Lightning Masts
Lightning Masts
Lightning Masts
1 SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................... 3
4 REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 4
4.2 Design ................................................................................................................................... 4
4.3 Construction .......................................................................................................................... 5
4.4 Specific requirements ............................................................................................................ 6
4.5 Spigots ................................................................................................................................... 9
4.6 Bracket .................................................................................................................................. 9
4.7 Access holes and cable entries ........................................................................................... 10
4.8 Training ................................................................................................................................ 10
4.9 Inspection and testing .......................................................................................................... 10
4.10 Packing and marking ........................................................................................................... 11
4.11 Drawings and documentation .............................................................................................. 12
Steel poles and masts are used in City Power’s area of supply in public lighting and distribution
applications. When used for lighting, the poles and masts are collectively referred to as masts. Quality
of the masts is very important as failure could result in serious consequences. As this is difficult to
manage within the present City Power business structures it has been decided that SANS support
structures will be relied upon to manage compliance to specification as well as quality. The implication
to suppliers is that City Power will only purchase steel masts that comply with the relevant SANS
This specification covers City Power’s requirements for steel masts for public lighting in accordance
with SANS 10225.
The following documents contain provisions that, through reference in the text, constitute requirements
of this specification. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards and
specifications are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this specification are
encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the documents listed
SANS 044-3:1983, Welding – the fusion welding of steel. Part 3 – Tests for the approval of welding
procedures and production welds.
SANS 10198:2004, The selection, handling and installation of electric power cables of rating not
exceeding 33 kV (All parts)
SANS 657-1:1989, Steel tubes for scaffolding and for structural and general engineering purposes.
SANS 121:2000, Hot-dip galvanised coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles – specifications and
test methods.
SANS 182-1, Conductors for overhead electrical transmission lines Part 1: Copper wires and stranded
copper conductors (metric units)
4.1 General
4.1.1 All masts shall comply fully with the requirements of SANS 10225 and this specification.
4.1.2 The masts shall be suitable for use at a mean altitude of 1 800 m above sea level in an
environment subject to heavy industrial pollution at ambient temperatures of -15˚C to 65˚C.
4.1.3 The masts will be installed in locations subject to high wind loading (as detailed in clause 4.2
below) and high lightning ground flash density (> 10 flashes/km /year).
4.1.4 The masts shall be designed, approved and certified by an individual who is professionally
registered with the Engineering Council as a structural engineer in accordance with SANS 10225
and manufactured from new materials.
4.2 Design
4.2.1 The masts shall be designed in accordance with SANS 10225 to support luminaires, the
maximum number, mass and projected area of which are given in Annex A.
4.2.2 In addition, the masts shall be designed to support advertising signboards in accordance with the
“Adopt-a-Light” project (or similar) and the additional cantilever loading that will be imposed on
these masts. The boards measure approximately 1225 mm (H) × 900 mm (B) and are mounted
approximately 3,0 m from ground level (measured to the lower edge of the board) in most areas.
In exceptional circumstances, mainly in CBD areas, they may be mounted at a height of up to
4,0 m in order to avoid being damaged by buses, etc.
4.2.3 The steel masts, when loaded as detailed above, shall be capable of withstanding a fluctuating
wind load in accordance with the requirements of SANS 10225. The terrain category shall be
Category 3, and the wind velocity shall be 40ms . Other information required (including force
coefficients Cf) is given in Annex A.
4.2.4 Under the conditions detailed in SANS 10225 and those given above, the horizontal and vertical
deflections shall not exceed the requirements of SANS 10225.
4.2.7 The design for all earth mount masts shall include sub-surface fins, the purpose of which is to
prevent the mast from rotating about its own axis as a result of wind loading exceeding the soil
bearing pressure. The size of the fins shall be determined by the structural engineer, taking into
account terrain category, wind velocity, outreach, mast and attachment areas, projected
luminaire areas, force coefficients and other relevant data.
4.2.8 Masts may be of any hollow cross section and vertical profile meeting the requirements of this
specification and SANS 10225.
4.2.9 Masts must have a minimum outside diameter (at the access opening) as detailed in Annex A.
This is required to accommodate the cabling design practice of City Power and smaller
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diameters do not allow sufficient space to accommodate the cables and fuse holders used.
Designs using smaller diameters will not be considered under any circumstances.
