver part
measuring instrument within the EDM. The error is typically considered the wave on the
length of the measuring unit. The impact of this error is explained with a mathematical
model involving the reference signal and therefore the signal back. Cyclic error’s
testlines for the calibration of short periodic errors is restricted to simple outdoor
facilities which can be easily established.

Procedures of cyclic error are as follow:

1. Parallel line with interval 0.5m was setup at a top of a wall using a measuring tape.
2. 20 parallel line was setup which means the line is 10m.
3. For observing each point, set the temperature with pressure zero value and record the
time for each point.

4. A station was setup 100m away straight from the wall at a height which makes the line
of sight to the prism parallel to the top of the wall.

5. Reflector/prism was setup on the line at the wall

6. Distance of the prism observed and recorded at least five times and then calculated the
average and standard deviation.

7. Prism later moved to the next line, 0.5 away from the first point then record the
distance reading.
8. Step repeated until the last line.

9. Calculate the different between last value with first reading and compare the true value.

3.4 Baseline Calibration

EDM calibration baselines have been the preferred approach to general-purpose. EDM
instrument calibration since the introduction of infrared distance meters. EDM instruments
require a baseline for regular and proper calibrations to determine quality control at time of
purchase or periodically thereafter, improvement of accuracy and legal metrology of the
instruments and instrumental constants. An EDM calibration baseline was established at the
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru. The 900m baseline is consisted of six
concrete pillars forming a straight line of the same slope.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Procedures for baseline calibration are as follow:

1. Set up total station on a Pillar Adapter at Pillar 6.

2. Set zero readings on pressure and temperature.

3. Set up prism on the Pillar adapter at Pillar 5 and Pillar 4.

4. Observers observe the distance between Pillar 6 and pillar 5 from total station at Pillar 6.
The distance that observed was recorded in the field book. After that, the distance between
6 and Pillar 4 observed and recorded.

5. Prisms then moved from Pillar 5 to Pillar 3 and Pillar 4 to Pillar 2 and distance was
measured from Pillar 6 to obtain distance line 6-3 and 6-2. Later prisms moved to Pillar 1
to obtain distance line 6-1.
6. Total Station moved to Pillar 5 and prisms moved to Pillar 4,3,2 and 1 to measure distance
line 5-4, 5-3, 5-2 and 5-1.
7. All measurements are recorded in the field book provided.

4.0 Result & Analysis
4.1 Result of Field Calibration for Zero Error
4.1.1. Data Observed from Field Calibration for Zero Error

Observer: Wan Amir Aiman

Assistant: Saineelan A/L Ramukutty


Time (a.m.) 10.40 10.41 10.44
10.45 10.49 10.50
Temperature 27 27 27 27 27 27
Pressure 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013
Line A-B A-C B-A B-C C-B C-A
1 24.513 50.116 24.511 25.602 25.603 50.113
2 24.513 50.116 24.512 25.601 25.603 50.113
3 24.512 50.115 24.511 25.600 25.603 50.111
4 24.513 50.117 24.511 25.602 25.602 50.112
5 24.513 50.116 24.510 25.602 25.603 50.113
Mean 24.5128 50.116 24.511 25.6014 25.6028 50.1124
Standard 4.472𝑥 10 7.071𝑥 10 7.071𝑥 10 8.944𝑥 10 4.472𝑥 10 8.944𝑥 10−4
−4 −4 −4 −4 −4


Table 4.1: Data Observed from Field Calibration for Zero Error

4.1.2 Calculation

Based on data in Table 4.1,

The mean of distance observed can be calculated using the formulae below,

The standard deviation of distance observed are calculated using the formulae below,

From the figure,

D =D +D

24m 50m


Figure 4.1.2: Distance between Pickets in Field Calibration for Zero Error

If scale is significant, adjusted distance was given by:

𝑑′3 = 𝑑′2 + 𝑑′1

As distance were marked at multiple of 10m, thus adjusted distances have the same
correction factors:

𝑑′3 = 𝑑3 + e

𝑑′2 = 𝑑2 + e

𝑑′1 = 𝑑1 + e


d3 + e = d2 + e + d1 + e
= d2 + d1 + 2e
e = 𝑑2 + 𝑑1 − 𝑑3

4.1.3 Calculation Process

d3 = d2 + d1

d3 = point (A-C)

