Rubin 2012 - NCL - Pitfalls of NCS and Needle EMG
Rubin 2012 - NCL - Pitfalls of NCS and Needle EMG
Rubin 2012 - NCL - Pitfalls of NCS and Needle EMG
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Te c h n i c a l Is s u e s
a n d Po t e n t i a l
Complications of
Nerve Conduction
Studies and Needle
E l e c t ro m y o g r a p h y
Devon I. Rubin, MD
Nerve conduction studies Needle electromyography
Complications Pitfalls Anomalous anatomy
Anticoagulation Pacemaker Pain
Nerve conduction studies (NCS) and needle electromyography (EMG) provide impor-
tant and complementary information as part of an electrodiagnostic study for evalu-
ating patients with suspected neuromuscular disorders. The information obtained
from these techniques helps to define the underlying pathologic changes that may
involve nerves, neuromuscular junctions, or muscle fibers. Although the techniques
are standardized and straightforward in experienced hands, potential technical prob-
lems that are encountered during the studies may interfere with accurate and reliable
acquisition of information and interpretation of the data. Recognition, identification,
and correction of various technical problems are critical to the reliable interpretation
of any electrodiagnostic study.
Each of the techniques is safe and generally associated with only mild, transient
discomfort when performed by experienced physicians. However, NCS involve the
administration of electric current, thereby posing some potential risks in certain
clinical circumstances. Similarly, because needle EMG involves inserting a needle
percutaneously into muscle tissue, potential risks and complications may occur in
rare instances. This article reviews technical aspects that should be considered
to assist in accurate interpretation and safe performance of an electrodiagnostic
Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, 4500 San Pablo Road, Jacksonville, FL 32224, USA
E-mail address:
An NCS is performed by (1) placing an electrical stimulator on the skin directly over
a nerve being tested, (2) placing recording electrodes at a distant site along the
same nerve or over a muscle innervated by that nerve, and (3) applying an electrical
stimulus sufficiently strong to depolarize all of the axons within the nerve. Technical
problems may be encountered at each of these steps and, if not identified and cor-
rected, may result in false-positive or false-negative interpretations of the study.
When this occurs, the results may not truly reflect the integrity of the underlying neuro-
muscular anatomy being studied. Identifying technical problems requires a high
degree of acumen and compulsiveness during the performance of the studies as
well as close scrutiny of the waveforms, because the interpreting physician cannot
identify these types of errors simply by reviewing the numerical data. Several types
of technical, physiologic, and anatomic issues that may be encountered during an
NCS are reviewed in this article.
Fig. 1. Sliding technique on ulnar nerve conduction at the elbow. Note the different ampli-
tudes with the same stimulation intensity at different sites at the elbow. The highest ampli-
tude (at the fourth trace) indicates the site where the stimulator is closest to the nerve.
measurements for distal latency calculation are made. If the cathode and anode are
inadvertently reversed, the nerve is depolarized approximately 2 cm farther away
from the recording electrode, producing several technical abnormalities:
Inaccurate CV. Because the site of nerve depolarization occurs approximately 2
cm farther than the suspected cathode site, reversal of the orientation at 1 of the
2 sites during assessment of CV along a nerve segment can produce an errone-
ously calculated CV (falsely slower or faster than normal, depending on whether
the reversal occurred at the distal or proximal stimulation site).
Falsely prolonged distal latency. When the cathode-anode reversal occurs at
a distal stimulation site, the distance between the site of nerve depolarization
and the recording electrode is 2 cm longer than expected; therefore, the distal
latency may be prolonged by approximately 0.4milliseconds (Fig. 2).
Anode block. A theoretic block of conduction of some of the fibers may occur as
a result of hyperpolarization of axons at the anode. Anode block can lead to
a higher stimulus intensity, which is necessary to depolarize the axons, and the
excess current may spread to adjacent nerves, as described later.
Methods to eliminate inadvertent reversal of cathode and anode are listed in Box 1.
Fig. 2. Median sensory NCS with reversal of the stimulator cathode and anode causing a pro-
longed distal latency and inaccurate CV (top). Normal stimulus orientation (bottom).
(Normal distal latency is <3.6 milliseconds.) DL, distal latency.
