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Chief Courtland Kelani El & ISelfLawAmMaster.

com Presents the

FAST TRACK FILE: The Admin Process & Getting Out of Debt Edition

Disclaimer The material in this essay is for educational purposes only and not to be construed as legal advice
about what you should or should not do. The information herein is to assist you in performing your own due
diligence before implementing any strategy. This is a continuance from Fast Track File Pt. 1 and if you have not
acquired that document from ISelfLawAmMaster.com first, we highly recommend going back to do so.

View this Link to Nation Liberation’s “Know Thy Self” Package Full of free Books, Movies, templates and
PDF files to help you Study: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AnUU4TbIzNsOay-RDCDBP6zLhJg

View this Free PDF Book “The Redemption Manual”: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0tJIYKPFQ-


DEFINITION of 'Debt Discharge' - The cancellation or forgiveness of a debt. Debt discharge results in
taxable income to the debtor unless the forgiveness is a gift or bequest.

First and foremost, with the process we provide one MUST be a Secured Creditor who has effectively set up
their UCC Contract Trust account with the Treasury before they can start utilizing Security Instruments to
discharge debt. I’ll start off saying “There’s a thousand ways to skin a cat”. Discharging debt is not so much
about a specific process but more so OVERSTANDING the situation at hand. First let’s start off with the law and
understanding that NOBODY can give you a Charge, without also offering you a “Remedy”; there’s always an
administration process. For example, Nobody can just “serve you” with a paper saying you Owe them $xxxx___
without first giving you the proper DUE NOTICE in advance to speak for yourself in fair justice; in a sense that’s
your “Remedy”.

What is DUE NOTICE? “Due Notice is the Information that must be given or made available to a
particular person or to the public within a legally mandated period of time so that its recipient will have
the opportunity to respond to a situation or to allegations that affect the individual's or public's legal
rights or duties”. It’s important to remember that your future discharge presentments to creditors
will be a Proper “Due Notice” that they are MANDATED to follow. If they do not respond within 72
hours (It’s a Contract Agreement by LAW). That’s KEY to remember
Now let’s move on to WHY you have the Ability to discharge debt, and why being a Secured Creditor is
important! Always remember in commerce, “If someone brings a claim/charge against you they must also
offer a remedy”. In the case of Dealing with Creditors, your REMEDY is your ability to “Discharge” the Debt
against you with something called an EXEMPTION ACCOUNT. The Exemption Account is the concept of having
an exemption from having to “pay” for anything because there is no money of substance with which to “pay”.
The exemption can also be thought of as an accounting of what they government owes us for everything they
have taken from our parents and us without giving valuable consideration in return. This is why properly
setting up your Estate with the IRS following the steps in the “Fast Track File Pt. 1” is so important. When you
have arranged your affairs the Treasury acts as your ACCOUNTANT giving your access to your Strawman Bond
as an “EXEMPTION”, to discharge Debts against your Estate.

(Head treasury Secretary - Steven Mnuchin; This is whose in control of Your treasures & executes
your exemption on behalf of the United State Inc.)

REMEMBER after you have effectively filed your Non-UCC Transmitting Utility Lien filing, you will now
become the first Lien Holder on your Estate’s Property with a Multi-Million Dollar Lien. Meaning NO ONE can
charge your Estate with a obligation, without FIRST settling your million dollar lien secured by your BOND. For
example, when you’re a Secured Creditor companies like Wells Fargo Bank cannot Charge you $XX,XXX for a
School loan, without first paying off the MILLION dollar Lien secured by your BOND. So what happens to their
Debt Claim since the creditors charge amount is smaller than your Transmitting Utility Filing Lien? Simply put,
Your LIEN “Absorbs” the debt to DISCHARGE the obligation on behalf of your Treasury bond.

Let’s understand BONDs for a moment. As briefly explained in the First Fast Track File Pt. 1, Your Birth
Certificate, Social Security, Etc is all Tied up in a Treasury BOND that was put on the stock market at your Birth,
and is now currently worth MILLIONS/BILLIONS! Every 14th Amendment US citizen is Live-STOCK being traded
on the commercial market every day, and now you are gaining control to change all that! In the first Fast Track
File We teach you how to authenticate your instrument, and take control of your Bond in Commerce. The Key
is to Use that BIG Million dollar Strawman bond to discharge SMALLER Commercial Claims (Which are also
BONDS) against your Estate.