(A − C) + (C − A)
𝑑3 =


50.116 + 50.1124
𝑑3 =
= 50.1142m

e = d2 + d1 − d3

(𝐵 − 𝐶) + (𝐶 − 𝐵)
𝑑2 =

25.6014 + 25.6028
𝑑2 =
= 25.6021m

(𝐴 − 𝐵) + (𝐵 − 𝐴)
𝑑1 =


24.5128 + 24.511
𝑑1 =
= 24.5119 m

𝑒 = 25.6021 + 24.5119 − 50.1142

= −2x102
= -0.0002m

Correction of Zero Error = −

= 0.00004m

4.1.4 Zero Error Adjustment

Difference, 2e = (Sum distance of A – B and B – C) – (Total distance of A – C)

(𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐴 – 𝐵 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐵 – 𝐶) – (𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐴 – 𝐶)

Error, e =

Distance Observed Adjusted Distance

Line Distance, m Line Distance, m
A-B 24.5119 A-B 24.5120
B-C 25.6021 B-C 25.6022
Total 50.114 Total 50.114
Actual Distance 50.1138 Actual Distance 50.114
Difference (2e) -0.0002
e -0.0001

Table 4.1.4: Zero Error Adjustment

4.2 Result of Field Calibration for Cyclic Error

4.2.1 Data Observed from Field Calibration for Cyclic Error

Observer: Muhammad Aiman

Assistant: Izuddin

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Note 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Time(a.m.) 10.57 10.58 11.05 11.09 11.15 11.17
Temperature(°C) 29 29 29 29 29 29
Pressure(hPa) 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010
Mark 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 106.512 107.012 107.510 108.010 108.509 109.009
2 106.513 107.012 107.510 108.009 108.509 109.009
3 106.512 107.012 107.511 108.010 108.509 109.008
4 106.513 107.012 107.510 108.009 108.509 109.009
5 106.513 107.012 107.510 108.009 108.509 109.009
Mean 106.5126 107.012 107.5012 108.0094 108.509 109.0088
Standard 5.477𝑥10−4 0 4.472𝑥10−4 5.477𝑥10−4 0 4.472𝑥10−4

Note 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5

Time(a.m.) 11.18 11.20 11.22 11.25 11.32 11.35
Temperature(°C) 29 29 29 29 29 29
Pressure(mb) 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010
Mark 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 109.509 110.010 110.509 111.009 111.512 112.009
2 109.509 110.010 110.509 111.009 111.513 112.009
3 109.509 110.010 110.509 111.009 111.512 112.009
4 109.509 110.010 110.508 111.009 111.512 112.008
5 109.509 110.011 110.509 111.009 111.512 112.008
Mean 109.509 110.0102 110.5088 111.009 111.5122 112.0086

Note 6 6.5 7.0 7.5 8 8.5
Time(a.m.) 11.39 11.40 11.42 11.44 11.47 11.48
Temperature(°C) 29 29 29 29 29 29
Pressure(mb) 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010
Mark 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 112.509 113.010 113.506 114.007 114.508 115.009
2 112.509 113.010 113.506 114.007 114.507 115.009
3 112.509 113.010 113.507 114.008 114.507 115.009
4 112.509 113.010 113.506 114.007 114.507 115.008
5 112.509 113.010 113.506 114.007 114.507 115.008
Mean 112.509 113.010 113.5064 114.0072 114.5072 115.0086
Standard 0 0 4.472𝑥10−4 4.472𝑥10−4 4.472𝑥10−4 5.477𝑥10−4

Note 9 9.5 10
Time(a.m.) 11.50 11.52 11.55
Temperature(°C) 29 29 29
Pressure(mb) 1010 1010 1010
Mark 19 20 21
1 115.507 116.008 116.508
2 115.507 116.007 116.508
3 115.507 116.008 116.508
4 115.507 116.008 116.508
5 115.507 116.007 116.508
Mean 115.507 116.0076 116.508
Standard 0 5.477𝑥10−4 0

Table 4.2.1: Data Observed from Field Calibration for Cyclic Error

4.2.2 Calculation for Cyclic Correction

Calculation for Differences:

Differences = Mean Observed Values – First Mean Observed Value

= Mean Observed Values – 106.5126

Calculation for xi error:

xi = Differences – True Value

Calculation for xbar:

