United States Patent (19) : 11 Patent Number: 5,959,066 (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 28, 1999

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,959,066

Charbonneau et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 28, 1999
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1 2
POLYESTERS INCLUDING ISOSORBIDEAS solution with the diol monomers. This method yielded a
A COMONOMER AND METHODS FOR copolymer with a molecular weight that is apparently higher
MAKING SAME than was obtained in the German Patent Application
described above but still relatively low when compared
RELATED APPLICATIONS against other polyester polymers and copolymers. Further,
The following copending applications, filed on even date these polymers were made by Solution polymerization and
herewith, all contain related Subject matter: U.S. application were thus free of diethylene glycol moieties as a product of
Ser. Nos.: 09/086,064, 09/064,846, 09/064,858, 09/064,826, polymerization. See R. Storbeck, Dissertation, Universitat
09/064,719, 09/064,862, 09/064,720. The contents of each Karlsruhe (1994); R. Storbeck, et al., J. Appl. Polymer
of the above-identified applications is hereby incorporated Science, Vol. 59, pp. 1199–1202 (1996).
by reference. U.S. Pat. No. 4,418,174 describes a process for the
preparation of polyesters useful as raw materials in the
FIELD OF THE DISCLOSURE production of aqueous Stoving lacquers. The polyesters are
prepared with an alcohol and an acid. One of the many
This disclosure relates to polyesters and methods of 15 preferred alcohols is dianhydrosorbitol. However, the aver
making polyesters, and more specifically to polyesters con age molecular weight of the polyesters is from 1,000 to
taining an isosorbide moiety, and methods of making them. 10,000, and no polyester actually containing a dianhydroSor
BACKGROUND OF THE DISCLOSURE bitol moiety was made.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,179,143 describes a process for the
The diol 14:3,6-dianhydro-D-Sorbitol, referred to here preparation of compression molded materials. Also,
inafter as isosorbide, the structure of which is illustrated described therein are hydroxyl containing polyesters. These
below, is readily made from renewable resources, Such as hydroxyl containing polyesters are listed to include polyhy
Sugars and Starches. For example, SOSorbide can be made dric alcohols, including 1,4:3,6-dianhydroSorbitol. Again,
from D-glucose by hydrogenation followed by acid however, the highest molecular weights reported are rela
catalyzed dehydration. 25
tively low, i.e. 400 to 10,000, and no polyester actually
containing the 1,4:3,6-dianhydroSorbitol moiety was made.
e Published PCT Applications WO 97/14739 and WO
96/25449 describe cholesteric and nematic liquid crystalline
polyesters that include isosorbide moieties as monomer
units. Such polyesters have relatively low molecular weights
and are not isotropic.
35 Contrary to the teachings and expectations that have been
ISOSorbide has been incorporated as a monomer into published in the prior art, isotropic, i.e. Semi-crystalline and
polyesters that also include terephthaloyl moieties. See, for amorphous or nonliquid crystalline, copolyesters containing
example, R. Storbeck et al, Makromol. Chem., Vol. 194, pp. terephthaloyl moieties, ethylene glycol moieties, isosorbide
53-64 (1993); R. Storbeck et al., Polymer, Vol. 34, p. 5003 moieties and, optionally, diethylene glycol moieties are
(1993). However, it is generally believed that secondary 40 readily Synthesized in molecular weights that are Suitable for
alcohols Such as isosorbide have poor reactivity and are making fabricated products, Such as films, beverage bottles,
Sensitive to acid-catalyzed reactions. See, for example, D. molded products, sheets and fibers on an industrial Scale.
Braun et al., J. Prakt. Chem., Vol. 334, pp. 298–310 (1992). The proceSS conditions of the present invention, particu
AS a result of the poor reactivity, polyesters made with an larly the amounts of monomers used, depend on the polymer
isosorbide monomer and esters of terephthalic acid are 45 composition that is desired. The amount of monomer is
expected to have a relatively low molecular weight. Ballauff desirably chosen So that the final polymeric product contains
et al., Polyesters (Derived from Renewable Sources), Poly the desired amounts of the various monomer units, desirably
meric Materials Encyclopedia, Vol. 8, p. 5892 (1996). with equimolar amounts of monomer units derived from a
Copolymers containing isosorbide moieties, ethylene gly diol and a diacid. Because of the volatility of some of the
col moieties, and terephthaloyl moieties have been reported 50 monomers, including isosorbide, and depending on Such
only rarely. A copolymer containing these three moieties, in variables as whether the reactor is sealed (i.e. is under
which the mole ratio of ethylene glycol to isosorbide was pressure) and the efficiency of the distillation columns used
about 90:10, was reported in published German Patent in Synthesizing the polymer, Some of the monomers are
Application No. 1,263.981 (1968). The polymer was used as desirably included in excess at the beginning of the poly
a minor component (about 10%) of a blend with polypro 55 merization reaction and removed by distillation as the reac
pylene to improve the dyeability of polypropylene fiber. It tion proceeds. This is particularly true of ethylene glycol and
was made by melt polymerization of dimethyl terephthalate, isosorbide.
ethylene glycol, and isosorbide, but the conditions, which In the polymerization process, the monomers are
were described only in general terms in the publication, combined, and are heated gradually with mixing with a
would not have given a polymer having a high molecular 60 catalyst or catalyst mixture to a temperature in the range of
weight. about 260° C. to about 300° C., desirably 280° C. to about
Copolymers of these same three monomers were 285 C. The catalyst may be included initially with the
described again recently, where it was observed that the reactants, and/or may be added one or more times to the
glass transition temperature Tg of the copolymer increases mixture as it is heated. The catalyst used may be modified as
with isosorbide monomer content up to about 200 C. for the 65 the reaction proceeds. The heating and Stirring are continued
isosorbide terephthalate homopolymer. The polymer for a Sufficient time and to a Sufficient temperature, generally
Samples were made by reacting terephthaloyl dichloride in with removal by distillation of exceSS reactants, to yield a
3 4
molten polymer having a high enough molecular weight to In a preferred embodiment, isosorbide moieties are
be Suitable for making fabricated products. present in the polymer in amounts in the range of about 0.25
In a preferred embodiment, the number of terephthaloyl mole % to about 40 mole %, preferably about 0.25 mole %
moieties in the polymer is in the range of about 25% to about to about 30 mole % and more preferably about 0.5 mole %
50 mole % (mole % of the total polymer). The polymer may to 20 mole %. Depending on the application, isosorbide may
also include amounts of one or more other aromatic diacid be present in any desirable range Such as 1 mole % to 3 mole
moieties Such as, for example, those derived from isoph %, 1 mole % to 6 mole %, 1 mole % to 8 mole % and 1 mole
thalic acid, 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid, 2,5- % to 20 mole %. One or more other diol monomer units may
thiophenedicarboxylic acid, 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic optionally be included in amounts up to a total of about 45
acid, 2,7-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid, and 4,4'-bibenzoic mole %, preferably less than 20 mole %, and even more
preferably less than 15 mole %, even more preferably less
acid, at combined levels up to about 25 mole % (mole % of than 10 mole % and even more preferably less than 2 mole
the total polymer). %. Examples of these optional other diol units include
In a preferred embodiment, ethylene glycol monomer aliphatic alkylene glycols having from 3-12 carbon atoms
units are present in amounts of about 5 mole % to about 15
and having the empirical formula HO-CH-OH, where
49.75 mole %. The polymer may also contain diethylene n is an integer from 3-12, including branched diols Such as
glycol moieties. Depending on the method of manufacture, 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol, cis or trans-1,4-
the amount of diethylene glycol moieties is in the range of cyclohexanedimethanol and mixtures of the cis and trans
about 0.0 mole % to about 25 mole %. isomers; triethylene glycol; 2.2-bis(4-(2-hydroxyethoxy)
In a preferred embodiment, isosorbide is present in the phenylpropane; 1,1-bis(4-(2-hydroxyethoxy)phenyl
polymer in amounts in the range of about 0.25 mole % to cyclohexane; 9.9-bis(4-(2-hydroxyethoxy)phenylfluorene;
about 40 mole %. One or more other diol monomer units 1,4:3,6-dianhydromannitol; 1,4:3,6-dianhydroiditol; and
may also be included in amounts up to a total of about 45 1,4-anhydroerythritol.