4.2.10 The design of each mast shall be accompanied by comprehensive strength calculations certified
by a qualified professional structural engineer. As this structural engineer will take full
responsibility for the design of the masts, he or she is free to deviate from the drawings for
structural reasons. For instance, the structural engineer may feel that the strength of a particular
mast is inadequate, and he or she is therefore at liberty to increase the mast thickness or
diameter, etc. These changes must be detailed in the strength calculations as well as in the
Deviation Schedules, found in the A and B Schedules.
4.3 Construction
4.3.1 All masts, except those detailed in 4.3.2 to 4.3.4 below, shall be supplied as a unitary
construction (i.e. in one piece).
4.3.2 M1 and M3 shall have a unitary fixed portion and a unitary moveable portion.
4.3.3 M7 is required with a separate 2 m section attached at the top by means of a slip joint and
secured with three evenly spaced (at 120˚) grub screws. The slip joint shall have the male
portion on the lower portion of the mast. The upper and lower portions of the mast shall have the
same diameter on either side of the joint.
4.3.4 All masts with a curved outreach shall have the outreach portion separate and use a joint design
as shown in principle on Drawing CP_TSDRAW_004 Sheet 6. Preference will be given to
designs incorporating increased safety i.e. that ensure that the arm remains attached to the mast
in the event of a vehicle colliding with the mast.
4.3.5 All changes in diameter shall be by means of swaging or continuous tapering. Under no
circumstances will welded pieces (pipe reducers) inserted into the masts be accepted.
4.3.6 All joints shall be bevelled prior to welding and shall present a symmetrical appearance after
welding. In addition, all joints (other than those designed for later assembly) shall be designed
and manufactured to ensure that there is no ingress of water into the interior of the mast.
4.3.7 All masts except the M series masts require a sacrificial steel corrosion protection sleeve. These
sleeves shall be at least 3 mm thick and conform to Drawing CP_TSDRAW_004 Sheet 8. The
sleeve shall be welded to the mast prior to galvanising with a continuous seal weld at the top and
bottom of the sleeve. The second weld shall be carried out immediately after, or simultaneously
with, the first weld.
4.3.8 A fuse mounting bracket with a minimum thickness of 2 mm shall be mounted in the mast
opposite the access opening. The mounting bracket shall incorporate a suitable length of DIN
rail as well as an M10 × 40 mm earth stud. The earth stud shall be bonded to the mast so that
connecting an earth conductor from an external source to it will have the effect of earthing the
entire mast.
4.3.9 All one-piece masts shall have an M10 nut welded to the pole at a height of 1,5 m from the top of
the mast. This is to provide a point for earthing the mast when it is carrying overheard
conductors or ABC. The corresponding full-thread M10 bolt shall be supplied fitted into the nut.
The arrangement shall be such that the full length of the bolt is able to enter the nut.
4.3.10 All two-piece masts (e.g. masts with curved arms) shall have one M10 nut (and bolt as detailed
in 4.3.9 above) on both sides of the joint position, within 150 mm of the final joint position when
the mast is in service. This is to facilitate bonding of the two pieces so that the entire mast is
effectively earthed.
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4.3.11 All earth mount masts shall have a 60 × 6 mm anti-sink flat bar (with a minimum thickness of 3,5
mm) roughly shaped to the inside base diameter, welded symmetrically across the base
opening, with the flat surface at 90˚ to the mast axis.
4.3.12 All earth mount masts shall have fins in accordance with clause 4.2.7 welded to the mast below
ground level (at 90˚ to the cable entries) to avoid the mast rotating about its own axis as a result
of the wind loading exceeding the bearing pressure of the soil. As a rough guide, the size of the
fins should not be less than 450 × 125 × 6 mm.
4.3.13 All welding shall be continuous and in compliance with SANS 044, Parts 1 to 4. All welds shall be
dressed where necessary.
4.3.14 After manufacturing is complete, but before galvanising may commence, masts shall have all
weld slag removed by shot- or sand-blasting and a visual inspection shall be carried out to
ensure the efficiency of this operation. In addition, the masts shall be internally and externally
degreased and all grit, loose rust, welding flux and spatter, rough edges and burrs shall be
4.3.15 All masts shall be hot-dip galvanised in accordance with SANS 121. The minimum thickness of
the zinc layer shall be 90 µm. The process used shall comply completely with the requirements
of SANS 121.
4.3.16 No material may be removed from the mast either mechanically or chemically after galvanising
has been carried out.