𝑥̅ =

Calculation for xi-xbar:

𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥̅ = 𝑥𝑖 − (−0.00405)

Calculation for Linear Chart Correction:

𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = (𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥̅ ) 𝑥103

where, 𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥̅ in meter
Linear Chart Correction in mm

4.2.3 Computation for Cyclic Correction

Mark Mean Difference true error correction

Observed value xi 𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥̅ metre linear Estimated
value chart(mm) chart
1 106.5126 0 0 0 0.00405 0 4.05 3.3
2 107.012 0.4994 0.5 -0.0006 0.00345 0.5 3.45
3 107.5012 0.9886 1.0 -0.0114 -0.00735 1.0 -7.35
4 108.0094 1.4968 1.5 -0.0032 0.00085 1.5 0.85
5 108.509 1.9964 2.0 -0.0036 0.00045 2.0 0.45
6 109.0088 2.4962 2.5 -0.0038 0.00025 2.5 0.45
7 109.509 2.9964 3.0 -0.0036 0.00045 3.0 0.45
8 110.0102 3.4976 3.5 -0.0024 0.00165 3.5 1.65
9 110.5088 3.9962 4.0 -0.0038 0.00025 4.0 0.25
10 111.009 4.4964 4.5 -0.0036 0.00045 4.5 0.45
11 111.5122 4.9996 5.0 -0.0004 0.00365 5.0 3.65
12 112.0086 5.496 5.5 -0.004 0.00005 5.5 0.05
13 112.509 5.9964 6.0 -0.0036 0.00045 6.0 0.45

14 113.010 6.4974 6.5 -0.0026 0.00145 6.5 1.45
15 113.5064 6.9938 7.0 -0.0062 -0.00215 7.0 -0.95
16 114.0072 7.4946 7.5 -0.0054 -0.00135 7.5 0.05
17 114.5072 7.9946 8.0 -0.0054 -0.00135 8.0 -1.95
18 115.0086 8.496 8.5 -0.0004 0.00365 8.5 1.05
19 115.507 8.9944 9.0 -0.0056 -0.00155 9.0 -1.95
20 116.0076 9.495 9.5 -0.005 -0.00095 9.5 0.05
21 116.508 9.9954 10.0 -0.0046 -0.00055 10.0 -0.95
∑ −0.081m -0.00405m

4.2.4 Estimated Cyclic Error Determined by Plotted Estimation Chart

Linearity and estimated chart for cyclic error is plotted as below:

Linearity and Estimated


0 2 4 6 8 10 12





Cyclic error can be determined through estimation chart, in which the value of y-intersect
is the value of cyclic error of the instrument. From the plotted estimation chart, Cyclic error
= +3.3mm = +0.0033

Estimated Cyclic correction = − (Cyclic error) = - (+3.3mm) = - 3.3mm

= - (+0.0033m) = - 0.0033m

4.3 Result of Baseline Calibration

4.3.1 Data Observed from Baseline Calibration

Pillar Number Measured Distance Horizontal Known Difference

From To Distance (A) Distance (B) (A-B)
6 5 10.031 10.031 10.03261 -0.00161
6 4 190.000 190.000 190.00564 -0.00564
6 3 540.020 540.020 540.02579 -0.00579
6 2 805.192 805.192 805.20292 -0.01092
6 1 900.154 900.154 900.16561 -0.01161
5 4 179.971 179.971 179.97303 -0.00203
5 3 529.989 529.989 529.99318 -0.00418
5 2 795.161 795.161 795.17031 -0.00931
5 1 890.122 890.122 890.133 -0.011

Table 4.3.1: Data Observed from Baseline Calibration

4.3.2 Atmospheric Correction

Time: 11:18 Temperature, : 24°C

Pressure, p: 1010mb Wavelength: 0.870μm

Find ng:
1.6288 0.0136
(ng − 1) x106 = 287.604 + 3 ( ) + 5( )
 2
1.6288 0.0136
= 287.604 + 3 ( )+ 5( )
(0.870)2 (0.870)4

(ng − 1) x106 = 294.1785014

(ng − 1) = 0.000294178

ng = 1.000294178

To find nL :

Temperature: 24°C

= 1010 mb
(nL − 1) = (ng − 1) [ ]
(273.15 + t)1013.25
= (0.000294178) [(273.16+24)1013.25]

