Structural Analysis and Design of A Three - Storey Reinforced Concrete Tertiary School Building

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A thesis presented to the

Civil Engineering Department
College of Engineering
University of Batangas
Batangas City


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


Dalisay, Ivan Matthew M.

February 2020
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in

Civil Engineering, this thesis entitled “Structural Analysis and Design of a Three –

Storey Reinforced Concrete Tertiary School Building” has been prepared and

submitted by Mr. Ivan Matthew M. Dalisay has been examined and hereby

recommended for approval and acceptance.

Thesis Adviser
Civil Engineering Department
University of Batangas

Research Panel:

Department Head
Civil Engineering Department
University of Batangas

Department Head
Civil Engineering Department
University of Batangas

College of Engineering Department
University of Batangas
Title : Structural Analysis and Design of a Three – Storey Reinforced
Concrete Tertiary School Building
Author : Ivan Matthew M. Dalisay
Study Type : Analysis and Design Thesis
Institution : University of Batangas
Address : National Road Hilltop, Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City
Instructor : Engr. Lailanie L. Luna, RCE

This analysis and design thesis embodies the five – year learnings of the author

being applied in analysing and designing of a three – storey reinforced concrete

structure, particularly a Tertiary School Building.

The study is composed of two parts – the analysis and the design. The analysis

is composed of the loads’ analysis particularly the wind load and the seismic load. The

loads’ analysis was made easier due to the application of the 2010 National Structural

Code of the Philippines (NSCP) specifications. After obtaining the required loads is the

analysis of frames through approximate method of analysis such as the portal as well as

the factor method and the moment distribution method. Portal method is known for its

assumption that for each storey of the frame, the interior columns will take twice as

much shear force as the exterior columns, which make it simple when it comes to the

analysis of frames. On the other hand, factor method is known for its accuracy as

compared to portal method. It is also based on the assumptions regarding the elastic

action of the structure. For its application, the relative stiffness ( k = ¿, for each beam
and column should be known or assumed. Meanwhile, the moment distribution method

is based on the method of successive approximations developed by Hardy Cross and is

applicable to all type of rigid frame analysis. It also offers a convenient way to analyze

statically indeterminate frames and rigid frames. These three are the most generally

preferred for complex structures for they have both served structural engineers well for

many decades and are still useful for preliminary analysis and checking.

On the other hand, in the design portion, the author has utilized ultimate load

design method or the load factor method or ultimate strength design. This method is

based of the ultimate strength, when the design member would fail. In this method,

factors are also taken into account on loads so that the members will be safe. More

definitely, this method limits the structural usefulness of the material of the structure up

to ultimate load. The design of this thesis consists of the design of slabs, beams,

columns and footings.

The main objective of the study is to apply the theoretical principles of analysis

and design of reinforced concrete structures learned from the five - year course

undertaken and consolidated experiences that shall greatly enhance and practice the

ability of the designer to create an economical, practical and safe design of a reinforced

concrete structure.

This thesis was completed with the aid of the established specifications by the

National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP) 2010. The author has included in

each part of the analysis and the design the different specifications and parameters so

that it could serve as reference for future thesis of similar backgrounds. On the other
hand, Ultimate Load Design Method or commonly known as the Ultimate Strength

Design was utilized in the whole study. In this particular design methodology, stress

condition at the site of impending collapse of the structure is analyzed, and the non –

linear curves of concrete are made use of.

The safety measure design is introduced by an appropriate choice of the load

factor, defined as the ratio of the ultimate load to the working load. As it avoids the

‘modular ratio,’ it makes it possible for different types of loads to be assigned different

load factors under combined loading conditions.

This method generally results in a more slender sections, and often economical

designs of beams and columns. However, the satisfactory ‘strength’ performance at

ultimate loads does not guarantee satisfactory ‘serviceability’ performance at the normal

service loads.

The design and analysis of reinforced concrete involves calculations and

considerations that are complex. This thesis has utilized appropriate specifications as

address to the complex nature of the design. It was also found out that through ultimate

strength design, the design came up with the most appropriate details particularly in the

design segment that are satisfactory in ‘strength.’

Being able to accomplish this complex piece of work, it is therefore concluded

that careful examination and application of the specifications must be done in order to

arrive in a more reliable design. When it comes to the design methodology, it is also

concluded that ultimate strength design does not guarantee satisfactory in

‘serviceability’ performance at the normal service loads and therefore will eventually

results in excessive deflections and cracks in the structure in the long run.