The Account Number is a “BOND” (An Agreement/Obligation) between a CORPORATION and Your CORPORATE Strawman
name in all Caps (Not You as a Living Soul).

When you learn how to properly utilize your Treasury Bond It’s basically a game of “Big bank takes
Little Bank”, and your victorious bond is your EXEMPTION to live free of SIN (which is DEBT). The Story of Jesus
is Metaphorical to him dying on a cross for your SINS (Your EXMEPTION), so that we could live free of Bondage!

Let us Remember: IRS § 301.7701-7 Trusts - domestic and foreign

(1) --Meaning as a TRUST that is of the United States, we are referred to as their
A trust is a United States person.
“beneficiaries” in trust law! Meaning we can receive BENEFITS if we know how to access them, and our Benefits
You could say that the current economic system has been set up for our benefit, to repay us as the
beneficiaries of the trust. Our goal now is to determine how to effectively use this system without
destroying it.

Never Forget…..THERE IS NO MONEY

Before we get into the main topic, I want to say a bit about money. I take the position that there
is no “money” or at least no money of substance in our current economic system. You may disagree
with this position and there is certainly room for debate. But, for the sake of clarity, I will elaborate
why I feel my position is has some merit.
One definition of money is a “medium of exchange”. If you want to use this definition, then I
would have to say that there is money in our economic system. We certainly do exchange money our
Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) to get the goods and services that we need. But this definition begins to
reveal the problem with what we call “money”. The word “exchange’ means a situation in which equal
value is given between two parties. If there is money of substance, then an exchange can take place.
By “money of substance”, I mean something that has intrinsic value of its own, such as gold and
silver. As far as Federal Reserve Notes go, they have no intrinsic value, and can be REDEEMED for
an intrinsic value ---- at The US TREASURY! That’s important to remember, because if the
Government can convert a piece of paper into an “intrinsic value” backed by a BOND, then why
couldn’t you do the same with your Treasury Bond? Hmmmmm

Look closely. As you can see, their Federal Reserve Notes are simply pieces of paper backed
by BOND numbers of US Citizens; people’s “energy generation” are the resources that literally give
this US money any kind of Value. And that “Value” of each citizen is tracked through company W-4s
& a Social Security system thats attached to a BOND account number. The Concept of Discharging
Debt is simply formulating a Bill of Exchange (Note) & utilizing that Social Security Bond account
number (Pass Through/Offset Account) to be redeemed through the US Treasury in Lawful Money for
your Debt Obligation!
Your Bond Account is Worth Millions in Digital Intrinsic Value, and using your exemption to
discharge obligations is your legal RIGHT provided to you via HJR 192! All in all when you take
possession of your Treasury Bond the concept is not to “Cash Out”, But utilize your Credit from your
Bond to Discharge Debts! Since the Government can’t pay us back in Gold for what they owe us as
Secured Parties, they must discharge our debts in LAWFUL MONEY “Dollar for Dollar” by giving us
an unlimited amount of CREDIT; hence to why we’re referred to as “Secured Party CREDITORS”.
Please understand that The United States OWEs you this Exemption as a Beneficiary of a US Trust,
and it’s time we reap what’s legally ours!

12 U.S. Code § 411

(Federal Reserve Notes have no “Substance”, but are REDEEMABLE in “Lawful Money”
through the US Treasury in exchange for a ‘digital gold” currency that serves as “Substance” –
Remember that)
Let’s say it is 1900 and you own a clothing store. You are selling men’s suits for $20. If someone were
to give you a $20 gold piece for a suit, an exchange would have taken place. Both the suit and gold
have intrinsic value so both parties received equal value. Now, let’s update the story to modern times.
You have a clothing store and are selling a suit for $300. Someone comes in and give you $300 in
Federal Reserve NOTES (FRN). A FRN is a note. But what is a note? Note: An instrument containing an
express and absolute promise of signer (i.e. maker) to pay to a specified person or order, or bearer, a definite sum of
money at a specified time… [Black’s Law Dictionary 5th Edition]