(nL − 1) = 0.0002695459736

nL = 1. 0002695459736

nREF is defined by finding the equipment specification of Topcon ES-105

nREF = co / (λMOD x fMOD)
= co / (2 x U x fMOD)
= 299792458 / (2 x 10 x 14985434)

= 1.000279531

Atmospheric correction, K’ = Distance Measured (nREF -nL)

K’ for 24°C = d’ (1.000279531 − 1. 0002695459736)

= d’ (9.9850264 x10−6)

K’ of pillar 6-5 : 10.031 (9.9850264 x10−6 ) = 0.0001001597998m

K’ of pillar 6-1 : 900.154 (9.9850264 x10−6 ) = 0.008988061454m

K’ of pillar 5-1 : 890.122(9.9850264 x10−6 ) = 0.00887891669m

4.3.3 Computation for Scale Error

Cyclic correction is calculated as +0.0033 m

Pillar 6-5 6-1 5-1

Known Distance (m) 10.03261 900.16561 890.133
Atmospheric Correction 0.0001001597998 0.008988061454 0.00887891669
Slope Correction (m) 0 0 0
Cyclic Correction (m) 0.0033 0.0033 0.0033
Total Correction (m) 0.0034001598 0.1228806145 0.01218789167
Measured Distance (m) 10.031 900.154 890.122
Adjusted Distance (m) 10.03440016 900. 1662881 890.13411879

Table 4.3.3: Adjusted Distances

Scale error is computed using the following formula using indirect method:

Known distance5−1 − (Adjusted Distance6−1 − Adjusted Distance6−5 )

Scale error = × 106
Known Distance5−1

890.133 − (900. 1662881 − 10.03440016)

=[ ] × 106

] × 106

= 1.249318922ppm

Calculation for corrected distance for Pillar 5-4 :

𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟. = 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 + (𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 × 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 )

𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒5−4 − 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒5−4

𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 = × 106
𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒5−4

] × 106

= +11.27946782ppm

𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟. = 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 + (𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 × 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 )

= 179.971 + [( ) × 179.971]

= 179.97303 m

4.3.4 Adjusted Data for Zero Error

Line 6-5 6-4 6-3

Observed 10.03261 190.000 540.020
Distance (m)
Atmospheric 0.0001001597998 0.001897155016 0.005392113957
Slope 0 0 0

Cyclic 0.0033 0.0033 0.0033


Scale 0.001609741633 0.005639832586 0.005789937921

Reduced 10.034219741633 190.005639832586 540.025789937921

Line 6-2 6-1 5-4

Observed 805.192 900.154 179.971
Atmospheric 0.008039863377 0.008988061454 0.001797015186
Slope 0 0 0
Cyclic 0.0033 0.0033 0.0033
Scale 0.01091985191 0.01160985026 0.002029977103
Reduced 805.20291985191 900.16560985026 179.973029977103

Line 5-3 5-2 5-1
Observed 529.989 795.161 890.122
Atmospheric 0.005291954157 0.007939703577 0.00887891669
Slope 0 0 0

Cyclic 0.0033 0.0033 0.0033


Scale 0.004179967033 0.009309890997 0.01099986407


Reduced 529.993179967033 795.170309890997 890.13299986407


Table 4.3.4: Adjusted Data for Zero Correction

4.3.5 Computation for Zero Correction

Line X (Value From Y (Reduced Distance) X*Y X2

6-5 10.03261 10.034219741633 100.6694133 100.6532634

6-4 190.00564 190.005639832586 36102.1432 36102.14323

6-3 540.02579 540.025789937921 291681.8564 291735.869

6-2 805.20292 805.20291985191 648351.7423 648351.7424

6-1 900.16561 900.16560985026 810298.1253 810298.1254

5-4 179.97303 179.973029977103 32390.29152 32390.29153

5-3 529.99318 529.993179967033 280892.7708 280892.7708

5-2 795.17031 795.170309890997 632295.8218 632295.8219

5-1 890.133 890.13299986407 792336.7576 792336.7577

SUM 4840.70209 4840.703699 3524450.178 3524504.174

MEAN 537.8557878 537.8559666

Table 4.3.5: Calculation for Σx, Σy, Σxy, Σx2

Calculation for zero error at baseline by using linear regression:

𝑌 =  + 𝑥

𝑆𝑥𝑦 = ∑xy − ((∑x) × )