Box 2 lists methods that can be used to minimize or correct for submaximal
Box 1
Methods to eliminate reversal of cathode and anode
Ensure that the cathode is clearly noted on the stimulator (usually with a mark or polarity
Observe the stimulator orientation before stimulation with every NCS
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Pitfalls of Nerve Conduction Studies and Needle Electromyography 689
Fig. 3. Tibial motor (abductor hallucis recording) NCS. (A) Understimulation at the knee
showing a low CMAP amplitude and slower CV. (B) Supramaximal stimulation at the knee.
Box 2
Methods to eliminate submaximal nerve stimulation
Fig. 4. The effect of overstimulation of the median nerve at the wrist during a median
motor NCS. (Top) Submaximal nerve stimulation producing depolarization of less than
100% of muscle fibers from the abductor pollicis brevis (APB). (Middle) Maximal stimulation
of the median nerve resulting in complete depolarization of 100% of APB muscle fibers.
(Bottom) Overstimulation of the median nerve with spread to the ulnar nerve resulting in
depolarization of 100% of median fibers and the addition of some ulnar-innervated muscle
fibers in the region of the thenar eminence.
Box 3
Clues to identify, and methods to reduce, overstimulation
Higher CMAP amplitude and area at proximal site of stimulation compared with distal site.
Different waveform morphology between the proximal and distal sites of stimulation.
Initial positive deflection (indicating volume conduction from a distant source).
Methods to reduce
Reduce impedance with appropriate skin preparation (abrade the skin and use of electrode
Use the sliding technique to localize the nerve.
Increase the stimulus intensity by small increments (ie, 5–10 mA) with each shock.
Observe the waveform morphology following each stimulus increment. The point at which
the morphology does not change with 1 or 2 small increases in intensity is the supramaximal
Observe the muscle contraction to determine correct nerve stimulation (eg, dorsiflexion with
peroneal nerve stimulation, plantar flexion with tibial nerve stimulation).
Electrode size
The recording electrodes should be large enough to record the action potential from all
of the muscle fibers or nerves that are depolarized. Electrodes that are too small rela-
tive to the muscle may produce a lower response than normal because they record
from a small portion of the muscle. For most NCS, electrodes 2 to 10 mm in diameter
are sufficient. For large muscles or muscles such as the anterior tibialis or biceps,
larger recording electrodes (2 cm or greater in diameter) should be used.
Fig. 5. Median motor NCS (abductor pollicis brevis recording) with incorrect G1 placement.
(A) CMAP amplitude is reduced and a positive initial deflection is present at the wrist and
elbow. (B) The normal response after the G1 electrode was moved.
Fig. 6. A 40-year-old patient with leg pain and a normal examination. (A) The tibial CMAP
amplitude is low (normal amplitude at knee >4.0 mV). (B) After moving the G1 electrode,
the amplitude nearly doubles.
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Box 4
Clues to identify, and methods to reduce, improper G1 electrode placement
Initial positive deflection from baseline at all stimulation sites (proximal and distal)
Unexpectedly low CMAP amplitudes
Unusual CMAP waveform morphology
Methods to correct
Know nerve conduction setup based on laboratory technique and reference values
Carefully identify the muscle to be recorded before applying electrodes
If initial positivity or unexpectedly low amplitude is observed, systematically move G1 until
initial positivity disappears or amplitude becomes maximal
Ensure that G1 and G2 inputs are correctly placed in the preamplifier
the electrical fields between the G1 and G2 electrodes is amplified. Although, in most
standard motor NCS, the G2 electrode is placed over the muscle tendon, the G2 elec-
trode is not electrically silent because it records a volume-conducted response trav-
eling along the fibers toward the electrode. Therefore, the responses that are recorded
and interpreted consist of the electrical fields recorded from each electrode. If the G1
and G2 electrodes are placed too close together, the responses obtained with each
electrode will be similar, thereby reducing the recorded CMAP amplitude.
The normal effect of the G2 electrode on the CMAP morphology, even with place-
ment over the muscle tendon, is greater with ulnar and tibial waveform morphologies
than with other nerves. This difference results from the close proximity of ulnar or tibial
innervated muscles in the hand or foot to the G2 electrode. As a result, the G2
recorded response contributes more to the final resulting CMAP than with other
nerves where there are fewer muscles near the G2 electrode.1–3 This contribution of
the recorded potentials from intrinsic foot muscles recorded by the G2 electrode is
the likely cause of the normal reduction in CMAP amplitude between the ankle and
knee of up to 50% during the tibial motor NCS.3 When interpreting the studies accord-
ing to reference values that use standard recording montages, the effect of the G2
electrode placement is inherent in the normative data. Care must be taken to ensure
that the same setup is used during each NCS that is used for the reference values.