So, a note is just a promise to pay at some future date. It is a debt “Discharging” instrument. An
FRN is a pledge on the part of the government to pay a debt. This means that every FRN in circulation
is actually a liability of the federal government. It might appear to be an asset to the one holding it, but
it just means the government will pay off the debt some day when there is substance. FRNs are backed
by the “full faith and credit” of the UNITED STATES. Which Leads us to the HJR-192 that gives us
the Right to Lawfully discharge Debts “Dollar for Dollar” utilizing our Million dollar bonds backed by
by the US Treasury.
In 1933, and with HJR192, they took all the Gold, all the true money, all the property (and instituted eminent
domain and property taxes/divided land titles), and instituted the income tax to control the labor of the people. In
addition, with HJR 192 is when they instituted the Birth Certificates to control the people and have the future
American people become the collateral for all the federal government’s DEBTS. Yes…that’s right – your birth
certificate is the TITLE to your body and it has been pledged as an asset to back US Dollars.

So, to summarize the points that have been made here, the only kind of “money” in our economic
system is credit or promises to pay. When you use a credit card, you are using credit which is a promise to pay.
When you write a check, you are promising that your bank will honor it and transfer credits from your account
to the account of the party to whom you wrote the check. When you give FRNs for goods and services, you are
giving a promise to pay made by the federal government. So, all we really have is a promise to pay. There is no
lawful money of substance in our economy. When one officially becomes a Secured Creditor and Lien holder
over their bond, they can lawfully discharge Debt “Dollar for Dollar” according to HRJ 192. Now that we know
what we have the RIGHT to do, let’s discuss the Process of ENFORCING IT!
Using a Bill Of Exchange to Discharge Debt:
We suggest you be extremely judicious in the use of BOE’s and only use a BOE if it is in
conjunction with a Conditional Acceptance/Affidavit where the “creditor” must prove their claims
before negotiating the BOE. The purpose of this file is to create documents (Bill of Exchange, Letter
of Advice, etc.) that can be used to discharge debts. A Bill of Exchange (BOE) cannot be used to buy
an item (car, house, stereo system, big screen TV, etc.). A BOE can only be used to discharge pre-
existing debts.
At this point, we believe that some sort of “loan” would have to exist or credit used to
purchase the item FIRST, and then a BOE can be used to discharge the “loan/debt”. We say
“discharge” rather than “pay” a debt because since 1933, we have only had the ability to
“discharge” a debt. The basis of all “money” in circulation in America, since 1993, has been a
Federal Reserve Note backed by no Gold. A “note” is basically just a debt instrument, a promise to
pay. Common sense tells you that you can’t pay a debt with a debt (a Federal Reserve Note, or any
other promise to pay). The foundation of our ability to discharge a debt using a BOE is House Joint
Resolution 192 of June 5, 1993. If you are not familiar with this legislation, you should study it
thoroughly. We will use a BOE to transfer creditor’s Debt claims to the control of our trust, in
exchange by paying it off with our Treasury Bond account

How “Creditors” respond to BOEs:

The most frequent question in the mind of anyone who wants to use a BOE is, how will the
“creditors” respond? First we should say that we don’t know of a single instance in which anyone
has gone to prison for issuing a properly executed BOE. But we must also say that, in many cases,
“creditors” pretend they don’t know what a BOE is, or are not going to like receiving your BOE and
will likely accept your BOE and pretend they didn’t receive it, not processing them or act
dishonorably. We’ve said that the “creditor”, in most cases, won’t like your BOE. This is because
they have been accustomed to receiving a lot of interest and principal payments on “loans” they
made to us by lending us our own credit. Said another way, they have pretended to “loan” us
money, then ask us to pay back the principal with interest when, in fact, they loaned us nothing
from their own assets, but instead our own strawman accounts. When we use the BOE to discharge
the purported debt, we cut off their supply of all the profits that they think they deserve. At this
stage in the use of BOEs, it is hard to predict exactly how a “creditor” will respond. But you need to
be prepared for the possibility that they will act as if you have never “paid” them.
Also before we can discharge any debt we must first UNDERSTAND that we are the “HOLDERS IN DUE COURSE”
(the middle man), meaning you are the first Lien Holder and also the decider as to what happens to your
Estate when Claims/Charges are brought against it. As the Holder in Due Course you can either “Reject” claims
or “Accept” Claims brought against. In the Case of Discharging Debt we want to ACCEPT the claims for their Full
Value, so we can Discharge them with our BONDS! This is the first package going out to your Creditors, and
they will have 14 days to correspond along with 3 days to legally REJECT your presentment according to the
Truth and Lending Act. So here’s Steps to the process. Please make sure to mail these packages CERTIFIED
MAIL with a GREEN RETURN SLIP (this is highly important)