mole %. In a preferred embodiment, the number of terephthaloyl
Of course, all of the percentages are dependent on the 25
moieties in the polymer is in the range of about 25 mole %
particular application desired. Desirably, however, equimo to about 50 mole %, more preferably about 40 mole % to
lar amounts of diacid monomer units and diol monomer about 50 mole %, even more preferably about 45 mole % to
units are present in the polymer. This balance is desirable to about 50 mole % (mole % of the total polymer). The
achieve a high molecular weight. polymer may also include amounts of one or more other
The polyester has an inherent Viscosity, which is an aromatic diacid moieties Such as, for example, those derived
indicator of molecular weight, of at least about 0.35 dL/g, as from isophthalic acid, 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid, 2.5-
measured on a 1% (weight/volume) Solution of the polymer thiophenedicarboxylic acid, 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic
in o-chlorophenol at a temperature of 25 C. This inherent acid, 2,7-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid, and 4,4'-bibenzoic
Viscosity is Sufficient for Some applications, Such as Some acid, at combined levels up to about 25 mole %, preferably
optical articles and coatings. For other applications, Such as 35
up to 10 mole %, more preferably up to about 5 mole %
compact discs, an inherent Viscosity of at least about 0.4 (mole % of the total polymer).
dL/g is preferred. Higher inherent Viscosities, Such as at least Of course, all of the percentages are dependent on the
about 0.5 dL/g are needed for many other applications (e.g., particular application desired. Desirably, however, equimo
bottles, films, sheet, molding resin). Further processing of lar amounts of diacid monomer units and diol monomer
the polyester may achieve inherent Viscosities that are even 40
units are present in the polymer. This balance is desirable to
higher. achieve a high molecular weight.
The polyester has an inherent Viscosity, which is an
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE indicator of molecular weight, of at least about 0.35 dL/g, as
PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS OF THE measured on a 1% (weight/volume) Solution of the polymer
PREFERRED DISCLOSURE in o-chlorophenol at a temperature of 25 C. This inherent
The isotropic polyester polymer, described in detail Viscosity is Sufficient for Some applications, Such as Some
below, may be made by the melt condensation of a combi optical articles and coatings. For other applications, Such as
nation of monomers containing an ethylene glycol moiety, compact discS, an inherent Viscosity of about 0.4 dL/g is
an isosorbide moiety and terephthaloyl moiety. Small preferred. Higher inherent Viscosities are needed for many
amounts of other monomerS may be added during the 50 other applications (e.g., bottles, films, sheet, molding resin).
polymerization or may be produced as by-products during The conditions can be adjusted to obtain desired inherent
the reaction. Viscosities up to at least about 0.5 and desirably higher than
In a preferred embodiment, ethylene glycol monomer 0.65 dL/g. Further processing of the polyester may achieve
units are present in amounts of about 5 mole % to about inherent viscosities of 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 dL/g and
49.75 mole %, preferably 10 mole % to about 49.5 mole %, 55 even higher.
more preferably about 25 mole % to about 48 mole %, and The molecular weight is normally not measured directly.
even more preferably about 25 mole % to about 40 mole %. Instead, the inherent Viscosity of the polymer in Solution or
The polymer may also contain diethylene glycol monomer the melt Viscosity is used as an indicator of molecular
units. weight. For the present polymers, the inherent Viscosity is
Depending on the method of manufacture, the amount of 60 measured by the method described previously, with a
diethylene glycol monomer unitS is in the range of about 0.0 molecular weight corresponding to an inherent Viscosity of
mole % to about 25 mole %, preferably 0.25 mole % to about about 0.35 or more being sufficient for some uses. Higher
10 mole %, and more preferably 0.25 mole % to about 5 molecular weights, corresponding to inherent Viscosities of
mole %. Diethylene glycol may be produced as a by-product about 0.45 or more, may be required for other applications.
of the polymerization process, and may also be added to help 65 Generally, the inherent Viscosity/molecular weight relation
accurately regulate the amount of diethylene glycol mono ship can be fitted to the linear equation:
mer units that are in the polymer. log (IV)=0.5856xlog (Mw)-2.9672.
S 6
The inherent Viscosities are a better indicator of molecular total amount of diacid monomers. The use of diethylene
weight for comparisons of Samples and are used as the glycol monomer is optional, and is often made in situ. If
indicator of molecular weight herein. diethylene glycol is added, it is charged in an amount up to
Some of the polyesters of the invention can be made by about 20 mole % of the total amount of diacid monomers.
any of Several methods. The product compositions vary Ethylene glycol is charged in an amount in the range of
Somewhat depending on the method used, particularly in the about 5 mole % to about 300 mole %, desirably 20 mole %
amount of diethylene glycol moieties that are present in the to about 300 mole % of the diacid monomers, and the
polymer. These methods include the reaction of the diol optional other diols are charged in an amount up to about
monomers with the acid chlorides of terephthalic acid and 100 mole % of the diacid monomers.
any other acids that may be present. The reaction of tereph The ranges given for the monomers are very wide because
thaloyl dichloride with isosorbide and ethylene glycol is of the wide variation in monomer loss during
readily carried out by combining the monomers in a Solvent polymerization, depending on the efficiency of distillation
(e.g., toluene) in the presence of a base, Such as pyridine, columns and other kinds of recovery and recycle Systems,
which neutralizes HCl as it is produced. This procedure is and are only an approximation. Exact amounts of monomers
described in R. Storbeck et al., J. Appl. Polymer Science, 15 that are charged to a specific reactor to achieve a specific
vol. 59, pp. 1199–1202 (1996). Other well-known variations composition are readily determined by a skilled practitioner.
using terephthaloyl dichloride may also be used (e.g., inter In the melt polymerization process of the invention, the
facial polymerization), or the monomers may simply be monomers are combined, and are heated gradually with
Stirred together while heating. mixing with a catalyst or catalyst mixture to a temperature
When the polymer is made using the acid chlorides, the in the range of about 260 C. to about 300 C., desirably
ratio of monomer units in the product polymer is about the 280 C. to about 285 C. The exact conditions and the
Same as the ratio of reacting monomers. Therefore, the ratio catalysts depend on whether the diacids are polymerized as
of monomers charged to the reactor is about the same as the true acids or as dimethyl esters. The catalyst may be
desired ratio in the product. A Stoichiometric equivalent of included initially with the reactants, and/or may be added
the diol and diacid is desirably used to obtain a high 25 one or more times to the mixture as it is heated. The catalyst
molecular weight polymer. used may be modified as the reaction proceeds. The heating
The polymers can also be made by a melt polymerization and Stirring are continued for a Sufficient time and to a
process, in which the acid component is either terephthalic Sufficient temperature, generally with removal by distillation
acid or dimethyl terephthlate, and also may include the free of exceSS reactants, to yield a molten polymer having a high
acid or dimethyl ester of any other aromatic diacids that may enough molecular weight to be Suitable for making fabri
be desired in the polyester polymer composition. The diacids cated products.
or dimethyl esters are heated with the diols (ethylene glycol, Catalysts that may be used include Salts of Li, Ca, Mg,
isosorbide, optional diols) in the presence of a catalyst to a Mn, Zn, Pb, Sb, Sn, Ge, and Ti, Such as acetate Salts and
high enough temperature that the monomers combine to oxides, including glycoladducts, and Tialkoxides. These are
form esters and diesters, then oligomers, and finally poly 35 generally known in the art, and the Specific catalyst or
mers. The polymeric product at the end of the polymeriza combination or Sequence of catalysts used may be readily
tion process is a molten polymer. The diol monomers (e.g., Selected by a skilled practitioner. The preferred catalyst and
ethylene glycol and isosorbide) are volatile and distill from preferred conditions differ depending on whether the diacid
the reactor as the polymerization proceeds. monomer is polymerized as the free diacid or as a dimethyl
The melt proceSS conditions of the present invention, 40 ester. Germanium and antimony containing catalysts are the
particularly the amounts of monomers used, depend on the most preferred.