= 3524450.178 − ((4840.70209) × )

= 920849.6766

𝑆𝑥𝑥 = ∑x 2 − ( 𝑛

=3524504.174− ( )

= 920904.538



= 0.9999404266

 = 𝑌 − 𝑥
= 537.8559666 - 0.9999404266 (537.8557878)

= 0.03222068958

𝛼 1
𝑥 = − + ( )𝛾
𝛽 𝛽

0.03222068958 1
=− +( )𝛾
0.9999404266 0.9999404266

= -0.03222260919 + 1.000059577

Zero error = - 0.03222m

Zero error correction = +32.22mm

5.0 Discussion

In general, EDM errors are influenced by systematic errors from various sources. The
instrumental error is however, part of our assignment. Two other forms of error are also present;
atmospheric error refers to velocity correction, while for short distances, geometric error is
negligible. There are three components of error in instrumental errors, namely cyclic error, scale
error, and zero error.
Systematic errors can be avoided by adding a correction to the calculated distance prior to
the start of fieldwork, since they are interrelated with the instrument, as these differences are not
independent of each other. The method of field observation and observation using the baseline
method should be used and applied to determine the magnitude of the systematic errors of the
instrument. These methods have to be conducted in order to perform the calibration of the
instrument accurately. The calibration for a specific instrument-reflector combination specifies the
instrument correction and related accuracy, where quality control can improve accuracy and also
plays an important role in the cadastral survey.
The object of the cyclic error calibration is to calculate the small displacement of the unit-
length EDM instrument. This error can be calculated by calculating the total distance in increments
of 0.5 to 1 m unit length. For high resolution, the reflector should be mounted and rotated at low
intervals (0.5m). Note that the temperature and pressure value of the instrument must be set to zero
in the EDM environment, because the atmospheric pressure effect is present. On the other hand,
the serial number of the prism should be recorded as the prisms is calibrated by the same
Baseline error or scale error is split into two techniques that can be adapted when
conducting direct observation and indirect observation calibration. We used direct methods during
the fieldwork, where the instrument was set up at A and the reading was taken at B on the reflector
and so on. Remember that the instrument and reflector centering should be centered bubble as
1mm error will result an error of 2ppm for baseline of 500m. During the baseline fieldwork, there
were a few issues we faced. Since we need to position the prism on each pillar, you might need to
walk a few meters from each pillar. As an effect, it would be time consuming. Next, as the
atmospheric pressure affects long distances, the time schedule for each session at the pillar to the
pillar should be recorded, hence extra care should be taken.

Lastly, among the other errors in distance measurement, zero error is the simplest process.
The evaluations require a combination of the instrument and the prism. It is somewhat similar to
the DFT system, but it needs to be designed with different distance lengths from each station and
not the same spacing between the pickets. As a result, as long as the distance reaches 50 m, it can
be close to zero to fix the issue of non - uniformity of the transmission signal. It is possible to
calculate the zero error of the prism by measuring the dimension of the adjustment of a prism.

6.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, there have 3-type instrumental error. This instrument error can be affecting
the measurement data. This error arises probably due to imperfect adjustment of the instrument
and wrong method instrument set up with measurement taken. Errors that usually occur during
measurement are scale errors. Scale error is proportional to the measurement length of the line.
This error caused by drift in frequency in the instrument. This error can be reduced by calibrate
the instrument.
There have two way to calibrate, first is direct observation and second is indirect
observation. The second error is cyclic error. This error caused by non-linearity amplitude
modulation in the carrier wave phase measurement. The purpose to eliminate this error is to
measure small displacement of EDM for unit length. The last is zero error. This error caused by
both EDM and prism when measure length. It can separately determine by replace the prism with
the mirror.
By doing this practical, we are able to know the type of error and the importance is who to
eliminate the error in our data measurement. All the instrument need to do the calibration in order
to reduce the error that can be effect the accuracy result data. Calibration of the EDM instrument
is very important for surveyors, especially topographical devices that all users know the
importance of permanent monitoring of the EDM instrument. All the error may not related to each

7.0 References

1. Mat Amin, Zulkarnaini, 2019. SGHU2043: Lecture 6_EDM Errors [PDF].

2. Mat Amin, Zulkarnaini, 2019. SGHU2043: Lecture 4_Velocity Correction [PDF].
3. Mat Amin, Zulkarnaini, 2019. SGHU2043: Lecture 5_Propagation of Electromagnetic
Wave File [PDF].