#1. The Vendor Sends Customer a Bill Statement.
#2. Customer “Accepts for Value” the Bill and sends it BACK to the Vendor
#3. The Vendor then sends the “Acceptance” to their Personal Bank for Processing
#4 The Personal Bank Exchanges Records w/ the Treasury on behalf of the Customer, and The Treasury
sends them a Certified Check (Lawful Money) from that Customer’s Bond Account to cover the charge.

In fact let’s look at the definition of “Lawful Money” and it’ll tell you RIGHT in the definition
how the treasury Issues Lawful Money on behalf of TREASURY BONDS; Those Bonds are YOURS



1. Cover Letter. (Check Template: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11SBiU9jOkCBK4usFqzh-
2. Notary Presentment - This form is a Presentment Statement taken by the notary on behalf of the
client and used to perfect a claim. This MUST be done. (Check Template:
3. Letter Of Advice – This is Instruction letter for your Creditor that gives them directions on how to
process your Discharging Package.
4. Certified Copy of HJR-192 – This is More PROOF to show your creditors that the LAW states that all
obligations should be discharged “Dollar for Dollar”. (Template:
5. Notice of Entitlement of Rights (Template:
6. Notice & Demand to validate debt claim. (Which lawfully they will not be able to have a proper
response to. Also Remember to Alter the “Response Days” you’re giving them ranging from 10-30
days. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W3stG3QWqq6OkMFjNCW9MHB_X0sigIOB/view?usp=sharing)
7. Accept Your BILL STATEMENT. Remember since we are ACCEPTING the claims that means we are
“transferring the Debt” to our Foreign trust as Our PROPERTY now, and Lawfully paying it off “In
Exchange” with our Bond! In order to effectively add this Property to your trust you must use a “UCC-3
Amendment” to amend your Original Non-UCC-1 filing. You can see In an Example Below. Instructions:
• This AFV statement is to be printed or written on top of Billing Statement with money order.
• Supply Payee info in money order template.
• All future AFV’S are to be done in the FOREIGN EIN or the ESTATE EIN.
• This document is to be registered on a UCC-3 with the Secretary of State.
Example Template:

8. Creating a “Medium of Exchange” aka BILL OF EXCHANGE --- When you go into a Bank you don’t just
say “I’m here to discharge a debt with the law”, you have to actually use an INSTRUMENT (Federal
Reserve Note, Bill of Exchange, etc) as a medium of exchange. With this BOE you are basically Creating
your own form of money/credit backed by a U.S. treasury Bond (Your B.C.). This is the PRIVATE way for
handling Debt obligations. PRINT THIS on “Bond Paper” or Certificate Paper; both can be acquired at
Office depot! Again these are to be used to DISCHARGE debt, and not Purchase items. (See Template:

9. Fiduciary Instructions - This form is used to instruct the appointed fiduciary, to lawfully discharge of
debt and balance the books. (Template:


10. The UCC 3 Amendment Filing - Before we can officially use our Mediums of Exchange, we must first
REGISTER the instruments/documents through our *Original* UCC-1 Contract Trust agreement with a
UCC-3 filing made with the Secretary of State. This is Important because You are Transferring the
Property (debt) to your Trust accepting it for value as YOURS, and the Secretary/Attorney General
signs off on it preventing companies eligibility to foreclose or take your legal possessions! Remember
the Secretary is the Highest NOTARY in the Land, and once they file your UCC-3 they’re basically saying
your Instruments are Authentic to be utilized in their commercial system. Think about it, FEDERAL
RESERVE NOTES are only deemed suitable for everyday transactions because the “Secretary
REGISTERS” those instruments through the UNITED STATES’s Trust that are later backed by US Citizen’s
Bonds. In order to fill out a UCC-3 Properly Follow the Template Below:
o Remember to List the Bill of exchange NUMBER on the UCC 3. It’s no different than Using a
“Check” draft and identifying the Check Number that applies to it!
o Where I listed $10,412 in the UCC-3 Example, that’s where you put the Discharge amount.