polymer composition that is desired. The amount of diol and The monomer composition of the polymer is chosen for
diacid or dimethyl ester thereof are desirably chosen so that Specific uses and for Specific Sets of properties. For uses
the final polymeric product contains the desired amounts of where a partially crystalline polymer is desired, as for
the various monomer units, desirably with equimolar 45 example food and beverage containers, Such as hot fill or
amounts of monomer units derived from the diols and the cold fill bottles, fibers, and films, the polymer will generally
diacids. Because of the Volatility of Some of the monomers, have a monomer composition in the range of about 0.1% to
including isosorbide, and depending on Such variables as about 10%, preferably about 0.25% to about 5% on a molar
whether the reactor is sealed (i.e. is under pressure) and the basis of isosorbide moieties, about 49.9 to about 33% on a
efficiency of the distillation columns used in Synthesizing 50 molar basis of ethylene glycol moieties, about 0.0 to 5.0%,
the polymer, Some of the monomers may need to be included preferably 0.25% to about 5% on a molar basis of diethylene
in exceSS at the beginning of the polymerization reaction and glycol moieties, and not more than about 2% on a molar
removed by distillation as the reaction proceeds. This is basis of other diol moietie S, Such as 1,4-
particularly true of ethylene glycol and isosorbide. cyclohexanedimethanol. For the bottle resins, the diacid
The exact amount of monomers to be charged to a 55 comprises terephthaloyl moieties at a level of about 35% to
particular reactor is readily determined by a skilled about 50% on a molar basis, and optional other aromatic
practitioner, but often will be in the ranges below. Excesses diacid moieties at levels of up to about 15% on a molar basis,
of ethylene glycol and isosorbide are desirably charged, and where the optional aromatic diacid moieties may be derived
the exceSS ethylene glycol and isosorbide are removed by from 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid, isophthalic acid,
distillation or other means of evaporation as the polymer 60 4,4'-dibenzoic acid, and mixtures thereof.
ization reaction proceeds. Terephthalic acid or dimethyl For applications where it is desirable to have an amor
terephthalate is desirably included in an amount of about phous polymer, Such as would be used to make transparent
50% to about 100 mole %, more preferably 80 mole % to optical articles, the amount of iSOSorbide moiety is in the
about 100 mole % of the diacid monomers that are charged, range of about 2% to about 30% on a molar basis, the
with the remainder being the optional diacid monomers. 65 ethylene glycol moieties are present in an amount of about
Isosorbide is desirably charged in an amount of about 0.25 10% to about 48% on a molar basis, optional other diols such
mole % to about 150 mole % or more compared with the as 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol moieties are present in an
7 8
amount up to about 45% on a molar basis, diethylene glycol sphere (e.g., nitrogen) at atmospheric pressure from room
moieties are present in an amount of about 0.0% to about temperature to a temperature high enough to induce the ester
5%, preferably 0.25% to about 5% on a molar basis, interchange (about 150° C.). Methanol is formed as a
terephthaloyl moieties are present at a level of about 25% to by-product and distills out of the reactor. The reaction is
about 50%, and other optional diacid moieties, Such as gradually heated to about 250 C. until methanol evolution
2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid, isophthalic acid, 4,4'- Stops. The end of methanol evolution can be recognized by
dibenzoic acid, and mixtures thereof, are present in amounts a drop in the Overhead temperature of the reaction vessel.
up to a total of about 25%, on a molar basis. A Small amount of an additive having a boiling point of
Some of these compositions (i.e. those having isosorbide 170–240 C. may be added to the ester interchange to aid in
at levels of less than about 12%) are semi-crystalline if they
are cooled slowly from the melt or if they are annealed the heat transfer within the reaction medium and to help
above their glass transition temperatures, but are amorphous retain volatile components in the vessel that may Sublime
if they are cooled rapidly from the melt. In general, the into the packed column. The additive must be inert and not
compositions that can be semi-crystalline are slower to react with alcohols or dimethyl terephthalate attemperatures
crystallize than poly(ethylene terephthalate) compositions, below 300° C. Preferably, the additive has a boiling point
So that it is easier to make transparent articles that remain 15 greater than 170° C., more preferably within the range of
transparent using crystallizable copolymers even though 170° C. to 240 C., and is used in an amount between about
they may be exposed to conditions under which they can 0.05 and 10 wt %, more preferably between about 0.25 and
crystallize. 1 wt % of reaction mixture. A preferred additive is tetrahy
The melt polymerization process of the present invention dronaphthalene. Other examples include diphenyl ether,
is desirably carried out using either dimethyl esters (e.g., diphenylsulfone and benzophenone. Other Such Solvents are
dimethyl terephthalate) as reactants or using the free diacid described in U.S. Pat. No. 4294,956, the contents of which
as a reactant. Each process has its own preferred catalysts are hereby incorporated by reference.
and preferred conditions. These are described generally The Second Stage of the reaction is commenced by adding
below. These are analogous to the well known processes for a polycondensation catalyst and a sequestering agent for the
making poly(ethylene terephthalate). The usefulness of 25
transesterification catalyst. Polyphosphoric acid is an
these methods in obtaining high molecular weight polymer example of a Sequestering agent and is normally added in an
is Surprising in View of the disclosures by others who have amount of about 10 to about 100 ppm of phosphorous per
worked with isosorbide polyesters and in View of the gen gm of dimethyl terephthalate. An example of a polyconden
erally held expectations that Secondary diols have low sation catalyst is antimony (III) oxide, which may be used at
reactivities and esters of Secondary alcohols have reduced a level of 100 to about 400 ppm.
thermal stability. These two processes are somewhat differ The polycondensation reaction is typically carried out at
ent and are described below.
a temperature from about 250 C. to 285 C. During this
Dimethyl Terephthalate Process time, ethylene glycol distills out of the reaction due to
In this process, which is carried out in two steps, tereph 35 condensation of the bis(2-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate to
thalic acid and the optional diacid monomers, if present, are form polymer and by-product ethylene glycol, which is
used as their dimethyl ester derivatives. In minor amounts, collected as a distillate.
e.g., 1-2 wt %, free diacids may also be added. The diols The polycondensation reaction described above is pref
(e.g., ethylene glycol and isosorbide) are mixed with the erably carried out under Vacuum, which can be applied while
dimethyl ester of the aromatic diacid (e.g., dimethyl 40 the reactor is being heated to the temperature of the poly
terephthalate) in the presence of an ester interchange condensation reaction after polyphosphoric acid and Sb(III)
catalyst, which causes exchange of the ethylene glycol for oxide have been added. Alternatively, vacuum can be
the methyl group of the dimethyl esters through a transes applied after the polycondensation reaction temperature
terification reaction. This results in the formation of reaches 280 C-285 C. In either case, the reaction is
methanol, which distills out of the reaction flask, and bis 45 accelerated by the application of vacuum. Heating under
(2-hydroxyethylterephthalate). Because of the stoichiometry Vacuum is continued until the molten polymer reaches the
of this reaction, Somewhat more than two moles of ethylene desired molecular weight, usually recognized by an increase
glycol are desirably added as reactants for the ester inter in the melt viscosity to a pre-determined level. This is to
change reaction. observed as an increase in the torque needed for the Stirring
Catalysts that bring about ester interchange include Salts 50 motor to maintain Stirring. An inherent Viscosity of at least
(usually acetates) of the following metals: Li, Ca,Mg,Mn, 0.5 dL/g, and generally up to about 0.65 dL/g or greater can
Zn, Pb, and combinations thereof, Ti(OR), where R is an be achieved by this melt polymerization process without
alkyl group having 2-12 carbon atoms, and PbO. The further efforts at raising molecular weight. For certain com
catalyst components are generally included in an amount of position ranges, the molecular weight can be increased IS
about 10 ppm to about 100 ppm. Preferred catalysts for ester 55 further by solid state polymerization, described below.
interchange include Mn(OAc), Co(OAc), and Zn(OAc), Terephthalic Acid Process
where OAc is the abbreviation for acetate, and combinations
thereof. The polycondensation catalyst in the Second Stage of The terephthalic acid proceSS is Similar to the dimethyl
the reaction, preferably Sb(III) oxide, may be added now or terephthalate process except that the initial esterification
at the Start of the polycondensation Stage. A catalyst that has 60 reaction that leads to bis(2-hydroxyethylterephthalate) and
been used with particularly good Success is based on Salts of other low molecular weight esterS is carried out at a slightly
Mn(II) and Co(II), at levels of about 50 to about 100 ppm, elevated pressure (autogenous pressure, about 25 to 50 psig).