4.3.17 All items shall be protected against corrosion by either hot-dip galvanising as detailed above or
by being manufactured of stainless steel. All possibility of galvanic action shall be avoided.
4.3.18 All threaded articles shall use standard metric threads. External threads may not be undercut.
4.3.19 All must shall have an earthing stud provided at the access hole and the top of the mast. S1 shall be designed as an S2 mast, with all the associated loadings, but supplied with a 2,0 m
outreach. The joint between the upright and curved portions of S1 and S2 shall be identical, allowing
interchangeability between the respective outreach portions. It shall not be possible to interchange outreaches within the S series, other than S1 and S2. In addition to the requirements of 4.2, the masts are expected to carry low voltage aerial
bundled conductor (ABC) in accordance with SANS 1418 or low voltage hard drawn bare
copper (HDBC) conductor in accordance with SANS 182-1. Tenderers are required to consult
these documents for accurate information concerning the characteristics of the conductors, as
the information given below is for information only.
2 2 The ABC will be in following configuration: 1 × 25 mm phase conductor and 1 × 54,6 mm
neutral supporting conductor. The approximate mass per metre of the bundle is 0,41 kg and
the design load (UTS /2,5) is approximately 6,6 kN. The maximum angle of deviation shall be 30˚ and the ABC shall be fixed to the masts within
150 mm each side of the joint where the arm connects to the straight portion of the pole.
PAGE 7 OF 67 The masts shall meet all the requirements of SANS 10225 whether in the fully raised or
lowered position, or any point in-between. The masts shall use the mounting flange dimensions as detailed on Drawing 32659 Sheet 4.
The thickness of the mounting flange may be increased if this is required to conform to the
requirements of SANS 10225. The masts shall be hinged at a height which will allow easy maintenance of the luminaires at
ground level when lowered. The hinge joint shall use a generously proportioned sleeve and pin
construction of non-corroding materials. The hinged portion shall be secured to the fixed
portion when in the upright position with a recessed heptagonal (7-sided) nut as detailed on
Drawing CP_TSDRAW_004 Sheet 8. A safety chain shall link the hinged and fixed portions to prevent accidental lowering. It shall be possible to accurately balance the pivoting section of the mast on site by installing
internal counter-weights which remain permanently attached to the interior of the mast. The
balancing shall be of such a nature so as to allow lowering and raising of the mast to be carried
out by one person using a nylon rope, with an effort of not more than 150 N required. The use
of hand or power winches shall not be acceptable. The mast design shall be such that the hinged portion of a correctly balanced mast will at all
times remain in the upright position until deliberately lowered by removing the heptagonal nut
and pulling down on the hinged portion. Mast designs which are top-heavy and allow the
hinged portion to swing down without intervention when the heptagonal nut is removed or the
fixing arrangement damaged will not be considered under any circumstances. Mast designs which require the temporary attachment of counter-weights to the hinged portion
before lowering and subsequent removal once raised will not be considered. A mounting plate shall be provided in the base of the mast at the access opening. The
mounting plate shall be suitable for the installation of a distribution board (ABB York type FO81
or similar), and allow easy opening of the sliding front cover. The distribution board will be
supplied, installed and commissioned by City Power, as will all electrical equipment
(luminaires, fuses, circuit-breakers and associated equipment) as well as the provision of the
electrical supply. A hole of 25 mm diameter is required on the pivoting section for cable entry, 305 mm below the
bottom edge of the installed spigot adaptor. hole of 25 mm diameter is required for cable entry in each spigot stub portion of all spigot
adaptors, facing downwards when the mast is in the upright position. The hole is to have its
edge within 20 mm of the weld joining the spigot adaptor stub to the spigot adaptor sleeve.
4.4.3 M7 masts The masts shall use the mounting flange dimensions as detailed on Drawing
CP_TSDRAW_004 Sheet 5. The thickness of the mounting flange may be increased if this is
required to conform to the requirements of SANS 10225.