Fig. 7. Median antidromic sensory NCS with reduced interelectrode distance between G1
and G2 electrodes.
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Fig. 8. (A) Ulnar sensory antidromic NCS showing prominent motor artifact (arrows) that
mimics a sensory response. (B) Reduction in the motor artifact with movement of electrodes
more distal on the digit. M-P, metacarpal-phalangeal; PIP, proximal interphalangeal joint.
Box 5
Methods to correct for motor interference of SNAP
Fig. 9. Ulnar motor study showing differences in CV with different distance measurements
between the wrist and elbow.
Box 6
Methods to ensure correct distance measurement
Mark site of stimulator cathode with a pen immediately after nerve stimulation (before the
stimulator is removed from the skin)
Hold the tape measure along the course of the nerve during measurement
Use calipers for proximal nerve segments (eg, distance around shoulder or neck for brachial
plexus or root stimulation)
To ensure reliability, repeat measurement if an unexpected CV is obtained
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Pitfalls of Nerve Conduction Studies and Needle Electromyography 697
Fig. 10. Median antidromic sensory study. (Top) Performed with cool limb temperature
causing a prolonged distal latency, mimicking carpal tunnel syndrome. (Bottom) After
warming (normal distal latency <3.6 milliseconds).
may predispose a limb to cooling. In our laboratory, limb surface temperature should
be greater than 32 C on the hand and greater than 30 C on the foot. Although the
degree of slowing of CV per C decrease in temperature is known, the relationship
is not linear and therefore using a simple correction factor is not reliable, so maintain-
ing warm limb temperature should be performed in all studies (Box 7).
Cool limb temperature can also affect repetitive stimulation studies, producing
a false-negative study. Because cooler temperature prolongs the open time of the
acetylcholine receptors and lowers the activity of acetylcholinesterase at the neuro-
muscular junction, thereby increasing the safety margin of neuromuscular transmis-
sion, the degree of decrement on repetitive NCS may be less in a cooler limb
(comparable with the clinical ice-cube test).7 Warming the limb has been shown to
increase the yield of repetitive NCS.8
Box 7
Methods to correct for a reduction in limb temperature
Accurately measure limb temperature over the dorsum of the hand or foot during all studies.
Warm a cool limb with a heat lamp, warm bath (10 minutes at 40 C), or heating pads. This
procedure often improves the velocity and latencies and normalizes the study.
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698 Rubin
The MGA is a common variation that is present in 15% to 31% of individuals and is bilat-
eral in up to 68% of individuals.9,10 This anatomic variation consists of a communication
between the median and ulnar nerve fibers in the forearm, whereby fibers that are
destined to supply ulnar-innervated muscles course through the median nerve in the
upper arm and proximal forearm, and cross over to the ulnar nerve in the forearm before
innervating the destined muscles. The fibers may branch off from the median nerve
proper or the anterior interosseus branch.11 Sensory fibers are not involved. In rare
instances, the origin of the crossing over fibers may be more proximal and located
above the elbow, thereby mimicking an ulnar neuropathy at the elbow on NCS.12
The muscles supplied by the crossing over fibers vary among individuals and
include 1 or more of the following: (1) first dorsal interosseus (FDI), (2) abductor digiti
Table 1
Characteristic features of true and false decrement on RNS
Fig. 11. (A) False decrement during repetitive stimulation at 2 Hz caused by limb movement.
(B) True decrement in a patient with myasthenia gravis.
minimi (ADM), (3) adductor pollicis, or (4) flexor pollicis brevis. In approximately half of
individuals with MGA, only 1 muscle is innervated by the crossing over fibers (FDI>ad-
ductor pollicis>ADM).10,13–15 The patterns of findings seen on routine median and/or
ulnar motor NCS in the presence of a MGA depend on which muscle(s) the crossing
over fibers innervate.
Box 8
Methods to minimize falsely abnormal decrement during RNS
Perform 2 to 3 baseline studies at rest before exercise to ensure consistent results and
technical reliability
Stabilize the limb with wooden boards or Velcro straps to prevent movement of the limb
during stimulation
Ensure supramaximal nerve stimulation
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Fig. 12. MGA to the ADM (anastomosing fibers denoted by dashed line).
the thenar eminence. When the median nerve is stimulated at the elbow, in addition to
recording from the usual median-innervated thenar muscles, the electrodes over the
abductor pollicis brevis (APB) also record a volume-conducted response from the
nearby ulnar-innervated muscles that are supplied through the crossing over fibers.