8.0 Attachment

8.1 Booking Form




Observer: Date:

Recorder: Place:

Inst.Model: TRIMBLE M3 Serial No:

Unit Length: Wavelength:

mm ppm

Prism Model: a: mm
b: mm

Wheather Condition:



Cyclic Correction Observer:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Note 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Time 10.57am 10.58am 11.05am 11.09am 11.15am 11.17am
Temperature 29°C 29°C 29°C 29°C 29°C 29°C
Pressure 1010hpa 1010hpa 1010hpa 1010hpa 1010hpa 1010hpa
Mark 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 106.512 107.012 107.510 108.010 108.509 109.009
2 106.513 107.012 107.510 108.009 108.509 109.009
3 106.512 107.012 107.511 108.010 108.509 109.008
4 106.513 107.012 107.510 108.009 108.509 109.009
5 106.513 107.012 107.510 108.009 108.509 109.009
Mean 106.5126 107.012 107.5012 108.0094 108.509 109.0088
Standard devition 5.477𝑥10−4 0 4.472𝑥10−4
5.477𝑥10−4 0 4.472𝑥10−4

Note 3 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5

Time 11.18am 11.20am 11.22am 11.25am 11.32am 11.35am
Temperature 29°C 29°C 29°C 29°C 29°C 29°C
Pressure 1010hpa 1010hpa 1010hpa 1010hpa 1010hpa 1010hpa
Mark 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 109.509 110.010 110.509 111.009 111.512 112.009
2 109.509 110.010 110.509 111.009 111.513 112.009
3 109.509 110.010 110.509 111.009 111.512 112.009
4 109.509 110.010 110.508 111.009 111.512 112.008
5 109.509 110.011 110.509 111.009 111.512 112.008
Mean 109.509 110.0102 110.5088 111.009 111.5122 112.0086
Standard devition 0 4.472𝑥10−44.472𝑥10−4 0 4.472𝑥10−4

Cyclic Correction Observer:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Note 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0

Time 11.39am 11.40am 11.42am 11.44am 11.47am 11.48am
Temperature 29°C 29°C 29°C 29°C 29°C 29°C
Pressure 1010hpa 1010hpa 1010hpa 1010hpa 1010hpa 1010hpa
Mark 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 112.509 113.010 113.506 114.007 114.508 115.009
2 112.509 113.010 113.506 114.007 114.507 115.009
3 112.509 113.010 113.507 114.008 114.507 115.009
4 112.509 113.010 113.506 114.007 114.507 115.008
5 112.509 113.010 113.506 114.007 114.507 115.008
Mean 112.509 113.010 113.5064 114.0072 114.5072 115.0086
Standard devition 0 0 4.472𝑥10−4

Note 9.0 9.5 10.0

Time 11.50am 11.52am 11.55am
Temperature 29°C 29°C 29°C
Pressure 1010hpa 1010hpa 1010hpa
Mark 19 20 21
1 115.507 116.008 116.508
2 115.507 116.007 116.508
3 115.507 116.008 116.508
4 115.507 116.008 116.508
5 115.507 116.007 116.508
Mean 115.507 116.0076 116.508
Standard devition 0 5.477𝑥10−4 0

Zero Correction Observer:



Time 10.40am 10.41am 10.44am 10.45am 10.49am 10.50am
Temperature 27°C 27°C 27°C 27°C 27°C 27°C
Pressure 1013hpa 1013hpa 1013hpa 1013hpa 1013hpa 1013hpa
Line A-B A-C B-C C-B C-A B-A
1 24.513 50.116 25.602 25.603 50.113 24.511
2 24.513 50.116 25.601 25.603 50.113 24.512
3 24.512 50.115 25.600 25.603 50.111 24.511
4 24.513 50.117 25.602 25.602 50.112 24.511
5 24.513 50.116 25.602 25.603 50.113 24.510
Mean 24.5128 50.116 25.6014 25.6028 50.1124 24.511
Standard Deviation 4.472𝑥 10−4 7.071𝑥 10−4 8.944𝑥 10−4 4.472𝑥 10−4 8.944𝑥 10−4 7.071𝑥 10−4


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