PAGE 8 OF 67 The masts shall have additional items adapting the mast for use in conjunction with low voltage
aerial bundled conductor (ABC), but retaining the ability to accommodate conventional
underground cabling. Details of the ABC cable entry and holes for installation of an M16 pigtail bolt are shown on
Drawing CP_TSDRAW_004 Sheet 5. The masts shall be 165 mm O.D. over its entire height (i.e. there shall be no reduction in
diameter). The masts shall have an access slot at a depth of 500 mm below normal ground level, and
another access slot at a distance of 1 000 mm from the top of the pole. The dimensions of both
access slots shall be 140 mm (W) × 100 mm (H). The corners of the access slots shall be
rounded to avoid unnecessary stress. The openings shall be flame-cut, and the bottom cable entry shall be bent in at an angle of 30˚
from the vertical. The slots shall be well radiused and free of burrs. The top of the pole shall be sealed against the ingress of water by means of a welded cap or
similar. A service distribution box (SDB) in accordance with CP_TSSPEC_072 shall be capable of
being mounted onto the top of the mast and the mast shall be designed to withstand the
resultant loading. The SDB shall have a maximum mass of 50 kg and dimensions of not more
than 1 000 × 800 mm. The pole reference and company name (or suitable abbreviation thereof) shall be weld marked
on the exterior of the pole as detailed in clause 4.9.4, at a height of approximately 1 000 mm
above ground level.
4.4.5 A series
The masts shall not have an access cover. The masts shall be 165 mm O.D. over its entire height (i.e. there shall be no reduction in
diameter). The masts shall have an access slot at a depth of 500 mm below normal ground level, and
another access slot at a distance of 1 000 mm from the top of the pole. The dimensions of both
access slots shall be 140 mm (W) × 100 mm (H). The corners of the access slots shall be
rounded to avoid unnecessary stress. The openings shall be flame-cut, and the bottom cable entry shall be bent in at an angle of 30˚
from the vertical. The slots shall be well radiused and free of burrs. The top of the pole shall be sealed against the ingress of water by means of a welded cap or
similar. A service distribution box (SDB) in accordance with CP_TSSPEC_072 shall be capable of
being mounted onto the top of the mast and the mast shall be designed to withstand the
resultant loading. The SDB shall have a maximum mass of 50 kg and dimensions of not more
than 1 000 × 800 mm. The pole reference and company name (or suitable abbreviation thereof) shall be weld marked
on the exterior of the pole as detailed in clause 4.9.4, at a height of approximately 1 000 mm
above ground level.
4.5 Spigots
4.5.1 The spigots shall be manufactured to comply with SANS 1088, with the exception that the
dimensional requirements are superseded by the following table:
* All dimensions in mm
4.5.2 The spigot types referred to in Annex A shall be dimensioned as shown in Table 1 above.
Spigots shall conform in all other respects to the requirements of SANS 1088 for spigots with
locking devices.
4.5.4 For M series masts, a modular device is required to be clamped to the top of the mast, and
which can accommodate up to nine spigot adaptors (see user references Mod and ModS in
Annex A). If such a device is offered, detailed scale drawings are required with the tender.
4.5.5 Also for M series masts, a 1,7 m cross-arm is required to be clamped at any height between the
top of the mast and 1,5 m down from the top of the mast. This cross-arm shall be suitable for the
mounting of 4 floodlights of 25 kg mass and 0,44m projected area.
4.5.6 A lighting bracket for mounting single luminaires onto steel, concrete or wooden poles is
required. This bracket shall conform to the requirements of this specification and Drawing
CP_TSDRAW_005 Sheets 3 and 4. It is required that the back-strap as well as the associated
bolts, washers and nuts are supplied with the bracket.
4.6 Bracket
The bracket design and dimensions shall be according to drawing CP_TSDRAW_005
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4.6.9 The openings shall be flame-cut, and bent in at an angle of 30˚ from the vertical. The slots shall
be well radiused and free of burrs.
4.8 Training
4.7.1 All tenderers shall offer three year certified training courses in the correct installation of all masts
4.7.2 All associated costs for the certified training courses detailed in 4.7.1 above shall be given in
terms of cost per person and shall remain fixed for the period of the contract. All training shall be
given at City Power venues and therefore tenderers should make provision for travel and
accommodation to be included in the cost, if applicable.
4.8.2 City Power could appoint an independent test authority to act on its behalf. This inspection
authority shall be allowed free access to any place where work for this contract is carried out,
whether on site or at the place of manufacture.
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4.8.3 The tenderer shall carry out all tests required by the inspection authority. The tests will be within
the ambit of SANS 0198, SANS 10225 and SANS 121.
