Lesson 3 Chemotherapy
Lesson 3 Chemotherapy
Lesson 3 Chemotherapy
Nursing Management:
Explain that alopecia areata and physiologic hair loss are usually only temporary and self-limiting.
For alopecia due to chemotherapy, assure the client that the hair will eventually grow back a few months
after the treatment.
Encourage the client to verbalize his/her fears and body-image concerns regarding alopecia, especially if
the client is a teenager or a young adult.
For females, encourage them to change their hairstyle or to wear head pieces or beautiful head scarfs until
their hair grows back.
Counsel male patients on the slow and limited effects of minoxidil and stress that when treatment is
stopped, the effects are reversed.
Encourage to eat a well-balanced diet, especially rich in protein and iron to promote hair growth.
Promote hair growth by encouraging them to be gentle with their remaining hair and to always keep their
scalp and hair clean.Photo credits: www.world-pharmacy-directory.com
Interventions Rationales
Restrict environmental stimuli, Vivid lighting, noise, visitors, numerous distractions, and litter
especially during planned times for rest in the patient’s physical surroundings can limit relaxation,
and sleep. disturb rest or sleep, and contribute to fatigue.
Myelosuppression leads to the following. Write their definition on the space provided. Provide their
implication to nursing practice.
It is a condition in which there are fewer leukocytes than normal, results from
neutropenia (diminished neutrophils) or lymphopenia (diminished lymphocytes). Even if
other types of leukocytes (eg, monocytes, basophils) are diminished, their numbers are
too few to reduce the total leukocyte count significantly.
In adults leukopenia is a total WBC count <3700 cells/mm3. Most cases result from
absolute neutropenia (<2500 cells/mm3); rare cases are secondary to absolute
lymphopenia (<1500 cells/mm3).
_ Neutropenia is when a person has a low level of neutrophils. Neutrophils are a
type of white blood cell. All white blood cells help the body fight infection.
Neutrophils fight infection by destroying harmful bacteria and fungi (yeast) that
invade the body. Neutrophils are made in the bone
_ Anemia is a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry
adequate oxygen to your body's tissues. Having anemia can make you feel tired
and weak. There are many forms of anemia, each with its own
cause. Anemia can be temporary or long term, and it can range from mild to
_ Thrombocytopenia (THROM-bo-si-to-PE-ne-ah) is a condition in which your
blood has a lower than normal number of blood cell fragments called platelets
(PLATE-lets). Platelets are made in your bone marrow along with other kinds of