The author recommends to future designers to consider the most updated

specifications and calculations of NSCP for more rationalized basis for design and

analysis. Furthermore, it is highly recommended the use of numerous helpful programs

that are brought about by technological advancements, for it will not just make the

design and analysis easier as well as reliable and efficient, and more importantly, it will

definitely save time.


The author wishes to broaden his sincerest appreciation to the succeeding

people who taken their piece in the completion of this venture. This design thesis would

not be possible without the help and support of the following:

First and foremost, to the most grateful, Almighty God, for the blessings,

enlightenment, strength, guidance, willpower and knowledge that He has showered

throughout the making of this research study;

To his thesis adviser, Engr. Lailanie L. Luna, for giving her effort, time and

patience in evaluating and approving his design, specifications and computations;

To the faculty member of Civil Engineering Department of the University of

Batangas for evaluating and accepting the final paper;

To his classmates and friends who have supported each other throughout the

making of this thesis; and

To his family, whom he cherishes the most, for giving him encouragement to

finish his undertakings and for giving him the never ending support morally and


Thank you and may God bless you!


Civil Engineering Student
University of Batangas

This piece of work is humbly and wholeheartedly dedicated to all the people who

helped him in completing the study,

To our Almighty God, for His guidance and gift of wisdom;

To his parents, who served as his inspirations and motivators;

To his friends for the support and courage; and

To his thesis adviser for the challenges, time and support in editing every parts.

The author dedicate this work with sincerity from the bottom of his heart.

“All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more

and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. Therefore we

do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being

renewed day by day.”

2 Corinthians 4:15 - 16
Reinforced concrete is a concrete in which steel is embedded in such a manner

that the two materials act together in resisting forces. The reinforcing steel absorbs the

tensile, shear and sometimes the compressive stresses in a concrete structure. Plain

concrete does not easily withstand tensile and shear stresses caused by wind,

earthquakes, vibrations and other forces and is therefore unsuitable in most structural


In reinforced concrete, the tensile strength of steel and the compressive strength

of concrete work together to allow the member to sustain these stresses over

considerable spans. The invention of reinforced concrete in the 19 th century

revolutionized the construction industry, and concrete became one of the world’s most

common building materials (

In this thesis, the author has applied the different principles learned in the course

and in the field. It is also a two – part thesis consisting of both the analysis and design

of a chosen structure – tertiary school building.

The analysis is composed of the loads’ analysis particularly the wind load and the

seismic load. The loads’ analysis was made easier due to the application of the 2010

National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP) specifications. After obtaining the

required loads is the analysis of frames through approximate method of analysis such

as the portal as well as the factor method and the moment distribution method.

The author has also considered the design methodology of ultimate strength

design in order to results in a more slender sections, and often economical designs of

beams and columns.