each. These were used in the form of Mn(II) acetate tet Instead of a two-fold excess of diols, a smaller excess (about
rahydrate and Co(II) acetate tetrahydrate, although other 10% to about 60%) of diols (ethylene glycol, isosorbide and
Salts of the same metals may also be used. 65 other diols, if any) is used. The intermediate esterification
Ester interchange is desirably brought about by heating product is a mixture of oligomers, Since not enough diol is
and Stirring the mixture of reactants under an inert atmo present to generate a diester of terephthalic acid. The cata
9 10
lysts are also different. No added catalyst is necessary in the The polymer may also be crystallized prior to Solid State
esterification reaction. polymerization by treatment with a relatively poor Solvent
A polycondensation catalyst (e.g., Sb(III) or Ti(IV) salts) for polyesters which induces crystallization. Such Solvents
is still desirable to achieve a high molecular weight polymer. reduce the glass transition temperature (Tg) allowing for
The catalyst that is needed to achieve a high molecular crystallization. Solvent induced crystallization is known for
weight can be added after the esterification reaction, or it can polyesters and is described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,164,478 and
be conveniently charged with the reactants at the beginning 3,684,766, which are incorporated herein by reference.
of the reaction. Catalysts that are useful for making a high The crystallized polymer is Subjected to Solid State poly
molecular weight polymer directly from terephthalic acid merization by placing the pelletized or pulverized polymer
and the diols include the acetate or other alkanoate Salts of into a Stream of an inert gas, usually nitrogen, or under a
Co(II) and Sb(III), oxides of Sb(III) and Ge(IV), and Vacuum of 1 Torr, at an elevated temperature, above about
Ti(OR) (where R is an alkyl group having 2 to 12 carbon 140 C. but below the melting temperature of the polymer
atoms). Glycol Solubilized oxides of these metal Salts may for a period of about two to 16 hours. Solid state polymer
also be used. The use of these and other catalysts in the ization is generally carried out at a temperature in the range
preparation of polyesters is well known in the art. 15 of about 190° to about 210° C. for a period of about two to
The reaction may be carried out in discrete Steps, but this about 16 hours. Good results are obtained by heating the
is not necessary. In practice on a large Scale, it may be polymer to about 1950 to about 198°C. for about 10 hours.
carried out in Steps as the reactants and intermediate prod This Solid State polymerization may raise the inherent vis
ucts are pumped from reactor to reactor at increasing tem cosity to about 0.8 dL/g or higher.
peratures. In a batch process, the reactants and catalyst may It should, of course, be apparent to those skilled in the art
be charged to a reactor at room temperature and then that other additives may be included in the present compo
gradually heated to about 285 C. as polymer forms. The Sitions. These additives include plasticizers, pigments, flame
pressure is vented in the range of about 200 C. to about retardant additives, particularly, decabromodiphenyl ether
250 C., and a vacuum is then desirably applied. 25
and triarylphosphates, Such as triphenylphosphate, reinforc
Esterification to form bis(2-hydroxyethylterephthalate) ing agents, Such as glass fibers; thermal Stabilizers, ultra
esters and oligomers takes place at elevated temperatures Violet light Stabilizers processing aids, impact modifiers,
(between room temperature and about 220 C. to 265 C. flow enhancing additives, nucleating agents to increase
under autogenous pressure), and polymer is made at tem crystallinity, and the like. Other possible additives include
peratures in the range of about 275 C. to about 285 C. polymeric additives including ionomers, liquid crystal
under a high vacuum (less than 10 Torr, preferably less than polymers, fluoropolymers, olefins including cyclic olefins,
1 Torr). The vacuum is needed to remove residual ethylene polyamides, ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers and the like.
glycol, isosorbide and water vapor from the reaction to raise This invention is further illustrated by the following
the molecular weight. non-limiting examples.
A polymer having an inherent Viscosity of at least 0.5 35 EXAMPLES
dL/g, and generally up to about 0.65 dL/g can be achieved
by the direct polymerization process, without Subsequent The polymer molecular weights are estimated based on
Solid State polymerization. The progress of the polymeriza inherent viscosity (I.V.), which is measured for a 1% solu
tion can be followed by the melt viscosity, which is easily tion (wt./volume) of polymer in o-chlorophenol at a tem
observed by the torque that is required to maintain Stirring 40 perature of 25 C. The levels of catalyst components are
of the molten polymer. expressed as ppm, based on a comparison of the weight of
the metal with the weight of either the dimethyl terephtha
Solid State Polymerization late or terephthalic acid, depending on which monomer is
Polymers can be made by the melt condensation proceSS used.
described above having an inherent Viscosity of at least 45
Example 1
about 0.5 dL/g, and often as high as about 0.65 dL/g or
greater without further treatment, measured by the method The following polymerization reactants are added to a
described above. This corresponds to a molecular weight 4-liter polymerization flask fitted with a jacketed Vigreux
that is Suitable for many applications (e.g., molded column with air cooling, a mechanical Stirrer, and a water
products). Polymers with lower inherent Viscosities can also 50 cooled condenser. dimethyl terephthalate (780.133 g), isos
be made, if desired, as for compact discs. Other applications, orbide (70.531 g), and ethylene glycol (531.211 g). The
Such as bottles, may require a still higher molecular weight. reactants are present in a mole ratio of 1:0.12:2.13, respec
Compositions of ethylene glycol, isosorbide, and tereph tively. The catalyst is also charged and consists of Mn(II)
thalic acid having isosorbide in an amount of about 0.25% acetate tetrahydrate (0.296 g), Co(II) acetate tetrahydrate
to about 10% on a mole basis may have their molecular 55 (0.214 g), and Sb(III) oxide (0.350 g). This corresponds to
weight increased further by Solid State polymerization. The 85 ppm manganese (weight of metal as a fraction of the
product made by melt polymerization, after extruding, weight of dimethyl terephthalate), 65 ppm cobalt, and 375
cooling, and pelletizing, is essentially non-crystalline. The ppm antimony. The flask is purged with a stream of nitrogen
material can be made Semi-crystalline by heating it to a while the temperature is raised to 150° C. over a period of
temperature in the range of about 115 C. to about 140 C. 60 one hour, using a fluidized Sandbath as a heating medium.
for an extended period of time (about 2 to about 12 hours). At this time, the nitrogen purge is stopped and the evolution
This induces crystallization So that the product can then be of methanol commences. Methanol is continuously collected
heated to a much higher temperature to raise the molecular as the reaction is further heated to 250 C. over the course
weight. The process works best for low levels of isosorbide of approximately 2 hours. By noting when the temperature
(about 0.25 mole % to about 3 mole %), because the 65 drops at the top of the Vigreux column it is possible to
polyester crystallizes more easily with low levels of isosor determine the end of methanol evolution, indicating the
bide. finish of the first step of the reaction, which is the transes
11 12
terification of the diols and dimethyl terephthalate. At this preSSure is vented back to 50 psig. Water and ethylene glycol
point, 82 ppm of phosphorous is added in the form of a distill from the reactor. The temperature is maintained at
polyphosphoric acid Solution in ethylene glycol. In this case, 265 C. Within an hour, the contents of the reactor are a
1.854 g of the solution, which has a concentration of 10.91 clear, Viscous melt.
g P per 100 g of polyphosphoric acid Solution is used. The exceSS pressure in the reactor is then Vented. A
Heating is continued. The reaction is heated to 285 C. over Solution of ethylene glycol and polyphosphoric acid (3.45
a period of about 2 hours. Vacuum is then applied. Alterna weight % phosphorous) is pumped into the reactor. This
tively vacuum can be applied gradually after the polyphoS corresponds to about 50 ppm phosphorous (weight of phos
phoric acid Solution is added, which allows the heating to phorous compared with the weight of terephthalic acid). The
285 C. to proceed faster, and thus requires a shorter time reactor is then placed under Vacuum, while the reactor is
(about 12 hours). During this time, ethylene glycol distills heated to the polymerization temperature of 285 C. The
off, and a low molecular weight polymer forms. Once the distillation of water and exceSS diol continue. An ultimate
reaction reaches 285 C., it is placed under vacuum if it has vacuum of 1 Torr is reached within an hour. Polymerization
not already been placed under vacuum. It is preferred to and distillation continue for an additional 2–3 hours, at
achieve a vacuum of less than 1 Torr. The molten polymer 15 which time the torque of the Stirrer reaches a pre-determined
is heated under vacuum at 285 C. for about 2 hours, until level. The polymerization is Stopped, and the molten poly
the polymer achieves Sufficient melt Viscosity, as determined mer is extruded from the reactor, cooled, and chopped.