4.8.4 The authority may also require the welding on 10% of the masts to be radio-graphed and
evaluated. The maximum width of any isolated slag inclusion shall not exceed 3 mm, and the
total length of isolated slag inclusions in any continuous length of weld shall not exceed 4% of
the length of that weld. In addition, no more than four isolated slag inclusions of a maximum
width of 3 mm in this length shall be permitted.
4.8.5 In addition to the above, no cracks shall be permitted, and penetration, lack of fusion,
undercutting and porosity shall receive attention.
4.8.6 The cost of initial testing will be borne by City Power. In the event of any further testing arising
out of any item failing a test, the cost of further testing will be borne by the tenderer.
4.8.7 In the event of masts failing under 4.8.4, the entire consignment of masts shall be radio-graphed
at the tenderer’s expense. The masts will be individually accepted or rejected on the basis of
these radiographs.
4.8.8 None of these provisions free the tenderer from any of the inspection and quality control
requirements of SANS 10198, SANS 10225 and SANS 121.
4.9.2 The name plate and method of fixing shall have a service life at least equal to that of the mast,
and shall remain in place and legible even if the mast suffers serious structural damage of any
4.9.3 The name plate shall include the following information: manufacturer’s name, month and year of
manufacture, and the user reference number as detailed in Annex A.
4.9.4 All masts shall be weld marked with the user reference just below the access opening. The weld
mark, which shall be carried out before galvanising preparation, shall consist of a neat raised
weld run on the exterior of the mast, with letters approximately 100 mm high. In addition, in the
case of masts with curved arms, the arm shall also be marked near the spigot with the lettering
facing upwards when the arm is installed.
4.9.5 Spigot adaptors and caps shall be marked with the user reference on the top by means of
number and letter punches with a character size of at least 10 mm. The lettering and numbers
shall be clearly visible after galvanising.
4.9.6 Masts shall be bundled with stainless steel strapping for delivery.
4.9.7 City Power shall off-load, at its own cost, any masts delivered to any City Power store. Any items
delivered elsewhere shall be off-loaded at the contractor’s own cost, and City Power shall not
assist in any way whatsoever.
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4.10.2 As per clause 4.2.10, the design of each mast shall be accompanied by comprehensive strength
calculations certified by a qualified professional structural engineer. In addition, detailed
drawings and documentation as required in clause 4.3 of SANS 10225 shall be supplied. Failure
to supply the information required will result in rejection of the tender.
4.10.3 The contractor shall, within twenty working days of receipt of notification of acceptance of the
tender, prepare and forward scaled manufacturing drawings, unless clear and unambiguous
documentation in this regard is included in the tender.
A quality management plan shall be set up in order to assure the proper quality management of
public lighting steel masts during design, development, production, installation and servicing
phases. Guidance on the requirements for a quality management plan may be found in the ISO
9001. The details shall be subject to agreement between City Power and the Supplier.
An environmental management plan shall be set up in order to assure the proper environmental
management of public lighting steel masts throughout its entire life cycle (i.e. during design,
development, production, installation, operation and maintenance, decommissioning and disposal
phases). Guidance on the requirements for an environmental management system may be found in
ISO 14001 standards. The details shall be subject to agreement between City Power and the
Supplier. This is to ensure that the asset created conforms to environmental standards and City
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Annex B – Bibliography
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Annex D amended
Annex E amended
General editing
Sep 2006 2 Clause 4.6.1 Changed height of 1000 mm to 1500 mm, and
added 2500 mm for M series of poles
5 4.1.1 Does the design of the mast comply with Yes/No Yes
all the requirements of SANS 10225 and
this specification?
6 4.1.4 Is the mast design approved and certified Yes/No Yes
by a qualified professional structural
7 4.2.1 Standard to which steel tubes comply SANS 657-1
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
5 4.1.1 Does the design of the mast comply with Yes/No Yes
all the requirements of SANS 10225 and
this specification?
6 4.1.4 Is the mast design approved and certified Yes/No Yes
by a qualified professional structural
7 4.2.1 Standard to which steel tubes comply SANS 657-1
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
5 4.1.1 Does the design of the mast comply with Yes/No Yes
all the requirements of SANS 10225 and
this specification?
6 4.1.4 Is the mast design approved and certified Yes/No Yes
by a qualified professional structural
7 4.2.1 Standard to which steel tubes comply SANS 657-1
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
5 4.1.1 Does the design of the mast comply with Yes/No Yes
all the requirements of SANS 10225 and
this specification?