11. IRS 1099 Form – Form Can Be Acquired online for Free at (https://www.irs.gov/businesses/online-
ordering-for-information-returns-and-employer-returns). And you MUST Use the Real IRS forms, Do not make copies
of these to send into to the IRS. You can acquire a company’s Tax ID Number by putting in a Search for records on the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission website, or SEC, database, EDGAR. The EDGAR database contains financial reports that the SEC requires publicly
traded companies to file. One such report is a Form 10-K, a company's annual report to shareholders. A company's Form 10-K includes its EIN,
as well as other information such as its address, phone number and state of incorporation.
12. IRS 1041-ES TAX FORM - This form is used to satisfy any and all debt obligations on security
instruments issued to U.S. TREASURY. (Check Template:
13. IRS 1041-V TAX FORM- This form is used to satisfy any and all debt obligations on security instruments
issued to U.S. TREASURY. (Check Template:
14. IRS W-8 BEN FORM - Example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0tJIYKPFQ-
15. Attach a Certified Copy of your Original UCC-1 (Certified Copies can be acquired by secretary of state
for usually $1-$5 dollars. And you only need copies of the FINANCING STATEMENT & not all of the
16. Attach a Certified Copy of the UCC-3 you just Filed
17. Attach Affidavit of Mailing – Affidavit of Mailing Located on the 2nd Page



(Send Original Documents w/ Registered or Certified Mail with a Return Receipt)
- Secretary Of The Treasury
C/O Steven Mcnuchin
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue Nw
Washington, D.C. Near [20220]

- Duplicate Package to Mail Certified w/ a Mail Return Receipt to: THE CREDITOR WHO ORIGINALLY

- Duplicate Package to Mail Certified w/ a Mail Return Receipt To:

Departamento De Hacienda
P.O. Box 9024140
San Juan, Puerto Rico Near [009024140]


- Have The Next Mailing Packages to the creditor already Lined up and ready to ship out for whether
they Respond or not
- Remember it’s always better to use the Notary as a Third Party when doing an affidavit of mailing, and
have THEM mail out your paperwork for you. You can inform the Creditor to mail you back at the
Notary’s place of business or your P.O. Box location is Fine.
Now here’s where things can get a bit interesting. After two weeks, most companies will have already
followed the directions in the “Letter of Advice”, and know to forward your bill of exchange to the
treasury. Again, The treasury Acts as YOUR ACCOUNTANT and works for you! Here’s an example from
a creditor that processed the B.O.E. correctly:

Since when have you sent a hand written note into a Creditor for payment, only to have them send it
off “To another appropriate Department for handling”? That’s because an effective B.O.E. is not a
form of “Legal Tender” created by the Federal Reserve System, but “Lawful Money” Issued & handled
by the Treasury on behalf of YOUR Bond! This Creditor’s Company Literally sent off the presentment
package to the Treasury for processing, and are now waiting to receive a certified Check in “Lawful

(The “Customer’s Bank” in this private transaction is the TREASURY; on Behalf of his Strawman Bond)
Now IF a creditor does happen to correspond back negatively to you in mailing WITHOUT returning
your ORIGINAL Bill Of Exchange note, than that is a Major Problem; BUT that’s exactly how you
“Catch them”—That’s THEFT people! And don’t accept a NOTE from them, only the “Original” Bill of
What just happen here, you ask? Well remember this is all a GAME people! Some greedy
companies like Wells Fargo will actually take your Bill of Exchange Note, Cash In on it with the
treasury, then tell you your instrument was fraudulent just to “Convince” you to keep being a slave to
their debt! LOL they basically just tried to come up and get paid TWICE off your ignorance. If you let
them get away with it, that’s truly YOUR problem!.....So DON’T!
During this process it’s important to remember that you are protected by your state's consumer protection
laws for sending out certified return receipts to the collection company disputing the debt. Then, if the
collection company does ANYTHING (calls you to collect a debt, sends a Billing statement) after your
proper notice of Entitlement of Rights & dispute of the alleged debt, then each act is a violation of
consumer laws and will warrant x amount of payment from them: The Fed's FDCA (Fair Debt Collection
Act) allows up to $1,000 per violation for acts after receiving your proper notice of dispute to the debt.