This situation results in a higher-than-normal CMAP amplitude caused by the summa-
tion of the additional muscle fiber action potentials of the adductor pollicis, flexor pol-
licis brevis, and/or FDI. When the median nerve is stimulated at the wrist, distal to the
crossover, the recorded response is a pure median response (Fig. 13, Table 3).
A distinctive pattern is seen in up to 20% of individuals with a type II MGA and
a median neuropathy at the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome).16,17 With this combination,
an initial positive deflection may be seen in the CMAP waveform with median nerve
stimulation at the elbow, whereas, with wrist stimulation, no initial positivity is present
(Fig. 14), resulting from focal slowing of the median fibers at the wrist, which delays the
conduction of the true median fibers innervating the median muscles (eg, APB). As
a result of this median fiber slowing, the crossing over fibers that supply the ulnar
muscles in the thenar region conduct faster than the slowed median fibers and the
response recorded from the crossing over fibers precedes the response from the
true median fibers. The finding of a positive deflection with elbow stimulation has rarely
been described in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome with otherwise normal
Table 2
Findings of MGA to ADM
Fig. 13. MGA to the ulnar muscles in the thenar region (anastomosing fibers denoted by
dashed line).
conduction studies.17 In patients with more severe carpal tunnel syndrome and
a higher degree of slowing in the median nerve, the response recorded from the
crossing over fibers may be seen as a completely separate waveform from the true
median waveform.18
Table 3
Findings of a MGA to the FDI/adductor pollicis/flexor pollicis brevis (thenar region muscles)
Fig. 14. MGA with superimposed carpal tunnel syndrome. The positive deflection with
elbow stimulation reflects CMAP originating from the adductor pollicis and deep head of
flexor pollicis brevis that are supplied through the crossing fibers.
Box 9
NCS findings of an accessory peroneal nerve
Higher CMAP amplitude with stimulation at the knee and fibular head than with stimulation
at the ankle
Stimulation behind the lateral malleolus produces an initially negative CMAP recorded from
the EDB
CMAP amplitude recorded from lateral malleolus stimulation typically equals the difference
between the knee and ankle CMAP amplitudes
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Fig. 15. Accessory peroneal nerve. Higher peroneal CMAP amplitude with knee stimulation
compared with ankle stimulation. Stimulation behind the lateral malleolus produces
median motor response from the APB with median nerve stimulation at the elbow and
wrist. This anastomosis should be suspected when a patient has an absent median
motor CMAP response despite normal thenar muscle bulk and strength and normal
findings on needle examination in the thenar muscles. The Riche-Cannieu anasto-
mosis is confirmed by the presence of a normal CMAP response, with an initially nega-
tive deflection, following stimulation of the ulnar nerve and recording from the APB.
Another uncommon anomalous sensory innervation involving the hand is superficial
radial sensory innervation to the dorsal, ulnar portion of the hand, which is normally
supplied by the dorsal ulnar cutaneous (DUC) branch of the ulnar nerve. This anomaly
has been identified in approximately 16% of normal individuals.22 Consideration and
testing for this anomaly is important in situations in which electrodiagnostic testing is
performed to localize the site of an ulnar neuropathy and a low or absent DUC
response is obtained. In this situation, checking for anomalous radial innervation
can be performed by moving the stimulator to the radial nerve while recording over
the dorsal ulnar hand.
Performance in Patients with Pacemakers or Cardiac Defibrillators
Because the performance of NCS requires the administration of a variable amount of
electric current across the skin and into neighboring tissue, there is a theoretic risk
when performing the studies in patients with pacemakers or cardiac defibrillators. In
these patients, if the electric current administered reached the cardiac device, it could
possibly be interpreted as a cardiac conduction signal and inhibit or trigger the device,
leading to abnormal pacing or reprogramming of the device.23–25 In some instances,
repeated stimuli could potentially induce cardiac arrhythmias. Despite these theoretic
concerns, studies of routine NCS in patients with implanted cardiac devices during
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Needle Stimulation
In rare instances when supramaximal stimulation of a nerve located deep in a limb
cannot be achieved with surface stimulation, near-nerve stimulation using a monopolar
needle may be performed. When this technique is performed, the needle electrode is
slowly advanced until it is in close proximity to the nerve to allow for nerve stimulation
with as little current as possible. Although the risk of current administration through
a needle is low, a theoretic risk of current spread to neighboring tissues is present.