AGGREGATE. Insert materials that are mixed with hydraulic cement and water to
produce concrete.
BASE. It is the level, which the earthquake motions are considered to be imparted to
the structures as a dynamic vibrator is supported.
BEAM. A structural member that is subject to transverse load and accordingly, must be
designed to withstand shear and moment. Its primary function is to carry loads
transverse to its longitudinal axis.
COLUMN. Member with ratio of height to least lateral dimension of three or more, use
primarily to support compressive load. It function is to carry loads parallel to its
longitudinal axis.
CONCRETE. Concrete is a mixture of water, cement, sand, gravel, crushed rock, or
other aggregates. The aggregates (sand, gravel and crushed rock) are held together in
a rocklike mass with a paste of cement and water.
DEVELOPMENT LENGTH. Length of embedded reinforcement required to develop the
design strength of reinforcement at a critical section.
EFFECTIVE DEPTH. Distance measure from extreme compression fiber to centroid of
tension reinforcement.
FACTORED LOAD. The product of the nominal load and a load factor.
GIRDER. A special name applied to a large size beam that is usually necessary to
consider live loads or loads that vary in position. It is sometimes convenient to classify
live loads into movable loads and moving loads.
LIMIT STATE. A condition in which a structure or component becomes unfit for service
and is judged either to be no longer useful for its intended function (serviceability limit
state) or to be unsafe (strength limit state).
LOAD FACTOR. Load multiply by appropriate load factor, used to proportionate
members and defined by general building code as strength design method of this code.
A factor that accounts for unavoidable deviations of the actual load from the nominal
value and for uncertainties in the analysis that transform the load into a load effect.
LOADS. Forces or other actions that arise on structural systems from the weight of all
permanent construction, occupants and their possessions, environmental effects,
differential settlement and restrained dimensional changes. Permanent loads are those
loads in which variations in time are rare or of small magnitude. All other loads are
variable loads.
MODULUS OF ELASTICITY. Ratio of normal stress below the proportional limit
NOMINAL LOADS. The magnitudes of the loads specified by the applicable codes.
NOMINAL STRENGTH. The capacity of a structure or component to resist the effects of
the loads, as determined by the computations using specified material strengths and
dimensions and formulas derived from accepted principles of structural mechanics or by
field tests or laboratory tests of scaled models, allowing for modelling effects and
differences between laboratory and field conditions.
REINFORCEMENT. Steel bars used in concrete to resist tension force.
REINFORCED CONCRETE. Composite member consists of concrete and tensile
reinforcement. Structural concrete reinforced with no less than the minimum amount of
prestressing steel or non prestressed reinforcement as specified in the applicable
building code.
SERVICE LOAD. The calculated dead weight supported by members. Load expected to
be supported by the structure under normal usage, often taken as the nominal load.
SPACE FRAME. A three – dimensional structure system without bearing walls
composed of inter – connected members laterally supported so as to function as a
compute self – sustained unit with or without the aid of horizontal diaphragms or floor
bracing system.
STIRRUPS. Reinforcement used to resist shear and torsion in structural members,
typically bars. Wires and welded fabric bent into U, regular or I shape and located
perpendicularly bar at the angle to longitudinal reinforcement.
STRENGTH DESIGN. A method of proportioning structural members using load factors
and resistance factors such that no applicable limit state is exceeded (also called load
and resistance factor design).
STRESS. Force per unit area.
STRUCTURAL SYSTEM. An assemblage of load – carrying components which are
joined together to provide regular interaction or interdependence.
metric, it is determined by 28 – day old 6in diameter by 12in concrete cylinders at a
specified rate of curing in accordance with ASTM (American Society for Testing
Materials) as the concrete is to receive its full service load or maximum stress.
TENSILE STRENGTH. The maximum tensile stress that a material is capable of
WORKING LOAD. Also called service load, the actual load assumed to be acting in the
YIELD STRENGTH. The stress at which a material exhibits a specified limiting deviation
from the proportionality of stress to strain. Deviation expressed in terms of strain.
ACI – 318 – 05 (NSCP C101 – 10 – 2010)

Ag Gross area of concrete section, mm2

Ab Area of individual bar, mm2
Av Area of shear reinforcement spacing s, mm2
As Area of tension reinforcement, mm2
A 's Area of compression reinforcement, mm2
bw Web width, or diameter of circular section, mm
Es Modulus of elasticity of steel, 200000MPa
EI Flexural stiffness of compression member
I Moment of inertia of gross concrete section resisting externally applied factored
loads, mm4
k Flexural stiffness of beam or column
Ld Development length
DL Dead loads, or related internal moments and forces
SL Load effects of earthquake or related internal moments and forces
WL Wind load, or related internal moments and forces
a Depth of equivalent stress block, mm
d Distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of longitudinal tensions
reinforcement, mm
d' Distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement,
f 'c Specified compressive stress of concrete, MPa
fs Calculated stress in reinforcement at service loads, MPa
f yt Specified yield strength f y or transverse reinforcement, MPa
b Width of compression face of member, mm
h Overall thickness or height of member, mm
c Distance from extreme compression fiber to the neutral axis, mm
¿ Live loads, or related internal moments and forces
Pn Nominal axial load strength at given eccentricity, kN
Mu Factored moment at Section, kN – m
U Required strength to resist factored loads or related internal moments and forces
Vc Nominal shear strength provided by concrete, kN
Vn Nominal Shear Strength, kN
Vs Nominal Shear Strength provided by shear reinforcement, kN
Vu Factored shear force at section, kN
S Spacing of stirrups or lateral ties
β1 Factor defined in Section 410.4
ϕ Strength reduction factor
∅ Diameter of bar, mm
γ Density or unit weight, kN/m3
Rn Concrete beam design ratio
ρ Steel Ratio
ρb Balanced steel ratio
A. Perspective
B. North Elevation
C. East Elevation
D. West Elevation
E. South Elevation
F. Ground Floor Plan
G. Second Floor Plan
H. Third Floor Plan
I. Rood Deck Plan
J. Foundation Plan
K. Longitudinal Section
L. Transversal Section
A. Wind Load Computations
B. Portal Method
a. Longitudinal Section
b. Transversal Section
C. Factor Method
a. Longitudinal Section
b. Transversal Section
A. Seismic Load Computations
B. Portal Method
a. Longitudinal Section
b. Transversal Section
C. Factor Method
a. Longitudinal Section
b. Transversal Section
A. Longitudinal Section
B. Transversal Section
A. Second Floor Level
B. Third Floor Level
C. Roof Level
A. Longitudinal Section
B. Transversal Section

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