With that being said if they respond back in the first 14 Days claiming your correspondence was fraudulent,
you can start collecting evidence & put the conversation on “recording” if you CHOOSE to sue in the future. If
they do, “You can use all this information against them in the Court of Law, signed and sealed by a notary”!
Sound Familiar? Lol. Sometimes when you call in they’ll send you directly to the Executive Office and discharge
the matter right over the phone when they “KNOW” you’re fully aware of the law. Regardless after the
conversation Mail in a Notice & Demand to Validate Debt Claim (Template Included below) to follow up with
paperwork in the “administration process” to properly cover your tracks! Again this is all about what you can
PROVE & personal Execution!

(This Call in Step is OPTIONAL):

IF you are going to call the creditors personally, here is some key questions you could ask and “put on the
record” for gaining more Evidence against them!
1. FIRST ask them “Where is My Bill Of Exchange Note” that I sent in? 99% of the time the Creditor will
NEVER send your Original (not a copy) Note Back because they truly accepted & are cashing in on it! If
you are on the phone with them, Do Not let them skip past this question! This is how you put your foot
on their throats! If they did not return your Note, that is THEFT & stealing of your property! They can
either Discharge the Debt, Or be threatened to be taken to court (Which none of them will go) for
persecution! Apply enough pressure and some will discharge it over the phone when they see you
2. SECOND Ask them why wasn’t a correspondence sent within 72 hours according to the Truth and
Lending Act? It’s important to have your Green return slip because you can use that against them if
they returned a correspondence back to you AFTER 72 hours. According to the truth and lending act
They only have 72 Hours to legally reject a claim according to the truth and lending act, or else it
automatically defaults as them “accepting” the claim.
3. THIRD ask them why are you asking me to “PAY” for anything, when that’s not a Legal method of
settling Debt obligations according to HJR 192? You can tell them “THERE IS NO GOLD to legally PAY
for anything, and that you have a Certified copy of HJR 192 right here in your hand that doesn’t say
anything lawful about PAYING for debts”. Lol Listen to the reply they tell you


Being that you gave a creditor the Proper due notice and they did not respond by contacting you
back appropriately, They are now in “Fault” and you can now send them a “Notice of Non-Response
and Opportunity to Cure”; which is the LAST TIME you’re being nice & giving the Creditors 10 days for
the “opportunity to cure” (adjust/fix) the obligation between you two.
1. Send them Notice of Non-Response and Opportunity to Cure Template:
2. Make Sure to Attach “Copies” of your PREVIOUS Bill of Exchange Mailing in this Document as
well, and List them on the Affidavit of Mailing.


After you send in your last package of documents and STILL get no correspondence after 10 Days
showing they cleared the debt or just simply sent you back a rebuttal not answering the key
questions of your Affidavit point for point, then they are now in Notice of Default & you can submit
your evidence into the District Court as “Proof” that you have perfected a Claim against a Creditor
with an official “Certificate of Non-Response” approved by the Notary.
1. Fill out the information for your “Certificate of Non-Response document”, and get it
Notarized. In all essence, the creditor is consenting to administrative judgement. Notice this
template is formatted in Court Plead style since you are about to submit something into the
courts for a judgement, You want it to be presentable! (Check Template:
2. Fill out the template form for “NOTARY Certificate of Non-Response”, and have your Notary
fill in his/her info as well. (Template:

3. File a public notice either at County Recorder or on a UCC-3 Amendment, giving the public
notice of your statement of claim showing your EVIDENCE.

4. Now mail a copy of your Certificate of Non-Response & Notary Certificate of Non-Response
along with all of your evidence from previous interactions as exhibits (Green Return Slips,
letters, Affidavit of Mailings, etc) to the CREDITOR’S office who sent you the original Billing

5. Next take the originals of your Certificate of Non-Response & Notary Certificate of Non-
Response and file the Claim in a miscellaneous case file in Federal District Court for a
DECLARATORY JUDGEMENT; which can be done by going down to your District Court in
person to file, or doing it Online.


The Key is to show the JUDGE all the evidence and PROVE that you tried to lawfully settle the
matter between you and the creditor that defaulted, and Now his “Judgement” will legally
have to set the record straight. Once you get the Judgement, this is how you ENFORCE that
the claim against you be discharged by the creditor and bureaus!