6 4.1.4 Is the mast design approved and certified Yes/No Yes
by a qualified professional structural
7 4.2.1 Standard to which steel tubes comply SANS 657-1
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
5 4.1.1 Does the design of the mast comply with Yes/No Yes
all the requirements of SANS 10225 and
this specification?
6 4.1.4 Is the mast design approved and certified Yes/No Yes
by a qualified professional structural
7 4.2.1 Standard to which steel tubes comply SANS 657-1
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
Plain Mast A2
Schedule A: Purchaser's specific requirements
Schedule B: Guarantees and technical particulars of equipment offered
Item Sub-clause of Description Schedule A Schedule B
5 4.1.1 Does the design of the mast comply with Yes/No Yes
all the requirements of SANS 10225 and
this specification?
6 4.1.4 Is the mast design approved and certified Yes/No Yes
by a qualified professional structural
7 4.2.1 Standard to which steel tubes comply SANS 657-1
Plain Mast A2
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
Plain Mast A4
Schedule A: Purchaser's specific requirements
Schedule B: Guarantees and technical particulars of equipment offered
Item Sub-clause of Description Schedule A Schedule B
5 4.1.1 Does the design of the mast comply with Yes/No Yes
all the requirements of SANS 10225 and
this specification?
6 4.1.4 Is the mast design approved and certified Yes/No Yes
by a qualified professional structural
7 4.2.1 Standard to which steel tubes comply SANS 657-1
Plain Mast A4
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
Plain Mast A5
Schedule A: Purchaser's specific requirements
Schedule B: Guarantees and technical particulars of equipment offered
Item Sub-clause of Description Schedule A Schedule B
5 4.1.1 Does the design of the mast comply with Yes/No Yes
all the requirements of SANS 10225 and
this specification?
6 4.1.4 Is the mast design approved and certified Yes/No Yes
by a qualified professional structural
7 4.2.1 Standard to which steel tubes comply SANS 657-1
Plain Mast A5
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
Plain Mast A6
Schedule A: Purchaser's specific requirements
Schedule B: Guarantees and technical particulars of equipment offered
Item Sub-clause of Description Schedule A Schedule B
5 4.1.1 Does the design of the mast comply with Yes/No Yes
all the requirements of SANS 10225 and
this specification?
6 4.1.4 Is the mast design approved and certified Yes/No Yes
by a qualified professional structural
7 4.2.1 Standard to which steel tubes comply SANS 657-1
Plain Mast A6
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
Plain Mast A7
Schedule A: Purchaser's specific requirements
Schedule B: Guarantees and technical particulars of equipment offered
Item Sub-clause of Description Schedule A Schedule B
5 4.1.1 Does the design of the mast comply with Yes/No Yes
all the requirements of SANS 10225 and
this specification?
6 4.1.4 Is the mast design approved and certified Yes/No Yes
by a qualified professional structural
7 4.2.1 Standard to which steel tubes comply SANS 657-1
Plain Mast A7
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
5 4.1.1 Does the design of the mast comply with Yes/No Yes
all the requirements of SANS 10225 and
this specification?
6 4.1.4 Is the mast design approved and certified Yes/No Yes
by a qualified professional structural
7 4.2.1 Standard to which steel tubes comply SANS 657-1
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
5 4.1.1 Does the design of the mast comply with Yes/No Yes
all the requirements of SANS 10225 and
this specification?
6 4.1.4 Is the mast design approved and certified Yes/No Yes
by a qualified professional structural
7 4.2.1 Standard to which steel tubes comply SANS 657-1
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
5 4.1.1 Does the design of the mast comply with Yes/No Yes
all the requirements of SANS 10225 and
this specification?
6 4.1.4 Is the mast design approved and certified Yes/No Yes
by a qualified professional structural
7 4.2.1 Standard to which steel tubes comply SANS 657-1
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
5 4.1.1 Does the design of the mast comply with Yes/No Yes
all the requirements of SANS 10225 and
this specification?
6 4.1.4 Is the mast design approved and certified Yes/No Yes
by a qualified professional structural
7 4.2.1 Standard to which steel tubes comply SANS 657-1
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation
Deviation schedule
Any deviations offered to this specification shall be listed below with reasons for deviation. In
addition, evidence shall be provided that the proposed deviation will at least be more cost-effective
than that specified by City Power.
Item Clause Proposed deviation