by an increase in torque of the stirrer. When sufficient This polymer is nearly identical to the polymer made in
Viscosity is achieved, the polymerization is Stopped, and the Example 1 before Solid State polymerization. It has an
flask is removed from the sand bath.
inherent viscosity of about 0.5 dL/g. The monomer compo
The molten polymer is extruded and pelletized, or the sition of the polymer, determined by proton NMR, is as
cooled polymer is removed from the flask and ground. The follows: terephthalic acid, 50%, isosorbide, 3%; ethylene
chopped, ground or pelletized polymer is laid out on an glycol, 46%; and diethylene glycol, 1%. Its inherent ViscoS
aluminum pan in an oven. Under a nitrogen Stream, the ity is increased further from about 0.5 dL/g to about 0.7
polymer is heated to 115 C. over a period of 4 hours and 25
dL/g, using the same Solid State polymerization procedure as
then held at that temperature for another 6 hours. This allows was used in Example 1.
the polymer flake to partially crystallize. After this
treatment, the polymer is placed in a stream of nitrogen and Example 3
heated, again over a period of 4 hours, to 190-195 C. and Purified terephthalic acid (7.48 kg), isosorbide (3.55 kg),
held at this elevated temperature for another 12 hours. This and ethylene glycol (1.70 kg) are placed in a stainless Steel
effects a Solid-State polymerization and allows the molecular Stirred reactor preheated to 70° C. under nitrogen purge at
weight to be significantly increased, as judged by the inher atmospheric pressure. The reactor is equipped with a packed
ent viscosity (I.V.) of the polymer solution in ortho distillation column. The monomer composition corresponds
chlorophenol. The solution I.V. of the material increases to a mole ratio of terephthalic acid:ethylene glycoli:isoSor
from about 0.5 dL/g to about 0.7 dL/g during the Solid state 35
bide of 1:0.61:0.54. The reactor was heated to 285 C. within
The monomer unit composition of the polymer, deter three hours and the reaction mixture was kept under a
mined by proton NMR, is about 3% isosorbide, 46% eth positive pressure of 50-60 psi. During this time, a distillate
ylene glycol, 1% diethylene glycol, and 50% terephthalic of mostly water is collected from the packed column. After
acid, all expressed as a mole % of the polymer. It is 40 the melt temperature reaches at least 275 C. and the
noteworthy that the amount of isosorbide in the polymer is terephthalic acid is essentially consumed, as determined by
approximately half of the amount that was charged, when a clearing of the reaction mixture, pressure is released and
compared with the amount of terephthalic acid. Unreacted germanium (IV) oxide catalyst (3.77 g) is added as a
isosorbide was found in the distillates, especially in the solution in ethylene glycol (0.100N GeO ethylene glycol.
45 The reaction mixture is stirred for an additional 20 minutes.
ethylene glycol. The amount of isosorbide in the polymer by The pressure in the reactor is reduced to 1-2 mm of mercury
this process thus is very dependent on the efficiency of the for a period of 1 hour and an additional distillation fraction
distillation or other Separation methods that are used in the is collected. Afterwards, the reaction product, a Viscous resin
process. A skilled practitioner can readily establish Specific is extruded into a water bath, cut into pellets and dried in an
proceSS details according to the characteristics of the reactor, 50 oven. The resin has a glass transition temperature of 116 C.
distillation columns, and the like. and an inherent viscosity of 0.43 dL/g (measured at 25 C.
Example 2 in a 1% (w/v) orthochlorophenol solution). The monomer
The following monomers are added to a 5-gallon reactor: composition of the polymer is measured by NMR as 49.5%
terephthalic acid, 8,638.9 g, isosorbide, 911.9 g, and ethyl terephthalate, 30.3% ethylene glycol residue, 2.0% diethyl
ene glycol, 3,808.5 g. The reactants are present in a mole 55 ene glycol residue, and 18.2% isosorbide residue, expressed
ratio of 1:0.12:1.18, respectively. Catalyst components are as a mole % of the polymer.
also added at this time, as follows: Co(II) acetate Example 4
tetrahydrate, 1.825 g; and Sb(III) oxide; 3.103 g. The
catalyst amounts correspond to 50 ppm cobalt and 275 ppm Dimethyl terephthalate (10.68 kg), isosorbide (5.79 kg),
antimony, expressed as the weight of metal compared with 60 ethylene glycol (4.88 kg), manganese (II) acetate (4.76 g)
the weight of terephthalic acid. The polymerization reactor are placed in a stainless Steel Stirred reactor under nitrogen
is equipped with a fractional distillation column and a Stirrer. purge at atmospheric pressure. The reactor is equipped with
The reactor is purged with nitrogen and then closed under 50 a packed distillation column. The monomer composition
psig of nitrogen pressure. The temperature is raised to 265 corresponds to a mole ratio of dimethyl terephthalate:ethyl
C. over a period of about five hours while the reactants are 65 ene glycol:isosorbide of 1:1.43:0.72. The reactor is heated to
Stirred. The pressure increases to 70 psig during this time, as 230 C. within three hours, to 240 over the next hour and to
esterification takes place. At the end of this time period, the 265 over the next hour. During this time a distillate that is
13 14
mostly methanol is collected from the packed column. After cobalt, and 375 ppm antimony. The stirred reactor (50 rpm)
the temperature reaches 284 C., polyphosphoric acid is is purged with a Stream of nitrogen while the temperature is
added to the reactor. The amount of polyphosphoric acid is raised to 250 C. over a period of four hours. The reactor is
equivalent to 402 mg of phosphorous. Germanium (IV) jacketted and uses a temperature controlled, hot oil loop
oxide catalyst, (4.66 g) is added as a Solution in ethylene System as a heating medium. Methanol is continuously
glycol (0.100N GeO2 in ethylene glycol). The pressure collected as the reaction is heated above approximately 150
inside the reactor is now reduced to 1 mm of mercury over C. By noting when the temperature drops at the top of the
a period of two hours. The reaction mixture is kept under packed reflux column it is possible to determine the end of
Vacuum for three more hours, and an additional distillation methanol evolution, indicating the finish of the first Step of
fraction is collected while the temperature increases to 285 the reaction, which is the transesterification of the diols and
C. Afterwards, the reaction product, a Viscous resin is dimethylterephthalate. At this point, 77 ppm of phosphorous
extruded into a water bath, cut into pellets and dried in an is added in the form of a polyphosporic acid Solution in
oven. The resin has a glass transition temperature of 106 C. ethylene glycol. In this case, 153 ml of the solution, which
and an inherent viscosity of 0.43 dL/g (measured at 25 C. has a concentration of 10.91 g Piper 100g of polyphosphoric
in a 1% (w/v) ortho-chlorophenol solution). The monomer 15 acid Solution is used. Also at this time, the nitrogen purge is
composition of the polymer is measured by NMR as 50.1% stopped. Heating is continued. The reaction is heated to 285
terephthalate, 33.5% ethylene glycol residue, 2.6% diethyl C. over a period of about 2 hours. Vacuum is then gradually
ene glycol residue, and 12.9% isosorbide residue, expressed applied using a multi-vane Vacuum pump with 20 horse
as a mole % of the polymer. power blower. The attainment of full vacuum, preferrably
less than 1 Torr, takes approximately 1 hour. During this
Example 5 time, ethylene glycol distills off, and a low molecular weight
The following monomers and additives are added to a five polymer forms. The molten polymer is heated under vacuum
gallon reactor, constructed of 316 stainleSS Steel, that is at 285 C. for about 2 hours, until the polymer achieves
equipped with a reflux column, packed with Stainless 316 Sufficient melt Viscosity, as determined by an increase in
Pall rings, and a water cooled condenser: Dimethyl 25 torque of the stirrer. When sufficient viscosity is achieved,
terephthalate, 11.65 Kg; isosorbide, 4.384 Kg; ethylene the polymerization is Stopped, and the reactor is emptied
glycol, 3.724 Kg; manganese(II)acetate, 7.02 g; antimony through a heated die at the bottom. The molten polymer
oxide, 4.18 g; and 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene, 125 ml. A emerges as a Strand that when cooled through immersion in
nitrogen purge is placed on the reactor and the contents are a cold water trough can be chopped into pellets. The polymer
heated to 250° C. within 180 minutes, then to 275° C. during pellets are dried overnight in a rotating drum heated to 120
the next 60 minutes. During heat up, a distillate is collected
that consists mostly of methanol. When the reaction mixture The cooled polymer is removed from the flask and
reaches 270° C., polyphosphoric acid is added in an amount ground. The Solution inherent viscosity (I.V.) of the material
equivalent to 25.4 mg of phosphorous. After reaching 275 is 0.64 dL/g.