What is a Notary Declaratory Judgment?

(Declaratory Judgements - a judicial proceeding to declare rights of parties who disagree
about their obligations. The disagreement often arises from the terms of a written agreement,
but can also arise under a statute or other obligations imposed by law.)

Typically, many creditors rarely respond to any of your mailing request because legally
they can’t. What you are doing is building a verified record over time that will show that the
entities laying claim to your property completely ignored your request, and thus acquiesce
through their silence, agreeing to the terms and conditions and stipulations stated in the
letters that were sent out to them.

Having this verified record in itself is enough to constitute an administrative judgment, But it
does not mean that you can immediately go out and begin publicly recording rescission’s, and
other instrument altering to the title of property, without properly completing the
Administration process.
(5a. on the chart is where we want to Strive and be with creditors)
1. Get a Certified Copy out of the Filing from the Federal District Court, and you can send
records of this judgment to the Credit Bureaus with a Notice of Disputed Items and Notice
to Remove Derogatory Items:
Notice Of Disputed Items Sample - https://consumerist.com/2007/07/18/sample-letter-for-
Dispute Letter Sample -

2. Keep your Records and Files handy in case your original creditor’s company sends a
third-party debt collector after you. If they send you Anymore Mail or Threaten you or your
property after your Declaratory Judgement you can send this “Intent to Sue” Letter
(Template: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ux1v7CMCooHXiIWSYWefLjgXjQ3-
3. Keep copies of all correspondence so that you can start invoicing them $1,000 per
telephone call, letter, or threat and $10,000 per court case you have to respond to. If they
sue you open up an Answer and Counterclaim rebutting all their points w/ your evidence!
Keep In mind that discharging debt is not solely based on “If the Creditor will Permit you your
Exemption”, but more so Enforcing it through an ADMINISTRATION PROCESS; YOU have the power,
NOT them. Also this process can be used in many commercial circumstances outside of Discharging
Bank loans/Mortgage Debt, but civil/criminal court cases as well! Try to keep in mind to not
procrastinate & Do everything within 60 days after the first date of mailing/contact with the
Quick Notes to Remember:
- Try not to Discharge small monthly service bills like Cellular, Cable, Electricity etc directly
with a BOE. This is because the UCC Process (at least in Texas) can sometimes take a
few weeks before clearing, and some companies might try to cut your service off before
you can properly execute the process of sending in your 1st Package Presentment.

- INSTEAD try using multiple CREDIT CARDS to pay off small service payments, and then
turn around to DISCHARGE the debt off those credit cards instead.

- A way to build credit is to take your future pay checks and convert those into SECURED
Credit Cards. This is because your cash can now be converted into an ASSET to now get
you more credit to DISCHARGE & re-set against! This is all about BANKING and
Financing now!....But most importantly it’s about KNOWING the law and Enforcing your
rights as a “Creditor”.

- Getting our Fast Track File 1 is important so you can properly set up your Treasury
Account and Bond for Discharges.

- We recommend discharging your FAMILY’s major assets first (House, Cars, Etc), and
then use those to acquire new Equity Lines of Credit that you can constantly discharge
OVER and OVER again!

- The Name of the Game is build your Credit + Acquire new Assets +Discharge them with
your Treasury Bond. Use digital “Lawful Money” to acquire tangible assets!

- IF one of your Secured Credit Card providers ever does decide to close your SECURED
credit card account, than have no worries because the bank STILL has to return your
original “ASSET” since your previous Obligation with that company was lawfully
Discharged and settled according to HJR 192! They could only KEEP your money, if you
never return the funds to their institution BUT that’s not the case if you properly perfect the
Administration process!


“PROTECT YOU”. The UCC is literally a “Public” financing statement showing a lien of
YOU transferring the property Debt from the Creditor to You the Debtor, approved by the
Attorney General. This makes it a lot harder for greedy creditors to foreclose on your
property or try & take your vehicle.

- Also keep in mind the Debt Collection letters should almost stop immediately after the first
package, and EACH Bill of Exchange takes roughly “3 Months” to mature with the IRS and
successfully process your transaction!
DISCHARGE! This Document was prepared by Chief Courtland Kelani El of Nation Liberation De

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