Because it is unlikely that needle stimulation would be performed on a nerve near
the heart, there is little, if any, practical risk with this technique. However, a risk of
hematoma formation or injury to structures within the pathway of the needle electrode
is more common. For example, injury to the brachial plexus or the development of
pneumothorax with puncture of the apex of the lung could occur with attempted nee-
dle stimulation of the brachial plexus at the Erb point, therefore needle stimulation at
the Erb point should be avoided.
distortion and to minimize nonphysiologic noise, the filters are usually set at 20 to 30
Hz low-frequency filter (LFF) or high-pass filter and 10 to 20 kHz high-frequency filter
(HFF) or low-pass filter during most routine EMG studies. Alterations in the filter
settings have an effect on the motor unit potential (MUP) morphology and can lead
to an increase or decrease in the recorded duration of the MUP. Increasing the LFF
reduces the amplitude and filters out more of the slower frequency tail components
of the MUP, resulting in a reduction in the MUP duration. Higher LFF settings, typically
of 500 to 2000 Hz, are used during single-fiber EMG. Although the LFF settings are not
usually altered on the EMG equipment during routine studies, if unexpectedly short-
duration MUPs are recorded in all muscles during a study, the examiner should always
check to ensure that an inadvertent change in the filter settings has not occurred.
Problems with interpretation of needle EMG findings may be encountered when elec-
trical artifacts similar to pathologic waveforms are recorded. For example, a cardiac
pacemaker artifact is recorded as a single spike, usually firing in a regular pattern at
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a rate of approximately 1 Hz. The regular firing pattern may be confused with, and
interpreted as, a fibrillation potential. The pacemaker artifact is most often recorded
in muscle closer to the pacemaker, such as the paraspinal muscles or proximal upper
extremity muscles, but can be recorded from any muscle. It can often be distinguished
from a fibrillation potential because it does not change or disappear with needle move-
ment and the same spike firing at the same rate is found in more than 1 muscle. In
addition, as a result of the square wave morphology of the pacemaker artifact, a pace-
maker artifact has an artificial sound that is subtly different from a fibrillation potential.
Other artifacts can sometimes be confused with pathologic waveforms, such as 60-
cycle or fluorescent light artifact, mimicking a complex repetitive discharge or an inter-
mittently firing transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator (TENS) or other electrical
stimulator, mimicking a myokymic discharge. These electrical artifacts typically fire
in a pattern that is more regular than even the regular patterns of physiologic wave-
forms, giving the waveforms artificial sounds.
the study, although this increases the risk of potential thrombotic complications. Most
electromyographers prefer to know the level of anticoagulation (INR) before the study
to determine the level of risk, and the decision of whether to perform an entire or partial
study is individual. If the needle examination is performed on patients on anticoagula-
tion, some adjustment in the technique of the study may help to minimize potential
bleeding complications (Box 10).
Similar precautions should be taken in patients with thrombocytopenia. If the
platelet count is more than 30,000/mm2, the study can usually be performed safely.
For patients with hemophilia and uncommon bleeding disorders, the patient’s hema-
tologist should be consulted before performance of the needle examination.
EMG in Lymphedema
Examining a limb with lymphedema poses the risk of persistent leaking of serous fluid,
potentially increasing the risk of the development of cellulitis. Despite the absence of
studies assessing this risk, a position statement by the American Association of
Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM) suggested that “reasonable
caution should be exercised in performing needle examinations in lymphedematous
Box 10
Technique adjustments during needle examination in patients on anticoagulation or with
bleeding disorders
and should be withdrawn. Listening for a respiratory pattern of MUP firing, indicating
the approach to the peripleural muscles, should prompt caution with continued
forward advancement of the needle. The increasing use of ultrasonography during
EMG studies to identify and observe needle insertion into the peripleural muscles
may further help to reduce this complication.
NCS and needle EMG can be safely performed in most patients with appropriate tech-
nique and precautions in certain circumstances. Attention to detail of technique,
awareness of technical factors that can affect reliable interpretation of the study,
and appropriate troubleshooting are imperative for quality performance and accurate
interpretation of the study.
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