35 The monomer unit composition of the polymer, deter
C., the pressure inside the reactor is reduced to 1-2 mm of
mercury over a period of 240 minutes. The reaction mixture mined by proton NMR, is about 6% isosorbide, 42% eth
is kept at this pressure for 240 minutes and an additional ylene gylcol, 2% diethylene glycol, and 50% terephthalic
distillate fraction is collected while the temperature is raised acid, all expressed as a mole % of the polymer. It is
to 285 C. When the melt viscosity reached a predetermined noteworthy that the amount of isosorbide in the polymer is
level, measured by the torque required to maintain a constant approximately half of the amount that is charged, when
agitator Speed of 50 rpm, the reactor is filled with nitrogen compared with the amount of terephthalic acid. Unreacted
to a preSSure of 60 psi and the polymer is extruded through isosorbide is found in the distillates, especially in the eth
a 0.125 inch diameter die into a water trough. The polymer ylene glycol. The amount of isosorbide in the polymer by
strand is chopped into pellets and dried in an oven at 100 this process thus is very dependent on the efficiency of the
C. for 10 hours. The polymer is found to have a glass distillation or other Separation methods that are used in the
transition of 117 C. when measured at a heating rate of 10 process. A skilled practitioner can readily establish Specific
C. per minute. The inherent Viscosity, measured in process details according to the characteristics of the reactor,
o-chlorophenol at 25 C., is 0.41 dL/g. The polymer distillation columns, and the like.
composition, determined by proton NMR spectrometry, is 50 Example 7
50.6% terephthalic acid moieties, 17.6% isosorbide The Second example is prepared in a way Similar to
moieties, 29.9% ethylene glycol moieties and 1.9% dieth Example 6 except that a smaller reactor (5 gal. maximum
ylene glycol moieties. capacity) is used. The reagent equivalent ratios are also
Example 6 changed in order to prepare a polymer with a greater content
55 of isosorbide. Thus, dimethyl terephthalate (10,680 g), isos
The following polymerization reactants are added to a 50 orbide (5,787 g), and ethylene glycol (4,881 g), which
gal. maximum capacity, Hastalloy B polymerization reactor corresponds to a mole ratio of 1:0.72:1.43 are charged to the
fitted with a 6" radius, Hastalloy B, water cooled reflux reactor in a similar fashion as before along with the catalyst
column packed with StainleSS Steel rings, a stainleSS Steel consisting of Mn(II) acetate tetrahydrate (4.76 g), and
helix agitator Stirrer, a water-cooled condenser and by-pass: 60 Ge(IV) oxide (4.66 g). This corresponds to 100 ppm man
dimethylterephthalate (78.02 kg), isosorbide (15.42 kg), and ganese (weight of metal as a fraction of the weight of
ethylene glycol (49.90 kg), which corresponds to a mole dimethyl terephthalate) and 300 ppm germanium. The ger
ratio of 1:0.26:2.00. The catalyst is also charged and consists manium oxide is added in the form of a Solution in ethylene
of Mn(II) acetate tetrahydrate (29.57 g), Co(II) acetate glycol (0.100 N GeO in ethylene glycol). A solution of
tetrahydrate (21.43 g), and Sb(III) oxide (35.02 g). This 65 polyphosphoric acid in ethylene glycol is added in a similar
corresponds to 85 ppm manganese (weight of metal as a way as before, in this case 9.6 ml, which has a concentration
fraction of the weight of dimethyl terephthalate), 90 ppm of 3.45 g P per 100 ml of polyphosphoric acid solution, is
15 16
used. The polymerization proceeded in a similar fashion as the material increases from about 0.5 dL/g to about 0.7 dL/g
before, however, the resultant finished resin did not achieve during the Solid State polymerization.
the Same inherent Viscosity within the given time. In this
case a solution I.V. of 0.42 dL/g is observed. It was also Example 9
observed that the monomer unit composition of the polymer,
determined by proton NMR, is about 13% isosorbide, 34% This polymer is prepared in a similar way to that for
ethylene gylcol, 3% diethylene glycol, and 50% terephthalic Example 8 except that the amounts of diols were changed in
acid, all expressed as a mole % of the polymer. The extent order to result in a resin with a Somewhat increased isosor
of isosorbide incorporation is Somewhat lower in this case bide content. Thus, the only alterations are in the amount of
than previously observed but reflects the efficiency of the isosorbide charged, 17.8 kg, and the amount of Mn(II)
differing reactors rather than the polymer made. acetate tetrahydrate catalyst used, 79.2 g corresponding to
90 ppm Mn(II) calculated on the same basis as in the above
Example 8 example. The transesterification and polycondensation are
repeated as has been just described. Also, the finished
The third example is prepared in a way Similar to the first 15 polymer is pelletized, crystallized, and Solid-State polymer
except that a larger reactor (100 gal) equipped with a ized in an identical fashion to the previous example. This
Stainless Steel anchor type Stirrer is used. The monomers results in a polymer with approximately 3 mole % isosorbide
charged are Such that an isosorbide content in the finished COntent.
polymer would be 1 mole %, assuming that Some of the
input isosorbide would be distilled off during polymeriza Example 10
tion. As such, dimethyl terephthalate (197 kg).isosorbide
(5.12 kg), and ethylene glycol 135 kg) along with the This example describes a blend of isosorbide containing
catalysts: Mn(II) acetate tetrahydrate (72.1 g), Co(II) acetate polymers with nucleating agents and glass fiber. The purpose
tetrahydrate (54.1 g) and Sb(III) oxide (88.5 g) are used. of nucleating agents is to increase crystallinity and thereby
This corresponds to 82 ppm manganese, 65 ppm Co, and 375 25 improve the thermal resistance (heat deflection temperature)
ppm Sb calculated using the same basis as in Example 1. The of the blends. The polymer of Examples 6, 7, and 9 are
transesterification proceSS is carried in an analogous way as blended together with the nucleating agent Sodium bicar
for example 1. A polyphosphoric acid Solution in ethylene bonate (Aldrich) and glass fiber type OCF 183 (PPG,
glycol is added Such that 80 ppm of P is used to Sequester Pittsburgh, Pa.) using the Leistritz brand extruder (Model
the transition metals after the transesterification Step and MC 1866/GL, Leistritz AG). Then, the blends are injection
before the polycondensation as outlined in Example 1. The molded into test parts using the Arburg molding machine as
polycondensation is also similar to the previous example. described in Example 5. The molded parts (Examples 10a-c)
Polymer is extruded and pelletized to give clear, colorleSS are heat treated in an oven at 130 C. for 30 minutes. The
CS. compositions and results are Summarized below.
test Composition Example Example Example Example Example
method (weight %) 10a 1Ob 1 Oc 10d 1Oe
PEIT-3 70 O O 70 O
PEIT-6 O 70 O O 70
PEIT 13 O O 70 O O
OCF-183 29.6 29.6 29.6 3O 3O
sodium bicarbonate 0.4 0.4 0.4 O O
D638 tensile modulus (Mpsi) 1.19 1.26 1.26 1.28 la
D638 tensile elong G. bk (%) 1.94 1.85 1.29 2.55 la
D638 tensile stress G. bk (Ksi) 15.6 16.9 12.8 16.6 la
D256 Notched Izod (ft-lb) (a 20° C. O.82 1.19 2.17 1.33 1.93
D3763 Multiaxial impact load (1b) (d. 296 305 287 236 265
max. load (20° C.)
D3763 Multiaxial impact load (1b) (G 314 3O2 294 la la
max. load (-20 C.)
D3763 Multiaxial impact load (1b) (Q 315 321 287 la la
max. load (-40 C.)
D648 HDT ( C.) (a 264 psi 136 147 106 81 88

The pelletized polymer is loaded into a tumble dryer and It is to be understood that the above described embodi
under a stream of nitrogen is heated to 115 C. over a period ments are illustrative only and that modification throughout
of 4 hours and then held at that temperature for another 6 may occur to one skilled in the art. Accordingly, this
hours. This allows the polymer to partially crystallize. After invention is not to be regarded as limited to the embodiments
this treatment, a vacuum is applied to the tumble dryer 60 disclosed herein.
ulitmately achieving a vacuum less than 1 mm of Hg. The What is claimed is:
heating is continued and reaches a maximum of 213 C. It 1. A method for making a polyester polymer comprising:
is then held at this elevated temperature for a total of (1) combining in a reactor a monomer comprising a
approximately 15 hours. This effects a Solid-State polymer terephthaloyl moiety, optionally, one or more other
ization and allows the molecular weight to be significantly 65 monomers containing an aromatic diacid moiety; a
increased, as judged by the inherent Viscosity (I.V.) of the monomer comprising an ethylene glycol moiety, a
polymer Solution in ortho-chlorophenol. The solution I.V. of monomer comprising an isosorbide moiety, optionally,
17 18
one or more other monomers comprising a diol moiety; thaloyl moieties are present in an amount of about 45 mole
and optionally, a monomer comprising a diethylene % to about 50 mole % of said polyester, one or more optional
glycol moiety, with a condensation catalyst Suitable for other aromatic diacid moieties are present in an amount up
condensing aromatic diacids and glycols, and to about 5 mole % of Said polyester, Said ethylene glycol
(2) heating said monomers and Said catalyst to a tempera moieties are present in an amount of about 10 mole % to
ture Sufficient to polymerize Said monomers into a about 49.5 mole % of said polyester, diethylene glycol
polyester polymer having at least terephthaloyl moieties are present in an amount of about 0.25 mole % to
moieties, ethylene glycol moieties nd isosorbide moi about 5 mole % of said polyester, said isosorbide moieties
eties; are present in an amount of about 0.25 mole % to about 30
wherein Said heating is continued for a Sufficient time to mole % of Said polyester, and other diol moieties are present
yield an isotropic polyester having an inherent Viscosity in an amount up to about 10 mole % of Said polyester.
of at least about 0.35 dL/g when measured as a 1% 13. The method according to claim 1, further comprising
(weight/volume) Solution of Said polyester in increasing the molecular weight of Said polyester by Solid
o-chlorophenol at a temperature of 25 C. State polymerization.
2. The method according to claim 1, wherein Said proceSS 15 14. The method according to claim 13, wherein said solid
further includes Stirring of Said monomers during Said State polymerization comprises:
heating and the concurrent removal of by-products by dis a) crystallizing said polyester by heating said polyester to
tillation and/or evaporation. a temperature in the range of about 115 C. to about
3. The method according to claim 1, wherein Said mono 140 C. or treating said polyester with a solvent which
mer comprising a terephthaloyl moiety is terephthalic acid.
4. The method according to claim 3, wherein water and reduces the glass transition temperature of the polyester
unreacted monomer are removed while Said monomers allowing for crystallization; and
polymerize. b) heating said polyester under vacuum or in a stream of
5. The method according to claim 1, wherein Said mono inert gas at an elevated temperature above about 140
mer comprising a terephthaloyl moiety is dimethyl tereph C. but below the melting temperature of Said copoly
thalate. 25 ester to yield a copolyester having an increased inher
6. The method according to claim 5, wherein methanol ent Viscosity.
and unreacted monomer are removed while Said monomers 15. The method according to claim 14, wherein said
polymerize. heating step (b) is carried out at a temperature of about 195
7. The method according to claim 1, wherein Said proceSS to about 198 C. for about 10 hours.
further comprises adding an additive to Said process to help 16. The method according to claim 13, wherein said
retain volatile components. inherent Viscosity is increased to at least about 0.8 dL/g.
8. The method according to claim 7, wherein said additive 17. The method according to claim 13, wherein said
is tetrahydronapthalene. polyester comprises from about 0.25 mole % to about 10
9. The method according to claim 1, wherein said one or mole % isosorbide moieties.
more optional other diols are Selected from the group 35 18. An isotropic polyester comprising terephthaloyl moi
consisting of aliphatic alkylene glycols and branched ali eties, optionally, other aromatic diacid moieties, ethylene
phatic glycols having from 3-12 carbon atoms and having glycol moieties; diethylene glycol moieties, isosorbide moi
the empirical formula HO-CH-OH, where n is an eties, and, optionally, one or more other diol moieties,
integer from 3-12, cis and trans-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol wherein Said polyester has an inherent Viscosity of at least
and mixtures thereof; triethylene glycol; 2.2-bis(4-(2- 40 about 0.35 dL/g when measured as a 1% (weight/volume)
hydroxyethoxy) phenylprop a ne; 1,1-bis(4-(2- Solution of Said polyester in o-chlorophenol at a temperature
hydroxyethoxy)phenyl)cyclohexane; 9,9-bis(4-(2- of 25° C.
hydroxyethoxy) phenylfluore ne; 1, 4:3, 6 19. The isotropic polyester according to claim 18, wherein
dianhydromannitol, 1,4:3,6-dianhydroiditol, and 1,4- said polyester comprises about 40% to about 50% of said
anhydroerythritol. 45 terephthaloyl moieties and a total of up to about 10 mole %
10. The method according to claim 1, wherein said one or of Said one or more optional other aromatic diacid moieties.
more optional other aromatic diacids are Selected from the 20. The isotropic polyester according to claim 19, wherein
group consisting of isophthalic acid, 2.5-furandicarboxylic Said terephthaloyl moieties are derived from terephthalic
acid, 2,5-thiophe ne dicarboxylic acid, 2, 6 acid or dimethyl terephthalate.
naphthalenedicarboxylic acid, 2,7-naphthalenedicarboxylic 50 21. The isotropic polyester according to claim 19, wherein
acid, and 4,4'-bibenzoic acid. Said ethylene glycol moieties are present in an amount of
11. The method according to claim 1, wherein Said about 10 mole % to about 49.5 mole % of the polyester, said
monomers are included in amounts Such that Said tereph diethylene glycol moieties are present in an amount of about
thaloyl moieties are present in an amount of about 40 mole 0.25 mole % to about 10 mole % of the polyester, said
% to about 50 mole % of said polyester, one or more optional 55 isosorbide moieties are present in an amount of about 0.25
other aromatic diacid moieties are present in an amount up mole % to about 40 mole % of the polyester, and said one
to about 10 mole % of said polyester, said ethylene glycol or more other diol moieties are present in an amount up to
moieties are present in an amount of about 10 mole % to about 15 mole % of the polyester.
about 49.5 mole % of said polyester, diethylene glycol 22. The isotropic polyester according to claim 18, wherein
moieties are present in an amount of about 0.25 mole % to 60 Said one or more other diol moieties are derived from
about 10 mole % of said polyester, said isosorbide moieties aliphatic alkylene glycols or branched aliphatic glycols
are present in an amount of about 0.25 mole % to about 40 having from 3-12 carbon atoms and having the empirical
mole % of Said polyester, and Said one or more other diol formula HO-CH-OH, where n is an integer from
moieties are present in an amount up to about 15 mole % of 3-12, cis or trans-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol or mixtures
Said polyester. 65 thereof; triethylene glycol; 2.2-bis(4-(2-hydroxyethoxy)
12. The method according to claim 11, wherein said phenylpropane; 1,1-bis(4-(2-hydroxyethoxy)phenyl
monomers are included in amounts Such that Said tereph cyclohexane; 9.9-bis(4-(2-hydroxyethoxy)phenylfluorene;
19 20
14:3,6-dianhydromannitol; 1,4:3,6-dianhydroiditol; or 1,4- pigment, flame retardant, reinforcing agent, thermal
anhydroerythritol. stabilizer, ultraviolet light stabilizer, impact modifier or flow
23. The isotropic polyester according to claim 18, wherein enhancer.
Said one or more optional other aromatic diacid moieties are 31. The isotropic polyester according to claim 30, wherein
derived from isophthalic acid, 2.5-furandicarboxylic acid, Said additive is glass fibers.
2,5-thiophenedicarboxylic acid, 2, 6 32. An isotropic polyester comprising terephthaloyl moi
naphthalenedicarboxylic acid, 2,7-naphthalenedicarboxylic eties, optionally, other aromatic diacid moieties, ethylene
acid, or 4,4'-bibenzoic acid. glycol moieties, optionally, diethylene glycol moieties, isoS
24. The isotropic polyester according to claim 18, wherein orbide moieties, and optionally, one or more other diol
terephthaloyl moieties are present in an amount of about 45 moieties wherein Said polyester has an inherent Viscosity of
mole % to about 50 mole % of said polyester, said optional at least about 0.5 dL/g when measured as a 1% (weight/
other aromatic diacid moieties are present in an amount up Volume) Solution of Said polyester in o-chlorophenol at a
to about 5 mole % of Said polyester, Said ethylene glycol temperature of 25 C.
moieties are present in an amount of about 10 mole % to 33. The isotropic polyester according to claim 32, wherein
about 49.5 mole % of said polyester, said diethylene glycol 15
said polyester comprises about 40% to about 50% tereph
moieties are present in an amount of about 0.25 mole % to thaloyl moieties and a total of up to about 10 mole % of one
about 5 mole % of said polyester, said isosorbide moieties or more optional other aromatic diacid moieties.
are present in an amount of about 0.25 mole % to about 30 34. The isotropic polyester according to claim 33, wherein
mole % of Said polyester, and Said other diol moieties are Said terephthaloyl moieties are derived from terephthalic
present in an amount up to about 10 mole % of Said acid or dimethyl terephthalate.
polyester. 35. The isotropic polyester according to claim 33, wherein
25. The isotropic polyester according to claim 24, wherein Said ethylene glycol moieties are present in an amount of
Said other diol moieties are derived from cis-1,4- about 10 mole % to about 49.5 mole % of the polyester, said
cyclohexanedimethanol, trans-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol, diethylene glycol moieties are present in an amount of about
or mixtures thereof. 0.25 mole % to about 10 mole % of the polyester, said
26. The isotropic polyester according to claim 25, wherein 25 isosorbide moieties are present in an amount of about 0.25
Said optional other aromatic diacid moieties are derived mole % to about 40 mole % of the polyester, and said one
from isophthalic acid, 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid, or more other diol moieties are present in an amount up to
4,4'-bibenzoic acid, or mixtures thereof. about 15 mole % of the polyester.
27. The isotropic polyester according to claim 18, wherein 36. The isotropic polyester according to claim 32, wherein
Said polyester has an inherent Viscosity of at least about 0.40 Said one or more other diol moieties are derived from
dL/g. aliphatic alkylene glycols or branched aliphatic glycols
28. The isotropic polyester according to claim 18, wherein having from 3-12 carbon atoms and having the empirical
Said terephthaloyl moieties are present in an amount of about formula HO-CH-OH, where n is an integer from
45 mole % to about 50 mole % of said polyester; said one 3-12, cis or trans-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol or mixtures
or more optional other aromatic diacid moieties are present 35 thereof; triethylene glycol; 2.2-bis(4-(2-hydroxyethoxy)
in an amount up to about 5 mole % of Said polyester and are phenylpropane; 1,1-bis(4-(2-hydroxyethoxy)phenyl
derived from isophthalic acid, 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic cyclohexane; 9.9-bis(4-(2-hydroxyethoxy)phenylfluorene;
acid, 4,4'-bibenzoic acid, or mixtures thereof; Said ethylene 14:3,6-dianhydromannitol; 14:3,6-dianhydroiditol; or 1,4-
glycol moieties are present in an amount of about 38 mole anhydroerythritol.
% to about 49.5 mole % of said polyester; said diethylene 40 37. The isotropic polyester according to claim 32, wherein
glycol moieties are present in an amount of about 0.25 mole Said one or more optional other aromatic diacid moieties are
% to about 5 mole % of said polyester; said isosorbide derived from isophthalic acid, 2.5-furandicarboxylic acid,
moieties are present in an amount of about 0.25 mole % to 2,5-thiophenedicarboxylic acid, 2, 6
about 5 mole % of said polyester; and said optional other naphthalenedicarboxylic acid, 2,7-naphthalenedicarboxylic
diol moieties are present in an amount up to about 2 mole % 45 acid, or 4,4'-bibenzoic acid.
of Said polyester and are cis-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol 38. The isotropic polyester according to claim 32, wherein
moieties, trans-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol moieties, or Said terephthaloyl moieties are present in an amount of about
mixtures thereof; wherein Said polyester has an inherent 45 mole % to about 50 mole % of said polyester, said
viscosity of at least about 0.45 dL/g. optional other aromatic diacid moieties are present in an
29. The isotropic polyester according to claim 18, wherein 50 amount up to about 5 mole % of Said polyester, Said ethylene
Said terephthaloyl moieties are present in an amount of about glycol moieties are present in an amount of about 10 mole
45 mole % to about 50 mole % of said polyester; said one % to about 49.5 mole % of said polyester, said isosorbide
or more optional other aromatic diacid moieties are present moieties are present in an amount of about 0.25 mole % to
in an amount up to about 5 mole % of Said polyester and are about 30 mole % of said polyester, and said optional other
derived from isophthalic acid, 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic 55 diol moieties are present in an amount up to about 10 mole
acid, 4,4'-bibenzoic acid or mixtures thereof; Said ethylene % of said polyester.
glycol moieties are present in an amount of about 10 mole 39. The isotropic polyester according to claim 38, wherein
% to about 49.5 mole % of said polyester; said diethylene Said other diol moieties are derived from cis-1,4-
glycol moieties are present in an amount of about 0.25 mole cyclohexanedimethanol, trans-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol,
% to about 5 mole % of said polyester; said isosorbide 60 or mixtures thereof.
moieties are present in an amount of about 6 mole % to about 40. The isotropic polyester according to claim 39, wherein
30 mole % of said polyester; and said other diol moieties are Said optional other aromatic diacid monomer units are
present in an amount up to about 10 mole % of Said polyester derived from isophthalic acid, 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic
and are cis-1,4-cyclohexanedi-methanol moieties, trans-1,4- acid, 4,4'-bibenzoic acid, or mixtures thereof.
cyclohexanedimethanol moieties or mixtures thereof. 65 41. The isotropic polyester according to claim 32, wherein
30. The isotropic polyester according to claim 18, further said polyester has an inherent viscosity of at least about 0.65
comprising an additive wherein Said additive is a plasticizer,
21 22
42. The isotropic polyester according to claim 32, wherein derived from isophthalic acid, 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic
Said terephthaloyl moieties are present in an amount of about acid, 4,4'-bibenzoic acid, or mixtures thereof; Said ethylene
45 mole % to about 50 mole % of said polyester; said one glycol moieties are present in an amount of about 10 mole
or more optional other aromatic diacid moieties are present % to about 44 mole % of said polyester; said diethylene
in an amount up to about 5 mole % of Said polyester and are glycol moieties are present in an amount of about 0.25 mole
derived from isophthalic acid, 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic % to about 5 mole % of said polyester; said isosorbide
acid, 4,4'-bibenzoic acid, or mixtures thereof; Said ethylene moieties are present in an amount of about 6 mole % to about
glycol moieties are present in an amount of about 38 mole 30 mole % of said polyester; and said other diol moieties are
% to about 49.5 mole % of said polyester; said diethylene present in an amount up to about 10 mole % of Said polyester
glycol moieties are present in an amount of about 0.25 mole and are derived from cis-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol, trans
% to about 5 mole % of said polyester; said isosorbide 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol or mixtures thereof, wherein
moieties are present in an amount of about 0.25 mole % to said polyester has an inherent viscosity of at least about 0.65
about 5 mole % of said polyester; and said optional other dL/g.
diol moieties are present in an amount up to about 2 mole % 44. The isotropic polyester according to claim 32, further
of Said polyester and are derived from cis-1,4- 15
cyclohexanedimethanol, trans-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol, comprising an additive wherein Said additive is a plasticizer,
or mixtures thereof; wherein Said polyester has an inherent pigment, flame retardant, reinforcing agent, thermal
viscosity of at least about 0.45 dL/g. stabilizer, ultraviolet light stabilizer, impact modifier or flow
43. The isotropic polyester according to claim 32, wherein enhancer.
Said terephthaloyl moieties are present in an amount of about 45. The isotropic polyester according to claim 44, wherein
45 mole % to about 50 mole % of said polyester; said one Said additive is glass fibers.
or more optional other aromatic diacid moieties are present
in an amount up to about 5 mole % of Said polyester and are

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